/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_vcl.hxx" #include "vcl/svdata.hxx" #include "vcl/window.hxx" #include "vcl/event.hxx" #include "vcl/svapp.hxx" #include "vcl/wrkwin.hxx" #include "vcl/help.hxx" #include "vcl/helpwin.hxx" #include "tools/debug.hxx" #include "tools/time.hxx" // ======================================================================= #define HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK 0 #define HELPWINSTYLE_BALLOON 1 #define HELPTEXTMARGIN_QUICK 3 #define HELPTEXTMARGIN_BALLOON 6 #define HELPDELAY_NORMAL 1 #define HELPDELAY_SHORT 2 #define HELPDELAY_NONE 3 // ======================================================================= Help::Help() { } Help::~Help() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::Start( ULONG, const Window* ) { return FALSE; } void Help::OpenHelpAgent( ULONG ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::Start( const XubString&, const Window* ) { return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString Help::GetHelpText( ULONG, const Window* ) { return ImplGetSVEmptyStr(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString Help::GetHelpText( const String&, const Window* ) { return ImplGetSVEmptyStr(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::EnableContextHelp() { ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbContextHelp = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::DisableContextHelp() { ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbContextHelp = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::IsContextHelpEnabled() { return ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbContextHelp; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::StartContextHelp() { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if ( pSVData->maHelpData.mbContextHelp ) { Window* pWindow = pSVData->maWinData.mpFocusWin; if ( pWindow ) { Point aMousePos = pWindow->OutputToScreenPixel( pWindow->GetPointerPosPixel() ); HelpEvent aHelpEvent( aMousePos, HELPMODE_CONTEXT ); pWindow->RequestHelp( aHelpEvent ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::EnableExtHelp() { ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbExtHelp = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::DisableExtHelp() { ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbExtHelp = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::IsExtHelpEnabled() { return ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbExtHelp; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::StartExtHelp() { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if ( pSVData->maHelpData.mbExtHelp && !pSVData->maHelpData.mbExtHelpMode ) { pSVData->maHelpData.mbExtHelpMode = TRUE; pSVData->maHelpData.mbOldBalloonMode = pSVData->maHelpData.mbBalloonHelp; pSVData->maHelpData.mbBalloonHelp = TRUE; if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpAppWin ) pSVData->maWinData.mpAppWin->ImplGenerateMouseMove(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::EndExtHelp() { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if ( pSVData->maHelpData.mbExtHelp && pSVData->maHelpData.mbExtHelpMode ) { pSVData->maHelpData.mbExtHelpMode = FALSE; pSVData->maHelpData.mbBalloonHelp = pSVData->maHelpData.mbOldBalloonMode; if ( pSVData->maWinData.mpAppWin ) pSVData->maWinData.mpAppWin->ImplGenerateMouseMove(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::IsExtHelpActive() { return ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbExtHelpMode; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::EnableBalloonHelp() { ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbBalloonHelp = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::DisableBalloonHelp() { ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbBalloonHelp = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::IsBalloonHelpEnabled() { return ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbBalloonHelp; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::ShowBalloon( Window* pParent, const Point& rScreenPos, const XubString& rHelpText ) { ImplShowHelpWindow( pParent, HELPWINSTYLE_BALLOON, 0, rHelpText, ImplGetSVEmptyStr(), rScreenPos ); return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::ShowBalloon( Window* pParent, const Point& rScreenPos, const Rectangle& rRect, const XubString& rHelpText ) { ImplShowHelpWindow( pParent, HELPWINSTYLE_BALLOON, 0, rHelpText, ImplGetSVEmptyStr(), rScreenPos, &rRect ); return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::EnableQuickHelp() { ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbQuickHelp = TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::DisableQuickHelp() { ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbQuickHelp = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::IsQuickHelpEnabled() { return ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbQuickHelp; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Help::ShowQuickHelp( Window* pParent, const Rectangle& rScreenRect, const XubString& rHelpText, const XubString& rLongHelpText, USHORT nStyle ) { ImplShowHelpWindow( pParent, HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK, nStyle, rHelpText, rLongHelpText, pParent->OutputToScreenPixel( pParent->GetPointerPosPixel() ), &rScreenRect ); return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG Help::ShowTip( Window* pParent, const Rectangle& rRect, const XubString& rText, USHORT nStyle ) { USHORT nHelpWinStyle = HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK; HelpTextWindow* pHelpWin = new HelpTextWindow( pParent, rText, nHelpWinStyle, nStyle ); Size aSz = pHelpWin->CalcOutSize(); pHelpWin->SetOutputSizePixel( aSz ); ImplSetHelpWindowPos( pHelpWin, nHelpWinStyle, nStyle, pParent->OutputToScreenPixel( pParent->GetPointerPosPixel() ), &rRect ); pHelpWin->ShowHelp( HELPDELAY_NONE ); return (ULONG)pHelpWin; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help::HideTip( ULONG nId ) { HelpTextWindow* pHelpWin = (HelpTextWindow*)nId; Window* pFrameWindow = pHelpWin->ImplGetFrameWindow(); pHelpWin->Hide(); // Update ausloesen, damit ein Paint sofort ausgeloest wird, da // wir den Hintergrund nicht sichern pFrameWindow->ImplUpdateAll(); delete pHelpWin; ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mnLastHelpHideTime = Time::GetSystemTicks(); } // ======================================================================= HelpTextWindow::HelpTextWindow( Window* pParent, const XubString& rText, USHORT nHelpWinStyle, USHORT nStyle ) : //FloatingWindow( pParent->ImplGetFrameWindow(), WB_SYSTEMWINDOW ), FloatingWindow( pParent, WB_SYSTEMWINDOW|WB_TOOLTIPWIN ), // #105827# if we change the parent, mirroring will not work correctly when positioning this window maHelpText( rText ) { SetType( WINDOW_HELPTEXTWINDOW ); ImplSetMouseTransparent( TRUE ); mnHelpWinStyle = nHelpWinStyle; mnStyle = nStyle; // on windows this will raise the application window, because help windows are system windows now // EnableAlwaysOnTop(); EnableSaveBackground(); const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); SetPointFont( rStyleSettings.GetHelpFont() ); SetTextColor( rStyleSettings.GetHelpTextColor() ); SetTextAlign( ALIGN_TOP ); if ( IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_TOOLTIP, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL ) ) { EnableChildTransparentMode( TRUE ); SetParentClipMode( PARENTCLIPMODE_NOCLIP ); SetPaintTransparent( TRUE ); SetBackground(); } else SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetHelpColor() ) ); if( rStyleSettings.GetHelpColor().IsDark() ) SetLineColor( COL_WHITE ); else SetLineColor( COL_BLACK ); SetFillColor(); if( mnStyle & QUICKHELP_BIDI_RTL ) { ULONG nLayoutMode = GetLayoutMode(); nLayoutMode |= TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL | TEXT_LAYOUT_TEXTORIGIN_LEFT; SetLayoutMode( nLayoutMode ); } SetHelpText( rText ); Window::SetHelpText( rText ); ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if ( pSVData->maHelpData.mbSetKeyboardHelp ) pSVData->maHelpData.mbKeyboardHelp = TRUE; const HelpSettings& rHelpSettings = pParent->GetSettings().GetHelpSettings(); maShowTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, HelpTextWindow, TimerHdl ) ); maHideTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, HelpTextWindow, TimerHdl ) ); maHideTimer.SetTimeout( rHelpSettings.GetTipTimeout() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HelpTextWindow::~HelpTextWindow() { maShowTimer.Stop(); maHideTimer.Stop(); if( this == ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mpHelpWin ) ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mpHelpWin = NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HelpTextWindow::SetHelpText( const String& rHelpText ) { maHelpText = rHelpText; if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK ) { Size aSize; aSize.Height() = GetTextHeight(); if ( mnStyle & QUICKHELP_CTRLTEXT ) aSize.Width() = GetCtrlTextWidth( maHelpText ); else aSize.Width() = GetTextWidth( maHelpText ); maTextRect = Rectangle( Point( HELPTEXTMARGIN_QUICK, HELPTEXTMARGIN_QUICK ), aSize ); } else // HELPWINSTYLE_BALLOON { Point aTmpPoint; USHORT nCharsInLine = 35 + ((maHelpText.Len()/100)*5); XubString aXXX; aXXX.Fill( nCharsInLine, 'x' ); // Durchschnittliche Breite, damit nicht jedes Fenster anders. long nWidth = GetTextWidth( aXXX ); Size aTmpSize( nWidth, 0x7FFFFFFF ); Rectangle aTry1( aTmpPoint, aTmpSize ); USHORT nDrawFlags = TEXT_DRAW_MULTILINE | TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK | TEXT_DRAW_LEFT | TEXT_DRAW_TOP; if ( mnStyle & QUICKHELP_CTRLTEXT ) nDrawFlags |= TEXT_DRAW_MNEMONIC; Rectangle aTextRect = GetTextRect( aTry1, maHelpText, nDrawFlags ); // Spaeter mal eine geeignete Breite ermitteln... maTextRect = aTextRect; // Sicherheitsabstand... maTextRect.SetPos( Point( HELPTEXTMARGIN_BALLOON, HELPTEXTMARGIN_BALLOON ) ); } Size aSize( CalcOutSize() ); SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HelpTextWindow::ImplShow() { ImplDelData aDogTag( this ); Show( TRUE, SHOW_NOACTIVATE ); if( !aDogTag.IsDelete() ) Update(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HelpTextWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& ) { // paint native background bool bNativeOK = false; if ( IsNativeControlSupported( CTRL_TOOLTIP, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL ) ) { // #i46472# workaround gcc3.3 temporary problem Rectangle aCtrlRegion( Point( 0, 0 ), GetOutputSizePixel() ); ImplControlValue aControlValue; bNativeOK = DrawNativeControl( CTRL_TOOLTIP, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL, aCtrlRegion, 0, aControlValue, rtl::OUString() ); } // paint text if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK ) { if ( mnStyle & QUICKHELP_CTRLTEXT ) DrawCtrlText( maTextRect.TopLeft(), maHelpText ); else DrawText( maTextRect.TopLeft(), maHelpText ); } else // HELPWINSTYLE_BALLOON { USHORT nDrawFlags = TEXT_DRAW_MULTILINE|TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK| TEXT_DRAW_LEFT|TEXT_DRAW_TOP; if ( mnStyle & QUICKHELP_CTRLTEXT ) nDrawFlags |= TEXT_DRAW_MNEMONIC; DrawText( maTextRect, maHelpText, nDrawFlags ); } // border if( ! bNativeOK ) { Size aSz = GetOutputSizePixel(); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point(), aSz ) ); if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_BALLOON ) { aSz.Width() -= 2; aSz.Height() -= 2; Color aColor( GetLineColor() ); SetLineColor( ( COL_GRAY ) ); DrawRect( Rectangle( Point( 1, 1 ), aSz ) ); SetLineColor( aColor ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HelpTextWindow::ShowHelp( USHORT nDelayMode ) { ULONG nTimeout = 0; if ( nDelayMode != HELPDELAY_NONE ) { // Im ExtendedHelp-Fall die Hilfe schneller anzeigen if ( ImplGetSVData()->maHelpData.mbExtHelpMode ) nTimeout = 15; else { const HelpSettings& rHelpSettings = GetSettings().GetHelpSettings(); if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK ) nTimeout = rHelpSettings.GetTipDelay(); else nTimeout = rHelpSettings.GetBalloonDelay(); } if ( nDelayMode == HELPDELAY_SHORT ) nTimeout /= 3; } maShowTimer.SetTimeout( nTimeout ); maShowTimer.Start(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( HelpTextWindow, TimerHdl, Timer*, pTimer) { if ( pTimer == &maShowTimer ) { if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK ) { // start auto-hide-timer for non-ShowTip windows ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if ( this == pSVData->maHelpData.mpHelpWin ) maHideTimer.Start(); } ImplShow(); } else { DBG_ASSERT( pTimer == &maHideTimer, "HelpTextWindow::TimerHdl with bad Timer" ); ImplDestroyHelpWindow( true ); } return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size HelpTextWindow::CalcOutSize() const { Size aSz = maTextRect.GetSize(); aSz.Width() += 2*maTextRect.Left(); aSz.Height() += 2*maTextRect.Top(); return aSz; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HelpTextWindow::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& /*rHEvt*/ ) { // Nur damit nicht von Window::RequestHelp() ein // ShowQuickHelp/ShowBalloonHelp am HelpTextWindow aufgerufen wird. } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- String HelpTextWindow::GetText() const { return maHelpText; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > HelpTextWindow::CreateAccessible() { return FloatingWindow::CreateAccessible(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL HelpTextWindow::RegisterAccessibleParent() { return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void HelpTextWindow::RevokeAccessibleParent() { } // ======================================================================= void ImplShowHelpWindow( Window* pParent, USHORT nHelpWinStyle, USHORT nStyle, const XubString& rHelpText, const XubString& rStatusText, const Point& rScreenPos, const Rectangle* pHelpArea ) { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if( !rHelpText.Len() && !pSVData->maHelpData.mbRequestingHelp ) return; HelpTextWindow* pHelpWin = pSVData->maHelpData.mpHelpWin; USHORT nDelayMode = HELPDELAY_NORMAL; if ( pHelpWin ) { DBG_ASSERT( pHelpWin != pParent, "HelpInHelp ?!" ); if ( (( pHelpWin->GetHelpText() != rHelpText ) || ( pHelpWin->GetWinStyle() != nHelpWinStyle ) || ( pHelpArea && ( pHelpWin->GetHelpArea() != *pHelpArea ) ) ) && pSVData->maHelpData.mbRequestingHelp ) { // remove help window if no HelpText or other HelpText or // other help mode. but keep it if we are scrolling, ie not requesting help bool bWasVisible = pHelpWin->IsVisible(); if ( bWasVisible ) nDelayMode = HELPDELAY_NONE; // display it quickly if we were already in quick help mode pHelpWin = NULL; ImplDestroyHelpWindow( bWasVisible ); } else { bool bTextChanged = rHelpText != pHelpWin->GetHelpText(); if( bTextChanged ) { Window * pWindow = pHelpWin->GetParent()->ImplGetFrameWindow(); Rectangle aInvRect( pHelpWin->GetWindowExtentsRelative( pWindow ) ); if( pHelpWin->IsVisible() ) pWindow->Invalidate( aInvRect ); pHelpWin->SetHelpText( rHelpText ); // approach mouse position ImplSetHelpWindowPos( pHelpWin, nHelpWinStyle, nStyle, rScreenPos, pHelpArea ); if( pHelpWin->IsVisible() ) pHelpWin->Invalidate(); } } } if ( !pHelpWin && rHelpText.Len() ) { ULONG nCurTime = Time::GetSystemTicks(); if( (nCurTime - pSVData->maHelpData.mnLastHelpHideTime) < pParent->GetSettings().GetHelpSettings().GetTipDelay() ) nDelayMode = HELPDELAY_NONE; DBG_ASSERT( !pHelpWin, "Noch ein HelpWin ?!" ); pHelpWin = new HelpTextWindow( pParent, rHelpText, nHelpWinStyle, nStyle ); pSVData->maHelpData.mpHelpWin = pHelpWin; pHelpWin->SetStatusText( rStatusText ); if ( pHelpArea ) pHelpWin->SetHelpArea( *pHelpArea ); // positioning Size aSz = pHelpWin->CalcOutSize(); pHelpWin->SetOutputSizePixel( aSz ); ImplSetHelpWindowPos( pHelpWin, nHelpWinStyle, nStyle, rScreenPos, pHelpArea ); // if not called from Window::RequestHelp, then without delay... if ( !pSVData->maHelpData.mbRequestingHelp ) nDelayMode = HELPDELAY_NONE; pHelpWin->ShowHelp( nDelayMode ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplDestroyHelpWindow( bool bUpdateHideTime ) { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); HelpTextWindow* pHelpWin = pSVData->maHelpData.mpHelpWin; if ( pHelpWin ) { Window * pWindow = pHelpWin->GetParent()->ImplGetFrameWindow(); // find out screen area covered by system help window Rectangle aInvRect( pHelpWin->GetWindowExtentsRelative( pWindow ) ); if( pHelpWin->IsVisible() ) pWindow->Invalidate( aInvRect ); pSVData->maHelpData.mpHelpWin = NULL; pSVData->maHelpData.mbKeyboardHelp = FALSE; pHelpWin->Hide(); delete pHelpWin; if( bUpdateHideTime ) pSVData->maHelpData.mnLastHelpHideTime = Time::GetSystemTicks(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImplSetHelpWindowPos( Window* pHelpWin, USHORT nHelpWinStyle, USHORT nStyle, const Point& rPos, const Rectangle* pHelpArea ) { Point aPos = rPos; Size aSz = pHelpWin->GetSizePixel(); Rectangle aScreenRect = pHelpWin->ImplGetFrameWindow()->GetDesktopRectPixel(); aPos = pHelpWin->GetParent()->ImplGetFrameWindow()->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPos ); // get mouse screen coords Point mPos( pHelpWin->GetParent()->ImplGetFrameWindow()->GetPointerPosPixel() ); mPos = pHelpWin->GetParent()->ImplGetFrameWindow()->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( mPos ); if ( nHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK ) { if ( !(nStyle & QUICKHELP_NOAUTOPOS) ) { long nScreenHeight = aScreenRect.GetHeight(); aPos.X() -= 4; if ( aPos.Y() > aScreenRect.Top()+nScreenHeight-(nScreenHeight/4) ) aPos.Y() -= aSz.Height()+4; else aPos.Y() += 21; } } else { // If it's the mouse position, move the window slightly // so the mouse pointer does not cover it if ( aPos == mPos ) { aPos.X() += 12; aPos.Y() += 16; } } if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_NOAUTOPOS ) { if ( pHelpArea ) { // convert help area to screen coords Rectangle devHelpArea( pHelpWin->GetParent()->ImplGetFrameWindow()->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( pHelpArea->TopLeft() ), pHelpWin->GetParent()->ImplGetFrameWindow()->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( pHelpArea->BottomRight() ) ); // Welche Position vom Rechteck? aPos = devHelpArea.Center(); if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_LEFT ) aPos.X() = devHelpArea.Left(); else if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_RIGHT ) aPos.X() = devHelpArea.Right(); if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_TOP ) aPos.Y() = devHelpArea.Top(); else if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_BOTTOM ) aPos.Y() = devHelpArea.Bottom(); } // Welche Richtung? if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_LEFT ) ; else if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_RIGHT ) aPos.X() -= aSz.Width(); else aPos.X() -= aSz.Width()/2; if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_TOP ) ; else if ( nStyle & QUICKHELP_BOTTOM ) aPos.Y() -= aSz.Height(); else aPos.Y() -= aSz.Height()/2; } if ( aPos.X() < aScreenRect.Left() ) aPos.X() = aScreenRect.Left(); else if ( ( aPos.X() + aSz.Width() ) > aScreenRect.Right() ) aPos.X() = aScreenRect.Right() - aSz.Width(); if ( aPos.Y() < aScreenRect.Top() ) aPos.Y() = aScreenRect.Top(); else if ( ( aPos.Y() + aSz.Height() ) > aScreenRect.Bottom() ) aPos.Y() = aScreenRect.Bottom() - aSz.Height(); if( ! (nStyle & QUICKHELP_NOEVADEPOINTER) ) { /* the remark below should be obsolete by now as the helpwindow should not be focusable, leaving it as a hint. However it is sensible in most conditions to evade the mouse pointer so the content window is fully visible. // the popup must not appear under the mouse // otherwise it would directly be closed due to a focus change... */ Rectangle aHelpRect( aPos, aSz ); if( aHelpRect.IsInside( mPos ) ) { Point delta(2,2); Point pSize( aSz.Width(), aSz.Height() ); Point pTest( mPos - pSize - delta ); if( pTest.X() > aScreenRect.Left() && pTest.Y() > aScreenRect.Top() ) aPos = pTest; else aPos = mPos + delta; } } Window* pWindow = pHelpWin->GetParent()->ImplGetFrameWindow(); aPos = pWindow->AbsoluteScreenToOutputPixel( aPos ); pHelpWin->SetPosPixel( aPos ); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */