import type_options /* this file is for The Grammar of: 1) ButtonUIObject : ( Click event ) 2) EditUIObject : ( Type event - Clear event - Select Text event ) 3) CheckBoxUIObject : ( Toggle the value ) 4) RadioButtonUIObject : ( Select event ) 5) ListBoxUIObject : ( Select event ) 6) ComboBoxUIObject ( Select event ) 7) SpinUIObject ( Increase event - Decrease event ) 8) TabControlUIObject ( Change tab event ) */ UIObjectCommand: ButtonUIObject | CheckBoxUIObject | EditUIObject | RadioButtonUIObject | ListBoxUIObject | ComboBoxUIObject | SpinFieldUIObject | TabControlUIObject ; ButtonUIObject: 'Click on' ui_button=STRING ('from' parent_id=ID)? ; CheckBoxUIObject: 'Toggle' Check_box_id=STRING 'CheckBox' ('from' parent_id=ID)? ; RadioButtonUIObject: 'Select' Radio_button_id=STRING 'RadioButton' ('from' parent_id=ID)? ; ComboBoxUIObject: 'Select in' Combo_box_id=STRING 'ComboBox' 'item number' item_num=INT ('from' parent_id=ID)? ; TabControlUIObject: 'Choose Tab number' tab_page_number=INT 'in' tab_id=STRING ('from' parent_id=ID)? ; EditUIObject: action=action_on_UIObject ('from' parent_id=ID)? ; SpinFieldUIObject: change=increase_or_ecrease Spin_id=STRING ('from' parent_id=ID)? ; ListBoxUIObject: 'Select element with position ' POS=INT 'in' list_id=STRING ('from' parent_id=ID)? ; //============================================================= //helper grammar for EditUIObject action_on_UIObject: Type_action | SELECT | Clear ; Type_action: 'Type on' edit_button=STRING what_to_type=Type_options ; SELECT: 'Select in ' edit_button=STRING '{"FROM": "' from_pos=INT '" , "TO" : "'to_pos=INT '"}' ; Clear: 'Clear' edit_button=STRING ; //============================================================= //helper functions for SpinUIObject increase_or_ecrease: 'Increase' | 'Decrease' ;