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    import uno
except ImportError:
    print("pyuno not found: try to set PYTHONPATH and URE_BOOTSTRAP variables")

def mkPropertyValue(name, value):
    """ Create a UNO PropertyValue from two input values.
    return uno.createUnoStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue",
            name, 0, value, 0)

def mkPropertyValues(vals):
    """ Create UNO property values from a map.
    return tuple([mkPropertyValue(name, value) for (name, value) in vals.items()])

def convert_property_values_to_dict(propMap):
    """ Create a dictionary from a sequence of property values
    ret = {}
    for entry in propMap:
        name = entry.Name
        val = entry.Value
        ret[name] = val

    return ret

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