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class ImplFontCharMap;
typedef tools::SvRef<ImplFontCharMap> ImplFontCharMapRef;

class ImplFontMetric : public SvRefBase
    explicit            ImplFontMetric();

    long                GetAscent() const                           { return mnAscent; }
    long                GetDescent() const                          { return mnDescent; }
    long                GetInternalLeading() const                  { return mnIntLeading; }
    long                GetExternalLeading() const                  { return mnExtLeading; }
    long                GetLineHeight() const                       { return mnLineHeight; } // TODO this is ascent + descnt
    long                GetSlant() const                            { return mnSlant; }
    long                GetBulletOffset() const                     { return mnBulletOffset; }

    void                SetAscent( long nAscent )                   { mnAscent = nAscent; }
    void                SetDescent( long nDescent )                 { mnDescent = nDescent; }
    void                SetInternalLeading( long nIntLeading )      { mnIntLeading = nIntLeading; }
    void                SetExternalLeading( long nExtLeading )      { mnExtLeading = nExtLeading; }
    void                SetLineHeight( long nHeight )               { mnLineHeight = nHeight; } // TODO this is ascent + descent
    void                SetSlant( long nSlant )                     { mnSlant = nSlant; }
    void                SetBulletOffset( long nOffset )             { mnBulletOffset = nOffset; }

    bool                IsFullstopCentered() const                  { return mbFullstopCentered; }

    void                SetFullstopCenteredFlag( bool bCentered )   { mbFullstopCentered = bCentered; }

    bool                operator==( const ImplFontMetric& ) const;

    friend class FontMetric;

    long                mnAscent;                      // Ascent
    long                mnDescent;                     // Descent
    long                mnIntLeading;                  // Internal Leading
    long                mnExtLeading;                  // External Leading
    long                mnLineHeight;                  // Ascent+Descent+EmphasisMark
    long                mnSlant;                       // Slant
    long                mnBulletOffset;                // Offset for non-printing character

    bool                mbFullstopCentered;



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