 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_tools.hxx"

#if defined( OS2 )
#include <svpm.h>
#elif defined( WNT )
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (push,1)
#include <tools/svwin.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (pop)
#include <time.h>

#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/date.hxx>
#ifdef  MACOSX
extern "C" {
struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *timep, struct tm *buffer);

// =======================================================================

static sal_uInt16 aDaysInMonth[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,
                                   31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

#define MAX_DAYS    3636532

// =======================================================================

inline sal_Bool ImpIsLeapYear( sal_uInt16 nYear )
    return (
                 ( ((nYear % 4) == 0) && ((nYear % 100) != 0) ) ||
                 ( (nYear % 400) == 0 )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

inline sal_uInt16 DaysInMonth( sal_uInt16 nMonth, sal_uInt16 nYear )
    if ( nMonth != 2 )
        return aDaysInMonth[nMonth-1];
        if (ImpIsLeapYear(nYear))
            return aDaysInMonth[nMonth-1] + 1;
            return aDaysInMonth[nMonth-1];

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long Date::DateToDays( sal_uInt16 nDay, sal_uInt16 nMonth, sal_uInt16 nYear )
    long nDays;

    nDays = ((sal_uIntPtr)nYear-1) * 365;
    nDays += ((nYear-1) / 4) - ((nYear-1) / 100) + ((nYear-1) / 400);
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 1; i < nMonth; i++ )
        nDays += DaysInMonth(i,nYear);
    nDays += nDay;
    return nDays;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

static void DaysToDate( long nDays,
                        sal_uInt16& rDay, sal_uInt16& rMonth, sal_uInt16& rYear )
    long    nTempDays;
    long    i = 0;
    sal_Bool    bCalc;

        nTempDays = (long)nDays;
        rYear = (sal_uInt16)((nTempDays / 365) - i);
        nTempDays -= ((sal_uIntPtr)rYear-1) * 365;
        nTempDays -= ((rYear-1) / 4) - ((rYear-1) / 100) + ((rYear-1) / 400);
        bCalc = sal_False;
        if ( nTempDays < 1 )
            bCalc = sal_True;
            if ( nTempDays > 365 )
                if ( (nTempDays != 366) || !ImpIsLeapYear( rYear ) )
                    bCalc = sal_True;
    while ( bCalc );

    rMonth = 1;
    while ( (sal_uIntPtr)nTempDays > DaysInMonth( rMonth, rYear ) )
        nTempDays -= DaysInMonth( rMonth, rYear );
    rDay = (sal_uInt16)nTempDays;

// =======================================================================

#if defined( OS2 )
    PM_DATETIME aDateTime;
    DosGetDateTime( &aDateTime );

    // Datum zusammenbauen
    nDate = ((sal_uIntPtr)aDateTime.day) +
            (((sal_uIntPtr)aDateTime.month)*100) +
#elif defined WNT
    SYSTEMTIME aDateTime;
    GetLocalTime( &aDateTime );

    // Datum zusammenbauen
    nDate = ((sal_uIntPtr)aDateTime.wDay) +
            (((sal_uIntPtr)aDateTime.wMonth)*100) +
    time_t     nTmpTime;
    struct tm aTime;

    // Zeit ermitteln
    nTmpTime = time( 0 );

    // Datum zusammenbauen
    if ( localtime_r( &nTmpTime, &aTime ) )
        nDate = ((sal_uIntPtr)aTime.tm_mday) +
                (((sal_uIntPtr)(aTime.tm_mon+1))*100) +
        nDate = 1 + 100 + (((sal_uIntPtr)1900)*10000);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void Date::SetDay( sal_uInt16 nNewDay )
    sal_uIntPtr  nMonth  = GetMonth();
    sal_uIntPtr  nYear   = GetYear();

    nDate = ((sal_uIntPtr)(nNewDay%100)) + (nMonth*100) + (nYear*10000);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void Date::SetMonth( sal_uInt16 nNewMonth )
    sal_uIntPtr  nDay    = GetDay();
    sal_uIntPtr  nYear   = GetYear();

    nDate = nDay + (((sal_uIntPtr)(nNewMonth%100))*100) + (nYear*10000);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void Date::SetYear( sal_uInt16 nNewYear )
    sal_uIntPtr  nDay   = GetDay();
    sal_uIntPtr  nMonth = GetMonth();

    nDate = nDay + (nMonth*100) + (((sal_uIntPtr)(nNewYear%10000))*10000);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

DayOfWeek Date::GetDayOfWeek() const
    return (DayOfWeek)((sal_uIntPtr)(DateToDays( GetDay(), GetMonth(), GetYear() )-1) % 7);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uInt16 Date::GetDayOfYear() const
    sal_uInt16 nDay = GetDay();
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 1; i < GetMonth(); i++ )
         nDay = nDay + ::DaysInMonth( i, GetYear() );   // += yields a warning on MSVC, so don't use it
    return nDay;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uInt16 Date::GetWeekOfYear( DayOfWeek eStartDay,
                            sal_Int16 nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek ) const
    short nWeek;
    short n1WDay = (short)Date( 1, 1, GetYear() ).GetDayOfWeek();
    short nDayOfYear = (short)GetDayOfYear();

    // Wochentage beginnen bei 0, deshalb einen abziehen
    // StartDay beruecksichtigen
    n1WDay = (n1WDay+(7-(short)eStartDay)) % 7;

    if (nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek < 1 || 7 < nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek)
        DBG_ERRORFILE("Date::GetWeekOfYear: invalid nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek");
        nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek = 4;

    if ( nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek == 1 )
        nWeek = ((n1WDay+nDayOfYear)/7) + 1;
        // 53te-Woche nur dann, wenn wir nicht schon in der ersten
        // Woche des neuen Jahres liegen
        if ( nWeek == 54 )
            nWeek = 1;
        else if ( nWeek == 53 )
            short nDaysInYear = (short)GetDaysInYear();
            short nDaysNextYear = (short)Date( 1, 1, GetYear()+1 ).GetDayOfWeek();
            nDaysNextYear = (nDaysNextYear+(7-(short)eStartDay)) % 7;
            if ( nDayOfYear > (nDaysInYear-nDaysNextYear-1) )
                nWeek = 1;
    else if ( nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek == 7 )
        nWeek = ((n1WDay+nDayOfYear)/7);
        // Erste Woche eines Jahres entspricht der letzen Woche des
        // vorherigen Jahres
        if ( nWeek == 0 )
            Date aLastDatePrevYear( 31, 12, GetYear()-1 );
            nWeek = aLastDatePrevYear.GetWeekOfYear( eStartDay, nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek );
    else // ( nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek == somehing_else, commentary examples for 4 )
        // x_monday - thursday
        if ( n1WDay < nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek )
            nWeek = 1;
        // friday
        else if ( n1WDay == nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek )
            nWeek = 53;
        // saturday
        else if ( n1WDay == nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek + 1 )
            // Jahr nach Schaltjahr
            if ( Date( 1, 1, GetYear()-1 ).IsLeapYear() )
                nWeek = 53;
                nWeek = 52;
        // sunday
            nWeek = 52;

        if ( (nWeek == 1) || (nDayOfYear + n1WDay > 6) )
            if ( nWeek == 1 )
                nWeek += (nDayOfYear + n1WDay) / 7;
                nWeek = (nDayOfYear + n1WDay) / 7;
            if ( nWeek == 53 )
                // naechster x_Sonntag == erster x_Sonntag im neuen Jahr
                //                     == noch gleiche Woche
                long nTempDays = DateToDays( GetDay(), GetMonth(), GetYear() );
                nTempDays +=  6 - (GetDayOfWeek()+(7-(short)eStartDay)) % 7;
                sal_uInt16  nDay;
                sal_uInt16  nMonth;
                sal_uInt16  nYear;
                DaysToDate( nTempDays, nDay, nMonth, nYear );
                nWeek = Date( nDay, nMonth, nYear ).GetWeekOfYear( eStartDay, nMinimumNumberOfDaysInWeek );

    return (sal_uInt16)nWeek;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uInt16 Date::GetDaysInMonth() const
    return DaysInMonth( GetMonth(), GetYear() );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool Date::IsLeapYear() const
    sal_uInt16 nYear = GetYear();
    return ImpIsLeapYear( nYear );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool Date::IsValid() const
    sal_uInt16 nDay   = GetDay();
    sal_uInt16 nMonth = GetMonth();
    sal_uInt16 nYear  = GetYear();

    if ( !nMonth || (nMonth > 12) )
        return sal_False;
    if ( !nDay || (nDay > DaysInMonth( nMonth, nYear )) )
        return sal_False;
    else if ( nYear <= 1582 )
        if ( nYear < 1582 )
            return sal_False;
        else if ( nMonth < 10 )
            return sal_False;
        else if ( (nMonth == 10) && (nDay < 15) )
            return sal_False;

    return sal_True;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date& Date::operator +=( long nDays )
    sal_uInt16  nDay;
    sal_uInt16  nMonth;
    sal_uInt16  nYear;
    long    nTempDays = DateToDays( GetDay(), GetMonth(), GetYear() );

    nTempDays += nDays;
    if ( nTempDays > MAX_DAYS )
        nDate = 31 + (12*100) + (((sal_uIntPtr)9999)*10000);
    else if ( nTempDays <= 0 )
        nDate = 1 + 100;
        DaysToDate( nTempDays, nDay, nMonth, nYear );
        nDate = ((sal_uIntPtr)nDay) + (((sal_uIntPtr)nMonth)*100) + (((sal_uIntPtr)nYear)*10000);

    return *this;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date& Date::operator -=( long nDays )
    sal_uInt16  nDay;
    sal_uInt16  nMonth;
    sal_uInt16  nYear;
    long    nTempDays = DateToDays( GetDay(), GetMonth(), GetYear() );

    nTempDays -= nDays;
    if ( nTempDays > MAX_DAYS )
        nDate = 31 + (12*100) + (((sal_uIntPtr)9999)*10000);
    else if ( nTempDays <= 0 )
        nDate = 1 + 100;
        DaysToDate( nTempDays, nDay, nMonth, nYear );
        nDate = ((sal_uIntPtr)nDay) + (((sal_uIntPtr)nMonth)*100) + (((sal_uIntPtr)nYear)*10000);

    return *this;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date& Date::operator ++()
    sal_uInt16  nDay;
    sal_uInt16  nMonth;
    sal_uInt16  nYear;
    long    nTempDays = DateToDays( GetDay(), GetMonth(), GetYear() );

    if ( nTempDays < MAX_DAYS )
        DaysToDate( nTempDays, nDay, nMonth, nYear );
        nDate = ((sal_uIntPtr)nDay) + (((sal_uIntPtr)nMonth)*100) + (((sal_uIntPtr)nYear)*10000);

    return *this;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date& Date::operator --()
    sal_uInt16  nDay;
    sal_uInt16  nMonth;
    sal_uInt16  nYear;
    long    nTempDays = DateToDays( GetDay(), GetMonth(), GetYear() );

    if ( nTempDays > 1 )
        DaysToDate( nTempDays, nDay, nMonth, nYear );
        nDate = ((sal_uIntPtr)nDay) + (((sal_uIntPtr)nMonth)*100) + (((sal_uIntPtr)nYear)*10000);
    return *this;

#ifndef MPW33

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date Date::operator ++( int )
    Date aOldDate = *this;
    return aOldDate;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date Date::operator --( int )
    Date aOldDate = *this;
    return aOldDate;


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date operator +( const Date& rDate, long nDays )
    Date aDate( rDate );
    aDate += nDays;
    return aDate;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date operator -( const Date& rDate, long nDays )
    Date aDate( rDate );
    aDate -= nDays;
    return aDate;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

long operator -( const Date& rDate1, const Date& rDate2 )
    sal_uIntPtr  nTempDays1 = Date::DateToDays( rDate1.GetDay(), rDate1.GetMonth(),
                                    rDate1.GetYear() );
    sal_uIntPtr  nTempDays2 = Date::DateToDays( rDate2.GetDay(), rDate2.GetMonth(),
                                    rDate2.GetYear() );
    return nTempDays1 - nTempDays2;