/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: salframe.h,v $ * * $Revision: 1.18 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-07-05 16:00:33 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_SALFRAME_H #define _SV_SALFRAME_H #include #include #ifndef _SV_SV_H #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SYSDATA_HXX #include #endif #include #include #include #include class AquaSalGraphics; class AquaSalFrame; class AquaSalTimer; class AquaSalInstance; typedef struct SalFrame::SalPointerState SalPointerState; // ---------------- // - AquaSalFrame - // ---------------- class AquaSalFrame : public SalFrame { public: CarbonWindowRef mrWindow; // Window handle AquaSalGraphics* mpGraphics; // current frame graphics AquaSalFrame* mpParent; // pointer to parent frame void* mpInst; // instance handle for callback SystemEnvData maSysData; // system data long mnWidth; // client width in pixels long mnHeight; // client height in pixels int mnMinWidth; // min. client width in pixels int mnMinHeight; // min. client height in pixels int mnMaxWidth; // max. client width in pixels int mnMaxHeight; // max. client height in pixels Rect maFullScreenRect; // old window size when in FullScreen WindowAttributes maFullScreenAttr; // old window attributes when in FullScreen BOOL mbGraphics; // is Graphics used? BOOL mbFullScreen; // is Window in FullScreen? AquaSalInstance* mpSalInstance; bool mbShown; bool mbInitShow; bool mbPositioned; bool mbSized; ULONG mnStyle; TSMDocumentID maTsmDocumentId; SalExtTextInputEvent maInputEvent; // preedit text public: /** Constructor Creates a system window and connects this frame with it. @throws std::runtime_error in case window creation fails */ AquaSalFrame(SalFrame* pParent, ULONG salFrameStyle, AquaSalInstance* pSalInstance); virtual ~AquaSalFrame(); virtual SalGraphics* GetGraphics(); virtual void ReleaseGraphics( SalGraphics* pGraphics ); virtual BOOL PostEvent( void* pData ); BOOL PostTimerEvent( AquaSalTimer *pTimer ); virtual void SetTitle( const XubString& rTitle ); virtual void SetIcon( USHORT nIcon ); virtual void SetMenu( SalMenu* pSalMenu ); virtual void DrawMenuBar(); virtual void Show( BOOL bVisible, BOOL bNoActivate = FALSE ); virtual void Enable( BOOL bEnable ); virtual void SetMinClientSize( long nWidth, long nHeight ); virtual void SetMaxClientSize( long nWidth, long nHeight ); virtual void SetPosSize( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight, USHORT nFlags ); virtual void GetClientSize( long& rWidth, long& rHeight ); virtual void GetWorkArea( Rectangle& rRect ); virtual SalFrame* GetParent() const; virtual void SetWindowState( const SalFrameState* pState ); virtual BOOL GetWindowState( SalFrameState* pState ); virtual void ShowFullScreen( BOOL bFullScreen, sal_Int32 nDisplay ); virtual void StartPresentation( BOOL bStart ); virtual void SetAlwaysOnTop( BOOL bOnTop ); virtual void ToTop( USHORT nFlags ); virtual void SetPointer( PointerStyle ePointerStyle ); virtual void CaptureMouse( BOOL bMouse ); virtual void SetPointerPos( long nX, long nY ); virtual void Flush(); virtual void Sync(); virtual void SetInputContext( SalInputContext* pContext ); virtual void EndExtTextInput( USHORT nFlags ); virtual String GetKeyName( USHORT nKeyCode ); virtual String GetSymbolKeyName( const XubString& rFontName, USHORT nKeyCode ); virtual BOOL MapUnicodeToKeyCode( sal_Unicode aUnicode, LanguageType aLangType, KeyCode& rKeyCode ); virtual LanguageType GetInputLanguage(); virtual SalBitmap* SnapShot(); virtual void UpdateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings ); virtual void Beep( SoundType eSoundType ); virtual const SystemEnvData* GetSystemData() const; virtual SalPointerState GetPointerState(); virtual void SetParent( SalFrame* pNewParent ); virtual bool SetPluginParent( SystemParentData* pNewParent ); virtual void SetExtendedFrameStyle( SalExtStyle ); virtual void SetBackgroundBitmap( SalBitmap* ); // shaped system windows // set clip region to none (-> rectangular windows, normal state) virtual void ResetClipRegion(); // start setting the clipregion consisting of nRects rectangles virtual void BeginSetClipRegion( ULONG nRects ); // add a rectangle to the clip region virtual void UnionClipRegion( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight ); // done setting up the clipregion virtual void EndSetClipRegion(); virtual void SetClientSize( long nWidth, long nHeight ); void UpdateFrameGeometry(); // trigger painting of the window void SendPaintEvent(); void ActivateTSM(); void DeactivateTSM(); static bool isAlive( const AquaSalFrame* pFrame ) { return GetSalData()->maFrameCheck.find( pFrame ) != GetSalData()->maFrameCheck.end(); } static AquaSalFrame* GetCaptureFrame() { return s_pCaptureFrame; } private: // methods /** Create a new system window. The newly create window will be associated whith this frame. @param pParent the parent of the window may be NULL @param nSalFrameStyle the style of the new window @throws std::runtime_error in case window creation fails */ void CreateNewSystemWindow(CarbonWindowRef pParent, ULONG nSalFrameStyle); BOOL ImplPostUserEvent( UInt32 eventKind, void *pData ); /** Install a window event handler The window event handler and the corresponding Universal Procedure Pointer (UPP) pointer need to be save during destruction of the frame instance we have to unregister all installed event handlers and dispose the UPP. @param upp a universal procedure pointer @param nEvents number of events to register @param eventSpec the event specification @return the status of the registration see Carbon Event Manager reference for details */ OSStatus InstallAndRegisterEventHandler(EventHandlerUPP upp, size_t nEvents, const EventTypeSpec* eventSpec); void DeinstallAndUnregisterAllEventHandler(); /** do things on initial show (like centering on parent or on screen) */ void initShow(); private: // data typedef std::pair SysWindowEventHandlerData_t; typedef std::vector SysWindowEventHandlerDataContainer_t; SysWindowEventHandlerDataContainer_t mSysWindowEventHandlerDataContainer; // Menu associated with this SalFrame SalMenu *mpMenu; static SysWindowEventHandlerData_t s_aOverlayEvtHandler; static AquaSalFrame* s_pCaptureFrame; static CarbonWindowRef s_rOverlay; // window handle for overlay (needed in CaptureMouse) // make AquaSalFrame non copyable AquaSalFrame( const AquaSalFrame& ); AquaSalFrame& operator=(const AquaSalFrame&); }; #endif // _SV_SALFRAME_H