/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_tools.hxx" #if defined WNT #ifndef _SVWIN_H #include #include #endif #elif defined(OS2) #include #include #include #include #include #elif defined UNX #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "comdep.hxx" #include #include #include using namespace ::osl; /************************************************************************* |* |* FileCopier::FileCopier() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 13.04.94 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 13.04.94 |* *************************************************************************/ FileCopier::FileCopier() : nBytesTotal ( 0 ), nBytesCopied( 0 ), nBlockSize ( 4096 ), pImp ( new FileCopier_Impl ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FileCopier::FileCopier( const DirEntry& rSource, const DirEntry& rTarget ) : aSource ( rSource ), aTarget ( rTarget ), nBytesTotal ( 0 ), nBytesCopied( 0 ), nBlockSize ( 4096 ), pImp ( new FileCopier_Impl ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FileCopier::FileCopier( const FileCopier& rCopier ) : aSource ( rCopier.aSource ), aTarget ( rCopier.aTarget ), nBytesTotal ( 0 ), nBytesCopied ( 0 ), aProgressLink ( rCopier.aProgressLink ), nBlockSize ( 4096 ), pImp ( new FileCopier_Impl ) { } /************************************************************************* |* |* FileCopier::~FileCopier() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 13.04.94 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 13.04.94 |* *************************************************************************/ FileCopier::~FileCopier() { delete pImp; } /************************************************************************* |* |* FileCopier::operator =() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 13.04.94 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 13.04.94 |* *************************************************************************/ FileCopier& FileCopier::operator = ( const FileCopier &rCopier ) { aSource = rCopier.aSource; aTarget = rCopier.aTarget; nBytesTotal = rCopier.nBytesTotal; nBytesCopied = rCopier.nBytesCopied; nBytesCopied = rCopier.nBytesCopied; nBlockSize = rCopier.nBlockSize; aProgressLink = rCopier.aProgressLink; *pImp = *(rCopier.pImp); return *this; } /************************************************************************* |* |* FileCopier::Progress() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 13.04.94 |* Letzte Aenderung MI 13.04.94 |* *************************************************************************/ BOOL FileCopier::Progress() { if ( !aProgressLink ) return TRUE; else { if ( aProgressLink.Call( this ) ) return TRUE; return ( 0 == Error( ERRCODE_ABORT, 0, 0 ) ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrCode FileCopier::Error( ErrCode eErr, const DirEntry* pSource, const DirEntry* pTarget ) { // kein Fehler oder kein ErrorHandler? if ( !eErr || !pImp->aErrorLink ) // => Error beibehalten return eErr; // sonst gesetzten ErrorHandler fragen pImp->pErrSource = pSource; pImp->pErrTarget = pTarget; pImp->eErr = eErr; ErrCode eRet = (ErrCode) pImp->aErrorLink.Call( this ); pImp->pErrSource = 0; pImp->pErrTarget = 0; return eRet; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DirEntry* FileCopier::GetErrorSource() const { return pImp->pErrSource; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DirEntry* FileCopier::GetErrorTarget() const { return pImp->pErrTarget; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrCode FileCopier::GetError() const { return pImp->eErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FileCopier::SetErrorHdl( const Link &rLink ) { pImp->aErrorLink = rLink; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Link& FileCopier::GetErrorHdl() const { return pImp->aErrorLink ; } /************************************************************************* |* |* FileCopier::Execute() |* |* Beschreibung FSYS.SDW |* Ersterstellung MI 13.04.94 |* Letzte Aenderung PB 16.06.00 |* *************************************************************************/ FSysError FileCopier::DoCopy_Impl( const DirEntry &rSource, const DirEntry &rTarget ) { FSysError eRet = FSYS_ERR_OK; ErrCode eWarn = FSYS_ERR_OK; // HPFS->FAT? FSysPathStyle eSourceStyle = DirEntry::GetPathStyle( rSource.ImpGetTopPtr()->GetName() ); FSysPathStyle eTargetStyle = DirEntry::GetPathStyle( rTarget.ImpGetTopPtr()->GetName() ); BOOL bMakeShortNames = ( eSourceStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HPFS && eTargetStyle == FSYS_STYLE_FAT ); // Zieldateiname ggf. kuerzen DirEntry aTgt; if ( bMakeShortNames ) { aTgt = rTarget.GetPath(); aTgt.MakeShortName( rTarget.GetName() ); } else aTgt = rTarget; // kein Move wenn Namen gekuerzt werden muessten if ( bMakeShortNames && FSYS_ACTION_MOVE == ( pImp->nActions & FSYS_ACTION_MOVE ) && aTgt != rTarget ) return ERRCODE_IO_NAMETOOLONG; // source is directory? FileStat aSourceFileStat( rSource ); if ( aSourceFileStat.IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) { #ifdef OS2 CHAR szSource[CCHMAXPATHCOMP]; HOBJECT hSourceObject; strcpy(szSource, ByteString(rSource.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetBuffer()); hSourceObject = WinQueryObject(szSource); if ( hSourceObject ) { PSZ pszSourceName; PSZ pszTargetName; CHAR szTarget[CCHMAXPATHCOMP]; HOBJECT hTargetObject; HOBJECT hReturn = NULLHANDLE; strcpy(szTarget, ByteString(rTarget.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).GetBuffer()); pszTargetName = strrchr(szTarget, '\\'); pszSourceName = strrchr(szSource, '\\'); hTargetObject = WinQueryObject(szTarget); if ( hTargetObject ) WinDestroyObject(hTargetObject); if ( pszTargetName && pszSourceName ) { *pszTargetName = '\0'; pszSourceName++; pszTargetName++; if(strcmp(pszSourceName, pszTargetName) == 0) { hTargetObject = WinQueryObject(szTarget); if(pImp->nActions & FSYS_ACTION_MOVE) { hReturn = WinMoveObject(hSourceObject, hTargetObject, 0); } else { hReturn = WinCopyObject(hSourceObject, hTargetObject, 0); } if ( bMakeShortNames && aTarget.Exists() ) aTarget.Kill(); return hReturn ? FSYS_ERR_OK : FSYS_ERR_UNKNOWN; } } } #endif // recursive copy eRet = Error( aTgt.MakeDir() ? FSYS_ERR_OK : FSYS_ERR_UNKNOWN, 0, &aTgt ); Dir aSourceDir( rSource, FSYS_KIND_DIR|FSYS_KIND_FILE ); for ( USHORT n = 0; ERRCODE_TOERROR(eRet) == FSYS_ERR_OK && n < aSourceDir.Count(); ++n ) { const DirEntry &rSubSource = aSourceDir[n]; DirEntryFlag eFlag = rSubSource.GetFlag(); if ( eFlag != FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT && eFlag != FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) { DirEntry aSubTarget( aTgt ); aSubTarget += rSubSource.GetName(); eRet = DoCopy_Impl( rSubSource, aSubTarget ); if ( eRet && !eWarn ) eWarn = eRet; } } } else if ( aSourceFileStat.IsKind(FSYS_KIND_FILE) ) { if ( ( FSYS_ACTION_KEEP_EXISTING == ( pImp->nActions & FSYS_ACTION_KEEP_EXISTING ) ) && aTgt.Exists() ) { // Do not overwrite existing file in target folder. return ERRCODE_NONE; } // copy file nBytesCopied = 0; nBytesTotal = FileStat( rSource ).GetSize(); ::rtl::OUString aFileName; FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( ::rtl::OUString(rSource.GetFull()), aFileName ); SvFileStream aSrc( aFileName, STREAM_READ|STREAM_NOCREATE|STREAM_SHARE_DENYNONE ); if ( !aSrc.GetError() ) { #ifdef UNX struct stat buf; if ( fstat( aSrc.GetFileHandle(), &buf ) == -1 ) eRet = Error( FSYS_ERR_ACCESSDENIED, 0, &aTgt ); #endif ::rtl::OUString aTargetFileName; FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( ::rtl::OUString(aTgt.GetFull()), aTargetFileName ); SvFileStream aTargetStream( aTargetFileName, STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE ); if ( !aTargetStream.GetError() ) { #ifdef UNX if ( fchmod( aTargetStream.GetFileHandle(), buf.st_mode ) == -1 ) eRet = Error( FSYS_ERR_ACCESSDENIED, 0, &aTgt ); #endif size_t nAllocSize = 0, nSize = 0; char *pBuf = 0; while ( Progress() && nSize == nAllocSize && eRet == FSYS_ERR_OK ) { // adjust the block-size if ( nBlockSize > nAllocSize ) { delete[] pBuf; nAllocSize = nBlockSize; pBuf = new char[nAllocSize]; } // copy one block nSize = aSrc.Read( pBuf, nBlockSize ); aTargetStream.Write( pBuf, nSize ); if ( aTargetStream.GetError() ) eRet = Error( aTargetStream.GetError(), 0, &aTgt ); // adjust counters nBytesCopied += nSize; if ( nBytesCopied > nBytesTotal ) nBytesTotal = nBytesCopied; } delete[] pBuf; } else eRet = Error( aTargetStream.GetError(), 0, &aTgt ); // unvollstaendiges File wieder loeschen aTargetStream.Close(); if ( nBytesCopied != nBytesTotal ) { aTgt.Kill(); } } else eRet = Error( aSrc.GetError(), &rSource, 0 ); } else if ( aSourceFileStat.IsKind(FSYS_KIND_NONE) ) eRet = Error( ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTS, &rSource, 0 ); else eRet = Error( ERRCODE_IO_NOTSUPPORTED, &rSource, 0 ); #ifdef WNT // Set LastWriteTime and Attributes of the target identical with the source if ( FSYS_ERR_OK == ERRCODE_TOERROR(eRet) ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fdSource; ByteString aFullSource(aSource.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); ByteString aFullTarget(aTgt.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile( aFullSource.GetBuffer() , &fdSource ); if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { FindClose( hFind ); HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( aFullTarget.GetBuffer(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { SetFileTime( hFile, NULL, NULL, &fdSource.ftLastWriteTime ); CloseHandle( hFile ); } SetFileAttributes( aFullTarget.GetBuffer(), fdSource.dwFileAttributes ); } } #endif // bei Move ggf. das File/Dir loeschen if ( FSYS_ERR_OK == ERRCODE_TOERROR(eRet) && ( pImp->nActions & FSYS_ACTION_MOVE ) ) { ErrCode eKillErr = Error( rSource.Kill() | ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK, &rSource, 0 ); if ( eKillErr != ERRCODE_WARNING_MASK ) { if ( rSource.Exists() ) // loeschen ging nicht => dann die Kopie wieder loeschen aTgt.Kill( pImp->nActions ); if ( !eWarn ) eWarn = eKillErr; } } return !eRet ? eWarn : eRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FSysError FileCopier::Execute( FSysAction nActions ) { return ExecuteExact( nActions ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FSysError FileCopier::ExecuteExact( FSysAction nActions, FSysExact eExact ) { DirEntry aAbsSource = DirEntry( aSource); DirEntry aAbsTarget = DirEntry( aTarget ); pImp->nActions = nActions; // check if both pathes are accessible and source and target are different if ( !aAbsTarget.ToAbs() || !aAbsSource.ToAbs() || aAbsTarget == aAbsSource ) return FSYS_ERR_ACCESSDENIED; // check if copy would be endless recursive into itself if ( FSYS_ACTION_RECURSIVE == ( nActions & FSYS_ACTION_RECURSIVE ) && aAbsSource.Contains( aAbsTarget ) ) return ERRCODE_IO_RECURSIVE; // target is directory? if ( eExact == FSYS_NOTEXACT && FileStat( aAbsTarget ).IsKind(FSYS_KIND_DIR) && FileStat( aAbsSource ).IsKind(FSYS_KIND_FILE) ) // append name of source aAbsTarget += aSource.GetName(); // recursive copy return DoCopy_Impl( aAbsSource, aAbsTarget ); }