/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx" #include "osl/file.h" #include "vcl/svapp.hxx" #include "vcl/window.hxx" #include "vcl/syswin.hxx" #include #include "osx/saldata.hxx" #include "quartz/salgdi.h" #include "osx/salframe.h" #include "osx/salmenu.h" #include "osx/salinst.h" #include "osx/salframeview.h" #include "osx/a11yfactory.h" #include "quartz/utils.h" #include "salwtype.hxx" #include "premac.h" #include // needed for theming // FIXME: move theming code to salnativewidgets.cxx #include #include "postmac.h" using namespace std; AquaSalFrame* AquaSalFrame::s_pCaptureFrame = NULL; AquaSalFrame::AquaSalFrame( SalFrame* pParent, sal_uLong salFrameStyle ) : mpNSWindow(nil), mpNSView(nil), mpDockMenuEntry(nil), mpGraphics(NULL), mpParent(NULL), mnMinWidth(0), mnMinHeight(0), mnMaxWidth(0), mnMaxHeight(0), mbGraphics(false), mbFullScreen( false ), mbShown(false), mbInitShow(true), mbPositioned(false), mbSized(false), mbPresentation( false ), mnStyle( salFrameStyle ), mnStyleMask( 0 ), mnLastEventTime( 0 ), mnLastModifierFlags( 0 ), mpMenu( NULL ), mnExtStyle( 0 ), mePointerStyle( POINTER_ARROW ), mnTrackingRectTag( 0 ), mrClippingPath( 0 ), mnICOptions( 0 ) { maSysData.nSize = sizeof( SystemEnvData ); mpParent = dynamic_cast(pParent); initWindowAndView(); SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); pSalData->maFrames.push_front( this ); pSalData->maFrameCheck.insert( this ); } AquaSalFrame::~AquaSalFrame() { // if the frame is destroyed and has the current menubar // set the default menubar if( mpMenu && mpMenu->mbMenuBar && AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar == mpMenu ) AquaSalMenu::setDefaultMenu(); // cleanup clipping stuff ResetClipRegion(); [SalFrameView unsetMouseFrame: this]; SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); pSalData->maFrames.remove( this ); pSalData->maFrameCheck.erase( this ); pSalData->maPresentationFrames.remove( this ); DBG_ASSERT( this != s_pCaptureFrame, "capture frame destroyed" ); if( this == s_pCaptureFrame ) s_pCaptureFrame = NULL; delete mpGraphics; if( mpDockMenuEntry ) // life cycle comment: the menu has ownership of the item, so no release [AquaSalInstance::GetDynamicDockMenu() removeItem: mpDockMenuEntry]; if ( mpNSView ) { [AquaA11yFactory revokeView: mpNSView]; [mpNSView release]; } if ( mpNSWindow ) [mpNSWindow release]; } void AquaSalFrame::initWindowAndView() { // initialize mirroring parameters // FIXME: screens changing NSScreen* pNSScreen = [mpNSWindow screen]; if( pNSScreen == nil ) pNSScreen = [NSScreen mainScreen]; maScreenRect = [pNSScreen frame]; // calculate some default geometry NSRect aVisibleRect = [pNSScreen visibleFrame]; CocoaToVCL( aVisibleRect ); maGeometry.nX = static_cast(aVisibleRect.origin.x + aVisibleRect.size.width / 10); maGeometry.nY = static_cast(aVisibleRect.origin.y + aVisibleRect.size.height / 10); maGeometry.nWidth = static_cast(aVisibleRect.size.width * 0.8); maGeometry.nHeight = static_cast(aVisibleRect.size.height * 0.8); // calculate style mask if( (mnStyle & SAL_FRAME_STYLE_FLOAT) || (mnStyle & SAL_FRAME_STYLE_OWNERDRAWDECORATION) ) mnStyleMask = NSBorderlessWindowMask; else if( mnStyle & SAL_FRAME_STYLE_DEFAULT ) { mnStyleMask = NSTitledWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask; // make default window "maximized" maGeometry.nX = static_cast(aVisibleRect.origin.x); maGeometry.nY = static_cast(aVisibleRect.origin.y); maGeometry.nWidth = static_cast(aVisibleRect.size.width); maGeometry.nHeight = static_cast(aVisibleRect.size.height); mbPositioned = mbSized = true; } else { if( (mnStyle & SAL_FRAME_STYLE_MOVEABLE) ) { mnStyleMask |= NSTitledWindowMask; if( mpParent == NULL ) mnStyleMask |= NSMiniaturizableWindowMask; } if( (mnStyle & SAL_FRAME_STYLE_SIZEABLE) ) mnStyleMask |= NSResizableWindowMask; if( (mnStyle & SAL_FRAME_STYLE_CLOSEABLE) ) mnStyleMask |= NSClosableWindowMask; // documentation says anything other than NSBorderlessWindowMask (=0) // should also include NSTitledWindowMask; if( mnStyleMask != 0 ) mnStyleMask |= NSTitledWindowMask; } // #i91990# support GUI-less (daemon) execution @try { mpNSWindow = [[SalFrameWindow alloc] initWithSalFrame: this]; mpNSView = [[SalFrameView alloc] initWithSalFrame: this]; } @catch ( id exception ) { return; } if( (mnStyle & SAL_FRAME_STYLE_TOOLTIP) ) [mpNSWindow setIgnoresMouseEvents: YES]; else [mpNSWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES]; [mpNSWindow setHasShadow: YES]; [mpNSWindow setDelegate: static_cast >(mpNSWindow)]; if( [mpNSWindow respondsToSelector: @selector(setRestorable:)]) { objc_msgSend(mpNSWindow, @selector(setRestorable:), NO); } const NSRect aRect = { NSZeroPoint, NSMakeSize( maGeometry.nWidth, maGeometry.nHeight )}; mnTrackingRectTag = [mpNSView addTrackingRect: aRect owner: mpNSView userData: nil assumeInside: NO]; maSysData.mpNSView = mpNSView; UpdateFrameGeometry(); [mpNSWindow setContentView: mpNSView]; } void AquaSalFrame::CocoaToVCL( NSRect& io_rRect, bool bRelativeToScreen ) { if( bRelativeToScreen ) io_rRect.origin.y = maScreenRect.size.height - (io_rRect.origin.y+io_rRect.size.height); else io_rRect.origin.y = maGeometry.nHeight - (io_rRect.origin.y+io_rRect.size.height); } void AquaSalFrame::VCLToCocoa( NSRect& io_rRect, bool bRelativeToScreen ) { if( bRelativeToScreen ) io_rRect.origin.y = maScreenRect.size.height - (io_rRect.origin.y+io_rRect.size.height); else io_rRect.origin.y = maGeometry.nHeight - (io_rRect.origin.y+io_rRect.size.height); } void AquaSalFrame::CocoaToVCL( NSPoint& io_rPoint, bool bRelativeToScreen ) { if( bRelativeToScreen ) io_rPoint.y = maScreenRect.size.height - io_rPoint.y; else io_rPoint.y = maGeometry.nHeight - io_rPoint.y; } void AquaSalFrame::VCLToCocoa( NSPoint& io_rPoint, bool bRelativeToScreen ) { if( bRelativeToScreen ) io_rPoint.y = maScreenRect.size.height - io_rPoint.y; else io_rPoint.y = maGeometry.nHeight - io_rPoint.y; } void AquaSalFrame::screenParametersChanged() { UpdateFrameGeometry(); if( mpGraphics ) mpGraphics->updateResolution(); CallCallback( SALEVENT_DISPLAYCHANGED, 0 ); } SalGraphics* AquaSalFrame::AcquireGraphics() { if ( mbGraphics ) return NULL; if ( !mpGraphics ) { mpGraphics = new AquaSalGraphics; mpGraphics->SetWindowGraphics( this ); } mbGraphics = TRUE; return mpGraphics; } void AquaSalFrame::ReleaseGraphics( SalGraphics *pGraphics ) { (void)pGraphics; DBG_ASSERT( pGraphics == mpGraphics, "graphics released on wrong frame" ); mbGraphics = FALSE; } bool AquaSalFrame::PostEvent( void *pData ) { GetSalData()->mpFirstInstance->PostUserEvent( this, SALEVENT_USEREVENT, pData ); return TRUE; } void AquaSalFrame::SetTitle(const OUString& rTitle) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); NSString* pTitle = CreateNSString( rTitle ); [mpNSWindow setTitle: pTitle]; // create an entry in the dock menu const sal_uLong nAppWindowStyle = (SAL_FRAME_STYLE_CLOSEABLE | SAL_FRAME_STYLE_MOVEABLE); if( mpParent == NULL && (mnStyle & nAppWindowStyle) == nAppWindowStyle ) { if( mpDockMenuEntry == NULL ) { NSMenu* pDock = AquaSalInstance::GetDynamicDockMenu(); mpDockMenuEntry = [pDock insertItemWithTitle: pTitle action: @selector(dockMenuItemTriggered:) keyEquivalent: @"" atIndex: 0]; [mpDockMenuEntry setTarget: mpNSWindow]; // TODO: image (either the generic window image or an icon // check mark (for "main" window ?) } else [mpDockMenuEntry setTitle: pTitle]; } if (pTitle) [pTitle release]; } void AquaSalFrame::SetIcon( sal_uInt16 ) { } void AquaSalFrame::SetRepresentedURL( const OUString& i_rDocURL ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if( i_rDocURL.startsWith( "file:" ) ) { OUString aSysPath; osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( i_rDocURL.pData, &aSysPath.pData ); NSString* pStr = CreateNSString( aSysPath ); if( pStr ) { [pStr autorelease]; [mpNSWindow setRepresentedFilename: pStr]; } } } void AquaSalFrame::initShow() { mbInitShow = false; if( ! mbPositioned && ! mbFullScreen ) { Rectangle aScreenRect; GetWorkArea( aScreenRect ); if( mpParent ) // center relative to parent { // center on parent long nNewX = mpParent->maGeometry.nX + ((long)mpParent->maGeometry.nWidth - (long)maGeometry.nWidth)/2; if( nNewX < aScreenRect.Left() ) nNewX = aScreenRect.Left(); if( long(nNewX + maGeometry.nWidth) > aScreenRect.Right() ) nNewX = aScreenRect.Right() - maGeometry.nWidth-1; long nNewY = mpParent->maGeometry.nY + ((long)mpParent->maGeometry.nHeight - (long)maGeometry.nHeight)/2; if( nNewY < aScreenRect.Top() ) nNewY = aScreenRect.Top(); if( nNewY > aScreenRect.Bottom() ) nNewY = aScreenRect.Bottom() - maGeometry.nHeight-1; SetPosSize( nNewX - mpParent->maGeometry.nX, nNewY - mpParent->maGeometry.nY, 0, 0, SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_X | SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_Y ); } else if( ! (mnStyle & SAL_FRAME_STYLE_SIZEABLE) ) { // center on screen long nNewX = (aScreenRect.GetWidth() - maGeometry.nWidth)/2; long nNewY = (aScreenRect.GetHeight() - maGeometry.nHeight)/2; SetPosSize( nNewX, nNewY, 0, 0, SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_X | SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_Y ); } } // make sure the view is present in the wrapper list before any children receive focus [AquaA11yFactory registerView: mpNSView]; } void AquaSalFrame::SendPaintEvent( const Rectangle* pRect ) { SalPaintEvent aPaintEvt( 0, 0, maGeometry.nWidth, maGeometry.nHeight, true ); if( pRect ) { aPaintEvt.mnBoundX = pRect->Left(); aPaintEvt.mnBoundY = pRect->Top(); aPaintEvt.mnBoundWidth = pRect->GetWidth(); aPaintEvt.mnBoundHeight = pRect->GetHeight(); } CallCallback(SALEVENT_PAINT, &aPaintEvt); } void AquaSalFrame::Show(bool bVisible, bool bNoActivate) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); mbShown = bVisible; if(bVisible) { if( mbInitShow ) initShow(); CallCallback(SALEVENT_RESIZE, 0); // trigger filling our backbuffer SendPaintEvent(); if( bNoActivate || [mpNSWindow canBecomeKeyWindow] == NO ) [mpNSWindow orderFront: NSApp]; else [mpNSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp]; if( mpParent ) { /* #i92674# #i96433# we do not want an invisible parent to show up (which adding a visible child implicitly does). However we also do not want a parentless toolbar. HACK: try to decide when we should not insert a child to its parent floaters and ownerdraw windows have not yet shown up in cases where we don't want the parent to become visible */ if( mpParent->mbShown || (mnStyle & (SAL_FRAME_STYLE_OWNERDRAWDECORATION | SAL_FRAME_STYLE_FLOAT) ) ) { [mpParent->mpNSWindow addChildWindow: mpNSWindow ordered: NSWindowAbove]; } } if( mbPresentation ) [mpNSWindow makeMainWindow]; } else { // if the frame holding the current menubar gets hidden // show the default menubar if( mpMenu && mpMenu->mbMenuBar && AquaSalMenu::pCurrentMenuBar == mpMenu ) AquaSalMenu::setDefaultMenu(); // #i90440# #i94443# work around the focus going back to some other window // if a child gets hidden for a parent window if( mpParent && mpParent->mbShown && [mpNSWindow isKeyWindow] ) [mpParent->mpNSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp]; [SalFrameView unsetMouseFrame: this]; if( mpParent && [mpNSWindow parentWindow] == mpParent->mpNSWindow ) [mpParent->mpNSWindow removeChildWindow: mpNSWindow]; [mpNSWindow orderOut: NSApp]; } } void AquaSalFrame::SetMinClientSize( long nWidth, long nHeight ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); mnMinWidth = nWidth; mnMinHeight = nHeight; if( mpNSWindow ) { // Always add the decoration as the dimension concerns only // the content rectangle nWidth += maGeometry.nLeftDecoration + maGeometry.nRightDecoration; nHeight += maGeometry.nTopDecoration + maGeometry.nBottomDecoration; NSSize aSize = { static_cast(nWidth), static_cast(nHeight) }; // Size of full window (content+structure) although we only // have the client size in arguments [mpNSWindow setMinSize: aSize]; } } void AquaSalFrame::SetMaxClientSize( long nWidth, long nHeight ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); mnMaxWidth = nWidth; mnMaxHeight = nHeight; if( mpNSWindow ) { // Always add the decoration as the dimension concerns only // the content rectangle nWidth += maGeometry.nLeftDecoration + maGeometry.nRightDecoration; nHeight += maGeometry.nTopDecoration + maGeometry.nBottomDecoration; // Carbon windows can't have a size greater than 32767x32767 if (nWidth>32767) nWidth=32767; if (nHeight>32767) nHeight=32767; NSSize aSize = { static_cast(nWidth), static_cast(nHeight) }; // Size of full window (content+structure) although we only // have the client size in arguments [mpNSWindow setMaxSize: aSize]; } } void AquaSalFrame::GetClientSize( long& rWidth, long& rHeight ) { if( mbShown || mbInitShow ) { rWidth = maGeometry.nWidth; rHeight = maGeometry.nHeight; } else { rWidth = 0; rHeight = 0; } } void AquaSalFrame::SetWindowState( const SalFrameState* pState ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if ( mpNSWindow ) { // set normal state NSRect aStateRect = [mpNSWindow frame]; aStateRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: aStateRect styleMask: mnStyleMask]; CocoaToVCL( aStateRect ); if( pState->mnMask & WINDOWSTATE_MASK_X ) aStateRect.origin.x = float(pState->mnX); if( pState->mnMask & WINDOWSTATE_MASK_Y ) aStateRect.origin.y = float(pState->mnY); if( pState->mnMask & WINDOWSTATE_MASK_WIDTH ) aStateRect.size.width = float(pState->mnWidth); if( pState->mnMask & WINDOWSTATE_MASK_HEIGHT ) aStateRect.size.height = float(pState->mnHeight); VCLToCocoa( aStateRect ); aStateRect = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect: aStateRect styleMask: mnStyleMask]; [mpNSWindow setFrame: aStateRect display: NO]; if( pState->mnState == WINDOWSTATE_STATE_MINIMIZED ) [mpNSWindow miniaturize: NSApp]; else if( [mpNSWindow isMiniaturized] ) [mpNSWindow deminiaturize: NSApp]; /* ZOOMED is not really maximized (actually it toggles between a user set size and the program specified one), but comes closest since the default behavior is "maximized" if the user did not intervene */ if( pState->mnState == WINDOWSTATE_STATE_MAXIMIZED ) { if(! [mpNSWindow isZoomed]) [mpNSWindow zoom: NSApp]; } else { if( [mpNSWindow isZoomed] ) [mpNSWindow zoom: NSApp]; } } // get new geometry UpdateFrameGeometry(); sal_uInt16 nEvent = 0; if( pState->mnMask & (WINDOWSTATE_MASK_X | WINDOWSTATE_MASK_Y) ) { mbPositioned = true; nEvent = SALEVENT_MOVE; } if( pState->mnMask & (WINDOWSTATE_MASK_WIDTH | WINDOWSTATE_MASK_HEIGHT) ) { mbSized = true; nEvent = (nEvent == SALEVENT_MOVE) ? SALEVENT_MOVERESIZE : SALEVENT_RESIZE; } // send event that we were moved/sized if( nEvent ) CallCallback( nEvent, NULL ); if( mbShown && mpNSWindow ) { // trigger filling our backbuffer SendPaintEvent(); // tell the system the views need to be updated [mpNSWindow display]; } } bool AquaSalFrame::GetWindowState( SalFrameState* pState ) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return FALSE; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); pState->mnMask = WINDOWSTATE_MASK_X | WINDOWSTATE_MASK_Y | WINDOWSTATE_MASK_WIDTH | WINDOWSTATE_MASK_HEIGHT | WINDOWSTATE_MASK_STATE; NSRect aStateRect = [mpNSWindow frame]; aStateRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: aStateRect styleMask: mnStyleMask]; CocoaToVCL( aStateRect ); pState->mnX = long(aStateRect.origin.x); pState->mnY = long(aStateRect.origin.y); pState->mnWidth = long(aStateRect.size.width); pState->mnHeight = long(aStateRect.size.height); if( [mpNSWindow isMiniaturized] ) pState->mnState = WINDOWSTATE_STATE_MINIMIZED; else if( ! [mpNSWindow isZoomed] ) pState->mnState = WINDOWSTATE_STATE_NORMAL; else pState->mnState = WINDOWSTATE_STATE_MAXIMIZED; return TRUE; } void AquaSalFrame::SetScreenNumber(unsigned int nScreen) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); NSArray* pScreens = [NSScreen screens]; NSScreen* pScreen = nil; if( pScreens && nScreen < [pScreens count] ) { // get new screen frame pScreen = [pScreens objectAtIndex: nScreen]; NSRect aNewScreen = [pScreen frame]; // get current screen frame pScreen = [mpNSWindow screen]; if( pScreen ) { NSRect aCurScreen = [pScreen frame]; if( aCurScreen.origin.x != aNewScreen.origin.x || aCurScreen.origin.y != aNewScreen.origin.y ) { NSRect aFrameRect = [mpNSWindow frame]; aFrameRect.origin.x += aNewScreen.origin.x - aCurScreen.origin.x; aFrameRect.origin.y += aNewScreen.origin.y - aCurScreen.origin.y; [mpNSWindow setFrame: aFrameRect display: NO]; UpdateFrameGeometry(); } } } } void AquaSalFrame::SetApplicationID( const OUString &/*rApplicationID*/ ) { } void AquaSalFrame::ShowFullScreen( bool bFullScreen, sal_Int32 nDisplay ) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); SAL_INFO("vcl.osx", OSL_THIS_FUNC << ": mbFullScreen=" << mbFullScreen << ", bFullScreen=" << bFullScreen); if( mbFullScreen == bFullScreen ) return; mbFullScreen = bFullScreen; if( bFullScreen ) { // hide the dock and the menubar if we are on the menu screen // which is always on index 0 according to documentation bool bHideMenu = (nDisplay == 0); NSRect aNewContentRect = NSZeroRect; // get correct screen NSScreen* pScreen = nil; NSArray* pScreens = [NSScreen screens]; if( pScreens ) { if( nDisplay >= 0 && (unsigned int)nDisplay < [pScreens count] ) pScreen = [pScreens objectAtIndex: nDisplay]; else { // this means span all screens bHideMenu = true; NSEnumerator* pEnum = [pScreens objectEnumerator]; while( (pScreen = [pEnum nextObject]) != nil ) { NSRect aScreenRect = [pScreen frame]; if( aScreenRect.origin.x < aNewContentRect.origin.x ) { aNewContentRect.size.width += aNewContentRect.origin.x - aScreenRect.origin.x; aNewContentRect.origin.x = aScreenRect.origin.x; } if( aScreenRect.origin.y < aNewContentRect.origin.y ) { aNewContentRect.size.height += aNewContentRect.origin.y - aScreenRect.origin.y; aNewContentRect.origin.y = aScreenRect.origin.y; } if( aScreenRect.origin.x + aScreenRect.size.width > aNewContentRect.origin.x + aNewContentRect.size.width ) aNewContentRect.size.width = aScreenRect.origin.x + aScreenRect.size.width - aNewContentRect.origin.x; if( aScreenRect.origin.y + aScreenRect.size.height > aNewContentRect.origin.y + aNewContentRect.size.height ) aNewContentRect.size.height = aScreenRect.origin.y + aScreenRect.size.height - aNewContentRect.origin.y; } } } if( aNewContentRect.size.width == 0 && aNewContentRect.size.height == 0 ) { if( pScreen == nil ) pScreen = [mpNSWindow screen]; if( pScreen == nil ) pScreen = [NSScreen mainScreen]; aNewContentRect = [pScreen frame]; } if( bHideMenu ) [NSMenu setMenuBarVisible:NO]; maFullScreenRect = [mpNSWindow frame]; { [mpNSWindow setFrame: [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect: aNewContentRect styleMask: mnStyleMask] display: mbShown ? YES : NO]; } UpdateFrameGeometry(); if( mbShown ) CallCallback( SALEVENT_MOVERESIZE, NULL ); } else { { [mpNSWindow setFrame: maFullScreenRect display: mbShown ? YES : NO]; } UpdateFrameGeometry(); if( mbShown ) CallCallback( SALEVENT_MOVERESIZE, NULL ); // show the dock and the menubar [NSMenu setMenuBarVisible:YES]; } if( mbShown ) // trigger filling our backbuffer SendPaintEvent(); } void AquaSalFrame::StartPresentation( bool bStart ) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if( bStart ) { GetSalData()->maPresentationFrames.push_back( this ); IOPMAssertionCreateWithName(kIOPMAssertionTypeNoDisplaySleep, kIOPMAssertionLevelOn, CFSTR("LibreOffice presentation running"), &mnAssertionID); [mpNSWindow setLevel: NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel]; if( mbShown ) [mpNSWindow makeMainWindow]; } else { GetSalData()->maPresentationFrames.remove( this ); IOPMAssertionRelease(mnAssertionID); [mpNSWindow setLevel: NSNormalWindowLevel]; } } void AquaSalFrame::SetAlwaysOnTop( bool ) { } void AquaSalFrame::ToTop(sal_uInt16 nFlags) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if( ! (nFlags & SAL_FRAME_TOTOP_RESTOREWHENMIN) ) { if( ! [mpNSWindow isVisible] || [mpNSWindow isMiniaturized] ) return; } if( nFlags & SAL_FRAME_TOTOP_GRABFOCUS ) [mpNSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp]; else [mpNSWindow orderFront: NSApp]; } NSCursor* AquaSalFrame::getCurrentCursor() const { NSCursor* pCursor = nil; switch( mePointerStyle ) { case POINTER_TEXT: pCursor = [NSCursor IBeamCursor]; break; case POINTER_CROSS: pCursor = [NSCursor crosshairCursor]; break; case POINTER_HAND: case POINTER_MOVE: pCursor = [NSCursor openHandCursor]; break; case POINTER_NSIZE: pCursor = [NSCursor resizeUpCursor]; break; case POINTER_SSIZE: pCursor = [NSCursor resizeDownCursor]; break; case POINTER_ESIZE: pCursor = [NSCursor resizeRightCursor]; break; case POINTER_WSIZE: pCursor = [NSCursor resizeLeftCursor]; break; case POINTER_ARROW: pCursor = [NSCursor arrowCursor]; break; case POINTER_VSPLIT: case POINTER_VSIZEBAR: case POINTER_WINDOW_NSIZE: case POINTER_WINDOW_SSIZE: pCursor = [NSCursor resizeUpDownCursor]; break; case POINTER_HSPLIT: case POINTER_HSIZEBAR: case POINTER_WINDOW_ESIZE: case POINTER_WINDOW_WSIZE: pCursor = [NSCursor resizeLeftRightCursor]; break; case POINTER_REFHAND: pCursor = [NSCursor pointingHandCursor]; break; case POINTER_NULL: [NSCursor hide]; break; default: pCursor = GetSalData()->getCursor( mePointerStyle ); if( pCursor == nil ) { OSL_FAIL( "unmapped cursor" ); pCursor = [NSCursor arrowCursor]; } break; } return pCursor; } void AquaSalFrame::SetPointer( PointerStyle ePointerStyle ) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if( ePointerStyle >= POINTER_COUNT || ePointerStyle == mePointerStyle ) return; mePointerStyle = ePointerStyle; [mpNSWindow invalidateCursorRectsForView: mpNSView]; } void AquaSalFrame::SetPointerPos( long nX, long nY ) { // FIXME: use Cocoa functions // FIXME: multiscreen support CGPoint aPoint = { static_cast(nX + maGeometry.nX), static_cast(nY + maGeometry.nY) }; CGDirectDisplayID mainDisplayID = CGMainDisplayID(); CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint( mainDisplayID, aPoint ); } void AquaSalFrame::Flush( void ) { if( !(mbGraphics && mpGraphics && mpNSView && mbShown) ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); [mpNSView setNeedsDisplay: YES]; // outside of the application's event loop (e.g. IntroWindow) // nothing would trigger paint event handling // => fall back to synchronous painting if( ImplGetSVData()->maAppData.mnDispatchLevel <= 0 ) { [mpNSView display]; } } void AquaSalFrame::Flush( const Rectangle& rRect ) { if( !(mbGraphics && mpGraphics && mpNSView && mbShown) ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); NSRect aNSRect = { { static_cast(rRect.Left()), static_cast(rRect.Top()) }, { static_cast(rRect.GetWidth()), static_cast(rRect.GetHeight()) } }; VCLToCocoa( aNSRect, false ); [mpNSView setNeedsDisplayInRect: aNSRect]; // outside of the application's event loop (e.g. IntroWindow) // nothing would trigger paint event handling // => fall back to synchronous painting if( ImplGetSVData()->maAppData.mnDispatchLevel <= 0 ) { [mpNSView display]; } } void AquaSalFrame::Sync() { if( mbGraphics && mpGraphics && mpNSView && mbShown ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); [mpNSView setNeedsDisplay: YES]; [mpNSView display]; } } void AquaSalFrame::SetInputContext( SalInputContext* pContext ) { if (!pContext) { mnICOptions = 0; return; } mnICOptions = pContext->mnOptions; if(!(pContext->mnOptions & SAL_INPUTCONTEXT_TEXT)) return; } void AquaSalFrame::EndExtTextInput( sal_uInt16 ) { } OUString AquaSalFrame::GetKeyName( sal_uInt16 nKeyCode ) { static std::map< sal_uInt16, OUString > aKeyMap; if( aKeyMap.empty() ) { sal_uInt16 i; for( i = KEY_A; i <= KEY_Z; i++ ) aKeyMap[ i ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 'A' + (i - KEY_A) ) ); for( i = KEY_0; i <= KEY_9; i++ ) aKeyMap[ i ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( '0' + (i - KEY_0) ) ); for( i = KEY_F1; i <= KEY_F26; i++ ) { OUStringBuffer aKey( 3 ); aKey.append( 'F' ); aKey.append( sal_Int32( i - KEY_F1 + 1 ) ); aKeyMap[ i ] = aKey.makeStringAndClear(); } aKeyMap[ KEY_DOWN ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x21e3 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_UP ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x21e1 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_LEFT ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x21e0 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_RIGHT ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x21e2 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_HOME ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x2196 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_END ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x2198 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_PAGEUP ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x21de ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_PAGEDOWN ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x21df ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_RETURN ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x21a9 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_ESCAPE ] = "esc"; aKeyMap[ KEY_TAB ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x21e5 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_BACKSPACE ]= OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x232b ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_SPACE ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x2423 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_DELETE ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x2326 ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_ADD ] = "+"; aKeyMap[ KEY_SUBTRACT ] = "-"; aKeyMap[ KEY_DIVIDE ] = "/"; aKeyMap[ KEY_MULTIPLY ] = "*"; aKeyMap[ KEY_POINT ] = "."; aKeyMap[ KEY_COMMA ] = ","; aKeyMap[ KEY_LESS ] = "<"; aKeyMap[ KEY_GREATER ] = ">"; aKeyMap[ KEY_EQUAL ] = "="; aKeyMap[ KEY_OPEN ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( 0x23cf ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_TILDE ] = "~"; aKeyMap[ KEY_BRACKETLEFT ] = "["; aKeyMap[ KEY_BRACKETRIGHT ] = "]"; aKeyMap[ KEY_SEMICOLON ] = ";"; aKeyMap[ KEY_QUOTERIGHT ] = "'"; /* yet unmapped KEYCODES: aKeyMap[ KEY_INSERT ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_CUT ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_COPY ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_PASTE ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_UNDO ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_REPEAT ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_FIND ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_PROPERTIES ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_FRONT ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_CONTEXTMENU ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_MENU ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_HELP ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_HANGUL_HANJA ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_DECIMAL ] = OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_QUOTELEFT ]= OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_CAPSLOCK ]= OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_NUMLOCK ]= OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); aKeyMap[ KEY_SCROLLLOCK ]= OUString( sal_Unicode( ) ); */ } OUStringBuffer aResult( 16 ); sal_uInt16 nUnmodifiedCode = (nKeyCode & KEY_CODE_MASK); std::map< sal_uInt16, OUString >::const_iterator it = aKeyMap.find( nUnmodifiedCode ); if( it != aKeyMap.end() ) { if( (nKeyCode & KEY_SHIFT) != 0 ) aResult.append( sal_Unicode( 0x21e7 ) ); if( (nKeyCode & KEY_MOD1) != 0 ) aResult.append( sal_Unicode( 0x2318 ) ); // we do not really handle Alt (see below) // we map it to MOD3, whichis actually Command if( (nKeyCode & (KEY_MOD2|KEY_MOD3)) != 0 ) aResult.append( sal_Unicode( 0x2325 ) ); aResult.append( it->second ); } return aResult.makeStringAndClear(); } static void getAppleScrollBarVariant(StyleSettings &rSettings) { bool bIsScrollbarDoubleMax = true; // default is DoubleMax CFStringRef AppleScrollBarType = CFSTR("AppleScrollBarVariant"); if( AppleScrollBarType ) { CFStringRef ScrollBarVariant = static_cast(CFPreferencesCopyAppValue( AppleScrollBarType, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication )); if( ScrollBarVariant ) { if( CFGetTypeID( ScrollBarVariant ) == CFStringGetTypeID() ) { // TODO: check for the less important variants "DoubleMin" and "DoubleBoth" too CFStringRef DoubleMax = CFSTR("DoubleMax"); if (DoubleMax) { if ( !CFStringCompare(ScrollBarVariant, DoubleMax, kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) ) bIsScrollbarDoubleMax = true; else bIsScrollbarDoubleMax = false; CFRelease(DoubleMax); } } CFRelease( ScrollBarVariant ); } CFRelease(AppleScrollBarType); } GetSalData()->mbIsScrollbarDoubleMax = bIsScrollbarDoubleMax; CFStringRef jumpScroll = CFSTR("AppleScrollerPagingBehavior"); if( jumpScroll ) { CFBooleanRef jumpStr = static_cast(CFPreferencesCopyAppValue( jumpScroll, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication )); if( jumpStr ) { if( CFGetTypeID( jumpStr ) == CFBooleanGetTypeID() ) rSettings.SetPrimaryButtonWarpsSlider(jumpStr == kCFBooleanTrue); CFRelease( jumpStr ); } CFRelease( jumpScroll ); } } static Color getColor( NSColor* pSysColor, const Color& rDefault, NSWindow* pWin ) { Color aRet( rDefault ); if( pSysColor ) { // transform to RGB NSColor* pRBGColor = [pSysColor colorUsingColorSpaceName: NSDeviceRGBColorSpace device: [pWin deviceDescription]]; if( pRBGColor ) { CGFloat r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; [pRBGColor getRed: &r green: &g blue: &b alpha: &a]; aRet = Color( int(r*255.999), int(g*255.999), int(b*255.999) ); /* do not release here; leads to duplicate free in yield it seems the converted color comes out autoreleased, although this is not documented [pRBGColor release]; */ } } return aRet; } static vcl::Font getFont( NSFont* pFont, long nDPIY, const vcl::Font& rDefault ) { vcl::Font aResult( rDefault ); if( pFont ) { aResult.SetName( GetOUString( [pFont familyName] ) ); aResult.SetHeight( static_cast(([pFont pointSize] * 72.0 / (float)nDPIY)+0.5) ); aResult.SetItalic( ([pFont italicAngle] != 0.0) ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE ); // FIMXE: bold ? } return aResult; } void AquaSalFrame::getResolution( sal_Int32& o_rDPIX, sal_Int32& o_rDPIY ) { if( ! mpGraphics ) { AcquireGraphics(); ReleaseGraphics( mpGraphics ); } mpGraphics->GetResolution( o_rDPIX, o_rDPIY ); } // on OSX-Aqua the style settings are independent of the frame, so it does // not really belong here. Since the connection to the Appearance_Manager // is currently done in salnativewidgets.cxx this would be a good place. // On the other hand VCL's platform independent code currently only asks // SalFrames for system settings anyway, so moving the code somewhere else // doesn't make the anything cleaner for now void AquaSalFrame::UpdateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings ) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); [mpNSView lockFocus]; StyleSettings aStyleSettings = rSettings.GetStyleSettings(); // Background Color Color aBackgroundColor = Color( 0xEC, 0xEC, 0xEC ); aStyleSettings.Set3DColors( aBackgroundColor ); aStyleSettings.SetFaceColor( aBackgroundColor ); Color aInactiveTabColor( aBackgroundColor ); aInactiveTabColor.DecreaseLuminance( 32 ); aStyleSettings.SetInactiveTabColor( aInactiveTabColor ); aStyleSettings.SetDialogColor( aBackgroundColor ); aStyleSettings.SetLightBorderColor( aBackgroundColor ); Color aShadowColor( aStyleSettings.GetShadowColor() ); aShadowColor.IncreaseLuminance( 32 ); aStyleSettings.SetShadowColor( aShadowColor ); // get the system font settings vcl::Font aAppFont = aStyleSettings.GetAppFont(); sal_Int32 nDPIX = 72, nDPIY = 72; getResolution( nDPIX, nDPIY ); aAppFont = getFont( [NSFont systemFontOfSize: 0], nDPIY, aAppFont ); aStyleSettings.SetToolbarIconSize( STYLE_TOOLBAR_ICONSIZE_LARGE ); // TODO: better mapping of OS X<->LibreOffice font settings aStyleSettings.SetAppFont( aAppFont ); aStyleSettings.SetHelpFont( aAppFont ); aStyleSettings.SetPushButtonFont( aAppFont ); vcl::Font aTitleFont( getFont( [NSFont titleBarFontOfSize: 0], nDPIY, aAppFont ) ); aStyleSettings.SetTitleFont( aTitleFont ); aStyleSettings.SetFloatTitleFont( aTitleFont ); vcl::Font aMenuFont( getFont( [NSFont menuFontOfSize: 0], nDPIY, aAppFont ) ); aStyleSettings.SetMenuFont( aMenuFont ); aStyleSettings.SetToolFont( aAppFont ); vcl::Font aLabelFont( getFont( [NSFont labelFontOfSize: 0], nDPIY, aAppFont ) ); aStyleSettings.SetLabelFont( aLabelFont ); aStyleSettings.SetInfoFont( aLabelFont ); aStyleSettings.SetRadioCheckFont( aLabelFont ); aStyleSettings.SetFieldFont( aLabelFont ); aStyleSettings.SetGroupFont( aLabelFont ); aStyleSettings.SetIconFont( aLabelFont ); Color aHighlightColor( getColor( [NSColor selectedTextBackgroundColor], aStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor(), mpNSWindow ) ); aStyleSettings.SetHighlightColor( aHighlightColor ); Color aHighlightTextColor( getColor( [NSColor selectedTextColor], aStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor(), mpNSWindow ) ); aStyleSettings.SetHighlightTextColor( aHighlightTextColor ); Color aMenuHighlightColor( getColor( [NSColor selectedMenuItemColor], aStyleSettings.GetMenuHighlightColor(), mpNSWindow ) ); aStyleSettings.SetMenuHighlightColor( aMenuHighlightColor ); Color aMenuHighlightTextColor( getColor( [NSColor selectedMenuItemTextColor], aStyleSettings.GetMenuHighlightTextColor(), mpNSWindow ) ); aStyleSettings.SetMenuHighlightTextColor( aMenuHighlightTextColor ); aStyleSettings.SetMenuColor( aBackgroundColor ); Color aMenuTextColor( getColor( [NSColor textColor], aStyleSettings.GetMenuTextColor(), mpNSWindow ) ); aStyleSettings.SetMenuTextColor( aMenuTextColor ); aStyleSettings.SetMenuBarTextColor( aMenuTextColor ); aStyleSettings.SetMenuBarRolloverTextColor( aMenuTextColor ); aStyleSettings.SetCursorBlinkTime( 500 ); // no mnemonics on OS X aStyleSettings.SetOptions( aStyleSettings.GetOptions() | STYLE_OPTION_NOMNEMONICS ); getAppleScrollBarVariant(aStyleSettings); // set scrollbar size aStyleSettings.SetScrollBarSize( static_cast([NSScroller scrollerWidthForControlSize:NSRegularControlSize scrollerStyle:NSScrollerStyleLegacy]) ); // images in menus false for MacOSX aStyleSettings.SetPreferredUseImagesInMenus( false ); aStyleSettings.SetHideDisabledMenuItems( true ); aStyleSettings.SetAcceleratorsInContextMenus( false ); rSettings.SetStyleSettings( aStyleSettings ); // don't draw frame around each and every toolbar ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mbDockingAreaAvoidTBFrames = true; [mpNSView unlockFocus]; } const SystemEnvData* AquaSalFrame::GetSystemData() const { return &maSysData; } void AquaSalFrame::Beep() { NSBeep(); } void AquaSalFrame::SetPosSize(long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight, sal_uInt16 nFlags) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); sal_uInt16 nEvent = 0; if( [mpNSWindow isMiniaturized] ) [mpNSWindow deminiaturize: NSApp]; // expand the window if (nFlags & (SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_X | SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_Y)) { mbPositioned = true; nEvent = SALEVENT_MOVE; } if (nFlags & (SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_WIDTH | SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_HEIGHT)) { mbSized = true; nEvent = (nEvent == SALEVENT_MOVE) ? SALEVENT_MOVERESIZE : SALEVENT_RESIZE; } NSRect aFrameRect = [mpNSWindow frame]; NSRect aContentRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: aFrameRect styleMask: mnStyleMask]; // position is always relative to parent frame NSRect aParentContentRect; if( mpParent ) { if( AllSettings::GetLayoutRTL() ) { if( (nFlags & SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_WIDTH) != 0 ) nX = mpParent->maGeometry.nWidth - nWidth-1 - nX; else nX = mpParent->maGeometry.nWidth - static_cast( aContentRect.size.width-1) - nX; } NSRect aParentFrameRect = [mpParent->mpNSWindow frame]; aParentContentRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: aParentFrameRect styleMask: mpParent->mnStyleMask]; } else aParentContentRect = maScreenRect; // use screen if no parent CocoaToVCL( aContentRect ); CocoaToVCL( aParentContentRect ); bool bPaint = false; if( (nFlags & (SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_WIDTH | SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_HEIGHT)) != 0 ) { if( nWidth != aContentRect.size.width || nHeight != aContentRect.size.height ) bPaint = true; } // use old window pos if no new pos requested if( (nFlags & SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_X) != 0 ) aContentRect.origin.x = nX + aParentContentRect.origin.x; if( (nFlags & SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_Y) != 0) aContentRect.origin.y = nY + aParentContentRect.origin.y; // use old size if no new size requested if( (nFlags & SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_WIDTH) != 0 ) aContentRect.size.width = nWidth; if( (nFlags & SAL_FRAME_POSSIZE_HEIGHT) != 0) aContentRect.size.height = nHeight; VCLToCocoa( aContentRect ); // do not display yet, we need to update our backbuffer { [mpNSWindow setFrame: [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect: aContentRect styleMask: mnStyleMask] display: NO]; } UpdateFrameGeometry(); if (nEvent) CallCallback(nEvent, NULL); if( mbShown && bPaint ) { // trigger filling our backbuffer SendPaintEvent(); // now inform the system that the views need to be drawn [mpNSWindow display]; } } void AquaSalFrame::GetWorkArea( Rectangle& rRect ) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) return; // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); NSScreen* pScreen = [mpNSWindow screen]; if( pScreen == nil ) pScreen = [NSScreen mainScreen]; NSRect aRect = [pScreen visibleFrame]; CocoaToVCL( aRect ); rRect.Left() = static_cast(aRect.origin.x); rRect.Top() = static_cast(aRect.origin.y); rRect.Right() = static_cast(aRect.origin.x + aRect.size.width - 1); rRect.Bottom() = static_cast(aRect.origin.y + aRect.size.height - 1); } SalPointerState AquaSalFrame::GetPointerState() { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); SalPointerState state; state.mnState = 0; // get position NSPoint aPt = [mpNSWindow mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream]; CocoaToVCL( aPt, false ); state.maPos = Point(static_cast(aPt.x), static_cast(aPt.y)); NSEvent* pCur = [NSApp currentEvent]; bool bMouseEvent = false; if( pCur ) { bMouseEvent = true; switch( [pCur type] ) { case NSLeftMouseDown: state.mnState |= MOUSE_LEFT; break; case NSLeftMouseUp: break; case NSRightMouseDown: state.mnState |= MOUSE_RIGHT; break; case NSRightMouseUp: break; case NSOtherMouseDown: state.mnState |= ([pCur buttonNumber] == 2) ? MOUSE_MIDDLE : 0; break; case NSOtherMouseUp: break; case NSMouseMoved: break; case NSLeftMouseDragged: state.mnState |= MOUSE_LEFT; break; case NSRightMouseDragged: state.mnState |= MOUSE_RIGHT; break; case NSOtherMouseDragged: state.mnState |= ([pCur buttonNumber] == 2) ? MOUSE_MIDDLE : 0; break; break; default: bMouseEvent = false; break; } } if( bMouseEvent ) { unsigned int nMask = (unsigned int)[pCur modifierFlags]; if( (nMask & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0 ) state.mnState |= KEY_SHIFT; if( (nMask & NSControlKeyMask) != 0 ) state.mnState |= KEY_MOD3; if( (nMask & NSAlternateKeyMask) != 0 ) state.mnState |= KEY_MOD2; if( (nMask & NSCommandKeyMask) != 0 ) state.mnState |= KEY_MOD1; } else { // FIXME: replace Carbon by Cocoa // Cocoa does not have an equivalent for GetCurrentEventButtonState // and GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers. // we could try to get away with tracking all events for modifierKeys // and all mouse events for button state in VCL_NSApllication::sendEvent, // but it is unclear whether this will get us the same result. // leave in GetCurrentEventButtonState and GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers for now // fill in button state UInt32 nState = GetCurrentEventButtonState(); state.mnState = 0; if( nState & 1 ) state.mnState |= MOUSE_LEFT; // primary button if( nState & 2 ) state.mnState |= MOUSE_RIGHT; // secondary button if( nState & 4 ) state.mnState |= MOUSE_MIDDLE; // tertiary button // fill in modifier state nState = GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers(); if( nState & shiftKey ) state.mnState |= KEY_SHIFT; if( nState & controlKey ) state.mnState |= KEY_MOD3; if( nState & optionKey ) state.mnState |= KEY_MOD2; if( nState & cmdKey ) state.mnState |= KEY_MOD1; } return state; } KeyIndicatorState AquaSalFrame::GetIndicatorState() { return KeyIndicatorState::NONE; } void AquaSalFrame::SimulateKeyPress( sal_uInt16 /*nKeyCode*/ ) { } bool AquaSalFrame::SetPluginParent( SystemParentData* ) { // plugin parent may be killed unexpectedly by // plugging process; //TODO: implement return false; } bool AquaSalFrame::MapUnicodeToKeyCode( sal_Unicode , LanguageType , vcl::KeyCode& ) { // not supported yet return FALSE; } LanguageType AquaSalFrame::GetInputLanguage() { //TODO: implement return LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW; } void AquaSalFrame::DrawMenuBar() { } void AquaSalFrame::SetMenu( SalMenu* pSalMenu ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); AquaSalMenu* pMenu = static_cast(pSalMenu); DBG_ASSERT( ! pMenu || pMenu->mbMenuBar, "setting non menubar on frame" ); mpMenu = pMenu; if( mpMenu ) mpMenu->setMainMenu(); } void AquaSalFrame::SetExtendedFrameStyle( SalExtStyle nStyle ) { if ( mpNSWindow ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if( (mnExtStyle & SAL_FRAME_EXT_STYLE_DOCMODIFIED) != (nStyle & SAL_FRAME_EXT_STYLE_DOCMODIFIED) ) [mpNSWindow setDocumentEdited: (nStyle & SAL_FRAME_EXT_STYLE_DOCMODIFIED) ? YES : NO]; } mnExtStyle = nStyle; } SalFrame* AquaSalFrame::GetParent() const { return mpParent; } void AquaSalFrame::SetParent( SalFrame* pNewParent ) { bool bShown = mbShown; // remove from child list Show( FALSE ); mpParent = static_cast(pNewParent); // insert to correct parent and paint Show( bShown ); } void AquaSalFrame::UpdateFrameGeometry() { if ( !mpNSWindow ) { return; } // keep in mind that view and window coordinates are lower left // whereas vcl's are upper left // update screen rect NSScreen * pScreen = [mpNSWindow screen]; if( pScreen ) { maScreenRect = [pScreen frame]; NSArray* pScreens = [NSScreen screens]; if( pScreens ) maGeometry.nDisplayScreenNumber = [pScreens indexOfObject: pScreen]; } NSRect aFrameRect = [mpNSWindow frame]; NSRect aContentRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: aFrameRect styleMask: mnStyleMask]; // release old track rect [mpNSView removeTrackingRect: mnTrackingRectTag]; // install the new track rect NSRect aTrackRect = { NSZeroPoint, aContentRect.size }; mnTrackingRectTag = [mpNSView addTrackingRect: aTrackRect owner: mpNSView userData: nil assumeInside: NO]; // convert to vcl convention CocoaToVCL( aFrameRect ); CocoaToVCL( aContentRect ); maGeometry.nX = static_cast(aContentRect.origin.x); maGeometry.nY = static_cast(aContentRect.origin.y); maGeometry.nLeftDecoration = static_cast(aContentRect.origin.x - aFrameRect.origin.x); maGeometry.nRightDecoration = static_cast((aFrameRect.origin.x + aFrameRect.size.width) - (aContentRect.origin.x + aContentRect.size.width)); maGeometry.nTopDecoration = static_cast(aContentRect.origin.y - aFrameRect.origin.y); maGeometry.nBottomDecoration = static_cast((aFrameRect.origin.y + aFrameRect.size.height) - (aContentRect.origin.y + aContentRect.size.height)); maGeometry.nWidth = static_cast(aContentRect.size.width); maGeometry.nHeight = static_cast(aContentRect.size.height); } void AquaSalFrame::CaptureMouse( bool bCapture ) { /* Remark: we'll try to use a pidgin version of capture mouse on MacOSX (neither carbon nor cocoa) there is a CaptureMouse equivalent (in Carbon there is TrackMouseLocation but this is useless to use since it is blocking) However on cocoa the active frame seems to get mouse events also outside the window, so we'll try to forward mouse events to the capture frame in the hope that one of our frames gets a mouse event. This will break as soon as the user activates another app, but a mouse click will normally lead to a release of the mouse anyway. Let's see how far we get this way. Alternatively we could use one large overlay window like we did for the carbon implementation, however that is resource intensive. */ if( bCapture ) s_pCaptureFrame = this; else if( ! bCapture && s_pCaptureFrame == this ) s_pCaptureFrame = NULL; } void AquaSalFrame::ResetClipRegion() { if ( !mpNSWindow ) { return; } // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); // release old path and indicate no clipping CGPathRelease( mrClippingPath ); mrClippingPath = NULL; if( mpNSView && mbShown ) [mpNSView setNeedsDisplay: YES]; if( mpNSWindow ) { [mpNSWindow setOpaque: YES]; [mpNSWindow invalidateShadow]; } } void AquaSalFrame::BeginSetClipRegion( sal_uLong nRects ) { if ( !mpNSWindow ) { return; } // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); // release old path if( mrClippingPath ) { CGPathRelease( mrClippingPath ); mrClippingPath = NULL; } if( maClippingRects.size() > SAL_CLIPRECT_COUNT && nRects < maClippingRects.size() ) { std::vector aEmptyVec; maClippingRects.swap( aEmptyVec ); } maClippingRects.clear(); maClippingRects.reserve( nRects ); } void AquaSalFrame::UnionClipRegion( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if( nWidth && nHeight ) { NSRect aRect = { { static_cast(nX), static_cast(nY) }, { static_cast(nWidth), static_cast(nHeight) } }; VCLToCocoa( aRect, false ); maClippingRects.push_back( CGRectMake(aRect.origin.x, aRect.origin.y, aRect.size.width, aRect.size.height) ); } } void AquaSalFrame::EndSetClipRegion() { if ( !mpNSWindow ) { return; } // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if( ! maClippingRects.empty() ) { mrClippingPath = CGPathCreateMutable(); CGPathAddRects( mrClippingPath, NULL, &maClippingRects[0], maClippingRects.size() ); } if( mpNSView && mbShown ) [mpNSView setNeedsDisplay: YES]; if( mpNSWindow ) { [mpNSWindow setOpaque: (mrClippingPath != NULL) ? NO : YES]; [mpNSWindow setBackgroundColor: [NSColor clearColor]]; // shadow is invalidated when view gets drawn again } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */