 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_unotools.hxx"
#ifndef GCC

//  includes

#include <unotools/dynamicmenuoptions.hxx>
#include <unotools/moduleoptions.hxx>
#include <unotools/configmgr.hxx>
#include <unotools/configitem.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Any.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>

#ifndef __SGI_STL_VECTOR
#include <vector>

#include <itemholder1.hxx>

#include <algorithm>

//  namespaces

using namespace ::std                   ;
using namespace ::utl                   ;
using namespace ::rtl                   ;
using namespace ::osl                   ;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno   ;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans ;

//  const

#define ROOTNODE_MENUS                                  OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Office.Common/Menus/"     ))
#define PATHDELIMITER                                   OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/"                        ))

#define SETNODE_NEWMENU                                 OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("New"                      ))
#define SETNODE_WIZARDMENU                              OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Wizard"                   ))
#define SETNODE_HELPBOOKMARKS                           OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("HelpBookmarks"            ))

#define PROPERTYNAME_URL                                DYNAMICMENU_PROPERTYNAME_URL

#define PROPERTYCOUNT                                   4

#define OFFSET_URL                                      0
#define OFFSET_TITLE                                    1
#define OFFSET_IMAGEIDENTIFIER                          2
#define OFFSET_TARGETNAME                               3

#define PATHPREFIX_SETUP                                OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("m"                        ))
#define PATHPREFIX_USER                                 OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("u"                        ))

//  private declarations!

    @descr  struct to hold information about one menu entry.
struct SvtDynMenuEntry
        SvtDynMenuEntry() {};

        SvtDynMenuEntry(  const OUString& sNewURL             ,
                    const OUString& sNewTitle           ,
                    const OUString& sNewImageIdentifier ,
                    const OUString& sNewTargetName      )
            sURL                = sNewURL               ;
            sTitle              = sNewTitle             ;
            sImageIdentifier    = sNewImageIdentifier   ;
            sTargetName         = sNewTargetName        ;

        OUString    sName               ;
        OUString    sURL                ;
        OUString    sTitle              ;
        OUString    sImageIdentifier    ;
        OUString    sTargetName         ;

    @descr  support simple menu structures and operations on it
class SvtDynMenu
        // append setup written menu entry
        // Don't touch name of entry. It was defined by setup and must be the same every time!
        // Look for double menu entries here too ... may be some seperator items are supeflous ...
        void AppendSetupEntry( const SvtDynMenuEntry& rEntry )
                ( lSetupEntries.size()         <  1           )  ||
                ( lSetupEntries.rbegin()->sURL != rEntry.sURL )
                lSetupEntries.push_back( rEntry );

        // append user specific menu entry
        // We must find unique name for it by using special prefix
        // and next count of user setted entries!
        // Look for double menu entries here too ... may be some seperator items are supeflous ...
        void AppendUserEntry( SvtDynMenuEntry& rEntry )
                ( lUserEntries.size()         <  1           )  ||
                ( lUserEntries.rbegin()->sURL != rEntry.sURL )
                rEntry.sName  = PATHPREFIX_USER;
                rEntry.sName += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)impl_getNextUserEntryNr() );
                lUserEntries.push_back( rEntry );

        // the only way to free memory!
        void Clear()

        // convert internal list to external format
        // for using it on right menus really
        // Notice:   We build a property list with 4 entries and set it on result list then.
        //           The while-loop starts with pointer on internal member list lSetupEntries, change to
        //           lUserEntries then and stop after that with NULL!
        //           Separator entries will be packed in another way then normal entries! We define
        //           special strings "sEmpty" and "sSeperator" to perform too ...
        Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > GetList() const
            sal_Int32                             nSetupCount = (sal_Int32)lSetupEntries.size();
            sal_Int32                             nUserCount  = (sal_Int32)lUserEntries.size();
            sal_Int32                             nStep       = 0;
            Sequence< PropertyValue >             lProperties ( PROPERTYCOUNT );
            Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > lResult     ( nSetupCount+nUserCount );
            OUString                              sSeperator  ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("private:separator") );
            OUString                              sEmpty      ;
            const vector< SvtDynMenuEntry >*            pList       = &lSetupEntries;

            lProperties[OFFSET_URL            ].Name = PROPERTYNAME_URL             ;
            lProperties[OFFSET_TITLE          ].Name = PROPERTYNAME_TITLE           ;
            lProperties[OFFSET_TARGETNAME     ].Name = PROPERTYNAME_TARGETNAME      ;

            while( pList != NULL )
                for( vector< SvtDynMenuEntry >::const_iterator pItem =pList->begin();
                                                         pItem!=pList->end()  ;
                                                         ++pItem              )
                    if( pItem->sURL == sSeperator )
                        lProperties[OFFSET_URL              ].Value <<= sSeperator  ;
                        lProperties[OFFSET_TITLE            ].Value <<= sEmpty      ;
                        lProperties[OFFSET_IMAGEIDENTIFIER  ].Value <<= sEmpty      ;
                        lProperties[OFFSET_TARGETNAME       ].Value <<= sEmpty      ;
                        lProperties[OFFSET_URL              ].Value <<= pItem->sURL            ;
                        lProperties[OFFSET_TITLE            ].Value <<= pItem->sTitle          ;
                        lProperties[OFFSET_IMAGEIDENTIFIER  ].Value <<= pItem->sImageIdentifier;
                        lProperties[OFFSET_TARGETNAME       ].Value <<= pItem->sTargetName     ;
                    lResult[nStep] = lProperties;
                if( pList == &lSetupEntries )
                    pList = &lUserEntries;
                    pList = NULL;
            return lResult;

        // search for an entry named "ux" with x=[0..i] inside our menu
        // which has set highest number x. So we can add another user entry.
        sal_Int32 impl_getNextUserEntryNr() const
            sal_Int32 nNr = 0;
            for( vector< SvtDynMenuEntry >::const_iterator pItem =lUserEntries.begin();
                                                     pItem!=lUserEntries.end()  ;
                                                     ++pItem                    )
                if( pItem->sName.compareTo( PATHPREFIX_USER, 1 ) == 0 )
                    OUString  sNr      = pItem->sName.copy( 1, pItem->sName.getLength()-1 );
                    sal_Int32 nCheckNr = sNr.toInt32();
                    if( nCheckNr > nNr )
                        nNr = nCheckNr;
            // Attention: Code isn't prepared for recyling of unused fragmented numbers!
            // If we reach end of sal_Int32 range ... we must stop further working ...
            // But I think nobody expand a menu to more then 1000 ... 100000 ... entries ... or?
            DBG_ASSERT( !(nNr>0x7fffffff), "Menu::impl_getNextUserEntryNr()\nUser count can be out of range next time ...\n" );
            return nNr;

        vector< SvtDynMenuEntry > lSetupEntries;
        vector< SvtDynMenuEntry > lUserEntries ;

class SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl : public ConfigItem
    //  public methods


        //  constructor / destructor


        //  overloaded methods of baseclass

            @short      called for notify of configmanager
            @descr      These method is called from the ConfigManager before application ends or from the
                         PropertyChangeListener if the sub tree broadcasts changes. You must update your
                        internal values.

            @seealso    baseclass ConfigItem

            @param      "lPropertyNames" is the list of properties which should be updated.
            @return     -

            @onerror    -

        virtual void Notify( const Sequence< OUString >& lPropertyNames );

            @short      write changes to configuration
            @descr      These method writes the changed values into the sub tree
                        and should always called in our destructor to guarantee consistency of config data.

            @seealso    baseclass ConfigItem

            @param      -
            @return     -

            @onerror    -

        virtual void Commit();

        //  public interface

            @short      base implementation of public interface for "SvtDynamicMenuOptions"!
            @descr      These class is used as static member of "SvtDynamicMenuOptions" ...
                        => The code exist only for one time and isn't duplicated for every instance!

            @seealso    -

            @param      -
            @return     -

            @onerror    -

        void                                    Clear       (           EDynamicMenuType    eMenu           );
        Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > >   GetMenu     (           EDynamicMenuType    eMenu           ) const ;
        void                                    AppendItem  (           EDynamicMenuType    eMenu           ,
                                                                const   OUString&           sURL            ,
                                                                const   OUString&           sTitle          ,
                                                                const   OUString&           sImageIdentifier,
                                                                const   OUString&           sTargetName     );

    //  private methods


            @short      return list of key names of our configuration management which represent oue module tree
            @descr      These methods return the current list of key names! We need it to get needed values from our
                        configuration management and support dynamical menu item lists!

            @seealso    -

            @param      "nNewCount"     ,   returns count of menu entries for "new"
            @param      "nWizardCount"  ,   returns count of menu entries for "wizard"
            @return     A list of configuration key names is returned.

            @onerror    -

        Sequence< OUString > impl_GetPropertyNames( sal_uInt32& nNewCount, sal_uInt32& nWizardCount, sal_uInt32& nHelpBookmarksCount );

            @short      sort given source list and expand it for all well known properties to destination
            @descr      We must support sets of entries with count inside the name .. but some of them could be missing!
                        e.g. s1-s2-s3-s0-u1-s6-u5-u7
                        Then we must sort it by name and expand it to the follow one:
                        Rules: We start with all setup written entries names "sx" and x=[0..n].
                        Then we handle all "ux" items. Inside these blocks we sort it ascending by number.

            @attention  We add these expanded list to the end of given "lDestination" list!
                        So we must start on "lDestination.getLength()".
                        Reallocation of memory of destination list is done by us!

            @seealso    method impl_GetPropertyNames()

            @param      "lSource"      ,   original list (e.g. [m1-m2-m3-m6-m0] )
            @param      "lDestination" ,   destination of operation
            @param      "sSetNode"     ,   name of configuration set to build complete path
            @return     A list of configuration key names is returned.

            @onerror    -

        void impl_SortAndExpandPropertyNames( const Sequence< OUString >& lSource      ,
                                                    Sequence< OUString >& lDestination ,
                                              const OUString&             sSetNode     );

    //  private member


        SvtDynMenu  m_aNewMenu              ;
        SvtDynMenu  m_aWizardMenu           ;
        SvtDynMenu  m_aHelpBookmarksMenu    ;

//  definitions

//  constructor
    // Init baseclasses first
    :   ConfigItem( ROOTNODE_MENUS )
    // Init member then...
    // Get names and values of all accessible menu entries and fill internal structures.
    // See impl_GetPropertyNames() for further informations.
    sal_uInt32              nNewCount           = 0;
    sal_uInt32              nWizardCount        = 0;
    sal_uInt32              nHelpBookmarksCount = 0;
    Sequence< OUString >    lNames              = impl_GetPropertyNames ( nNewCount           ,
                                                                          nWizardCount        ,
                                                                          nHelpBookmarksCount );
    Sequence< Any >         lValues             = GetProperties         ( lNames              );

    // Safe impossible cases.
    // We need values from ALL configuration keys.
    // Follow assignment use order of values in relation to our list of key names!
    DBG_ASSERT( !(lNames.getLength()!=lValues.getLength()), "SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl()\nI miss some values of configuration keys!\n" );

    // Copy values from list in right order to ouer internal member.
    // Attention: List for names and values have an internal construction pattern!
    // first "New" menu ...
    //      Name                            Value
    //      /New/1/URL                      "private:factory/swriter"
    //      /New/1/Title                    "Neues Writer Dokument"
    //      /New/1/ImageIdentifier          "icon_writer"
    //      /New/1/TargetName               "_blank"
    //      /New/2/URL                      "private:factory/scalc"
    //      /New/2/Title                    "Neues Calc Dokument"
    //      /New/2/ImageIdentifier          "icon_calc"
    //      /New/2/TargetName               "_blank"
    // second "Wizard" menu ...
    //      /Wizard/1/URL                   "file://b"
    //      /Wizard/1/Title                 "MalWas"
    //      /Wizard/1/ImageIdentifier       "icon_?"
    //      /Wizard/1/TargetName            "_self"
    //      ... and so on ...

    sal_uInt32  nItem     = 0 ;
    sal_uInt32  nPosition = 0 ;
    OUString    sName         ;

    // We must use these one instance object(!) to get information about installed modules.
    // These information are used to filter menu entries which need not installed modules ...
    // Such entries shouldn't be available then!
    // see impl_IsEntrySupported() too
    SvtModuleOptions aModuleOptions;

    // Get names/values for new menu.
    // 4 subkeys for every item!
    for( nItem=0; nItem<nNewCount; ++nItem )
        SvtDynMenuEntry   aItem                       ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sURL             ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sTitle           ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sImageIdentifier ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sTargetName      ;
        m_aNewMenu.AppendSetupEntry( aItem );

    // Attention: Don't reset nPosition here!

    // Get names/values for wizard menu.
    // 4 subkeys for every item!
    for( nItem=0; nItem<nWizardCount; ++nItem )
        SvtDynMenuEntry   aItem                       ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sURL             ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sTitle           ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sImageIdentifier ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sTargetName      ;
        m_aWizardMenu.AppendSetupEntry( aItem );

    // Attention: Don't reset nPosition here!

    // Get names/values for wizard menu.
    // 4 subkeys for every item!
    for( nItem=0; nItem<nHelpBookmarksCount; ++nItem )
        SvtDynMenuEntry   aItem                       ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sURL             ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sTitle           ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sImageIdentifier ;
        lValues[nPosition] >>= aItem.sTargetName      ;
        m_aHelpBookmarksMenu.AppendSetupEntry( aItem );

/*TODO: Not used in the moment! see Notify() ...
    // Enable notification mechanism of ouer baseclass.
    // We need it to get information about changes outside these class on ouer used configuration keys!
    EnableNotification( lNames );

//  destructor
    // We must save our current values .. if user forget it!
    if( IsModified() == sal_True )

//  public method
void SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::Notify( const Sequence< OUString >& )
    DBG_ASSERT( sal_False, "SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::Notify()\nNot implemented yet! I don't know how I can handle a dynamical list of unknown properties ...\n" );

//  public method
void SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::Commit()
    DBG_ERROR( "SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::Commit()\nNot implemented yet!\n" );
    // Write all properties!
    // Delete complete sets first.
    ClearNodeSet( SETNODE_NEWMENU    );

    MenuEntry                    aItem                           ;
    OUString                    sNode                           ;
    Sequence< PropertyValue >   lPropertyValues( PROPERTYCOUNT );
    sal_uInt32                  nItem          = 0              ;

    // Copy "new" menu entries to save-list!
    sal_uInt32 nNewCount = m_aNewMenu.size();
    for( nItem=0; nItem<nNewCount; ++nItem )
        aItem = m_aNewMenu[nItem];
        // Format:  "New/1/URL"
        //          "New/1/Title"
        //          ...
        sNode = SETNODE_NEWMENU + PATHDELIMITER + PATHPREFIX + OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)nItem ) + PATHDELIMITER;

        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_URL             ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_URL             ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TITLE           ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_TITLE           ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TARGETNAME      ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_TARGETNAME      ;

        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_URL             ].Value <<= aItem.sURL                           ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TITLE           ].Value <<= aItem.sTitle                         ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_IMAGEIDENTIFIER ].Value <<= aItem.sImageIdentifier               ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TARGETNAME      ].Value <<= aItem.sTargetName                    ;

        SetSetProperties( SETNODE_NEWMENU, lPropertyValues );

    // Copy "wizard" menu entries to save-list!
    sal_uInt32 nWizardCount = m_aWizardMenu.size();
    for( nItem=0; nItem<nWizardCount; ++nItem )
        aItem = m_aWizardMenu[nItem];
        // Format:  "Wizard/1/URL"
        //          "Wizard/1/Title"
        //          ...
        sNode = SETNODE_WIZARDMENU + PATHDELIMITER + PATHPREFIX + OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)nItem ) + PATHDELIMITER;

        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_URL             ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_URL             ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TITLE           ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_TITLE           ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TARGETNAME      ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_TARGETNAME      ;

        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_URL             ].Value <<= aItem.sURL                           ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TITLE           ].Value <<= aItem.sTitle                         ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_IMAGEIDENTIFIER ].Value <<= aItem.sImageIdentifier               ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TARGETNAME      ].Value <<= aItem.sTargetName                    ;

        SetSetProperties( SETNODE_WIZARDMENU, lPropertyValues );

    // Copy help bookmarks entries to save-list!
    sal_uInt32 nHelpBookmarksCount = m_aHelpBookmarksMenu.size();
    for( nItem=0; nItem<nHelpBookmarksCount; ++nItem )
        aItem = m_aHelpBookmarksMenu[nItem];
        // Format:  "HelpBookmarks/1/URL"
        //          "HelpBookmarks/1/Title"
        //          ...

        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_URL             ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_URL             ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TITLE           ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_TITLE           ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TARGETNAME      ].Name  =   sNode + PROPERTYNAME_TARGETNAME      ;

        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_URL             ].Value <<= aItem.sURL                           ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TITLE           ].Value <<= aItem.sTitle                         ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_IMAGEIDENTIFIER ].Value <<= aItem.sImageIdentifier               ;
        lPropertyValues[OFFSET_TARGETNAME      ].Value <<= aItem.sTargetName                    ;

        SetSetProperties( SETNODE_HELPBOOKMARKS, lPropertyValues );

//  public method
void SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::Clear( EDynamicMenuType eMenu )
    switch( eMenu )
        case E_NEWMENU      :   {

        case E_WIZARDMENU   :   {

        case E_HELPBOOKMARKS :  {

//  public method
Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::GetMenu( EDynamicMenuType eMenu ) const
    Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > lReturn;
    switch( eMenu )
        case E_NEWMENU      :   {
                                    lReturn = m_aNewMenu.GetList();

        case E_WIZARDMENU   :   {
                                    lReturn = m_aWizardMenu.GetList();

        case E_HELPBOOKMARKS :  {
                                    lReturn = m_aHelpBookmarksMenu.GetList();
    return lReturn;

//  public method
void SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::AppendItem(            EDynamicMenuType    eMenu           ,
                                                const   OUString&           sURL            ,
                                                const   OUString&           sTitle          ,
                                                const   OUString&           sImageIdentifier,
                                                const   OUString&           sTargetName     )
    SvtDynMenuEntry aItem( sURL, sTitle, sImageIdentifier, sTargetName );

    switch( eMenu )
        case E_NEWMENU  :   {
                                m_aNewMenu.AppendUserEntry( aItem );

        case E_WIZARDMENU   :   {
                                m_aWizardMenu.AppendUserEntry( aItem );

        case E_HELPBOOKMARKS :  {
                                m_aHelpBookmarksMenu.AppendUserEntry( aItem );

//  private method
Sequence< OUString > SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::impl_GetPropertyNames( sal_uInt32& nNewCount, sal_uInt32& nWizardCount, sal_uInt32& nHelpBookmarksCount )
    // First get ALL names of current existing list items in configuration!
    Sequence< OUString > lNewItems           = GetNodeNames( SETNODE_NEWMENU       );
    Sequence< OUString > lWizardItems        = GetNodeNames( SETNODE_WIZARDMENU    );
    Sequence< OUString > lHelpBookmarksItems = GetNodeNames( SETNODE_HELPBOOKMARKS );

    // Get information about list counts ...
    nNewCount           = lNewItems.getLength          ();
    nWizardCount        = lWizardItems.getLength       ();
    nHelpBookmarksCount = lHelpBookmarksItems.getLength();

    // Sort and expand all three list to result list ...
    Sequence< OUString > lProperties;
    impl_SortAndExpandPropertyNames( lNewItems          , lProperties, SETNODE_NEWMENU       );
    impl_SortAndExpandPropertyNames( lWizardItems       , lProperties, SETNODE_WIZARDMENU    );
    impl_SortAndExpandPropertyNames( lHelpBookmarksItems, lProperties, SETNODE_HELPBOOKMARKS );

    // Return result.
    return lProperties;

//  private helper
class CountWithPrefixSort
        int operator() ( const OUString& s1 ,
                         const OUString& s2 ) const
            // Get order numbers from entry name without prefix.
            // e.g. "m10" => 10
            //      "m5"  => 5
            sal_Int32 n1 = s1.copy( 1, s1.getLength()-1 ).toInt32();
            sal_Int32 n2 = s2.copy( 1, s2.getLength()-1 ).toInt32();
            // MUST be in [0,1] ... because it's a difference between
            // insert-positions of given entries in sorted list!
            return( n1<n2 );

class SelectByPrefix
        bool operator() ( const OUString& s ) const
            // Prefer setup written entries by check first letter of given string. It must be a "s".
            return( s.indexOf( PATHPREFIX_SETUP ) == 0 );

//  private method
void SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl::impl_SortAndExpandPropertyNames( const Sequence< OUString >& lSource      ,
                                                                        Sequence< OUString >& lDestination ,
                                                                  const OUString&             sSetNode     )
    OUString            sFixPath                                    ;
    vector< OUString >  lTemp                                       ;
    sal_Int32           nSourceCount     = lSource.getLength()      ;
    sal_Int32           nDestinationStep = lDestination.getLength() ; // start on end of current list ...!

    lDestination.realloc( (nSourceCount*PROPERTYCOUNT)+nDestinationStep ); // get enough memory for copy operations after nDestination ...

    // Copy all items to temp. vector to use fast sort operations :-)
    for( sal_Int32 nSourceStep=0; nSourceStep<nSourceCount; ++nSourceStep )
        lTemp.push_back( lSource[nSourceStep] );

    // Sort all entries by number ...
    stable_sort( lTemp.begin(), lTemp.end(), CountWithPrefixSort() );
    // and split into setup & user written entries!
    stable_partition( lTemp.begin(), lTemp.end(), SelectByPrefix() );

    // Copy sorted entries to destination and expand every item with
    // 4 supported sub properties.
    for( vector< OUString >::const_iterator pItem =lTemp.begin() ;
                                            pItem!=lTemp.end()   ;
                                            ++pItem              )
        sFixPath  = sSetNode       ;
        sFixPath += PATHDELIMITER  ;
        sFixPath += *pItem         ;
        sFixPath += PATHDELIMITER  ;

        lDestination[nDestinationStep]  = sFixPath                      ;
        lDestination[nDestinationStep] += PROPERTYNAME_URL              ;
        lDestination[nDestinationStep]  = sFixPath                      ;
        lDestination[nDestinationStep] += PROPERTYNAME_TITLE            ;
        lDestination[nDestinationStep]  = sFixPath                      ;
        lDestination[nDestinationStep] += PROPERTYNAME_IMAGEIDENTIFIER  ;
        lDestination[nDestinationStep]  = sFixPath                      ;
        lDestination[nDestinationStep] += PROPERTYNAME_TARGETNAME       ;

//  initialize static member
//  see definition for further informations
SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl*     SvtDynamicMenuOptions::m_pDataContainer = NULL  ;
sal_Int32                       SvtDynamicMenuOptions::m_nRefCount      = 0     ;

//  constructor
    // Global access, must be guarded (multithreading!).
    MutexGuard aGuard( GetOwnStaticMutex() );
    // Increase ouer refcount ...
    // ... and initialize ouer data container only if it not already exist!
    if( m_pDataContainer == NULL )
        m_pDataContainer = new SvtDynamicMenuOptions_Impl;

//  destructor
    // Global access, must be guarded (multithreading!)
    MutexGuard aGuard( GetOwnStaticMutex() );
    // Decrease ouer refcount.
    // If last instance was deleted ...
    // we must destroy ouer static data container!
    if( m_nRefCount <= 0 )
        delete m_pDataContainer;
        m_pDataContainer = NULL;

//  public method
void SvtDynamicMenuOptions::Clear( EDynamicMenuType eMenu )
    MutexGuard aGuard( GetOwnStaticMutex() );
    m_pDataContainer->Clear( eMenu );

//  public method
Sequence< Sequence< PropertyValue > > SvtDynamicMenuOptions::GetMenu( EDynamicMenuType eMenu ) const
    MutexGuard aGuard( GetOwnStaticMutex() );
    return m_pDataContainer->GetMenu( eMenu );

//  public method
void SvtDynamicMenuOptions::AppendItem(         EDynamicMenuType    eMenu           ,
                                        const   OUString&           sURL            ,
                                        const   OUString&           sTitle          ,
                                        const   OUString&           sImageIdentifier,
                                        const   OUString&           sTargetName     )
    MutexGuard aGuard( GetOwnStaticMutex() );
    m_pDataContainer->AppendItem( eMenu, sURL, sTitle, sImageIdentifier, sTargetName );

//  private method
Mutex& SvtDynamicMenuOptions::GetOwnStaticMutex()
    // Initialize static mutex only for one time!
    static Mutex* pMutex = NULL;
    // If these method first called (Mutex not already exist!) ...
    if( pMutex == NULL )
        // ... we must create a new one. Protect follow code with the global mutex -
        // It must be - we create a static variable!
        MutexGuard aGuard( Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
        // We must check our pointer again - because it can be that another instance of ouer class will be fastr then these!
        if( pMutex == NULL )
            // Create the new mutex and set it for return on static variable.
            static Mutex aMutex;
            pMutex = &aMutex;
    // Return new created or already existing mutex object.
    return *pMutex;