/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <Qt5Instance.hxx>
#include <Qt5Instance.moc>

#include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.hpp>

#include <Qt5Bitmap.hxx>
#include <Qt5Clipboard.hxx>
#include <Qt5Data.hxx>
#include <Qt5DragAndDrop.hxx>
#include <Qt5FilePicker.hxx>
#include <Qt5Frame.hxx>
#include <Qt5Menu.hxx>
#include <Qt5Object.hxx>
#include <Qt5OpenGLContext.hxx>
#include <Qt5System.hxx>
#include <Qt5Timer.hxx>
#include <Qt5VirtualDevice.hxx>

#include <headless/svpvd.hxx>

#include <QtCore/QAbstractEventDispatcher>
#include <QtCore/QThread>
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>

#include <vclpluginapi.h>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <comphelper/flagguard.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <osl/process.h>

#include <headless/svpbmp.hxx>

#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>

/// TODO: not much Qt5 specific here? could be generalised, esp. for OSX...
/// this subclass allows for the transfer of a closure for running on the main
/// thread, to handle all the thread affine stuff in Qt5; the SolarMutex is
/// "loaned" to the main thread for the execution of the closure.
/// @note it doesn't work to just use "emit" and signals/slots to move calls to
/// the main thread, because the other thread has the SolarMutex; the other
/// thread (typically) cannot release SolarMutex, because then the main thread
/// will handle all sorts of events and whatnot; this design ensures that the
/// main thread only runs the passed closure (unless the closure releases
/// SolarMutex itself, which should probably be avoided).
class Qt5YieldMutex : public SalYieldMutex
    /// flag only accessed on main thread:
    /// main thread has "borrowed" SolarMutex from another thread
    bool m_bNoYieldLock = false;
    /// members for communication from non-main thread to main thread
    std::mutex m_RunInMainMutex;
    std::condition_variable m_InMainCondition;
    bool m_isWakeUpMain = false;
    std::function<void()> m_Closure; ///< code for main thread to run
    /// members for communication from main thread to non-main thread
    std::condition_variable m_ResultCondition;
    bool m_isResultReady = false;

    virtual bool IsCurrentThread() const override;
    virtual void doAcquire(sal_uInt32 nLockCount) override;
    virtual sal_uInt32 doRelease(bool const bUnlockAll) override;

bool Qt5YieldMutex::IsCurrentThread() const
    auto const* pSalInst(static_cast<Qt5Instance const*>(GetSalData()->m_pInstance));
    if (pSalInst->IsMainThread() && m_bNoYieldLock)
        return true; // main thread has borrowed SolarMutex
    return SalYieldMutex::IsCurrentThread();

void Qt5YieldMutex::doAcquire(sal_uInt32 nLockCount)
    auto const* pSalInst(static_cast<Qt5Instance const*>(GetSalData()->m_pInstance));
    if (!pSalInst->IsMainThread())
    if (m_bNoYieldLock)
        return; // special case for main thread: borrowed from other thread
    do // main thread acquire...
        std::function<void()> func; // copy of closure on thread stack
            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> g(m_RunInMainMutex);
            if (m_aMutex.tryToAcquire())
                // if there's a closure, the other thread holds m_aMutex
                m_isWakeUpMain = false;
                --nLockCount; // have acquired once!
            m_InMainCondition.wait(g, [this]() { return m_isWakeUpMain; });
            m_isWakeUpMain = false;
            std::swap(func, m_Closure);
        if (func)
            m_bNoYieldLock = true; // execute closure with borrowed SolarMutex
            m_bNoYieldLock = false;
            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> g(m_RunInMainMutex);
            m_isResultReady = true;
            m_ResultCondition.notify_all(); // unblock other thread
    } while (true);

sal_uInt32 Qt5YieldMutex::doRelease(bool const bUnlockAll)
    auto const* pSalInst(static_cast<Qt5Instance const*>(GetSalData()->m_pInstance));
    if (pSalInst->IsMainThread() && m_bNoYieldLock)
        return 1; // dummy value

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> g(m_RunInMainMutex);
    // read m_nCount before doRelease (it's guarded by m_aMutex)
    bool const isReleased(bUnlockAll || m_nCount == 1);
    sal_uInt32 nCount = SalYieldMutex::doRelease(bUnlockAll);
    if (isReleased && !pSalInst->IsMainThread())
        m_isWakeUpMain = true;
        m_InMainCondition.notify_all(); // unblock main thread
    return nCount;

// this could be abstracted to be independent of Qt5 by passing in the
// event-trigger as another function parameter...
// it could also be a template of the return type, then it could return the
// result of func... but then how to handle the result in doAcquire?
void Qt5Instance::RunInMainThread(std::function<void()> func)
    if (IsMainThread())

    Qt5YieldMutex* const pMutex(static_cast<Qt5YieldMutex*>(GetYieldMutex()));
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> g(pMutex->m_RunInMainMutex);
        pMutex->m_Closure = func;
        // unblock main thread in case it is blocked on condition
        pMutex->m_isWakeUpMain = true;
    // wake up main thread in case it is blocked on event queue
    // TriggerUserEventProcessing() appears to be insufficient in case the
    // main thread does QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents
    Q_EMIT ImplRunInMainSignal();
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> g(pMutex->m_RunInMainMutex);
        pMutex->m_ResultCondition.wait(g, [pMutex]() { return pMutex->m_isResultReady; });
        pMutex->m_isResultReady = false;

void Qt5Instance::ImplRunInMain()
    SolarMutexGuard g; // trigger the dispatch code in Qt5YieldMutex::doAcquire
    (void)this; // suppress unhelpful [loplugin:staticmethods]; can't be static

Qt5Instance::Qt5Instance(std::unique_ptr<QApplication>& pQApp, bool bUseCairo)
    : SalGenericInstance(std::make_unique<Qt5YieldMutex>())
    , m_postUserEventId(-1)
    , m_bUseCairo(bUseCairo)
    , m_pQApplication(std::move(pQApp))
    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
    if (bUseCairo)
        pSVData->maAppData.mxToolkitName = OUString("qt5+cairo");
        pSVData->maAppData.mxToolkitName = OUString("qt5");

    m_postUserEventId = QEvent::registerEventType();

    // this one needs to be blocking, so that the handling in main thread
    // is processed before the thread emitting the signal continues
    connect(this, SIGNAL(ImplYieldSignal(bool, bool)), this, SLOT(ImplYield(bool, bool)),
    connect(this, &Qt5Instance::ImplRunInMainSignal, this, &Qt5Instance::ImplRunInMain,
            Qt::QueuedConnection); // no Blocking!

    // this one needs to be queued non-blocking
    // in order to have this event arriving to correct event processing loop
    connect(this, &Qt5Instance::deleteObjectLaterSignal, this,
            [](QObject* pObject) { Qt5Instance::deleteObjectLater(pObject); },

    // force freeing the QApplication before freeing the arguments,
    // as it uses references to the provided arguments!

void Qt5Instance::deleteObjectLater(QObject* pObject) { pObject->deleteLater(); }

SalFrame* Qt5Instance::CreateChildFrame(SystemParentData* /*pParent*/, SalFrameStyleFlags nStyle)
    return new Qt5Frame(nullptr, nStyle, m_bUseCairo);

SalFrame* Qt5Instance::CreateFrame(SalFrame* pParent, SalFrameStyleFlags nStyle)
    assert(!pParent || dynamic_cast<Qt5Frame*>(pParent));
    return new Qt5Frame(static_cast<Qt5Frame*>(pParent), nStyle, m_bUseCairo);

void Qt5Instance::DestroyFrame(SalFrame* pFrame)
    if (pFrame)
        Q_EMIT deleteObjectLaterSignal(static_cast<Qt5Frame*>(pFrame));

SalObject* Qt5Instance::CreateObject(SalFrame* pParent, SystemWindowData*, bool bShow)
    assert(!pParent || dynamic_cast<Qt5Frame*>(pParent));
    return new Qt5Object(static_cast<Qt5Frame*>(pParent), bShow);

void Qt5Instance::DestroyObject(SalObject* pObject)
    if (pObject)
        Q_EMIT deleteObjectLaterSignal(static_cast<Qt5Object*>(pObject));

Qt5Instance::CreateVirtualDevice(SalGraphics* pGraphics, long& nDX, long& nDY, DeviceFormat eFormat,
                                 const SystemGraphicsData* /* pData */)
    if (m_bUseCairo)
        SvpSalGraphics* pSvpSalGraphics = dynamic_cast<SvpSalGraphics*>(pGraphics);
        std::unique_ptr<SalVirtualDevice> pVD(
            new SvpSalVirtualDevice(eFormat, pSvpSalGraphics->getSurface()));
        pVD->SetSize(nDX, nDY);
        return pVD;
        std::unique_ptr<SalVirtualDevice> pVD(new Qt5VirtualDevice(eFormat, 1));
        pVD->SetSize(nDX, nDY);
        return pVD;

std::unique_ptr<SalMenu> Qt5Instance::CreateMenu(bool bMenuBar, Menu* pVCLMenu)
    std::unique_ptr<SalMenu> pRet;
    RunInMainThread([&pRet, bMenuBar, pVCLMenu]() {
        Qt5Menu* pSalMenu = new Qt5Menu(bMenuBar);
    return pRet;

std::unique_ptr<SalMenuItem> Qt5Instance::CreateMenuItem(const SalItemParams& rItemData)
    return std::unique_ptr<SalMenuItem>(new Qt5MenuItem(&rItemData));

SalTimer* Qt5Instance::CreateSalTimer() { return new Qt5Timer(); }

SalSystem* Qt5Instance::CreateSalSystem() { return new Qt5System; }

std::shared_ptr<SalBitmap> Qt5Instance::CreateSalBitmap()
    if (m_bUseCairo)
        return std::make_shared<SvpSalBitmap>();
        return std::make_shared<Qt5Bitmap>();

bool Qt5Instance::ImplYield(bool bWait, bool bHandleAllCurrentEvents)
    // Re-acquire the guard for user events when called via Q_EMIT ImplYieldSignal
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool wasEvent = DispatchUserEvents(bHandleAllCurrentEvents);
    if (!bHandleAllCurrentEvents && wasEvent)
        return true;

     * Quoting the Qt docs: [QAbstractEventDispatcher::processEvents] processes
     * pending events that match flags until there are no more events to process.
    SolarMutexReleaser aReleaser;
    QAbstractEventDispatcher* dispatcher = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance(qApp->thread());
    if (bWait && !wasEvent)
        wasEvent = dispatcher->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents);
        wasEvent = dispatcher->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents) || wasEvent;
    return wasEvent;

bool Qt5Instance::DoYield(bool bWait, bool bHandleAllCurrentEvents)
    bool bWasEvent = false;
    if (qApp->thread() == QThread::currentThread())
        bWasEvent = ImplYield(bWait, bHandleAllCurrentEvents);
        if (bWasEvent)
            SolarMutexReleaser aReleaser;
            bWasEvent = Q_EMIT ImplYieldSignal(false, bHandleAllCurrentEvents);
        if (!bWasEvent && bWait)
            SolarMutexReleaser aReleaser;
            bWasEvent = true;
    return bWasEvent;

bool Qt5Instance::AnyInput(VclInputFlags /*nType*/) { return false; }

OUString Qt5Instance::GetConnectionIdentifier() { return OUString(); }

void Qt5Instance::AddToRecentDocumentList(const OUString&, const OUString&, const OUString&) {}

OpenGLContext* Qt5Instance::CreateOpenGLContext() { return new Qt5OpenGLContext; }

bool Qt5Instance::IsMainThread() const { return qApp->thread() == QThread::currentThread(); }

void Qt5Instance::TriggerUserEventProcessing()
    QApplication::postEvent(this, new QEvent(QEvent::Type(m_postUserEventId)));

void Qt5Instance::ProcessEvent(SalUserEvent aEvent)
    aEvent.m_pFrame->CallCallback(aEvent.m_nEvent, aEvent.m_pData);

Qt5Instance::createFilePicker(const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>&)
    return css::uno::Reference<css::ui::dialogs::XFilePicker2>(
        new Qt5FilePicker(QFileDialog::ExistingFile));

Qt5Instance::createFolderPicker(const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>&)
    return css::uno::Reference<css::ui::dialogs::XFolderPicker2>(
        new Qt5FilePicker(QFileDialog::Directory));

Qt5Instance::CreateClipboard(const css::uno::Sequence<css::uno::Any>& arguments)
    OUString sel;
    if (arguments.getLength() == 0)
        sel = "CLIPBOARD";
    else if (arguments.getLength() != 1 || !(arguments[0] >>= sel))
        throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad Qt5Instance::CreateClipboard arguments",
                                                  css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);

    auto it = m_aClipboards.find(sel);
    if (it != m_aClipboards.end())
        return it->second;

    css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface> xClipboard(
        static_cast<cppu::OWeakObject*>(new VclQt5Clipboard(sel)));
    m_aClipboards[sel] = xClipboard;

    return xClipboard;

Reference<XInterface> Qt5Instance::CreateDragSource()
    return Reference<XInterface>(static_cast<cppu::OWeakObject*>(new Qt5DragSource()));

Reference<XInterface> Qt5Instance::CreateDropTarget()
    return Reference<XInterface>(static_cast<cppu::OWeakObject*>(new Qt5DropTarget()));

void Qt5Instance::AllocFakeCmdlineArgs(std::unique_ptr<char* []>& rFakeArgv,
                                       std::unique_ptr<int>& rFakeArgc,
                                       std::vector<FreeableCStr>& rFakeArgvFreeable)
    OString aVersion(qVersion());
    SAL_INFO("vcl.qt5", "qt version string is " << aVersion);

    const sal_uInt32 nParams = osl_getCommandArgCount();
    OString aDisplay;
    sal_uInt32 nDisplayValueIdx = 0;
    OUString aParam, aBin;

    for (sal_uInt32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nParams; ++nIdx)
        osl_getCommandArg(nIdx, &aParam.pData);
        if (aParam != "-display")
        nDisplayValueIdx = nIdx;

    osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL(aParam.pData, &aBin.pData);
    OString aExec = OUStringToOString(aBin, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());

    std::vector<FreeableCStr> aFakeArgvFreeable;
    if (nDisplayValueIdx)
        osl_getCommandArg(nDisplayValueIdx, &aParam.pData);
        aDisplay = OUStringToOString(aParam, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());

    const int nFakeArgc = rFakeArgvFreeable.size();
    rFakeArgv.reset(new char*[nFakeArgc]);
    for (int i = 0; i < nFakeArgc; i++)
        rFakeArgv[i] = rFakeArgvFreeable[i].get();

    rFakeArgc.reset(new int);
    *rFakeArgc = nFakeArgc;

void Qt5Instance::MoveFakeCmdlineArgs(std::unique_ptr<char* []>& rFakeArgv,
                                      std::unique_ptr<int>& rFakeArgc,
                                      std::vector<FreeableCStr>& rFakeArgvFreeable)
    m_pFakeArgv = std::move(rFakeArgv);
    m_pFakeArgc = std::move(rFakeArgc);

std::unique_ptr<QApplication> Qt5Instance::CreateQApplication(int& nArgc, char** pArgv)

    FreeableCStr session_manager;
    if (getenv("SESSION_MANAGER") != nullptr)

    std::unique_ptr<QApplication> pQApp = std::make_unique<QApplication>(nArgc, pArgv);

    if (session_manager != nullptr)
        // coverity[tainted_string] - trusted source for setenv
        setenv("SESSION_MANAGER", session_manager.get(), 1);

    return pQApp;

extern "C" {
VCLPLUG_QT5_PUBLIC SalInstance* create_SalInstance()
    static const bool bUseCairo = (nullptr != getenv("SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO"));

    std::unique_ptr<char* []> pFakeArgv;
    std::unique_ptr<int> pFakeArgc;
    std::vector<FreeableCStr> aFakeArgvFreeable;
    Qt5Instance::AllocFakeCmdlineArgs(pFakeArgv, pFakeArgc, aFakeArgvFreeable);

    std::unique_ptr<QApplication> pQApp
        = Qt5Instance::CreateQApplication(*pFakeArgc, pFakeArgv.get());

    Qt5Instance* pInstance = new Qt5Instance(pQApp, bUseCairo);
    pInstance->MoveFakeCmdlineArgs(pFakeArgv, pFakeArgc, aFakeArgvFreeable);

    new Qt5Data(pInstance);

    return pInstance;

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