/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html> * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #include "osl/file.hxx" #include "osl/process.h" #include "osl/mutex.hxx" #include "rtl/bootstrap.h" #include "rtl/strbuf.hxx" #include "basegfx/range/b2drectangle.hxx" #include "basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx" #include "basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx" #include "basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx" #include "basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrixtools.hxx" #include "vcl/sysdata.hxx" #include "vcl/svapp.hxx" #include "aqua/salconst.h" #include "aqua/salgdi.h" #include "aqua/salbmp.h" #include "aqua/salframe.h" #include "aqua/salcolorutils.hxx" #include "aqua/salatsuifontutils.hxx" #include "fontsubset.hxx" #include "impfont.hxx" #include "region.h" #include "sallayout.hxx" #include "sft.hxx" using namespace vcl; //typedef unsigned char Boolean; // copied from MacTypes.h, should be properly included typedef std::vector<unsigned char> ByteVector; // ATSUI is deprecated in 10.6 (or already 10.5?) #if defined LIBO_WERROR && defined __GNUC__ #define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000 \ + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 \ + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) #if GCC_VERSION >= 40201 #pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif #endif // ======================================================================= ImplMacFontData::ImplMacFontData( const ImplDevFontAttributes& rDFA, ATSUFontID nFontId ) : ImplFontData( rDFA, 0 ) , mnFontId( nFontId ) , mpCharMap( NULL ) , mbOs2Read( false ) , mbHasOs2Table( false ) , mbCmapEncodingRead( false ) , mbHasCJKSupport( false ) , mbFontCapabilitiesRead( false ) {} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplMacFontData::~ImplMacFontData() { if( mpCharMap ) mpCharMap->DeReference(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_IntPtr ImplMacFontData::GetFontId() const { return (sal_IntPtr)mnFontId; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplFontData* ImplMacFontData::Clone() const { ImplMacFontData* pClone = new ImplMacFontData(*this); if( mpCharMap ) mpCharMap->AddReference(); return pClone; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplFontEntry* ImplMacFontData::CreateFontInstance(FontSelectPattern& rFSD) const { return new ImplFontEntry(rFSD); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- inline FourCharCode GetTag(const char aTagName[5]) { return (aTagName[0]<<24)+(aTagName[1]<<16)+(aTagName[2]<<8)+(aTagName[3]); } static unsigned GetUShort( const unsigned char* p ){return((p[0]<<8)+p[1]);} static unsigned GetUInt( const unsigned char* p ) { return((p[0]<<24)+(p[1]<<16)+(p[2]<<8)+p[3]);} const ImplFontCharMap* ImplMacFontData::GetImplFontCharMap() const { // return the cached charmap if( mpCharMap ) return mpCharMap; // set the default charmap mpCharMap = ImplFontCharMap::GetDefaultMap(); mpCharMap->AddReference(); // get the CMAP byte size ATSFontRef rFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( mnFontId ); ByteCount nBufSize = 0; OSStatus eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("cmap"), 0, 0, NULL, &nBufSize ); DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr), "ImplMacFontData::GetImplFontCharMap : ATSFontGetTable1 failed!\n"); if( eStatus != noErr ) return mpCharMap; // allocate a buffer for the CMAP raw data ByteVector aBuffer( nBufSize ); // get the CMAP raw data ByteCount nRawLength = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("cmap"), 0, nBufSize, (void*)&aBuffer[0], &nRawLength ); DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr), "ImplMacFontData::GetImplFontCharMap : ATSFontGetTable2 failed!\n"); if( eStatus != noErr ) return mpCharMap; DBG_ASSERT( (nBufSize==nRawLength), "ImplMacFontData::GetImplFontCharMap : ByteCount mismatch!\n"); // parse the CMAP CmapResult aCmapResult; if( !ParseCMAP( &aBuffer[0], nRawLength, aCmapResult ) ) return mpCharMap; mpCharMap = new ImplFontCharMap( aCmapResult ); mpCharMap->AddReference(); return mpCharMap; } bool ImplMacFontData::GetImplFontCapabilities(vcl::FontCapabilities &rFontCapabilities) const { // read this only once per font if( mbFontCapabilitiesRead ) { rFontCapabilities = maFontCapabilities; return !rFontCapabilities.maUnicodeRange.empty() || !rFontCapabilities.maCodePageRange.empty(); } mbFontCapabilitiesRead = true; // prepare to get the GSUB table raw data ATSFontRef rFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( mnFontId ); ByteCount nBufSize = 0; OSStatus eStatus; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("GSUB"), 0, 0, NULL, &nBufSize ); if( eStatus == noErr ) { // allocate a buffer for the GSUB raw data ByteVector aBuffer( nBufSize ); // get the GSUB raw data ByteCount nRawLength = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("GSUB"), 0, nBufSize, (void*)&aBuffer[0], &nRawLength ); if( eStatus == noErr ) { const unsigned char* pGSUBTable = &aBuffer[0]; vcl::getTTScripts(maFontCapabilities.maGSUBScriptTags, pGSUBTable, nRawLength); } } eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("OS/2"), 0, 0, NULL, &nBufSize ); if( eStatus == noErr ) { // allocate a buffer for the GSUB raw data ByteVector aBuffer( nBufSize ); // get the OS/2 raw data ByteCount nRawLength = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("OS/2"), 0, nBufSize, (void*)&aBuffer[0], &nRawLength ); if( eStatus == noErr ) { const unsigned char* pOS2Table = &aBuffer[0]; vcl::getTTCoverage( maFontCapabilities.maUnicodeRange, maFontCapabilities.maCodePageRange, pOS2Table, nRawLength); } } rFontCapabilities = maFontCapabilities; return !rFontCapabilities.maUnicodeRange.empty() || !rFontCapabilities.maCodePageRange.empty(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplMacFontData::ReadOs2Table( void ) const { // read this only once per font if( mbOs2Read ) return; mbOs2Read = true; // prepare to get the OS/2 table raw data ATSFontRef rFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( mnFontId ); ByteCount nBufSize = 0; OSStatus eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("OS/2"), 0, 0, NULL, &nBufSize ); DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr), "ImplMacFontData::ReadOs2Table : ATSFontGetTable1 failed!\n"); if( eStatus != noErr ) return; // allocate a buffer for the OS/2 raw data ByteVector aBuffer( nBufSize ); // get the OS/2 raw data ByteCount nRawLength = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("OS/2"), 0, nBufSize, (void*)&aBuffer[0], &nRawLength ); DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr), "ImplMacFontData::ReadOs2Table : ATSFontGetTable2 failed!\n"); if( eStatus != noErr ) return; DBG_ASSERT( (nBufSize==nRawLength), "ImplMacFontData::ReadOs2Table : ByteCount mismatch!\n"); mbHasOs2Table = true; // parse the OS/2 raw data // TODO: also analyze panose info, etc. // check if the fonts needs the "CJK extra leading" heuristic const unsigned char* pOS2map = &aBuffer[0]; const sal_uInt32 nVersion = GetUShort( pOS2map ); if( nVersion >= 0x0001 ) { sal_uInt32 ulUnicodeRange2 = GetUInt( pOS2map + 46 ); if( ulUnicodeRange2 & 0x2DF00000 ) mbHasCJKSupport = true; } } void ImplMacFontData::ReadMacCmapEncoding( void ) const { // read this only once per font if( mbCmapEncodingRead ) return; mbCmapEncodingRead = true; ATSFontRef rFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( mnFontId ); ByteCount nBufSize = 0; OSStatus eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("cmap"), 0, 0, NULL, &nBufSize ); DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr), "ImplMacFontData::ReadMacCmapEncoding : ATSFontGetTable1 failed!\n"); if( eStatus != noErr ) return; ByteVector aBuffer( nBufSize ); ByteCount nRawLength = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("cmap"), 0, nBufSize, (void*)&aBuffer[0], &nRawLength ); DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr), "ImplMacFontData::ReadMacCmapEncoding : ATSFontGetTable2 failed!\n"); if( eStatus != noErr ) return; DBG_ASSERT( (nBufSize==nRawLength), "ImplMacFontData::ReadMacCmapEncoding : ByteCount mismatch!\n"); const unsigned char* pCmap = &aBuffer[0]; if (nRawLength < 24 ) return; if( GetUShort( pCmap ) != 0x0000 ) return; // check if the fonts needs the "CJK extra leading" heuristic int nSubTables = GetUShort( pCmap + 2 ); for( const unsigned char* p = pCmap + 4; --nSubTables >= 0; p += 8 ) { int nPlatform = GetUShort( p ); if( nPlatform == kFontMacintoshPlatform ) { int nEncoding = GetUShort (p + 2 ); if( nEncoding == kFontJapaneseScript || nEncoding == kFontTraditionalChineseScript || nEncoding == kFontKoreanScript || nEncoding == kFontSimpleChineseScript ) { mbHasCJKSupport = true; break; } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ImplMacFontData::HasCJKSupport( void ) const { ReadOs2Table(); if( !mbHasOs2Table ) ReadMacCmapEncoding(); return mbHasCJKSupport; } // ======================================================================= AquaSalGraphics::AquaSalGraphics() : mpFrame( NULL ) , mxLayer( NULL ) , mrContext( NULL ) , mpXorEmulation( NULL ) , mnXorMode( 0 ) , mnWidth( 0 ) , mnHeight( 0 ) , mnBitmapDepth( 0 ) , mnRealDPIX( 0 ) , mnRealDPIY( 0 ) , mfFakeDPIScale( 1.0 ) , mxClipPath( NULL ) , maLineColor( COL_WHITE ) , maFillColor( COL_BLACK ) , mpMacFontData( NULL ) , mnATSUIRotation( 0 ) , mfFontScale( 1.0 ) , mfFontStretch( 1.0 ) , mbNonAntialiasedText( false ) , mbPrinter( false ) , mbVirDev( false ) , mbWindow( false ) { // create the style object for font attributes ATSUCreateStyle( &maATSUStyle ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AquaSalGraphics::~AquaSalGraphics() { CGPathRelease( mxClipPath ); ATSUDisposeStyle( maATSUStyle ); if( mpXorEmulation ) delete mpXorEmulation; if( mxLayer ) CGLayerRelease( mxLayer ); else if( mrContext && mbWindow ) { // destroy backbuffer bitmap context that we created ourself CGContextRelease( mrContext ); mrContext = NULL; // memory is freed automatically by maOwnContextMemory } } bool AquaSalGraphics::supportsOperation( OutDevSupportType eType ) const { bool bRet = false; switch( eType ) { case OutDevSupport_TransparentRect: case OutDevSupport_B2DClip: case OutDevSupport_B2DDraw: bRet = true; break; default: break; } return bRet; } // ======================================================================= void AquaSalGraphics::updateResolution() { DBG_ASSERT( mbWindow, "updateResolution on inappropriate graphics" ); initResolution( (mbWindow && mpFrame) ? mpFrame->mpWindow : nil ); } void AquaSalGraphics::initResolution( NSWindow* ) { // #i100617# read DPI only once; there is some kind of weird caching going on // if the main screen changes // FIXME: this is really unfortunate and needs to be investigated SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); if( pSalData->mnDPIX == 0 || pSalData->mnDPIY == 0 ) { NSScreen* pScreen = nil; /* #i91301# many woes went into the try to have different resolutions on different screens. The result of these trials is that OOo is not ready for that yet, vcl and applications would need to be adapted. Unfortunately this is not possible in the 3.0 timeframe. So let's stay with one resolution for all Windows and VirtualDevices which is the resolution of the main screen This of course also means that measurements are exact only on the main screen. For activating different resolutions again just comment out the two lines below. if( pWin ) pScreen = [pWin screen]; */ if( pScreen == nil ) { NSArray* pScreens = [NSScreen screens]; if( pScreens ) pScreen = [pScreens objectAtIndex: 0]; } mnRealDPIX = mnRealDPIY = 96; if( pScreen ) { NSDictionary* pDev = [pScreen deviceDescription]; if( pDev ) { NSNumber* pVal = [pDev objectForKey: @"NSScreenNumber"]; if( pVal ) { // FIXME: casting a long to CGDirectDisplayID is evil, but // Apple suggest to do it this way const CGDirectDisplayID nDisplayID = (CGDirectDisplayID)[pVal longValue]; const CGSize aSize = CGDisplayScreenSize( nDisplayID ); // => result is in millimeters mnRealDPIX = static_cast<long>((CGDisplayPixelsWide( nDisplayID ) * 25.4) / aSize.width); mnRealDPIY = static_cast<long>((CGDisplayPixelsHigh( nDisplayID ) * 25.4) / aSize.height); } else { OSL_FAIL( "no resolution found in device description" ); } } else { OSL_FAIL( "no device description" ); } } else { OSL_FAIL( "no screen found" ); } // #i107076# maintaining size-WYSIWYG-ness causes many problems for // low-DPI, high-DPI or for mis-reporting devices // => it is better to limit the calculation result then static const int nMinDPI = 72; if( (mnRealDPIX < nMinDPI) || (mnRealDPIY < nMinDPI) ) mnRealDPIX = mnRealDPIY = nMinDPI; static const int nMaxDPI = 200; if( (mnRealDPIX > nMaxDPI) || (mnRealDPIY > nMaxDPI) ) mnRealDPIX = mnRealDPIY = nMaxDPI; // for OSX any anisotropy reported for the display resolution is best ignored (e.g. TripleHead2Go) mnRealDPIX = mnRealDPIY = (mnRealDPIX + mnRealDPIY + 1) / 2; pSalData->mnDPIX = mnRealDPIX; pSalData->mnDPIY = mnRealDPIY; } else { mnRealDPIX = pSalData->mnDPIX; mnRealDPIY = pSalData->mnDPIY; } mfFakeDPIScale = 1.0; } void AquaSalGraphics::GetResolution( long& rDPIX, long& rDPIY ) { if( !mnRealDPIY ) initResolution( (mbWindow && mpFrame) ? mpFrame->mpWindow : nil ); rDPIX = static_cast<long>(mfFakeDPIScale * mnRealDPIX); rDPIY = static_cast<long>(mfFakeDPIScale * mnRealDPIY); } void AquaSalGraphics::copyResolution( AquaSalGraphics& rGraphics ) { if( !rGraphics.mnRealDPIY && rGraphics.mbWindow && rGraphics.mpFrame ) rGraphics.initResolution( rGraphics.mpFrame->mpWindow ); mnRealDPIX = rGraphics.mnRealDPIX; mnRealDPIY = rGraphics.mnRealDPIY; mfFakeDPIScale = rGraphics.mfFakeDPIScale; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 AquaSalGraphics::GetBitCount() const { sal_uInt16 nBits = mnBitmapDepth ? mnBitmapDepth : 32;//24; return nBits; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static const basegfx::B2DPoint aHalfPointOfs ( 0.5, 0.5 ); static void AddPolygonToPath( CGMutablePathRef xPath, const ::basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon, bool bClosePath, bool bPixelSnap, bool bLineDraw ) { // short circuit if there is nothing to do const int nPointCount = rPolygon.count(); if( nPointCount <= 0 ) return; (void)bPixelSnap; // TODO const CGAffineTransform* pTransform = NULL; const bool bHasCurves = rPolygon.areControlPointsUsed(); for( int nPointIdx = 0, nPrevIdx = 0;; nPrevIdx = nPointIdx++ ) { int nClosedIdx = nPointIdx; if( nPointIdx >= nPointCount ) { // prepare to close last curve segment if needed if( bClosePath && (nPointIdx == nPointCount) ) nClosedIdx = 0; else break; } ::basegfx::B2DPoint aPoint = rPolygon.getB2DPoint( nClosedIdx ); if( bPixelSnap) { // snap device coordinates to full pixels aPoint.setX( basegfx::fround( aPoint.getX() ) ); aPoint.setY( basegfx::fround( aPoint.getY() ) ); } if( bLineDraw ) aPoint += aHalfPointOfs; if( !nPointIdx ) { // first point => just move there CGPathMoveToPoint( xPath, pTransform, aPoint.getX(), aPoint.getY() ); continue; } bool bPendingCurve = false; if( bHasCurves ) { bPendingCurve = rPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed( nPrevIdx ); bPendingCurve |= rPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed( nClosedIdx ); } if( !bPendingCurve ) // line segment CGPathAddLineToPoint( xPath, pTransform, aPoint.getX(), aPoint.getY() ); else // cubic bezier segment { basegfx::B2DPoint aCP1 = rPolygon.getNextControlPoint( nPrevIdx ); basegfx::B2DPoint aCP2 = rPolygon.getPrevControlPoint( nClosedIdx ); if( bLineDraw ) { aCP1 += aHalfPointOfs; aCP2 += aHalfPointOfs; } CGPathAddCurveToPoint( xPath, pTransform, aCP1.getX(), aCP1.getY(), aCP2.getX(), aCP2.getY(), aPoint.getX(), aPoint.getY() ); } } if( bClosePath ) CGPathCloseSubpath( xPath ); } static void AddPolyPolygonToPath( CGMutablePathRef xPath, const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, bool bPixelSnap, bool bLineDraw ) { // short circuit if there is nothing to do const int nPolyCount = rPolyPoly.count(); if( nPolyCount <= 0 ) return; for( int nPolyIdx = 0; nPolyIdx < nPolyCount; ++nPolyIdx ) { const ::basegfx::B2DPolygon rPolygon = rPolyPoly.getB2DPolygon( nPolyIdx ); AddPolygonToPath( xPath, rPolygon, true, bPixelSnap, bLineDraw ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::ResetClipRegion() { // release old path and indicate no clipping if( mxClipPath ) { CGPathRelease( mxClipPath ); mxClipPath = NULL; } if( CheckContext() ) SetState(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AquaSalGraphics::setClipRegion( const Region& i_rClip ) { // release old clip path if( mxClipPath ) { CGPathRelease( mxClipPath ); mxClipPath = NULL; } mxClipPath = CGPathCreateMutable(); // set current path, either as polypolgon or sequence of rectangles if( i_rClip.HasPolyPolygon() ) { basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aClip( const_cast<Region&>(i_rClip).ConvertToB2DPolyPolygon() ); AddPolyPolygonToPath( mxClipPath, aClip, !getAntiAliasB2DDraw(), false ); } else { long nX, nY, nW, nH; ImplRegionInfo aInfo; bool bRegionRect = i_rClip.ImplGetFirstRect(aInfo, nX, nY, nW, nH ); while( bRegionRect ) { if( nW && nH ) { CGRect aRect = {{nX,nY}, {nW,nH}}; CGPathAddRect( mxClipPath, NULL, aRect ); } bRegionRect = i_rClip.ImplGetNextRect( aInfo, nX, nY, nW, nH ); } } // set the current path as clip region if( CheckContext() ) SetState(); return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::SetLineColor() { maLineColor.SetAlpha( 0.0 ); // transparent if( CheckContext() ) CGContextSetStrokeColor( mrContext, maLineColor.AsArray() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::SetLineColor( SalColor nSalColor ) { maLineColor = RGBAColor( nSalColor ); if( CheckContext() ) CGContextSetStrokeColor( mrContext, maLineColor.AsArray() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::SetFillColor() { maFillColor.SetAlpha( 0.0 ); // transparent if( CheckContext() ) CGContextSetFillColor( mrContext, maFillColor.AsArray() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::SetFillColor( SalColor nSalColor ) { maFillColor = RGBAColor( nSalColor ); if( CheckContext() ) CGContextSetFillColor( mrContext, maFillColor.AsArray() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static SalColor ImplGetROPSalColor( SalROPColor nROPColor ) { SalColor nSalColor; if ( nROPColor == SAL_ROP_0 ) nSalColor = MAKE_SALCOLOR( 0, 0, 0 ); else nSalColor = MAKE_SALCOLOR( 255, 255, 255 ); return nSalColor; } void AquaSalGraphics::SetROPLineColor( SalROPColor nROPColor ) { if( ! mbPrinter ) SetLineColor( ImplGetROPSalColor( nROPColor ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::SetROPFillColor( SalROPColor nROPColor ) { if( ! mbPrinter ) SetFillColor( ImplGetROPSalColor( nROPColor ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::ImplDrawPixel( long nX, long nY, const RGBAColor& rColor ) { if( !CheckContext() ) return; // overwrite the fill color CGContextSetFillColor( mrContext, rColor.AsArray() ); // draw 1x1 rect, there is no pixel drawing in Quartz CGRect aDstRect = {{nX,nY,},{1,1}}; CGContextFillRect( mrContext, aDstRect ); RefreshRect( aDstRect ); // reset the fill color CGContextSetFillColor( mrContext, maFillColor.AsArray() ); } void AquaSalGraphics::drawPixel( long nX, long nY ) { // draw pixel with current line color ImplDrawPixel( nX, nY, maLineColor ); } void AquaSalGraphics::drawPixel( long nX, long nY, SalColor nSalColor ) { const RGBAColor aPixelColor( nSalColor ); ImplDrawPixel( nX, nY, aPixelColor ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::drawLine( long nX1, long nY1, long nX2, long nY2 ) { if( nX1 == nX2 && nY1 == nY2 ) { // #i109453# platform independent code expects at least one pixel to be drawn drawPixel( nX1, nY1 ); return; } if( !CheckContext() ) return; CGContextBeginPath( mrContext ); CGContextMoveToPoint( mrContext, static_cast<float>(nX1)+0.5, static_cast<float>(nY1)+0.5 ); CGContextAddLineToPoint( mrContext, static_cast<float>(nX2)+0.5, static_cast<float>(nY2)+0.5 ); CGContextDrawPath( mrContext, kCGPathStroke ); Rectangle aRefreshRect( nX1, nY1, nX2, nY2 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::drawRect( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight ) { if( !CheckContext() ) return; CGRect aRect( CGRectMake(nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight) ); if( IsPenVisible() ) { aRect.origin.x += 0.5; aRect.origin.y += 0.5; aRect.size.width -= 1; aRect.size.height -= 1; } if( IsBrushVisible() ) CGContextFillRect( mrContext, aRect ); if( IsPenVisible() ) CGContextStrokeRect( mrContext, aRect ); RefreshRect( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void getBoundRect( sal_uLong nPoints, const SalPoint *pPtAry, long &rX, long& rY, long& rWidth, long& rHeight ) { long nX1 = pPtAry->mnX; long nX2 = nX1; long nY1 = pPtAry->mnY; long nY2 = nY1; for( sal_uLong n = 1; n < nPoints; n++ ) { if( pPtAry[n].mnX < nX1 ) nX1 = pPtAry[n].mnX; else if( pPtAry[n].mnX > nX2 ) nX2 = pPtAry[n].mnX; if( pPtAry[n].mnY < nY1 ) nY1 = pPtAry[n].mnY; else if( pPtAry[n].mnY > nY2 ) nY2 = pPtAry[n].mnY; } rX = nX1; rY = nY1; rWidth = nX2 - nX1 + 1; rHeight = nY2 - nY1 + 1; } static inline void alignLinePoint( const SalPoint* i_pIn, float& o_fX, float& o_fY ) { o_fX = static_cast<float>(i_pIn->mnX ) + 0.5; o_fY = static_cast<float>(i_pIn->mnY ) + 0.5; } void AquaSalGraphics::drawPolyLine( sal_uLong nPoints, const SalPoint *pPtAry ) { if( nPoints < 1 ) return; if( !CheckContext() ) return; long nX = 0, nY = 0, nWidth = 0, nHeight = 0; getBoundRect( nPoints, pPtAry, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight ); float fX, fY; CGContextBeginPath( mrContext ); alignLinePoint( pPtAry, fX, fY ); CGContextMoveToPoint( mrContext, fX, fY ); pPtAry++; for( sal_uLong nPoint = 1; nPoint < nPoints; nPoint++, pPtAry++ ) { alignLinePoint( pPtAry, fX, fY ); CGContextAddLineToPoint( mrContext, fX, fY ); } CGContextDrawPath( mrContext, kCGPathStroke ); RefreshRect( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::drawPolygon( sal_uLong nPoints, const SalPoint *pPtAry ) { if( nPoints <= 1 ) return; if( !CheckContext() ) return; long nX = 0, nY = 0, nWidth = 0, nHeight = 0; getBoundRect( nPoints, pPtAry, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight ); CGPathDrawingMode eMode; if( IsBrushVisible() && IsPenVisible() ) eMode = kCGPathEOFillStroke; else if( IsPenVisible() ) eMode = kCGPathStroke; else if( IsBrushVisible() ) eMode = kCGPathEOFill; else return; CGContextBeginPath( mrContext ); if( IsPenVisible() ) { float fX, fY; alignLinePoint( pPtAry, fX, fY ); CGContextMoveToPoint( mrContext, fX, fY ); pPtAry++; for( sal_uLong nPoint = 1; nPoint < nPoints; nPoint++, pPtAry++ ) { alignLinePoint( pPtAry, fX, fY ); CGContextAddLineToPoint( mrContext, fX, fY ); } } else { CGContextMoveToPoint( mrContext, pPtAry->mnX, pPtAry->mnY ); pPtAry++; for( sal_uLong nPoint = 1; nPoint < nPoints; nPoint++, pPtAry++ ) CGContextAddLineToPoint( mrContext, pPtAry->mnX, pPtAry->mnY ); } CGContextDrawPath( mrContext, eMode ); RefreshRect( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::drawPolyPolygon( sal_uLong nPolyCount, const sal_uLong *pPoints, PCONSTSALPOINT *ppPtAry ) { if( nPolyCount <= 0 ) return; if( !CheckContext() ) return; // find bound rect long leftX = 0, topY = 0, maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0; getBoundRect( pPoints[0], ppPtAry[0], leftX, topY, maxWidth, maxHeight ); for( sal_uLong n = 1; n < nPolyCount; n++ ) { long nX = leftX, nY = topY, nW = maxWidth, nH = maxHeight; getBoundRect( pPoints[n], ppPtAry[n], nX, nY, nW, nH ); if( nX < leftX ) { maxWidth += leftX - nX; leftX = nX; } if( nY < topY ) { maxHeight += topY - nY; topY = nY; } if( nX + nW > leftX + maxWidth ) maxWidth = nX + nW - leftX; if( nY + nH > topY + maxHeight ) maxHeight = nY + nH - topY; } // prepare drawing mode CGPathDrawingMode eMode; if( IsBrushVisible() && IsPenVisible() ) eMode = kCGPathEOFillStroke; else if( IsPenVisible() ) eMode = kCGPathStroke; else if( IsBrushVisible() ) eMode = kCGPathEOFill; else return; // convert to CGPath CGContextBeginPath( mrContext ); if( IsPenVisible() ) { for( sal_uLong nPoly = 0; nPoly < nPolyCount; nPoly++ ) { const sal_uLong nPoints = pPoints[nPoly]; if( nPoints > 1 ) { const SalPoint *pPtAry = ppPtAry[nPoly]; float fX, fY; alignLinePoint( pPtAry, fX, fY ); CGContextMoveToPoint( mrContext, fX, fY ); pPtAry++; for( sal_uLong nPoint = 1; nPoint < nPoints; nPoint++, pPtAry++ ) { alignLinePoint( pPtAry, fX, fY ); CGContextAddLineToPoint( mrContext, fX, fY ); } CGContextClosePath(mrContext); } } } else { for( sal_uLong nPoly = 0; nPoly < nPolyCount; nPoly++ ) { const sal_uLong nPoints = pPoints[nPoly]; if( nPoints > 1 ) { const SalPoint *pPtAry = ppPtAry[nPoly]; CGContextMoveToPoint( mrContext, pPtAry->mnX, pPtAry->mnY ); pPtAry++; for( sal_uLong nPoint = 1; nPoint < nPoints; nPoint++, pPtAry++ ) CGContextAddLineToPoint( mrContext, pPtAry->mnX, pPtAry->mnY ); CGContextClosePath(mrContext); } } } CGContextDrawPath( mrContext, eMode ); RefreshRect( leftX, topY, maxWidth, maxHeight ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AquaSalGraphics::drawPolyPolygon( const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, double fTransparency ) { // short circuit if there is nothing to do const int nPolyCount = rPolyPoly.count(); if( nPolyCount <= 0 ) return true; // ignore invisible polygons if( (fTransparency >= 1.0) || (fTransparency < 0) ) return true; // setup poly-polygon path CGMutablePathRef xPath = CGPathCreateMutable(); for( int nPolyIdx = 0; nPolyIdx < nPolyCount; ++nPolyIdx ) { const ::basegfx::B2DPolygon rPolygon = rPolyPoly.getB2DPolygon( nPolyIdx ); AddPolygonToPath( xPath, rPolygon, true, !getAntiAliasB2DDraw(), IsPenVisible() ); } const CGRect aRefreshRect = CGPathGetBoundingBox( xPath ); #ifndef NO_I97317_WORKAROUND // #i97317# workaround for Quartz having problems with drawing small polygons if( ! ((aRefreshRect.size.width <= 0.125) && (aRefreshRect.size.height <= 0.125)) ) #endif { // use the path to prepare the graphics context CGContextSaveGState( mrContext ); CGContextBeginPath( mrContext ); CGContextAddPath( mrContext, xPath ); // draw path with antialiased polygon CGContextSetShouldAntialias( mrContext, true ); CGContextSetAlpha( mrContext, 1.0 - fTransparency ); CGContextDrawPath( mrContext, kCGPathEOFillStroke ); CGContextRestoreGState( mrContext ); // mark modified rectangle as updated RefreshRect( aRefreshRect ); } CGPathRelease( xPath ); return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AquaSalGraphics::drawPolyLine( const ::basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolyLine, double fTransparency, const ::basegfx::B2DVector& rLineWidths, basegfx::B2DLineJoin eLineJoin ) { // short circuit if there is nothing to do const int nPointCount = rPolyLine.count(); if( nPointCount <= 0 ) return true; // reject requests that cannot be handled yet if( rLineWidths.getX() != rLineWidths.getY() ) return false; // #i101491# Aqua does not support B2DLINEJOIN_NONE; return false to use // the fallback (own geometry preparation) // #i104886# linejoin-mode and thus the above only applies to "fat" lines if( (basegfx::B2DLINEJOIN_NONE == eLineJoin) && (rLineWidths.getX() > 1.3) ) return false; // setup line attributes CGLineJoin aCGLineJoin = kCGLineJoinMiter; switch( eLineJoin ) { case ::basegfx::B2DLINEJOIN_NONE: aCGLineJoin = /*TODO?*/kCGLineJoinMiter; break; case ::basegfx::B2DLINEJOIN_MIDDLE: aCGLineJoin = /*TODO?*/kCGLineJoinMiter; break; case ::basegfx::B2DLINEJOIN_BEVEL: aCGLineJoin = kCGLineJoinBevel; break; case ::basegfx::B2DLINEJOIN_MITER: aCGLineJoin = kCGLineJoinMiter; break; case ::basegfx::B2DLINEJOIN_ROUND: aCGLineJoin = kCGLineJoinRound; break; } // setup poly-polygon path CGMutablePathRef xPath = CGPathCreateMutable(); AddPolygonToPath( xPath, rPolyLine, rPolyLine.isClosed(), !getAntiAliasB2DDraw(), true ); const CGRect aRefreshRect = CGPathGetBoundingBox( xPath ); #ifndef NO_I97317_WORKAROUND // #i97317# workaround for Quartz having problems with drawing small polygons if( ! ((aRefreshRect.size.width <= 0.125) && (aRefreshRect.size.height <= 0.125)) ) #endif { // use the path to prepare the graphics context CGContextSaveGState( mrContext ); CGContextAddPath( mrContext, xPath ); // draw path with antialiased line CGContextSetShouldAntialias( mrContext, true ); CGContextSetAlpha( mrContext, 1.0 - fTransparency ); CGContextSetLineJoin( mrContext, aCGLineJoin ); CGContextSetLineWidth( mrContext, rLineWidths.getX() ); CGContextDrawPath( mrContext, kCGPathStroke ); CGContextRestoreGState( mrContext ); // mark modified rectangle as updated RefreshRect( aRefreshRect ); } CGPathRelease( xPath ); return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool AquaSalGraphics::drawPolyLineBezier( sal_uLong, const SalPoint*, const sal_uInt8* ) { return sal_False; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool AquaSalGraphics::drawPolygonBezier( sal_uLong, const SalPoint*, const sal_uInt8* ) { return sal_False; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool AquaSalGraphics::drawPolyPolygonBezier( sal_uLong, const sal_uLong*, const SalPoint* const*, const sal_uInt8* const* ) { return sal_False; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::copyBits( const SalTwoRect *pPosAry, SalGraphics *pSrcGraphics ) { if( !pSrcGraphics ) pSrcGraphics = this; //from unix salgdi2.cxx //[FIXME] find a better way to prevent calc from crashing when width and height are negative if( pPosAry->mnSrcWidth <= 0 || pPosAry->mnSrcHeight <= 0 || pPosAry->mnDestWidth <= 0 || pPosAry->mnDestHeight <= 0 ) { return; } // accelerate trivial operations /*const*/ AquaSalGraphics* pSrc = static_cast<AquaSalGraphics*>(pSrcGraphics); const bool bSameGraphics = (this == pSrc) || (mbWindow && mpFrame && pSrc->mbWindow && (mpFrame == pSrc->mpFrame)); if( bSameGraphics && (pPosAry->mnSrcWidth == pPosAry->mnDestWidth) && (pPosAry->mnSrcHeight == pPosAry->mnDestHeight)) { // short circuit if there is nothing to do if( (pPosAry->mnSrcX == pPosAry->mnDestX) && (pPosAry->mnSrcY == pPosAry->mnDestY)) return; // use copyArea() if source and destination context are identical copyArea( pPosAry->mnDestX, pPosAry->mnDestY, pPosAry->mnSrcX, pPosAry->mnSrcY, pPosAry->mnSrcWidth, pPosAry->mnSrcHeight, 0 ); return; } ApplyXorContext(); pSrc->ApplyXorContext(); DBG_ASSERT( pSrc->mxLayer!=NULL, "AquaSalGraphics::copyBits() from non-layered graphics" ); const CGPoint aDstPoint = { +pPosAry->mnDestX - pPosAry->mnSrcX, pPosAry->mnDestY - pPosAry->mnSrcY }; if( (pPosAry->mnSrcWidth == pPosAry->mnDestWidth && pPosAry->mnSrcHeight == pPosAry->mnDestHeight) && (!mnBitmapDepth || (aDstPoint.x + pSrc->mnWidth) <= mnWidth) ) // workaround a Quartz crasher { // in XOR mode the drawing context is redirected to the XOR mask // if source and target are identical then copyBits() paints onto the target context though CGContextRef xCopyContext = mrContext; if( mpXorEmulation && mpXorEmulation->IsEnabled() ) if( pSrcGraphics == this ) xCopyContext = mpXorEmulation->GetTargetContext(); CGContextSaveGState( xCopyContext ); const CGRect aDstRect = { {pPosAry->mnDestX, pPosAry->mnDestY}, {pPosAry->mnDestWidth, pPosAry->mnDestHeight} }; CGContextClipToRect( xCopyContext, aDstRect ); // draw at new destination // NOTE: flipped drawing gets disabled for this, else the subimage would be drawn upside down if( pSrc->IsFlipped() ) { CGContextTranslateCTM( xCopyContext, 0, +mnHeight ); CGContextScaleCTM( xCopyContext, +1, -1 ); } // TODO: pSrc->size() != this->size() ::CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint( xCopyContext, aDstPoint, pSrc->mxLayer ); CGContextRestoreGState( xCopyContext ); // mark the destination rectangle as updated RefreshRect( aDstRect ); } else { SalBitmap* pBitmap = pSrc->getBitmap( pPosAry->mnSrcX, pPosAry->mnSrcY, pPosAry->mnSrcWidth, pPosAry->mnSrcHeight ); if( pBitmap ) { SalTwoRect aPosAry( *pPosAry ); aPosAry.mnSrcX = 0; aPosAry.mnSrcY = 0; drawBitmap( &aPosAry, *pBitmap ); delete pBitmap; } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::copyArea( long nDstX, long nDstY,long nSrcX, long nSrcY, long nSrcWidth, long nSrcHeight, sal_uInt16 /*nFlags*/ ) { ApplyXorContext(); DBG_ASSERT( mxLayer!=NULL, "AquaSalGraphics::copyArea() for non-layered graphics" ); // in XOR mode the drawing context is redirected to the XOR mask // copyArea() always works on the target context though CGContextRef xCopyContext = mrContext; if( mpXorEmulation && mpXorEmulation->IsEnabled() ) xCopyContext = mpXorEmulation->GetTargetContext(); // drawing a layer onto its own context causes trouble on OSX => copy it first // TODO: is it possible to get rid of this unneeded copy more often? // e.g. on OSX>=10.5 only this situation causes problems: // mnBitmapDepth && (aDstPoint.x + pSrc->mnWidth) > mnWidth CGLayerRef xSrcLayer = mxLayer; // TODO: if( mnBitmapDepth > 0 ) { const CGSize aSrcSize = { nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight }; xSrcLayer = ::CGLayerCreateWithContext( xCopyContext, aSrcSize, NULL ); const CGContextRef xSrcContext = CGLayerGetContext( xSrcLayer ); CGPoint aSrcPoint = { -nSrcX, -nSrcY }; if( IsFlipped() ) { ::CGContextTranslateCTM( xSrcContext, 0, +nSrcHeight ); ::CGContextScaleCTM( xSrcContext, +1, -1 ); aSrcPoint.y = (nSrcY + nSrcHeight) - mnHeight; } ::CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint( xSrcContext, aSrcPoint, mxLayer ); } // draw at new destination const CGPoint aDstPoint = { +nDstX, +nDstY }; ::CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint( xCopyContext, aDstPoint, xSrcLayer ); // cleanup if( xSrcLayer != mxLayer ) CGLayerRelease( xSrcLayer ); // mark the destination rectangle as updated RefreshRect( nDstX, nDstY, nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::drawBitmap( const SalTwoRect* pPosAry, const SalBitmap& rSalBitmap ) { if( !CheckContext() ) return; const AquaSalBitmap& rBitmap = static_cast<const AquaSalBitmap&>(rSalBitmap); CGImageRef xImage = rBitmap.CreateCroppedImage( (int)pPosAry->mnSrcX, (int)pPosAry->mnSrcY, (int)pPosAry->mnSrcWidth, (int)pPosAry->mnSrcHeight ); if( !xImage ) return; const CGRect aDstRect = {{pPosAry->mnDestX, pPosAry->mnDestY}, {pPosAry->mnDestWidth, pPosAry->mnDestHeight}}; CGContextDrawImage( mrContext, aDstRect, xImage ); CGImageRelease( xImage ); RefreshRect( aDstRect ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::drawBitmap( const SalTwoRect* pPosAry, const SalBitmap& rSalBitmap,SalColor ) { OSL_FAIL("not implemented for color masking!"); drawBitmap( pPosAry, rSalBitmap ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::drawBitmap( const SalTwoRect* pPosAry, const SalBitmap& rSalBitmap, const SalBitmap& rTransparentBitmap ) { if( !CheckContext() ) return; const AquaSalBitmap& rBitmap = static_cast<const AquaSalBitmap&>(rSalBitmap); const AquaSalBitmap& rMask = static_cast<const AquaSalBitmap&>(rTransparentBitmap); CGImageRef xMaskedImage( rBitmap.CreateWithMask( rMask, pPosAry->mnSrcX, pPosAry->mnSrcY, pPosAry->mnSrcWidth, pPosAry->mnSrcHeight ) ); if( !xMaskedImage ) return; const CGRect aDstRect = {{pPosAry->mnDestX, pPosAry->mnDestY}, {pPosAry->mnDestWidth, pPosAry->mnDestHeight}}; CGContextDrawImage( mrContext, aDstRect, xMaskedImage ); CGImageRelease( xMaskedImage ); RefreshRect( aDstRect ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::drawMask( const SalTwoRect* pPosAry, const SalBitmap& rSalBitmap, SalColor nMaskColor ) { if( !CheckContext() ) return; const AquaSalBitmap& rBitmap = static_cast<const AquaSalBitmap&>(rSalBitmap); CGImageRef xImage = rBitmap.CreateColorMask( pPosAry->mnSrcX, pPosAry->mnSrcY, pPosAry->mnSrcWidth, pPosAry->mnSrcHeight, nMaskColor ); if( !xImage ) return; const CGRect aDstRect = {{pPosAry->mnDestX, pPosAry->mnDestY}, {pPosAry->mnDestWidth, pPosAry->mnDestHeight}}; CGContextDrawImage( mrContext, aDstRect, xImage ); CGImageRelease( xImage ); RefreshRect( aDstRect ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalBitmap* AquaSalGraphics::getBitmap( long nX, long nY, long nDX, long nDY ) { DBG_ASSERT( mxLayer, "AquaSalGraphics::getBitmap() with no layer" ); ApplyXorContext(); AquaSalBitmap* pBitmap = new AquaSalBitmap; if( !pBitmap->Create( mxLayer, mnBitmapDepth, nX, nY, nDX, nDY, !mbWindow ) ) { delete pBitmap; pBitmap = NULL; } return pBitmap; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalColor AquaSalGraphics::getPixel( long nX, long nY ) { // return default value on printers or when out of bounds if( !mxLayer || (nX < 0) || (nX >= mnWidth) || (nY < 0) || (nY >= mnHeight)) return COL_BLACK; // prepare creation of matching a CGBitmapContext CGColorSpaceRef aCGColorSpace = GetSalData()->mxRGBSpace; CGBitmapInfo aCGBmpInfo = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big; #if __BIG_ENDIAN__ struct{ unsigned char b, g, r, a; } aPixel; #else struct{ unsigned char a, r, g, b; } aPixel; #endif // create a one-pixel bitmap context // TODO: is it worth to cache it? CGContextRef xOnePixelContext = ::CGBitmapContextCreate( &aPixel, 1, 1, 8, sizeof(aPixel), aCGColorSpace, aCGBmpInfo ); // update this graphics layer ApplyXorContext(); // copy the requested pixel into the bitmap context if( IsFlipped() ) nY = mnHeight - nY; const CGPoint aCGPoint = {-nX, -nY}; CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint( xOnePixelContext, aCGPoint, mxLayer ); CGContextRelease( xOnePixelContext ); SalColor nSalColor = MAKE_SALCOLOR( aPixel.r, aPixel.g, aPixel.b ); return nSalColor; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void DrawPattern50( void*, CGContextRef rContext ) { static const CGRect aRects[2] = { { {0,0}, { 2, 2 } }, { { 2, 2 }, { 2, 2 } } }; CGContextAddRects( rContext, aRects, 2 ); CGContextFillPath( rContext ); } void AquaSalGraphics::Pattern50Fill() { static const float aFillCol[4] = { 1,1,1,1 }; static const CGPatternCallbacks aCallback = { 0, &DrawPattern50, NULL }; if( ! GetSalData()->mxP50Space ) GetSalData()->mxP50Space = CGColorSpaceCreatePattern( GetSalData()->mxRGBSpace ); if( ! GetSalData()->mxP50Pattern ) GetSalData()->mxP50Pattern = CGPatternCreate( NULL, CGRectMake( 0, 0, 4, 4 ), CGAffineTransformIdentity, 4, 4, kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacing, false, &aCallback ); CGContextSetFillColorSpace( mrContext, GetSalData()->mxP50Space ); CGContextSetFillPattern( mrContext, GetSalData()->mxP50Pattern, aFillCol ); CGContextFillPath( mrContext ); } void AquaSalGraphics::invert( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight, SalInvert nFlags ) { if ( CheckContext() ) { CGRect aCGRect = CGRectMake( nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight); CGContextSaveGState(mrContext); if ( nFlags & SAL_INVERT_TRACKFRAME ) { const float dashLengths[2] = { 4.0, 4.0 }; // for drawing dashed line CGContextSetBlendMode( mrContext, kCGBlendModeDifference ); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor ( mrContext, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); CGContextSetLineDash ( mrContext, 0, dashLengths, 2 ); CGContextSetLineWidth( mrContext, 2.0); CGContextStrokeRect ( mrContext, aCGRect ); } else if ( nFlags & SAL_INVERT_50 ) { //CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing( mrContext, false ); CGContextSetBlendMode(mrContext, kCGBlendModeDifference); CGContextAddRect( mrContext, aCGRect ); Pattern50Fill(); } else // just invert { CGContextSetBlendMode(mrContext, kCGBlendModeDifference); CGContextSetRGBFillColor ( mrContext,1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0 ); CGContextFillRect ( mrContext, aCGRect ); } CGContextRestoreGState( mrContext); RefreshRect( aCGRect ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::invert( sal_uLong nPoints, const SalPoint* pPtAry, SalInvert nSalFlags ) { CGPoint* CGpoints ; if ( CheckContext() ) { CGContextSaveGState(mrContext); CGpoints = makeCGptArray(nPoints,pPtAry); CGContextAddLines ( mrContext, CGpoints, nPoints ); if ( nSalFlags & SAL_INVERT_TRACKFRAME ) { const float dashLengths[2] = { 4.0, 4.0 }; // for drawing dashed line CGContextSetBlendMode( mrContext, kCGBlendModeDifference ); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor ( mrContext, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); CGContextSetLineDash ( mrContext, 0, dashLengths, 2 ); CGContextSetLineWidth( mrContext, 2.0); CGContextStrokePath ( mrContext ); } else if ( nSalFlags & SAL_INVERT_50 ) { CGContextSetBlendMode(mrContext, kCGBlendModeDifference); Pattern50Fill(); } else // just invert { CGContextSetBlendMode( mrContext, kCGBlendModeDifference ); CGContextSetRGBFillColor( mrContext, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); CGContextFillPath( mrContext ); } const CGRect aRefreshRect = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(mrContext); CGContextRestoreGState( mrContext); delete [] CGpoints; RefreshRect( aRefreshRect ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool AquaSalGraphics::drawEPS( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight, void* pEpsData, sal_uLong nByteCount ) { // convert the raw data to an NSImageRef NSData* xNSData = [NSData dataWithBytes:(void*)pEpsData length:(int)nByteCount]; NSImageRep* xEpsImage = [NSEPSImageRep imageRepWithData: xNSData]; if( !xEpsImage ) return false; // get the target context if( !CheckContext() ) return false; // NOTE: flip drawing, else the nsimage would be drawn upside down CGContextSaveGState( mrContext ); // CGContextTranslateCTM( mrContext, 0, +mnHeight ); CGContextScaleCTM( mrContext, +1, -1 ); nY = /*mnHeight*/ - (nY + nHeight); // prepare the target context NSGraphicsContext* pOrigNSCtx = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext]; [pOrigNSCtx retain]; // create new context NSGraphicsContext* pDrawNSCtx = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort: mrContext flipped: IsFlipped()]; // set it, setCurrentContext also releases the prviously set one [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext: pDrawNSCtx]; // draw the EPS const NSRect aDstRect = {{nX,nY},{nWidth,nHeight}}; const BOOL bOK = [xEpsImage drawInRect: aDstRect]; // restore the NSGraphicsContext [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext: pOrigNSCtx]; [pOrigNSCtx release]; // restore the original retain count CGContextRestoreGState( mrContext ); // mark the destination rectangle as updated RefreshRect( aDstRect ); return bOK; } // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= bool AquaSalGraphics::drawAlphaBitmap( const SalTwoRect& rTR, const SalBitmap& rSrcBitmap, const SalBitmap& rAlphaBmp ) { // An image mask can't have a depth > 8 bits (should be 1 to 8 bits) if( rAlphaBmp.GetBitCount() > 8 ) return false; // are these two tests really necessary? (see vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi2.cxx) // horizontal/vertical mirroring not implemented yet if( rTR.mnDestWidth < 0 || rTR.mnDestHeight < 0 ) return false; const AquaSalBitmap& rSrcSalBmp = static_cast<const AquaSalBitmap&>(rSrcBitmap); const AquaSalBitmap& rMaskSalBmp = static_cast<const AquaSalBitmap&>(rAlphaBmp); CGImageRef xMaskedImage = rSrcSalBmp.CreateWithMask( rMaskSalBmp, rTR.mnSrcX, rTR.mnSrcY, rTR.mnSrcWidth, rTR.mnSrcHeight ); if( !xMaskedImage ) return false; if ( CheckContext() ) { const CGRect aDstRect = {{rTR.mnDestX, rTR.mnDestY}, {rTR.mnDestWidth, rTR.mnDestHeight}}; CGContextDrawImage( mrContext, aDstRect, xMaskedImage ); RefreshRect( aDstRect ); } CGImageRelease(xMaskedImage); return true; } // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= bool AquaSalGraphics::drawAlphaRect( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight, sal_uInt8 nTransparency ) { if( !CheckContext() ) return true; // save the current state CGContextSaveGState( mrContext ); CGContextSetAlpha( mrContext, (100-nTransparency) * (1.0/100) ); CGRect aRect = {{nX,nY},{nWidth-1,nHeight-1}}; if( IsPenVisible() ) { aRect.origin.x += 0.5; aRect.origin.y += 0.5; } CGContextBeginPath( mrContext ); CGContextAddRect( mrContext, aRect ); CGContextDrawPath( mrContext, kCGPathFill ); // restore state CGContextRestoreGState(mrContext); RefreshRect( aRect ); return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::SetTextColor( SalColor nSalColor ) { RGBColor color; color.red = (unsigned short) ( SALCOLOR_RED(nSalColor) * 65535.0 / 255.0 ); color.green = (unsigned short) ( SALCOLOR_GREEN(nSalColor) * 65535.0 / 255.0 ); color.blue = (unsigned short) ( SALCOLOR_BLUE(nSalColor) * 65535.0 / 255.0 ); ATSUAttributeTag aTag = kATSUColorTag; ByteCount aValueSize = sizeof( color ); ATSUAttributeValuePtr aValue = &color; OSStatus err = ATSUSetAttributes( maATSUStyle, 1, &aTag, &aValueSize, &aValue ); DBG_ASSERT( (err==noErr), "AquaSalGraphics::SetTextColor() : Could not set font attributes!\n"); if( err != noErr ) return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::GetFontMetric( ImplFontMetricData* pMetric, int nFallbackLevel ) { (void)nFallbackLevel; // glyph-fallback on ATSU is done differently -> no fallback level // get the ATSU font metrics (in point units) // of the font that has eventually been size-limited ATSUFontID fontId; OSStatus err = ATSUGetAttribute( maATSUStyle, kATSUFontTag, sizeof(ATSUFontID), &fontId, 0 ); DBG_ASSERT( (err==noErr), "AquaSalGraphics::GetFontMetric() : could not get font id\n"); ATSFontMetrics aMetrics; ATSFontRef rFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( fontId ); err = ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics ( rFont, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &aMetrics ); DBG_ASSERT( (err==noErr), "AquaSalGraphics::GetFontMetric() : could not get font metrics\n"); if( err != noErr ) return; // all ATS fonts are scalable fonts pMetric->mbScalableFont = true; // TODO: check if any kerning is possible pMetric->mbKernableFont = true; // convert into VCL font metrics (in unscaled pixel units) Fixed ptSize; err = ATSUGetAttribute( maATSUStyle, kATSUSizeTag, sizeof(Fixed), &ptSize, 0); DBG_ASSERT( (err==noErr), "AquaSalGraphics::GetFontMetric() : could not get font size\n"); const double fPointSize = Fix2X( ptSize ); // convert quartz units to pixel units // please see the comment in AquaSalGraphics::SetFont() for details const double fPixelSize = (mfFontScale * mfFakeDPIScale * fPointSize); pMetric->mnAscent = static_cast<long>(+aMetrics.ascent * fPixelSize + 0.5); pMetric->mnDescent = static_cast<long>(-aMetrics.descent * fPixelSize + 0.5); const long nExtDescent = static_cast<long>((-aMetrics.descent + aMetrics.leading) * fPixelSize + 0.5); pMetric->mnExtLeading = nExtDescent - pMetric->mnDescent; pMetric->mnIntLeading = 0; // ATSFontMetrics.avgAdvanceWidth is obsolete, so it is usually set to zero // since ImplFontMetricData::mnWidth is only used for stretching/squeezing fonts // setting this width to the pixel height of the fontsize is good enough // it also makes the calculation of the stretch factor simple pMetric->mnWidth = static_cast<long>(mfFontStretch * fPixelSize + 0.5); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uLong AquaSalGraphics::GetKernPairs( sal_uLong, ImplKernPairData* ) { return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool AddTempFontDir( const char* pDir ) { FSRef aPathFSRef; Boolean bIsDirectory = true; OSStatus eStatus = FSPathMakeRef( reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(pDir), &aPathFSRef, &bIsDirectory ); DBG_ASSERTWARNING( (eStatus==noErr) && bIsDirectory, "vcl AddTempFontDir() with invalid directory name!" ); if( eStatus != noErr ) return false; // TODO: deactivate ATSFontContainerRef when closing app ATSFontContainerRef aATSFontContainer; const ATSFontContext eContext = kATSFontContextLocal; // TODO: *Global??? #if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) eStatus = ::ATSFontActivateFromFileReference( &aPathFSRef, eContext, kATSFontFormatUnspecified, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &aATSFontContainer ); #else FSSpec aPathFSSpec; eStatus = ::FSGetCatalogInfo( &aPathFSRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &aPathFSSpec, NULL ); if( eStatus != noErr ) return false; eStatus = ::ATSFontActivateFromFileSpecification( &aPathFSSpec, eContext, kATSFontFormatUnspecified, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &aATSFontContainer ); #endif if( eStatus != noErr ) return false; return true; } static bool AddLocalTempFontDirs( void ) { static bool bFirst = true; if( !bFirst ) return false; bFirst = false; // add private font files rtl::OUString aBrandStr( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "$BRAND_BASE_DIR" ) ); rtl_bootstrap_expandMacros( &aBrandStr.pData ); rtl::OUString aBrandSysPath; OSL_VERIFY( osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aBrandStr.pData, &aBrandSysPath.pData ) == osl_File_E_None ); rtl::OStringBuffer aBrandFontDir( aBrandSysPath.getLength()*2 ); aBrandFontDir.append( rtl::OUStringToOString( aBrandSysPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); aBrandFontDir.append( "/share/fonts/truetype/" ); return AddTempFontDir( aBrandFontDir.getStr() ); } void AquaSalGraphics::GetDevFontList( ImplDevFontList* pFontList ) { DBG_ASSERT( pFontList, "AquaSalGraphics::GetDevFontList(NULL) !"); AddLocalTempFontDirs(); // The idea is to cache the list of system fonts once it has been generated. // SalData seems to be a good place for this caching. However we have to // carefully make the access to the font list thread-safe. If we register // a font-change event handler to update the font list in case fonts have // changed on the system we have to lock access to the list. The right // way to do that is the solar mutex since GetDevFontList is protected // through it as should be all event handlers SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); if (pSalData->mpFontList == NULL) pSalData->mpFontList = new SystemFontList(); // Copy all ImplFontData objects contained in the SystemFontList pSalData->mpFontList->AnnounceFonts( *pFontList ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AquaSalGraphics::AddTempDevFont( ImplDevFontList*, const rtl::OUString& rFontFileURL, const rtl::OUString& /*rFontName*/ ) { ::rtl::OUString aUSytemPath; OSL_VERIFY( !osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( rFontFileURL, aUSytemPath ) ); FSRef aNewRef; Boolean bIsDirectory = true; ::rtl::OString aCFileName = rtl::OUStringToOString( aUSytemPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); OSStatus eStatus = FSPathMakeRef( (UInt8*)aCFileName.getStr(), &aNewRef, &bIsDirectory ); DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr) && !bIsDirectory, "vcl AddTempDevFont() with invalid fontfile name!" ); if( eStatus != noErr ) return false; ATSFontContainerRef oContainer; const ATSFontContext eContext = kATSFontContextLocal; // TODO: *Global??? #if defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) eStatus = ::ATSFontActivateFromFileReference( &aNewRef, eContext, kATSFontFormatUnspecified, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &oContainer ); #else FSSpec aFontFSSpec; eStatus = ::FSGetCatalogInfo( &aNewRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &aFontFSSpec, NULL ); if( eStatus != noErr ) return false; eStatus = ::ATSFontActivateFromFileSpecification( &aFontFSSpec, eContext, kATSFontFormatUnspecified, NULL, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &oContainer ); #endif if( eStatus != noErr ) return false; // TODO: ATSFontDeactivate( oContainer ) when fonts are no longer needed // TODO: register new ImplMacFontdata in pFontList return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // callbacks from ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths() fore GetGlyphOutline() struct GgoData { basegfx::B2DPolygon maPolygon; basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon* mpPolyPoly; }; static OSStatus GgoLineToProc( const Float32Point* pPoint, void* pData ) { basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon = static_cast<GgoData*>(pData)->maPolygon; const basegfx::B2DPoint aB2DPoint( pPoint->x, pPoint->y ); rPolygon.append( aB2DPoint ); return noErr; } static OSStatus GgoCurveToProc( const Float32Point* pCP1, const Float32Point* pCP2, const Float32Point* pPoint, void* pData ) { basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon = static_cast<GgoData*>(pData)->maPolygon; const sal_uInt32 nPointCount = rPolygon.count(); const basegfx::B2DPoint aB2DControlPoint1( pCP1->x, pCP1->y ); rPolygon.setNextControlPoint( nPointCount-1, aB2DControlPoint1 ); const basegfx::B2DPoint aB2DEndPoint( pPoint->x, pPoint->y ); rPolygon.append( aB2DEndPoint ); const basegfx::B2DPoint aB2DControlPoint2( pCP2->x, pCP2->y ); rPolygon.setPrevControlPoint( nPointCount, aB2DControlPoint2 ); return noErr; } static OSStatus GgoClosePathProc( void* pData ) { GgoData* pGgoData = static_cast<GgoData*>(pData); basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPolygon = pGgoData->maPolygon; if( rPolygon.count() > 0 ) pGgoData->mpPolyPoly->append( rPolygon ); rPolygon.clear(); return noErr; } static OSStatus GgoMoveToProc( const Float32Point* pPoint, void* pData ) { GgoClosePathProc( pData ); OSStatus eStatus = GgoLineToProc( pPoint, pData ); return eStatus; } sal_Bool AquaSalGraphics::GetGlyphOutline( sal_GlyphId nGlyphId, basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPoly ) { GgoData aGgoData; aGgoData.mpPolyPoly = &rPolyPoly; rPolyPoly.clear(); ATSUStyle rATSUStyle = maATSUStyle; // TODO: handle glyph fallback when CWS pdffix02 is integrated GlyphID aGlyphId = nGlyphId & GF_IDXMASK; OSStatus eGgoStatus = noErr; OSStatus eStatus = ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths( rATSUStyle, aGlyphId, GgoMoveToProc, GgoLineToProc, GgoCurveToProc, GgoClosePathProc, &aGgoData, &eGgoStatus ); if( (eStatus != noErr) ) // TODO: why is (eGgoStatus!=noErr) when curves are involved? return false; GgoClosePathProc( &aGgoData ); if( mfFontScale != 1.0 ) { rPolyPoly.transform(basegfx::tools::createScaleB2DHomMatrix(+mfFontScale, +mfFontScale)); } return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long AquaSalGraphics::GetGraphicsWidth() const { long w = 0; if( mrContext && (mbWindow || mbVirDev) ) { w = mnWidth; } if( w == 0 ) { if( mbWindow && mpFrame ) w = mpFrame->maGeometry.nWidth; } return w; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool AquaSalGraphics::GetGlyphBoundRect( sal_GlyphId nGlyphId, Rectangle& rRect ) { ATSUStyle rATSUStyle = maATSUStyle; // TODO: handle glyph fallback GlyphID aGlyphId = nGlyphId & GF_IDXMASK; ATSGlyphScreenMetrics aGlyphMetrics; OSStatus eStatus = ATSUGlyphGetScreenMetrics( rATSUStyle, 1, &aGlyphId, 0, FALSE, !mbNonAntialiasedText, &aGlyphMetrics ); if( eStatus != noErr ) return false; const long nMinX = (long)(+aGlyphMetrics.topLeft.x * mfFontScale + 0.5); const long nMinY = (long)(-aGlyphMetrics.topLeft.y * mfFontScale + 0.5); const long nWidth = (long)(aGlyphMetrics.width * mfFontScale + 0.5); const long nHeight = (long)(aGlyphMetrics.height * mfFontScale + 0.5); Rectangle aRect(Point(nMinX, nMinY), Size(nWidth, nHeight)); if ( mnATSUIRotation == 0 ) rRect = aRect; else { const double fRadians = mnATSUIRotation * (M_PI/0xB40000); const double nSin = sin( fRadians ); const double nCos = cos( fRadians ); rRect.Left() = nCos*aRect.Left() + nSin*aRect.Top(); rRect.Top() = -nSin*aRect.Left() - nCos*aRect.Top(); rRect.Right() = nCos*aRect.Right() + nSin*aRect.Bottom(); rRect.Bottom() = -nSin*aRect.Right() - nCos*aRect.Bottom(); } return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::GetDevFontSubstList( OutputDevice* ) { // nothing to do since there are no device-specific fonts on Aqua } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::DrawServerFontLayout( const ServerFontLayout& ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt16 AquaSalGraphics::SetFont( FontSelectPattern* pReqFont, int /*nFallbackLevel*/ ) { if( !pReqFont ) { ATSUClearStyle( maATSUStyle ); mpMacFontData = NULL; return 0; } // store the requested device font entry const ImplMacFontData* pMacFont = static_cast<const ImplMacFontData*>( pReqFont->mpFontData ); mpMacFontData = pMacFont; // convert pixel units (as seen by upper layers) to typographic point units double fScaledAtsHeight = pReqFont->mfExactHeight; // avoid Fixed16.16 overflows by limiting the ATS font size static const float fMaxAtsHeight = 144.0; if( fScaledAtsHeight <= fMaxAtsHeight ) mfFontScale = 1.0; else { mfFontScale = fScaledAtsHeight / fMaxAtsHeight; fScaledAtsHeight = fMaxAtsHeight; } Fixed fFixedSize = FloatToFixed( fScaledAtsHeight ); // enable bold-emulation if needed Boolean bFakeBold = FALSE; if( (pReqFont->GetWeight() >= WEIGHT_BOLD) && (pMacFont->GetWeight() < WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD) ) bFakeBold = TRUE; // enable italic-emulation if needed Boolean bFakeItalic = FALSE; if( ((pReqFont->GetSlant() == ITALIC_NORMAL) || (pReqFont->GetSlant() == ITALIC_OBLIQUE)) && !((pMacFont->GetSlant() == ITALIC_NORMAL) || (pMacFont->GetSlant() == ITALIC_OBLIQUE)) ) bFakeItalic = TRUE; // enable/disable antialiased text mbNonAntialiasedText = pReqFont->mbNonAntialiased; UInt32 nStyleRenderingOptions = kATSStyleNoOptions; if( pReqFont->mbNonAntialiased ) nStyleRenderingOptions |= kATSStyleNoAntiAliasing; // set horizontal/vertical mode ATSUVerticalCharacterType aVerticalCharacterType = kATSUStronglyHorizontal; if( pReqFont->mbVertical ) aVerticalCharacterType = kATSUStronglyVertical; // prepare ATS-fontid as type matching to the kATSUFontTag request ATSUFontID nFontID = static_cast<ATSUFontID>(pMacFont->GetFontId()); // update ATSU style attributes with requested font parameters // TODO: no need to set styles which are already defaulted const ATSUAttributeTag aTag[] = { kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag, kATSUQDBoldfaceTag, kATSUQDItalicTag, kATSUStyleRenderingOptionsTag, kATSUVerticalCharacterTag }; const ByteCount aValueSize[] = { sizeof(ATSUFontID), sizeof(fFixedSize), sizeof(bFakeBold), sizeof(bFakeItalic), sizeof(nStyleRenderingOptions), sizeof(aVerticalCharacterType) }; const ATSUAttributeValuePtr aValue[] = { &nFontID, &fFixedSize, &bFakeBold, &bFakeItalic, &nStyleRenderingOptions, &aVerticalCharacterType }; static const int nTagCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aTag); OSStatus eStatus = ATSUSetAttributes( maATSUStyle, nTagCount, aTag, aValueSize, aValue ); // reset ATSUstyle if there was an error if( eStatus != noErr ) { DBG_WARNING( "AquaSalGraphics::SetFont() : Could not set font attributes!\n"); ATSUClearStyle( maATSUStyle ); mpMacFontData = NULL; return 0; } // prepare font stretching const ATSUAttributeTag aMatrixTag = kATSUFontMatrixTag; if( (pReqFont->mnWidth == 0) || (pReqFont->mnWidth == pReqFont->mnHeight) ) { mfFontStretch = 1.0; ATSUClearAttributes( maATSUStyle, 1, &aMatrixTag ); } else { mfFontStretch = (float)pReqFont->mnWidth / pReqFont->mnHeight; CGAffineTransform aMatrix = CGAffineTransformMakeScale( mfFontStretch, 1.0F ); const ATSUAttributeValuePtr aAttr = &aMatrix; const ByteCount aMatrixBytes = sizeof(aMatrix); eStatus = ATSUSetAttributes( maATSUStyle, 1, &aMatrixTag, &aMatrixBytes, &aAttr ); DBG_ASSERT( (eStatus==noErr), "AquaSalGraphics::SetFont() : Could not set font matrix\n"); } // prepare font rotation mnATSUIRotation = FloatToFixed( pReqFont->mnOrientation / 10.0 ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 3 fprintf( stderr, "SetFont to (\"%s\", \"%s\", fontid=%d) for (\"%s\" \"%s\" weight=%d, slant=%d size=%dx%d orientation=%d)\n", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pMacFont->GetFamilyName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr(), ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pMacFont->GetStyleName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr(), (int)nFontID, ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pReqFont->GetFamilyName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr(), ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pReqFont->GetStyleName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr(), pReqFont->GetWeight(), pReqFont->GetSlant(), pReqFont->mnHeight, pReqFont->mnWidth, pReqFont->mnOrientation); #endif return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const ImplFontCharMap* AquaSalGraphics::GetImplFontCharMap() const { if( !mpMacFontData ) return ImplFontCharMap::GetDefaultMap(); return mpMacFontData->GetImplFontCharMap(); } bool AquaSalGraphics::GetImplFontCapabilities(vcl::FontCapabilities &rFontCapabilities) const { if( !mpMacFontData ) return false; return mpMacFontData->GetImplFontCapabilities(rFontCapabilities); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // fake a SFNT font directory entry for a font table // see http://developer.apple.com/textfonts/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6.html#Directory static void FakeDirEntry( FourCharCode eFCC, ByteCount nOfs, ByteCount nLen, const unsigned char* /*pData*/, unsigned char*& rpDest ) { // write entry tag rpDest[ 0] = (char)(eFCC >> 24); rpDest[ 1] = (char)(eFCC >> 16); rpDest[ 2] = (char)(eFCC >> 8); rpDest[ 3] = (char)(eFCC >> 0); // TODO: get entry checksum and write it // not too important since the subsetter doesn't care currently // for( pData+nOfs ... pData+nOfs+nLen ) // write entry offset rpDest[ 8] = (char)(nOfs >> 24); rpDest[ 9] = (char)(nOfs >> 16); rpDest[10] = (char)(nOfs >> 8); rpDest[11] = (char)(nOfs >> 0); // write entry length rpDest[12] = (char)(nLen >> 24); rpDest[13] = (char)(nLen >> 16); rpDest[14] = (char)(nLen >> 8); rpDest[15] = (char)(nLen >> 0); // advance to next entry rpDest += 16; } static bool GetRawFontData( const ImplFontData* pFontData, ByteVector& rBuffer, bool* pJustCFF ) { const ImplMacFontData* pMacFont = static_cast<const ImplMacFontData*>(pFontData); const ATSUFontID nFontId = static_cast<ATSUFontID>(pMacFont->GetFontId()); ATSFontRef rFont = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont( nFontId ); ByteCount nCffLen = 0; OSStatus eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("CFF "), 0, 0, NULL, &nCffLen); if( pJustCFF != NULL ) { *pJustCFF = (eStatus == noErr) && (nCffLen > 0); if( *pJustCFF ) { rBuffer.resize( nCffLen ); eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("CFF "), 0, nCffLen, (void*)&rBuffer[0], &nCffLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nCffLen <= 0) ) return false; return true; } } // get font table availability and size in bytes ByteCount nHeadLen = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("head"), 0, 0, NULL, &nHeadLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nHeadLen <= 0) ) return false; ByteCount nMaxpLen = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("maxp"), 0, 0, NULL, &nMaxpLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nMaxpLen <= 0) ) return false; ByteCount nCmapLen = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("cmap"), 0, 0, NULL, &nCmapLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nCmapLen <= 0) ) return false; ByteCount nNameLen = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("name"), 0, 0, NULL, &nNameLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nNameLen <= 0) ) return false; ByteCount nHheaLen = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("hhea"), 0, 0, NULL, &nHheaLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nHheaLen <= 0) ) return false; ByteCount nHmtxLen = 0; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("hmtx"), 0, 0, NULL, &nHmtxLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nHmtxLen <= 0) ) return false; // get the glyph outline tables ByteCount nLocaLen = 0; ByteCount nGlyfLen = 0; if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nCffLen <= 0) ) { eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("loca"), 0, 0, NULL, &nLocaLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nLocaLen <= 0) ) return false; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("glyf"), 0, 0, NULL, &nGlyfLen); if( (eStatus != noErr) || (nGlyfLen <= 0) ) return false; } ByteCount nPrepLen=0, nCvtLen=0, nFpgmLen=0; if( nGlyfLen ) // TODO: reduce PDF size by making hint subsetting optional { eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("prep"), 0, 0, NULL, &nPrepLen); eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("cvt "), 0, 0, NULL, &nCvtLen); eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("fpgm"), 0, 0, NULL, &nFpgmLen); } // prepare a byte buffer for a fake font int nTableCount = 7; nTableCount += (nPrepLen>0) + (nCvtLen>0) + (nFpgmLen>0) + (nGlyfLen>0); const ByteCount nFdirLen = 12 + 16*nTableCount; ByteCount nTotalLen = nFdirLen; nTotalLen += nHeadLen + nMaxpLen + nNameLen + nCmapLen; if( nGlyfLen ) nTotalLen += nLocaLen + nGlyfLen; else nTotalLen += nCffLen; nTotalLen += nHheaLen + nHmtxLen; nTotalLen += nPrepLen + nCvtLen + nFpgmLen; rBuffer.resize( nTotalLen ); // fake a SFNT font directory header if( nTableCount < 16 ) { int nLog2 = 0; while( (nTableCount >> nLog2) > 1 ) ++nLog2; rBuffer[ 1] = 1; // Win-TTF style scaler rBuffer[ 5] = nTableCount; // table count rBuffer[ 7] = nLog2*16; // searchRange rBuffer[ 9] = nLog2; // entrySelector rBuffer[11] = (nTableCount-nLog2)*16; // rangeShift } // get font table raw data and update the fake directory entries ByteCount nOfs = nFdirLen; unsigned char* pFakeEntry = &rBuffer[12]; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("cmap"), 0, nCmapLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nCmapLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("cmap"), nOfs, nCmapLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nCmapLen; if( nCvtLen ) { eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("cvt "), 0, nCvtLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nCvtLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("cvt "), nOfs, nCvtLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nCvtLen; } if( nFpgmLen ) { eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("fpgm"), 0, nFpgmLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nFpgmLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("fpgm"), nOfs, nFpgmLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nFpgmLen; } if( nCffLen ) { eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("CFF "), 0, nCffLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nCffLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("CFF "), nOfs, nCffLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nGlyfLen; } else { eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("glyf"), 0, nGlyfLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nGlyfLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("glyf"), nOfs, nGlyfLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nGlyfLen; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("loca"), 0, nLocaLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nLocaLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("loca"), nOfs, nLocaLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nLocaLen; } eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("head"), 0, nHeadLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nHeadLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("head"), nOfs, nHeadLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nHeadLen; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("hhea"), 0, nHheaLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nHheaLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("hhea"), nOfs, nHheaLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nHheaLen; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("hmtx"), 0, nHmtxLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nHmtxLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("hmtx"), nOfs, nHmtxLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nHmtxLen; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("maxp"), 0, nMaxpLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nMaxpLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("maxp"), nOfs, nMaxpLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nMaxpLen; eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("name"), 0, nNameLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nNameLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("name"), nOfs, nNameLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nNameLen; if( nPrepLen ) { eStatus = ATSFontGetTable( rFont, GetTag("prep"), 0, nPrepLen, (void*)&rBuffer[nOfs], &nPrepLen); FakeDirEntry( GetTag("prep"), nOfs, nPrepLen, &rBuffer[0], pFakeEntry ); nOfs += nPrepLen; } DBG_ASSERT( (nOfs==nTotalLen), "AquaSalGraphics::CreateFontSubset (nOfs!=nTotalLen)"); return sal_True; } sal_Bool AquaSalGraphics::CreateFontSubset( const rtl::OUString& rToFile, const ImplFontData* pFontData, long* pGlyphIDs, sal_uInt8* pEncoding, sal_Int32* pGlyphWidths, int nGlyphCount, FontSubsetInfo& rInfo ) { // TODO: move more of the functionality here into the generic subsetter code // prepare the requested file name for writing the font-subset file rtl::OUString aSysPath; if( osl_File_E_None != osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( rToFile.pData, &aSysPath.pData ) ) return sal_False; const rtl_TextEncoding aThreadEncoding = osl_getThreadTextEncoding(); const rtl::OString aToFile( rtl::OUStringToOString( aSysPath, aThreadEncoding ) ); // get the raw-bytes from the font to be subset ByteVector aBuffer; bool bCffOnly = false; if( !GetRawFontData( pFontData, aBuffer, &bCffOnly ) ) return sal_False; // handle CFF-subsetting if( bCffOnly ) { // provide the raw-CFF data to the subsetter ByteCount nCffLen = aBuffer.size(); rInfo.LoadFont( FontSubsetInfo::CFF_FONT, &aBuffer[0], nCffLen ); // NOTE: assuming that all glyphids requested on Aqua are fully translated // make the subsetter provide the requested subset FILE* pOutFile = fopen( aToFile.getStr(), "wb" ); bool bRC = rInfo.CreateFontSubset( FontSubsetInfo::TYPE1_PFB, pOutFile, NULL, pGlyphIDs, pEncoding, nGlyphCount, pGlyphWidths ); fclose( pOutFile ); return bRC; } // TODO: modernize psprint's horrible fontsubset C-API // this probably only makes sense after the switch to another SCM // that can preserve change history after file renames // prepare data for psprint's font subsetter TrueTypeFont* pSftFont = NULL; int nRC = ::OpenTTFontBuffer( (void*)&aBuffer[0], aBuffer.size(), 0, &pSftFont); if( nRC != SF_OK ) return sal_False; // get details about the subsetted font TTGlobalFontInfo aTTInfo; ::GetTTGlobalFontInfo( pSftFont, &aTTInfo ); rInfo.m_nFontType = FontSubsetInfo::SFNT_TTF; rInfo.m_aPSName = String( aTTInfo.psname, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ); rInfo.m_aFontBBox = Rectangle( Point( aTTInfo.xMin, aTTInfo.yMin ), Point( aTTInfo.xMax, aTTInfo.yMax ) ); rInfo.m_nCapHeight = aTTInfo.yMax; // Well ... rInfo.m_nAscent = aTTInfo.winAscent; rInfo.m_nDescent = aTTInfo.winDescent; // mac fonts usually do not have an OS2-table // => get valid ascent/descent values from other tables if( !rInfo.m_nAscent ) rInfo.m_nAscent = +aTTInfo.typoAscender; if( !rInfo.m_nAscent ) rInfo.m_nAscent = +aTTInfo.ascender; if( !rInfo.m_nDescent ) rInfo.m_nDescent = +aTTInfo.typoDescender; if( !rInfo.m_nDescent ) rInfo.m_nDescent = -aTTInfo.descender; // subset glyphs and get their properties // take care that subset fonts require the NotDef glyph in pos 0 int nOrigCount = nGlyphCount; sal_uInt16 aShortIDs[ 256 ]; sal_uInt8 aTempEncs[ 256 ]; int nNotDef = -1; for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphCount; ++i ) { aTempEncs[i] = pEncoding[i]; sal_uInt32 nGlyphIdx = pGlyphIDs[i] & GF_IDXMASK; if( pGlyphIDs[i] & GF_ISCHAR ) { bool bVertical = (pGlyphIDs[i] & GF_ROTMASK) != 0; nGlyphIdx = ::MapChar( pSftFont, static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nGlyphIdx), bVertical ); if( nGlyphIdx == 0 && pFontData->IsSymbolFont() ) { // #i12824# emulate symbol aliasing U+FXXX <-> U+0XXX nGlyphIdx = pGlyphIDs[i] & GF_IDXMASK; nGlyphIdx = (nGlyphIdx & 0xF000) ? (nGlyphIdx & 0x00FF) : (nGlyphIdx | 0xF000 ); nGlyphIdx = ::MapChar( pSftFont, static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nGlyphIdx), bVertical ); } } aShortIDs[i] = static_cast<sal_uInt16>( nGlyphIdx ); if( !nGlyphIdx ) if( nNotDef < 0 ) nNotDef = i; // first NotDef glyph found } if( nNotDef != 0 ) { // add fake NotDef glyph if needed if( nNotDef < 0 ) nNotDef = nGlyphCount++; // NotDef glyph must be in pos 0 => swap glyphids aShortIDs[ nNotDef ] = aShortIDs[0]; aTempEncs[ nNotDef ] = aTempEncs[0]; aShortIDs[0] = 0; aTempEncs[0] = 0; } DBG_ASSERT( nGlyphCount < 257, "too many glyphs for subsetting" ); // TODO: where to get bVertical? const bool bVertical = false; // fill the pGlyphWidths array // while making sure that the NotDef glyph is at index==0 TTSimpleGlyphMetrics* pGlyphMetrics = ::GetTTSimpleGlyphMetrics( pSftFont, aShortIDs, nGlyphCount, bVertical ); if( !pGlyphMetrics ) return sal_False; sal_uInt16 nNotDefAdv = pGlyphMetrics[0].adv; pGlyphMetrics[0].adv = pGlyphMetrics[nNotDef].adv; pGlyphMetrics[nNotDef].adv = nNotDefAdv; for( int i = 0; i < nOrigCount; ++i ) pGlyphWidths[i] = pGlyphMetrics[i].adv; free( pGlyphMetrics ); // write subset into destination file nRC = ::CreateTTFromTTGlyphs( pSftFont, aToFile.getStr(), aShortIDs, aTempEncs, nGlyphCount, 0, NULL, 0 ); ::CloseTTFont(pSftFont); return (nRC == SF_OK); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::GetGlyphWidths( const ImplFontData* pFontData, bool bVertical, Int32Vector& rGlyphWidths, Ucs2UIntMap& rUnicodeEnc ) { rGlyphWidths.clear(); rUnicodeEnc.clear(); if( pFontData->IsSubsettable() ) { ByteVector aBuffer; if( !GetRawFontData( pFontData, aBuffer, NULL ) ) return; // TODO: modernize psprint's horrible fontsubset C-API // this probably only makes sense after the switch to another SCM // that can preserve change history after file renames // use the font subsetter to get the widths TrueTypeFont* pSftFont = NULL; int nRC = ::OpenTTFontBuffer( (void*)&aBuffer[0], aBuffer.size(), 0, &pSftFont); if( nRC != SF_OK ) return; const int nGlyphCount = ::GetTTGlyphCount( pSftFont ); if( nGlyphCount > 0 ) { // get glyph metrics rGlyphWidths.resize(nGlyphCount); std::vector<sal_uInt16> aGlyphIds(nGlyphCount); for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphCount; i++ ) aGlyphIds[i] = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(i); const TTSimpleGlyphMetrics* pGlyphMetrics = ::GetTTSimpleGlyphMetrics( pSftFont, &aGlyphIds[0], nGlyphCount, bVertical ); if( pGlyphMetrics ) { for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphCount; ++i ) rGlyphWidths[i] = pGlyphMetrics[i].adv; free( (void*)pGlyphMetrics ); } const ImplFontCharMap* pMap = mpMacFontData->GetImplFontCharMap(); DBG_ASSERT( pMap && pMap->GetCharCount(), "no charmap" ); pMap->AddReference(); // TODO: add and use RAII object instead // get unicode<->glyph encoding // TODO? avoid sft mapping by using the pMap itself int nCharCount = pMap->GetCharCount(); sal_uInt32 nChar = pMap->GetFirstChar(); for(; --nCharCount >= 0; nChar = pMap->GetNextChar( nChar ) ) { if( nChar > 0xFFFF ) // TODO: allow UTF-32 chars break; sal_Ucs nUcsChar = static_cast<sal_Ucs>(nChar); sal_uInt32 nGlyph = ::MapChar( pSftFont, nUcsChar, bVertical ); if( nGlyph > 0 ) rUnicodeEnc[ nUcsChar ] = nGlyph; } pMap->DeReference(); // TODO: add and use RAII object instead } ::CloseTTFont( pSftFont ); } else if( pFontData->IsEmbeddable() ) { // get individual character widths OSL_FAIL("not implemented for non-subsettable fonts!\n"); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const Ucs2SIntMap* AquaSalGraphics::GetFontEncodingVector( const ImplFontData*, const Ucs2OStrMap** /*ppNonEncoded*/ ) { return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const void* AquaSalGraphics::GetEmbedFontData( const ImplFontData*, const sal_Ucs* /*pUnicodes*/, sal_Int32* /*pWidths*/, FontSubsetInfo&, long* /*pDataLen*/ ) { return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::FreeEmbedFontData( const void* pData, long /*nDataLen*/ ) { // TODO: implementing this only makes sense when the implementation of // AquaSalGraphics::GetEmbedFontData() returns non-NULL (void)pData; DBG_ASSERT( (pData!=NULL), "AquaSalGraphics::FreeEmbedFontData() is not implemented\n"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SystemFontData AquaSalGraphics::GetSysFontData( int /* nFallbacklevel */ ) const { SystemFontData aSysFontData; OSStatus err; aSysFontData.nSize = sizeof( SystemFontData ); // NOTE: Native ATSU font fallbacks are used, not the VCL fallbacks. ATSUFontID fontId; err = ATSUGetAttribute( maATSUStyle, kATSUFontTag, sizeof(fontId), &fontId, 0 ); if (err) fontId = 0; aSysFontData.aATSUFontID = (void *) fontId; Boolean bFbold; err = ATSUGetAttribute( maATSUStyle, kATSUQDBoldfaceTag, sizeof(bFbold), &bFbold, 0 ); if (err) bFbold = FALSE; aSysFontData.bFakeBold = (bool) bFbold; Boolean bFItalic; err = ATSUGetAttribute( maATSUStyle, kATSUQDItalicTag, sizeof(bFItalic), &bFItalic, 0 ); if (err) bFItalic = FALSE; aSysFontData.bFakeItalic = (bool) bFItalic; ATSUVerticalCharacterType aVerticalCharacterType; err = ATSUGetAttribute( maATSUStyle, kATSUVerticalCharacterTag, sizeof(aVerticalCharacterType), &aVerticalCharacterType, 0 ); if (!err && aVerticalCharacterType == kATSUStronglyVertical) { aSysFontData.bVerticalCharacterType = true; } else { aSysFontData.bVerticalCharacterType = false; } aSysFontData.bAntialias = !mbNonAntialiasedText; return aSysFontData; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SystemGraphicsData AquaSalGraphics::GetGraphicsData() const { SystemGraphicsData aRes; aRes.nSize = sizeof(aRes); aRes.rCGContext = mrContext; return aRes; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalGraphics::SetXORMode( bool bSet, bool bInvertOnly ) { // return early if XOR mode remains unchanged if( mbPrinter ) return; if( ! bSet && mnXorMode == 2 ) { CGContextSetBlendMode( mrContext, kCGBlendModeNormal ); mnXorMode = 0; return; } else if( bSet && bInvertOnly && mnXorMode == 0) { CGContextSetBlendMode( mrContext, kCGBlendModeDifference ); mnXorMode = 2; return; } if( (mpXorEmulation == NULL) && !bSet ) return; if( (mpXorEmulation != NULL) && (bSet == mpXorEmulation->IsEnabled()) ) return; if( !CheckContext() ) return; // prepare XOR emulation if( !mpXorEmulation ) { mpXorEmulation = new XorEmulation(); mpXorEmulation->SetTarget( mnWidth, mnHeight, mnBitmapDepth, mrContext, mxLayer ); } // change the XOR mode if( bSet ) { mpXorEmulation->Enable(); mrContext = mpXorEmulation->GetMaskContext(); mnXorMode = 1; } else { mpXorEmulation->UpdateTarget(); mpXorEmulation->Disable(); mrContext = mpXorEmulation->GetTargetContext(); mnXorMode = 0; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // apply the XOR mask to the target context if active and dirty void AquaSalGraphics::ApplyXorContext() { if( !mpXorEmulation ) return; if( mpXorEmulation->UpdateTarget() ) RefreshRect( 0, 0, mnWidth, mnHeight ); // TODO: refresh minimal changerect } // ====================================================================== XorEmulation::XorEmulation() : mxTargetLayer( NULL ) , mxTargetContext( NULL ) , mxMaskContext( NULL ) , mxTempContext( NULL ) , mpMaskBuffer( NULL ) , mpTempBuffer( NULL ) , mnBufferLongs( 0 ) , mbIsEnabled( false ) {} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- XorEmulation::~XorEmulation() { Disable(); SetTarget( 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void XorEmulation::SetTarget( int nWidth, int nHeight, int nTargetDepth, CGContextRef xTargetContext, CGLayerRef xTargetLayer ) { // prepare to replace old mask+temp context if( mxMaskContext ) { // cleanup the mask context CGContextRelease( mxMaskContext ); delete[] mpMaskBuffer; mxMaskContext = NULL; mpMaskBuffer = NULL; // cleanup the temp context if needed if( mxTempContext ) { CGContextRelease( mxTempContext ); delete[] mpTempBuffer; mxTempContext = NULL; mpTempBuffer = NULL; } } // return early if there is nothing more to do if( !xTargetContext ) return; // retarget drawing operations to the XOR mask mxTargetLayer = xTargetLayer; mxTargetContext = xTargetContext; // prepare creation of matching CGBitmaps CGColorSpaceRef aCGColorSpace = GetSalData()->mxRGBSpace; CGBitmapInfo aCGBmpInfo = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst; int nBitDepth = nTargetDepth; if( !nBitDepth ) nBitDepth = 32; int nBytesPerRow = (nBitDepth == 16) ? 2 : 4; const size_t nBitsPerComponent = (nBitDepth == 16) ? 5 : 8; if( nBitDepth <= 8 ) { aCGColorSpace = GetSalData()->mxGraySpace; aCGBmpInfo = kCGImageAlphaNone; nBytesPerRow = 1; } nBytesPerRow *= nWidth; mnBufferLongs = (nHeight * nBytesPerRow + sizeof(sal_uLong)-1) / sizeof(sal_uLong); // create a XorMask context mpMaskBuffer = new sal_uLong[ mnBufferLongs ]; mxMaskContext = ::CGBitmapContextCreate( mpMaskBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nBitsPerComponent, nBytesPerRow, aCGColorSpace, aCGBmpInfo ); // reset the XOR mask to black memset( mpMaskBuffer, 0, mnBufferLongs * sizeof(sal_uLong) ); // a bitmap context will be needed for manual XORing // create one unless the target context is a bitmap context if( nTargetDepth ) mpTempBuffer = (sal_uLong*)CGBitmapContextGetData( mxTargetContext ); if( !mpTempBuffer ) { // create a bitmap context matching to the target context mpTempBuffer = new sal_uLong[ mnBufferLongs ]; mxTempContext = ::CGBitmapContextCreate( mpTempBuffer, nWidth, nHeight, nBitsPerComponent, nBytesPerRow, aCGColorSpace, aCGBmpInfo ); } // initialize XOR mask context for drawing CGContextSetFillColorSpace( mxMaskContext, aCGColorSpace ); CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace( mxMaskContext, aCGColorSpace ); CGContextSetShouldAntialias( mxMaskContext, false ); // improve the XorMask's XOR emulation a litte // NOTE: currently only enabled for monochrome contexts if( aCGColorSpace == GetSalData()->mxGraySpace ) CGContextSetBlendMode( mxMaskContext, kCGBlendModeDifference ); // intialize the transformation matrix to the drawing target const CGAffineTransform aCTM = CGContextGetCTM( xTargetContext ); CGContextConcatCTM( mxMaskContext, aCTM ); if( mxTempContext ) CGContextConcatCTM( mxTempContext, aCTM ); // initialize the default XorMask graphics state CGContextSaveGState( mxMaskContext ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool XorEmulation::UpdateTarget() { if( !IsEnabled() ) return false; // update the temp bitmap buffer if needed if( mxTempContext ) CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint( mxTempContext, CGPointZero, mxTargetLayer ); // do a manual XOR with the XorMask // this approach suffices for simple color manipulations // and also the complex-clipping-XOR-trick used in metafiles const sal_uLong* pSrc = mpMaskBuffer; sal_uLong* pDst = mpTempBuffer; for( int i = mnBufferLongs; --i >= 0;) *(pDst++) ^= *(pSrc++); // write back the XOR results to the target context if( mxTempContext ) { CGImageRef xXorImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage( mxTempContext ); const int nWidth = (int)CGImageGetWidth( xXorImage ); const int nHeight = (int)CGImageGetHeight( xXorImage ); // TODO: update minimal changerect const CGRect aFullRect = {{0,0},{nWidth,nHeight}}; CGContextDrawImage( mxTargetContext, aFullRect, xXorImage ); CGImageRelease( xXorImage ); } // reset the XorMask to black again // TODO: not needed for last update memset( mpMaskBuffer, 0, mnBufferLongs * sizeof(sal_uLong) ); // TODO: return FALSE if target was not changed return true; } // ======================================================================= /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */