 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"

#include <tools/time.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>

#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/timer.hxx>

#include <saltimer.hxx>
#include <svdata.hxx>
#include <salinst.hxx>

// =======================================================================

#define MAX_TIMER_PERIOD    ((sal_uLong)0xFFFFFFFF)

// ---------------------
// - TimeManager-Types -
// ---------------------

struct ImplTimerData
    ImplTimerData*  mpNext;         // Pointer to the next Instance
    Timer*          mpSVTimer;      // Pointer to SV Timer instance
    sal_uLong           mnUpdateTime;   // Last Update Time
    sal_uLong           mnTimerUpdate;  // TimerCallbackProcs on stack
    sal_Bool            mbDelete;       // Wurde Timer waehren Update() geloescht
    sal_Bool            mbInTimeout;    // Befinden wir uns im Timeout-Handler

// =======================================================================

void Timer::ImplDeInitTimer()
    ImplSVData*     pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
    ImplTimerData*  pTimerData = pSVData->mpFirstTimerData;

    if ( pTimerData )
            ImplTimerData* pTempTimerData = pTimerData;
            if ( pTimerData->mpSVTimer )
                pTimerData->mpSVTimer->mbActive = sal_False;
                pTimerData->mpSVTimer->mpTimerData = NULL;
            pTimerData = pTimerData->mpNext;
            delete pTempTimerData;
        while ( pTimerData );

        pSVData->mpFirstTimerData   = NULL;
        pSVData->mnTimerPeriod      = 0;
        delete pSVData->mpSalTimer;
        pSVData->mpSalTimer = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

static void ImplStartTimer( ImplSVData* pSVData, sal_uLong nMS )
    if ( !nMS )
        nMS = 1;

    if ( nMS != pSVData->mnTimerPeriod )
        pSVData->mnTimerPeriod = nMS;
        pSVData->mpSalTimer->Start( nMS );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void Timer::ImplTimerCallbackProc()
    ImplSVData*     pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
    ImplTimerData*  pTimerData;
    ImplTimerData*  pPrevTimerData;
    sal_uLong           nMinPeriod = MAX_TIMER_PERIOD;
    sal_uLong           nDeltaTime;
    sal_uLong           nTime = Time::GetSystemTicks();

    if ( pSVData->mbNoCallTimer )

    pSVData->mbNotAllTimerCalled = sal_True;

    // Suche Timer raus, wo der Timeout-Handler gerufen werden muss
    pTimerData = pSVData->mpFirstTimerData;
    while ( pTimerData )
        // Wenn Timer noch nicht neu ist und noch nicht geloescht wurde
        // und er sich nicht im Timeout-Handler befindet,
        // dann den Handler rufen, wenn die Zeit abgelaufen ist
        if ( (pTimerData->mnTimerUpdate < pSVData->mnTimerUpdate) &&
             !pTimerData->mbDelete && !pTimerData->mbInTimeout )
            // Zeit abgelaufen
            if ( (pTimerData->mnUpdateTime+pTimerData->mpSVTimer->mnTimeout) <= nTime )
                // Neue Updatezeit setzen
                pTimerData->mnUpdateTime = nTime;

                // kein AutoTimer, dann anhalten
                if ( !pTimerData->mpSVTimer->mbAuto )
                    pTimerData->mpSVTimer->mbActive = sal_False;
                    pTimerData->mbDelete = sal_True;

                // call Timeout
                pTimerData->mbInTimeout = sal_True;
                pTimerData->mbInTimeout = sal_False;

        pTimerData = pTimerData->mpNext;

    // Neue Zeit ermitteln
    sal_uLong nNewTime = Time::GetSystemTicks();
    pPrevTimerData = NULL;
    pTimerData = pSVData->mpFirstTimerData;
    while ( pTimerData )
        // Befindet sich Timer noch im Timeout-Handler, dann ignorieren
        if ( pTimerData->mbInTimeout )
            pPrevTimerData = pTimerData;
            pTimerData = pTimerData->mpNext;
        // Wurde Timer zwischenzeitlich zerstoert ?
        else if ( pTimerData->mbDelete )
            if ( pPrevTimerData )
                pPrevTimerData->mpNext = pTimerData->mpNext;
                pSVData->mpFirstTimerData = pTimerData->mpNext;
            if ( pTimerData->mpSVTimer )
                pTimerData->mpSVTimer->mpTimerData = NULL;
            ImplTimerData* pTempTimerData = pTimerData;
            pTimerData = pTimerData->mpNext;
            delete pTempTimerData;
            pTimerData->mnTimerUpdate = 0;
            // kleinste Zeitspanne ermitteln
            if ( pTimerData->mnUpdateTime == nTime )
                nDeltaTime = pTimerData->mpSVTimer->mnTimeout;
                if ( nDeltaTime < nMinPeriod )
                    nMinPeriod = nDeltaTime;
                nDeltaTime = pTimerData->mnUpdateTime + pTimerData->mpSVTimer->mnTimeout;
                if ( nDeltaTime < nNewTime )
                    nMinPeriod = 1;
                    nDeltaTime -= nNewTime;
                    if ( nDeltaTime < nMinPeriod )
                        nMinPeriod = nDeltaTime;
            pPrevTimerData = pTimerData;
            pTimerData = pTimerData->mpNext;

    // Wenn keine Timer mehr existieren, dann Clock loeschen
    if ( !pSVData->mpFirstTimerData )
        pSVData->mnTimerPeriod = MAX_TIMER_PERIOD;
        ImplStartTimer( pSVData, nMinPeriod );

    pSVData->mbNotAllTimerCalled = sal_False;

// =======================================================================

    mpTimerData     = NULL;
    mnTimeout       = 1;
    mbAuto          = sal_False;
    mbActive        = sal_False;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Timer::Timer( const Timer& rTimer )
    mpTimerData     = NULL;
    mnTimeout       = rTimer.mnTimeout;
    mbAuto          = sal_False;
    mbActive        = sal_False;
    maTimeoutHdl    = rTimer.maTimeoutHdl;

    if ( rTimer.IsActive() )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if ( mpTimerData )
        mpTimerData->mbDelete = sal_True;
        mpTimerData->mpSVTimer = NULL;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void Timer::Timeout()
    maTimeoutHdl.Call( this );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void Timer::SetTimeout( sal_uLong nNewTimeout )
    mnTimeout = nNewTimeout;

    // Wenn Timer aktiv, dann Clock erneuern
    if ( mbActive )
        ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
        if ( !pSVData->mnTimerUpdate && (mnTimeout < pSVData->mnTimerPeriod) )
            ImplStartTimer( pSVData, mnTimeout );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void Timer::Start()
    mbActive = sal_True;

    ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
    if ( !mpTimerData )
        if ( !pSVData->mpFirstTimerData )
            pSVData->mnTimerPeriod = MAX_TIMER_PERIOD;
            if( ! pSVData->mpSalTimer )
                pSVData->mpSalTimer = pSVData->mpDefInst->CreateSalTimer();
                pSVData->mpSalTimer->SetCallback( ImplTimerCallbackProc );

        // insert timer and start
        mpTimerData                 = new ImplTimerData;
        mpTimerData->mpSVTimer      = this;
        mpTimerData->mnUpdateTime   = Time::GetSystemTicks();
        mpTimerData->mnTimerUpdate  = pSVData->mnTimerUpdate;
        mpTimerData->mbDelete       = sal_False;
        mpTimerData->mbInTimeout    = sal_False;

        // !!!!! Wegen SFX hinten einordnen !!!!!
        ImplTimerData* pPrev = NULL;
        ImplTimerData* pData = pSVData->mpFirstTimerData;
        while ( pData )
            pPrev = pData;
            pData = pData->mpNext;
        mpTimerData->mpNext = NULL;
        if ( pPrev )
            pPrev->mpNext = mpTimerData;
            pSVData->mpFirstTimerData = mpTimerData;

        if ( mnTimeout < pSVData->mnTimerPeriod )
            ImplStartTimer( pSVData, mnTimeout );
    else if( !mpTimerData->mpSVTimer ) // TODO: remove when guilty found
        DBG_ERROR( "Timer::Start() on a destroyed Timer!" );
        mpTimerData->mnUpdateTime    = Time::GetSystemTicks();
        mpTimerData->mnTimerUpdate   = pSVData->mnTimerUpdate;
        mpTimerData->mbDelete        = sal_False;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

void Timer::Stop()
    mbActive = sal_False;

    if ( mpTimerData )
        mpTimerData->mbDelete = sal_True;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Timer& Timer::operator=( const Timer& rTimer )
    if ( IsActive() )

    mbActive        = sal_False;
    mnTimeout       = rTimer.mnTimeout;
    maTimeoutHdl    = rTimer.maTimeoutHdl;

    if ( rTimer.IsActive() )

    return *this;

// =======================================================================

    mbAuto = sal_True;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoTimer::AutoTimer( const AutoTimer& rTimer ) : Timer( rTimer )
    mbAuto = sal_True;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoTimer& AutoTimer::operator=( const AutoTimer& rTimer )
    Timer::operator=( rTimer );
    return *this;