/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include "vcl/printerinfomanager.hxx"

#include "generic/gendata.hxx"

using namespace psp;
using namespace osl;

PrinterInfoManager& PrinterInfoManager::get()
    SalData* pSalData = GetSalData();
    if( ! pSalData->m_pPIManager )
        pSalData->m_pPIManager = new PrinterInfoManager();
    return *pSalData->m_pPIManager;

void PrinterInfoManager::release()
    SalData* pSalData = GetSalData();
    delete pSalData->m_pPIManager;
    pSalData->m_pPIManager = NULL;

PrinterInfoManager::PrinterInfoManager( Type eType ) :
    m_pQueueInfo( NULL ),
    m_eType( eType ),
    m_bUseIncludeFeature( false ),
    m_bUseJobPatch( true ),
    m_aSystemDefaultPaper( "A4" ),
    m_bDisableCUPS( true )
    m_bDisableCUPS( false )
    // initSystemDefaultPaper();



bool PrinterInfoManager::checkPrintersChanged( bool /* bWait */ )
    return false;

void PrinterInfoManager::initialize()
    // ???

bool PrinterInfoManager::isCUPSDisabled() const
    return m_bDisableCUPS;

void PrinterInfoManager::setCUPSDisabled( bool /* bDisable */ )
    // cups is already disabled in config so do nothing

void PrinterInfoManager::listPrinters( ::std::list< OUString >& rList ) const

const PrinterInfo& PrinterInfoManager::getPrinterInfo( const OUString& /* rPrinter */ ) const
    static PrinterInfo aEmptyInfo;

    return aEmptyInfo;

void PrinterInfoManager::changePrinterInfo( const OUString& /* rPrinter */, const PrinterInfo& /* rNewInfo */ )


bool PrinterInfoManager::writePrinterConfig()
    return false;

bool PrinterInfoManager::addPrinter( const OUString& /* rPrinterName */, const OUString& /* rDriverName */ )
    return false;

bool PrinterInfoManager::removePrinter( const OUString& /* rPrinterName */, bool /* bCheckOnly */ )
    return false;

bool PrinterInfoManager::setDefaultPrinter( const OUString& /* rPrinterName */ )
    return false;

bool PrinterInfoManager::addOrRemovePossible() const
    return false;

void PrinterInfoManager::fillFontSubstitutions( PrinterInfo& /* rInfo */ ) const


void PrinterInfoManager::getSystemPrintCommands( std::list< OUString >& /* rCommands */ )


const std::list< PrinterInfoManager::SystemPrintQueue >& PrinterInfoManager::getSystemPrintQueues()
    return m_aSystemPrintQueues;

bool PrinterInfoManager::checkFeatureToken( const OUString& /* rPrinterName */, const char* /* pToken */ ) const
    return false;

FILE* PrinterInfoManager::startSpool( const OUString& /* rPrintername */, bool /* bQuickCommand */ )
    return NULL;

int PrinterInfoManager::endSpool( const OUString& /*rPrintername*/, const OUString& /*rJobTitle*/, FILE* /* pFile */, const JobData& /*rDocumentJobData*/, bool /*bBanner*/ )
    return true;

void PrinterInfoManager::setupJobContextData( JobData& /* rData */ )


void PrinterInfoManager::setDefaultPaper( PPDContext& /* rContext */ ) const


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