/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * Major Contributor(s):
 *   Copyright (C) 2012 Novell, Inc.
 *   Michael Meeks <michael.meeks@suse.com> (initial developer)
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * For minor contributions see the git repository.
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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#include <headless/svpinst.hxx>
#include <headless/svpdummies.hxx>
#include <generic/gendata.hxx>

class HeadlessSalInstance : public SvpSalInstance
    HeadlessSalInstance( SalYieldMutex *pMutex );
    virtual ~HeadlessSalInstance();

    virtual SalSystem* CreateSalSystem();

HeadlessSalInstance::HeadlessSalInstance( SalYieldMutex *pMutex ) :
    SvpSalInstance( pMutex)


class HeadlessSalSystem : public SvpSalSystem {
    HeadlessSalSystem() : SvpSalSystem() {}
    virtual ~HeadlessSalSystem() {}
    virtual int ShowNativeDialog( const rtl::OUString& rTitle,
                                  const rtl::OUString& rMessage,
                                  const std::list< rtl::OUString >& rButtons,
                                  int nDefButton )
        (void)rButtons; (void)nDefButton;
        ::fprintf(stdout, "LibreOffice - dialog '%s': '%s'",
                            rtl::OUStringToOString(rTitle, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US).getStr(),
                            rtl::OUStringToOString(rMessage, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US).getStr());
        return 0;

SalSystem *HeadlessSalInstance::CreateSalSystem()
    return new HeadlessSalSystem();

class HeadlessSalData : public SalGenericData
    HeadlessSalData( SalInstance *pInstance ) : SalGenericData( SAL_DATA_HEADLESS, pInstance ) {}
    virtual void ErrorTrapPush() {}
    virtual bool ErrorTrapPop( bool ) { return false; }

// All the interesting stuff is slaved from the AndroidSalInstance
void InitSalData()   {}
void DeInitSalData() {}
void InitSalMain()   {}
void DeInitSalMain() {}

void SalAbort( const rtl::OUString& rErrorText, bool bDumpCore )
    rtl::OUString aError( rErrorText );
    if( aError.isEmpty() )
        aError = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("Unknown application error");
    ::fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", rtl::OUStringToOString(rErrorText, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getStr() );

    ::fprintf( stderr, "SalAbort: '%s'",
                        rtl::OUStringToOString(aError, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US).getStr());
    if( bDumpCore )

const OUString& SalGetDesktopEnvironment()
    static rtl::OUString aEnv( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "headless" ) );
    return aEnv;

SalData::SalData() :
    m_pInstance( 0 ),
    m_pPlugin( 0 ),
    m_pPIManager(0 )


// This is our main entry point:
SalInstance *CreateSalInstance()
    HeadlessSalInstance* pInstance = new HeadlessSalInstance( new SalYieldMutex() );
    new HeadlessSalData( pInstance );
    return pInstance;

void DestroySalInstance( SalInstance *pInst )
    delete pInst;

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