 *  $RCSfile: cookiedg.src,v $
 *  $Revision: 1.16 $
 *  last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-06-13 21:41:21 $
 *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
 *  either of the following licenses
 *         - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *         - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
 *  Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *  =============================================
 *  Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 *  MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
 *  =================================================
 *  The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
 *  Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
 *  except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
 *  License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
 *  Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
 *  See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
 *  obligations concerning the Software.
 *  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *  All Rights Reserved.
 *  Contributor(s): _______________________________________

#include <cookiedg.hrc>
#ifndef UUI_IDS_HRC
#include <ids.hrc>

    HelpId = HID_DLG_COOKIES ;
    OutputSize = TRUE ;
    SVLook = TRUE ;
    Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 295 , 193 ) ;
    Moveable = TRUE ;
    FixedBitmap FB_COOKIES
        Border = True ;
        Hide = TRUE ;
        Fixed = Bitmap
            File = "cookie.bmp" ;
    FixedText FT_COOKIES
        SVLook = TRUE ;
        WordBreak = True ;
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 6 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 224 , 145 ) ;
    FixedLine FL_COOKIES
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 155 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 283 , 1 ) ;
    RadioButton RB_INFUTURE_SEND
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 171 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 52 , 10 ) ;
        Text = "�b~ermitteln" ;
        Text [ English ] = "~Transmit" ;
        Text [ portuguese ] = "~Enviar" ;
        Text [ english_us ] = "~Send" ;
        Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "?bermitteln" ;
        Text [ swedish ] = "�~verf�r" ;
        Text [ danish ] = "Accepter" ;
        Text [ italian ] = "Trasm~etti" ;
        Text [ spanish ] = "~Aceptar" ;
        Text [ french ] = "~Accepter" ;
        Text [ dutch ] = "~Zenden" ;
        Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "����(~S)";
        Text[ russian ] = "�������";
        Text[ polish ] = "Wy�lij";
        Text[ japanese ] = "�󂯓����(~S)";
        Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "����(~S)";
        Text[ greek ] = "��������";
        Text[ korean ] = "����(~S)";
        Text[ arabic ] = "�����";
        Text[ turkish ] = "G�nder";
        Text[ catalan ] = "~Aceptar";
        Text[ finnish ] = "~L�het�";
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 67 , 171 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 52 , 10 ) ;
        Text = "I~gnorieren" ;
        Text [ English ] = "I~gnore" ;
        Text [ english_us ] = "I~gnore" ;
        Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ignorieren" ;
        Text [ swedish ] = "I~gnorera" ;
        Text [ danish ] = "Ignorer" ;
        Text [ italian ] = "I~gnora" ;
        Text [ spanish ] = "I~gnorar" ;
        Text [ french ] = "I~gnorer" ;
        Text [ dutch ] = "~Negeren" ;
        Text [ portuguese ] = "I~gnorar" ;
        Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "����(~G)";
        Text[ russian ] = "������������";
        Text[ polish ] = "Ignoruj";
        Text[ japanese ] = "��������(~G)";
        Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "����(~G)";
        Text[ greek ] = "���������";
        Text[ korean ] = "����(~G)";
        Text[ arabic ] = "�����";
        Text[ turkish ] = "Yok say";
        Text[ catalan ] = "I~gnorar";
        Text[ finnish ] = "O~hita";
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 122 , 171 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 52 , 10 ) ;
        Text = "I~nteraktiv" ;
        Text [ English ] = "I~nteractive" ;
        Text [ portuguese ] = "In~teractivo" ;
        Text [ english_us ] = "I~nteractive" ;
        Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Interaktiv" ;
        Text [ swedish ] = "I~nteraktiv" ;
        Text [ danish ] = "Interaktiv" ;
        Text [ italian ] = "I~nterattivo" ;
        Text [ spanish ] = "~Interactivo" ;
        Text [ french ] = "~Avertir" ;
        Text [ dutch ] = "In~teractief" ;
        Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "����ʽ(~N)";
        Text[ russian ] = "������������";
        Text[ polish ] = "Interaktywny";
        Text[ japanese ] = "����m�F����(~N)";
        Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "�T�{(~N)";
        Text[ greek ] = "���������";
        Text[ korean ] = "��ȭ��(~N)";
        Text[ arabic ] = "�����";
        Text[ turkish ] = "Etkile�imli";
        Text[ catalan ] = "~Interactivo";
        Text[ finnish ] = "In~teraktiivinen";
    GroupBox GB_INFUTURE
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 160 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 27 ) ;
        Text = "Zuk�nftige Handhabung f�r diese Cookies" ;
        Text [ English ] = "Allgemeine Handhabung" ;
        Text [ english_us ] = "Future Cookie Handling" ;
        Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zuk?nftige Handhabung" ;
        Text [ swedish ] = "Framtida hantering av dessa cookies" ;
        Text [ danish ] = "Fremtidig h�ndtering af disse cookies" ;
        Text [ italian ] = "Gestione futura dei cookies" ;
        Text [ spanish ] = "Futuro tratamiento de estas cookies" ;
        Text [ french ] = "Traitement futur des pr�sents Cookies" ;
        Text [ dutch ] = "Toekomstige handhaving voor deze cookies" ;
        Text [ portuguese ] = "Tratamento futuro para estes cookies" ;
        Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "�������Щ Cookie �ķ�ʽ";
        Text[ russian ] = "������������ ������ Cookie � �������";
        Text[ polish ] = "Obs�uga tych plik�w cookie w przysz�o�ci";
        Text[ japanese ] = "�����̍���̑���菇";
        Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "����B�z Cookie ���覡";
        Text[ greek ] = "���������� ����������� ��� ���� �� Cookies";
        Text[ korean ] = "�̷��� Cookie�� ���� �������� ���";
        Text[ arabic ] = "����� ������� �� ��� �������� (�(Cookies ���������";
        Text[ turkish ] = "Cookie'lerde uygulanacak kurallar";
        Text[ catalan ] = "Futuro tratamiento de estas cookies";
        Text[ finnish ] = "Tuleva ev�steiden k�sittely";
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 173 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
        Text = "~Ignorieren" ;
        Text [ English ] = "~Ignorieren" ;
        Text [ english_us ] = "~Ignore" ;
        Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ignorieren" ;
        Text [ swedish ] = "~Ignorera" ;
        Text [ danish ] = "Ignorer" ;
        Text [ italian ] = "~Ignora" ;
        Text [ spanish ] = "~Ignorar" ;
        Text [ french ] = "~Ignorer" ;
        Text [ dutch ] = "N~egeren" ;
        Text [ portuguese ] = "~Ignorar" ;
        Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "����(~I)";
        Text[ russian ] = "������������";
        Text[ polish ] = "Zignoruj";
        Text[ japanese ] = "��������(~I)";
        Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "����(~I)";
        Text[ greek ] = "���������";
        Text[ korean ] = "����(~I)";
        Text[ arabic ] = "�����";
        Text[ turkish ] = "Yok say";
        Text[ catalan ] = "~Ignorar";
        Text[ finnish ] = "~Ohita";
    PushButton BTN_COOKIES_OK
        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 239 , 173 ) ;
        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ;
        DefButton = TRUE ;
        Text = "�~bermitteln" ;
        Text [ English ] = "~Accept" ;
        Text [ portuguese ] = "~Enviar" ;
        Text [ english_us ] = "~Send" ;
        Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~?bermitteln" ;
        Text [ swedish ] = "�~verf�r" ;
        Text [ danish ] = "Accepter" ;
        Text [ italian ] = "~Trasmetti" ;
        Text [ spanish ] = "~Aceptar" ;
        Text [ french ] = "~Accepter" ;
        Text [ dutch ] = "~Zenden" ;
        Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "����(~S)";
        Text[ russian ] = "�������";
        Text[ polish ] = "Wy�lij";
        Text[ japanese ] = "�󂯓����(~S)";
        Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "����(~S)";
        Text[ greek ] = "�~�������";
        Text[ korean ] = "����(~S)";
        Text[ arabic ] = "�����";
        Text[ turkish ] = "G�nder";
        Text[ catalan ] = "~Aceptar";
        Text[ finnish ] = "~L�het�";

    Text = "Der Server '${HOST}' m�chte ein oder mehrere Cookies setzen.\nCookies sind Informationen, die sich auf bestimmte Klassen von URLs beziehen. Fordert %PRODUCTNAME sp�ter ein Dokument an, welches der URL nach einer Klasse eines vorher empfangenen Cookies entspricht, wird diese Information von %PRODUCTNAME an den Server gesendet. So k�nnen sich Server den Zustand einer WWW Anwendung (z.B. in den Warenkorb gelegte Artikel in einem Einkaufssystem) merken.\n\nFolgende Cookies sollen gesetzt werden:\n\n" ;
    Text [ English ] = "The '${HOST}' server wishes to set one or more cookies. Cookies contain information referring to certain classes of URLs. If  StarOffice later requests a document with a URL which corresponds to the class of a previously set cookie, StarOffice will send the information to the server. In this way, the server can recognize the status of a WWW application.\n\nThe following cookies will be set:\n\n" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "O servidor '${HOST}' deseja instalar um ou mais cookies.\nCookies s�o informa��es que se referem a determinadas classes de URLs. Se o %PRODUCTNAME pedir mais tarde um documento com um URL correspondente a uma classe de um cookie previamente instalado, essa informa��o ser� enviada pelo %PRODUCTNAME ao servidor. Desta forma os servidores poder�o reconhecer o estado de uma aplica��o WWW (por ex. artigos colocados num cesto de um sistema de compras).\n\nSer�o definidos os seguintes cookies:\n\n" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "The '${HOST}' server wishes to set one or more cookies.\nCookies contain information referring to certain URL classes. If %PRODUCTNAME later requests a document with a URL corresponding to the class of a previously set cookie, %PRODUCTNAME will send this information to the server. This allows a server to recognize the status of a WWW application, e.g., when shopping online.\n\nThe following Cookies should be set:\n\n" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Server '${HOST}' m?hte ein oder mehrere Cookies setzen.\nCookies sind Informationen, die sich auf bestimmte Klassen von URLs beziehen. Fordert %PRODUCTNAME spaeter ein Dokument an, welches der URL nach einer Klasse eines vorher empfangenen Cookies entspricht, wird diese Information von %PRODUCTNAME an den Server gesendet. So k?nen sich Server den Zustand einer WWW Anwendung (z.B. in den Warenkorb gelegte Artikel in einem Einkaufssystem) merken.\n\nFolgende Cookies sollen gesetzt werden:\n\n" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Servern '${HOST}' vill s�tta en eller flera cookies.\nCookies �r information som refererar till vissa URL-klasser. Denna information skickas av %PRODUCTNAME till servern om %PRODUCTNAME vid ett senare tillf�lle laddar ett dokument som enligt webbadressen (URL) motsvarar en klass fr�n en cookie som har mottagits tidigare. P� s� s�tt kan servern k�nna igen tillst�ndet hos en WWW-till�mpning (t.ex. varor i en varukorg n�r Du handlar online).\n\nF�ljande cookies skall tilldelas:\n\n" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Serveren '${HOST}' �nsker at s�tte en eller flere cookies.\nCookies er informationer, som relaterer til bestemte URL-klasser. L�ser %PRODUCTNAME senere et dokument, hvis URLs klasse svarer til en f�r modtaget cookie, sender %PRODUCTNAME denne information til serveren. S�ledes kan serveren kontrollere en WWW-applikations tilstand (f.eks. varer i din indk�bskurv n�r du handler online).\n\nF�lgende cookies skal s�ttes:\n\n" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Il server '${HOST}' vorrebbe impostare uno o pi� cookies.\nI cookies sono informazioni che si riferiscono a determinate classi di URL. Se in seguito %PRODUCTNAME richiede un documento, che corrisponde all'URL secondo una classe di un cookie precedentemente ricevuto, questa informazione viene inviata al server. In tal modo i server � possono memorizzare lo stato di un'applicazione WWW (ad esempio gli articoli introdotti nel \"carrello\" di un supermercato elettronico).\n\n� necessario impostare i seguenti cookies:\n\n" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "El servidor '${HOST}' desea instalar una o m�s cookies.\nLas cookies son informaciones referentes a determinadas clases de URLs. Si %PRODUCTNAME solicita m�s tarde un documento que de acuerdo con su URL corresponda a una clase de una cookie recibida anteriormente, %PRODUCTNAME enviar� esta informaci�n al servidor. De esta forma los servidores pueden recordar el estado de una aplicaci�n www (p.ej. los art�culos de una cesta de compra en un sistema de compras).\n\nLas siguientes cookies se deber�n instalar:\n\n" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Le serveur '${HOST}' tente d'envoyer un ou plusieurs Cookies.\nLes Cookies sont des informations se rapportant � certaines classes d'URL. Plus tard, si %PRODUCTNAME requiert un document dont l'URL correspond � la classe d'un Cookie d�j� re�u, cette information est envoy�e au serveur. Ceci permet aux serveurs de reconna�tre l'�tat d'une application WWW (par ex. les articles plac�s dans le panier d'un syst�me d'achat).\n\nLes Cookies suivants vont �tre plac�s :\n\n" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Server '${HOST}' wil een of meer cookies zetten.\nCookies zijn gegevens die betrekking hebben op bepaalde klassen van URLs. Vraagt %PRODUCTNAME later een document op dat wat URL betreft met de klasse van een eerder ontvangen cookie overeenkomt, dan wordt deze informatie aan de server gezonden. Zo kan een server de toestand van een WWW-toepassing (zoals bijv. de in een boodschappenmand gelegde artikelen in een winkel) onthouden.\n\nDe volgende cookies moeten worden gezet:\n\n" ;
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "?????'${HOST}' ???b??????ookies??\nCookies??��????URLs???????????PRODUCTNAME?????????????��????cookie???URL????????%PRODUCTNAME??????????????????????????????????��?????(??j???????:??????)??\n\n???????b?????Cookies:\n\n";
    Text[ russian ] = "������ '${HOST}' �������� ���������� ���� ��� ��������� ������ Cooki�.\n����� Cookie �������� �����������, ������� ��������� � ������������ ������� URL. ���� %PRODUCTNAME ��������� �����-������ �������� � URL, ������� ������������� ������ ����� �������������� Cookie, �� %PRODUCTNAME �������� ��� ���������� �� ������. ����� �������, ������� ����� ���������� ��������� ���������� WWW (����. �� ����� ����� ������� ����� online).\n\n���������� ���������� ��������� ����� Cookie:\n\n";
    Text[ polish ] = "Serwer '${HOST}' chce osadzi� jeden lub wi�cej plik�w typu Cookies.\nPliki Cookies s� informacjami, kt�re odnosz� si� do okre�lonych klas URL. Je�li %PRODUCTNAME za��da p�niej dokumentu, kt�ry odpowiada URL wed�ug klasy wcze�niej odbieranego pliku Cookie, to informacja ta zostanie przes�ana przez %PRODUCTNAME do serwera. W ten spos�b serwer zapami�ta stan aplikacji WWW (n.p. wrzucone do koszyka artyku�y w systemie zakup�w.\n\nNast�puj�ce Cookies maj� zosta� osadzone:\n\n";
    Text[ japanese ] = "���ް '${HOST}' ��1�ˆȏ�̸����̐ݒ肪�K�v�ł��B\n������URL�̂���׽�Ɋ֘A������ł��B���łɎ�M���Ă��鸯���Ɠ���URL���޷���Ă� %PRODUCTNAME ���v�������Ƃ��A���̏�� %PRODUCTNAME ���绰�ް�ɑ����܂��B�����Ļ��ް�� WWW �̎g�p���(��ײݍw���̍ۂɔ����������̒��ɓ��ꂽ���i�Ȃ�)���o���Ă����܂��B\n\n�ȉ��̸�����ݒ肵�܂��B\n\n";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "�ššš�'${HOST}' ��n��?e��@��?�Xh�š� cookie ��C\ncookie ��t�ššššš�RL��{�šš�w�šš�T�šš�C%PRODUCTNAME ��b��U��@�šš���D��?�š�P�ššš�??N��|�šš�{�šš�w��?dURL��??��cookie��}��N�šššššš�?e�šššššššš�C��o��?A�šššššš�N�šš�D��z��??�š�s�šššššš�(��p��u��W��P�š�t��?�šššš�x��t�šššššš�~��W�š�)��C\n\n��{��b��n��??p��U�š� cookie:\n\n";
    Text[ greek ] = "� ����������� '${HOST}' �� ����������� �� ����������� ��� � ����������� cookies. \n�� Cookies ����� �����������, ��� ����������� �� ������������� ������� ��� URL. �� ����� �������� � ������ ������� �������� ��� �� %PRODUCTNAME, �� ����� ����������� �� ��� ����� URL ���� Cookie ��� ����� ����� ������������, �� %PRODUCTNAME ���������� ���� ��� ���������� ���� ��� ����������. ���� � ����������� ���� ��� ���������� �� '�������' ��� ��������� ���� ��������� ��� WWW ���� (�.�. ������ ���� ��� Internet).\n\n�� �������� Cookie ��������� �� ������������:\n\n";
    Text[ korean ] = "'${HOST}' ������ �ϳ� �Ǵ� �� �̻��� Cookie ������ ���մϴ�.\nCookie�� URL�� Ư�� Ŭ������ ���õ� �����Դϴ�. ���Ŀ� %PRODUCTNAME ��(��)  URL��  ������ ������ Cookie�� Ŭ������  �����ϴ� ������ �䱸�ϸ� %PRODUCTNAME�� (��) �� ������ ������ ������ �˴ϴ�.  �̷��� �ؼ� ������ WWW �������α׷� (���� ��� �¶��� ���ο������ٱ��Ͽ� ���� ����)�� �ν��� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.\n\n������ ����  Cookie���� �����Ǿ�� �մϴ�:\n\n";
    Text[ arabic ] = "???? ?????? '${HOST}' ????? ???? ???? ?? ????.\n??????? (Cookies) ?? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ???????? (URLs). ??? ??? %PRODUCTNAME ??????????????????? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????????? ?? ??? ???? %PRODUCTNAME ?????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????. ???? ??????? ???? ???????? ????? ?????? ?? ????????? WWW (?????????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ????????).\n\n???? ????? ???????? ???????:\n\n";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Sunucu '${HOST}' bir ya da birden ?ok Cookie g?dermek istiyor.\nCookie'ler, belirli URL s??lar?a ili?kin bilgilerdir. %PRODUCTNAME ileride daha ?ceden al?m? bir Cookie s???? URL'si ile ?t?en bir belge talep etti?nde, bu bilgi %PRODUCTNAME taraf?dan ilgili sunucuya g?derilir. B?lece sunucu, bir WWW uygulamas?? son durumunu (?n. bir al?veri? sisteminde, sepete konulan ??leri) kaydedebilir. \n\n?u Cookie'ler bilgisayar??da belirlenmi? olmal?\n\n";
    Text[ catalan ] = "El servidor '${HOST}' desea instalar una o m�s cookies.\nLas cookies son informaciones referentes a determinadas clases de URLs. Si %PRODUCTNAME solicita m�s tarde un documento que de acuerdo con su URL corresponda a una clase de una cookie recibida anteriormente, %PRODUCTNAME enviar� esta informaci�n al servidor. De esta forma los servidores pueden recordar el estado de una aplicaci�n www (p.ej. los art�culos de una cesta de compra en un sistema de compras).\n\nLas siguientes cookies se deber�n instalar:\n\n";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Palvelin ${HOST} haluaa k�ytt�� ev�steit�.\nEv�steet sis�lt�v�t tiettyihin URL-luokkiin viittaavia tietoja. Jo %PRODUCTNAME my�hemmin pyyt�� asiakirjaa, jonka URL-osoite vastaa ev�steen luokkaa, %PRODUCTNAME l�hett�� n�m� tiedot palvelimelle. N�in palvelin pystyy tunnistamaan Web-sovelluksen tilan esimerkiksi online-kaupassa.\n\nSeuraavat ev�steet ollaan ottamassa k�ytt��n:\n\n";

    Text = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Pfad: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    text [ English ] = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Pfad: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Dom�nio: ${DOMAIN}, Atalho: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Path: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Pfad: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Dom�n: ${DOMAIN}, S�kv�g: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Dom�ne: ${DOMAIN}, Sti: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Percorso: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Dominio: ${DOMAIN}, Ruta: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Domaine : ${DOMAIN}, Chemin : ${PATH}, Cookie : ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Domein: ${DOMAIN}, Pad: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}\n" ;
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "��${DOMAIN}�� ·����${PATH}��Cookie��${COOKIE}��\n";
    Text[ russian ] = "�����: ${DOMAIN}, ����: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ polish ] = "Domena: ${DOMAIN}, �cie�ka: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ japanese ] = "��Ҳ�: ${DOMAIN}��߽: ${PATH}�A����: ${COOKIE}�B\n";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "���G${DOMAIN}�A���|�G${PATH}, Cookie�G${COOKIE}�C\n";
    Text[ greek ] = "������: ${DOMAIN}, ��������: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ korean ] = "������: ${DOMAIN}, ���: ${PATH},  COOKIE : ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ arabic ] = "������: ${DOMAIN}, ������: ${PATH}, ������: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Etki alan�: ${DOMAIN}, Veri yolu: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Dominio: ${DOMAIN}, Ruta: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Verkkoalue: ${DOMAIN}, Polku: ${PATH}, Ev�ste: ${COOKIE}.\n";

    Text = "Cookieempfang" ;
    Text [ English ] = "Cookieempfang" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Recep��o de cookies" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Cookie Reception" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cookieempfang" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Cookiemottagning" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Cookiemodtagelse" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Ricevimento cookie" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Recepci�n de cookies" ;
    Text [ french ] = "R�ception de Cookies" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Cookieontvangst" ;
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "���� Cookie";
    Text[ russian ] = "����� ������ Cookie";
    Text[ polish ] = "Pobieranie plik�w cookie";
    Text[ japanese ] = "�����̎�M";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "���� Cookie";
    Text[ greek ] = "���� ��� Cookie";
    Text[ korean ] = "COOKIE  ����";
    Text[ arabic ] = "������� ����";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Cookie al";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Recepci�n de cookies";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Ev�steen vastaanotto";

    Text = "%PRODUCTNAME hat f�r den Server '${HOST}' Cookies gespeichert, die beim Anfordern des Dokumentes ${PATH} verschickt werden sollen.\nCookies sind Informationen, die sich auf bestimmte Klassen von URLs beziehen. Sie werden von manchen Servern beim Aufruf bestimmter Dokumente an %PRODUCTNAME geschickt und dort gespeichert. Fordert %PRODUCTNAME sp�ter ein Dokument an, welches der URL nach einer Klasse eines vorher empfangenen Cookies entspricht, wird diese Information von %PRODUCTNAME an den Server gesendet. So k�nnen sich Server den Zustand einer WWW Anwendung (z.B. in den Warenkorb gelegte Artikel in einem Einkaufssystem) merken.\n\nFolgende Cookies sollen gesetzt werden:\n\n" ;
    Text [ English ] = "StarOffice has saved cookies for the '${HOST}' server, which will be set when the document ${PATH} is requested.\n Cookies contain information referring to certain classes of URLs. They are sent by some servers to StarOffice when certain documents are activated. If  StarOffice later requests a document with a URL which corresponds to the class of a previously set cookie, StarOffice will send the information to the server. In this way, the server can recognize the status of a WWW application. \n\nThe following cookies will be set:\n\n" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "O %PRODUCTNAME guardou cookies para o servidor '${HOST}'. Estes ser�o enviados quando o documento  ${PATH} for aberto.\nCookies s�o informa��es sobre determinadas classes de URLs. Estes ser�o enviados por alguns servidores para o %PRODUCTNAME quando a� se abrirem ou se guardarem determinados documentos. Se o %PRODUCTNAME carregar um documento que, de acordo com o URL, corresponda a uma das classes de cookies recebidas anteriormente. Esta informa��o ser� enviada pelo %PRODUCTNAME ao servidor correspondente. Desta forma os servidores poder�o controlar o estado de uma aplica��o WWW (por ex. os artigos colocados num cesto quando faz compras online).\n Dever�o ser instalados os seguintes cookies:\n\n" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "%PRODUCTNAME has saved cookies for the server '${HOST}' which will be sent when requesting the document ${PATH}.\nCookies contain information which refers to certain URL classes. They are sent by some servers to %PRODUCTNAME where they are saved when certain documents are accessed. If %PRODUCTNAME loads a document that, according to the URL, corresponds to a class of one of the previously received Cookies, %PRODUCTNAME will send this information to that server. This enables a server to keep track of the status of a WWW application, e.g., when shopping online.\n\nThe following Cookies should be set:\n\n" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "%PRODUCTNAME hat f?r den Server '${HOST}' Cookies gespeichert, die beim Anfordern des Dokumentes ${PATH} verschickt werden sollen.\nCookies sind Informationen, die sich auf bestimmte Klassen von URLs beziehen. Sie werden von manchen Servern beim Aufruf bestimmter Dokumente an %PRODUCTNAME geschickt und dort gespeichert. Fordert %PRODUCTNAME spaeter ein Dokument an, welches der URL nach einer Klasse eines vorher empfangenen Cookies entspricht, wird diese Information von %PRODUCTNAME an den Server gesendet. So k?nen sich Server den Zustand einer WWW Anwendung (z.B. in den Warenkorb gelegte Artikel in einem Einkaufssystem) merken.\n\nFolgende Cookies sollen gesetzt werden:\n\n" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME har sparat cookies f�r servern '${HOST}, som skall skickas d� dokumentet ${PATH} laddas.\nCookies �r information som refererar till vissa URL-klasser. De skickas av vissa servrar till %PRODUCTNAME och sparas d�r n�r vissa dokument �ppnas. Denna information skickas av %PRODUCTNAME till servern om %PRODUCTNAME vid ett senare tillf�lle laddar ett dokument, som enligt URL:en motsvarar en klass fr�n en cookie som har mottagits tidigare. P� s� s�tt kan servern k�nna igen tillst�ndet f�r en WWW-till�mpning (t.ex. varor i en varukorg n�r Du handlar online).\n\nF�ljande cookies skall tilldelas:\n\n" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME har gemt cookies for serveren '${HOST}', som skal sendes, n�r dokmentet ${PATH} l�ses.\nCookies er informationer, som relaterer til bestemte URL-klasser. De bliver sendt til %PRODUCTNAME af nogle servere og gemt der, n�r bestemte dokumenter l�ses. L�ser %PRODUCTNAME senere et dokument, hvis URLs klasse svarer til en f�r modtaget cookie, sender %PRODUCTNAME denne information til serveren. S�ledes kan serveren kontrollere en WWW-applikations tilstand (f.eks. varer i din indk�bskurv n�r du handler online).\n\nF�lgende cookies skal s�ttes:\n\n" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "%PRODUCTNAME ha salvato per il server '${HOST}' dei cookies da inviare al momento della richiesta del documento ${PATH}.\nI cookies sono informazioni che si riferiscono a determinate classi di URL. Vengono inviati da alcuni server quando si richiamano determinati documenti a %PRODUCTNAME e qui salvati. Se %PRODUCTNAME in seguito richiede un documento che corrisponde all'URL di una classe di un cookie precedentemente ricevuto, tale informazione viene inviata da %PRODUCTNAME al server. In tal modo i server possono memorizzare lo stato di un'applicazione WWW (ad esempio gli articoli introdotti nel \"carrello\" di un supermercato elettronico).\n\n� necessarion impostare i seguenti cookies:\n\n" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME ha guardado cookies para el servidor '${HOST}' que ser�n enviadas cuando se solicite el documento ${PATH}.\nLas cookies son informaciones referentes a determinadas clases de URLs. Cuando se solicita un documento, algunos servidores las env�an a %PRODUCTNAME y las guardan all�. Si %PRODUCTNAME solicita m�s tarde un documento que de acuerdo con su URL corresponda a una clase de una cookie recibida anteriormente, %PRODUCTNAME enviar� esta informaci�n al servidor. As�, los servidores pueden recordar el estado de una aplicaci�n www, como por ejemplo los art�culos en la cesta de un sistema de compras.\n\nEstas son las cookies a instalar:\n\n" ;
    Text [ french ] = "%PRODUCTNAME a enregistr� des Cookies pour le serveur '${HOST}', qui seront envoy�s au moment de la requ�te du document ${PATH}.\nLes Cookies sont des informations se rapportant � certaines classes d'URL. Plus tard, si %PRODUCTNAME requiert un document dont l'URL correspond � la classe d'un Cookie d�j� re�u, cette information est envoy�e au serveur. Ceci permet aux serveurs de reconna�tre l'�tat d'une application WWW (par ex. les articles plac�s dans le panier d'un syst�me d'achat).\n\nLes Cookies suivants vont �tre plac�s : \n\n" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "%PRODUCTNAME heeft voor server '${HOST}' cookies opgeslagen die bij het opvragen van het document ${PATH} worden verzonden.\nCookies zijn gegevens die betrekking hebben op bepaalde klassen van URLs . Ze worden door enkele servers bij het oproepen van bepaalde documenten aan %PRODUCTNAME gezonden en daar opgeslagen. Vraagt %PRODUCTNAME later een document op dat wat de URL betreft overeenkomt met een klasse van een eerder ontvangen cookie, dan wordt deze informatie door %PRODUCTNAME aan de server gezonden. Zo kunnen servers de toestand van een WWW-applicatie (zoals bijv. de in een boodschappenmand gelegde artikelen in een winkel) onthouden.\n\nDe volgende cookies moeten worden gezet:\n\n" ;
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "%PRODUCTNAMEΪ������'${HOST}'������Cookie�����´������ĵ�${PATH}ʱ����ͻᷢ����ЩCookies��\nCookie�����й��ض�URLs�����Ϣ���ڵ����ض����ĵ�ʱ��Щ�������ͻ���%PRODUCTNAME����Cookies����%PRODUCTNAME�����䡣���%PRODUCTNAME�Ժ���Ҫһ��������ǰ���ܵ�Cookies���ULR�ĵ�����ô%PRODUCTNAME�ͻὫ�����Ϣ���ݸ����������������������ܹ��ϳ���ά��Ӧ�ó����״̬(������ϵͳ�ɹ����ڵ���Ʒ)��\n\n����Ҫ�趨���µ�Cookies:\n\n";
    Text[ russian ] = "%PRODUCTNAME �������� ��� ������� '${HOST}' ����� Cookie, ������� ���������� ��������� ��� ���������� ��������� ${PATH}.\n����� Cookie �������� ����������, ������� ��������� � ������������ ������� URL. ��� ������ ������������ ���������� ��� ������������ ���������� ��������� � %PRODUCTNAME � ��� �����������. ���� %PRODUCTNAME ��������� �����-������ �������� � URL, ������� ������������� ������ ����� ��������� Cookie, �� %PRODUCTNAME �������� ��� ���������� �� ������. ����� �������, ������� ����� �������������� ��������� ���������� WWW (����. �� ����� ����� ������� ����� online).\n\n���������� ���������� ��������� ����� Cookie:\n\n";
    Text[ polish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME zapisa� dla serwera '${HOST}' pliki Cookies, kt�re zostan� wys�ane po za��daniu dokumentu ${PATH}.\nPliki Cookies s� informacjami, kt�re odnosz� si� do okre�lonych klas URL. B�d� one wysy�ane do %PRODUCTNAME przez niekt�re serwery przy wywo�aniu okre�lonych dokument�w i zostan� tam zapisane. Je�li %PRODUCTNAME za��da p�niej dokumentu, kt�ry odpowiada URL wed�ug klasy wcze�niej otrzymywanego pliku Cookie, to informacja ta zostanie przekazana przez %PRODUCTNAME do se";
    Text[ japanese ] = "%PRODUCTNAME �ͻ��ް '${HOST}' �p�ɁA�޷���� ${PATH} �v���̍ۂɑ��M����鸯����ۑ����܂����B\n������ UR L�̂���׽�Ɋ֘A������ŁA�����޷���Ă������‚��̻��ް����Ăяo���ꂽ�ۂ� %PRODUCTNAME �ɑ��M����A�����ŕۑ�����܂��B���łɎ�M���������Ɠ��� URL ���޷���Ă� %PRODUCTNAME ���v�������Ƃ��A���̏�� %PRODUCTNAME ���绰�ް�ɑ����܂��B�����Ļ��ް�� WWW �̎g�p���(��ײݍw���̍ۂɔ����������̒��ɓ��ꂽ���i�Ȃ�)���o���Ă����܂��B\n\n�ȉ��̸�����ݒ肵�܂��B\n\n";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "%PRODUCTNAME �w�g�O�s�F���A��'${HOST}' �ǰe�� cookie �C%PRODUCTNAME �b�U�@���ШD�˸��ۦP�������${PATH}�ɴN�|���ӵ{���w�ˬdURL�۲Ū�cookie�}�N�����T���ǰe�������A���C�o�ˡA�����A���N������D�z�ϥΪ��s�������������(�p�u�W�P��t�Ϊ������x�t�������~�W��)�C\n\n�{�b�n�إߦp�U�� cookie:\n\n";
    Text[ greek ] = "�� %PRODUCTNAME ���� ����������� cookies ��� ��� ���������� '${HOST}', �� ����� �� ���������� ���� ��� ������ ��� �������� ${PATH}.\n�� Cookies ����� �����������, ��� ����������� �� ������������� ������ ��� URL. �� ��� ������ ������������� �������� ������������� ��� ���������� ����������� ���� �� %PRODUCTNAME ��� ������������� ����. �� ����� �������� ������ ��� �� %PRODUCTNAME ������� ��������, �� ����� ����������� �� ��� ����� URL ���� Cookie ��� ����� ����� ������������, �� %PRODUCTNAME ���������� ���� ��� ���������� ���� ��� ����������. ���� � ����������� ���� ��� ���������� �� '�������' ��� ��������� ���� ��������� WWW ���� �.�. ���� ������ ������ online.\n\n�� �������� Cookie ��������� �� ������������:\n\n";
    Text[ korean ] = "%PRODUCTNAME ��(��) ����'$(HOST)'�� ����, ����${PATH} �䱸�� �������� �� Cookie�� �����Ͽ����ϴ� .\nCookie �� URL�� Ư�� Ŭ������ ���õ� �����Դϴ�. Cookie �� Ư�� �������� �ҷ� �� �� ���� �����鿡 ���� %PRODUCTNAME�� �������� �װ��� ����˴ϴ�. ���Ŀ� %PRODUCTNAME�̣�����URL�� ������ ������ Cookie�� Ŭ������ �����ϴ� ������ �䱸�ϸ� %PRODUCTNAME�̣����� �� ������ ������ ������ �˴ϴ�. �̷��� �ؼ� ������ WWW �������α׷� (���� ��� �¶��� ���ο������ٱ��Ͽ� ���� ����)�� �ν��ϰ� �˴ϴ�.\n\n������ ���� Cookie���� �����Ǿ�� �մϴ�:\n\n";
    Text[ arabic ] = "��� %PRODUCTNAME ����� ����� (Cookies) ������ '${HOST}'. ��� ��� ����� ��� �������� ��� ��� �������.${PATH}\n������� �� ������� ���� ����� ����� �� �������� .(URLs) ��� ����� ��� ��������� �� ��� ��� �������� ��� %PRODUCTNAME ��� ������� ������� ���ɡ ��� ��� ����� ��� ��������� �� %PRODUCTNAME. ��� ��� %PRODUCTNAME ������ ������� ������ ������ �� ��� ����� �� ��������� �� ��� ���� %PRODUCTNAME ������ ��� ��������� ��� ������. ���� ������� ���� �������� ����� ������ �� ��������� WWW (����� ��������� �������� �� ����� ������ ����� ������ ��� ��������).\n\n����� ����� �������� �������:\n\n";
    Text[ turkish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME, sunucu '${HOST}' i�in Cookie'ler kaydetti.  Bunlar, ${PATH} belgesi talep edildi�inde %PRODUCTNAME taraf�ndan g�nderilir.\nCookie'ler, belirli URL s�n�flar�na ili�kin bilgilerdir. %PRODUCTNAME ileride daha �nceden al�nm�� bir Cookie s�n�f�n�n URL'si ile �rt��en bir belge talep etti�inde, bu bilgi %PRODUCTNAME taraf�ndan ilgili sunucuya g�nderilir. B�ylece sunucu, bir WWW uygulamas�n�n son durumunu (�rn. bir al��veri� sisteminde, sepete konulan �r�nleri) kaydedebilir. \n\n�u Cookie'ler bilgisayar�n�zda belirlenecek:\n\n";
    Text[ catalan ] = "%PRODUCTNAME ha guardado cookies para el servidor '${HOST}' que ser�n enviadas cuando se solicite el documento ${PATH}.\nLas cookies son informaciones referentes a determinadas clases de URLs. Cuando se solicita un documento, algunos servidores las env�an a %PRODUCTNAME y las guardan all�. Si %PRODUCTNAME solicita m�s tarde un documento que de acuerdo con su URL corresponda a una clase de una cookie recibida anteriormente, %PRODUCTNAME enviar� esta informaci�n al servidor. As�, los servidores pueden recordar el estado de una aplicaci�n www, como por ejemplo los art�culos en la cesta de un sistema de compras.\n\nEstas son las cookies a instalar:\n\n";
    Text[ finnish ] = "%PRODUCTNAME on tallentanut palvelimen ${HOST} ev�steet, jotka l�hetet��n palvelimelle asiakirjan ${PATH} pyyt�misen yhteydess�.\nEv�steet sis�lt�v�t tiettyihin URL-luokkiin viittaavia tietoja. Jotkin palvelimet l�hett�v�t ev�steit� ohjelmaan %PRODUCTNAME, joka tallentaa ne tiettyjen asiakirjojen k�yt�n yhteydess�. Jos %PRODUCTNAME lataa asiakirjan, jonka URL-osoite vastaa aikaisemmin vastaanotettujen ev�steiden m��rityksi�, %PRODUCTNAME l�hett�� n�m� tiedot palvelimelle. N�in palvelin pystyy seuraamaan Web-sovelluksen tilaa esimerkiksi online-kaupassa.\n\nSeuraavat ev�steet ollaan ottamassa k�ytt��n:\n\n";

    Text = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Pfad: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ English ] = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Pfad: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Dom�nio: ${DOMAIN}, Atalho: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Path: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Domain: ${DOMAIN}, Pfad: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Dom�n: ${DOMAIN}, S�kv�g: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Dom�ne: ${DOMAIN}, Sti: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Dominio: ${DOMAIN}, Percorso: ${PATH}, cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Dominio: ${DOMAIN}, Ruta: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Domaine : ${DOMAIN}, Chemin : ${PATH}, Cookie : ${COOKIE}.\n" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Domein: ${DOMAIN}, Pad: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}\n" ;
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "��${DOMAIN}��·����${PATH}��Cookie��${COOKIE}��\n";
    Text[ russian ] = "�����: ${DOMAIN}, ����: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ polish ] = "Domena: ${DOMAIN}, �cie�ka: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ japanese ] = "��Ҳ�: ${DOMAIN}�A�߽: ${PATH}�A����: ${COOKIE}�B\n";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "���G${DOMAIN}�A���|�G${PATH}�ACookie �G${COOKIE}�C\n";
    Text[ greek ] = "������: ${DOMAIN}, ��������: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ korean ] = "������: ${DOMAIN}, ���: ${PATH}, COOKIE : ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ arabic ] = "������: ${DOMAIN}, ������: ${PATH}, ������: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Etki alan�: ${DOMAIN}, Veri yolu: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Dominio: ${DOMAIN}, Ruta: ${PATH}, Cookie: ${COOKIE}.\n";
    Text[ finnish ] = "Verkkoalue: ${DOMAIN}, Polku: ${PATH}, Ev�ste: ${COOKIE}.\n";

    Text = "Cookies versenden" ;
    Text [ English ] = "Cookies versenden" ;
    Text [ portuguese ] = "Enviar cookies" ;
    Text [ english_us ] = "Send Cookies" ;
    Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cookies versenden" ;
    Text [ swedish ] = "Skicka cookies" ;
    Text [ danish ] = "Send cookies" ;
    Text [ italian ] = "Trasmetti cookie" ;
    Text [ spanish ] = "Enviar cookies" ;
    Text [ french ] = "Envoi de Cookies" ;
    Text [ dutch ] = "Cookies verzenden" ;
    Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "�ķ� Cookie";
    Text[ russian ] = "��������� ����� Cookie";
    Text[ polish ] = "Wy�lij pliki cookie";
    Text[ japanese ] = "�����̑��M";
    Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "�ǰe Cookie";
    Text[ greek ] = "�������� Cookies";
    Text[ korean ] = "COOKIE  ������";
    Text[ arabic ] = "����� �������";
    Text[ turkish ] = "Cookies g�nder";
    Text[ catalan ] = "Enviar cookies";
    Text[ finnish ] = "L�het� ev�steet";