/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ACTION_TYPE "action_type" #define PARENT_ID "parent_id" #define WINDOW_ID "id" #define CLOSE_ID "close_id" class ToolBox; class ComboBox; class VclMultiLineEdit; class SvTabListBox; class IconView; typedef std::map WidgetMap; namespace jsdialog { enum MessageType { FullUpdate, WidgetUpdate, Close, Action, Popup, PopupClose }; } /// Class with the message description for storing in the queue class JSDialogMessageInfo { public: jsdialog::MessageType m_eType; VclPtr m_pWindow; std::unique_ptr m_pData; private: void copy(const JSDialogMessageInfo& rInfo) { this->m_eType = rInfo.m_eType; this->m_pWindow = rInfo.m_pWindow; if (rInfo.m_pData) { std::unique_ptr pData( new jsdialog::ActionDataMap(*rInfo.m_pData)); this->m_pData = std::move(pData); } } public: JSDialogMessageInfo(jsdialog::MessageType eType, VclPtr pWindow, std::unique_ptr pData) : m_eType(eType) , m_pWindow(std::move(pWindow)) , m_pData(std::move(pData)) { } JSDialogMessageInfo(const JSDialogMessageInfo& rInfo) { copy(rInfo); } JSDialogMessageInfo& operator=(JSDialogMessageInfo aInfo) { if (this == &aInfo) return *this; copy(aInfo); return *this; } }; class JSDialogNotifyIdle final : public Idle { // used to send message VclPtr m_aNotifierWindow; // used to generate JSON VclPtr m_aContentWindow; std::string m_sTypeOfJSON; std::string m_LastNotificationMessage; bool m_bForce; std::deque m_aMessageQueue; std::mutex m_aQueueMutex; public: JSDialogNotifyIdle(VclPtr aNotifierWindow, VclPtr aContentWindow, std::string sTypeOfJSON); void Invoke() override; void clearQueue(); void forceUpdate(); void sendMessage(jsdialog::MessageType eType, VclPtr pWindow, std::unique_ptr pData = nullptr); private: void send(tools::JsonWriter& aJsonWriter); std::unique_ptr generateFullUpdate() const; std::unique_ptr generateWidgetUpdate(VclPtr pWindow) const; std::unique_ptr generateCloseMessage() const; std::unique_ptr generateActionMessage(VclPtr pWindow, std::unique_ptr pData) const; std::unique_ptr generatePopupMessage(VclPtr pWindow, OUString sParentId, OUString sCloseId) const; std::unique_ptr generateClosePopupMessage(OUString sWindowId) const; }; class JSDialogSender { std::unique_ptr mpIdleNotify; protected: bool m_bCanClose; // specifies if can send a close message public: JSDialogSender() : m_bCanClose(true) { } JSDialogSender(VclPtr aNotifierWindow, VclPtr aContentWindow, std::string sTypeOfJSON) : m_bCanClose(true) { initializeSender(aNotifierWindow, aContentWindow, sTypeOfJSON); } virtual ~JSDialogSender() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE; virtual void sendFullUpdate(bool bForce = false); void sendClose(); void sendUpdate(VclPtr pWindow, bool bForce = false); virtual void sendAction(VclPtr pWindow, std::unique_ptr pData); virtual void sendPopup(VclPtr pWindow, OUString sParentId, OUString sCloseId); virtual void sendClosePopup(vcl::LOKWindowId nWindowId); void flush() { mpIdleNotify->Invoke(); } protected: void initializeSender(VclPtr aNotifierWindow, VclPtr aContentWindow, std::string sTypeOfJSON) { mpIdleNotify.reset(new JSDialogNotifyIdle(aNotifierWindow, aContentWindow, sTypeOfJSON)); } }; class JSDropTarget final : public comphelper::WeakComponentImplHelper< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget, css::lang::XInitialization, css::lang::XServiceInfo> { std::vector> m_aListeners; public: JSDropTarget(); // XInitialization virtual void SAL_CALL initialize(const css::uno::Sequence& rArgs) override; // XDropTarget virtual void SAL_CALL addDropTargetListener( const css::uno::Reference&) override; virtual void SAL_CALL removeDropTargetListener( const css::uno::Reference&) override; virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL isActive() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setActive(sal_Bool active) override; virtual sal_Int8 SAL_CALL getDefaultActions() override; virtual void SAL_CALL setDefaultActions(sal_Int8 actions) override; OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override; sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService(OUString const& ServiceName) override; css::uno::Sequence SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override; void fire_drop(const css::datatransfer::dnd::DropTargetDropEvent& dtde); void fire_dragEnter(const css::datatransfer::dnd::DropTargetDragEnterEvent& dtde); }; class JSInstanceBuilder final : public SalInstanceBuilder, public JSDialogSender { sal_uInt64 m_nWindowId; /// used in case of tab pages where dialog is not a direct top level VclPtr m_aParentDialog; VclPtr m_aContentWindow; std::list m_aRememberedWidgets; std::string m_sTypeOfJSON; bool m_bHasTopLevelDialog; bool m_bIsNotebookbar; /// When LOKNotifier is set by jsdialogs code we need to release it VclPtr m_aWindowToRelease; friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC bool jsdialog::ExecuteAction(const std::string& nWindowId, const OString& rWidget, StringMap& rData); friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC void jsdialog::SendFullUpdate(const std::string& nWindowId, const OString& rWidget); friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC void jsdialog::SendAction(const std::string& nWindowId, const OString& rWidget, std::unique_ptr pData); static std::map& GetLOKWeldWidgetsMap(); static void InsertWindowToMap(const std::string& nWindowId); void RememberWidget(OString id, weld::Widget* pWidget); static void RememberWidget(const std::string& nWindowId, const OString& id, weld::Widget* pWidget); static weld::Widget* FindWeldWidgetsMap(const std::string& nWindowId, const OString& rWidget); std::string getMapIdFromWindowId() const; public: /// used for dialogs or popups JSInstanceBuilder(weld::Widget* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile, bool bPopup = false); /// used for sidebar panels JSInstanceBuilder(weld::Widget* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile, sal_uInt64 nLOKWindowId); /// used for notebookbar, optional nWindowId is used if getting parent id failed JSInstanceBuilder(vcl::Window* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile, const css::uno::Reference& rFrame, sal_uInt64 nWindowId = 0); /// used for formulabar JSInstanceBuilder(vcl::Window* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile, sal_uInt64 nLOKWindowId); static std::unique_ptr CreateDialogBuilder(weld::Widget* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile); static std::unique_ptr CreateNotebookbarBuilder(vcl::Window* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile, const css::uno::Reference& rFrame, sal_uInt64 nWindowId = 0); static std::unique_ptr CreateSidebarBuilder(weld::Widget* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile, sal_uInt64 nLOKWindowId = 0); static std::unique_ptr CreatePopupBuilder(weld::Widget* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile); static std::unique_ptr CreateFormulabarBuilder(vcl::Window* pParent, const OUString& rUIRoot, const OUString& rUIFile, sal_uInt64 nLOKWindowId); virtual ~JSInstanceBuilder() override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_message_dialog(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_dialog(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_container(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_label(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_button(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_entry(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_combo_box(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_notebook(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_spin_button(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_check_button(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_drawing_area(const OString& id, const a11yref& rA11yImpl = nullptr, FactoryFunction pUITestFactoryFunction = nullptr, void* pUserData = nullptr) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_toolbar(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_text_view(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_tree_view(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_expander(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_icon_view(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_radio_button(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_frame(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_menu_button(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_popover(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_box(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_widget(const OString& id) override; virtual std::unique_ptr weld_image(const OString& id) override; static weld::MessageDialog* CreateMessageDialog(weld::Widget* pParent, VclMessageType eMessageType, VclButtonsType eButtonType, const OUString& rPrimaryMessage); static void AddChildWidget(const std::string& nWindowId, const OString& id, weld::Widget* pWidget); static void RemoveWindowWidget(const std::string& nWindowId); // we need to remember original popup window to close it properly (its handled by vcl) static void RememberPopup(const std::string& nWindowId, VclPtr pWidget); static void ForgetPopup(const std::string& nWindowId); static vcl::Window* FindPopup(const std::string& nWindowId); private: const std::string& GetTypeOfJSON() const; VclPtr& GetContentWindow(); VclPtr& GetNotifierWindow(); }; class BaseJSWidget { public: virtual ~BaseJSWidget() = default; virtual void sendClose() = 0; virtual void sendUpdate(bool bForce = false) = 0; virtual void sendFullUpdate(bool bForce = false) = 0; virtual void sendAction(std::unique_ptr pData) = 0; virtual void sendPopup(vcl::Window* pPopup, OUString sParentId, OUString sCloseId) = 0; virtual void sendClosePopup(vcl::LOKWindowId nWindowId) = 0; }; template class JSWidget : public BaseInstanceClass, public BaseJSWidget { protected: rtl::Reference m_xDropTarget; bool m_bIsFreezed; JSDialogSender* m_pSender; public: JSWidget(JSDialogSender* pSender, VclClass* pObject, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership) : BaseInstanceClass(pObject, pBuilder, bTakeOwnership) , m_bIsFreezed(false) , m_pSender(pSender) { } JSWidget(JSDialogSender* pSender, VclClass* pObject, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, const a11yref& rAlly, FactoryFunction pUITestFactoryFunction, void* pUserData, bool bTakeOwnership) : BaseInstanceClass(pObject, pBuilder, rAlly, pUITestFactoryFunction, pUserData, bTakeOwnership) , m_bIsFreezed(false) , m_pSender(pSender) { } virtual void show() override { bool bWasVisible = BaseInstanceClass::get_visible(); BaseInstanceClass::show(); if (!bWasVisible) { std::unique_ptr pMap = std::make_unique(); (*pMap)[ACTION_TYPE] = "show"; sendAction(std::move(pMap)); } } virtual void hide() override { bool bWasVisible = BaseInstanceClass::get_visible(); BaseInstanceClass::hide(); if (bWasVisible) { std::unique_ptr pMap = std::make_unique(); (*pMap)[ACTION_TYPE] = "hide"; sendAction(std::move(pMap)); } } using BaseInstanceClass::set_sensitive; virtual void set_sensitive(bool sensitive) override { bool bIsSensitive = BaseInstanceClass::get_sensitive(); BaseInstanceClass::set_sensitive(sensitive); if (bIsSensitive != sensitive) sendUpdate(); } virtual css::uno::Reference get_drop_target() override { if (!m_xDropTarget) m_xDropTarget.set(new JSDropTarget); return m_xDropTarget; } virtual void freeze() override { BaseInstanceClass::freeze(); m_bIsFreezed = true; } virtual void thaw() override { BaseInstanceClass::thaw(); m_bIsFreezed = false; sendUpdate(); } virtual void grab_focus() override { BaseInstanceClass::grab_focus(); std::unique_ptr pMap = std::make_unique(); (*pMap)[ACTION_TYPE] = "grab_focus"; sendAction(std::move(pMap)); } virtual void sendClose() override { if (m_pSender) m_pSender->sendClose(); } virtual void sendUpdate(bool bForce = false) override { if (!m_bIsFreezed && m_pSender) m_pSender->sendUpdate(BaseInstanceClass::m_xWidget, bForce); } virtual void sendFullUpdate(bool bForce = false) override { if ((!m_bIsFreezed || bForce) && m_pSender) m_pSender->sendFullUpdate(bForce); } virtual void sendAction(std::unique_ptr pData) override { if (!m_bIsFreezed && m_pSender && pData) m_pSender->sendAction(BaseInstanceClass::m_xWidget, std::move(pData)); } virtual void sendPopup(vcl::Window* pPopup, OUString sParentId, OUString sCloseId) override { if (!m_bIsFreezed && m_pSender) m_pSender->sendPopup(pPopup, sParentId, sCloseId); } virtual void sendClosePopup(vcl::LOKWindowId nWindowId) override { if (!m_bIsFreezed && m_pSender) m_pSender->sendClosePopup(nWindowId); } }; class JSDialog final : public JSWidget { public: JSDialog(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::Dialog* pDialog, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void collapse(weld::Widget* pEdit, weld::Widget* pButton) override; virtual void undo_collapse() override; virtual void response(int response) override; }; class JSContainer final : public JSWidget { public: JSContainer(JSDialogSender* pSender, vcl::Window* pContainer, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); }; class JSLabel final : public JSWidget { public: JSLabel(JSDialogSender* pSender, Control* pLabel, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_label(const OUString& rText) override; }; class JSButton final : public JSWidget { public: JSButton(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::Button* pButton, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); }; class JSEntry final : public JSWidget { public: JSEntry(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::Edit* pEntry, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_text(const OUString& rText) override; void set_text_without_notify(const OUString& rText); }; class JSListBox final : public JSWidget { public: JSListBox(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::ListBox* pListBox, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void insert(int pos, const OUString& rStr, const OUString* pId, const OUString* pIconName, VirtualDevice* pImageSurface) override; virtual void remove(int pos) override; virtual void set_active(int pos) override; }; class JSComboBox final : public JSWidget { public: JSComboBox(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::ComboBox* pComboBox, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void insert(int pos, const OUString& rStr, const OUString* pId, const OUString* pIconName, VirtualDevice* pImageSurface) override; virtual void remove(int pos) override; virtual void set_entry_text_without_notify(const OUString& rText); virtual void set_entry_text(const OUString& rText) override; virtual void set_active(int pos) override; virtual bool changed_by_direct_pick() const override; }; class JSNotebook final : public JSWidget { public: JSNotebook(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::TabControl* pControl, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_current_page(int nPage) override; virtual void set_current_page(const OString& rIdent) override; virtual void remove_page(const OString& rIdent) override; virtual void insert_page(const OString& rIdent, const OUString& rLabel, int nPos) override; }; class JSSpinButton final : public JSWidget { public: JSSpinButton(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::FormattedField* pSpin, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_value(sal_Int64 value) override; }; class JSMessageDialog final : public JSWidget { std::unique_ptr m_pOwnedSender; std::unique_ptr m_pOK; std::unique_ptr m_pCancel; // used for message dialogs created using static functions std::string m_sWindowId; DECL_LINK(OKHdl, weld::Button&, void); DECL_LINK(CancelHdl, weld::Button&, void); public: JSMessageDialog(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::MessageDialog* pDialog, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); JSMessageDialog(::MessageDialog* pDialog, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual ~JSMessageDialog(); virtual void set_primary_text(const OUString& rText) override; virtual void set_secondary_text(const OUString& rText) override; virtual void response(int response) override; }; class JSCheckButton final : public JSWidget { public: JSCheckButton(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::CheckBox* pCheckBox, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_active(bool active) override; }; class JSDrawingArea final : public JSWidget { public: JSDrawingArea(JSDialogSender* pSender, VclDrawingArea* pDrawingArea, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, const a11yref& rAlly, FactoryFunction pUITestFactoryFunction, void* pUserData); virtual void queue_draw() override; virtual void queue_draw_area(int x, int y, int width, int height) override; }; class JSToolbar final : public JSWidget { std::map m_pPopovers; public: JSToolbar(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::ToolBox* pToolbox, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_menu_item_active(const OString& rIdent, bool bActive) override; virtual void set_item_sensitive(const OString& rIdent, bool bSensitive) override; virtual void set_item_icon_name(const OString& rIdent, const OUString& rIconName) override; }; class JSTextView final : public JSWidget { public: JSTextView(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::VclMultiLineEdit* pTextView, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_text(const OUString& rText) override; }; class JSTreeView final : public JSWidget { public: JSTreeView(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::SvTabListBox* pTextView, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); using SalInstanceTreeView::set_toggle; /// pos is used differently here, it defines how many steps of iterator we need to perform to take entry virtual void set_toggle(int pos, TriState eState, int col = -1) override; virtual void set_toggle(const weld::TreeIter& rIter, TriState bOn, int col = -1) override; using SalInstanceTreeView::select; /// pos is used differently here, it defines how many steps of iterator we need to perform to take entry virtual void select(int pos) override; virtual weld::TreeView* get_drag_source() const override; using SalInstanceTreeView::insert; virtual void insert(const weld::TreeIter* pParent, int pos, const OUString* pStr, const OUString* pId, const OUString* pIconName, VirtualDevice* pImageSurface, bool bChildrenOnDemand, weld::TreeIter* pRet) override; virtual void set_text(int row, const OUString& rText, int col = -1) override; virtual void set_text(const weld::TreeIter& rIter, const OUString& rStr, int col = -1) override; virtual void expand_row(const weld::TreeIter& rIter) override; virtual void collapse_row(const weld::TreeIter& rIter) override; using SalInstanceTreeView::remove; virtual void remove(int pos) override; virtual void remove(const weld::TreeIter& rIter) override; virtual void clear() override; void drag_start(); void drag_end(); }; class JSExpander final : public JSWidget { public: JSExpander(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::VclExpander* pExpander, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_expanded(bool bExpand) override; }; class JSIconView final : public JSWidget { public: JSIconView(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::IconView* pIconView, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void insert(int pos, const OUString* pStr, const OUString* pId, const OUString* pIconName, weld::TreeIter* pRet) override; virtual void insert(int pos, const OUString* pStr, const OUString* pId, const VirtualDevice* pIcon, weld::TreeIter* pRet) override; virtual void insert_separator(int pos, const OUString* pId) override; virtual void clear() override; virtual void select(int pos) override; virtual void unselect(int pos) override; }; class JSRadioButton final : public JSWidget { public: JSRadioButton(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::RadioButton* pRadioButton, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_active(bool active) override; }; class JSFrame : public JSWidget { public: JSFrame(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::VclFrame* pFrame, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); }; class JSMenuButton : public JSWidget { public: JSMenuButton(JSDialogSender* pSender, ::MenuButton* pMenuButton, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void set_label(const OUString& rText) override; virtual void set_image(VirtualDevice* pDevice) override; virtual void set_image(const css::uno::Reference& rImage) override; virtual void set_active(bool active) override; }; class JSPopover : public JSWidget { vcl::LOKWindowId mnWindowId; public: JSPopover(JSDialogSender* pSender, DockingWindow* pPopover, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); virtual void popup_at_rect(weld::Widget* pParent, const tools::Rectangle& rRect, weld::Placement ePlace = weld::Placement::Under) override; virtual void popdown() override; void set_window_id(vcl::LOKWindowId nWindowId) { mnWindowId = nWindowId; } }; class JSBox : public JSWidget { public: JSBox(JSDialogSender* pSender, VclBox* pBox, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); void reorder_child(weld::Widget* pWidget, int nNewPosition) override; }; class JSWidgetInstance : public JSWidget { public: JSWidgetInstance(JSDialogSender* pSender, vcl::Window* pObject, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership) : JSWidget(pSender, pObject, pBuilder, bTakeOwnership) { } }; class JSImage : public JSWidget { public: JSImage(JSDialogSender* pSender, FixedImage* pImage, SalInstanceBuilder* pBuilder, bool bTakeOwnership); }; /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */