/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #pragma once #include <sal/config.h> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <rtl/ustring.hxx> #include <sal/types.h> #define YYLTYPE int typedef void * yyscan_t; namespace unoidl::detail { struct SourceProviderEntity; enum SourceProviderAccessDecls { ACCESS_DECL_GET = 0x1, ACCESS_DECL_SET = 0x2 }; enum SourceProviderFlags { FLAG_ATTRIBUTE = 0x001, FLAG_BOUND = 0x002, FLAG_CONSTRAINED = 0x004, FLAG_MAYBEAMBIGUOUS = 0x008, FLAG_MAYBEDEFAULT = 0x010, FLAG_MAYBEVOID = 0x020, FLAG_OPTIONAL = 0x040, FLAG_PROPERTY = 0x080, FLAG_READONLY = 0x100, FLAG_REMOVABLE = 0x200, FLAG_TRANSIENT = 0x400 }; struct SourceProviderExpr { static SourceProviderExpr Bool(bool v) { SourceProviderExpr e; e.type = TYPE_BOOL; e.bval = v; return e; } static SourceProviderExpr Int(sal_Int64 v) { SourceProviderExpr e; e.type = TYPE_INT; e.ival = v; return e; } static SourceProviderExpr Uint(sal_uInt64 v) { SourceProviderExpr e; e.type = TYPE_UINT; e.uval = v; return e; } static SourceProviderExpr Float(double v) { SourceProviderExpr e; e.type = TYPE_FLOAT; e.fval = v; return e; } enum Type { TYPE_BOOL, TYPE_INT, TYPE_UINT, TYPE_FLOAT }; Type type; union { bool bval; sal_Int64 ival; sal_uInt64 uval; double fval; }; }; struct SourceProviderType { enum Type { TYPE_VOID, TYPE_BOOLEAN, TYPE_BYTE, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT, TYPE_LONG, TYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG, TYPE_HYPER, TYPE_UNSIGNED_HYPER, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_CHAR, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_TYPE, TYPE_ANY, TYPE_SEQUENCE, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_PLAIN_STRUCT, TYPE_EXCEPTION, TYPE_INTERFACE, TYPE_INSTANTIATED_POLYMORPHIC_STRUCT, TYPE_PARAMETER }; SourceProviderType(): type(), entity() // avoid false warnings about uninitialized members {} explicit SourceProviderType(Type theType): type(theType), entity() // avoid false warnings about uninitialized member { assert(theType <= TYPE_ANY); } explicit SourceProviderType(SourceProviderType const * componentType): type(TYPE_SEQUENCE), entity() // avoid false warnings about uninitialized member { assert(componentType != nullptr); subtypes.push_back(*componentType); } SourceProviderType( Type theType, OUString theName, SourceProviderEntity const * theEntity): type(theType), name(std::move(theName)), entity(theEntity) { assert(theType >= TYPE_ENUM && theType <= TYPE_INTERFACE); assert(theEntity != nullptr); } SourceProviderType( OUString polymorphicStructTypeTemplateName, SourceProviderEntity const * theEntity, std::vector<SourceProviderType>&& typeArguments): type(TYPE_INSTANTIATED_POLYMORPHIC_STRUCT), name(std::move(polymorphicStructTypeTemplateName)), entity(theEntity), subtypes(std::move(typeArguments)) { assert(theEntity != nullptr); } explicit SourceProviderType(OUString identifier): type(TYPE_PARAMETER), name(std::move(identifier)), entity() // avoid false warnings about uninitialized member {} OUString getName() const; bool equals(SourceProviderType const & other) const; Type type; OUString name; // TYPE_ENUM ... TYPE_PARAMETER SourceProviderEntity const * entity; // TYPE_ENUM ... TYPE_INSTANTIATED_POLYMOPRHIC_STRUCT std::vector<SourceProviderType> subtypes; // TYPE_SEQUENCE, TYPE_INSTANTIATED_POLYMOPRHIC_STRUCT OUString typedefName; }; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */