/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

#include <sal/config.h>

#include <string_view>

#include <vcl/skia/SkiaHelper.hxx>


namespace SkiaHelper
bool isVCLSkiaEnabled() { return false; }

} // namespace


#include <rtl/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <desktop/crashreport.hxx>
#include <officecfg/Office/Common.hxx>
#include <watchdog.hxx>
#include <skia/zone.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <driverblocklist.hxx>
#include <skia/utils.hxx>
#include <config_folders.h>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <list>
#include <o3tl/lru_map.hxx>

#include <SkBitmap.h>
#include <SkCanvas.h>
#include <SkEncodedImageFormat.h>
#include <SkPaint.h>
#include <SkSurface.h>
#include <SkGraphics.h>
#include <GrDirectContext.h>
#include <SkRuntimeEffect.h>
#include <SkOpts_spi.h>
#include <skia_compiler.hxx>
#include <skia_opts.hxx>
#include <tools/sk_app/VulkanWindowContext.h>
#include <tools/sk_app/MetalWindowContext.h>
#include <fstream>

namespace SkiaHelper
static OUString getCacheFolder()
                 "/" SAL_CONFIGFILE("bootstrap") ":UserInstallation}/cache/");
    return url;

static void writeToLog(SvStream& stream, const char* key, const char* value)
    stream.WriteCharPtr(": ");

uint32_t vendorId = 0;

#ifdef SK_VULKAN
static void writeToLog(SvStream& stream, const char* key, std::u16string_view value)
    writeToLog(stream, key, OUStringToOString(value, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());

static OUString getDenylistFile()

    return url + "/skia/skia_denylist_vulkan.xml";

static uint32_t driverVersion = 0;

static OUString versionAsString(uint32_t version)
    return OUString::number(version >> 22) + "." + OUString::number((version >> 12) & 0x3ff) + "."
           + OUString::number(version & 0xfff);

static std::string_view vendorAsString(uint32_t vendor)
    return DriverBlocklist::GetVendorNameFromId(vendor);

// Note that this function also logs system information about Vulkan.
static bool isVulkanDenylisted(const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& props)
    static const char* const types[]
        = { "other", "integrated", "discrete", "virtual", "cpu", "??" }; // VkPhysicalDeviceType
    driverVersion = props.driverVersion;
    vendorId = props.vendorID;
    OUString vendorIdStr = "0x" + OUString::number(props.vendorID, 16);
    OUString deviceIdStr = "0x" + OUString::number(props.deviceID, 16);
    OUString driverVersionString = versionAsString(driverVersion);
    OUString apiVersion = versionAsString(props.apiVersion);
    const char* deviceType = types[std::min<unsigned>(props.deviceType, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(types) - 1)];

    CrashReporter::addKeyValue("VulkanVendor", vendorIdStr, CrashReporter::AddItem);
    CrashReporter::addKeyValue("VulkanDevice", deviceIdStr, CrashReporter::AddItem);
    CrashReporter::addKeyValue("VulkanAPI", apiVersion, CrashReporter::AddItem);
    CrashReporter::addKeyValue("VulkanDriver", driverVersionString, CrashReporter::AddItem);
    CrashReporter::addKeyValue("VulkanDeviceType", OUString::createFromAscii(deviceType),
    CrashReporter::addKeyValue("VulkanDeviceName", OUString::createFromAscii(props.deviceName),

    SvFileStream logFile(getCacheFolder() + "/skia.log", StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC);
    writeToLog(logFile, "RenderMethod", "vulkan");
    writeToLog(logFile, "Vendor", vendorIdStr);
    writeToLog(logFile, "Device", deviceIdStr);
    writeToLog(logFile, "API", apiVersion);
    writeToLog(logFile, "Driver", driverVersionString);
    writeToLog(logFile, "DeviceType", deviceType);
    writeToLog(logFile, "DeviceName", props.deviceName);

             "Vulkan API version: " << apiVersion << ", driver version: " << driverVersionString
                                    << ", vendor: " << vendorIdStr << " ("
                                    << vendorAsString(vendorId) << "), device: " << deviceIdStr
                                    << ", type: " << deviceType << ", name: " << props.deviceName);
    bool denylisted
        = DriverBlocklist::IsDeviceBlocked(getDenylistFile(), DriverBlocklist::VersionType::Vulkan,
                                           driverVersionString, vendorIdStr, deviceIdStr);
    writeToLog(logFile, "Denylisted", denylisted ? "yes" : "no");
    return denylisted;

#ifdef SK_METAL
static void writeSkiaMetalInfo()
    SvFileStream logFile(getCacheFolder() + "/skia.log", StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC);
    writeToLog(logFile, "RenderMethod", "metal");

static void writeSkiaRasterInfo()
    SvFileStream logFile(getCacheFolder() + "/skia.log", StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC);
    writeToLog(logFile, "RenderMethod", "raster");
    // Log compiler, Skia works best when compiled with Clang.
    writeToLog(logFile, "Compiler", skia_compiler_name());

#if defined(SK_VULKAN) || defined(SK_METAL)
static std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> getTemporaryWindowContext();

static void checkDeviceDenylisted(bool blockDisable = false)
    static bool done = false;
    if (done)

    SkiaZone zone;

    bool useRaster = false;
    switch (renderMethodToUse())
        case RenderVulkan:
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
            // First try if a GrDirectContext already exists.
            std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> temporaryWindowContext;
            GrDirectContext* grDirectContext
                = sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getSharedGrDirectContext();
            if (!grDirectContext)
                // This function is called from isVclSkiaEnabled(), which
                // may be called when deciding which X11 visual to use,
                // and that visual is normally needed when creating
                // Skia's VulkanWindowContext, which is needed for the GrDirectContext.
                // Avoid the loop by creating a temporary WindowContext
                // that will use the default X11 visual (that shouldn't matter
                // for just finding out information about Vulkan) and destroying
                // the temporary context will clean up again.
                temporaryWindowContext = getTemporaryWindowContext();
                grDirectContext = sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getSharedGrDirectContext();
            bool denylisted = true; // assume the worst
            if (grDirectContext) // Vulkan was initialized properly
                    = isVulkanDenylisted(sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getPhysDeviceProperties());
                SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Vulkan denylisted: " << denylisted);
                SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Vulkan could not be initialized");
            if (denylisted && !blockDisable)
                useRaster = true;
            SAL_WARN("vcl.skia", "Vulkan support not built in");
            useRaster = true;
        case RenderMetal:
#ifdef SK_METAL
            // First try if a GrDirectContext already exists.
            std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> temporaryWindowContext;
            GrDirectContext* grDirectContext = sk_app::getMetalSharedGrDirectContext();
            if (!grDirectContext)
                // Create a temporary window context just to get the GrDirectContext,
                // as an initial test of Metal functionality.
                temporaryWindowContext = getTemporaryWindowContext();
                grDirectContext = sk_app::getMetalSharedGrDirectContext();
            if (grDirectContext) // Metal was initialized properly
                // Try to assume Metal always works, given that Mac doesn't have such as wide range of HW vendors as PC.
                // If there turns out to be problems, handle it similarly to Vulkan.
                SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Using Skia Metal mode");
                SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Metal could not be initialized");
                useRaster = true;
            SAL_WARN("vcl.skia", "Metal support not built in");
            useRaster = true;
        case RenderRaster:
            useRaster = true;
    if (useRaster)
        SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Using Skia raster mode");
        // software, never denylisted
    done = true;

static bool skiaSupportedByBackend = false;
static bool supportsVCLSkia()
    if (!skiaSupportedByBackend)
        SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Skia not supported by VCL backend, disabling");
        return false;
    return getenv("SAL_DISABLESKIA") == nullptr;

static void initInternal();

bool isVCLSkiaEnabled()
     * The !bSet part should only be called once! Changing the results in the same
     * run will mix Skia and normal rendering.

    static bool bSet = false;
    static bool bEnable = false;
    static bool bForceSkia = false;

    // allow global disable when testing SystemPrimitiveRenderer since current Skia on Win does not
    // harmonize with using Direct2D and D2DPixelProcessor2D
    static const bool bTestSystemPrimitiveRenderer(
        nullptr != std::getenv("TEST_SYSTEM_PRIMITIVE_RENDERER"));
    if (bTestSystemPrimitiveRenderer)
        return false;

    // No hardware rendering, so no Skia
    // TODO SKIA
    if (Application::IsBitmapRendering())
        return false;

    if (bSet)
        return bForceSkia || bEnable;

     * There are a number of cases that these environment variables cover:
     *  * SAL_FORCESKIA forces Skia if disabled by UI options or denylisted
     *  * SAL_DISABLESKIA avoids the use of Skia regardless of any option

    bSet = true;
    bForceSkia = !!getenv("SAL_FORCESKIA") || officecfg::Office::Common::VCL::ForceSkia::get();

    bool bRet = false;
    bool bSupportsVCLSkia = supportsVCLSkia();
    if (bForceSkia && bSupportsVCLSkia)
        bRet = true;
        // don't actually block if denylisted, but log it if enabled, and also get the vendor id
    else if (getenv("SAL_FORCEGL"))
        // Skia usage is checked before GL usage, so if GL is forced (and Skia is not), do not
        // enable Skia in order to allow GL.
        bRet = false;
    else if (bSupportsVCLSkia)
        static bool bEnableSkiaEnv = !!getenv("SAL_ENABLESKIA");

        bEnable = bEnableSkiaEnv;

        if (officecfg::Office::Common::VCL::UseSkia::get())
            bEnable = true;

        // Force disable in safe mode
        if (Application::IsSafeModeEnabled())
            bEnable = false;

        if (bEnable)
            checkDeviceDenylisted(); // switch to raster if driver is denylisted

        bRet = bEnable;

    if (bRet)

    CrashReporter::addKeyValue("UseSkia", OUString::boolean(bRet), CrashReporter::Write);

    return bRet;

static RenderMethod methodToUse = RenderRaster;

static bool initRenderMethodToUse()
    if (const char* env = getenv("SAL_SKIA"))
        if (strcmp(env, "raster") == 0)
            methodToUse = RenderRaster;
            return true;
#ifdef MACOSX
        if (strcmp(env, "metal") == 0)
            methodToUse = RenderMetal;
            return true;
        if (strcmp(env, "vulkan") == 0)
            methodToUse = RenderVulkan;
            return true;
        SAL_WARN("vcl.skia", "Unrecognized value of SAL_SKIA");
    methodToUse = RenderRaster;
    if (officecfg::Office::Common::VCL::ForceSkiaRaster::get())
        return true;
#ifdef SK_METAL
    methodToUse = RenderMetal;
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
    methodToUse = RenderVulkan;
    return true;

RenderMethod renderMethodToUse()
    static bool methodToUseInited = initRenderMethodToUse();
    if (methodToUseInited) // Used just to ensure thread-safe one-time init.
        return methodToUse;

void disableRenderMethod(RenderMethod method)
    if (renderMethodToUse() != method)
    // Choose a fallback, right now always raster.
    methodToUse = RenderRaster;

// If needed, we'll allocate one extra window context so that we have a valid GrDirectContext
// from Vulkan/MetalWindowContext.
static std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> sharedWindowContext;

static std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> (*createGpuWindowContextFunction)(bool) = nullptr;
static void setCreateGpuWindowContext(std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> (*function)(bool))
    createGpuWindowContextFunction = function;

GrDirectContext* getSharedGrDirectContext()
    SkiaZone zone;
    assert(renderMethodToUse() != RenderRaster);
    if (sharedWindowContext)
        return sharedWindowContext->directContext();
    // TODO mutex?
    // Set up the shared GrDirectContext from Skia's (patched) Vulkan/MetalWindowContext, if it's been
    // already set up.
    switch (renderMethodToUse())
        case RenderVulkan:
#ifdef SK_VULKAN
            if (GrDirectContext* context = sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getSharedGrDirectContext())
                return context;
        case RenderMetal:
#ifdef SK_METAL
            if (GrDirectContext* context = sk_app::getMetalSharedGrDirectContext())
                return context;
        case RenderRaster:
    static bool done = false;
    if (done)
        return nullptr;
    done = true;
    if (createGpuWindowContextFunction == nullptr)
        return nullptr; // not initialized properly (e.g. used from a VCL backend with no Skia support)
    sharedWindowContext = createGpuWindowContextFunction(false);
    GrDirectContext* grDirectContext
        = sharedWindowContext ? sharedWindowContext->directContext() : nullptr;
    if (grDirectContext)
        return grDirectContext;
    SAL_WARN_IF(renderMethodToUse() == RenderVulkan, "vcl.skia",
                "Cannot create Vulkan GPU context, falling back to Raster");
    SAL_WARN_IF(renderMethodToUse() == RenderMetal, "vcl.skia",
                "Cannot create Metal GPU context, falling back to Raster");
    return nullptr;

#if defined(SK_VULKAN) || defined(SK_METAL)
static std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> getTemporaryWindowContext()
    if (createGpuWindowContextFunction == nullptr)
        return nullptr;
    return createGpuWindowContextFunction(true);

static RenderMethod renderMethodToUseForSize(const SkISize& size)
    // Do not use GPU for small surfaces. The problem is that due to the separate alpha hack
    // we quite often may call GetBitmap() on VirtualDevice, which is relatively slow
    // when the pixels need to be fetched from the GPU. And there are documents that use
    // many tiny surfaces (bsc#1183308 for example), where this slowness adds up too much.
    // This should be re-evaluated once the separate alpha hack is removed (SKIA_USE_BITMAP32)
    // and we no longer (hopefully) fetch pixels that often.
    if (size.width() <= 32 && size.height() <= 32)
        return RenderRaster;
    return renderMethodToUse();

sk_sp<SkSurface> createSkSurface(int width, int height, SkColorType type, SkAlphaType alpha)
    SkiaZone zone;
    assert(type == kN32_SkColorType || type == kAlpha_8_SkColorType);
    sk_sp<SkSurface> surface;
    switch (renderMethodToUseForSize({ width, height }))
        case RenderVulkan:
        case RenderMetal:
            if (GrDirectContext* grDirectContext = getSharedGrDirectContext())
                surface = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(grDirectContext, SkBudgeted::kNo,
                                                      SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, type, alpha),
                                                      0, surfaceProps());
                if (surface)
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
                    return surface;
                SAL_WARN_IF(renderMethodToUse() == RenderVulkan, "vcl.skia",
                            "Cannot create Vulkan GPU offscreen surface, falling back to Raster");
                SAL_WARN_IF(renderMethodToUse() == RenderMetal, "vcl.skia",
                            "Cannot create Metal GPU offscreen surface, falling back to Raster");
    // Create raster surface as a fallback.
    surface = SkSurface::MakeRaster(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, type, alpha), surfaceProps());
    if (surface)
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
        return surface;
    // In non-debug builds we could return SkSurface::MakeNull() and try to cope with the situation,
    // but that can lead to unnoticed data loss, so better fail clearly.

sk_sp<SkImage> createSkImage(const SkBitmap& bitmap)
    SkiaZone zone;
    assert(bitmap.colorType() == kN32_SkColorType || bitmap.colorType() == kAlpha_8_SkColorType);
    switch (renderMethodToUseForSize(bitmap.dimensions()))
        case RenderVulkan:
        case RenderMetal:
            if (GrDirectContext* grDirectContext = getSharedGrDirectContext())
                sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(
                    grDirectContext, SkBudgeted::kNo,
                    bitmap.info().makeAlphaType(kPremul_SkAlphaType), 0, surfaceProps());
                if (surface)
                    SkPaint paint;
                    paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc); // set as is, including alpha
                    surface->getCanvas()->drawImage(bitmap.asImage(), 0, 0, SkSamplingOptions(),
                    return makeCheckedImageSnapshot(surface);
                // Try to fall back in non-debug builds.
                SAL_WARN_IF(renderMethodToUse() == RenderVulkan, "vcl.skia",
                            "Cannot create Vulkan GPU offscreen surface, falling back to Raster");
                SAL_WARN_IF(renderMethodToUse() == RenderMetal, "vcl.skia",
                            "Cannot create Metal GPU offscreen surface, falling back to Raster");
    // Create raster image as a fallback.
    sk_sp<SkImage> image = SkImage::MakeFromBitmap(bitmap);
    return image;

sk_sp<SkImage> makeCheckedImageSnapshot(sk_sp<SkSurface> surface)
    sk_sp<SkImage> ret = surface->makeImageSnapshot();
    if (ret)
        return ret;

sk_sp<SkImage> makeCheckedImageSnapshot(sk_sp<SkSurface> surface, const SkIRect& bounds)
    sk_sp<SkImage> ret = surface->makeImageSnapshot(bounds);
    if (ret)
        return ret;

// Image cache, for saving results of complex operations such as drawTransformedBitmap().
struct ImageCacheItem
    OString key;
    sk_sp<SkImage> image;
    tools::Long size; // cost of the item
} //namespace

// LRU cache, last item is the least recently used. Hopefully there won't be that many items
// to require a hash/map. Using o3tl::lru_map would be simpler, but it doesn't support
// calculating cost of each item.
static std::list<ImageCacheItem> imageCache;
static tools::Long imageCacheSize = 0; // sum of all ImageCacheItem.size

void addCachedImage(const OString& key, sk_sp<SkImage> image)
    static bool disabled = getenv("SAL_DISABLE_SKIA_CACHE") != nullptr;
    if (disabled)
    tools::Long size = static_cast<tools::Long>(image->width()) * image->height()
                       * SkColorTypeBytesPerPixel(image->imageInfo().colorType());
    imageCache.push_front({ key, image, size });
    imageCacheSize += size;
    SAL_INFO("vcl.skia.trace", "addcachedimage " << image << " :" << size << "/" << imageCacheSize);
    const tools::Long maxSize = maxImageCacheSize();
    while (imageCacheSize > maxSize)
        imageCacheSize -= imageCache.back().size;
                 "least used removal " << imageCache.back().image << ":" << imageCache.back().size);

sk_sp<SkImage> findCachedImage(const OString& key)
    for (auto it = imageCache.begin(); it != imageCache.end(); ++it)
        if (it->key == key)
            sk_sp<SkImage> ret = it->image;
            SAL_INFO("vcl.skia.trace", "findcachedimage " << key << " : " << it->image << " found");
            imageCache.splice(imageCache.begin(), imageCache, it);
            return ret;
    SAL_INFO("vcl.skia.trace", "findcachedimage " << key << " not found");
    return nullptr;

void removeCachedImage(sk_sp<SkImage> image)
    for (auto it = imageCache.begin(); it != imageCache.end();)
        if (it->image == image)
            imageCacheSize -= it->size;
            assert(imageCacheSize >= 0);
            it = imageCache.erase(it);

tools::Long maxImageCacheSize()
    // Defaults to 4x 2000px 32bpp images, 64MiB.
    return officecfg::Office::Common::Cache::Skia::ImageCacheSize::get();

static o3tl::lru_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> checksumCache(256);

static uint32_t computeSkPixmapChecksum(const SkPixmap& pixmap)
    // Use uint32_t because that's what SkOpts::hash_fn() returns.
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<uint32_t, decltype(SkOpts::hash_fn(nullptr, 0, 0))>);
    const size_t dataRowBytes = pixmap.width() << pixmap.shiftPerPixel();
    if (dataRowBytes == pixmap.rowBytes())
        return SkOpts::hash_fn(pixmap.addr(), pixmap.height() * dataRowBytes, 0);
    uint32_t sum = 0;
    for (int row = 0; row < pixmap.height(); ++row)
        sum = SkOpts::hash_fn(pixmap.addr(0, row), dataRowBytes, sum);
    return sum;

uint32_t getSkImageChecksum(sk_sp<SkImage> image)
    // Cache the checksums based on the uniqueID() (which should stay the same
    // for the same image), because it may be still somewhat expensive.
    uint32_t id = image->uniqueID();
    auto it = checksumCache.find(id);
    if (it != checksumCache.end())
        return it->second;
    SkPixmap pixmap;
    if (!image->peekPixels(&pixmap))
        abort(); // Fetching of GPU-based pixels is expensive, and shouldn't(?) be needed anyway.
    uint32_t checksum = computeSkPixmapChecksum(pixmap);
    checksumCache.insert({ id, checksum });
    return checksum;

static sk_sp<SkBlender> invertBlender;
static sk_sp<SkBlender> xorBlender;

// This does the invert operation, i.e. result = color(255-R,255-G,255-B,A).
void setBlenderInvert(SkPaint* paint)
    if (!invertBlender)
        // Note that the colors are premultiplied, so '1 - dst.r' must be
        // written as 'dst.a - dst.r', since premultiplied R is in the range (0-A).
        const char* const diff = R"(
            vec4 main( vec4 src, vec4 dst )
                return vec4( dst.a - dst.r, dst.a - dst.g, dst.a - dst.b, dst.a );
        auto effect = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForBlender(SkString(diff));
        if (!effect.effect)
                     "SKRuntimeEffect::MakeForBlender failed: " << effect.errorText.c_str());
        invertBlender = effect.effect->makeBlender(nullptr);

// This does the xor operation, i.e. bitwise xor of RGB values of both colors.
void setBlenderXor(SkPaint* paint)
    if (!xorBlender)
        // Note that the colors are premultiplied, converting to 0-255 range
        // must also unpremultiply.
        const char* const diff = R"(
            vec4 main( vec4 src, vec4 dst )
                return vec4(
                    float(int(src.r * src.a * 255.0) ^ int(dst.r * dst.a * 255.0)) / 255.0 / dst.a,
                    float(int(src.g * src.a * 255.0) ^ int(dst.g * dst.a * 255.0)) / 255.0 / dst.a,
                    float(int(src.b * src.a * 255.0) ^ int(dst.b * dst.a * 255.0)) / 255.0 / dst.a,
                    dst.a );
        SkRuntimeEffect::Options opts;
        // Skia does not allow binary operators in the default ES2Strict mode, but that's only
        // because of OpenGL support. We don't use OpenGL, and it's safe for all modes that we do use.
        // https://groups.google.com/g/skia-discuss/c/EPLuQbg64Kc/m/2uDXFIGhAwAJ
        opts.enforceES2Restrictions = false;
        auto effect = SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForBlender(SkString(diff), opts);
        if (!effect.effect)
                     "SKRuntimeEffect::MakeForBlender failed: " << effect.errorText.c_str());
        xorBlender = effect.effect->makeBlender(nullptr);

static void initInternal()
    // Set up all things needed for using Skia.

void cleanup()
    imageCacheSize = 0;

static SkSurfaceProps commonSurfaceProps;
const SkSurfaceProps* surfaceProps() { return &commonSurfaceProps; }

void setPixelGeometry(SkPixelGeometry pixelGeometry)
    commonSurfaceProps = SkSurfaceProps(commonSurfaceProps.flags(), pixelGeometry);

// Skia should not be used from VCL backends that do not actually support it, as there will be setup missing.
// The code here (that is in the vcl lib) needs a function for creating Vulkan/Metal context that is
// usually available only in the backend libs.
void prepareSkia(std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> (*createGpuWindowContext)(bool))
    skiaSupportedByBackend = true;

void dump(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const char* file) { dump(SkImage::MakeFromBitmap(bitmap), file); }

void dump(const sk_sp<SkSurface>& surface, const char* file)
    dump(makeCheckedImageSnapshot(surface), file);

void dump(const sk_sp<SkImage>& image, const char* file)
    sk_sp<SkData> data = image->encodeToData(SkEncodedImageFormat::kPNG, 1);
    std::ofstream ostream(file, std::ios::binary);
    ostream.write(static_cast<const char*>(data->data()), data->size());

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
void prefillSurface(const sk_sp<SkSurface>& surface)
    // Pre-fill the surface with deterministic garbage.
    SkBitmap bitmap;
    bitmap.allocN32Pixels(2, 2);
    SkPMColor* scanline;
    scanline = bitmap.getAddr32(0, 0);
    *scanline++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0xBF, 0x80, 0x40);
    *scanline++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0x40, 0x80, 0xBF);
    scanline = bitmap.getAddr32(0, 1);
    *scanline++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0xE3, 0x5C, 0x13);
    *scanline++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0x13, 0x5C, 0xE3);
    SkPaint paint;
    paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc); // set as is, including alpha
        bitmap.makeShader(SkTileMode::kRepeat, SkTileMode::kRepeat, SkSamplingOptions()));

} // namespace


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