/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: wtratree.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.4 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-17 08:20:57 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_transex3.hxx" #include "wtratree.hxx" /** @ATTENTION For reasons of speed, class WordTransTree works with two simple char arrays, sOutput and sInput, instead of secure containers or streams. So be extremely careful, when changing this code!!! **/ // NOT FULLY DECLARED SERVICES #include #include #include #include "wtranode.hxx" const BRANCH_T BR_END = 0; const BRANCH_T BR_NONALPHA = 1; const BRANCH_T BR_HOTKEY = 2; const BRANCH_T BR_BACKSLASH = 3; const BRANCH_T BR_ALPHABASE = 4; /// @ATTENTION All branches not valid for words must be smaller than this value! const BRANCH_T BR_AE = 30; const BRANCH_T BR_OE = 31; const BRANCH_T BR_UE = 32; const BRANCH_T BR_SZ = 33; const BRANCH_T BR_MAX = 34; /// @ATTENTION Must be updated always! const BRANCH_T BR_START = 0; WordTransTree::WordTransTree(CharSet i_nWorkingCharSet) : sInput(0), nInputLength(0), pInputEnd(0), sOutput(0), nOutputMaxLength(0), dpParsingTreeTop(0), pUnknownAlpha(0), // cChar2Branch c_AE(u_char('\xC4')), c_OE(u_char('\xD6')), c_UE(u_char('\xDC')), c_ae(u_char('\xE4')), c_oe(u_char('\xF6')), c_ue(u_char('\xFC')), pInputCurTokenStart(0), pInputPosition(0), pOutputPosition(0), pCurParseNode(0), eCurResult(OK), cCurHotkey(0), cCurHotkeySign(u_char('~')) { // Initialize parsing tree: pUnknownAlpha = new WTT_Node(BR_ALPHABASE,0,0); // This will be deleted as part of the parsing tree. for ( UINT8 i = BR_ALPHABASE; i < C_NR_OF_BRANCHES; i++) { pUnknownAlpha->SetBranch(i,pUnknownAlpha); } // end for dpParsingTreeTop = new WTT_Node(BR_START,0,pUnknownAlpha); WTT_Node * dpNonAlpha = new WTT_Node(BR_NONALPHA,0,0); dpNonAlpha->SetBranch(BR_NONALPHA,dpNonAlpha); dpParsingTreeTop->SetBranch(BR_NONALPHA,dpNonAlpha); WTT_Node * dpBackslash = new WTT_Node(BR_BACKSLASH,dpNonAlpha,dpNonAlpha); dpBackslash->SetBranch(BR_END,0); dpParsingTreeTop->SetBranch(BR_BACKSLASH,dpBackslash); dpNonAlpha->SetBranch(BR_BACKSLASH,dpBackslash); // Initialize character set: SetCharSet(i_nWorkingCharSet); if (C_BR_ALPHABASE != BR_ALPHABASE || C_NR_OF_BRANCHES != BR_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: file %s line %d.", __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } void WordTransTree::SetCharSet(CharSet i_nWorkingCharSet) { ByteString sConvert("\xC4\xD6\xDC\xE4\xF6\xFC\xDF"); const u_char * pConvert = (const u_char * ) ( sConvert.Convert(RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252, i_nWorkingCharSet).GetBuffer() ); INT16 i = 0; for ( ; i < C_NR_OF_POSSIBLE_CHARS; ++i ) { cChar2Branch[i] = BR_NONALPHA; } // end for for ( i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; ++i ) { cChar2Branch[i] = BR_ALPHABASE + i - 'a'; } // end for for ( i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i ) { cChar2Branch[i] = BR_ALPHABASE + i - 'A'; } // end for cChar2Branch[pConvert[0]] = BR_AE; cChar2Branch[pConvert[1]] = BR_OE; cChar2Branch[pConvert[2]] = BR_UE; cChar2Branch[pConvert[3]] = BR_AE; cChar2Branch[pConvert[4]] = BR_OE; cChar2Branch[pConvert[5]] = BR_UE; cChar2Branch[pConvert[6]] = BR_SZ; cChar2Branch[u_char('~')] = BR_HOTKEY; cChar2Branch[u_char('&')] = BR_HOTKEY; c_AE = pConvert[0]; c_OE = pConvert[1]; c_UE = pConvert[2]; c_ae = pConvert[3]; c_oe = pConvert[4]; c_ue = pConvert[5]; } WordTransTree::~WordTransTree() { delete dpParsingTreeTop; if (sOutput != 0) delete [] sOutput; } void WordTransTree::AddWordPair( const ByteString & i_sOldString, const ByteString & i_sReplaceString ) { if (i_sOldString.Len() == 0) return; pCurParseNode = dpParsingTreeTop; WTT_Node * pBranch = 0; char cBranch = 0; for ( constr pOld = i_sOldString.GetBuffer(); *pOld != 0; pOld++ ) { cBranch = CalculateBranch(*pOld); pBranch = pCurParseNode->GetNextNode(cBranch); if (pBranch == 0 || pBranch == pUnknownAlpha) { pBranch = new WTT_Node(cBranch,0,pUnknownAlpha); pCurParseNode->SetBranch(cBranch,pBranch); } pCurParseNode = pBranch; } // end for pCurParseNode->SetAsTokenToReplace(i_sReplaceString); } void WordTransTree::InitTransformation( const char * i_sInput, UINT32 i_nInputLength, UINT32 i_nOutputMaxLength ) { sInput = (const u_char *)i_sInput; nInputLength = i_nInputLength; pInputEnd = &sInput[i_nInputLength]; pInputCurTokenStart = sInput; pInputPosition = sInput; if (nOutputMaxLength < i_nOutputMaxLength) { if (sOutput != 0) delete [] sOutput; sOutput = new unsigned char[i_nOutputMaxLength]; nOutputMaxLength = i_nOutputMaxLength; } pOutputPosition = sOutput; } /** pInputCurTokenStart and CurParseNode are updated just when starting this function. After its end they must not be changed till this functon is called again. Outside this function pInputPositon and pOutputPosition are both on the first not transformed char in their respective array. **/ WordTransTree::E_Result WordTransTree::TransformNextToken() { pInputCurTokenStart = pInputPosition; pCurParseNode = dpParsingTreeTop; cCurHotkey = 0; eCurResult = OK; WTT_Node * pBranch = 0; UINT8 cBranch = 0; for ( pCurParseNode = dpParsingTreeTop; pInputPosition != pInputEnd; ++pInputPosition ) { cBranch = CalculateBranch(*pInputPosition); pBranch = pCurParseNode->GetNextNode( cBranch ); if (pBranch != 0) { pCurParseNode = pBranch; } else { if (cBranch == BR_HOTKEY) // current letter is '~' or '&'. { // Logic of the following. There are 9 possible cases - // A = alphabetic letter, NA = non alphabetic, TB = token begin, // Eot = end of text: // 1. A~A set hotkey to following letter, continue // 2. A~NA token end // 3. A~Eot token end // 4. NA~A token end // 5. NA~NA continue // 6. A~Eof continue // 7. TB~A set hotkey to following letter, continue // 8. TB~NA continue // 9. TB~Eot continue // bNext and Prev are true, if there are alphabetic letters: BOOL bNext = pInputPosition + 1 != pInputEnd ? CalculateBranch(pInputPosition[1]) >= BR_ALPHABASE : FALSE; BOOL bPrev = pCurParseNode->Value() >= BR_ALPHABASE; if ( bNext && (bPrev || pCurParseNode == dpParsingTreeTop) ) { // case 1. and 7. Handle_Hotkey(); continue; } else if (!bPrev && !bNext) { // case 5.,6.,8.,9. continue; } // Case 2.,3.,4. : // so this should be handled as an end of a token. } if (pCurParseNode->TokenType() == WTT_Node::token_to_keep) { Handle_TokenToKeep(); return eCurResult; } else { Handle_TokenToTransform(); return eCurResult; } // endif (pCurParseNode->TokenType() == WTT_Node::token_to_keep) } // endif (pBranch == 0) else } // end for // If here, the text end is reached if (pCurParseNode->TokenType() == WTT_Node::token_to_keep) { Handle_TokenToKeep(); return eCurResult; } else { Handle_TokenToTransform(); return eCurResult; } } ByteString WordTransTree::CurReplacingString() const { return pCurParseNode->ReplaceString(); } void WordTransTree::Handle_Hotkey() { if (cCurHotkey == 0) // Avoid to replace the first found hotkey by // a later one - though this shouldn't happen anyway. { cCurHotkey = (pInputPosition+1) != pInputEnd ? pInputPosition[1] : 0; cCurHotkeySign = *pInputPosition; } } void WordTransTree::Handle_TokenToKeep() { UINT32 nTokenLength = pInputPosition-pInputCurTokenStart; memcpy(pOutputPosition,pInputCurTokenStart,nTokenLength); pOutputPosition += nTokenLength; *pOutputPosition = '\0'; } void WordTransTree::Handle_TokenToTransform() { BOOL bHaveHotkey = CalculateBranch(cCurHotkey) >= BR_ALPHABASE; const ByteString & rReplace = pCurParseNode->ReplaceString(); // Find position of hotkey in replace-string: USHORT nHotkeyPos = bHaveHotkey ? rReplace.Search(char(cCurHotkey)) : STRING_NOTFOUND; if (nHotkeyPos == STRING_NOTFOUND && bHaveHotkey) { if (cCurHotkey < 128) { if (islower(cCurHotkey)) nHotkeyPos = rReplace.Search(toupper(char(cCurHotkey))); else nHotkeyPos = rReplace.Search(tolower(char(cCurHotkey))); } else // cCurHotkey >= 128 { if (cCurHotkey == c_ae) nHotkeyPos = rReplace.Search(char(c_AE)); else if (cCurHotkey == c_oe) nHotkeyPos = rReplace.Search(char(c_OE)); else if (cCurHotkey == c_ue) nHotkeyPos = rReplace.Search(char(c_UE)); else if (cCurHotkey == c_AE) nHotkeyPos = rReplace.Search(char(c_ae)); else if (cCurHotkey == c_OE) nHotkeyPos = rReplace.Search(char(c_oe)); else if (cCurHotkey == c_UE) nHotkeyPos = rReplace.Search(char(c_ue)); } // endif (cCurHotkey < 128) else if (nHotkeyPos == STRING_NOTFOUND) { eCurResult = HOTKEY_LOST; bHaveHotkey = FALSE; } } // endif (nHotkeyPos == STRING_NOT_FOUND && bHaveHotkey) UINT32 nOutputTokenLength = rReplace.Len() + (bHaveHotkey ? 1 : 0); if (bHaveHotkey) { memcpy( pOutputPosition, pCurParseNode->ReplaceString().GetBuffer(), nHotkeyPos ); *(pOutputPosition + nHotkeyPos) = cCurHotkeySign; memcpy( pOutputPosition + nHotkeyPos + 1, pCurParseNode->ReplaceString().GetBuffer() + nHotkeyPos, nOutputTokenLength - nHotkeyPos - 1); } else { memcpy( pOutputPosition, pCurParseNode->ReplaceString().GetBuffer(), nOutputTokenLength ); } // Convert first letter into upper if necessary: u_char cInStart = CalculateBranch(*pInputCurTokenStart) == BR_HOTKEY ? pInputCurTokenStart[1] : pInputCurTokenStart[0] ; u_char * pOutStart = nHotkeyPos == 0 ? pOutputPosition + 1 : pOutputPosition ; if (isupper(cInStart) || cInStart > 127) { // Possibly cInStart is upper character: if (isupper(cInStart) || cInStart == c_AE || cInStart == c_OE || cInStart == c_UE) { // Surely cInStart is upper character: u_char cOutStart = *pOutStart; if (cOutStart < 128) *pOutStart = toupper(cOutStart); else if (cOutStart == c_ae) *pOutStart = c_AE; else if (cOutStart == c_oe) *pOutStart = c_OE; else if (cOutStart == c_ue) *pOutStart = c_UE; } } // endif (isupper(cInStart) || cInStart > 127) pOutputPosition += nOutputTokenLength; *pOutputPosition = '\0'; }