# -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # fuzzer_externals = \ boost_headers \ orcus \ orcus-parser \ boost_filesystem \ boost_system \ boost_iostreams \ curl \ harfbuzz \ graphite \ cairo \ fontconfig \ freetype \ icui18n \ icuuc \ icudata \ lcms2 \ librdf \ liblangtag \ libxslt \ libxml2 \ jpeg \ png \ clew \ openssl \ expat \ mythes \ hyphen \ hunspell \ zlib \ fuzzer_libraries = \ msword \ sw \ swd \ writerfilter \ textfd \ analysis \ date \ pricing \ scfilt \ scd \ vbaevents \ sc \ sdfilt \ sd \ sdd \ icg \ basctl \ avmedia \ basegfx \ canvastools \ comphelper \ configmgr \ cppcanvas \ dbtools \ deployment \ deploymentmisc \ drawinglayer \ editeng \ filterconfig \ for \ forui \ fsstorage \ fwe \ fwi \ fwk \ i18npool \ i18nutil \ lng \ localebe1 \ mcnttype \ msfilter \ package2 \ sax \ sb \ sfx \ sofficeapp \ sot \ svl \ svt \ svx \ svxcore \ emboleobj \ svgfilter \ svgio \ animcore \ tk \ tl \ ucb1 \ ucbhelper \ ucpexpand1 \ ucpfile1 \ unoxml \ utl \ uui \ vcl \ opencl \ xmlscript \ xo \ xstor \ cui \ chartcontroller \ chartcore \ sm \ gie \ oox \ reflection \ odfflatxml \ invocadapt \ bootstrap \ introspection \ stocservices \ lnth \ hyphen \ i18nsearch \ embobj \ evtatt \ unordf \ ucphier1 \ ucptdoc1 \ srtrs1 \ storagefd \ mtfrenderer \ canvasfactory \ vclcanvas \ xof \ xmlfa \ xmlfd \ cppu \ cppuhelper \ comphelper \ i18nlangtag \ xmlreader \ unoidl \ reg \ store \ expwrap \ gcc3_uno \ salhelper \ sal \