/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_ucb.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "comphelper/sequence.hxx" #include "ucbhelper/simplecertificatevalidationrequest.hxx" #include "AprEnv.hxx" #include #include "DAVAuthListener.hxx" #include "SerfTypes.hxx" #include "SerfSession.hxx" #include "SerfUri.hxx" #include "SerfRequestProcessor.hxx" #include "SerfCallbacks.hxx" #include "SerfInputStream.hxx" #include "UCBDeadPropertyValue.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define OID_SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME "" #include #include using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace http_dav_ucp; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // static members! SerfLockStore SerfSession::m_aSerfLockStore; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor // ------------------------------------------------------------------- SerfSession::SerfSession( const rtl::Reference< DAVSessionFactory > & rSessionFactory, const rtl::OUString& inUri, const ucbhelper::InternetProxyDecider & rProxyDecider ) throw ( DAVException ) : DAVSession( rSessionFactory ) , m_aMutex() , m_aUri( inUri ) , m_aProxyName() , m_nProxyPort( 0 ) , m_aServerHeaderField() , m_pSerfConnection( 0 ) , m_pSerfContext( 0 ) , m_bIsHeadRequestInProgress( false ) , m_bUseChunkedEncoding( false ) , m_bNoOfTransferEncodingSwitches( 0 ) , m_rProxyDecider( rProxyDecider ) , m_aEnv() { m_pSerfContext = serf_context_create( getAprPool() ); m_pSerfBucket_Alloc = serf_bucket_allocator_create( getAprPool(), NULL, NULL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor // ------------------------------------------------------------------- SerfSession::~SerfSession( ) { if ( m_pSerfConnection ) { serf_connection_close( m_pSerfConnection ); m_pSerfConnection = 0; OSL_TRACE("SerfSession::~SerfSession: closed serf connection"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::Init( const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); m_aEnv = rEnv; Init(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::Init() throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); bool bCreateNewSession = false; if ( m_pSerfConnection == 0 ) { const ucbhelper::InternetProxyServer & rProxyCfg = getProxySettings(); m_aProxyName = rProxyCfg.aName; m_nProxyPort = rProxyCfg.nPort; // Not yet initialized. Create new session. bCreateNewSession = true; OSL_TRACE("SerfSession::Init: serf connection created"); } else { const ucbhelper::InternetProxyServer & rProxyCfg = getProxySettings(); if ( ( rProxyCfg.aName != m_aProxyName ) || ( rProxyCfg.nPort != m_nProxyPort ) ) { m_aProxyName = rProxyCfg.aName; m_nProxyPort = rProxyCfg.nPort; // new session needed, destroy old first serf_connection_close( m_pSerfConnection ); m_pSerfConnection = 0; bCreateNewSession = true; } } if ( bCreateNewSession ) { // TODO - close_connection callback apr_status_t status = serf_connection_create2( &m_pSerfConnection, m_pSerfContext, *(m_aUri.getAprUri()), Serf_ConnectSetup, this, 0 /* close connection callback */, 0 /* close connection baton */, getAprPool() ); if ( m_pSerfConnection == 0 ||status != APR_SUCCESS ) { throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_SESSION_CREATE, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aUri.GetHost(), m_aUri.GetPort() ) ); } // Register the session with the lock store // m_aSerfLockStore.registerSession( m_pSerfConnection ); if ( m_aProxyName.getLength() ) { apr_sockaddr_t *proxy_address = NULL; status = apr_sockaddr_info_get( &proxy_address, rtl::OUStringToOString( m_aProxyName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr(), APR_UNSPEC, static_cast(m_nProxyPort), 0, getAprPool() ); if ( status != APR_SUCCESS ) { throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_SESSION_CREATE, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aUri.GetHost(), m_aUri.GetPort() ) ); } serf_config_proxy( m_pSerfContext, proxy_address ); } serf_config_credentials_callback( m_pSerfContext, Serf_Credentials ); m_bUseChunkedEncoding = isSSLNeeded(); } } apr_pool_t* SerfSession::getAprPool() { return apr_environment::AprEnv::getAprEnv()->getAprPool(); } serf_bucket_alloc_t* SerfSession::getSerfBktAlloc() { return m_pSerfBucket_Alloc; } serf_context_t* SerfSession::getSerfContext() { return m_pSerfContext; } SerfConnection* SerfSession::getSerfConnection() { return m_pSerfConnection; } bool SerfSession::isHeadRequestInProgress() { return m_bIsHeadRequestInProgress; } bool SerfSession::isSSLNeeded() { return m_aUri.GetScheme().equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "https" ) ) ); } char* SerfSession::getHostinfo() { return m_aUri.getAprUri()->hostinfo; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // helper function // it composes the uri for lockstore registration rtl::OUString SerfSession::composeCurrentUri(const rtl::OUString & inPath) { rtl::OUString aScheme( m_aUri.GetScheme() ); rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuf( aScheme ); aBuf.appendAscii( "://" ); if ( m_aUri.GetUserInfo().getLength() > 0 ) { aBuf.append( m_aUri.GetUserInfo() ); aBuf.appendAscii( "@" ); } // Is host a numeric IPv6 address? if ( ( m_aUri.GetHost().indexOf( ':' ) != -1 ) && ( m_aUri.GetHost()[ 0 ] != sal_Unicode( '[' ) ) ) { aBuf.appendAscii( "[" ); aBuf.append( m_aUri.GetHost() ); aBuf.appendAscii( "]" ); } else { aBuf.append( m_aUri.GetHost() ); } // append port, but only, if not default port. bool bAppendPort = true; sal_Int32 aPort = m_aUri.GetPort(); switch ( aPort ) { case DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT: bAppendPort = aScheme.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "http" ) ); break; case DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT: bAppendPort = !aScheme.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "https" ) ); break; } if ( bAppendPort ) { aBuf.appendAscii( ":" ); aBuf.append( rtl::OUString::valueOf( aPort ) ); } aBuf.append( inPath ); rtl::OUString aUri(aBuf.makeStringAndClear() ); return aUri; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // virtual sal_Bool SerfSession::CanUse( const rtl::OUString & inUri ) { try { SerfUri theUri( inUri ); if ( ( theUri.GetPort() == m_aUri.GetPort() ) && ( theUri.GetHost() == m_aUri.GetHost() ) && ( theUri.GetScheme() == m_aUri.GetScheme() ) ) { return sal_True; } } catch ( DAVException const & ) { return sal_False; } return sal_False; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // virtual sal_Bool SerfSession::UsesProxy() { Init(); return ( m_aProxyName.getLength() > 0 ); } apr_status_t SerfSession::setupSerfConnection( apr_socket_t * inAprSocket, serf_bucket_t **outSerfInputBucket, serf_bucket_t **outSerfOutputBucket, apr_pool_t* /*inAprPool*/ ) { serf_bucket_t *tmpInputBkt; tmpInputBkt = serf_context_bucket_socket_create( getSerfContext(), inAprSocket, getSerfBktAlloc() ); if ( isSSLNeeded() ) { tmpInputBkt = serf_bucket_ssl_decrypt_create( tmpInputBkt, 0, getSerfBktAlloc() ); /** Set the callback that is called to authenticate the certifcate (chain). */ serf_ssl_server_cert_chain_callback_set( serf_bucket_ssl_decrypt_context_get(tmpInputBkt), NULL, Serf_CertificateChainValidation, this); serf_ssl_set_hostname( serf_bucket_ssl_decrypt_context_get( tmpInputBkt ), getHostinfo() ); *outSerfOutputBucket = serf_bucket_ssl_encrypt_create( *outSerfOutputBucket, serf_bucket_ssl_decrypt_context_get( tmpInputBkt ), getSerfBktAlloc() ); } *outSerfInputBucket = tmpInputBkt; return APR_SUCCESS; } apr_status_t SerfSession::provideSerfCredentials( bool bGiveProvidedCredentialsASecondTry, char ** outUsername, char ** outPassword, serf_request_t * /*inRequest*/, int /*inCode*/, const char *inAuthProtocol, const char *inRealm, apr_pool_t *inAprPool ) { DAVAuthListener * pListener = getRequestEnvironment().m_xAuthListener.get(); if ( !pListener ) { // abort return SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_FAILED; } rtl::OUString theUserName; rtl::OUString thePassWord; try { SerfUri uri( getRequestEnvironment().m_aRequestURI ); rtl::OUString aUserInfo( uri.GetUserInfo() ); if ( aUserInfo.getLength() ) { sal_Int32 nPos = aUserInfo.indexOf( '@' ); if ( nPos == -1 ) { theUserName = aUserInfo; } else { theUserName = aUserInfo.copy( 0, nPos ); thePassWord = aUserInfo.copy( nPos + 1 ); } } } catch ( DAVException const & ) { // abort return SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_FAILED; } const bool bCanUseSystemCreds = ( ( strcasecmp( inAuthProtocol, "NTLM" ) == 0 ) || ( strcasecmp( inAuthProtocol, "Negotiate" ) == 0 ) ); int theRetVal = pListener->authenticate( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( inRealm ), getHostName(), theUserName, thePassWord, bCanUseSystemCreds, bGiveProvidedCredentialsASecondTry ? sal_False : sal_True ); if ( theRetVal == 0 ) { *outUsername = apr_pstrdup( inAprPool, rtl::OUStringToOString( theUserName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); *outPassword = apr_pstrdup( inAprPool, rtl::OUStringToOString( thePassWord, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); } return theRetVal != 0 ? SERF_ERROR_AUTHN_FAILED : APR_SUCCESS; } namespace { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper function ::rtl::OUString GetHostnamePart( const ::rtl::OUString& _rRawString ) { ::rtl::OUString sPart; ::rtl::OUString sPartId = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "CN=" ); sal_Int32 nContStart = _rRawString.indexOf( sPartId ); if ( nContStart != -1 ) { nContStart = nContStart + sPartId.getLength(); sal_Int32 nContEnd = _rRawString.indexOf( sal_Unicode( ',' ), nContStart ); sPart = _rRawString.copy( nContStart, nContEnd - nContStart ); } return sPart; } } // namespace apr_status_t SerfSession::verifySerfCertificateChain ( int, const serf_ssl_certificate_t * const * pCertificateChainBase64Encoded, int nCertificateChainLength) { // Check arguments. if (pCertificateChainBase64Encoded == NULL || nCertificateChainLength<=0) { OSL_ASSERT(pCertificateChainBase64Encoded != NULL); OSL_ASSERT(nCertificateChainLength>0); return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } // Create some crypto objects to decode and handle the base64 // encoded certificate chain. uno::Reference< xml::crypto::XSEInitializer > xSEInitializer; uno::Reference< security::XCertificateContainer > xCertificateContainer; uno::Reference< xml::crypto::XXMLSecurityContext > xSecurityContext; uno::Reference< xml::crypto::XSecurityEnvironment > xSecurityEnv; try { // Create a certificate container. xCertificateContainer = uno::Reference< security::XCertificateContainer >( getMSF()->createInstance( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.security.CertificateContainer" ) ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); xSEInitializer = uno::Reference< xml::crypto::XSEInitializer >( getMSF()->createInstance( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.xml.crypto.SEInitializer" ) ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); xSecurityContext = xSEInitializer->createSecurityContext( rtl::OUString() ); if (xSecurityContext.is()) xSecurityEnv = xSecurityContext->getSecurityEnvironment(); if ( ! xSecurityContext.is() || ! xSecurityEnv.is()) { // Do we have to dispose xSEInitializer or xCertificateContainer? return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } } catch ( uno::Exception const &) { return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } // Decode the server certificate. const char* sBase64EncodedServerCertificate ( serf_ssl_cert_export( pCertificateChainBase64Encoded[0], getAprPool())); uno::Reference< security::XCertificate > xServerCertificate( xSecurityEnv->createCertificateFromAscii( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(sBase64EncodedServerCertificate))); if ( ! xServerCertificate.is()) return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; // Get the subject from the server certificate. ::rtl::OUString sServerCertificateSubject (xServerCertificate->getSubjectName()); sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; while (nIndex >= 0) { const ::rtl::OUString sToken (sServerCertificateSubject.getToken(0, ',', nIndex)); if (sToken.compareToAscii("CN=", 3) == 0) { sServerCertificateSubject = sToken.copy(3); break; } else if (sToken.compareToAscii(" CN=", 4) == 0) { sServerCertificateSubject = sToken.copy(4); break; } } // When the certificate container already contains a (trusted) // entry for the server then we do not have to authenticate any // certificate. const security::CertificateContainerStatus eStatus ( xCertificateContainer->hasCertificate( getHostName(), sServerCertificateSubject ) ); if (eStatus != security::CertificateContainerStatus_NOCERT) { return eStatus == security::CertificateContainerStatus_TRUSTED ? APR_SUCCESS : SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } // The shortcut failed, so try to verify the whole chain. This is // done outside the isDomainMatch() block because the result is // used by the interaction handler. std::vector< uno::Reference< security::XCertificate > > aChain; for (nIndex=1; nIndex xCertificate( xSecurityEnv->createCertificateFromAscii( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(sBase64EncodedCertificate))); if ( ! xCertificate.is()) return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; aChain.push_back(xCertificate); } const sal_Int64 nVerificationResult (xSecurityEnv->verifyCertificate( xServerCertificate, ::comphelper::containerToSequence(aChain))); // When the certificate matches the host name then we can use the // result of the verification. bool bHostnameMatchesCertHostnames = false; { uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< security::XCertificateExtension > > extensions = xServerCertificate->getExtensions(); uno::Sequence< security::CertAltNameEntry > altNames; for (sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < extensions.getLength(); ++i) { uno::Reference< security::XCertificateExtension >element = extensions[i]; const rtl::OString aId ( (const sal_Char *)element->getExtensionId().getArray(), element->getExtensionId().getLength()); if ( aId.equals( OID_SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME ) ) { uno::Reference< security::XSanExtension > sanExtension ( element, uno::UNO_QUERY ); altNames = sanExtension->getAlternativeNames(); break; } } uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > certHostNames(altNames.getLength() + 1); certHostNames[0] = sServerCertificateSubject; for( int n = 0; n < altNames.getLength(); ++n ) { if (altNames[n].Type == security::ExtAltNameType_DNS_NAME) { altNames[n].Value >>= certHostNames[n+1]; } } for ( int i = 0; i < certHostNames.getLength() && !bHostnameMatchesCertHostnames; ++i ) { bHostnameMatchesCertHostnames = isDomainMatch( certHostNames[i] ); } } if ( bHostnameMatchesCertHostnames ) { if (nVerificationResult == 0) { // Certificate (chain) is valid. xCertificateContainer->addCertificate(getHostName(), sServerCertificateSubject, sal_True); return APR_SUCCESS; } else if ((nVerificationResult & security::CertificateValidity::CHAIN_INCOMPLETE) != 0) { // We do not have enough information for verification, // neither automatically (as we just discovered) nor // manually (so there is no point in showing any dialog.) return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } else if ((nVerificationResult & (security::CertificateValidity::INVALID | security::CertificateValidity::REVOKED)) != 0) { // Certificate (chain) is invalid. xCertificateContainer->addCertificate(getHostName(), sServerCertificateSubject, sal_False); return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } else { // For all other we have to ask the user. } } // We have not been able to automatically verify (or falsify) the // certificate chain. To resolve this we have to ask the user. const uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment > xEnv( getRequestEnvironment().m_xEnv ); if ( xEnv.is() ) { uno::Reference< task::XInteractionHandler > xIH( xEnv->getInteractionHandler() ); if ( xIH.is() ) { rtl::Reference< ucbhelper::SimpleCertificateValidationRequest > xRequest( new ucbhelper::SimpleCertificateValidationRequest( static_cast(nVerificationResult), xServerCertificate, getHostName() ) ); xIH->handle( xRequest.get() ); rtl::Reference< ucbhelper::InteractionContinuation > xSelection = xRequest->getSelection(); if ( xSelection.is() ) { uno::Reference< task::XInteractionApprove > xApprove( xSelection.get(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xApprove.is() ) { xCertificateContainer->addCertificate( getHostName(), sServerCertificateSubject, sal_True ); return APR_SUCCESS; } else { // Don't trust cert xCertificateContainer->addCertificate( getHostName(), sServerCertificateSubject, sal_False ); return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } } } else { // Don't trust cert xCertificateContainer->addCertificate( getHostName(), sServerCertificateSubject, sal_False ); return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } } return SERF_SSL_CERT_UNKNOWN_FAILURE; } serf_bucket_t* SerfSession::acceptSerfResponse( serf_request_t * inSerfRequest, serf_bucket_t * inSerfStreamBucket, apr_pool_t* /*inAprPool*/ ) { // get the per-request bucket allocator serf_bucket_alloc_t* SerfBktAlloc = serf_request_get_alloc( inSerfRequest ); // create a barrier bucket so the response doesn't eat us! serf_bucket_t *responseBkt = serf_bucket_barrier_create( inSerfStreamBucket, SerfBktAlloc ); // create response bucket responseBkt = serf_bucket_response_create( responseBkt, SerfBktAlloc ); if ( isHeadRequestInProgress() ) { // advise the response bucket that this was from a HEAD request and that it should not expect to see a response body. serf_bucket_response_set_head( responseBkt ); } return responseBkt; } SerfRequestProcessor* SerfSession::createReqProc( const rtl::OUString & inPath ) { return new SerfRequestProcessor( *this, inPath, m_bUseChunkedEncoding ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PROPFIND - allprop & named // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::PROPFIND( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const Depth inDepth, const std::vector< rtl::OUString > & inPropNames, std::vector< DAVResource > & ioResources, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); aReqProc->processPropFind( inDepth, inPropNames, ioResources, status ); if ( status == APR_SUCCESS && aReqProc->mpDAVException == 0 && ioResources.empty() ) { m_aEnv = DAVRequestEnvironment(); throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_ERROR, inPath, (sal_uInt16)APR_EGENERAL ); } HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PROPFIND - propnames // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::PROPFIND( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const Depth inDepth, std::vector< DAVResourceInfo > & ioResInfo, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); aReqProc->processPropFind( inDepth, ioResInfo, status ); if ( status == APR_SUCCESS && aReqProc->mpDAVException == 0 && ioResInfo.empty() ) { m_aEnv = DAVRequestEnvironment(); throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_ERROR, inPath, (sal_uInt16)APR_EGENERAL ); } HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PROPPATCH // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::PROPPATCH( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const std::vector< ProppatchValue > & inValues, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); //check whether a lock on this resource is already owned rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inPath ) ); ucb::Lock inLock; SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { inLock = pLock->getLock(); } aReqProc->processPropPatch( inValues, inLock, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // HEAD // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::HEAD( const ::rtl::OUString & inPath, const std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > & inHeaderNames, DAVResource & ioResource, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); m_bIsHeadRequestInProgress = true; boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); ioResource.uri = inPath; ioResource.properties.clear(); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; aReqProc->processHead( inHeaderNames, ioResource, status ); m_bIsHeadRequestInProgress = false; HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // GET // ------------------------------------------------------------------- uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > SerfSession::GET( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); uno::Reference< SerfInputStream > xInputStream( new SerfInputStream ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); aReqProc->processGet( xInputStream, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); return uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >( xInputStream.get() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // GET // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::GET( const rtl::OUString & inPath, uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream > & ioOutputStream, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); aReqProc->processGet( ioOutputStream, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // GET // ------------------------------------------------------------------- uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > SerfSession::GET( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > & inHeaderNames, DAVResource & ioResource, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); uno::Reference< SerfInputStream > xInputStream( new SerfInputStream ); ioResource.uri = inPath; ioResource.properties.clear(); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; aReqProc->processGet( xInputStream, inHeaderNames, ioResource, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); return uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >( xInputStream.get() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // GET // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::GET( const rtl::OUString & inPath, uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream > & ioOutputStream, const std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > & inHeaderNames, DAVResource & ioResource, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); ioResource.uri = inPath; ioResource.properties.clear(); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; aReqProc->processGet( ioOutputStream, inHeaderNames, ioResource, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // PUT // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::PUT( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > & inInputStream, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aDataToSend; if ( !getDataFromInputStream( inInputStream, aDataToSend, false ) ) throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //check whether a lock on this resource is already owned rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inPath ) ); ucb::Lock inLock; SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { inLock = pLock->getLock(); } aReqProc->processPut( reinterpret_cast< const char * >( aDataToSend.getConstArray() ), aDataToSend.getLength(), inLock, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST // ------------------------------------------------------------------- uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > SerfSession::POST( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const rtl::OUString & rContentType, const rtl::OUString & rReferer, const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > & inInputStream, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aDataToSend; if ( !getDataFromInputStream( inInputStream, aDataToSend, true ) ) { throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG ); } Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); uno::Reference< SerfInputStream > xInputStream( new SerfInputStream ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //check whether a lock on this resource is already owned rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inPath ) ); ucb::Lock inLock; SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { inLock = pLock->getLock(); } aReqProc->processPost( reinterpret_cast< const char * >( aDataToSend.getConstArray() ), aDataToSend.getLength(), rContentType, rReferer, inLock, xInputStream, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); return uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >( xInputStream.get() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::POST( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const rtl::OUString & rContentType, const rtl::OUString & rReferer, const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > & inInputStream, uno::Reference< io::XOutputStream > & oOutputStream, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aDataToSend; if ( !getDataFromInputStream( inInputStream, aDataToSend, true ) ) { throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG ); } Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //check whether a lock on this resource is already owned rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inPath ) ); ucb::Lock inLock; SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { inLock = pLock->getLock(); } aReqProc->processPost( reinterpret_cast< const char * >( aDataToSend.getConstArray() ), aDataToSend.getLength(), rContentType, rReferer, inLock, oOutputStream, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // MKCOL // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::MKCOL( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //check whether a lock on the destination resource is already owned rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inPath ) ); ucb::Lock inLock; SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { inLock = pLock->getLock(); } aReqProc->processMkCol( inLock, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // COPY // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::COPY( const rtl::OUString & inSourceURL, const rtl::OUString & inDestinationURL, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv, sal_Bool inOverWrite ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); SerfUri theSourceUri( inSourceURL ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( theSourceUri.GetPath() ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //check whether a lock on the destination resource is already owned rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inDestinationURL ) ); ucb::Lock inLock; SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { inLock = pLock->getLock(); } aReqProc->processCopy( inDestinationURL, (inOverWrite ? true : false), inLock, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // MOVE // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::MOVE( const rtl::OUString & inSourceURL, const rtl::OUString & inDestinationURL, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv, sal_Bool inOverWrite ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); SerfUri theSourceUri( inSourceURL ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( theSourceUri.GetPath() ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //check whether a lock on the destination resource is already owned rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inDestinationURL ) ); ucb::Lock inLock; SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { inLock = pLock->getLock(); } aReqProc->processMove( inDestinationURL, (inOverWrite ? true : false), inLock, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // DESTROY // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::DESTROY( const rtl::OUString & inPath, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //check whether a lock on this resource is already owned rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inPath ) ); ucb::Lock inLock; SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { inLock = pLock->getLock(); } aReqProc->processDelete( inLock, status ); HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { sal_Int32 lastChanceToSendRefreshRequest( TimeValue const & rStart, sal_Int32 timeout ) { TimeValue aEnd; osl_getSystemTime( &aEnd ); // Try to estimate a safe absolute time for sending the // lock refresh request. sal_Int32 lastChanceToSendRefreshRequest = DAVINFINITY; if ( timeout != DAVINFINITY ) { sal_Int32 calltime = aEnd.Seconds - rStart.Seconds; if ( calltime <= timeout ) { lastChanceToSendRefreshRequest = aEnd.Seconds + timeout - calltime; } else { OSL_TRACE( "No chance to refresh lock before timeout!" ); } } return lastChanceToSendRefreshRequest; } } // namespace // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // LOCK (set new lock) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::LOCK( const ::rtl::OUString & inPath, ucb::Lock & rLock, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); //before locking, search in the lock store if we already own a lock for this resource //if present, return with exception DAV_LOCKED_SELF rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inPath ) ); SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( pLock ) { //already present, meaning already locked by the same AOO session and already in the lockstore //just return, nothing to do return; } Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //the returned property, a sequence of locks //only the first is used DAVPropertyValue outLock; TimeValue startCall; osl_getSystemTime( &startCall ); aReqProc->processLock(inPath, rLock, outLock, status); //HandleError will handle the error and throw an exception, if needed HandleError( aReqProc ); if(outLock.Name.compareToAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "DAV:lockdiscovery" )) == 0 ) { //got a lock, use only the first returned uno::Sequence< ucb::Lock > aLocks; outLock.Value >>= aLocks; ucb::Lock aLock = aLocks[0]; SerfLock* aNewLock = new SerfLock( aLock, aUri, inPath ); // add the store the new lock m_aSerfLockStore.addLock(aNewLock,this, lastChanceToSendRefreshRequest( startCall, static_cast< sal_Int32 >(aLock.Timeout) ) ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // LOCK (refresh existing lock from DAVResourceAccess) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int64 SerfSession::LOCK( const ::rtl::OUString & /*inPath*/, sal_Int64 nTimeout, const DAVRequestEnvironment & /*rEnv*/ ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); return nTimeout; /* // Try to get the neon lock from lock store SerfLock * theLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( makeAbsoluteURL( inPath ) ); if ( !theLock ) throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_NOT_LOCKED ); Init( rEnv ); // refresh existing lock. theLock->timeout = static_cast< long >( nTimeout ); TimeValue startCall; osl_getSystemTime( &startCall ); int theRetVal = ne_lock_refresh( m_pHttpSession, theLock ); if ( theRetVal == NE_OK ) { m_aSerfLockStore.updateLock( theLock, lastChanceToSendRefreshRequest( startCall, theLock->timeout ) ); } HandleError( theRetVal, inPath, rEnv ); return theLock->timeout; */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // LOCK (refresh existing lock from SerfLockStore) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SerfSession::LOCK( SerfLock * pLock, sal_Int32 & rlastChanceToSendRefreshRequest ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); rtl::OUString inPath = pLock->getResourcePath(); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; //the returned property, a sequence of locks //only the first is used DAVPropertyValue outLock; TimeValue startCall; osl_getSystemTime( &startCall ); // refresh existing lock. aReqProc->processLockRefresh( inPath, pLock->getLock(), outLock, status); // TODO: possible enhancement as the following: // - use an interaction handler to alert the user if the lock was not refreshed, // offering to try again with a new session, asking the user for credential, if necessary. // This may happen if the WebDAV server goes off-line for whatever reason, or the connection is dropped for time-out // To implement this behavior, some redesigning of the current session implementation may be needed. // //HandleError will handle the error and throw an exception, if needed HandleError( aReqProc ); uno::Sequence< ucb::Lock > aLocks; outLock.Value >>= aLocks; ucb::Lock aLock = aLocks[0]; //if ok, udate the lastchance refresh time in lock rlastChanceToSendRefreshRequest = lastChanceToSendRefreshRequest( startCall, static_cast< sal_Int32 >(aLock.Timeout) ); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // UNLOCK called from external (DAVResourceAccess) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::UNLOCK( const ::rtl::OUString & inPath, const DAVRequestEnvironment & rEnv ) throw ( DAVException ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); rtl::OUString aUri( composeCurrentUri( inPath ) ); SerfLock * pLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( aUri ); if ( !pLock ) { throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_NOT_LOCKED ); } Init( rEnv ); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; ucb::Lock inLock = pLock->getLock(); //remove lock from lockstore // so, if something goes wrong, we don't refresh it anymore m_aSerfLockStore.removeLock(pLock); delete pLock; // remove existing lock aReqProc->processUnlock( inPath, inLock, status); //HandleError will handle the error and throw an exception, if needed HandleError( aReqProc ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // UNLOCK (called from SerfLockStore) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SerfSession::UNLOCK( SerfLock * pLock ) { osl::Guard< osl::Mutex > theGuard( m_aMutex ); rtl::OUString inPath = pLock->getResourcePath(); boost::shared_ptr aReqProc( createReqProc( inPath ) ); apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS; rtl::OUString aToken; aToken = pLock->getLock().LockTokens[0]; aReqProc->processUnlock( inPath, pLock->getLock(), status); //HandleError will handle the error and throw an exception, if needed HandleError( aReqProc ); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::abort() throw ( DAVException ) { // 11.11.09 (tkr): The following code lines causing crashes if // closing a ongoing connection. It turned out that this existing // solution doesn't work in multi-threading environments. // So I disabled them in 3.2. . Issue #73893# should fix it in OOo 3.3. //if ( m_pHttpSession ) // ne_close_connection( m_pHttpSession ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- const ucbhelper::InternetProxyServer & SerfSession::getProxySettings() const { if ( m_aUri.GetScheme().equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "http" ) ) || m_aUri.GetScheme().equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "https" ) ) ) { return m_rProxyDecider.getProxy( m_aUri.GetScheme(), m_aUri.GetHost(), m_aUri.GetPort() ); } else { // TODO: figure out, if this case can occur return m_rProxyDecider.getProxy( m_aUri.GetScheme(), rtl::OUString() /* not used */, -1 /* not used */ ); } } /* // ------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { bool containsLocktoken( const uno::Sequence< ucb::Lock > & rLocks, const char * token ) { for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < rLocks.getLength(); ++n ) { const uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > & rTokens = rLocks[ n ].LockTokens; for ( sal_Int32 m = 0; m < rTokens.getLength(); ++m ) { if ( rTokens[ m ].equalsAscii( token ) ) return true; } } return false; } } // namespace */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method doesn't seem to be used. // In any case the default behavior is to ask a lock with a life of 3 minutes // it will then be refreshed automatically (see SerfLockStore class) // In case of AOO crash the lock will expire by itself bool SerfSession::removeExpiredLocktoken( const rtl::OUString & /*inURL*/, const DAVRequestEnvironment & /*rEnv*/ ) { return true; /* SerfLock * theLock = m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( inURL ); if ( !theLock ) return false; // do a lockdiscovery to check whether this lock is still valid. try { // @@@ Alternative: use ne_lock_discover() => less overhead std::vector< DAVResource > aResources; std::vector< rtl::OUString > aPropNames; aPropNames.push_back( DAVProperties::LOCKDISCOVERY ); PROPFIND( rEnv.m_aRequestURI, DAVZERO, aPropNames, aResources, rEnv ); if ( aResources.size() == 0 ) return false; std::vector< DAVPropertyValue >::const_iterator it = aResources[ 0 ].properties.begin(); std::vector< DAVPropertyValue >::const_iterator end = aResources[ 0 ].properties.end(); while ( it != end ) { if ( (*it).Name.equals( DAVProperties::LOCKDISCOVERY ) ) { uno::Sequence< ucb::Lock > aLocks; if ( !( (*it).Value >>= aLocks ) ) return false; if ( !containsLocktoken( aLocks, theLock->token ) ) { // expired! break; } // still valid. return false; } ++it; } // No lockdiscovery prop in propfind result / locktoken not found // in propfind result -> not locked OSL_TRACE( "SerfSession::removeExpiredLocktoken: Removing " " expired lock token for %s. token: %s", rtl::OUStringToOString( inURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr(), theLock->token ); m_aSerfLockStore.removeLock( theLock ); ne_lock_destroy( theLock ); return true; } catch ( DAVException const & ) { } return false; */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // HandleError // Common Error Handler // ------------------------------------------------------------------- void SerfSession::HandleError( boost::shared_ptr rReqProc ) throw ( DAVException ) { m_aEnv = DAVRequestEnvironment(); if ( rReqProc->mpDAVException ) { DAVException* mpDAVExp( rReqProc->mpDAVException ); serf_connection_reset( getSerfConnection() ); if ( mpDAVExp->getStatus() == 413 && m_bNoOfTransferEncodingSwitches < 2 ) { m_bUseChunkedEncoding = !m_bUseChunkedEncoding; ++m_bNoOfTransferEncodingSwitches; } throw DAVException( mpDAVExp->getError(), mpDAVExp->getData(), mpDAVExp->getStatus() ); } /* // Map error code to DAVException. switch ( nError ) { case NE_OK: return; case NE_ERROR: // Generic error { rtl::OUString aText = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( ne_get_error( m_pHttpSession ) ); sal_uInt16 code = makeStatusCode( aText ); if ( code == SC_LOCKED ) { if ( m_aSerfLockStore.findByUri( makeAbsoluteURL( inPath ) ) == 0 ) { // locked by 3rd party throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_LOCKED ); } else { // locked by ourself throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_LOCKED_SELF ); } } // Special handling for 400 and 412 status codes, which may indicate // that a lock previously obtained by us has been released meanwhile // by the server. Unfortunately, RFC is not clear at this point, // thus server implementations behave different... else if ( code == SC_BAD_REQUEST || code == SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED ) { if ( removeExpiredLocktoken( makeAbsoluteURL( inPath ), rEnv ) ) throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_LOCK_EXPIRED ); } throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_ERROR, aText, code ); } case NE_LOOKUP: // Name lookup failed. throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_LOOKUP, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aHostName, m_nPort ) ); case NE_AUTH: // User authentication failed on server throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_AUTH, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aHostName, m_nPort ) ); case NE_PROXYAUTH: // User authentication failed on proxy throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_AUTHPROXY, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aProxyName, m_nProxyPort ) ); case NE_CONNECT: // Could not connect to server throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_CONNECT, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aHostName, m_nPort ) ); case NE_TIMEOUT: // Connection timed out throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_TIMEOUT, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aHostName, m_nPort ) ); case NE_FAILED: // The precondition failed throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_FAILED, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aHostName, m_nPort ) ); case NE_RETRY: // Retry request (ne_end_request ONLY) throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_RETRY, SerfUri::makeConnectionEndPointString( m_aHostName, m_nPort ) ); case NE_REDIRECT: { SerfUri aUri( ne_redirect_location( m_pHttpSession ) ); throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_REDIRECT, aUri.GetURI() ); } default: { OSL_TRACE( "SerfSession::HandleError : Unknown Serf error code!" ); throw DAVException( DAVException::DAV_HTTP_ERROR, rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( ne_get_error( m_pHttpSession ) ) ); } } */ } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // static bool SerfSession::getDataFromInputStream( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > & xStream, uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > & rData, bool bAppendTrailingZeroByte ) { if ( xStream.is() ) { uno::Reference< io::XSeekable > xSeekable( xStream, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSeekable.is() ) { try { sal_Int32 nSize = sal::static_int_cast(xSeekable->getLength()); sal_Int32 nRead = xStream->readBytes( rData, nSize ); if ( nRead == nSize ) { if ( bAppendTrailingZeroByte ) { rData.realloc( nSize + 1 ); rData[ nSize ] = sal_Int8( 0 ); } return true; } } catch ( io::NotConnectedException const & ) { // readBytes } catch ( io::BufferSizeExceededException const & ) { // readBytes } catch ( io::IOException const & ) { // getLength, readBytes } } else { try { uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aBuffer; sal_Int32 nPos = 0; sal_Int32 nRead = xStream->readSomeBytes( aBuffer, 65536 ); while ( nRead > 0 ) { if ( rData.getLength() < ( nPos + nRead ) ) rData.realloc( nPos + nRead ); aBuffer.realloc( nRead ); rtl_copyMemory( (void*)( rData.getArray() + nPos ), (const void*)aBuffer.getConstArray(), nRead ); nPos += nRead; aBuffer.realloc( 0 ); nRead = xStream->readSomeBytes( aBuffer, 65536 ); } if ( bAppendTrailingZeroByte ) { rData.realloc( nPos + 1 ); rData[ nPos ] = sal_Int8( 0 ); } return true; } catch ( io::NotConnectedException const & ) { // readBytes } catch ( io::BufferSizeExceededException const & ) { // readBytes } catch ( io::IOException const & ) { // readBytes } } } return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SerfSession::isDomainMatch( rtl::OUString certHostName ) { rtl::OUString hostName = getHostName(); if (hostName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( certHostName ) ) return sal_True; if ( 0 == certHostName.indexOf( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "*" ) ) && hostName.getLength() >= certHostName.getLength() ) { rtl::OUString cmpStr = certHostName.copy( 1 ); if ( hostName.matchIgnoreAsciiCase( cmpStr, hostName.getLength() - cmpStr.getLength() ) ) return sal_True; } return sal_False; }