/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <string.h>
#include <vcl/opengl/OpenGLContext.hxx>
#include <vcl/opengl/OpenGLHelper.hxx>
#include <opengl/zone.hxx>

#include "osx/saldata.hxx"
#include "osx/salframe.h"
#include "osx/salinst.h"
#include "osx/salobj.h"

#include <AppKit/NSOpenGLView.h>

AquaSalObject::AquaSalObject( AquaSalFrame* pFrame, SystemWindowData* pWindowData ) :
    mpFrame( pFrame ),
    mnClipX( -1 ),
    mnClipY( -1 ),
    mnClipWidth( -1 ),
    mnClipHeight( -1 ),
    mbClip( false ),
    mnX( 0 ),
    mnY( 0 ),
    mnWidth( 20 ),
    mnHeight( 20 )
    maSysData.nSize = sizeof( maSysData );
    maSysData.mpNSView = nullptr;
    maSysData.mbOpenGL = false;

    NSRect aInitFrame = { NSZeroPoint, { 20, 20 } };
    mpClipView = [[NSClipView alloc] initWithFrame: aInitFrame ];
    if( mpClipView )
        [mpFrame->getNSView() addSubview: mpClipView];
        [mpClipView setHidden: YES];
    if (pWindowData && pWindowData->bOpenGL)
        maSysData.mbOpenGL = true;
        NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pixFormat = nullptr;

        if (pWindowData->bLegacy)
            NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute aAttributes[] =
                NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 8,
                NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 24,
                NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 24,
                NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)1,
                NSOpenGLPFASamples, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)4,
            pixFormat = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:aAttributes];
            NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute aAttributes[] =
                NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core,
                NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 8,
                NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 24,
                NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 24,
                NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)1,
                NSOpenGLPFASamples, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)4,
            pixFormat = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:aAttributes];

        maSysData.mpNSView = [[NSOpenGLView alloc] initWithFrame: aInitFrame pixelFormat:pixFormat];
        maSysData.mpNSView = [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame: aInitFrame];

    if( maSysData.mpNSView )
        if( mpClipView )
            [mpClipView setDocumentView: maSysData.mpNSView];

    if( maSysData.mpNSView )
        NSView *pView = maSysData.mpNSView;
        [pView removeFromSuperview];
        [pView release];
    if( mpClipView )
        [mpClipView removeFromSuperview];
        [mpClipView release];

// Please note that the talk about QTMovieView below presumably refers
// to stuff in the QuickTime avmedia thingie, and that QuickTime is
// deprecated, not available for 64-bit code, and won't thus be used
// in a "modern" build of LO anyway. So the relevance of the comment
// is unclear.

   sadly there seems to be no way to impose clipping on a child view,
   especially a QTMovieView which seems to ignore the current context
   completely. Also there is no real way to shape a window; on Aqua a
   similar effect to non-rectangular windows is achieved by using a
   non-opaque window and not painting where one wants the background
   to shine through.

   With respect to SalObject this leaves us to having an NSClipView
   containing the child view. Even a QTMovieView respects the boundaries of
   that, which gives us a clip "region" consisting of one rectangle.
   This is gives us an 80% solution only, though.

void AquaSalObject::ResetClipRegion()
    mbClip = false;

void AquaSalObject::BeginSetClipRegion( sal_uLong )
    mbClip = false;

void AquaSalObject::UnionClipRegion( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight )
    if( mbClip )
        if( nX < mnClipX )
            mnClipWidth += mnClipX - nX;
            mnClipX = nX;
        if( nX + nWidth > mnClipX + mnClipWidth )
            mnClipWidth = nX + nWidth - mnClipX;
        if( nY < mnClipY )
            mnClipHeight += mnClipY - nY;
            mnClipY = nY;
        if( nY + nHeight > mnClipY + mnClipHeight )
            mnClipHeight = nY + nHeight - mnClipY;
        mnClipX = nX;
        mnClipY = nY;
        mnClipWidth = nWidth;
        mnClipHeight = nHeight;
        mbClip = true;

void AquaSalObject::EndSetClipRegion()

void AquaSalObject::SetPosSize( long nX, long nY, long nWidth, long nHeight )
    mnX = nX;
    mnY = nY;
    mnWidth = nWidth;
    mnHeight = nHeight;

void AquaSalObject::setClippedPosSize()
    NSRect aViewRect = { NSZeroPoint, NSMakeSize( mnWidth, mnHeight) };
    if( maSysData.mpNSView )
        NSView* pNSView = maSysData.mpNSView;
        [pNSView setFrame: aViewRect];

    NSRect aClipViewRect = NSMakeRect( mnX, mnY, mnWidth, mnHeight);
    NSPoint aClipPt = NSZeroPoint;
    if( mbClip )
        aClipViewRect.origin.x += mnClipX;
        aClipViewRect.origin.y += mnClipY;
        aClipViewRect.size.width = mnClipWidth;
        aClipViewRect.size.height = mnClipHeight;
        aClipPt.x = mnClipX;
        if( mnClipY == 0 )
            aClipPt.y = mnHeight - mnClipHeight;

    mpFrame->VCLToCocoa( aClipViewRect, false );
    [mpClipView setFrame: aClipViewRect];

    [mpClipView scrollToPoint: aClipPt];

void AquaSalObject::Show( bool bVisible )
    if( mpClipView )
        [mpClipView setHidden: (bVisible ? NO : YES)];

const SystemEnvData* AquaSalObject::GetSystemData() const
    return &maSysData;

class AquaOpenGLContext : public OpenGLContext
    virtual bool initWindow() override;
    GLWindow m_aGLWin;
    virtual const GLWindow& getOpenGLWindow() const override { return m_aGLWin; }
    virtual GLWindow& getModifiableOpenGLWindow() override { return m_aGLWin; }
    NSOpenGLView* getOpenGLView();
    virtual bool ImplInit() override;
    virtual SystemWindowData generateWinData(vcl::Window* pParent, bool bRequestLegacyContext) override;
    virtual void makeCurrent() override;
    virtual void destroyCurrentContext() override;
    virtual void resetCurrent() override;
    virtual void swapBuffers() override;

void AquaOpenGLContext::resetCurrent()

    OpenGLZone aZone;

    (void) this; // loplugin:staticmethods
    [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext];

void AquaOpenGLContext::makeCurrent()
    if (isCurrent())

    OpenGLZone aZone;


    NSOpenGLView* pView = getOpenGLView();
    [[pView openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];


void AquaOpenGLContext::swapBuffers()
    OpenGLZone aZone;

    NSOpenGLView* pView = getOpenGLView();
    [[pView openGLContext] flushBuffer];


SystemWindowData AquaOpenGLContext::generateWinData(vcl::Window* /*pParent*/, bool bRequestLegacyContext)
    SystemWindowData aWinData;
    aWinData.bOpenGL = true;
    aWinData.bLegacy = bRequestLegacyContext;
    aWinData.nSize = sizeof(aWinData);
    return aWinData;

void AquaOpenGLContext::destroyCurrentContext()
    [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext];

bool AquaOpenGLContext::initWindow()
    if( !m_pChildWindow )
        SystemWindowData winData = generateWinData(mpWindow, mbRequestLegacyContext);
        m_pChildWindow = VclPtr<SystemChildWindow>::Create(mpWindow, 0, &winData, false);

    if (m_pChildWindow)

    return true;

bool AquaOpenGLContext::ImplInit()
    OpenGLZone aZone;

    NSOpenGLView* pView = getOpenGLView();
    [[pView openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];

    bool bRet = InitGLEW();
    return bRet;

NSOpenGLView* AquaOpenGLContext::getOpenGLView()
    return reinterpret_cast<NSOpenGLView*>(m_pChildWindow->GetSystemData()->mpNSView);

OpenGLContext* AquaSalInstance::CreateOpenGLContext()
    return new AquaOpenGLContext;

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