/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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// We need this to enable namespace support in libgrengine headers.

#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <graphite_layout.hxx>

// Modules

class VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC GraphiteLayoutImpl : public GraphiteLayout
    GraphiteLayoutImpl(const gr_face * pFace,
                       ServerFont & rServerFont) throw()
    : GraphiteLayout(pFace), mrServerFont(rServerFont) {};
    virtual ~GraphiteLayoutImpl() throw() {};
    virtual sal_GlyphId getKashidaGlyph(int & width);
    ServerFont & mrServerFont;

// This class implments the server font specific parts.
// @author tse
class VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC GraphiteServerFontLayout : public ServerFontLayout
        // mutable so that the DrawOffset/DrawBase can be set
        mutable GraphiteLayoutImpl maImpl;
        grutils::GrFeatureParser * mpFeatures;
        const sal_Unicode * mpStr;
        GraphiteServerFontLayout(ServerFont& pServerFont) throw();

        virtual bool  LayoutText( ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs)
            mpStr = rArgs.mpStr;
            return maImpl.LayoutText(rArgs);
        };    // first step of layout
        virtual void  AdjustLayout( ImplLayoutArgs& rArgs)
            maImpl.DrawBase() = maDrawBase;
            maImpl.DrawOffset() = maDrawOffset;
        virtual long    GetTextWidth() const                           { return maImpl.GetTextWidth(); }
        virtual long    FillDXArray( sal_Int32* dxa ) const                 { return maImpl.FillDXArray(dxa); }
        virtual int     GetTextBreak( long mw, long ce, int f ) const  { return maImpl.GetTextBreak(mw, ce, f); }
        virtual void    GetCaretPositions( int as, sal_Int32* cxa ) const   { maImpl.GetCaretPositions(as, cxa); }

        // used by display layers
        virtual int     GetNextGlyphs( int l, sal_GlyphId* gia, Point& p, int& s,
                        sal_Int32* gaa = NULL, int* cpa = NULL ) const
            maImpl.DrawBase() = maDrawBase;
            maImpl.DrawOffset() = maDrawOffset;
            return maImpl.GetNextGlyphs(l, gia, p, s, gaa, cpa);

        virtual void    MoveGlyph( int nStart, long nNewXPos ) { maImpl.MoveGlyph(nStart, nNewXPos); };
        virtual void    DropGlyph( int nStart ) { maImpl.DropGlyph(nStart); };
        virtual void    Simplify( bool bIsBase ) { maImpl.Simplify(bIsBase); };

        virtual ~GraphiteServerFontLayout() throw();

        static bool IsGraphiteEnabledFont(ServerFont& rServerFont);
// For use with PspGraphics
        const sal_Unicode* getTextPtr() const { return mpStr; };
        int getMinCharPos() const { return mnMinCharPos; }
        int getMaxCharPos() const { return mnEndCharPos; }


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