/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: content.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.32 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-01-20 10:11:05 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************** TODO ************************************************************************** *************************************************************************/ #ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_ #include #endif #ifndef _OSL_MUTEX_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SALHELPER_SIMPLEREFERENCEOBJECT_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _CPPUHELPER_WEAK_HXX_ #include #endif #include #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_CONTENTCREATIONERROR_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XCOMMANDENVIRONMENT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XCOMMANDINFO_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XCOMMANDPROCESSOR_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_COMMAND_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_COMMANDINFO_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_CONTENTACTION_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_OPENCOMMANDARGUMENT2_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_INSERTCOMMANDARGUMENT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_GLOBALTRANSFERCOMMANDARGUMENT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_NAMECLASH_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_OPENMODE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XCONTENTCREATOR_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XCONTENTEVENTLISTENER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XCONTENTIDENTIFIERFACTORY_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XCONTENTPROVIDER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XCONTENTPROVIDERMANAGER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XDYNAMICRESULTSET_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UCB_XSORTEDDYNAMICRESULTSETFACTORY_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_XPROPERTYSETINFO_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_PROPERTY_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_PROPERTYVALUE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_SDBC_XRESULTSET_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_SDBC_XROW_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_ILLEGALARGUMENTEXCEPTION_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_UNKNOWNPROPERTYEXCEPTION_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _UCBHELPER_MACROS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UCBHELPER_CONTENT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UCBHELPER_CONTENTBROKER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UCBHELPER_ACTIVEDATASINK_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UCBHELPER_ACTIVEDATASTREAMER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UCBHELPER_INTERACTIONREQUEST_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UCBHELPER_CANCELCOMMANDEXECUTION_HXX_ #include #endif using namespace com::sun::star::container; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace com::sun::star::io; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::sdbc; using namespace com::sun::star::task; using namespace com::sun::star::ucb; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; namespace ucb { class EmptyInputStream : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< XInputStream > { public: virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL readBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 > & data, sal_Int32 nBytesToRead ) throw (IOException, RuntimeException); virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL readSomeBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 > & data, sal_Int32 nMaxBytesToRead ) throw (IOException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL skipBytes( sal_Int32 nBytesToSkip ) throw (IOException, RuntimeException); virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL available() throw (IOException, RuntimeException); virtual void SAL_CALL closeInput() throw (IOException, RuntimeException); }; sal_Int32 EmptyInputStream::readBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 > & data, sal_Int32 nBytesToRead ) throw (IOException, RuntimeException) { data.realloc( 0 ); return 0; } sal_Int32 EmptyInputStream::readSomeBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 > & data, sal_Int32 nMaxBytesToRead ) throw (IOException, RuntimeException) { data.realloc( 0 ); return 0; } void EmptyInputStream::skipBytes( sal_Int32 nBytesToSkip ) throw (IOException, RuntimeException) { } sal_Int32 EmptyInputStream::available() throw (IOException, RuntimeException) { return 0; } void EmptyInputStream::closeInput() throw (IOException, RuntimeException) { } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= // // class ContentEventListener_Impl. // //========================================================================= //========================================================================= class ContentEventListener_Impl : public cppu::OWeakObject, public XContentEventListener { Content_Impl& m_rContent; public: ContentEventListener_Impl( Content_Impl& rContent ) : m_rContent( rContent ) {} // XInterface XINTERFACE_DECL() // XContentEventListener virtual void SAL_CALL contentEvent( const ContentEvent& evt ) throw( RuntimeException ); // XEventListener ( base of XContentEventListener ) virtual void SAL_CALL disposing( const EventObject& Source ) throw( RuntimeException ); }; //========================================================================= //========================================================================= // // class Content_Impl. // //========================================================================= //========================================================================= class Content_Impl : public salhelper::SimpleReferenceObject { friend class ContentEventListener_Impl; mutable rtl::OUString m_aURL; Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > m_xSMgr; Reference< XContent > m_xContent; Reference< XCommandProcessor > m_xCommandProcessor; Reference< XCommandEnvironment > m_xEnv; Reference< XContentEventListener > m_xContentEventListener; mutable osl::Mutex m_aMutex; sal_Int32 m_nCommandId; private: void reinit( const Reference< XContent >& xContent ); void disposing(const EventObject& Source); public: Content_Impl() : m_nCommandId( 0 ) {}; Content_Impl( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rSMgr, const Reference< XContent >& rContent, const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& rEnv ); virtual ~Content_Impl(); const rtl::OUString& getURL() const; Reference< XContent > getContent(); Reference< XCommandProcessor > getCommandProcessor(); sal_Int32 getCommandId(); Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > getServiceManager() { return m_xSMgr; } Any executeCommand( const Command& rCommand ); void abortCommand(); inline const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& getEnvironment() const; inline void setEnvironment( const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& xNewEnv ); void inserted(); }; //========================================================================= // Helpers. //========================================================================= static void ensureContentProviderForURL( const ucb::ContentBroker & rBroker, const rtl::OUString & rURL ) throw ( ContentCreationException, RuntimeException ) { Reference< XContentProviderManager > xMgr = rBroker.getContentProviderManagerInterface(); if ( !xMgr.is() ) { throw RuntimeException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "UCB does not implement mandatory interface " "XContentProviderManager!" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } else { Reference< XContentProvider > xProv = xMgr->queryContentProvider( rURL ); if ( !xProv.is() ) { throw ContentCreationException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "No Content Provider available for given URL!" ), Reference< XInterface >(), ContentCreationError_NO_CONTENT_PROVIDER ); } } } //========================================================================= static ucb::ContentBroker* getContentBroker( bool bThrow ) throw ( ContentCreationException, RuntimeException ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = ucb::ContentBroker::get(); if ( !pBroker ) { if ( bThrow ) throw RuntimeException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "No Content Broker!" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } else { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 Reference< XContentProviderManager > xMgr = pBroker->getContentProviderManagerInterface(); if ( !xMgr.is() ) { if ( bThrow ) throw RuntimeException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "UCB does not implement mandatory interface " "XContentProviderManager!" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } else { OSL_ENSURE( xMgr->queryContentProviders().getLength(), "Content Broker not configured (no providers)!" ); } #endif } return pBroker; } //========================================================================= static Reference< XContentIdentifier > getContentIdentifier( const ucb::ContentBroker & rBroker, const rtl::OUString & rURL, bool bThrow ) throw ( ContentCreationException, RuntimeException ) { Reference< XContentIdentifierFactory > xIdFac = rBroker.getContentIdentifierFactoryInterface(); if ( xIdFac.is() ) { Reference< XContentIdentifier > xId = xIdFac->createContentIdentifier( rURL ); if ( xId.is() ) return xId; if ( bThrow ) { ensureContentProviderForURL( rBroker, rURL ); throw ContentCreationException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Unable to create Content Identifier!" ), Reference< XInterface >(), ContentCreationError_IDENTIFIER_CREATION_FAILED ); } } else { if ( bThrow ) throw RuntimeException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "UCB does not implement mandatory interface " "XContentIdentifierFactory!" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } return Reference< XContentIdentifier >(); } //========================================================================= static Reference< XContent > getContent( const ucb::ContentBroker & rBroker, const Reference< XContentIdentifier > & xId, bool bThrow ) throw ( ContentCreationException, RuntimeException ) { Reference< XContentProvider > xProvider = rBroker.getContentProviderInterface(); if ( xProvider.is() ) { Reference< XContent > xContent; try { xContent = xProvider->queryContent( xId ); } catch ( IllegalIdentifierException const & ) { // handled below. } if ( xContent.is() ) return xContent; if ( bThrow ) { ensureContentProviderForURL( rBroker, xId->getContentIdentifier() ); throw ContentCreationException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Unable to create Content!" ), Reference< XInterface >(), ContentCreationError_CONTENT_CREATION_FAILED ); } } else { if ( bThrow ) throw RuntimeException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "UCB does not implement mandatory interface " "XContentProvider!" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } return Reference< XContent >(); } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= // // Content Implementation. // //========================================================================= //========================================================================= Content::Content() : m_xImpl( new Content_Impl ) { } //========================================================================= Content::Content( const rtl::OUString& rURL, const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& rEnv ) throw ( ContentCreationException, RuntimeException ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = getContentBroker( true ); Reference< XContentIdentifier > xId = getContentIdentifier( *pBroker, rURL, true ); Reference< XContent > xContent = getContent( *pBroker, xId, true ); m_xImpl = new Content_Impl( pBroker->getServiceManager(), xContent, rEnv ); } //========================================================================= Content::Content( const Reference< XContentIdentifier >& rId, const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& rEnv ) throw ( ContentCreationException, RuntimeException ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = getContentBroker( true ); Reference< XContent > xContent = getContent( *pBroker, rId, true ); m_xImpl = new Content_Impl( pBroker->getServiceManager(), xContent, rEnv ); } //========================================================================= Content::Content( const Reference< XContent >& rContent, const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& rEnv ) throw ( ContentCreationException, RuntimeException ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = getContentBroker( true ); m_xImpl = new Content_Impl( pBroker->getServiceManager(), rContent, rEnv ); } //========================================================================= Content::Content( const Content& rOther ) { m_xImpl = rOther.m_xImpl; } //========================================================================= // static sal_Bool Content::create( const rtl::OUString& rURL, const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& rEnv, Content& rContent ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = getContentBroker( false ); if ( !pBroker ) return sal_False; Reference< XContentIdentifier > xId = getContentIdentifier( *pBroker, rURL, false ); if ( !xId.is() ) return sal_False; Reference< XContent > xContent = getContent( *pBroker, xId, false ); if ( !xContent.is() ) return sal_False; rContent.m_xImpl = new Content_Impl( pBroker->getServiceManager(), xContent, rEnv ); return sal_True; } //========================================================================= // static sal_Bool Content::create( const Reference< XContentIdentifier >& rId, const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& rEnv, Content& rContent ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = getContentBroker( false ); if ( !pBroker ) return sal_False; Reference< XContent > xContent = getContent( *pBroker, rId, false ); if ( !xContent.is() ) return sal_False; rContent.m_xImpl = new Content_Impl( pBroker->getServiceManager(), xContent, rEnv ); return sal_True; } //========================================================================= // static sal_Bool Content::create( const Reference< XContent >& xContent, const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& rEnv, Content& rContent ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = getContentBroker( false ); if ( !pBroker ) return sal_False; rContent.m_xImpl = new Content_Impl( pBroker->getServiceManager(), xContent, rEnv ); return sal_True; } //========================================================================= Content::~Content() { } //========================================================================= Content& Content::operator=( const Content& rOther ) { m_xImpl = rOther.m_xImpl; return *this; } //========================================================================= Reference< XContent > Content::get() const { return m_xImpl->getContent(); } //========================================================================= const rtl::OUString& Content::getURL() const { return m_xImpl->getURL(); } //========================================================================= const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& Content::getCommandEnvironment() const { return m_xImpl->getEnvironment(); } //========================================================================= void Content::setCommandEnvironment( const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& xNewEnv ) { m_xImpl->setEnvironment( xNewEnv ); } //========================================================================= Reference< XCommandInfo > Content::getCommands() throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "getCommandInfo" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument = Any(); Any aResult = m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); Reference< XCommandInfo > xInfo; aResult >>= xInfo; return xInfo; } //========================================================================= Reference< XPropertySetInfo > Content::getProperties() throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "getPropertySetInfo" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument = Any(); Any aResult = m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xInfo; aResult >>= xInfo; return xInfo; } //========================================================================= Any Content::getPropertyValue( const rtl::OUString& rPropertyName ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Sequence< rtl::OUString > aNames( 1 ); aNames.getArray()[ 0 ] = rPropertyName; Sequence< Any > aRet = getPropertyValues( aNames ); return aRet.getConstArray()[ 0 ]; } //========================================================================= Any Content::getPropertyValue( sal_Int32 nPropertyHandle ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Sequence< sal_Int32 > aHandles( 1 ); aHandles.getArray()[ 0 ] = nPropertyHandle; Sequence< Any > aRet = getPropertyValues( aHandles ); return aRet.getConstArray()[ 0 ]; } //========================================================================= Any Content::setPropertyValue( const rtl::OUString& rName, const Any& rValue ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Sequence< rtl::OUString > aNames( 1 ); aNames.getArray()[ 0 ] = rName; Sequence< Any > aValues( 1 ); aValues.getArray()[ 0 ] = rValue; Sequence< Any > aErrors = setPropertyValues( aNames, aValues ); return aErrors.getConstArray()[ 0 ]; } //========================================================================= Any Content::setPropertyValue( const sal_Int32 nPropertyHandle, const Any& rValue ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Sequence< sal_Int32 > aHandles( 1 ); aHandles.getArray()[ 0 ] = nPropertyHandle; Sequence< Any > aValues( 1 ); aValues.getArray()[ 0 ] = rValue; Sequence< Any > aErrors = setPropertyValues( aHandles, aValues ); return aErrors.getConstArray()[ 0 ]; } //========================================================================= Sequence< Any > Content::getPropertyValues( const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Reference< XRow > xRow = getPropertyValuesInterface( rPropertyNames ); sal_Int32 nCount = rPropertyNames.getLength(); Sequence< Any > aValues( nCount ); if ( xRow.is() ) { Any* pValues = aValues.getArray(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nCount; ++n ) pValues[ n ] = xRow->getObject( n + 1, Reference< XNameAccess >() ); } return aValues; } //========================================================================= Sequence< Any > Content::getPropertyValues( const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& nPropertyHandles ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Reference< XRow > xRow = getPropertyValuesInterface( nPropertyHandles ); sal_Int32 nCount = nPropertyHandles.getLength(); Sequence< Any > aValues( nCount ); if ( xRow.is() ) { Any* pValues = aValues.getArray(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nCount; ++n ) pValues[ n ] = xRow->getObject( n + 1, Reference< XNameAccess >() ); } return aValues; } //========================================================================= Reference< XRow > Content::getPropertyValuesInterface( const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { sal_Int32 nCount = rPropertyNames.getLength(); Sequence< Property > aProps( nCount ); Property* pProps = aProps.getArray(); const rtl::OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n< nCount; ++n ) { Property& rProp = pProps[ n ]; rProp.Name = pNames[ n ]; rProp.Handle = -1; // n/a // rProp.Type = // rProp.Attributes = ; } Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "getPropertyValues" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aProps; Any aResult = m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); Reference< XRow > xRow; aResult >>= xRow; return xRow; } //========================================================================= Reference< XRow > Content::getPropertyValuesInterface( const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& nPropertyHandles ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { sal_Int32 nCount = nPropertyHandles.getLength(); Sequence< Property > aProps( nCount ); Property* pProps = aProps.getArray(); const sal_Int32* pHandles = nPropertyHandles.getConstArray(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n< nCount; ++n ) { Property& rProp = pProps[ n ]; rProp.Name = rtl::OUString(); // n/a rProp.Handle = pHandles[ n ]; // rProp.Type = // rProp.Attributes = ; } Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "getPropertyValues" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aProps; Any aResult = m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); Reference< XRow > xRow; aResult >>= xRow; return xRow; } //========================================================================= Sequence< Any > Content::setPropertyValues( const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames, const Sequence< Any >& rValues ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { if ( rPropertyNames.getLength() != rValues.getLength() ) { ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( makeAny( IllegalArgumentException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Length of property names sequence and value " "sequence are unequal!" ), get(), -1 ) ), m_xImpl->getEnvironment() ); // Unreachable } sal_Int32 nCount = rValues.getLength(); Sequence< PropertyValue > aProps( nCount ); PropertyValue* pProps = aProps.getArray(); const rtl::OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); const Any* pValues = rValues.getConstArray(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n< nCount; ++n ) { PropertyValue& rProp = pProps[ n ]; rProp.Name = pNames[ n ]; rProp.Handle = -1; // n/a rProp.Value = pValues[ n ]; // rProp.State = ; } Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "setPropertyValues" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aProps; Any aResult = m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); Sequence< Any > aErrors; aResult >>= aErrors; return aErrors; } //========================================================================= Sequence< Any > Content::setPropertyValues( const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& nPropertyHandles, const Sequence< Any >& rValues ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { if ( nPropertyHandles.getLength() != rValues.getLength() ) { ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( makeAny( IllegalArgumentException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Length of property handles sequence and value " "sequence are unequal!" ), get(), -1 ) ), m_xImpl->getEnvironment() ); // Unreachable } sal_Int32 nCount = rValues.getLength(); Sequence< PropertyValue > aProps( nCount ); PropertyValue* pProps = aProps.getArray(); const sal_Int32* pHandles = nPropertyHandles.getConstArray(); const Any* pValues = rValues.getConstArray(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n< nCount; ++n ) { PropertyValue& rProp = pProps[ n ]; rProp.Name = rtl::OUString(); // n/a rProp.Handle = pHandles[ n ]; rProp.Value = pValues[ n ]; // rProp.State = ; } Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "setPropertyValues" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aProps; Any aResult = m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); Sequence< Any > aErrors; aResult >>= aErrors; return aErrors; } //========================================================================= Any Content::executeCommand( const rtl::OUString& rCommandName, const Any& rCommandArgument ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rCommandName; aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument = rCommandArgument; return m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); } //========================================================================= Any Content::executeCommand( sal_Int32 nCommandHandle, const Any& rCommandArgument ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString(); // n/a aCommand.Handle = nCommandHandle; aCommand.Argument = rCommandArgument; return m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); } //========================================================================= void Content::abortCommand() { m_xImpl->abortCommand(); } //========================================================================= Any Content::createCursorAny( const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { sal_Int32 nCount = rPropertyNames.getLength(); Sequence< Property > aProps( nCount ); Property* pProps = aProps.getArray(); const rtl::OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nCount; ++n ) { Property& rProp = pProps[ n ]; rProp.Name = pNames[ n ]; rProp.Handle = -1; // n/a } OpenCommandArgument2 aArg; aArg.Mode = ( eMode == INCLUDE_FOLDERS_ONLY ) ? OpenMode::FOLDERS : ( eMode == INCLUDE_DOCUMENTS_ONLY ) ? OpenMode::DOCUMENTS : OpenMode::ALL; aArg.Priority = 0; // unused aArg.Sink = Reference< XInterface >(); // unused aArg.Properties = aProps; Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "open" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aArg; return m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); } //========================================================================= Any Content::createCursorAny( const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& rPropertyHandles, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { sal_Int32 nCount = rPropertyHandles.getLength(); Sequence< Property > aProps( nCount ); Property* pProps = aProps.getArray(); const sal_Int32* pHandles = rPropertyHandles.getConstArray(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nCount; ++n ) { Property& rProp = pProps[ n ]; rProp.Name = rtl::OUString(); // n/a rProp.Handle = pHandles[ n ]; } OpenCommandArgument2 aArg; aArg.Mode = ( eMode == INCLUDE_FOLDERS_ONLY ) ? OpenMode::FOLDERS : ( eMode == INCLUDE_DOCUMENTS_ONLY ) ? OpenMode::DOCUMENTS : OpenMode::ALL; aArg.Priority = 0; // unused aArg.Sink = Reference< XInterface >(); // unused aArg.Properties = aProps; Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "open" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aArg; return m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); } //========================================================================= Reference< XResultSet > Content::createCursor( const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Any aCursorAny = createCursorAny( rPropertyNames, eMode ); Reference< XDynamicResultSet > xDynSet; Reference< XResultSet > aResult; aCursorAny >>= xDynSet; if ( xDynSet.is() ) aResult = xDynSet->getStaticResultSet(); OSL_ENSURE( aResult.is(), "Content::createCursor - no cursor!" ); if ( !aResult.is() ) { // Former, the open command directly returned a XResultSet. aCursorAny >>= aResult; OSL_ENSURE( !aResult.is(), "Content::createCursor - open-Command must " "return a Reference< XDynnamicResultSet >!" ); } return aResult; } //========================================================================= Reference< XResultSet > Content::createCursor( const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& rPropertyHandles, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Any aCursorAny = createCursorAny( rPropertyHandles, eMode ); Reference< XDynamicResultSet > xDynSet; Reference< XResultSet > aResult; aCursorAny >>= xDynSet; if ( xDynSet.is() ) aResult = xDynSet->getStaticResultSet(); OSL_ENSURE( aResult.is(), "Content::createCursor - no cursor!" ); if ( !aResult.is() ) { // Former, the open command directly returned a XResultSet. aCursorAny >>= aResult; OSL_ENSURE( !aResult.is(), "Content::createCursor - open-Command must " "return a Reference< XDynnamicResultSet >!" ); } return aResult; } //========================================================================= Reference< XDynamicResultSet > Content::createDynamicCursor( const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aResult; createCursorAny( rPropertyNames, eMode ) >>= aResult; OSL_ENSURE( aResult.is(), "Content::createDynamicCursor - no cursor!" ); return aResult; } //========================================================================= Reference< XDynamicResultSet > Content::createDynamicCursor( const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& rPropertyHandles, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aResult; createCursorAny( rPropertyHandles, eMode ) >>= aResult; OSL_ENSURE( aResult.is(), "Content::createDynamicCursor - no cursor!" ); return aResult; } //========================================================================= Reference< XDynamicResultSet > Content::createSortedDynamicCursor( const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::ucb::NumberedSortingInfo >& rSortInfo, Reference< XAnyCompareFactory > rAnyCompareFactory, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aResult; Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aOrigCursor = createDynamicCursor( rPropertyNames, eMode ); if( aOrigCursor.is() ) { Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > aServiceManager = m_xImpl->getServiceManager(); if( aServiceManager.is() ) { Reference< XSortedDynamicResultSetFactory > aSortFactory( aServiceManager->createInstance( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.ucb.SortedDynamicResultSetFactory" )), UNO_QUERY ); aResult = aSortFactory->createSortedDynamicResultSet( aOrigCursor, rSortInfo, rAnyCompareFactory ); } OSL_ENSURE( aResult.is(), "Content::createSortedDynamicCursor - no sorted cursor!\n" ); if( !aResult.is() ) aResult = aOrigCursor; } return aResult; } //========================================================================= Reference< XDynamicResultSet > Content::createSortedDynamicCursor( const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& rPropertyHandles, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::ucb::NumberedSortingInfo >& rSortInfo, Reference< XAnyCompareFactory > rAnyCompareFactory, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aResult; Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aOrigCursor = createDynamicCursor( rPropertyHandles, eMode ); if( aOrigCursor.is() ) { Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > aServiceManager = m_xImpl->getServiceManager(); if( aServiceManager.is() ) { Reference< XSortedDynamicResultSetFactory > aSortFactory( aServiceManager->createInstance( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.ucb.SortedDynamicResultSetFactory" )), UNO_QUERY ); aResult = aSortFactory->createSortedDynamicResultSet( aOrigCursor, rSortInfo, rAnyCompareFactory ); } OSL_ENSURE( aResult.is(), "Content::createSortedDynamicCursor - no sorted cursor!\n" ); if( !aResult.is() ) aResult = aOrigCursor; } return aResult; } //========================================================================= Reference< XResultSet > Content::createSortedCursor( const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::ucb::NumberedSortingInfo >& rSortInfo, Reference< XAnyCompareFactory > rAnyCompareFactory, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Reference< XResultSet > aResult; Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aDynSet; Any aCursorAny = createCursorAny( rPropertyNames, eMode ); aCursorAny >>= aDynSet; if( aDynSet.is() ) { Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aDynResult; Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > aServiceManager = m_xImpl->getServiceManager(); if( aServiceManager.is() ) { Reference< XSortedDynamicResultSetFactory > aSortFactory( aServiceManager->createInstance( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.ucb.SortedDynamicResultSetFactory" )), UNO_QUERY ); aDynResult = aSortFactory->createSortedDynamicResultSet( aDynSet, rSortInfo, rAnyCompareFactory ); } OSL_ENSURE( aDynResult.is(), "Content::createSortedCursor - no sorted cursor!\n" ); if( aDynResult.is() ) aResult = aDynResult->getStaticResultSet(); else aResult = aDynSet->getStaticResultSet(); } OSL_ENSURE( aResult.is(), "Content::createSortedCursor - no cursor!" ); if ( !aResult.is() ) { // Former, the open command directly returned a XResultSet. aCursorAny >>= aResult; OSL_ENSURE( !aResult.is(), "Content::createCursor - open-Command must " "return a Reference< XDynnamicResultSet >!" ); } return aResult; } //========================================================================= Reference< XResultSet > Content::createSortedCursor( const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& rPropertyHandles, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::ucb::NumberedSortingInfo >& rSortInfo, Reference< XAnyCompareFactory > rAnyCompareFactory, ResultSetInclude eMode ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { Reference< XResultSet > aResult; Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aDynSet; Any aCursorAny = createCursorAny( rPropertyHandles, eMode ); aCursorAny >>= aDynSet; if( aDynSet.is() ) { Reference< XDynamicResultSet > aDynResult; Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > aServiceManager = m_xImpl->getServiceManager(); if( aServiceManager.is() ) { Reference< XSortedDynamicResultSetFactory > aSortFactory( aServiceManager->createInstance( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.ucb.SortedDynamicResultSetFactory" )), UNO_QUERY ); aDynResult = aSortFactory->createSortedDynamicResultSet( aDynSet, rSortInfo, rAnyCompareFactory ); } OSL_ENSURE( aDynResult.is(), "Content::createSortedCursor - no sorted cursor!\n" ); if( aDynResult.is() ) aResult = aDynResult->getStaticResultSet(); else aResult = aDynSet->getStaticResultSet(); } OSL_ENSURE( aResult.is(), "Content::createSortedCursor - no cursor!" ); if ( !aResult.is() ) { // Former, the open command directly returned a XResultSet. aCursorAny >>= aResult; OSL_ENSURE( !aResult.is(), "Content::createCursor - open-Command must " "return a Reference< XDynnamicResultSet >!" ); } return aResult; } //========================================================================= Reference< XInputStream > Content::openStream() throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { if ( !isDocument() ) return Reference< XInputStream >(); Reference< XActiveDataSink > xSink = new ActiveDataSink; OpenCommandArgument2 aArg; aArg.Mode = OpenMode::DOCUMENT; aArg.Priority = 0; // unused aArg.Sink = xSink; aArg.Properties = Sequence< Property >( 0 ); // unused Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "open" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aArg; m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); return xSink->getInputStream(); } //========================================================================= Reference< XStream > Content::openWriteableStream() throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { if ( !isDocument() ) return Reference< XStream >(); Reference< XActiveDataStreamer > xStreamer = new ActiveDataStreamer; OpenCommandArgument2 aArg; aArg.Mode = OpenMode::DOCUMENT; aArg.Priority = 0; // unused aArg.Sink = xStreamer; aArg.Properties = Sequence< Property >( 0 ); // unused Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "open" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aArg; m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); return xStreamer->getStream(); } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::openStream( const Reference< XActiveDataSink >& rSink ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { if ( !isDocument() ) return sal_False; OpenCommandArgument2 aArg; aArg.Mode = OpenMode::DOCUMENT; aArg.Priority = 0; // unused aArg.Sink = rSink; aArg.Properties = Sequence< Property >( 0 ); // unused Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "open" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aArg; m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); return sal_True; } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::openStream( const Reference< XOutputStream >& rStream ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { if ( !isDocument() ) return sal_False; OpenCommandArgument2 aArg; aArg.Mode = OpenMode::DOCUMENT; aArg.Priority = 0; // unused aArg.Sink = rStream; aArg.Properties = Sequence< Property >( 0 ); // unused Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "open" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aArg; m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); return sal_True; } //========================================================================= void Content::writeStream( const Reference< XInputStream >& rStream, sal_Bool bReplaceExisting ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { InsertCommandArgument aArg; aArg.Data = rStream.is() ? rStream : new EmptyInputStream; aArg.ReplaceExisting = bReplaceExisting; Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "insert" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aArg; m_xImpl->executeCommand( aCommand ); m_xImpl->inserted(); } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::insertNewContent( const rtl::OUString& rContentType, const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames, const Sequence< Any >& rPropertyValues, Content& rNewContent ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { return insertNewContent( rContentType, rPropertyNames, rPropertyValues, new EmptyInputStream, rNewContent ); } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::insertNewContent( const rtl::OUString& rContentType, const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& nPropertyHandles, const Sequence< Any >& rPropertyValues, Content& rNewContent ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { return insertNewContent( rContentType, nPropertyHandles, rPropertyValues, new EmptyInputStream, rNewContent ); } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::insertNewContent( const rtl::OUString& rContentType, const Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames, const Sequence< Any >& rPropertyValues, const Reference< XInputStream >& rData, Content& rNewContent ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { if ( rContentType.getLength() == 0 ) return sal_False; Reference< XContentCreator > xCreator( m_xImpl->getContent(), UNO_QUERY ); OSL_ENSURE( xCreator.is(), "Content::insertNewContent - Not a XContentCreator!" ); if ( !xCreator.is() ) return sal_False; ContentInfo aInfo; aInfo.Type = rContentType; aInfo.Attributes = 0; Reference< XContent > xNew = xCreator->createNewContent( aInfo ); if ( !xNew.is() ) return sal_False; Content aNewContent( xNew, m_xImpl->getEnvironment() ); aNewContent.setPropertyValues( rPropertyNames, rPropertyValues ); aNewContent.executeCommand( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "insert" ), makeAny( InsertCommandArgument( rData.is() ? rData : new EmptyInputStream, sal_False /* ReplaceExisting */ ) ) ); aNewContent.m_xImpl->inserted(); rNewContent = aNewContent; return sal_True; } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::insertNewContent( const rtl::OUString& rContentType, const Sequence< sal_Int32 >& nPropertyHandles, const Sequence< Any >& rPropertyValues, const Reference< XInputStream >& rData, Content& rNewContent ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { if ( rContentType.getLength() == 0 ) return sal_False; Reference< XContentCreator > xCreator( m_xImpl->getContent(), UNO_QUERY ); OSL_ENSURE( xCreator.is(), "Content::insertNewContent - Not a XContentCreator!" ); if ( !xCreator.is() ) return sal_False; ContentInfo aInfo; aInfo.Type = rContentType; aInfo.Attributes = 0; Reference< XContent > xNew = xCreator->createNewContent( aInfo ); if ( !xNew.is() ) return sal_False; Content aNewContent( xNew, m_xImpl->getEnvironment() ); aNewContent.setPropertyValues( nPropertyHandles, rPropertyValues ); aNewContent.executeCommand( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "insert" ), makeAny( InsertCommandArgument( rData.is() ? rData : new EmptyInputStream, sal_False /* ReplaceExisting */ ) ) ); aNewContent.m_xImpl->inserted(); rNewContent = aNewContent; return sal_True; } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::transferContent( const Content& rSourceContent, InsertOperation eOperation, const rtl::OUString & rTitle, const sal_Int32 nNameClashAction ) throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = ucb::ContentBroker::get(); if ( !pBroker ) { OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "Content::transferContent - No Content Broker!" ); return sal_False; } Reference< XCommandProcessor > xCmdProc( pBroker->getCommandProcessorInterface() ); if ( !xCmdProc.is() ) { OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "Content::transferContent - No XCommandProcessor!" ); return sal_False; } // Execute command "globalTransfer" at UCB. TransferCommandOperation eTransOp; switch ( eOperation ) { case InsertOperation_COPY: eTransOp = TransferCommandOperation_COPY; break; case InsertOperation_MOVE: eTransOp = TransferCommandOperation_MOVE; break; case InsertOperation_LINK: eTransOp = TransferCommandOperation_LINK; break; default: ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( makeAny( IllegalArgumentException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Unknown transfer operation!" ), get(), -1 ) ), m_xImpl->getEnvironment() ); // Unreachable } GlobalTransferCommandArgument aTransferArg( eTransOp, rSourceContent.getURL(), // SourceURL getURL(), // TargetFolderURL, rTitle, nNameClashAction ); Command aCommand; aCommand.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "globalTransfer" ); aCommand.Handle = -1; // n/a aCommand.Argument <<= aTransferArg; xCmdProc->execute( aCommand, 0, m_xImpl->getEnvironment() ); return sal_True; } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::isFolder() throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { sal_Bool bFolder = sal_False; if ( getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "IsFolder" ) ) >>= bFolder ) return bFolder; ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( makeAny( UnknownPropertyException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Unable to retreive value of property 'IsFolder'!" ), get() ) ), m_xImpl->getEnvironment() ); // Unreachable - cancelCommandExecution always throws an exception. // But some compilers complain... return sal_False; } //========================================================================= sal_Bool Content::isDocument() throw( CommandAbortedException, RuntimeException, Exception ) { sal_Bool bDoc = sal_False; if ( getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "IsDocument" ) ) >>= bDoc ) return bDoc; ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( makeAny( UnknownPropertyException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Unable to retreive value of property 'IsDocument'!" ), get() ) ), m_xImpl->getEnvironment() ); // Unreachable - cancelCommandExecution always throws an exception, // But some compilers complain... return sal_False; } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= // // Content_Impl Implementation. // //========================================================================= //========================================================================= Content_Impl::Content_Impl( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rSMgr, const Reference< XContent >& rContent, const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& rEnv ) : m_xSMgr( rSMgr ), m_xContent( rContent ), m_xEnv( rEnv ), m_nCommandId( 0 ) { if ( m_xContent.is() ) { m_xContentEventListener = new ContentEventListener_Impl( *this ); m_xContent->addContentEventListener( m_xContentEventListener ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 // Only done on demand in product version for performance reasons, // but a nice debug helper. getURL(); #endif } } //========================================================================= void Content_Impl::reinit( const Reference< XContent >& xContent ) { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); m_xCommandProcessor = 0; m_nCommandId = 0; // #92581# - Don't reset m_aURL!!! if ( m_xContent.is() ) { try { m_xContent->removeContentEventListener( m_xContentEventListener ); } catch ( RuntimeException const & ) { } } if ( xContent.is() ) { m_xContent = xContent; m_xContent->addContentEventListener( m_xContentEventListener ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 // Only done on demand in product version for performance reasons, // but a nice debug helper. getURL(); #endif } else { // We need m_xContent's URL in order to be able to create the // content object again if demanded ( --> Content_Impl::getContent() ) getURL(); m_xContent = 0; } } //========================================================================= // virtual Content_Impl::~Content_Impl() { if ( m_xContent.is() ) { try { m_xContent->removeContentEventListener( m_xContentEventListener ); } catch ( RuntimeException const & ) { } } } //========================================================================= void Content_Impl::disposing( const EventObject& Source ) { Reference xContent; { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); if(Source.Source != m_xContent) return; xContent = m_xContent; m_nCommandId = 0; m_aURL = rtl::OUString(); m_xCommandProcessor = 0; m_xContent = 0; } if ( xContent.is() ) { try { xContent->removeContentEventListener( m_xContentEventListener ); } catch ( RuntimeException const & ) { } } } //========================================================================= const rtl::OUString& Content_Impl::getURL() const { if ( !m_aURL.getLength() && m_xContent.is() ) { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); if ( !m_aURL.getLength() && m_xContent.is() ) { Reference< XContentIdentifier > xId = m_xContent->getIdentifier(); if ( xId.is() ) m_aURL = xId->getContentIdentifier(); } } return m_aURL; } //========================================================================= Reference< XContent > Content_Impl::getContent() { if ( !m_xContent.is() && m_aURL.getLength() ) { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); if ( !m_xContent.is() && m_aURL.getLength() ) { ucb::ContentBroker* pBroker = ucb::ContentBroker::get(); OSL_ENSURE( pBroker, "No Content Broker!" ); if ( pBroker ) { OSL_ENSURE( pBroker->getContentProviderManagerInterface() ->queryContentProviders().getLength(), "Content Broker not configured (no providers)!" ); Reference< XContentIdentifierFactory > xIdFac = pBroker->getContentIdentifierFactoryInterface(); OSL_ENSURE( xIdFac.is(), "No Content Identifier factory!" ); if ( xIdFac.is() ) { Reference< XContentIdentifier > xId = xIdFac->createContentIdentifier( m_aURL ); OSL_ENSURE( xId.is(), "No Content Identifier!" ); if ( xId.is() ) { Reference< XContentProvider > xProvider = pBroker->getContentProviderInterface(); OSL_ENSURE( xProvider.is(), "No Content Provider!" ); if ( xProvider.is() ) { try { m_xContent = xProvider->queryContent( xId ); } catch ( IllegalIdentifierException const & ) { } if ( m_xContent.is() ) m_xContent->addContentEventListener( m_xContentEventListener ); } } } } } } return m_xContent; } //========================================================================= Reference< XCommandProcessor > Content_Impl::getCommandProcessor() { if ( !m_xCommandProcessor.is() ) { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); if ( !m_xCommandProcessor.is() ) m_xCommandProcessor = Reference< XCommandProcessor >( getContent(), UNO_QUERY ); } return m_xCommandProcessor; } //========================================================================= sal_Int32 Content_Impl::getCommandId() { if ( m_nCommandId == 0 ) { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); if ( m_nCommandId == 0 ) { Reference< XCommandProcessor > xProc = getCommandProcessor(); if ( xProc.is() ) m_nCommandId = xProc->createCommandIdentifier(); } } return m_nCommandId; } //========================================================================= Any Content_Impl::executeCommand( const Command& rCommand ) { Reference< XCommandProcessor > xProc = getCommandProcessor(); if ( !xProc.is() ) return Any(); // Execute command return xProc->execute( rCommand, getCommandId(), m_xEnv ); } //========================================================================= void Content_Impl::abortCommand() { sal_Int32 nCommandId; Reference< XCommandProcessor > xCommandProcessor; { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); nCommandId = m_nCommandId; xCommandProcessor = m_xCommandProcessor; } if ( ( nCommandId != 0 ) && xCommandProcessor.is() ) xCommandProcessor->abort( nCommandId ); } //========================================================================= inline const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& Content_Impl::getEnvironment() const { return m_xEnv; } //========================================================================= inline void Content_Impl::setEnvironment( const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& xNewEnv ) { osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); m_xEnv = xNewEnv; } //========================================================================= void Content_Impl::inserted() { // URL might have changed during 'insert' => recalculate in next getURL() osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); m_aURL = ::rtl::OUString(); } //========================================================================= //========================================================================= // // ContentEventListener_Impl Implementation. // //========================================================================= //========================================================================= //========================================================================= // // XInterface methods. // //========================================================================= XINTERFACE_IMPL_2( ContentEventListener_Impl, XContentEventListener, XEventListener ); /* base of XContentEventListener */ //========================================================================= // // XContentEventListener methods. // //========================================================================= // virtual void SAL_CALL ContentEventListener_Impl::contentEvent( const ContentEvent& evt ) throw( RuntimeException ) { if ( evt.Source == m_rContent.m_xContent ) { switch ( evt.Action ) { case ContentAction::DELETED: m_rContent.reinit( Reference< XContent >() ); break; case ContentAction::EXCHANGED: m_rContent.reinit( evt.Content ); break; default: break; } } } //========================================================================= // // XEventListenr methods. // //========================================================================= // virtual void SAL_CALL ContentEventListener_Impl::disposing( const EventObject& Source ) throw( RuntimeException ) { m_rContent.disposing(Source); } } /* namespace ucb */