/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#define RID_STR_PAPERNAMES                           1080


#define SV_MENU_MAC_SERVICES                         2002
#define SV_MENU_MAC_HIDEAPP                          2003
#define SV_MENU_MAC_HIDEALL                          2004
#define SV_MENU_MAC_SHOWALL                          2005
#define SV_MENU_MAC_QUITAPP                          2006


#define SV_PRINT_NATIVE_STRINGS                      2050

#define SV_HELPTEXT_CLOSE                           10000
#define SV_HELPTEXT_MINIMIZE                        10001
#define SV_HELPTEXT_MAXIMIZE                        10002
#define SV_HELPTEXT_RESTORE                         10003
#define SV_HELPTEXT_ROLLDOWN                        10004
#define SV_HELPTEXT_ROLLUP                          10005
#define SV_HELPTEXT_HELP                            10006
#define SV_HELPTEXT_SCREENSHOT                      10007
#define SV_HELPTEXT_FADEIN                          10008
#define SV_HELPTEXT_FADEOUT                         10009
#define SV_HELPTEXT_CLOSEDOCUMENT                   10012

#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_OK                            10100
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_CANCEL                        10101
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_YES                           10102
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_NO                            10103
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_RETRY                         10104
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_HELP                          10105
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_CLOSE                         10106
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_MORE                          10107
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_IGNORE                        10108
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_ABORT                         10109
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_LESS                          10110
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_RESET                         10111
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_ADD                           10112
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_DELETE                        10113
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_REMOVE                        10114
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_NEW                           10115
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_EDIT                          10116
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_APPLY                         10117
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_SAVE                          10118
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_OK_NOMNEMONIC                 10119
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_CANCEL_NOMNEMONIC             10120
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_UNDO                          10121
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_PASTE                         10122
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_NEXT                          10123
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_GO_UP                         10124
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_GO_DOWN                       10125
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_CLEAR                         10126
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_OPEN                          10127
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_PLAY                          10128
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_FIND                          10129
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_STOP                          10130
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_CONNECT                       10131
#define SV_BUTTONTEXT_SCREENSHOT                    10132

#define SV_STDTEXT_SERVICENOTAVAILABLE              10210

#define SV_STDTEXT_DONTASKAGAIN                     10212
#define SV_STDTEXT_DONTWARNAGAIN                    10213
#define SV_STDTEXT_ABOUT                            10214
#define SV_STDTEXT_PREFERENCES                      10215
#define SV_STDTEXT_ALLFILETYPES                     10217

#define STR_FPICKER_AUTO_EXTENSION                  10300
#define STR_FPICKER_PASSWORD                        10301
#define STR_FPICKER_FILTER_OPTIONS                  10302
#define STR_FPICKER_READONLY                        10303
#define STR_FPICKER_INSERT_AS_LINK                  10304
#define STR_FPICKER_SHOW_PREVIEW                    10305
#define STR_FPICKER_PLAY                            10306
#define STR_FPICKER_VERSION                         10307
#define STR_FPICKER_TEMPLATES                       10308
#define STR_FPICKER_IMAGE_TEMPLATE                  10309
#define STR_FPICKER_SELECTION                       10310
#define STR_FPICKER_FOLDER_DEFAULT_TITLE            10311
#define STR_FPICKER_ALLFORMATS                      10315
#define STR_FPICKER_OPEN                            10316
#define STR_FPICKER_SAVE                            10317
#define STR_FPICKER_TYPE                            10318

#define SV_ACCESSERROR_NO_FONTS                     10510

#define SV_PRINT_NOPAGES                            10609
#define SV_PRINT_TOFILE_TXT                         10610
#define SV_PRINT_DEFPRT_TXT                         10611
#define SV_PRINT_PRINTPREVIEW_TXT                   10612
#define SV_PRINT_QUERYFAXNUMBER_TXT                 10615
#define SV_PRINT_INVALID_TXT                        10616
#define SV_PRINT_CUSTOM_TXT                         10617

#define SV_EDIT_WARNING_STR                         10650

#define SV_FUNIT_STRINGS                            10700

#define SV_APP_CPUTHREADS                           10800
#define SV_APP_OSVERSION                            10801
#define SV_APP_UIRENDER                             10802
#define SV_APP_GL                                   10803
#define SV_APP_DEFAULT                              10804
#define SV_APP_VCLBACKEND                           10805

#define SV_MSGBOX_INFO                              10900
#define SV_MSGBOX_WARNING                           10901
#define SV_MSGBOX_ERROR                             10902
#define SV_MSGBOX_QUERY                             10903


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