/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "passworddlg.hxx" #include "passworddlg.hrc" #include "ids.hrc" #include <svtools/filedlg.hxx> #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx> using namespace ::com::sun::star; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void lcl_Move( Window &rWin, long nOffset ) { Point aTmp( rWin.GetPosPixel() ); aTmp.Y() += nOffset; rWin.SetPosPixel( aTmp ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PasswordDialog::PasswordDialog( Window* _pParent, task::PasswordRequestMode nDlgMode, ResMgr * pResMgr, rtl::OUString& aDocURL, bool bOpenToModify, bool bIsSimplePasswordRequest ) :ModalDialog( _pParent, ResId( DLG_UUI_PASSWORD, *pResMgr ) ) ,aFTPassword( this, ResId( FT_PASSWORD, *pResMgr )) ,aEDPassword( this, ResId( ED_PASSWORD, *pResMgr )) ,aFTConfirmPassword( this, ResId( FT_CONFIRM_PASSWORD, *pResMgr )) ,aEDConfirmPassword( this, ResId( ED_CONFIRM_PASSWORD, *pResMgr )) ,aOKBtn ( this, ResId( BTN_PASSWORD_OK, *pResMgr )) ,aCancelBtn ( this, ResId( BTN_PASSWORD_CANCEL, *pResMgr )) ,aHelpBtn ( this, ResId( BTN_PASSWORD_HELP, *pResMgr )) ,aFixedLine1( this, ResId( FL_FIXED_LINE_1, *pResMgr )) ,nMinLen(1) ,aPasswdMismatch( ResId( STR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH, *pResMgr )) ,nDialogMode( nDlgMode ) ,pResourceMgr ( pResMgr ) { if( nDialogMode == task::PasswordRequestMode_PASSWORD_REENTER ) { const sal_uInt16 nOpenToModifyErrStrId = bOpenToModify ? STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY_WRONG : STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_WRONG; const sal_uInt16 nErrStrId = bIsSimplePasswordRequest ? STR_ERROR_SIMPLE_PASSWORD_WRONG : nOpenToModifyErrStrId; String aErrorMsg( ResId( nErrStrId, *pResourceMgr )); ErrorBox aErrorBox( GetParent(), WB_OK, aErrorMsg ); aErrorBox.Execute(); } // default settings for enter password or reenter passwd... String aTitle( ResId( STR_TITLE_ENTER_PASSWORD, *pResourceMgr ) ); aFTConfirmPassword.Hide(); aEDConfirmPassword.Hide(); aFTConfirmPassword.Enable( sal_False ); aEDConfirmPassword.Enable( sal_False ); // settings for create password if (nDialogMode == task::PasswordRequestMode_PASSWORD_CREATE) { aTitle = String( ResId( STR_TITLE_CREATE_PASSWORD, *pResourceMgr ) ); aFTConfirmPassword.SetText( String( ResId( STR_CONFIRM_SIMPLE_PASSWORD, *pResourceMgr ) ) ); aFTConfirmPassword.Show(); aEDConfirmPassword.Show(); aFTConfirmPassword.Enable( sal_True ); aEDConfirmPassword.Enable( sal_True ); } else { // shrink dialog by size of hidden controls and move rest up accordingly long nDelta = aFixedLine1.GetPosPixel().Y() - aFTConfirmPassword.GetPosPixel().Y(); lcl_Move( aFixedLine1, -nDelta ); lcl_Move( aOKBtn, -nDelta ); lcl_Move( aCancelBtn, -nDelta ); lcl_Move( aHelpBtn, -nDelta ); Size aNewDlgSize = GetSizePixel(); aNewDlgSize.Height() -= nDelta; SetSizePixel( aNewDlgSize ); } SetText( aTitle ); sal_uInt16 nStrId = bOpenToModify ? STR_ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY : STR_ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN; aFTPassword.SetText( String( ResId( nStrId, *pResourceMgr ) ) ); aFTPassword.SetText( aFTPassword.GetText() + aDocURL ); if (bIsSimplePasswordRequest) { DBG_ASSERT( aDocURL.getLength() == 0, "A simple password request should not have a document URL! Use document password request instead." ); aFTPassword.SetText( String( ResId( STR_ENTER_SIMPLE_PASSWORD, *pResourceMgr ) ) ); } FreeResource(); aOKBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, PasswordDialog, OKHdl_Impl ) ); // // move controls down by extra height needed for aFTPassword // (usually only needed if a URL was provided) // long nLabelWidth = aFTPassword.GetSizePixel().Width(); long nLabelHeight = aFTPassword.GetSizePixel().Height(); long nTextWidth = aFTPassword.GetCtrlTextWidth( aFTPassword.GetText() ); long nTextHeight = aFTPassword.GetTextHeight(); Rectangle aLabelRect( aFTPassword.GetPosPixel(), aFTPassword.GetSizePixel() ); Rectangle aRect = aFTPassword.GetTextRect( aLabelRect, aFTPassword.GetText() ); long nNewLabelHeight = 0; for( nNewLabelHeight = ( nTextWidth / nLabelWidth + 1 ) * nTextHeight; nNewLabelHeight < aRect.GetHeight(); nNewLabelHeight += nTextHeight ) {} ; long nDelta = nNewLabelHeight - nLabelHeight; Size aNewDlgSize = GetSizePixel(); aNewDlgSize.Height() += nDelta; SetSizePixel( aNewDlgSize ); Size aNewLabelSize = aFTPassword.GetSizePixel(); aNewLabelSize.Height() = nNewLabelHeight; aFTPassword.SetPosSizePixel( aFTPassword.GetPosPixel(), aNewLabelSize ); lcl_Move( aEDPassword, nDelta ); lcl_Move( aFTConfirmPassword, nDelta ); lcl_Move( aEDConfirmPassword, nDelta ); lcl_Move( aFixedLine1, nDelta ); lcl_Move( aOKBtn, nDelta ); lcl_Move( aCancelBtn, nDelta ); lcl_Move( aHelpBtn, nDelta ); } IMPL_LINK( PasswordDialog, OKHdl_Impl, OKButton *, EMPTYARG ) { bool bEDPasswdValid = aEDPassword.GetText().Len() >= nMinLen; bool bPasswdMismatch = aEDConfirmPassword.GetText() != aEDPassword.GetText(); bool bValid = (!aEDConfirmPassword.IsVisible() && bEDPasswdValid) || (aEDConfirmPassword.IsVisible() && bEDPasswdValid && !bPasswdMismatch); if (aEDConfirmPassword.IsVisible() && bPasswdMismatch) { ErrorBox aErrorBox( this, WB_OK, aPasswdMismatch ); aErrorBox.Execute(); } else if (bValid) EndDialog( RET_OK ); return 1; }