/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static std::vector g_vShareList; static bool g_bAnyCurrent; class X11OpenGLContext : public OpenGLContext { public: void init(Display* dpy, Window win, int screen); virtual void initWindow() override; private: GLX11Window m_aGLWin; virtual const GLWindow& getOpenGLWindow() const override { return m_aGLWin; } virtual GLWindow& getModifiableOpenGLWindow() override { return m_aGLWin; } virtual bool ImplInit() override; void initGLWindow(Visual* pVisual); virtual SystemWindowData generateWinData(vcl::Window* pParent, bool bRequestLegacyContext) override; virtual void makeCurrent() override; virtual void destroyCurrentContext() override; virtual bool isCurrent() override; virtual bool isAnyCurrent() override; virtual void sync() override; virtual void resetCurrent() override; virtual void swapBuffers() override; }; namespace { #ifdef DBG_UTIL int unxErrorHandler(Display* dpy, XErrorEvent* event) { char err[256]; char req[256]; char minor[256]; XGetErrorText(dpy, event->error_code, err, 256); XGetErrorText(dpy, event->request_code, req, 256); XGetErrorText(dpy, event->minor_code, minor, 256); SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "Error: " << err << ", Req: " << req << ", Minor: " << minor); return 0; } #endif typedef int (*errorHandler)(Display* /*dpy*/, XErrorEvent* /*evnt*/); class TempErrorHandler { private: errorHandler oldErrorHandler; Display* const mdpy; public: TempErrorHandler(Display* dpy, errorHandler newErrorHandler) : oldErrorHandler(nullptr) , mdpy(dpy) { if (mdpy) { XLockDisplay(dpy); XSync(dpy, false); oldErrorHandler = XSetErrorHandler(newErrorHandler); } } ~TempErrorHandler() { if (mdpy) { // sync so that we possibly get an XError glXWaitGL(); XSync(mdpy, false); XSetErrorHandler(oldErrorHandler); XUnlockDisplay(mdpy); } } }; static bool errorTriggered; int oglErrorHandler( Display* /*dpy*/, XErrorEvent* /*evnt*/ ) { errorTriggered = true; return 0; } GLXFBConfig* getFBConfig(Display* dpy, Window win, int& nBestFBC) { OpenGLZone aZone; if( dpy == nullptr || !glXQueryExtension( dpy, nullptr, nullptr ) ) return nullptr; VCL_GL_INFO("window: " << win); XWindowAttributes xattr; if( !XGetWindowAttributes( dpy, win, &xattr ) ) { SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "Failed to get window attributes for fbconfig " << win); xattr.screen = nullptr; xattr.visual = nullptr; } int screen = XScreenNumberOfScreen( xattr.screen ); // TODO: moggi: Select colour channel depth based on visual attributes, not hardcoded */ static int visual_attribs[] = { GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, True, GLX_X_RENDERABLE, True, GLX_RED_SIZE, 8, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 8, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 8, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE, GLX_TRUE_COLOR, None }; int fbCount = 0; GLXFBConfig* pFBC = glXChooseFBConfig( dpy, screen, visual_attribs, &fbCount ); if(!pFBC) { SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "no suitable fb format found"); return nullptr; } int best_num_samp = -1; for(int i = 0; i < fbCount; ++i) { XVisualInfo* pVi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig( dpy, pFBC[i] ); if(pVi && (xattr.visual && pVi->visualid == xattr.visual->visualid) ) { // pick the one with the most samples per pixel int nSampleBuf = 0; int nSamples = 0; glXGetFBConfigAttrib( dpy, pFBC[i], GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, &nSampleBuf ); glXGetFBConfigAttrib( dpy, pFBC[i], GLX_SAMPLES , &nSamples ); if ( nBestFBC < 0 || (nSampleBuf && ( nSamples > best_num_samp )) ) { nBestFBC = i; best_num_samp = nSamples; } } XFree( pVi ); } return pFBC; } Visual* getVisual(Display* dpy, Window win) { OpenGLZone aZone; XWindowAttributes xattr; if( !XGetWindowAttributes( dpy, win, &xattr ) ) { SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "Failed to get window attributes for getVisual " << win); xattr.visual = nullptr; } VCL_GL_INFO("using VisualID " << xattr.visual); return xattr.visual; } } void X11OpenGLContext::sync() { OpenGLZone aZone; glXWaitGL(); XSync(m_aGLWin.dpy, false); } void X11OpenGLContext::swapBuffers() { OpenGLZone aZone; glXSwapBuffers(m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.win); BuffersSwapped(); } void X11OpenGLContext::resetCurrent() { clearCurrent(); OpenGLZone aZone; if (m_aGLWin.dpy) { glXMakeCurrent(m_aGLWin.dpy, None, nullptr); g_bAnyCurrent = false; } } bool X11OpenGLContext::isCurrent() { OpenGLZone aZone; return g_bAnyCurrent && m_aGLWin.ctx && glXGetCurrentContext() == m_aGLWin.ctx && glXGetCurrentDrawable() == m_aGLWin.win; } bool X11OpenGLContext::isAnyCurrent() { return g_bAnyCurrent && glXGetCurrentContext() != None; } SystemWindowData X11OpenGLContext::generateWinData(vcl::Window* pParent, bool /*bRequestLegacyContext*/) { OpenGLZone aZone; SystemWindowData aWinData; aWinData.pVisual = nullptr; const SystemEnvData* sysData(pParent->GetSystemData()); Display *dpy = static_cast(sysData->pDisplay); Window win = sysData->aWindow; if( dpy == nullptr || !glXQueryExtension( dpy, nullptr, nullptr ) ) return aWinData; int best_fbc = -1; GLXFBConfig* pFBC = getFBConfig(dpy, win, best_fbc); if (!pFBC) return aWinData; XVisualInfo* vi = nullptr; if( best_fbc != -1 ) vi = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig( dpy, pFBC[best_fbc] ); XFree(pFBC); if( vi ) { VCL_GL_INFO("using VisualID " << vi->visualid); aWinData.pVisual = static_cast(vi->visual); } return aWinData; } bool X11OpenGLContext::ImplInit() { if (!m_aGLWin.dpy) return false; OpenGLZone aZone; GLXContext pSharedCtx( nullptr ); #ifdef DBG_UTIL TempErrorHandler aErrorHandler(m_aGLWin.dpy, unxErrorHandler); #endif VCL_GL_INFO("OpenGLContext::ImplInit----start"); if (!g_vShareList.empty()) pSharedCtx = g_vShareList.front(); //tdf#112166 for, e.g. VirtualBox GL, claiming OpenGL 2.1 static bool hasCreateContextAttribsARB = glXGetProcAddress(reinterpret_cast("glXCreateContextAttribsARB")) != nullptr; if (hasCreateContextAttribsARB && !mbRequestLegacyContext) { int best_fbc = -1; GLXFBConfig* pFBC = getFBConfig(m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.win, best_fbc); if (pFBC && best_fbc != -1) { int const pContextAttribs[] = { #if 0 // defined(DBG_UTIL) GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 2, #endif None }; m_aGLWin.ctx = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(m_aGLWin.dpy, pFBC[best_fbc], pSharedCtx, /* direct, not via X */ GL_TRUE, pContextAttribs); SAL_INFO_IF(m_aGLWin.ctx, "vcl.opengl", "created a 3.2 core context"); } else SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "unable to find correct FBC"); } if (!m_aGLWin.ctx) { if (!m_aGLWin.vi) return false; SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "attempting to create a non-double-buffered " "visual matching the context"); m_aGLWin.ctx = glXCreateContext(m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.vi, pSharedCtx, GL_TRUE /* direct, not via X server */); } if( m_aGLWin.ctx ) { g_vShareList.push_back( m_aGLWin.ctx ); } else { SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "unable to create GLX context"); return false; } if( !glXMakeCurrent( m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.win, m_aGLWin.ctx ) ) { g_bAnyCurrent = false; SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "unable to select current GLX context"); return false; } g_bAnyCurrent = true; int glxMinor, glxMajor; double nGLXVersion = 0; if( glXQueryVersion( m_aGLWin.dpy, &glxMajor, &glxMinor ) ) nGLXVersion = glxMajor + 0.1*glxMinor; SAL_INFO("vcl.opengl", "available GLX version: " << nGLXVersion); SAL_INFO("vcl.opengl", "available GL extensions: " << glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); XWindowAttributes aWinAttr; if( !XGetWindowAttributes( m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.win, &aWinAttr ) ) { SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "Failed to get window attributes on " << m_aGLWin.win); m_aGLWin.Width = 0; m_aGLWin.Height = 0; } else { m_aGLWin.Width = aWinAttr.width; m_aGLWin.Height = aWinAttr.height; } if( m_aGLWin.HasGLXExtension("GLX_SGI_swap_control" ) ) { // enable vsync typedef GLint (*glXSwapIntervalProc)(GLint); glXSwapIntervalProc glXSwapInterval = reinterpret_cast(glXGetProcAddress( reinterpret_cast("glXSwapIntervalSGI") )); if( glXSwapInterval ) { TempErrorHandler aLocalErrorHandler(m_aGLWin.dpy, oglErrorHandler); errorTriggered = false; glXSwapInterval( 1 ); if( errorTriggered ) SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "error when trying to set swap interval, NVIDIA or Mesa bug?"); else VCL_GL_INFO("set swap interval to 1 (enable vsync)"); } } bool bRet = InitGL(); InitGLDebugging(); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); registerAsCurrent(); return bRet; } void X11OpenGLContext::makeCurrent() { if (isCurrent()) return; OpenGLZone aZone; clearCurrent(); #ifdef DBG_UTIL TempErrorHandler aErrorHandler(m_aGLWin.dpy, unxErrorHandler); #endif if (m_aGLWin.dpy) { if (!glXMakeCurrent( m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.win, m_aGLWin.ctx )) { g_bAnyCurrent = false; SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "OpenGLContext::makeCurrent failed " "on drawable " << m_aGLWin.win); return; } g_bAnyCurrent = true; } registerAsCurrent(); } void X11OpenGLContext::destroyCurrentContext() { if(m_aGLWin.ctx) { std::vector::iterator itr = std::remove( g_vShareList.begin(), g_vShareList.end(), m_aGLWin.ctx ); if (itr != g_vShareList.end()) g_vShareList.erase(itr); glXMakeCurrent(m_aGLWin.dpy, None, nullptr); g_bAnyCurrent = false; if( glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR ) { SAL_WARN("vcl.opengl", "glError: " << glGetError()); } glXDestroyContext(m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.ctx); m_aGLWin.ctx = nullptr; } } void X11OpenGLContext::init(Display* dpy, Window win, int screen) { if (isInitialized()) return; if (!dpy) return; OpenGLZone aZone; m_aGLWin.dpy = dpy; m_aGLWin.win = win; m_aGLWin.screen = screen; Visual* pVisual = getVisual(dpy, win); initGLWindow(pVisual); ImplInit(); } void X11OpenGLContext::initGLWindow(Visual* pVisual) { OpenGLZone aZone; // Get visual info { XVisualInfo aTemplate; aTemplate.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual( pVisual ); int nVisuals = 0; XVisualInfo* pInfo = XGetVisualInfo( m_aGLWin.dpy, VisualIDMask, &aTemplate, &nVisuals ); if( nVisuals != 1 ) SAL_WARN( "vcl.opengl", "match count for visual id is not 1" ); m_aGLWin.vi = pInfo; } // Check multisample support /* TODO: moggi: This is not necessarily correct in the DBG_UTIL path, as it picks * an FBConfig instead ... */ int nSamples = 0; glXGetConfig(m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.vi, GLX_SAMPLES, &nSamples); if( nSamples > 0 ) m_aGLWin.bMultiSampleSupported = true; m_aGLWin.GLXExtensions = glXQueryExtensionsString( m_aGLWin.dpy, m_aGLWin.screen ); SAL_INFO("vcl.opengl", "available GLX extensions: " << m_aGLWin.GLXExtensions); } void X11OpenGLContext::initWindow() { const SystemEnvData* pChildSysData = nullptr; SystemWindowData winData = generateWinData(mpWindow, false); if( winData.pVisual ) { if( !m_pChildWindow ) { m_pChildWindow = VclPtr::Create(mpWindow, 0, &winData, false); } pChildSysData = m_pChildWindow->GetSystemData(); } if (!m_pChildWindow || !pChildSysData) return; InitChildWindow(m_pChildWindow.get()); m_aGLWin.dpy = static_cast(pChildSysData->pDisplay); m_aGLWin.win = pChildSysData->aWindow; m_aGLWin.screen = pChildSysData->nScreen; Visual* pVisual = static_cast(pChildSysData->pVisual); initGLWindow(pVisual); } GLX11Window::GLX11Window() : dpy(nullptr) , screen(0) , win(0) , vi(nullptr) , ctx(nullptr) { } bool GLX11Window::HasGLXExtension( const char* name ) const { for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i != -1;) { if (GLXExtensions.getToken(0, ' ', i) == name) { return true; } } return false; } GLX11Window::~GLX11Window() { XFree(vi); } bool GLX11Window::Synchronize(bool bOnoff) const { XSynchronize(dpy, bOnoff); return true; } OpenGLContext* X11SalInstance::CreateOpenGLContext() { return new X11OpenGLContext; } X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl( X11SalGraphics& rParent ): OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl(rParent,rParent.GetGeometryProvider()), mrX11Parent(rParent) { } X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::~X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl() { } void X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::Init() { // The m_pFrame and m_pVDev pointers are updated late in X11 mpProvider = mrX11Parent.GetGeometryProvider(); OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::Init(); } rtl::Reference X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::CreateWinContext() { NativeWindowHandleProvider *pProvider = dynamic_cast(mrX11Parent.m_pFrame); if( !pProvider ) return nullptr; sal_uIntPtr aWin = pProvider->GetNativeWindowHandle(); rtl::Reference xContext = new X11OpenGLContext; xContext->setVCLOnly(); xContext->init( mrX11Parent.GetXDisplay(), aWin, mrX11Parent.m_nXScreen.getXScreen() ); return rtl::Reference(xContext.get()); } void X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::copyBits( const SalTwoRect& rPosAry, SalGraphics* pSrcGraphics ) { OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl *pImpl = pSrcGraphics ? static_cast< OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl* >(pSrcGraphics->GetImpl()) : static_cast< OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl *>(mrX11Parent.GetImpl()); OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::DoCopyBits( rPosAry, *pImpl ); } void X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::FillPixmapFromScreen( X11Pixmap* pPixmap, int nX, int nY ) { Display* pDisplay = mrX11Parent.GetXDisplay(); SalX11Screen nScreen = mrX11Parent.GetScreenNumber(); XVisualInfo aVisualInfo; XImage* pImage; char* pData; SAL_INFO( "vcl.opengl", "FillPixmapFromScreen" ); if (!SalDisplay::BestOpenGLVisual(pDisplay, nScreen.getXScreen(), aVisualInfo)) return; // make sure everything is synced up before reading back mpContext->makeCurrent(); glXWaitX(); // TODO: lfrb: What if offscreen? pData = static_cast(malloc( pPixmap->GetWidth() * pPixmap->GetHeight() * 4 )); glPixelStorei( GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 ); CHECK_GL_ERROR(); glReadPixels( nX, GetHeight() - nY, pPixmap->GetWidth(), pPixmap->GetHeight(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pData ); CHECK_GL_ERROR(); pImage = XCreateImage( pDisplay, aVisualInfo.visual, 24, ZPixmap, 0, pData, pPixmap->GetWidth(), pPixmap->GetHeight(), 8, 0 ); XInitImage( pImage ); GC aGC = XCreateGC( pDisplay, pPixmap->GetPixmap(), 0, nullptr ); XPutImage( pDisplay, pPixmap->GetDrawable(), aGC, pImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, pPixmap->GetWidth(), pPixmap->GetHeight() ); XFreeGC( pDisplay, aGC ); XDestroyImage( pImage ); } typedef typename std::pair> ControlCachePair; typedef o3tl::lru_map, ControlCacheHashFunction> ControlCacheType; static vcl::DeleteOnDeinit gTextureCache(new ControlCacheType(200)); namespace { GLXFBConfig GetPixmapFBConfig( Display* pDisplay, bool& bInverted ) { OpenGLZone aZone; int nScreen = DefaultScreen( pDisplay ); GLXFBConfig *aFbConfigs; int i, nFbConfigs, nValue; aFbConfigs = glXGetFBConfigs( pDisplay, nScreen, &nFbConfigs ); for( i = 0; i < nFbConfigs; i++ ) { glXGetFBConfigAttrib( pDisplay, aFbConfigs[i], GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE, &nValue ); if( !(nValue & GLX_PIXMAP_BIT) ) continue; glXGetFBConfigAttrib( pDisplay, aFbConfigs[i], GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_TARGETS_EXT, &nValue ); if( !(nValue & GLX_TEXTURE_2D_BIT_EXT) ) continue; glXGetFBConfigAttrib( pDisplay, aFbConfigs[i], GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, &nValue ); if( nValue != 24 ) continue; glXGetFBConfigAttrib( pDisplay, aFbConfigs[i], GLX_RED_SIZE, &nValue ); if( nValue != 8 ) continue; SAL_INFO( "vcl.opengl", "Red is " << nValue ); // TODO: lfrb: Make it configurable wrt RGB/RGBA glXGetFBConfigAttrib( pDisplay, aFbConfigs[i], GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB_EXT, &nValue ); if( nValue == False ) { glXGetFBConfigAttrib( pDisplay, aFbConfigs[i], GLX_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA_EXT, &nValue ); if( nValue == False ) continue; } glXGetFBConfigAttrib( pDisplay, aFbConfigs[i], GLX_Y_INVERTED_EXT, &nValue ); // Looks like that X sends GLX_DONT_CARE but this usually means "true" for most // of the X implementations. Investigation on internet pointed that this could be // safely "true" all the time (for example gnome-shell always assumes "true"). bInverted = nValue == True || nValue == int(GLX_DONT_CARE); break; } if( i == nFbConfigs ) { SAL_WARN( "vcl.opengl", "Unable to find FBconfig for pixmap texturing" ); return nullptr; } CHECK_GL_ERROR(); return aFbConfigs[i]; } } void X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::RenderPixmap(X11Pixmap const * pPixmap, X11Pixmap const * pMask, int nX, int nY, TextureCombo& rCombo) { const int aAttribs[] = { GLX_TEXTURE_TARGET_EXT, GLX_TEXTURE_2D_EXT, GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_EXT, GLX_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA_EXT, None }; Display* pDisplay = mrX11Parent.GetXDisplay(); bool bInverted = false; const long nWidth = pPixmap->GetWidth(); const long nHeight = pPixmap->GetHeight(); SalTwoRect aPosAry(0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight); PreDraw(); //glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ); XSync( pDisplay, 0 ); GLXFBConfig pFbConfig = GetPixmapFBConfig( pDisplay, bInverted ); GLXPixmap pGlxPixmap = glXCreatePixmap( pDisplay, pFbConfig, pPixmap->GetPixmap(), aAttribs); GLXPixmap pGlxMask; if( pMask != nullptr ) pGlxMask = glXCreatePixmap( pDisplay, pFbConfig, pMask->GetPixmap(), aAttribs); else pGlxMask = 0; XSync( pDisplay, 0 ); if( !pGlxPixmap ) SAL_WARN( "vcl.opengl", "Couldn't create GLXPixmap" ); //TODO: lfrb: glXGetProc to get the functions rCombo.mpTexture.reset(new OpenGLTexture(pPixmap->GetWidth(), pPixmap->GetHeight(), false)); mpContext->state().texture().active(0); rCombo.mpTexture->Bind(); glXBindTexImageEXT( pDisplay, pGlxPixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT, nullptr ); rCombo.mpTexture->Unbind(); if( pMask != nullptr && pGlxMask ) { rCombo.mpMask.reset(new OpenGLTexture(pPixmap->GetWidth(), pPixmap->GetHeight(), false)); rCombo.mpMask->Bind(); glXBindTexImageEXT( pDisplay, pGlxMask, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT, nullptr ); rCombo.mpMask->Unbind(); DrawTextureDiff(*rCombo.mpTexture, *rCombo.mpMask, aPosAry, bInverted); glXReleaseTexImageEXT( pDisplay, pGlxMask, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT ); glXDestroyPixmap( pDisplay, pGlxMask ); } else { DrawTexture(*rCombo.mpTexture, aPosAry, bInverted); } CHECK_GL_ERROR(); glXReleaseTexImageEXT( pDisplay, pGlxPixmap, GLX_FRONT_LEFT_EXT ); glXDestroyPixmap( pDisplay, pGlxPixmap ); PostDraw(); CHECK_GL_ERROR(); } bool X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::RenderPixmapToScreen( X11Pixmap* pPixmap, X11Pixmap* pMask, int nX, int nY ) { SAL_INFO( "vcl.opengl", "RenderPixmapToScreen (" << nX << " " << nY << ")" ); TextureCombo aCombo; RenderPixmap(pPixmap, pMask, nX, nY, aCombo); return true; } bool X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::TryRenderCachedNativeControl(ControlCacheKey& rControlCacheKey, int nX, int nY) { static bool gbCacheEnabled = !getenv("SAL_WITHOUT_WIDGET_CACHE"); if (!gbCacheEnabled || !gTextureCache.get()) return false; ControlCacheType::const_iterator iterator = gTextureCache.get()->find(rControlCacheKey); if (iterator == gTextureCache.get()->end()) return false; const std::unique_ptr& pCombo = iterator->second; PreDraw(); OpenGLTexture& rTexture = *pCombo->mpTexture; SalTwoRect aPosAry(0, 0, rTexture.GetWidth(), rTexture.GetHeight(), nX, nY, rTexture.GetWidth(), rTexture.GetHeight()); if (pCombo->mpMask) DrawTextureDiff(rTexture, *pCombo->mpMask, aPosAry, true); else DrawTexture(rTexture, aPosAry, true); PostDraw(); return true; } bool X11OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::RenderAndCacheNativeControl(X11Pixmap* pPixmap, X11Pixmap* pMask, int nX, int nY, ControlCacheKey& aControlCacheKey) { std::unique_ptr pCombo(new TextureCombo); RenderPixmap(pPixmap, pMask, nX, nY, *pCombo); if (!aControlCacheKey.canCacheControl()) return true; ControlCachePair pair(aControlCacheKey, std::move(pCombo)); if (gTextureCache.get()) gTextureCache.get()->insert(std::move(pair)); return true; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */