/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <osx/a11yfactory.h>

#include "a11ytablewrapper.h"

using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;

@implementation AquaA11yTableWrapper : AquaA11yWrapper

+(id)childrenAttributeForElement:(AquaA11yTableWrapper *)wrapper
    XAccessibleTable * accessibleTable = [ wrapper accessibleTable ];
    NSArray* pResult = nil;
    if( accessibleTable )
        NSMutableArray * cells = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ];
            sal_Int32 nRows = accessibleTable->getAccessibleRowCount();
            sal_Int32 nCols = accessibleTable->getAccessibleColumnCount();
            if( nRows * nCols < MAXIMUM_ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_CELLS )
                // make all children visible to the hierarchy
                for ( sal_Int32 rowCount = 0; rowCount < nRows; rowCount++ )
                    for ( sal_Int32 columnCount = 0; columnCount < nCols; columnCount++ )
                        Reference < XAccessible > rAccessibleCell = accessibleTable -> getAccessibleCellAt ( rowCount, columnCount );
                        if ( rAccessibleCell.is() )
                            id cell_wrapper = [ AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext: rAccessibleCell -> getAccessibleContext() ];
                            [ cells addObject: cell_wrapper ];
                            [ cell_wrapper release ];
                XAccessibleComponent * accessibleComponent = [ wrapper accessibleComponent ];
                // find out which cells are actually visible by determining the top-left-cell and the bottom-right-cell
                Size tableSize = accessibleComponent -> getSize();
                Point point;
                point.X = 0;
                point.Y = 0;
                Reference < XAccessible > rAccessibleTopLeft = accessibleComponent -> getAccessibleAtPoint ( point );
                point.X = tableSize.Width - 1;
                point.Y = tableSize.Height - 1;
                Reference < XAccessible > rAccessibleBottomRight = accessibleComponent -> getAccessibleAtPoint ( point );
                if ( rAccessibleTopLeft.is() && rAccessibleBottomRight.is() )
                    sal_Int32 idxTopLeft = rAccessibleTopLeft -> getAccessibleContext() -> getAccessibleIndexInParent();
                    sal_Int32 idxBottomRight = rAccessibleBottomRight -> getAccessibleContext() -> getAccessibleIndexInParent();
                    sal_Int32 rowTopLeft = accessibleTable -> getAccessibleRow ( idxTopLeft );
                    sal_Int32 columnTopLeft = accessibleTable -> getAccessibleColumn ( idxTopLeft );
                    sal_Int32 rowBottomRight = accessibleTable -> getAccessibleRow ( idxBottomRight );
                    sal_Int32 columnBottomRight = accessibleTable -> getAccessibleColumn ( idxBottomRight );
                    // create an array containing the visible cells
                    for ( sal_Int32 rowCount = rowTopLeft; rowCount <= rowBottomRight; rowCount++ )
                        for ( sal_Int32 columnCount = columnTopLeft; columnCount <= columnBottomRight; columnCount++ )
                            Reference < XAccessible > rAccessibleCell = accessibleTable -> getAccessibleCellAt ( rowCount, columnCount );
                            if ( rAccessibleCell.is() )
                                id cell_wrapper = [ AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext: rAccessibleCell -> getAccessibleContext() ];
                                [ cells addObject: cell_wrapper ];
                                [ cell_wrapper release ];
            pResult = NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildren( cells );
        catch (const Exception &e) 
        [cells autorelease];
    return pResult;

+(void)addAttributeNamesTo: (NSMutableArray *)attributeNames object: (AquaA11yWrapper*)pObject
    XAccessibleTable * accessibleTable = [ pObject accessibleTable ];
    if( accessibleTable )
        sal_Int32 nRows = accessibleTable->getAccessibleRowCount();
        sal_Int32 nCols = accessibleTable->getAccessibleColumnCount();    
        if( nRows*nCols < MAXIMUM_ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_CELLS )
            [ attributeNames addObject: NSAccessibilityRowsAttribute ];
            [ attributeNames addObject: NSAccessibilityColumnsAttribute ];

    NSArray* pResult = nil;

    XAccessibleTable * accessibleTable = [ self accessibleTable ];
    if( accessibleTable )
        sal_Int32 nRows = accessibleTable->getAccessibleRowCount();
        sal_Int32 nCols = accessibleTable->getAccessibleColumnCount();    
        if( nRows * nCols < MAXIMUM_ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_CELLS )
            NSMutableArray * cells = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ];
                for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nRows; n++ )
                    Reference < XAccessible > rAccessibleCell = accessibleTable -> getAccessibleCellAt ( n, 0 );
                    if ( rAccessibleCell.is() )
                        id cell_wrapper = [ AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext: rAccessibleCell -> getAccessibleContext() ];
                        [ cells addObject: cell_wrapper ];
                        [ cell_wrapper release ];
                pResult = NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildren( cells );
            catch (const Exception &e) 
                pResult = nil;
            [ cells autorelease ];
    return pResult;

    NSArray* pResult = nil;

    XAccessibleTable * accessibleTable = [ self accessibleTable ];
    if( accessibleTable )
        sal_Int32 nRows = accessibleTable->getAccessibleRowCount();
        sal_Int32 nCols = accessibleTable->getAccessibleColumnCount();    
        if( nRows * nCols < MAXIMUM_ACCESSIBLE_TABLE_CELLS )
            NSMutableArray * cells = [ [ NSMutableArray alloc ] init ];
                // find out number of columns
                for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nCols; n++ )
                    Reference < XAccessible > rAccessibleCell = accessibleTable -> getAccessibleCellAt ( 0, n );
                    if ( rAccessibleCell.is() )
                        id cell_wrapper = [ AquaA11yFactory wrapperForAccessibleContext: rAccessibleCell -> getAccessibleContext() ];
                        [ cells addObject: cell_wrapper ];
                        [ cell_wrapper release ];
                pResult = NSAccessibilityUnignoredChildren( cells );
            catch (const Exception &e) 
                pResult = nil;
            [ cells autorelease ];
    return pResult;


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