 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#include <eventdispatcher.hxx>

#include <event.hxx>
#include <mutationevent.hxx>
#include <uievent.hxx>
#include <mouseevent.hxx>

#include "../dom/document.hxx"

namespace DOM { namespace events {

    void CEventDispatcher::addListener(xmlNodePtr pNode, OUString aType, const Reference<XEventListener>& aListener, sal_Bool bCapture)
        TypeListenerMap *const pTMap = (bCapture)
            ? (& m_CaptureListeners) : (& m_TargetListeners);

        // get the multimap for the specified type
        ListenerMap *pMap = 0;
        TypeListenerMap::const_iterator tIter = pTMap->find(aType);
        if (tIter == pTMap->end()) {
            // the map has to be created
            pMap = new ListenerMap();
            pTMap->insert(TypeListenerMap::value_type(aType, pMap));
        } else {
            pMap = tIter->second;
        if (pMap !=0)
            pMap->insert(ListenerMap::value_type(pNode, aListener));

    void CEventDispatcher::removeListener(xmlNodePtr pNode, OUString aType, const Reference<XEventListener>& aListener, sal_Bool bCapture)
        TypeListenerMap *const pTMap = (bCapture)
            ? (& m_CaptureListeners) : (& m_TargetListeners);

        // get the multimap for the specified type
        TypeListenerMap::const_iterator tIter = pTMap->find(aType);
        if (tIter != pTMap->end()) {
            ListenerMap *pMap = tIter->second;
            // find listeners of specied type for specified node
            ListenerMap::iterator iter = pMap->find(pNode);
            while (iter != pMap->end() && iter->first == pNode)
                // erase all references to specified listener
                if ((iter->second).is() && iter->second == aListener)
                    ListenerMap::iterator tmp_iter = iter;

    void CEventDispatcher::callListeners(
            TypeListenerMap const& rTMap,
            xmlNodePtr const pNode,
            OUString aType, Reference< XEvent > const& xEvent)
        // get the multimap for the specified type
        TypeListenerMap::const_iterator tIter = rTMap.find(aType);
        if (tIter != rTMap.end()) {
            ListenerMap *pMap = tIter->second;
            ListenerMap::const_iterator iter = pMap->lower_bound(pNode);
            ListenerMap::const_iterator ibound = pMap->upper_bound(pNode);
            for( ; iter != ibound; iter++ )

    bool CEventDispatcher::dispatchEvent(
            DOM::CDocument & rDocument, ::osl::Mutex & rMutex,
            xmlNodePtr const pNode, Reference<XNode> const& xNode,
            Reference< XEvent > const& i_xEvent) const
        CEvent *pEvent = 0; // pointer to internal event representation

        OUString const aType = i_xEvent->getType();
        if (aType.compareToAscii("DOMSubtreeModified")          == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMNodeInserted")             == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMNodeRemoved")              == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument")  == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument") == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMAttrModified")             == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMCharacterDataModified")    == 0)
                Reference< XMutationEvent > const aMEvent(i_xEvent,
                // dispatch a mutation event
                // we need to clone the event in order to have complete control
                // over the implementation
                CMutationEvent* pMEvent = new CMutationEvent;
                    aType, aMEvent->getBubbles(), aMEvent->getCancelable(),
                    aMEvent->getRelatedNode(), aMEvent->getPrevValue(),
                    aMEvent->getNewValue(), aMEvent->getAttrName(),
                pEvent = pMEvent;
        } else if ( // UIEvent
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMFocusIn")  == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMFocusOut") == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("DOMActivate") == 0)
            Reference< XUIEvent > const aUIEvent(i_xEvent, UNO_QUERY_THROW);
            CUIEvent* pUIEvent = new CUIEvent;
                aUIEvent->getBubbles(), aUIEvent->getCancelable(),
                aUIEvent->getView(), aUIEvent->getDetail());
            pEvent = pUIEvent;
        } else if ( // MouseEvent
            aType.compareToAscii("click")     == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("mousedown") == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("mouseup")   == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("mouseover") == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("mousemove") == 0||
            aType.compareToAscii("mouseout")  == 0)
            Reference< XMouseEvent > const aMouseEvent(i_xEvent,
            CMouseEvent *pMouseEvent = new CMouseEvent;
                aMouseEvent->getBubbles(), aMouseEvent->getCancelable(),
                aMouseEvent->getView(), aMouseEvent->getDetail(),
                aMouseEvent->getScreenX(), aMouseEvent->getScreenY(),
                aMouseEvent->getClientX(), aMouseEvent->getClientY(),
                aMouseEvent->getCtrlKey(), aMouseEvent->getAltKey(),
                aMouseEvent->getShiftKey(), aMouseEvent->getMetaKey(),
                aMouseEvent->getButton(), aMouseEvent->getRelatedTarget());
            pEvent = pMouseEvent;
        else // generic event
            pEvent = new CEvent;
                aType, i_xEvent->getBubbles(), i_xEvent->getCancelable());
        pEvent->m_target.set(xNode, UNO_QUERY_THROW);
        pEvent->m_currentTarget = i_xEvent->getCurrentTarget();
        pEvent->m_time = i_xEvent->getTimeStamp();

        // create the reference to the provate event implementation
        // that will be dispatched to the listeners
        Reference< XEvent > const xEvent(pEvent);

        // build the path from target node to the root
        typedef std::vector< ::std::pair<Reference<XEventTarget>, xmlNodePtr> >
        NodeVector_t captureVector;
        TypeListenerMap captureListeners;
        TypeListenerMap targetListeners;
            ::osl::MutexGuard g(rMutex);

            xmlNodePtr cur = pNode;
            while (cur != NULL)
                Reference< XEventTarget > const xRef(
                captureVector.push_back(::std::make_pair(xRef, cur));
                cur = cur->parent;
            captureListeners = m_CaptureListeners;
            targetListeners = m_TargetListeners;

        // the caputre vector now holds the node path from target to root
        // first we must search for capture listernes in order root to
        // to target. after that, any target listeners have to be called
        // then bubbeling phase listeners are called in target to root
        // order
        // start at the root
        NodeVector_t::const_reverse_iterator rinode =
            const_cast<NodeVector_t const&>(captureVector).rbegin();
        if (rinode != const_cast<NodeVector_t const&>(captureVector).rend())
            // capturing phase:
            pEvent->m_phase = PhaseType_CAPTURING_PHASE;
            while (rinode !=
                    const_cast<NodeVector_t const&>(captureVector).rend())
                pEvent->m_currentTarget = rinode->first;
                callListeners(captureListeners, rinode->second, aType, xEvent);
                if  (pEvent->m_canceled) return sal_True;

            NodeVector_t::const_iterator inode = captureVector.begin();

            // target phase
            pEvent->m_phase = PhaseType_AT_TARGET;
            pEvent->m_currentTarget = inode->first;
            callListeners(targetListeners, inode->second, aType, xEvent);
            if  (pEvent->m_canceled) return sal_True;
            // bubbeling phase
            if (i_xEvent->getBubbles()) {
                pEvent->m_phase = PhaseType_BUBBLING_PHASE;
                while (inode != captureVector.end())
                    pEvent->m_currentTarget = inode->first;
                            inode->second, aType, xEvent);
                    if  (pEvent->m_canceled) return sal_True;
        return sal_True;