 *  OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 *  $RCSfile: merge.cxx,v $
 *  $Revision: 1.23 $
 *  last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-03-29 13:27:32 $
 *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
 *  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
 *    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *    =============================================
 *    Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *    901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
 *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 *    MA  02111-1307  USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
#include "export.hxx"
#include "utf8conv.hxx"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

extern void ConvertHalfwitdhToFullwidth( String& rString );

// class PFormEntrys

ByteString PFormEntrys::Dump(){
    ByteString sRet( "PFormEntrys\n" );
    //sRet.Append( Export::DumpMap( ByteString("sText") , sText ) );
    ByteString a("sText");
    if ( sText.size() ) Export::DumpMap( a , sText );
    return sRet;

BOOL PFormEntrys::GetText( ByteString &rReturn,
    //USHORT nTyp, USHORT nLangIndex, BOOL bDel )
    USHORT nTyp, const ByteString &nLangIndex, BOOL bDel )
/*  printf("DBG: PFormEntrys::GetText(nId=%s)\n",nLangIndex.GetBuffer() );

            // DEBUG******************
            ByteStringHashMap::const_iterator idbg;
            std::cout << "HASHKEYS : \n";
            for( idbg = sText.begin() ; idbg != sText.end(); ++idbg )
                std::cout << (idbg->first).GetBuffer() << "\n";
            std::cout << "\n\n";
            std::cout << "String sText[ nLangIndex ] = " << sText[ nLangIndex ].GetBuffer() << "\n";
            // DEBUG******************

    BOOL bReturn;
    switch ( nTyp ) {
        case STRING_TYP_TEXT :
            rReturn = sText[ nLangIndex ];
            if ( bDel )
                sText[ nLangIndex ] = "";
            bReturn = bTextFirst[ nLangIndex ];
            bTextFirst[ nLangIndex ] = FALSE;
        case STRING_TYP_HELPTEXT :
            rReturn = sHelpText;
            rReturn = sQuickHelpText[ nLangIndex ];
            if ( bDel )
                sQuickHelpText[ nLangIndex ] = "";
            bReturn = bQuickHelpTextFirst[ nLangIndex ];
            bQuickHelpTextFirst[ nLangIndex ] = FALSE;
        case STRING_TYP_TITLE :
            rReturn = sTitle[ nLangIndex ];
            if ( bDel )
                sTitle[ nLangIndex ] = "";
            bReturn = bTitleFirst[ nLangIndex ];
            bTitleFirst[ nLangIndex ] = FALSE;
    //printf("Returning '%s'\n",rReturn.GetBuffer());
    return bReturn;

// class MergeData


PFormEntrys* MergeData::GetPFormEntrys( ResData *pResData )
//    if( pResData->sPForm.Len() && aMap.find( pResData->sPForm ) != aMap.end() ){
    if( aMap.find( ByteString("HACK") ) != aMap.end() ){
        return aMap[ ByteString("HACK") ];
        return 0;

void MergeData::Insert( const ByteString& rPFO , PFormEntrys* pfEntrys ){
//    aMap.insert( PFormEntrysHashMap::value_type( rPFO , pfEntrys ) );
    aMap.insert( PFormEntrysHashMap::value_type( ByteString("HACK") , pfEntrys ) );

ByteString MergeData::Dump(){
    ByteString sRet( "MergeData\n" );

    printf("MergeData sTyp = %s , sGid = %s , sLid =%s , sFilename = %s\n",sTyp.GetBuffer(),sGID.GetBuffer(),sLID.GetBuffer(), sFilename.GetBuffer() );

    PFormEntrysHashMap::const_iterator idbg;
    for( idbg = aMap.begin() ; idbg != aMap.end(); ++idbg ){
        printf("aMap[ %s ] = " ,idbg->first.GetBuffer());
        ( (PFormEntrys*)(idbg->second) )->Dump();
        printf("\n") ;
    printf("\n") ;
    return sRet;

PFormEntrys* MergeData::GetPFObject( const ByteString& rPFO ){
    if( aMap.find( ByteString("HACK") ) != aMap.end() ){
//    if( aMap.find( rPFO ) != aMap.end() ){
        return aMap[ rPFO ];
        return 0;

PFormEntrys *MergeData::InsertEntry( const ByteString &rPForm )
    PFormEntrys* pFEntrys = new PFormEntrys( rPForm );
    aMap.insert( PFormEntrysHashMap::value_type( rPForm , pFEntrys ) );
    return pFEntrys;

BOOL MergeData::operator==( ResData *pData )
    return (( pData->sId == sLID ) &&
            ( pData->sGId == sGID ) &&
            ( ByteString( pData->sResTyp ).ToUpperAscii() ==
                ByteString( sTyp ).ToUpperAscii()));

// class MergeDataFile

#define FFORMAT_UNKNOWN 0x0000
#define FFORMAT_NEW     0x0001
#define FFORMAT_OLD     0x0002

/*void MergeDataFile::Quote( ByteString& sText ){
    for( int x=0; x < sText.Len(); x++ ){
        if( sText.GetChar( x ) == '\"' ){
            if( x > 1 && sText.GetChar( x-1) != '\\' ){
                sText.Insert('\\', x);
MergeDataFile::MergeDataFile( const ByteString &rFileName, const ByteString& sFile ,BOOL bErrLog,
                            CharSet aCharSet, BOOL bUTF8 )
                : bErrorLog( bErrLog )
    SvFileStream aInputStream( String( rFileName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ), STREAM_STD_READ );
    aInputStream.SetStreamCharSet( aCharSet );
    ByteString sLine;
//    printf("\nReading localize.sdf ...\n");
    ByteString sTYP;
    ByteString sGID;
    ByteString sLID;
    ByteString sPFO;
    ByteString nLANG;
    ByteString sTEXT;
    ByteString sQHTEXT;
    ByteString sTITLE;

    const ByteString sEmpty("");

    if( !aInputStream.IsOpen() ) {
        printf("ERROR : Can't open %s\n", rFileName.GetBuffer());
        exit( -1 );
    while ( !aInputStream.IsEof()) {
        aInputStream.ReadLine( sLine );
        sLine = sLine.Convert( RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252, aCharSet );

        if ( sLine.GetTokenCount( '\t' ) == 15  ) {
            // Skip all wrong filenames
            ByteString filename = sLine.GetToken( 1 , '\t' );
            filename = filename.Copy( filename.SearchCharBackward( "\\" )+1 , filename.Len() );

            if( sFile.Equals( sEmpty ) || ( !sFile.Equals( sEmpty ) && filename.Equals( sFile )  ) )
                sTYP = sLine.GetToken( 3, '\t' );
                sGID = sLine.GetToken( 4, '\t' );
                sLID = sLine.GetToken( 5, '\t' );
                sPFO = sLine.GetToken( 7, '\t' );
                sPFO = ByteString("HACK");
                nLANG = sLine.GetToken( 9, '\t' );

                sTEXT = sLine.GetToken( 10, '\t' );
    //            printf("%s\n",sTEXT.GetBuffer());
    //            Quote( sTEXT );
    //            printf("%s\n",sTEXT.GetBuffer());

                sQHTEXT = sLine.GetToken( 12, '\t' );
                sTITLE = sLine.GetToken( 13, '\t' );


                if( true ){
                if (  !nLANG.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("en-US")  ){
                    InsertEntry( sTYP, sGID, sLID, sPFO, nLANG, sTEXT, sQHTEXT, sTITLE , filename );
                    if( nLANG.Len() > 0 ){
                        bool bFound = false;
                        for( int x = 0; x < aLanguages.size(); x++ ){
                            if( aLanguages[ x ].Equals( nLANG ) )
                                bFound = true;
                        // Remember read languages for -l all switch
                        if( !bFound )   aLanguages.push_back( nLANG );
        else if ( sLine.GetTokenCount( '\t' ) == 10 ){
            printf("ERROR: File format is obsolete and no longer supported!\n");
    //printf(" done!\n");

void MergeDataFile::WriteErrorLog( const ByteString &rFileName )

ByteString MergeDataFile::Dump(){
    ByteString sRet( "MergeDataFile\n" );

      //sRet.Append( Export::DumpMap( "aLanguageSet" , aLanguageSet ) );
    //sRet.Append( Export::DumpMap( "aLanguages" , aLanguages ) );
    MergeDataHashMap::const_iterator idbg;
    for( idbg = aMap.begin() ; idbg != aMap.end(); ++idbg ){
        /*sRet.Append( "aMap[" );
        sRet.Append( idbg->first );
           sRet.Append( "]= " );
        sRet.Append( ((MergeData*) (idbg->second))->Dump() );

        printf("aMap[ %s ] = ",idbg->first.GetBuffer());
        ((MergeData*) (idbg->second))->Dump();
    return sRet;

void MergeDataFile::WriteError( const ByteString &rLine )
    if ( bErrorLog ) {
        if ( !aErrLog.IsOpen())
            aErrLog.Open( String( sErrorLog, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ), STREAM_STD_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC );
        aErrLog.WriteLine( rLine );
        fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", rLine.GetBuffer());
std::vector<ByteString> MergeDataFile::GetLanguages(){
    return aLanguages;

MergeData *MergeDataFile::GetMergeData( ResData *pResData )
    ByteString sOldG = pResData->sGId;
    ByteString sOldL = pResData->sId;
    ByteString sGID = pResData->sGId;
    ByteString sLID;
    if ( !sGID.Len())
        sGID = pResData->sId;
        sLID = pResData->sId;
    pResData->sGId = sGID;
    pResData->sId = sLID;

    ByteString sKey = CreateKey( pResData->sResTyp , pResData->sGId , pResData->sId , pResData->sFilename );

    //printf("DBG: Searching [%s]\n",sKey.GetBuffer());
    if( aMap.find( sKey ) != aMap.end() ){
        pResData->sGId = sOldG;
        pResData->sId = sOldL;
        //printf("DBG: Found[%s]\n",sKey.GetBuffer());
        return aMap[ sKey ];
    pResData->sGId = sOldG;
    pResData->sId = sOldL;
    //printf("DBG: Found[%s]\n",sKey.GetBuffer());
    return NULL;

PFormEntrys *MergeDataFile::GetPFormEntrys( ResData *pResData )
    // search for requested PFormEntrys
    MergeData *pData = GetMergeData( pResData );
    if ( pData )
        return pData->GetPFormEntrys( pResData );
    return NULL;

void MergeDataFile::InsertEntry(
                    const ByteString &rTYP, const ByteString &rGID,
                    const ByteString &rLID, const ByteString &rPFO,
                    const ByteString &nLANG, const ByteString &rTEXT,
                    const ByteString &rQHTEXT, const ByteString &rTITLE ,
                    const ByteString &rFilename
    MergeData *pData;
    BOOL bFound = FALSE;

    // search for MergeData
    ByteString sKey = CreateKey( rTYP , rGID , rLID , rFilename );
    ByteString sKey2;

    if( aMap.find( sKey ) != aMap.end() ){
        pData = aMap[ sKey ];
        pData = new MergeData( rTYP, rGID, rLID , rFilename );
        aMap.insert( MergeDataHashMap::value_type( CreateKey( rTYP , rGID , rLID , rFilename ) , pData ) );

    bFound = FALSE;
    PFormEntrys *pFEntrys = 0;

    // search for PFormEntrys

    pFEntrys = pData->GetPFObject( rPFO );
    if( !pFEntrys ){
        // create new PFormEntrys, cause no one exists with current properties
        pFEntrys = new PFormEntrys( rPFO );
        pData->Insert( rPFO , pFEntrys );

    // finaly insert the cur string

//  if( rTYP.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("PairedList") ){
//      sKey2 = CreateKey( rTYP , rGID , rLID );

    /*      sKey2.Append( '-' );
        sKey2.Append( nLANG );
        //pFEntrys->InsertEntry( rLID , rTEXT, rQHTEXT, rTITLE );
//      pFEntrys->InsertEntry( sKey2 , rTEXT, rQHTEXT, rTITLE );
//  }
//  else
        pFEntrys->InsertEntry( nLANG , rTEXT, rQHTEXT, rTITLE );

    //printf("DBG: MergeDataFile::Insert[%s]=( sKey=%s,rTEXT=%s,%s,%s)\n",sKey2.GetBuffer(),nLANG.GetBuffer(),rTEXT.GetBuffer(),rQHTEXT.GetBuffer(),rTITLE.GetBuffer());
ByteString MergeDataFile::CreateKey( const ByteString& rTYP , const ByteString& rGID , const ByteString& rLID , const ByteString& rFilename ){

    ByteString sKey( rTYP );
    sKey.Append( '-'        );
    sKey.Append( rGID       );
    sKey.Append( '-'        );
    sKey.Append( rLID       );
    sKey.Append( '-'        );
    sKey.Append( rFilename  );

    return sKey.ToUpperAscii();