/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>

#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/sysdata.hxx>

#ifdef MACOSX
#include <osx/salinst.h>
#include <osx/saldata.hxx>
#include <osx/salframe.h>
#include "headless/svpframe.hxx"
#include "headless/svpinst.hxx"
#include "headless/svpvd.hxx"
#include <quartz/salgdi.h>
#include <quartz/salvd.h>
#include <quartz/utils.h>

std::unique_ptr<SalVirtualDevice> AquaSalInstance::CreateVirtualDevice( SalGraphics* pGraphics,
                                                        tools::Long &nDX, tools::Long &nDY,
                                                        DeviceFormat eFormat,
                                                        const SystemGraphicsData *pData )
    // #i92075# can be called first in a thread

#ifdef IOS
    if( pData )
        return std::unique_ptr<SalVirtualDevice>(new AquaSalVirtualDevice( static_cast< AquaSalGraphics* >( pGraphics ),
                                         nDX, nDY, eFormat, pData ));
        std::unique_ptr<SalVirtualDevice> pNew(new AquaSalVirtualDevice( NULL, nDX, nDY, eFormat, NULL ));
        pNew->SetSize( nDX, nDY );
        return pNew;
    return std::unique_ptr<SalVirtualDevice>(new AquaSalVirtualDevice( static_cast< AquaSalGraphics* >( pGraphics ),
                                     nDX, nDY, eFormat, pData ));

    AquaSalGraphics* pGraphic, tools::Long &nDX, tools::Long &nDY,
    DeviceFormat eFormat, const SystemGraphicsData *pData )
  : mbGraphicsUsed( false )
  , mnBitmapDepth( 0 )
  , mnWidth(0)
  , mnHeight(0)
    SAL_INFO( "vcl.virdev", "AquaSalVirtualDevice::AquaSalVirtualDevice() this=" << this
              << " size=(" << nDX << "x" << nDY << ") bitcount=" << static_cast<int>(eFormat) <<
              " pData=" << pData << " context=" << (pData ? pData->rCGContext : nullptr) );

    if( pGraphic && pData && pData->rCGContext )
        // Create virtual device based on existing SystemGraphicsData
        // We ignore nDx and nDY, as the desired size comes from the SystemGraphicsData.
        // the mxContext is from pData (what "mxContext"? there is no such field anywhere in vcl;)
        mbForeignContext = true;
        mpGraphics = new AquaSalGraphics( /*pGraphic*/ );
        if (nDX == 0)
            nDX = 1;
        if (nDY == 0)
            nDY = 1;
        maLayer.set(CGLayerCreateWithContext(pData->rCGContext, CGSizeMake(nDX, nDY), nullptr));
        // Interrogate the context as to its real size
        if (maLayer.isSet())
            const CGSize aSize = CGLayerGetSize(maLayer.get());
            nDX = static_cast<tools::Long>(aSize.width);
            nDY = static_cast<tools::Long>(aSize.height);
            nDX = 0;
            nDY = 0;

        mpGraphics->SetVirDevGraphics(maLayer, pData->rCGContext);
        // create empty new virtual device
        mbForeignContext = false;           // the mxContext is created within VCL
        mpGraphics = new AquaSalGraphics(); // never fails
        switch (eFormat)
            case DeviceFormat::BITMASK:
                mnBitmapDepth = 1;
#ifdef IOS
            case DeviceFormat::GRAYSCALE:
                mnBitmapDepth = 8;
                mnBitmapDepth = 0;
#ifdef MACOSX
        // inherit resolution from reference device
        if( pGraphic )
            AquaSalFrame* pFrame = pGraphic->getGraphicsFrame();
            if( pFrame && AquaSalFrame::isAlive( pFrame ) )
                mpGraphics->setGraphicsFrame( pFrame );
                mpGraphics->copyResolution( *pGraphic );
        if( nDX && nDY )
            SetSize( nDX, nDY );
        // NOTE: if SetSize does not succeed, we just ignore the nDX and nDY

    SAL_INFO( "vcl.virdev", "AquaSalVirtualDevice::~AquaSalVirtualDevice() this=" << this );

    if( mpGraphics )
        mpGraphics->SetVirDevGraphics( nullptr, nullptr );
        delete mpGraphics;
        mpGraphics = nullptr;

void AquaSalVirtualDevice::Destroy()
    SAL_INFO( "vcl.virdev", "AquaSalVirtualDevice::Destroy() this=" << this << " mbForeignContext=" << mbForeignContext );

    if( mbForeignContext )
        // Do not delete mxContext that we have received from outside VCL

    if (maLayer.isSet())
        if( mpGraphics )
            mpGraphics->SetVirDevGraphics(nullptr, nullptr);

    if (maBitmapContext.isSet())
        void* pRawData = CGBitmapContextGetData(maBitmapContext.get());

SalGraphics* AquaSalVirtualDevice::AcquireGraphics()
    if( mbGraphicsUsed || !mpGraphics )
        return nullptr;
    mbGraphicsUsed = true;
    return mpGraphics;

void AquaSalVirtualDevice::ReleaseGraphics( SalGraphics* )
    mbGraphicsUsed = false;

bool AquaSalVirtualDevice::SetSize( tools::Long nDX, tools::Long nDY )
    SAL_INFO( "vcl.virdev", "AquaSalVirtualDevice::SetSize() this=" << this <<
              " (" << nDX << "x" << nDY << ") mbForeignContext=" << (mbForeignContext ? "YES" : "NO"));

    if( mbForeignContext )
        // Do not delete/resize mxContext that we have received from outside VCL
        return true;

    if (maLayer.isSet())
        const CGSize aSize = CGLayerGetSize(maLayer.get());
        if( (nDX == aSize.width) && (nDY == aSize.height) )
            // Yay, we do not have to do anything :)
            return true;


    mnWidth = nDX;
    mnHeight = nDY;

    // create a CGLayer matching to the intended virdev usage
    CGContextHolder xCGContextHolder;
    if( mnBitmapDepth && (mnBitmapDepth < 16) )
        mnBitmapDepth = 8;  // TODO: are 1bit vdevs worth it?
        const int nBytesPerRow = (mnBitmapDepth * nDX + 7) / 8;

        void* pRawData = std::malloc( nBytesPerRow * nDY );
        maBitmapContext.set(CGBitmapContextCreate( pRawData, nDX, nDY,
                                                 mnBitmapDepth, nBytesPerRow,
                                                 GetSalData()->mxGraySpace, kCGImageAlphaNone));
        xCGContextHolder = maBitmapContext;
#ifdef MACOSX
        // default to a NSView target context
        AquaSalFrame* pSalFrame = mpGraphics->getGraphicsFrame();
        if( !pSalFrame || !AquaSalFrame::isAlive( pSalFrame ))
            pSalFrame = static_cast<AquaSalFrame*>( GetSalData()->mpInstance->anyFrame() );
            if ( pSalFrame )
                // update the frame reference
                mpGraphics->setGraphicsFrame( pSalFrame );
        if( pSalFrame )
            // #i91990#
            NSWindow* pNSWindow = pSalFrame->getNSWindow();
            if ( pNSWindow )
                NSGraphicsContext* pNSContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow: pNSWindow];
                if( pNSContext )
                    xCGContextHolder.set([pNSContext CGContext]);

        if (!xCGContextHolder.isSet())
            // assert(Application::IsBitmapRendering());
            mnBitmapDepth = 32;

            const int nBytesPerRow = (mnBitmapDepth * nDX) / 8;
            void* pRawData = std::malloc( nBytesPerRow * nDY );
#ifdef MACOSX
            const int nFlags = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst;
            const int nFlags = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGImageByteOrder32Little;
            maBitmapContext.set(CGBitmapContextCreate(pRawData, nDX, nDY, 8, nBytesPerRow,
                                                      GetSalData()->mxRGBSpace, nFlags));
            xCGContextHolder = maBitmapContext;

    SAL_WARN_IF(!xCGContextHolder.isSet(), "vcl.quartz", "No context");

    const CGSize aNewSize = { static_cast<CGFloat>(nDX), static_cast<CGFloat>(nDY) };
    maLayer.set(CGLayerCreateWithContext(xCGContextHolder.get(), aNewSize, nullptr));

    if (maLayer.isSet() && mpGraphics)
        // get the matching Quartz context
        CGContextRef xDrawContext = CGLayerGetContext( maLayer.get() );
        mpGraphics->SetVirDevGraphics(maLayer.get(), xDrawContext, mnBitmapDepth);

    return maLayer.isSet();

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