/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "XTempFile.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include OTempFileService::OTempFileService(css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > const &) : mpStream( nullptr ) , mbRemoveFile( true ) , mbInClosed( false ) , mbOutClosed( false ) { mpTempFile.emplace(); mpTempFile->EnableKillingFile(); } OTempFileService::~OTempFileService () { } // XTypeProvider css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Type > SAL_CALL OTempFileService::getTypes( ) { static ::cppu::OTypeCollection ourTypeCollection( cppu::UnoType::get() ,OTempFileBase::getTypes() ); return ourTypeCollection.getTypes(); }; // XTempFile sal_Bool SAL_CALL OTempFileService::getRemoveFile() { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( !mpTempFile ) { // the stream is already disconnected throw css::uno::RuntimeException("Not connected to a file."); } return mbRemoveFile; }; void SAL_CALL OTempFileService::setRemoveFile( sal_Bool _removefile ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( !mpTempFile ) { // the stream is already disconnected throw css::uno::RuntimeException("Not connected to a file."); } mbRemoveFile = _removefile; mpTempFile->EnableKillingFile( mbRemoveFile ); }; OUString SAL_CALL OTempFileService::getUri() { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( !mpTempFile ) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException("Not connected to a file."); } return mpTempFile->GetURL(); }; OUString SAL_CALL OTempFileService::getResourceName() { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( !mpTempFile ) { throw css::uno::RuntimeException("Not connected to a file."); } return mpTempFile->GetFileName(); }; // XInputStream sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OTempFileService::readBytes( css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aData, sal_Int32 nBytesToRead ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( mbInClosed ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); checkConnected(); if (nBytesToRead < 0) throw css::io::BufferSizeExceededException( OUString(), getXWeak()); if (aData.getLength() < nBytesToRead) aData.realloc(nBytesToRead); sal_uInt32 nRead = mpStream->ReadBytes(static_cast(aData.getArray()), nBytesToRead); checkError(); if (nRead < o3tl::make_unsigned(aData.getLength())) aData.realloc( nRead ); return nRead; } sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OTempFileService::readSomeBytes( css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aData, sal_Int32 nMaxBytesToRead ) { { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( mbInClosed ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); checkConnected(); checkError(); if (nMaxBytesToRead < 0) throw css::io::BufferSizeExceededException( OUString(), getXWeak() ); if (mpStream->eof()) { aData.realloc(0); return 0; } } return readBytes(aData, nMaxBytesToRead); } void SAL_CALL OTempFileService::skipBytes( sal_Int32 nBytesToSkip ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( mbInClosed ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); checkConnected(); checkError(); mpStream->SeekRel(nBytesToSkip); checkError(); } sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OTempFileService::available( ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( mbInClosed ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); checkConnected(); sal_Int64 nAvailable = mpStream->remainingSize(); checkError(); return std::min(SAL_MAX_INT32, nAvailable); } void SAL_CALL OTempFileService::closeInput( ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( mbInClosed ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); mbInClosed = true; if ( mbOutClosed ) { // stream will be deleted by TempFile implementation mpStream = nullptr; mpTempFile.reset(); } } // XOutputStream void SAL_CALL OTempFileService::writeBytes( const css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aData ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( mbOutClosed ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); checkConnected(); sal_uInt32 nWritten = mpStream->WriteBytes(aData.getConstArray(), aData.getLength()); checkError(); if ( nWritten != static_cast(aData.getLength())) throw css::io::BufferSizeExceededException( OUString(), getXWeak() ); } void SAL_CALL OTempFileService::flush( ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( mbOutClosed ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); checkConnected(); mpStream->Flush(); checkError(); } void SAL_CALL OTempFileService::closeOutput( ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); if ( mbOutClosed ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); mbOutClosed = true; if (mpStream) { // so that if you then open the InputStream, you can read the content mpStream->FlushBuffer(); mpStream->Seek(0); } if ( mbInClosed ) { // stream will be deleted by TempFile implementation mpStream = nullptr; mpTempFile.reset(); } } void OTempFileService::checkError () const { if (!mpStream || mpStream->SvStream::GetError () != ERRCODE_NONE ) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), const_cast < OTempFileService * > (this)->getXWeak() ); } void OTempFileService::checkConnected () { if (!mpStream && mpTempFile) { // Ideally we should open this SHARE_DENYALL, but the JunitTest_unotools_complex test wants to open // this file directly and read from it. mpStream = mpTempFile->GetStream(StreamMode::READ | StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::SHARE_DENYWRITE); } if (!mpStream) throw css::io::NotConnectedException ( OUString(), getXWeak() ); } // XSeekable void SAL_CALL OTempFileService::seek( sal_Int64 nLocation ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); checkConnected(); checkError(); sal_Int64 nEndPos = mpStream->TellEnd(); if ( nLocation < 0 || nLocation > nEndPos ) throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException(); mpStream->Seek(static_cast(nLocation) ); checkError(); } sal_Int64 SAL_CALL OTempFileService::getPosition( ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); checkConnected(); sal_uInt32 nPos = mpStream->Tell(); checkError(); return static_cast(nPos); } sal_Int64 SAL_CALL OTempFileService::getLength( ) { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); checkConnected(); checkError(); sal_Int64 nEndPos = mpStream->TellEnd(); return nEndPos; } // XStream css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > SAL_CALL OTempFileService::getInputStream() { return this; } css::uno::Reference< css::io::XOutputStream > SAL_CALL OTempFileService::getOutputStream() { return this; } // XTruncate void SAL_CALL OTempFileService::truncate() { std::unique_lock aGuard( maMutex ); checkConnected(); // SetStreamSize() call does not change the position mpStream->Seek( 0 ); mpStream->SetStreamSize( 0 ); checkError(); } #define PROPERTY_HANDLE_URI 1 #define PROPERTY_HANDLE_REMOVE_FILE 2 #define PROPERTY_HANDLE_RESOURCE_NAME 3 // XPropertySet ::css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySetInfo > OTempFileService::getPropertySetInfo() { // Create a table that map names to index values. // attention: properties need to be sorted by name! static cppu::OPropertyArrayHelper ourPropertyInfo( { css::beans::Property( "Uri", PROPERTY_HANDLE_URI, cppu::UnoType::get(), css::beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY ), css::beans::Property( "RemoveFile", PROPERTY_HANDLE_REMOVE_FILE, cppu::UnoType::get(), 0 ), css::beans::Property( "ResourceName", PROPERTY_HANDLE_RESOURCE_NAME, cppu::UnoType::get(), css::beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY ) }, true ); static css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo( ::cppu::OPropertySetHelper::createPropertySetInfo( ourPropertyInfo ) ); return xInfo; } void OTempFileService::setPropertyValue( const ::rtl::OUString& aPropertyName, const ::css::uno::Any& aValue ) { if ( aPropertyName == "RemoveFile" ) setRemoveFile( aValue.get() ); else { assert(false); throw css::beans::UnknownPropertyException(aPropertyName); } } ::css::uno::Any OTempFileService::getPropertyValue( const ::rtl::OUString& aPropertyName ) { if ( aPropertyName == "RemoveFile" ) return css::uno::Any(getRemoveFile()); else if ( aPropertyName == "ResourceName" ) return css::uno::Any(getResourceName()); else if ( aPropertyName == "Uri" ) return css::uno::Any(getUri()); else { assert(false); throw css::beans::UnknownPropertyException(aPropertyName); } } void OTempFileService::addPropertyChangeListener( const ::rtl::OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const ::css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) { assert(false); } void OTempFileService::removePropertyChangeListener( const ::rtl::OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const ::css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) { assert(false); } void OTempFileService::addVetoableChangeListener( const ::rtl::OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const ::css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) { assert(false); } void OTempFileService::removeVetoableChangeListener( const ::rtl::OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const ::css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) { assert(false); } // XFastPropertySet void OTempFileService::setFastPropertyValue( ::sal_Int32 nHandle, const ::css::uno::Any& aValue ) { switch (nHandle) { case PROPERTY_HANDLE_REMOVE_FILE: setRemoveFile( aValue.get() ); return; } assert(false); throw css::beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString::number(nHandle)); } ::css::uno::Any OTempFileService::getFastPropertyValue( ::sal_Int32 nHandle ) { switch (nHandle) { case PROPERTY_HANDLE_REMOVE_FILE: return css::uno::Any(getRemoveFile()); case PROPERTY_HANDLE_RESOURCE_NAME: return css::uno::Any(getResourceName()); case PROPERTY_HANDLE_URI: return css::uno::Any(getUri()); } assert(false); throw css::beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString::number(nHandle)); } // XPropertyAccess ::css::uno::Sequence< ::css::beans::PropertyValue > OTempFileService::getPropertyValues() { return { css::beans::PropertyValue("Uri", PROPERTY_HANDLE_URI, css::uno::Any(getUri()), css::beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE), css::beans::PropertyValue("RemoveFile", PROPERTY_HANDLE_REMOVE_FILE, css::uno::Any(getRemoveFile()), css::beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE), css::beans::PropertyValue("ResourceName", PROPERTY_HANDLE_RESOURCE_NAME, css::uno::Any(getResourceName()), css::beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE) }; } void OTempFileService::setPropertyValues( const ::css::uno::Sequence< ::css::beans::PropertyValue >& aProps ) { for ( auto const & rPropVal : aProps ) setPropertyValue( rPropVal.Name, rPropVal.Value ); } // XServiceInfo sal_Bool OTempFileService::supportsService(const OUString& sServiceName) { return cppu::supportsService(this, sServiceName); } OUString OTempFileService::getImplementationName() { return "com.sun.star.io.comp.TempFile"; } css::uno::Sequence< OUString > OTempFileService::getSupportedServiceNames() { return { "com.sun.star.io.TempFile" }; } extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT css::uno::XInterface* unotools_OTempFileService_get_implementation( css::uno::XComponentContext* context , css::uno::Sequence const&) { return cppu::acquire(new OTempFileService(context)); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */