/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include <vcl/skia/SkiaHelper.hxx> #if !HAVE_FEATURE_SKIA namespace SkiaHelper { bool isVCLSkiaEnabled() { return false; } } // namespace #else #include <rtl/bootstrap.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <desktop/crashreport.hxx> #include <officecfg/Office/Common.hxx> #include <watchdog.hxx> #include <skia/zone.hxx> #include <sal/log.hxx> #include <driverblocklist.hxx> #include <skia/utils.hxx> #include <config_folders.h> #include <SkSurface.h> #ifdef DBG_UTIL #include <fstream> #endif namespace SkiaHelper { uint32_t vendorId = 0; static OUString getBlacklistFile() { OUString url("$BRAND_BASE_DIR/" LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER); rtl::Bootstrap::expandMacros(url); return url + "/skia/skia_blacklist_vulkan.xml"; } static bool isVulkanBlacklisted(const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties& props) { static const char* const types[] = { "other", "integrated", "discrete", "virtual", "cpu", "??" }; // VkPhysicalDeviceType OUString driverVersion = OUString::number(props.driverVersion >> 22) + "." + OUString::number((props.driverVersion >> 12) & 0x3ff) + "." + OUString::number(props.driverVersion & 0xfff); vendorId = props.vendorID; OUString vendorIdStr = "0x" + OUString::number(props.vendorID, 16); OUString deviceIdStr = "0x" + OUString::number(props.deviceID, 16); SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Vulkan API version: " << (props.apiVersion >> 22) << "." << ((props.apiVersion >> 12) & 0x3ff) << "." << (props.apiVersion & 0xfff) << ", driver version: " << driverVersion << ", vendor: " << vendorIdStr << ", device: " << deviceIdStr << ", type: " << types[std::min<unsigned>(props.deviceType, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(types) - 1)] << ", name: " << props.deviceName); return DriverBlocklist::IsDeviceBlocked(getBlacklistFile(), driverVersion, vendorIdStr, deviceIdStr); } static sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::SharedGrContext getTemporaryGrContext(); static void checkDeviceBlacklisted(bool blockDisable = false) { static bool done = false; if (!done) { SkiaZone zone; switch (renderMethodToUse()) { case RenderVulkan: { // First try if a GrContext already exists. sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::SharedGrContext grContext = sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getSharedGrContext(); if (!grContext.getGrContext()) { // This function is called from isVclSkiaEnabled(), which // may be called when deciding which X11 visual to use, // and that visual is normally needed when creating // Skia's VulkanWindowContext, which is needed for the GrContext. // Avoid the loop by creating a temporary GrContext // that will use the default X11 visual (that shouldn't matter // for just finding out information about Vulkan) and destroying // the temporary context will clean up again. grContext = getTemporaryGrContext(); } bool blacklisted = true; // assume the worst if (grContext.getGrContext()) // Vulkan was initialized properly { blacklisted = isVulkanBlacklisted( sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getPhysDeviceProperties()); SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Vulkan blacklisted: " << blacklisted); } else SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Vulkan could not be initialized"); if (blacklisted && !blockDisable) disableRenderMethod(RenderVulkan); break; } case RenderRaster: SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Using Skia raster mode"); return; // software, never blacklisted } done = true; } } static bool skiaSupportedByBackend = false; static bool supportsVCLSkia() { if (!skiaSupportedByBackend) { SAL_INFO("vcl.skia", "Skia not supported by VCL backend, disabling"); return false; } return getenv("SAL_DISABLESKIA") == nullptr; } bool isVCLSkiaEnabled() { /** * The !bSet part should only be called once! Changing the results in the same * run will mix Skia and normal rendering. */ static bool bSet = false; static bool bEnable = false; static bool bForceSkia = false; // No hardware rendering, so no Skia // TODO SKIA if (Application::IsBitmapRendering()) return false; if (bSet) { return bForceSkia || bEnable; } /* * There are a number of cases that these environment variables cover: * * SAL_FORCESKIA forces Skia independent of any other option * * SAL_DISABLESKIA avoids the use of Skia if SAL_FORCESKIA is not set */ bSet = true; bForceSkia = !!getenv("SAL_FORCESKIA") || officecfg::Office::Common::VCL::ForceSkia::get(); bool bRet = false; bool bSupportsVCLSkia = supportsVCLSkia(); if (bForceSkia) { bRet = true; // don't actually block if blacklisted, but log it if enabled, and also get the vendor id checkDeviceBlacklisted(true); } else if (getenv("SAL_FORCEGL")) { // Skia usage is checked before GL usage, so if GL is forced (and Skia is not), do not // enable Skia in order to allow GL. bRet = false; } else if (bSupportsVCLSkia) { static bool bEnableSkiaEnv = !!getenv("SAL_ENABLESKIA"); bEnable = bEnableSkiaEnv; if (officecfg::Office::Common::VCL::UseSkia::get()) bEnable = true; // Force disable in safe mode if (Application::IsSafeModeEnabled()) bEnable = false; if (bEnable) checkDeviceBlacklisted(); // switch to raster if driver is blacklisted bRet = bEnable; } if (bRet) WatchdogThread::start(); CrashReporter::addKeyValue("UseSkia", OUString::boolean(bRet), CrashReporter::Write); return bRet; } static RenderMethod methodToUse = RenderRaster; static bool initRenderMethodToUse() { if (const char* env = getenv("SAL_SKIA")) { if (strcmp(env, "raster") == 0) { methodToUse = RenderRaster; return true; } if (strcmp(env, "vulkan") == 0) { methodToUse = RenderVulkan; return true; } SAL_WARN("vcl.skia", "Unrecognized value of SAL_SKIA"); abort(); } if (officecfg::Office::Common::VCL::ForceSkiaRaster::get()) { methodToUse = RenderRaster; return true; } methodToUse = RenderVulkan; return true; } RenderMethod renderMethodToUse() { static bool methodToUseInited = initRenderMethodToUse(); if (methodToUseInited) // Used just to ensure thread-safe one-time init. return methodToUse; abort(); } void disableRenderMethod(RenderMethod method) { if (renderMethodToUse() != method) return; // Choose a fallback, right now always raster. methodToUse = RenderRaster; } static sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::SharedGrContext* sharedGrContext; static std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> (*createVulkanWindowContextFunction)(bool) = nullptr; static void setCreateVulkanWindowContext(std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> (*function)(bool)) { createVulkanWindowContextFunction = function; } GrContext* getSharedGrContext() { SkiaZone zone; assert(renderMethodToUse() == RenderVulkan); if (sharedGrContext) return sharedGrContext->getGrContext(); // TODO mutex? // Set up the shared GrContext from Skia's (patched) VulkanWindowContext, if it's been // already set up. sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::SharedGrContext context = sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getSharedGrContext(); GrContext* grContext = context.getGrContext(); if (grContext) { sharedGrContext = new sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::SharedGrContext(context); return grContext; } static bool done = false; if (done) return nullptr; done = true; if (createVulkanWindowContextFunction == nullptr) return nullptr; // not initialized properly (e.g. used from a VCL backend with no Skia support) std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> tmpContext = createVulkanWindowContextFunction(false); // Set up using the shared context created by the call above, if successful. context = sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getSharedGrContext(); grContext = context.getGrContext(); if (grContext) { sharedGrContext = new sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::SharedGrContext(context); return grContext; } disableRenderMethod(RenderVulkan); return nullptr; } static sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::SharedGrContext getTemporaryGrContext() { if (createVulkanWindowContextFunction == nullptr) return sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::SharedGrContext(); std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> tmpContext = createVulkanWindowContextFunction(true); // Set up using the shared context created by the call above, if successful. return sk_app::VulkanWindowContext::getSharedGrContext(); } sk_sp<SkSurface> createSkSurface(int width, int height, SkColorType type) { SkiaZone zone; assert(type == kN32_SkColorType || type == kAlpha_8_SkColorType); sk_sp<SkSurface> surface; switch (SkiaHelper::renderMethodToUse()) { case SkiaHelper::RenderVulkan: { if (GrContext* grContext = getSharedGrContext()) { surface = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget( grContext, SkBudgeted::kNo, SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, type, kPremul_SkAlphaType)); assert(surface); #ifdef DBG_UTIL prefillSurface(surface); #endif return surface; } break; } default: break; } // Create raster surface as a fallback. surface = SkSurface::MakeRaster(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, type, kPremul_SkAlphaType)); assert(surface); #ifdef DBG_UTIL prefillSurface(surface); #endif return surface; } void cleanup() { delete sharedGrContext; sharedGrContext = nullptr; } // Skia should not be used from VCL backends that do not actually support it, as there will be setup missing. // The code here (that is in the vcl lib) needs a function for creating Vulkan context that is // usually available only in the backend libs. void prepareSkia(std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> (*createVulkanWindowContext)(bool)) { setCreateVulkanWindowContext(createVulkanWindowContext); skiaSupportedByBackend = true; } #ifdef DBG_UTIL void prefillSurface(sk_sp<SkSurface>& surface) { // Pre-fill the surface with deterministic garbage. SkBitmap bitmap; bitmap.allocN32Pixels(2, 2); SkPMColor* scanline; scanline = bitmap.getAddr32(0, 0); *scanline++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0xBF, 0x80, 0x40); *scanline++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0x40, 0x80, 0xBF); scanline = bitmap.getAddr32(0, 1); *scanline++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0xE3, 0x5C, 0x13); *scanline++ = SkPreMultiplyARGB(0xFF, 0x13, 0x5C, 0xE3); bitmap.setImmutable(); SkPaint paint; paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc); // set as is, including alpha paint.setShader(bitmap.makeShader(SkTileMode::kRepeat, SkTileMode::kRepeat)); surface->getCanvas()->drawPaint(paint); } void dump(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const char* file) { dump(SkImage::MakeFromBitmap(bitmap), file); } void dump(const sk_sp<SkSurface>& surface, const char* file) { surface->getCanvas()->flush(); dump(surface->makeImageSnapshot(), file); } void dump(const sk_sp<SkImage>& image, const char* file) { sk_sp<SkData> data = image->encodeToData(); std::ofstream ostream(file, std::ios::binary); ostream.write(static_cast<const char*>(data->data()), data->size()); } #endif } // namespace #endif // HAVE_FEATURE_SKIA /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */