/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #pragma once #include <memory> #include <vcl/toolkit/button.hxx> #include <vcl/toolkit/dialog.hxx> #include <vcl/roadmapwizard.hxx> #include <vcl/tabpage.hxx> struct ImplWizPageData { ImplWizPageData* mpNext; VclPtr<TabPage> mpPage; }; namespace vcl { struct RoadmapWizardImpl; class RoadmapWizard; namespace RoadmapWizardTypes { typedef VclPtr<TabPage> (* RoadmapPageFactory)( RoadmapWizard& ); }; //= RoadmapWizard /** wizard for a roadmap The basic new concept introduced is a <em>path</em>:<br/> A <em>path</em> is a sequence of states, which are to be executed in a linear order. Elements in the path can be skipped, depending on choices the user makes. In the most simple wizards, you will have only one path consisting of <code>n</code> elements, which are to be visited successively. In a slightly more complex wizard, you will have one linear path, were certain steps might be skipped due to user input. For instance, the user may decide to not specify certain aspects of the to-be-created object (e.g. by unchecking a check box), and the wizard then will simply disable the step which corresponds to this step. In a yet more advanced wizards, you will have several paths of length <code>n1</code> and <code>n2</code>, which share at least the first <code>k</code> states (where <code>k</code> is at least 1), and an arbitrary number of other states. */ class RoadmapWizard final : public Dialog { private: Idle maWizardLayoutIdle; Size maPageSize; ImplWizPageData* mpFirstPage; ImplWizButtonData* mpFirstBtn; VclPtr<TabPage> mpCurTabPage; VclPtr<PushButton> mpPrevBtn; VclPtr<PushButton> mpNextBtn; VclPtr<vcl::Window> mpViewWindow; sal_uInt16 mnCurLevel; sal_Int16 mnLeftAlignCount; bool mbEmptyViewMargin; DECL_LINK( ImplHandleWizardLayoutTimerHdl, Timer*, void ); // IMPORTANT: // traveling pages should not be done by calling these base class member, some mechanisms of this class // here (e.g. committing page data) depend on having full control over page traveling. // So use the travelXXX methods if you need to travel tools::Long LogicalCoordinateToPixel(int iCoordinate) const; /**sets the number of buttons which should be left-aligned. Normally, buttons are right-aligned. only to be used during construction, before any layouting happened */ void SetLeftAlignedButtonCount( sal_Int16 _nCount ); void CalcAndSetSize(); public: VclPtr<OKButton> m_pFinish; VclPtr<CancelButton> m_pCancel; VclPtr<PushButton> m_pNextPage; VclPtr<PushButton> m_pPrevPage; VclPtr<HelpButton> m_pHelp; private: std::unique_ptr<WizardMachineImplData> m_xWizardImpl; // hold members in this structure to allow keeping compatible when members are added std::unique_ptr<RoadmapWizardImpl> m_xRoadmapImpl; public: RoadmapWizard(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle = WB_STDDIALOG, InitFlag eFlag = InitFlag::Default); virtual ~RoadmapWizard( ) override; virtual void dispose() override; virtual void Resize() override; virtual void StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange ) override; virtual bool EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) override; void ActivatePage(); virtual void queue_resize(StateChangedType eReason = StateChangedType::Layout) override; bool ShowPage( sal_uInt16 nLevel ); void Finish( tools::Long nResult = 0 ); sal_uInt16 GetCurLevel() const { return mnCurLevel; } void AddPage( TabPage* pPage ); void RemovePage( TabPage* pPage ); void SetPage( sal_uInt16 nLevel, TabPage* pPage ); TabPage* GetPage( sal_uInt16 nLevel ) const; void AddButton( Button* pButton, tools::Long nOffset = 0 ); void RemoveButton( Button* pButton ); void AddButtonResponse( Button* pButton, int response); void SetPageSizePixel( const Size& rSize ) { maPageSize = rSize; } const Size& GetPageSizePixel() const { return maPageSize; } void SetRoadmapHelpId( const OUString& _rId ); void SetRoadmapBitmap( const BitmapEx& maBitmap ); void InsertRoadmapItem(int nIndex, const OUString& rLabel, int nId, bool bEnabled); void DeleteRoadmapItems(); int GetCurrentRoadmapItemID() const; void SelectRoadmapItemByID(int nId, bool bGrabFocus = true); void SetItemSelectHdl( const Link<LinkParamNone*,void>& _rHdl ); void ShowRoadmap(bool bShow); FactoryFunction GetUITestFactory() const override; private: /// to override to create new pages VclPtr<TabPage> createPage(WizardTypes::WizardState nState); /// will be called when a new page is about to be displayed void enterState(WizardTypes::WizardState _nState); /** determine the next state to travel from the given one This method ensures that traveling happens along the active path. Return WZS_INVALID_STATE to prevent traveling. @see activatePath */ WizardTypes::WizardState determineNextState(WizardTypes::WizardState nCurrentState) const; /// travel to the next state void travelNext(); /// travel to the previous state void travelPrevious(); /** removes a page from the history. Should be called when the page is being disabled */ void removePageFromHistory(WizardTypes::WizardState nToRemove); /** skips one or more states, until a given state is reached The method behaves as if from the current state, <method>travelNext</method>s were called successively, until <arg>_nTargetState</arg> is reached, but without actually creating or displaying the \EDntermediate pages. The skipped states appear in the state history, so <method>travelPrevious</method> will make use of them. @return <TRUE/> if and only if traveling was successful @see skip @see skipBackwardUntil */ bool skipUntil(WizardTypes::WizardState nTargetState); /** moves back one or more states, until a given state is reached This method allows traveling backwards more than one state without actually showing the intermediate states. For instance, if you want to travel two steps backward at a time, you could used two travelPrevious calls, but this would <em>show</em> both pages, which is not necessary, since you're interested in the target page only. Using <member>skipBackwardUntil</member> relieves you of this. @return <TRUE/> if and only if traveling was successful @see skipUntil @see skip */ bool skipBackwardUntil(WizardTypes::WizardState nTargetState); /** returns the current state of the machine Vulgo, this is the identifier of the current tab page :) */ WizardTypes::WizardState getCurrentState() const { return GetCurLevel(); } /** returns a human readable name for a given state There is a default implementation for this method, which returns the display name as given in a call to describeState. If there is no description for the given state, this is worth an assertion in a non-product build, and then an empty string is returned. */ OUString getStateDisplayName(WizardTypes::WizardState nState) const; DECL_LINK( OnRoadmapItemSelected, LinkParamNone*, void ); /** updates the roadmap control to show the given path, as far as possible (modulo conflicts with other paths) */ void implUpdateRoadmap( ); public: class AccessGuard { friend class RoadmapWizardTravelSuspension; private: AccessGuard() { } }; void suspendTraveling( AccessGuard ); void resumeTraveling( AccessGuard ); bool isTravelingSuspended() const; private: void GetOrCreatePage(const WizardTypes::WizardState i_nState); void ImplCalcSize( Size& rSize ); void ImplPosCtrls(); void ImplPosTabPage(); void ImplShowTabPage( TabPage* pPage ); TabPage* ImplGetPage( sal_uInt16 nLevel ) const; DECL_LINK(OnNextPage, Button*, void); DECL_LINK(OnPrevPage, Button*, void); DECL_LINK(OnFinish, Button*, void); void implConstruct( const WizardButtonFlags _nButtonFlags ); virtual void DumpAsPropertyTree(tools::JsonWriter& rJsonWriter) override; }; /// helper class to temporarily suspend any traveling in the wizard class RoadmapWizardTravelSuspension { public: RoadmapWizardTravelSuspension(RoadmapWizard& rWizard) : m_pOWizard(&rWizard) { m_pOWizard->suspendTraveling(RoadmapWizard::AccessGuard()); } ~RoadmapWizardTravelSuspension() { if (m_pOWizard) m_pOWizard->resumeTraveling(RoadmapWizard::AccessGuard()); } private: VclPtr<RoadmapWizard> m_pOWizard; }; } // namespace vcl /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */