/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cuidraw.hxx" // presentation of native widgets consists of two important methods: // AquaSalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion to determine native rectangle in pixels to draw the widget // AquaSalGraphics::drawNativeControl to do the drawing operation itself // getNativeControlRegion has to calculate a content rectangle within it is safe to draw the widget. Furthermore a bounding rectangle // has to be calculated by getNativeControlRegion to consider adornments like a focus rectangle. As drawNativeControl uses Carbon // API calls, all widgets are drawn without text. Drawing of text is done separately by VCL on top of graphical Carbon widget // representation. drawNativeControl is called by VCL using content rectangle determined by getNativeControlRegion. // FIXME: when calculation bounding rectangle larger then content rectangle, text displayed by VCL will become misaligned. To avoid // misalignment bounding rectangle and content rectangle are calculated equally including adornments. Reduction of size for content // is done by drawNativeControl subsequently. Only exception is editbox: As other widgets have distinct ControlPart::SubEdit control // parts, editbox bounding rectangle and content rectangle are both calculated to reflect content area. Extending size for // adornments is done by drawNativeControl subsequently. #if !HAVE_FEATURE_MACOSX_SANDBOX @interface NSWindow(CoreUIRendererPrivate) + (CUIRendererRef)coreUIRenderer; @end #endif static HIRect ImplGetHIRectFromRectangle(tools::Rectangle aRect) { HIRect aHIRect; aHIRect.origin.x = static_cast(aRect.Left()); aHIRect.origin.y = static_cast(aRect.Top()); aHIRect.size.width = static_cast(aRect.GetWidth()); aHIRect.size.height = static_cast(aRect.GetHeight()); return aHIRect; } static ThemeButtonValue ImplGetButtonValue(ButtonValue aButtonValue) { switch (aButtonValue) { case ButtonValue::On: return kThemeButtonOn; break; case ButtonValue::Off: case ButtonValue::DontKnow: return kThemeButtonOff; break; case ButtonValue::Mixed: default: return kThemeButtonMixed; break; } } static bool AquaGetScrollRect(/* TODO: int nScreen, */ ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRect, tools::Rectangle &rResultRect) { bool bRetVal = true; rResultRect = rControlRect; switch (nPart) { case ControlPart::ButtonUp: rResultRect.SetBottom(rResultRect.Top()); break; case ControlPart::ButtonDown: rResultRect.SetTop(rResultRect.Bottom()); break; case ControlPart::ButtonLeft: rResultRect.SetRight(rResultRect.Left()); break; case ControlPart::ButtonRight: rResultRect.SetLeft(rResultRect.Right()); break; case ControlPart::TrackHorzArea: case ControlPart::TrackVertArea: case ControlPart::ThumbHorz: case ControlPart::ThumbVert: case ControlPart::TrackHorzLeft: case ControlPart::TrackHorzRight: case ControlPart::TrackVertUpper: case ControlPart::TrackVertLower: break; default: bRetVal = false; } return bRetVal; } bool AquaSalGraphics::isNativeControlSupported(ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart) { // native controls are now defaults. If you want to disable native controls, set the environment variable SAL_NO_NWF to // something and VCL controls will be used as default again. switch (nType) { case ControlType::Pushbutton: case ControlType::Radiobutton: case ControlType::Checkbox: case ControlType::ListNode: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) return true; break; case ControlType::Scrollbar: if (nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundHorz || nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundVert || nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::HasThreeButtons) return true; break; case ControlType::Slider: if (nPart == ControlPart::TrackHorzArea || nPart == ControlPart::TrackVertArea) return true; break; case ControlType::Editbox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::HasBackgroundTexture) return true; break; case ControlType::MultilineEditbox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::HasBackgroundTexture) return true; break; case ControlType::Spinbox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::AllButtons || nPart == ControlPart::HasBackgroundTexture) return true; break; case ControlType::SpinButtons: return false; break; case ControlType::Combobox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::HasBackgroundTexture) return true; break; case ControlType::Listbox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::ListboxWindow || nPart == ControlPart::HasBackgroundTexture || nPart == ControlPart::SubEdit) return true; break; case ControlType::TabItem: case ControlType::TabPane: case ControlType::TabBody: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::TabsDrawRtl || nPart == ControlPart::HasBackgroundTexture) return true; break; case ControlType::Toolbar: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundHorz || nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundVert) return true; break; case ControlType::WindowBackground: if (nPart == ControlPart::BackgroundWindow || nPart == ControlPart::BackgroundDialog) return true; break; case ControlType::Menubar: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) return true; break; case ControlType::Tooltip: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) return true; break; case ControlType::MenuPopup: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::MenuItem || nPart == ControlPart::MenuItemCheckMark || nPart == ControlPart::MenuItemRadioMark) return true; break; case ControlType::Progress: case ControlType::IntroProgress: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) return true; break; case ControlType::Frame: if (nPart == ControlPart::Border) return true; break; case ControlType::ListNet: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) return true; break; default: break; } return false; } bool AquaSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl(ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, const Point &rPos, bool& rIsInside) { if (nType == ControlType::Scrollbar) { tools::Rectangle aRect; bool bValid = AquaGetScrollRect(/* TODO: int nScreen, */ nPart, rControlRegion, aRect); rIsInside = bValid && aRect.IsInside(rPos); return bValid; } return false; } UInt32 AquaSalGraphics::getState(ControlState nState) { // there are non key windows which are children of key windows, e.g. autofilter configuration dialog or sidebar dropdown dialogs. // To handle these windows correctly, parent frame's key window state is considered here additionally. const bool bDrawActive = mpFrame == nullptr || [mpFrame->getNSWindow() isKeyWindow] || mpFrame->mpParent == nullptr || [mpFrame->mpParent->getNSWindow() isKeyWindow]; if (!(nState & ControlState::ENABLED) || !bDrawActive) { return kThemeStateInactive; } if (nState & ControlState::PRESSED) return kThemeStatePressed; return kThemeStateActive; } UInt32 AquaSalGraphics::getTrackState(ControlState nState) { const bool bDrawActive = mpFrame == nullptr || [mpFrame->getNSWindow() isKeyWindow]; if (!(nState & ControlState::ENABLED) || !bDrawActive) return kThemeTrackInactive; return kThemeTrackActive; } bool AquaSalGraphics::drawNativeControl(ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue &aValue, const OUString &, const Color&) { bool bOK = false; if (!CheckContext()) return false; maContextHolder.saveState(); tools::Rectangle buttonRect = rControlRegion; HIRect rc = ImplGetHIRectFromRectangle(buttonRect); switch (nType) { case ControlType::Toolbar: { #if HAVE_FEATURE_MACOSX_SANDBOX HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo aMenuItemDrawInfo; aMenuItemDrawInfo.version = 0; aMenuItemDrawInfo.state = kThemeMenuActive; aMenuItemDrawInfo.itemType = kThemeMenuItemHierBackground; HIThemeDrawMenuItem(&rc, &rc, &aMenuItemDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); #else if (rControlRegion.Top() == 0 && nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundHorz) { const bool bDrawActive = mpFrame == nullptr || [mpFrame->getNSWindow() isKeyWindow]; CGFloat unifiedHeight = rControlRegion.GetHeight(); CGRect drawRect = CGRectMake(rControlRegion.Left(), rControlRegion.Top(), rControlRegion.GetWidth(), rControlRegion.GetHeight()); CUIDraw([NSWindow coreUIRenderer], drawRect, maContextHolder.get(), reinterpret_cast([NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"kCUIWidgetWindowFrame", @"widget", @"regularwin", @"windowtype", (bDrawActive ? @"normal" : @"inactive"), @"state", [NSNumber numberWithDouble:unifiedHeight], @"kCUIWindowFrameUnifiedTitleBarHeightKey", [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], @"kCUIWindowFrameDrawTitleSeparatorKey", [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], @"is.flipped", nil]), nil); } else { HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo aMenuItemDrawInfo; aMenuItemDrawInfo.version = 0; aMenuItemDrawInfo.state = kThemeMenuActive; aMenuItemDrawInfo.itemType = kThemeMenuItemHierBackground; HIThemeDrawMenuItem(&rc, &rc, &aMenuItemDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); } #endif bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::WindowBackground: { HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo aThemeBackgroundInfo; aThemeBackgroundInfo.version = 0; aThemeBackgroundInfo.state = getState(nState); aThemeBackgroundInfo.kind = kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive; // FIXME: without this magical offset there is a 2 pixel black border on the right and bottom rc.size.width += 2; rc.size.height += 2; HIThemeApplyBackground( &rc, &aThemeBackgroundInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); CGContextFillRect(maContextHolder.get(), rc); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::Tooltip: { HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo aThemeBackgroundInfo; aThemeBackgroundInfo.version = 0; aThemeBackgroundInfo.state = getState(nState); aThemeBackgroundInfo.kind = kThemeBrushAlertBackgroundActive; rc.size.width += 2; rc.size.height += 2; HIThemeApplyBackground(&rc, &aThemeBackgroundInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); CGContextFillRect(maContextHolder.get(), rc); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::Menubar: case ControlType::MenuPopup: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire || nPart == ControlPart::MenuItem || nPart == ControlPart::HasBackgroundTexture) { // FIXME: without this magical offset there is a 2 pixel black border on the right rc.size.width += 2; HIThemeMenuDrawInfo aMenuInfo; aMenuInfo.version = 0; aMenuInfo.menuType = kThemeMenuTypePullDown; HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo aMenuItemDrawInfo; // grey theme when the item is selected is drawn here. aMenuItemDrawInfo.itemType = kThemeMenuItemPlain; if ((nPart == ControlPart::MenuItem) && (nState & ControlState::SELECTED)) // blue theme when the item is selected is drawn here. aMenuItemDrawInfo.state = kThemeMenuSelected; else // normal color for non selected item aMenuItemDrawInfo.state = kThemeMenuActive; // repaints the background of the pull down menu HIThemeDrawMenuBackground(&rc, &aMenuInfo,maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); // repaints the item either blue (selected) and/or grey (active only) HIThemeDrawMenuItem(&rc, &rc, &aMenuItemDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, &rc); bOK = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::MenuItemCheckMark || nPart == ControlPart::MenuItemRadioMark) { // checked, else it is not displayed (see vcl/source/window/menu.cxx) if (nState & ControlState::PRESSED) { HIThemeTextInfo aTextInfo; aTextInfo.version = 0; aTextInfo.state = (nState & ControlState::ENABLED) ? kThemeStateInactive: kThemeStateActive; aTextInfo.fontID = kThemeMenuItemMarkFont; aTextInfo.horizontalFlushness = kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushCenter; aTextInfo.verticalFlushness = kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushTop; aTextInfo.options = kHIThemeTextBoxOptionNone; aTextInfo.truncationPosition = kHIThemeTextTruncationNone; // aTextInfo.truncationMaxLines unused because of kHIThemeTextTruncationNone item highlighted if (nState & ControlState::SELECTED) aTextInfo.state = kThemeStatePressed; UniChar mark=(nPart == ControlPart::MenuItemCheckMark) ? kCheckUnicode: kBulletUnicode; CFStringRef cfString = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, &mark, 1, kCFAllocatorNull); HIThemeDrawTextBox(cfString, &rc, &aTextInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); if (cfString) CFRelease(cfString); bOK = true; } } break; case ControlType::Pushbutton: { // FIXME: instead of use a value, VCL can retrieve correct values on the fly (to be implemented) HIThemeButtonDrawInfo aPushInfo; aPushInfo.version = 0; // no animation aPushInfo.animation.time.start = 0; aPushInfo.animation.time.current = 0; PushButtonValue const *pPBVal = aValue.getType() == ControlType::Pushbutton ? static_cast(&aValue) : nullptr; int nPaintHeight = static_cast(rc.size.height); if (pPBVal && pPBVal->mbBevelButton) { aPushInfo.kind = kThemeRoundedBevelButton; } else if (rc.size.height <= PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL_HEIGHT) { aPushInfo.kind = kThemePushButtonMini; nPaintHeight = PUSH_BUTTON_SMALL_HEIGHT; } else if ((pPBVal && pPBVal->mbSingleLine) || rc.size.height < PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL_HEIGHT * 3 / 2) { aPushInfo.kind = kThemePushButtonNormal; nPaintHeight = PUSH_BUTTON_NORMAL_HEIGHT; // avoid clipping when focused rc.origin.x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH / 2; rc.size.width -= FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; } else aPushInfo.kind = kThemeBevelButton; // translate the origin for controls with fixed paint height so content ends up somewhere sensible rc.origin.y += (rc.size.height - nPaintHeight) / 2; aPushInfo.state = getState(nState); aPushInfo.value = ImplGetButtonValue(aValue.getTristateVal()); aPushInfo.adornment = (nState & ControlState::DEFAULT) ? kThemeAdornmentDefault : kThemeAdornmentNone; if (nState & ControlState::FOCUSED) aPushInfo.adornment |= kThemeAdornmentFocus; HIThemeDrawButton(&rc, &aPushInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::Radiobutton: case ControlType::Checkbox: { HIThemeButtonDrawInfo aInfo; aInfo.version = 0; switch (nType) { case ControlType::Radiobutton: if (rc.size.width >= RADIO_BUTTON_SMALL_SIZE) aInfo.kind = kThemeRadioButton; else aInfo.kind = kThemeSmallRadioButton; break; case ControlType::Checkbox: if (rc.size.width >= CHECKBOX_SMALL_SIZE) aInfo.kind = kThemeCheckBox; else aInfo.kind = kThemeSmallCheckBox; break; default: break; } aInfo.state = getState(nState); ButtonValue aButtonValue = aValue.getTristateVal(); aInfo.value = ImplGetButtonValue(aButtonValue); aInfo.adornment = (nState & ControlState::DEFAULT) ? kThemeAdornmentDefault : kThemeAdornmentNone; if (nState & ControlState::FOCUSED) aInfo.adornment |= kThemeAdornmentFocus; rc.size.width -= 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.size.height = RADIO_BUTTON_SMALL_SIZE; rc.origin.x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.origin.y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; HIThemeDrawButton(&rc, &aInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::ListNode: { ButtonValue aButtonValue = aValue.getTristateVal(); HIThemeButtonDrawInfo aInfo; aInfo.version = 0; aInfo.kind = kThemeDisclosureTriangle; aInfo.value = kThemeDisclosureRight; aInfo.state = getState(nState); aInfo.adornment = kThemeAdornmentNone; switch (aButtonValue) { case ButtonValue::On: aInfo.value = kThemeDisclosureDown; break; case ButtonValue::Off: if (AllSettings::GetLayoutRTL()) aInfo.value = kThemeDisclosureLeft; break; case ButtonValue::DontKnow: default: break; } HIThemeDrawButton(&rc, &aInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::Progress: case ControlType::IntroProgress: { long nProgressWidth = aValue.getNumericVal(); HIThemeTrackDrawInfo aTrackInfo; aTrackInfo.version = 0; aTrackInfo.kind = (rc.size.height > 10) ? kThemeProgressBarLarge : kThemeProgressBarMedium; aTrackInfo.bounds = rc; aTrackInfo.min = 0; aTrackInfo.max = static_cast(rc.size.width); aTrackInfo.value = nProgressWidth; aTrackInfo.reserved = 0; aTrackInfo.attributes = kThemeTrackHorizontal; if (AllSettings::GetLayoutRTL()) aTrackInfo.attributes |= kThemeTrackRightToLeft; aTrackInfo.enableState = getTrackState(nState); // the intro bitmap never gets key anyway; we want to draw that enabled if (nType == ControlType::IntroProgress) aTrackInfo.enableState = kThemeTrackActive; aTrackInfo.filler1 = 0; aTrackInfo.trackInfo.progress.phase = static_cast(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() * 10.0); HIThemeDrawTrack(&aTrackInfo, nullptr, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::Slider: { const SliderValue *pSliderVal = static_cast(&aValue); HIThemeTrackDrawInfo aTrackDraw; aTrackDraw.kind = kThemeSliderMedium; if (nPart == ControlPart::TrackHorzArea || nPart == ControlPart::TrackVertArea) { aTrackDraw.bounds = rc; aTrackDraw.min = pSliderVal->mnMin; aTrackDraw.max = pSliderVal->mnMax; aTrackDraw.value = pSliderVal->mnCur; aTrackDraw.reserved = 0; aTrackDraw.attributes = kThemeTrackShowThumb; if (nPart == ControlPart::TrackHorzArea) aTrackDraw.attributes |= kThemeTrackHorizontal; aTrackDraw.enableState = (nState & ControlState::ENABLED) ? kThemeTrackActive : kThemeTrackInactive; SliderTrackInfo aSlideInfo; aSlideInfo.thumbDir = kThemeThumbUpward; aSlideInfo.pressState = 0; aTrackDraw.trackInfo.slider = aSlideInfo; HIThemeDrawTrack(&aTrackDraw, nullptr, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); bOK = true; } } break; case ControlType::Scrollbar: { const ScrollbarValue *pScrollbarVal = (aValue.getType() == ControlType::Scrollbar) ? static_cast(&aValue) : nullptr; if (nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundVert || nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundHorz) { HIThemeTrackDrawInfo aTrackDraw; aTrackDraw.kind = kThemeMediumScrollBar; aTrackDraw.bounds = rc; aTrackDraw.min = pScrollbarVal->mnMin; aTrackDraw.max = pScrollbarVal->mnMax - pScrollbarVal->mnVisibleSize; aTrackDraw.value = pScrollbarVal->mnCur; aTrackDraw.reserved = 0; aTrackDraw.attributes = kThemeTrackShowThumb; if (nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundHorz) aTrackDraw.attributes |= kThemeTrackHorizontal; aTrackDraw.enableState = getTrackState(nState); ScrollBarTrackInfo aScrollInfo; aScrollInfo.viewsize = pScrollbarVal->mnVisibleSize; aScrollInfo.pressState = 0; if (pScrollbarVal->mnButton1State & ControlState::ENABLED) if (pScrollbarVal->mnButton1State & ControlState::PRESSED) aScrollInfo.pressState = kThemeTopOutsideArrowPressed; if (pScrollbarVal->mnButton2State & ControlState::ENABLED ) if (pScrollbarVal->mnButton2State & ControlState::PRESSED ) aScrollInfo.pressState = kThemeBottomOutsideArrowPressed; if ( pScrollbarVal->mnThumbState & ControlState::ENABLED) if (pScrollbarVal->mnThumbState & ControlState::PRESSED) aScrollInfo.pressState = kThemeThumbPressed; aTrackDraw.trackInfo.scrollbar = aScrollInfo; HIThemeDrawTrack(&aTrackDraw, nullptr, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); bOK = true; } } break; case ControlType::TabPane: { HIThemeTabPaneDrawInfo aTabPaneDrawInfo; aTabPaneDrawInfo.version = 1; aTabPaneDrawInfo.state = kThemeStateActive; aTabPaneDrawInfo.direction = kThemeTabNorth; aTabPaneDrawInfo.size = kHIThemeTabSizeNormal; aTabPaneDrawInfo.kind = kHIThemeTabKindNormal; // border is outside the rect rc for Carbon but for VCL it should be inside rc.origin.x += 1; rc.origin.y -= TAB_HEIGHT / 2; rc.size.height += TAB_HEIGHT / 2; rc.size.width -= 2; HIThemeDrawTabPane(&rc, &aTabPaneDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::TabItem: { HIThemeTabDrawInfo aTabItemDrawInfo; aTabItemDrawInfo.version = 1; aTabItemDrawInfo.style = kThemeTabNonFront; aTabItemDrawInfo.direction = kThemeTabNorth; aTabItemDrawInfo.size = kHIThemeTabSizeNormal; aTabItemDrawInfo.adornment = kHIThemeTabAdornmentTrailingSeparator; if (nState & ControlState::SELECTED) aTabItemDrawInfo.style = kThemeTabFront; if(nState & ControlState::FOCUSED) aTabItemDrawInfo.adornment |= kHIThemeTabAdornmentFocus; // first, last or middle tab aTabItemDrawInfo.position = kHIThemeTabPositionMiddle; TabitemValue const * pTabValue = static_cast(&aValue); TabitemFlags nAlignment = pTabValue->mnAlignment; // TabitemFlags::LeftAligned (and TabitemFlags::RightAligned) for the leftmost (or rightmost) tab // when there are several lines of tabs because there is only one first tab and one // last tab and TabitemFlags::FirstInGroup (and TabitemFlags::LastInGroup) because when the // line width is different from window width, there may not be TabitemFlags::RightAligned if (((nAlignment & TabitemFlags::LeftAligned) && (nAlignment & TabitemFlags::RightAligned)) || ((nAlignment & TabitemFlags::FirstInGroup) && (nAlignment & TabitemFlags::LastInGroup))) aTabItemDrawInfo.position = kHIThemeTabPositionOnly; else if ((nAlignment & TabitemFlags::LeftAligned) || (nAlignment & TabitemFlags::FirstInGroup)) aTabItemDrawInfo.position = kHIThemeTabPositionFirst; else if ((nAlignment & TabitemFlags::RightAligned) || (nAlignment & TabitemFlags::LastInGroup)) aTabItemDrawInfo.position = kHIThemeTabPositionLast; // support for RTL (see issue 79748) if (AllSettings::GetLayoutRTL()) { if (aTabItemDrawInfo.position == kHIThemeTabPositionFirst) aTabItemDrawInfo.position = kHIThemeTabPositionLast; else if (aTabItemDrawInfo.position == kHIThemeTabPositionLast) aTabItemDrawInfo.position = kHIThemeTabPositionFirst; } rc.size.width += VCL_TAB_TEXT_SEPARATOR; rc.origin.x -= 1; HIThemeDrawTab(&rc, &aTabItemDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); bOK=true; } break; case ControlType::Editbox: case ControlType::MultilineEditbox: { HIThemeFrameDrawInfo aTextDrawInfo; aTextDrawInfo.version = 0; aTextDrawInfo.kind = kHIThemeFrameTextFieldSquare; aTextDrawInfo.state = getState(nState); aTextDrawInfo.isFocused = false; rc.size.width += 2 * EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN; if (nType == ControlType::Editbox) rc.size.height = EDITBOX_HEIGHT; else rc.size.height += 2 * (EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN); rc.origin.x -= EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN; rc.origin.y -= EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN; // fill a white background, because HIThemeDrawFrame only draws the border CGContextFillRect(maContextHolder.get(), CGRectMake(rc.origin.x, rc.origin.y, rc.size.width, rc.size.height)); HIThemeDrawFrame(&rc, &aTextDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); if (nState & ControlState::FOCUSED) HIThemeDrawFocusRect(&rc, true, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::Combobox: if (nPart == ControlPart::HasBackgroundTexture || nPart == ControlPart::Entire) { HIThemeButtonDrawInfo aComboInfo; aComboInfo.version = 0; aComboInfo.kind = kThemeComboBox; aComboInfo.state = getState(nState); aComboInfo.value = kThemeButtonOn; aComboInfo.adornment = kThemeAdornmentNone; if (nState & ControlState::FOCUSED) aComboInfo.adornment |= kThemeAdornmentFocus; rc.size.width -= 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.size.height = COMBOBOX_HEIGHT; rc.origin.x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.origin.y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; HIThemeDrawButton(&rc, &aComboInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::Listbox: switch (nPart) { case ControlPart::Entire: case ControlPart::ButtonDown: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo aListInfo; aListInfo.version = 0; aListInfo.kind = kThemePopupButton; aListInfo.state = getState(nState); aListInfo.value = kThemeButtonOn; aListInfo.adornment = kThemeAdornmentDefault; if (nState & ControlState::FOCUSED) aListInfo.adornment |= kThemeAdornmentFocus; rc.size.width -= 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.size.height = LISTBOX_HEIGHT; rc.origin.x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.origin.y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; HIThemeDrawButton(&rc, &aListInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); bOK = true; break; case ControlPart::ListboxWindow: HIThemeFrameDrawInfo aTextDrawInfo; aTextDrawInfo.version = 0; aTextDrawInfo.kind = kHIThemeFrameTextFieldSquare; aTextDrawInfo.state = getState(nState); aTextDrawInfo.isFocused = false; rc.size.width -= 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.size.height -= 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.origin.x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.origin.y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; HIThemeDrawFrame(&rc, &aTextDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); if (nState & ControlState::FOCUSED) HIThemeDrawFocusRect(&rc, true, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); bOK = true; break; default: break; } break; case ControlType::Spinbox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) { // text field HIThemeFrameDrawInfo aTextDrawInfo; aTextDrawInfo.version = 0; aTextDrawInfo.kind = kHIThemeFrameTextFieldSquare; aTextDrawInfo.state = getState(nState); aTextDrawInfo.isFocused = false; rc.size.width -= SPIN_BUTTON_WIDTH + 4 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.size.height = EDITBOX_HEIGHT; rc.origin.x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.origin.y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; // fill a white background, because HIThemeDrawFrame only draws the border CGContextFillRect(maContextHolder.get(), CGRectMake(rc.origin.x, rc.origin.y, rc.size.width, rc.size.height)); HIThemeDrawFrame(&rc, &aTextDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); if (nState & ControlState::FOCUSED) HIThemeDrawFocusRect(&rc, true, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); // buttons const SpinbuttonValue *pSpinButtonVal = (aValue.getType() == ControlType::SpinButtons) ? static_cast (&aValue) : nullptr; ControlState nUpperState = ControlState::ENABLED; ControlState nLowerState = ControlState::ENABLED; if (pSpinButtonVal) { nUpperState = pSpinButtonVal->mnUpperState; nLowerState = pSpinButtonVal->mnLowerState; HIThemeButtonDrawInfo aSpinInfo; aSpinInfo.kind = kThemeIncDecButton; aSpinInfo.state = kThemeStateActive; if (nUpperState & ControlState::PRESSED) aSpinInfo.state = kThemeStatePressedUp; else if (nLowerState & ControlState::PRESSED) aSpinInfo.state = kThemeStatePressedDown; else if (nUpperState & ~ControlState::ENABLED || nLowerState & ~ControlState::ENABLED) aSpinInfo.state = kThemeStateInactive; else if (nUpperState & ControlState::ROLLOVER || nLowerState & ControlState::ROLLOVER) aSpinInfo.state = kThemeStateRollover; switch (aValue.getTristateVal()) { case ButtonValue::On: aSpinInfo.value = kThemeButtonOn; break; case ButtonValue::Off: aSpinInfo.value = kThemeButtonOff; break; case ButtonValue::Mixed: case ButtonValue::DontKnow: default: aSpinInfo.value = kThemeButtonMixed; break; } aSpinInfo.adornment = (nUpperState & ControlState::DEFAULT || nLowerState & ControlState::DEFAULT) ? kThemeAdornmentDefault : kThemeAdornmentNone; if (nUpperState & ControlState::FOCUSED || nLowerState & ControlState::FOCUSED) aSpinInfo.adornment |= kThemeAdornmentFocus; rc.origin.x += rc.size.width + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rc.size.width = SPIN_BUTTON_WIDTH; rc.size.height = SPIN_LOWER_BUTTON_HEIGHT + SPIN_LOWER_BUTTON_HEIGHT; HIThemeDrawButton(&rc, &aSpinInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, nullptr); } bOK = true; } break; case ControlType::Frame: { DrawFrameFlags nStyle = static_cast(aValue.getNumericVal()); if (nPart == ControlPart::Border) { if (!(nStyle & DrawFrameFlags::Menu) && !(nStyle & DrawFrameFlags::WindowBorder)) { // strange effects start to happen when HIThemeDrawFrame meets the border of the window. // These can be avoided by clipping to the boundary of the frame (see issue 84756) if (rc.origin.y + rc.size.height >= mpFrame->maGeometry.nHeight - 3) { CGMutablePathRef rPath = CGPathCreateMutable(); CGPathAddRect(rPath, nullptr, CGRectMake(0, 0, mpFrame->maGeometry.nWidth - 1, mpFrame->maGeometry.nHeight - 1)); CGContextBeginPath(maContextHolder.get()); CGContextAddPath(maContextHolder.get(), rPath); CGContextClip(maContextHolder.get()); CGPathRelease(rPath); } HIThemeFrameDrawInfo aTextDrawInfo; aTextDrawInfo.version = 0; aTextDrawInfo.kind = kHIThemeFrameListBox; aTextDrawInfo.state = kThemeStateActive; aTextDrawInfo.isFocused = false; HIThemeDrawFrame(&rc, &aTextDrawInfo, maContextHolder.get(), kHIThemeOrientationNormal); bOK = true; } } } break; case ControlType::ListNet: // do nothing as there isn't net for listviews on macOS bOK = true; break; default: break; } maContextHolder.restoreState(); // in most cases invalidating the whole control region instead of just the unclipped part of it is sufficient (and probably // faster). However for the window background we should not unnecessarily enlarge the really changed rectangle since the // difference is usually quite high. Background is always drawn as a whole since we don't know anything about its possible // contents (see issue i90291). if (nType == ControlType::WindowBackground) { CGRect aRect = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}; if (mxClipPath) aRect = CGPathGetBoundingBox(mxClipPath); if (aRect.size.width != 0 && aRect.size.height != 0) buttonRect.Intersection(tools::Rectangle(Point(static_cast(aRect.origin.x), static_cast(aRect.origin.y)), Size(static_cast(aRect.size.width), static_cast(aRect.size.height)))); } RefreshRect(buttonRect.Left(), buttonRect.Top(), buttonRect.GetWidth(), buttonRect.GetHeight()); return bOK; } bool AquaSalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion(ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, ControlState, const ImplControlValue &aValue, const OUString &, tools::Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion, tools::Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion) { bool toReturn = false; tools::Rectangle aCtrlBoundRect(rControlRegion); short x = aCtrlBoundRect.Left(); short y = aCtrlBoundRect.Top(); short w, h; switch (nType) { case ControlType::Pushbutton: case ControlType::Radiobutton: case ControlType::Checkbox: { if (nType == ControlType::Pushbutton) { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth(); h = aCtrlBoundRect.GetHeight(); } else { w = RADIO_BUTTON_SMALL_SIZE + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + RADIO_BUTTON_TEXT_SEPARATOR; h = RADIO_BUTTON_SMALL_SIZE + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; } rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::Progress: { tools::Rectangle aRect(aCtrlBoundRect); if (aRect.GetHeight() < LARGE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_HEIGHT) aRect.SetBottom(aRect.Top() + MEDIUM_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_HEIGHT - 1); else aRect.SetBottom(aRect.Top() + LARGE_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_HEIGHT - 1); rNativeBoundingRegion = aRect; rNativeContentRegion = aRect; toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::IntroProgress: { tools::Rectangle aRect(aCtrlBoundRect); aRect.SetBottom(aRect.Top() + MEDIUM_PROGRESS_INDICATOR_HEIGHT - 1); rNativeBoundingRegion = aRect; rNativeContentRegion = aRect; toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::Slider: if (nPart == ControlPart::ThumbHorz) { w = SLIDER_WIDTH; h = aCtrlBoundRect.GetHeight(); rNativeBoundingRegion = rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::ThumbVert) { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth(); h = SLIDER_HEIGHT; rNativeBoundingRegion = rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::Scrollbar: { tools::Rectangle aRect; if (AquaGetScrollRect(nPart, aCtrlBoundRect, aRect)) { toReturn = true; rNativeBoundingRegion = aRect; rNativeContentRegion = aRect; } } break; case ControlType::TabItem: { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth() + 2 * TAB_TEXT_MARGIN - 2 * VCL_TAB_TEXT_SEPARATOR; h = TAB_HEIGHT + 2; rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::Editbox: { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth(); h = EDITBOX_HEIGHT + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); w -= 2 * (FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN); h -= 2 * (FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN); x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN; y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN; rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::Combobox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth(); h = COMBOBOX_HEIGHT + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonDown) { w = COMBOBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; h = COMBOBOX_HEIGHT + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; x += aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth() - w; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::SubEdit) { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth() - 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH - COMBOBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH - COMBOBOX_BORDER_WIDTH - 2 * COMBOBOX_TEXT_MARGIN; h = COMBOBOX_HEIGHT - 2 * COMBOBOX_BORDER_WIDTH; x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + COMBOBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + COMBOBOX_TEXT_MARGIN; y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + COMBOBOX_BORDER_WIDTH; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::Listbox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth(); h = LISTBOX_HEIGHT + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonDown) { w = LISTBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH + FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; h = LISTBOX_HEIGHT + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; x += aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth() - w; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::SubEdit) { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth() - 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH - LISTBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH - LISTBOX_BORDER_WIDTH - 2 * LISTBOX_TEXT_MARGIN; h = LISTBOX_HEIGHT - 2 * LISTBOX_BORDER_WIDTH; x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + LISTBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + LISTBOX_TEXT_MARGIN; y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + LISTBOX_BORDER_WIDTH; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::Spinbox: if (nPart == ControlPart::Entire) { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth(); h = EDITBOX_HEIGHT + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; x += SPINBOX_OFFSET; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::SubEdit) { w = aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth() - 4 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH - SPIN_BUTTON_WIDTH - 2 * EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH - 2 * EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN; h = EDITBOX_HEIGHT - 2 * (EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN); x += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN + SPINBOX_OFFSET; y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + EDITBOX_BORDER_WIDTH + EDITBOX_INSET_MARGIN; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonUp) { w = SPIN_BUTTON_WIDTH + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; h = SPIN_UPPER_BUTTON_HEIGHT + FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; x += aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth() - SPIN_BUTTON_WIDTH - 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + SPINBOX_OFFSET; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } else if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonDown) { w = SPIN_BUTTON_WIDTH + 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; h = SPIN_LOWER_BUTTON_HEIGHT + FOCUS_RING_WIDTH; x += aCtrlBoundRect.GetWidth() - SPIN_BUTTON_WIDTH - 2 * FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + SPINBOX_OFFSET; y += FOCUS_RING_WIDTH + SPIN_UPPER_BUTTON_HEIGHT; rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } break; case ControlType::Frame: { DrawFrameStyle nStyle = static_cast(aValue.getNumericVal() & 0x000f); DrawFrameFlags nFlags = static_cast(aValue.getNumericVal() & 0xfff0); if (nPart == ControlPart::Border && !(nFlags & (DrawFrameFlags::Menu | DrawFrameFlags::WindowBorder | DrawFrameFlags::BorderWindowBorder))) { tools::Rectangle aRect(aCtrlBoundRect); if (nStyle == DrawFrameStyle::DoubleIn) { aRect.AdjustLeft(1); aRect.AdjustTop(1); // rRect.Right() -= 1; // rRect.Bottom() -= 1; } else { aRect.AdjustLeft(1); aRect.AdjustTop(1); aRect.AdjustRight(-1); aRect.AdjustBottom(-1); } rNativeContentRegion = aRect; rNativeBoundingRegion = aRect; toReturn = true; } } break; case ControlType::Menubar: case ControlType::MenuPopup: if (nPart == ControlPart::MenuItemCheckMark || nPart == ControlPart::MenuItemRadioMark) { w=10; h=10; rNativeContentRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); rNativeBoundingRegion = tools::Rectangle(Point(x, y), Size(w, h)); toReturn = true; } break; default: break; } return toReturn; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */