/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_WINCOMP_HXX #define _SV_WINCOMP_HXX #ifndef _STRING_H #include #endif // ---------- // - Strict - // ---------- // Anpassungen fuer TypeChecking inline HPEN SelectPen( HDC hDC, HPEN hPen ) { return (HPEN)SelectObject( hDC, (HGDIOBJ)hPen ); } inline void DeletePen( HPEN hPen ) { DeleteObject( (HGDIOBJ)hPen ); } inline HPEN GetStockPen( int nObject ) { return (HPEN)GetStockObject( nObject ); } inline HBRUSH SelectBrush( HDC hDC, HBRUSH hBrush ) { return (HBRUSH)SelectObject( hDC, (HGDIOBJ)hBrush ); } inline void DeleteBrush( HBRUSH hBrush ) { DeleteObject( (HGDIOBJ)hBrush ); } inline HBRUSH GetStockBrush( int nObject ) { return (HBRUSH)GetStockObject( nObject ); } inline HFONT SelectFont( HDC hDC, HFONT hFont ) { return (HFONT)SelectObject( hDC, (HGDIOBJ)hFont ); } inline void DeleteFont( HFONT hFont ) { DeleteObject( (HGDIOBJ)hFont ); } inline HFONT GetStockFont( int nObject ) { return (HFONT)GetStockObject( nObject ); } inline HBITMAP SelectBitmap( HDC hDC, HBITMAP hBitmap ) { return (HBITMAP)SelectObject( hDC, (HGDIOBJ)hBitmap ); } inline void DeleteBitmap( HBITMAP hBitmap ) { DeleteObject( (HGDIOBJ)hBitmap ); } inline void DeleteRegion( HRGN hRegion ) { DeleteObject( (HGDIOBJ)hRegion ); } inline HPALETTE GetStockPalette( int nObject ) { return (HPALETTE)GetStockObject( nObject ); } inline void DeletePalette( HPALETTE hPalette ) { DeleteObject( (HGDIOBJ)hPalette ); } inline void SetWindowStyle( HWND hWnd, DWORD nStyle ) { SetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_STYLE, nStyle ); } inline DWORD GetWindowStyle( HWND hWnd ) { return GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_STYLE ); } inline void SetWindowExStyle( HWND hWnd, DWORD nStyle ) { SetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nStyle ); } inline DWORD GetWindowExStyle( HWND hWnd ) { return GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ); } inline BOOL IsMinimized( HWND hWnd ) { return IsIconic( hWnd ); } inline BOOL IsMaximized( HWND hWnd ) { return IsZoomed( hWnd ); } inline void SetWindowFont( HWND hWnd, HFONT hFont, BOOL bRedraw ) { SendMessage( hWnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, MAKELPARAM((UINT)bRedraw,0) ); } inline HFONT GetWindowFont( HWND hWnd ) { return (HFONT)(UINT)SendMessage( hWnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 ); } inline void SetClassCursor( HWND hWnd, HCURSOR hCursor ) { SetClassLong( hWnd, GCL_HCURSOR, (DWORD)hCursor ); } inline HCURSOR GetClassCursor( HWND hWnd ) { return (HCURSOR)GetClassLong( hWnd, GCL_HCURSOR ); } inline void SetClassIcon( HWND hWnd, HICON hIcon ) { SetClassLong( hWnd, GCL_HICON, (DWORD)hIcon ); } inline HICON GetClassIcon( HWND hWnd ) { return (HICON)GetClassLong( hWnd, GCL_HICON ); } inline HBRUSH SetClassBrush( HWND hWnd, HBRUSH hBrush ) { return (HBRUSH)SetClassLong( hWnd, GCL_HBRBACKGROUND, (DWORD)hBrush ); } inline HBRUSH GetClassBrush( HWND hWnd ) { return (HBRUSH)GetClassLong( hWnd, GCL_HBRBACKGROUND ); } inline HINSTANCE GetWindowInstance( HWND hWnd ) { return (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_HINSTANCE ); } // ------------------------ // - ZMouse Erweiterungen - // ------------------------ #define MSH_MOUSEWHEEL "MSWHEEL_ROLLMSG" #define MOUSEZ_CLASSNAME "MouseZ" // wheel window class #define MOUSEZ_TITLE "Magellan MSWHEEL" // wheel window title #define MSH_WHEELMODULE_CLASS (MOUSEZ_CLASSNAME) #define MSH_WHEELMODULE_TITLE (MOUSEZ_TITLE) #define MSH_SCROLL_LINES "MSH_SCROLL_LINES_MSG" #ifndef WHEEL_DELTA #define WHEEL_DELTA 120 #endif #ifndef WM_MOUSEWHEEL #define WM_MOUSEWHEEL 0x020A #endif #ifndef SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES #define SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES 104 #endif #ifndef SPI_SETWHEELSCROLLLINES #define SPI_SETWHEELSCROLLLINES 105 #endif #ifndef WHEEL_PAGESCROLL #define WHEEL_PAGESCROLL (UINT_MAX) #endif // ----------------------------- // - SystemAgent Erweiterungen - // ----------------------------- #define ENABLE_AGENT 1 #define DISABLE_AGENT 2 #define GET_AGENT_STATUS 3 typedef int (APIENTRY* SysAgt_Enable_PROC)( int ); // --------------------- // - 5.0-Erweiterungen - // --------------------- #ifndef COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION #define COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION 27 #endif #ifndef COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION #define COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION 28 #endif #ifndef SPI_GETFLATMENU #define SPI_GETFLATMENU 0x1022 #endif #ifndef COLOR_MENUBAR #define COLOR_MENUBAR 30 #endif #ifndef COLOR_MENUHILIGHT #define COLOR_MENUHILIGHT 29 #endif #ifndef CS_DROPSHADOW #define CS_DROPSHADOW 0x00020000 #endif // ------------------------------------------------------- // MT 12/03: From winuser.h, only needed in salframe.cxx // Better change salframe.cxx to include winuser.h // ------------------------------------------------------- #define WS_EX_LAYERED 0x00080000 #ifndef WM_UNICHAR #define WM_UNICHAR 0x0109 #define UNICODE_NOCHAR 0xFFFF #endif #endif // _SV_WINCOMP_HXX