/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include <sal/config.h> #include <algorithm> #include <string_view> #include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx> #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx> #include <comphelper/string.hxx> #include <o3tl/string_view.hxx> #include <officecfg/Office/Common.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/event.hxx> #include <vcl/toolkit/field.hxx> #include <vcl/unohelp.hxx> #include <vcl/settings.hxx> #include <vcl/weldutils.hxx> #include <svdata.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/i18n/XCharacterClassification.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/i18n/CalendarFieldIndex.hdl> #include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx> #include <unotools/calendarwrapper.hxx> #include <unotools/charclass.hxx> #include <svl/numformat.hxx> #include <svl/zforlist.hxx> using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::comphelper; #define EDITMASK_LITERAL 'L' #define EDITMASK_ALPHA 'a' #define EDITMASK_UPPERALPHA 'A' #define EDITMASK_ALPHANUM 'c' #define EDITMASK_UPPERALPHANUM 'C' #define EDITMASK_NUM 'N' #define EDITMASK_NUMSPACE 'n' #define EDITMASK_ALLCHAR 'x' #define EDITMASK_UPPERALLCHAR 'X' uno::Reference< i18n::XCharacterClassification > const & ImplGetCharClass() { ImplSVData *const pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); assert(pSVData); if (!pSVData->m_xCharClass.is()) { pSVData->m_xCharClass = vcl::unohelper::CreateCharacterClassification(); } return pSVData->m_xCharClass; } static sal_Unicode* ImplAddString( sal_Unicode* pBuf, const OUString& rStr ) { memcpy( pBuf, rStr.getStr(), rStr.getLength() * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ); pBuf += rStr.getLength(); return pBuf; } static sal_Unicode* ImplAddNum( sal_Unicode* pBuf, sal_uLong nNumber, int nMinLen ) { // fill temp buffer with digits sal_Unicode aTempBuf[30]; sal_Unicode* pTempBuf = aTempBuf; do { *pTempBuf = static_cast<sal_Unicode>(nNumber % 10) + '0'; pTempBuf++; nNumber /= 10; if ( nMinLen ) nMinLen--; } while ( nNumber ); // fill with zeros up to the minimal length while ( nMinLen > 0 ) { *pBuf = '0'; pBuf++; nMinLen--; } // copy temp buffer to real buffer do { pTempBuf--; *pBuf = *pTempBuf; pBuf++; } while ( pTempBuf != aTempBuf ); return pBuf; } static sal_Unicode* ImplAddSNum( sal_Unicode* pBuf, sal_Int32 nNumber, int nMinLen ) { if (nNumber < 0) { *pBuf++ = '-'; nNumber = -nNumber; } return ImplAddNum( pBuf, nNumber, nMinLen); } static sal_uInt16 ImplGetNum( const sal_Unicode*& rpBuf, bool& rbError ) { if ( !*rpBuf ) { rbError = true; return 0; } sal_uInt16 nNumber = 0; while( ( *rpBuf >= '0' ) && ( *rpBuf <= '9' ) ) { nNumber *= 10; nNumber += *rpBuf - '0'; rpBuf++; } return nNumber; } static void ImplSkipDelimiters( const sal_Unicode*& rpBuf ) { while( ( *rpBuf == ',' ) || ( *rpBuf == '.' ) || ( *rpBuf == ';' ) || ( *rpBuf == ':' ) || ( *rpBuf == '-' ) || ( *rpBuf == '/' ) ) { rpBuf++; } } static bool ImplIsPatternChar( sal_Unicode cChar, char cEditMask ) { sal_Int32 nType = 0; try { OUString aCharStr(cChar); nType = ImplGetCharClass()->getCharacterType( aCharStr, 0, Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLocale() ); } catch (const css::uno::Exception&) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("vcl.control"); return false; } if ( (cEditMask == EDITMASK_ALPHA) || (cEditMask == EDITMASK_UPPERALPHA) ) { if( !CharClass::isLetterType( nType ) ) return false; } else if ( cEditMask == EDITMASK_NUM ) { if( !CharClass::isNumericType( nType ) ) return false; } else if ( (cEditMask == EDITMASK_ALPHANUM) || (cEditMask == EDITMASK_UPPERALPHANUM) ) { if( !CharClass::isLetterNumericType( nType ) ) return false; } else if ( (cEditMask == EDITMASK_ALLCHAR) || (cEditMask == EDITMASK_UPPERALLCHAR) ) { if ( cChar < 32 ) return false; } else if ( cEditMask == EDITMASK_NUMSPACE ) { if ( !CharClass::isNumericType( nType ) && ( cChar != ' ' ) ) return false; } else return false; return true; } static sal_Unicode ImplPatternChar( sal_Unicode cChar, char cEditMask ) { if ( ImplIsPatternChar( cChar, cEditMask ) ) { if ( (cEditMask == EDITMASK_UPPERALPHA) || (cEditMask == EDITMASK_UPPERALPHANUM) || ( cEditMask == EDITMASK_UPPERALLCHAR ) ) { cChar = ImplGetCharClass()->toUpper(OUString(cChar), 0, 1, Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLocale())[0]; } return cChar; } else return 0; } static bool ImplCommaPointCharEqual( sal_Unicode c1, sal_Unicode c2 ) { if ( c1 == c2 ) return true; else if ( ((c1 == '.') || (c1 == ',')) && ((c2 == '.') || (c2 == ',')) ) return true; else return false; } static OUString ImplPatternReformat( const OUString& rStr, const OString& rEditMask, std::u16string_view rLiteralMask, sal_uInt16 nFormatFlags ) { if (rEditMask.isEmpty()) return rStr; OUStringBuffer aOutStr(rLiteralMask); sal_Unicode cTempChar; sal_Unicode cChar; sal_Unicode cLiteral; char cMask; sal_Int32 nStrIndex = 0; sal_Int32 i = 0; sal_Int32 n; while ( i < rEditMask.getLength() ) { if ( nStrIndex >= rStr.getLength() ) break; cChar = rStr[nStrIndex]; cLiteral = rLiteralMask[i]; cMask = rEditMask[i]; // current position is a literal if ( cMask == EDITMASK_LITERAL ) { // if it is a literal copy otherwise ignore because it might be the next valid // character of the string if ( ImplCommaPointCharEqual( cChar, cLiteral ) ) nStrIndex++; else { // Otherwise we check if it is an invalid character. This is the case if it does not // fit in the pattern of the next non-literal character. n = i+1; while ( n < rEditMask.getLength() ) { if ( rEditMask[n] != EDITMASK_LITERAL ) { if ( !ImplIsPatternChar( cChar, rEditMask[n] ) ) nStrIndex++; break; } n++; } } } else { // valid character at this position cTempChar = ImplPatternChar( cChar, cMask ); if ( cTempChar ) { // use this character aOutStr[i] = cTempChar; nStrIndex++; } else { // copy if it is a literal character if ( cLiteral == cChar ) nStrIndex++; else { // If the invalid character might be the next literal character then we jump // ahead to it, otherwise we ignore it. Do only if empty literals are allowed. if ( nFormatFlags & PATTERN_FORMAT_EMPTYLITERALS ) { n = i; while ( n < rEditMask.getLength() ) { if ( rEditMask[n] == EDITMASK_LITERAL ) { if ( ImplCommaPointCharEqual( cChar, rLiteralMask[n] ) ) i = n+1; break; } n++; } } nStrIndex++; continue; } } } i++; } return aOutStr.makeStringAndClear(); } static void ImplPatternMaxPos( std::u16string_view rStr, const OString& rEditMask, sal_uInt16 nFormatFlags, bool bSameMask, sal_Int32 nCursorPos, sal_Int32& rPos ) { // last position must not be longer than the contained string sal_Int32 nMaxPos = rStr.size(); // if non empty literals are allowed ignore blanks at the end as well if ( bSameMask && !(nFormatFlags & PATTERN_FORMAT_EMPTYLITERALS) ) { while ( nMaxPos ) { if ( (rEditMask[nMaxPos-1] != EDITMASK_LITERAL) && (rStr[nMaxPos-1] != ' ') ) break; nMaxPos--; } // if we are in front of a literal, continue search until first character after the literal sal_Int32 nTempPos = nMaxPos; while ( nTempPos < rEditMask.getLength() ) { if ( rEditMask[nTempPos] != EDITMASK_LITERAL ) { nMaxPos = nTempPos; break; } nTempPos++; } } if ( rPos > nMaxPos ) rPos = nMaxPos; // character should not move left if ( rPos < nCursorPos ) rPos = nCursorPos; } static OUString ImplPatternProcessStrictModify(const OUString& rText, const OString& rEditMask, std::u16string_view rLiteralMask, bool bSameMask) { OUString aText(rText); // remove leading blanks if (bSameMask && !rEditMask.isEmpty()) { sal_Int32 i = 0; sal_Int32 nMaxLen = aText.getLength(); while ( i < nMaxLen ) { if ( (rEditMask[i] != EDITMASK_LITERAL) && (aText[i] != ' ') ) break; i++; } // keep all literal characters while ( i && (rEditMask[i] == EDITMASK_LITERAL) ) i--; aText = aText.copy( i ); } return ImplPatternReformat(aText, rEditMask, rLiteralMask, 0); } static void ImplPatternProcessStrictModify( Edit* pEdit, const OString& rEditMask, std::u16string_view rLiteralMask, bool bSameMask ) { OUString aText = pEdit->GetText(); OUString aNewText = ImplPatternProcessStrictModify(aText, rEditMask, rLiteralMask, bSameMask); if ( aNewText == aText ) return; // adjust selection such that it remains at the end if it was there before Selection aSel = pEdit->GetSelection(); sal_Int64 nMaxSel = std::max( aSel.Min(), aSel.Max() ); if ( nMaxSel >= aText.getLength() ) { sal_Int32 nMaxPos = aNewText.getLength(); ImplPatternMaxPos(aNewText, rEditMask, 0, bSameMask, nMaxSel, nMaxPos); if ( aSel.Min() == aSel.Max() ) { aSel.Min() = nMaxPos; aSel.Max() = aSel.Min(); } else if ( aSel.Min() > aSel.Max() ) aSel.Min() = nMaxPos; else aSel.Max() = nMaxPos; } pEdit->SetText( aNewText, aSel ); } static void ImplPatternProcessStrictModify( weld::Entry& rEntry, const OString& rEditMask, std::u16string_view rLiteralMask, bool bSameMask ) { OUString aText = rEntry.get_text(); OUString aNewText = ImplPatternProcessStrictModify(aText, rEditMask, rLiteralMask, bSameMask); if (aNewText == aText) return; // adjust selection such that it remains at the end if it was there before int nStartPos, nEndPos; rEntry.get_selection_bounds(nStartPos, nEndPos); int nMaxSel = std::max(nStartPos, nEndPos); if (nMaxSel >= aText.getLength()) { sal_Int32 nMaxPos = aNewText.getLength(); ImplPatternMaxPos(aNewText, rEditMask, 0, bSameMask, nMaxSel, nMaxPos); if (nStartPos == nEndPos) { nStartPos = nMaxPos; nEndPos = nMaxPos; } else if (nStartPos > nMaxPos) nStartPos = nMaxPos; else nEndPos = nMaxPos; } rEntry.set_text(aNewText); rEntry.select_region(nStartPos, nEndPos); } static sal_Int32 ImplPatternLeftPos(std::string_view rEditMask, sal_Int32 nCursorPos) { // search non-literal predecessor sal_Int32 nNewPos = nCursorPos; sal_Int32 nTempPos = nNewPos; while ( nTempPos ) { if ( rEditMask[nTempPos-1] != EDITMASK_LITERAL ) { nNewPos = nTempPos-1; break; } nTempPos--; } return nNewPos; } static sal_Int32 ImplPatternRightPos( std::u16string_view rStr, const OString& rEditMask, sal_uInt16 nFormatFlags, bool bSameMask, sal_Int32 nCursorPos ) { // search non-literal successor sal_Int32 nNewPos = nCursorPos; ; for(sal_Int32 nTempPos = nNewPos+1; nTempPos < rEditMask.getLength(); ++nTempPos ) { if ( rEditMask[nTempPos] != EDITMASK_LITERAL ) { nNewPos = nTempPos; break; } } ImplPatternMaxPos( rStr, rEditMask, nFormatFlags, bSameMask, nCursorPos, nNewPos ); return nNewPos; } namespace { class IEditImplementation { public: virtual ~IEditImplementation() {} virtual OUString GetText() const = 0; virtual void SetText(const OUString& rStr, const Selection& rSelection) = 0; virtual Selection GetSelection() const = 0; virtual void SetSelection(const Selection& rSelection) = 0; virtual bool IsInsertMode() const = 0; virtual void SetModified() = 0; }; } static bool ImplPatternProcessKeyInput( IEditImplementation& rEdit, const KeyEvent& rKEvt, const OString& rEditMask, std::u16string_view rLiteralMask, bool bStrictFormat, bool bSameMask, bool& rbInKeyInput ) { if ( rEditMask.isEmpty() || !bStrictFormat ) return false; sal_uInt16 nFormatFlags = 0; Selection aOldSel = rEdit.GetSelection(); vcl::KeyCode aCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); sal_Unicode cChar = rKEvt.GetCharCode(); sal_uInt16 nKeyCode = aCode.GetCode(); bool bShift = aCode.IsShift(); sal_Int32 nCursorPos = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aOldSel.Max()); sal_Int32 nNewPos; sal_Int32 nTempPos; if ( nKeyCode && !aCode.IsMod1() && !aCode.IsMod2() ) { if ( nKeyCode == KEY_LEFT ) { Selection aSel( ImplPatternLeftPos( rEditMask, nCursorPos ) ); if ( bShift ) aSel.Min() = aOldSel.Min(); rEdit.SetSelection( aSel ); return true; } else if ( nKeyCode == KEY_RIGHT ) { // Use the start of selection as minimum; even a small position is allowed in case that // all was selected by the focus Selection aSel( aOldSel ); aSel.Normalize(); nCursorPos = aSel.Min(); aSel.Max() = ImplPatternRightPos( rEdit.GetText(), rEditMask, nFormatFlags, bSameMask, nCursorPos ); if ( bShift ) aSel.Min() = aOldSel.Min(); else aSel.Min() = aSel.Max(); rEdit.SetSelection( aSel ); return true; } else if ( nKeyCode == KEY_HOME ) { // Home is the position of the first non-literal character nNewPos = 0; while ( (nNewPos < rEditMask.getLength()) && (rEditMask[nNewPos] == EDITMASK_LITERAL) ) nNewPos++; // Home should not move to the right if ( nCursorPos < nNewPos ) nNewPos = nCursorPos; Selection aSel( nNewPos ); if ( bShift ) aSel.Min() = aOldSel.Min(); rEdit.SetSelection( aSel ); return true; } else if ( nKeyCode == KEY_END ) { // End is position of last non-literal character nNewPos = rEditMask.getLength(); while ( nNewPos && (rEditMask[nNewPos-1] == EDITMASK_LITERAL) ) nNewPos--; // Use the start of selection as minimum; even a small position is allowed in case that // all was selected by the focus Selection aSel( aOldSel ); aSel.Normalize(); nCursorPos = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSel.Min()); ImplPatternMaxPos( rEdit.GetText(), rEditMask, nFormatFlags, bSameMask, nCursorPos, nNewPos ); aSel.Max() = nNewPos; if ( bShift ) aSel.Min() = aOldSel.Min(); else aSel.Min() = aSel.Max(); rEdit.SetSelection( aSel ); return true; } else if ( (nKeyCode == KEY_BACKSPACE) || (nKeyCode == KEY_DELETE) ) { OUString aOldStr( rEdit.GetText() ); OUStringBuffer aStr( aOldStr ); Selection aSel = aOldSel; aSel.Normalize(); nNewPos = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSel.Min()); // if selection then delete it if ( aSel.Len() ) { if ( bSameMask ) aStr.remove( static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSel.Min()), static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSel.Len()) ); else { std::u16string_view aRep = rLiteralMask.substr( static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSel.Min()), static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSel.Len()) ); aStr.remove( aSel.Min(), aRep.size() ); aStr.insert( aSel.Min(), aRep ); } } else { if ( nKeyCode == KEY_BACKSPACE ) { nTempPos = nNewPos; nNewPos = ImplPatternLeftPos( rEditMask, nTempPos ); } else nTempPos = ImplPatternRightPos( aStr, rEditMask, nFormatFlags, bSameMask, nNewPos ); if ( nNewPos != nTempPos ) { if ( bSameMask ) { if ( rEditMask[nNewPos] != EDITMASK_LITERAL ) aStr.remove( nNewPos, 1 ); } else { aStr[nNewPos] = rLiteralMask[nNewPos]; } } } OUString sStr = aStr.makeStringAndClear(); if ( aOldStr != sStr ) { if ( bSameMask ) sStr = ImplPatternReformat( sStr, rEditMask, rLiteralMask, nFormatFlags ); rbInKeyInput = true; rEdit.SetText( sStr, Selection( nNewPos ) ); rEdit.SetModified(); rbInKeyInput = false; } else rEdit.SetSelection( Selection( nNewPos ) ); return true; } else if ( nKeyCode == KEY_INSERT ) { // you can only set InsertMode for a PatternField if the // mask is equal at all input positions if ( !bSameMask ) { return true; } } } if ( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2() || (cChar < 32) || (cChar == 127) ) return false; Selection aSel = aOldSel; aSel.Normalize(); nNewPos = aSel.Min(); if ( nNewPos < rEditMask.getLength() ) { sal_Unicode cPattChar = ImplPatternChar( cChar, rEditMask[nNewPos] ); if ( cPattChar ) cChar = cPattChar; else { // If no valid character, check if the user wanted to jump to next literal. We do this // only if we're after a character, so that literals that were skipped automatically // do not influence the position anymore. if ( nNewPos && (rEditMask[nNewPos-1] != EDITMASK_LITERAL) && !aSel.Len() ) { // search for next character not being a literal nTempPos = nNewPos; while ( nTempPos < rEditMask.getLength() ) { if ( rEditMask[nTempPos] == EDITMASK_LITERAL ) { // only valid if no literal present if ( (rEditMask[nTempPos+1] != EDITMASK_LITERAL ) && ImplCommaPointCharEqual( cChar, rLiteralMask[nTempPos] ) ) { nTempPos++; ImplPatternMaxPos( rEdit.GetText(), rEditMask, nFormatFlags, bSameMask, nNewPos, nTempPos ); if ( nTempPos > nNewPos ) { rEdit.SetSelection( Selection( nTempPos ) ); return true; } } break; } nTempPos++; } } cChar = 0; } } else cChar = 0; if ( cChar ) { OUStringBuffer aStr(rEdit.GetText()); bool bError = false; if ( bSameMask && rEdit.IsInsertMode() ) { // crop spaces and literals at the end until current position sal_Int32 n = aStr.getLength(); while ( n && (n > nNewPos) ) { if ( (aStr[n-1] != ' ') && ((n > rEditMask.getLength()) || (rEditMask[n-1] != EDITMASK_LITERAL)) ) break; n--; } aStr.truncate( n ); if ( aSel.Len() ) aStr.remove( aSel.Min(), aSel.Len() ); if ( aStr.getLength() < rEditMask.getLength() ) { // possibly extend string until cursor position if ( aStr.getLength() < nNewPos ) aStr.append( rLiteralMask.substr(aStr.getLength(), nNewPos-aStr.getLength()) ); if ( nNewPos < aStr.getLength() ) aStr.insert( cChar, nNewPos ); else if ( nNewPos < rEditMask.getLength() ) aStr.append(cChar); aStr = ImplPatternReformat( aStr.toString(), rEditMask, rLiteralMask, nFormatFlags ); } else bError = true; } else { if ( aSel.Len() ) { // delete selection std::u16string_view aRep = rLiteralMask.substr( aSel.Min(), aSel.Len() ); aStr.remove( aSel.Min(), aRep.size() ); aStr.insert( aSel.Min(), aRep ); } if ( nNewPos < aStr.getLength() ) aStr[nNewPos] = cChar; else if ( nNewPos < rEditMask.getLength() ) aStr.append(cChar); } if ( !bError ) { rbInKeyInput = true; const OUString sStr = aStr.makeStringAndClear(); Selection aNewSel( ImplPatternRightPos( sStr, rEditMask, nFormatFlags, bSameMask, nNewPos ) ); rEdit.SetText( sStr, aNewSel ); rEdit.SetModified(); rbInKeyInput = false; } } return true; } namespace { bool ImplSetMask(const OString& rEditMask, OUString& rLiteralMask) { bool bSameMask = true; if (rEditMask.getLength() != rLiteralMask.getLength()) { OUStringBuffer aBuf(rLiteralMask); if (rEditMask.getLength() < aBuf.getLength()) aBuf.setLength(rEditMask.getLength()); else comphelper::string::padToLength(aBuf, rEditMask.getLength(), ' '); rLiteralMask = aBuf.makeStringAndClear(); } // Strict mode allows only the input mode if only equal characters are allowed as mask and if // only spaces are specified which are not allowed by the mask sal_Int32 i = 0; char c = 0; while ( i < rEditMask.getLength() ) { char cTemp = rEditMask[i]; if ( cTemp != EDITMASK_LITERAL ) { if ( (cTemp == EDITMASK_ALLCHAR) || (cTemp == EDITMASK_UPPERALLCHAR) || (cTemp == EDITMASK_NUMSPACE) ) { bSameMask = false; break; } if ( i < rLiteralMask.getLength() ) { if ( rLiteralMask[i] != ' ' ) { bSameMask = false; break; } } if ( !c ) c = cTemp; if ( cTemp != c ) { bSameMask = false; break; } } i++; } return bSameMask; } } PatternFormatter::PatternFormatter(Edit* pEdit) : FormatterBase(pEdit) { mbSameMask = true; mbInPattKeyInput = false; } PatternFormatter::~PatternFormatter() { } void PatternFormatter::SetMask( const OString& rEditMask, const OUString& rLiteralMask ) { m_aEditMask = rEditMask; maLiteralMask = rLiteralMask; mbSameMask = ImplSetMask(m_aEditMask, maLiteralMask); ReformatAll(); } namespace { class EntryImplementation : public IEditImplementation { public: EntryImplementation(weld::PatternFormatter& rFormatter) : m_rFormatter(rFormatter) , m_rEntry(rFormatter.get_widget()) { } virtual OUString GetText() const override { return m_rEntry.get_text(); } virtual void SetText(const OUString& rStr, const Selection& rSelection) override { m_rEntry.set_text(rStr); SetSelection(rSelection); } virtual Selection GetSelection() const override { int nStartPos, nEndPos; m_rEntry.get_selection_bounds(nStartPos, nEndPos); return Selection(nStartPos, nEndPos); } virtual void SetSelection(const Selection& rSelection) override { auto nMin = rSelection.Min(); auto nMax = rSelection.Max(); m_rEntry.select_region(nMin < 0 ? 0 : nMin, nMax == SELECTION_MAX ? -1 : nMax); } virtual bool IsInsertMode() const override { return !m_rEntry.get_overwrite_mode(); } virtual void SetModified() override { m_rFormatter.Modify(); } private: weld::PatternFormatter& m_rFormatter; weld::Entry& m_rEntry; }; } namespace weld { void PatternFormatter::SetStrictFormat(bool bStrict) { if (bStrict != m_bStrictFormat) { m_bStrictFormat = bStrict; if (m_bStrictFormat) ReformatAll(); } } void PatternFormatter::SetMask(const OString& rEditMask, const OUString& rLiteralMask) { m_aEditMask = rEditMask; m_aLiteralMask = rLiteralMask; m_bSameMask = ImplSetMask(m_aEditMask, m_aLiteralMask); ReformatAll(); } void PatternFormatter::ReformatAll() { m_rEntry.set_text(ImplPatternReformat(m_rEntry.get_text(), m_aEditMask, m_aLiteralMask, 0/*nFormatFlags*/)); if (!m_bSameMask && m_bStrictFormat && m_rEntry.get_editable()) m_rEntry.set_overwrite_mode(true); } void PatternFormatter::EntryGainFocus() { m_bReformat = false; } void PatternFormatter::EntryLostFocus() { if (m_bReformat) ReformatAll(); } void PatternFormatter::Modify() { if (!m_bInPattKeyInput) { if (m_bStrictFormat) ImplPatternProcessStrictModify(m_rEntry, m_aEditMask, m_aLiteralMask, m_bSameMask); else m_bReformat = true; } m_aModifyHdl.Call(m_rEntry); } IMPL_LINK(PatternFormatter, KeyInputHdl, const KeyEvent&, rKEvt, bool) { if (m_aKeyPressHdl.Call(rKEvt)) return true; if (rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod2()) return false; EntryImplementation aAdapt(*this); return ImplPatternProcessKeyInput(aAdapt, rKEvt, m_aEditMask, m_aLiteralMask, m_bStrictFormat, m_bSameMask, m_bInPattKeyInput); } } void PatternFormatter::SetString( const OUString& rStr ) { if ( GetField() ) { GetField()->SetText( rStr ); MarkToBeReformatted( false ); } } OUString PatternFormatter::GetString() const { if ( !GetField() ) return OUString(); else return ImplPatternReformat( GetField()->GetText(), m_aEditMask, maLiteralMask, 0/*nFormatFlags*/ ); } void PatternFormatter::Reformat() { if ( GetField() ) { ImplSetText( ImplPatternReformat( GetField()->GetText(), m_aEditMask, maLiteralMask, 0/*nFormatFlags*/ ) ); if ( !mbSameMask && IsStrictFormat() && !GetField()->IsReadOnly() ) GetField()->SetInsertMode( false ); } } PatternField::PatternField(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle) : SpinField(pParent, nWinStyle) , PatternFormatter(this) { Reformat(); } void PatternField::dispose() { ClearField(); SpinField::dispose(); } namespace { class EditImplementation : public IEditImplementation { public: EditImplementation(Edit& rEdit) : m_rEdit(rEdit) { } virtual OUString GetText() const override { return m_rEdit.GetText(); } virtual void SetText(const OUString& rStr, const Selection& rSelection) override { m_rEdit.SetText(rStr, rSelection); } virtual Selection GetSelection() const override { return m_rEdit.GetSelection(); } virtual void SetSelection(const Selection& rSelection) override { m_rEdit.SetSelection(rSelection); } virtual bool IsInsertMode() const override { return m_rEdit.IsInsertMode(); } virtual void SetModified() override { m_rEdit.SetModifyFlag(); m_rEdit.Modify(); } private: Edit& m_rEdit; }; } bool PatternField::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( (rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT) && !rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { EditImplementation aAdapt(*GetField()); if ( ImplPatternProcessKeyInput( aAdapt, *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(), GetEditMask(), GetLiteralMask(), IsStrictFormat(), ImplIsSameMask(), ImplGetInPattKeyInput() ) ) return true; } return SpinField::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } bool PatternField::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::GETFOCUS ) MarkToBeReformatted( false ); else if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::LOSEFOCUS ) { if ( MustBeReformatted() && (!GetText().isEmpty() || !IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled()) ) Reformat(); } return SpinField::EventNotify( rNEvt ); } void PatternField::Modify() { if ( !ImplGetInPattKeyInput() ) { if ( IsStrictFormat() ) ImplPatternProcessStrictModify( GetField(), GetEditMask(), GetLiteralMask(), ImplIsSameMask() ); else MarkToBeReformatted( true ); } SpinField::Modify(); } PatternBox::PatternBox(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle) : ComboBox( pParent, nWinStyle ) , PatternFormatter(this) { Reformat(); } void PatternBox::dispose() { ClearField(); ComboBox::dispose(); } bool PatternBox::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( (rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT) && !rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { EditImplementation aAdapt(*GetField()); if ( ImplPatternProcessKeyInput( aAdapt, *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(), GetEditMask(), GetLiteralMask(), IsStrictFormat(), ImplIsSameMask(), ImplGetInPattKeyInput() ) ) return true; } return ComboBox::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } bool PatternBox::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::GETFOCUS ) MarkToBeReformatted( false ); else if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::LOSEFOCUS ) { if ( MustBeReformatted() && (!GetText().isEmpty() || !IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled()) ) Reformat(); } return ComboBox::EventNotify( rNEvt ); } void PatternBox::Modify() { if ( !ImplGetInPattKeyInput() ) { if ( IsStrictFormat() ) ImplPatternProcessStrictModify( GetField(), GetEditMask(), GetLiteralMask(), ImplIsSameMask() ); else MarkToBeReformatted( true ); } ComboBox::Modify(); } void PatternBox::ReformatAll() { OUString aStr; SetUpdateMode( false ); const sal_Int32 nEntryCount = GetEntryCount(); for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i < nEntryCount; ++i ) { aStr = ImplPatternReformat( GetEntry( i ), GetEditMask(), GetLiteralMask(), 0/*nFormatFlags*/ ); RemoveEntryAt(i); InsertEntry( aStr, i ); } PatternFormatter::Reformat(); SetUpdateMode( true ); } static ExtDateFieldFormat ImplGetExtFormat( LongDateOrder eOld ) { switch( eOld ) { case LongDateOrder::YDM: case LongDateOrder::DMY: return ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYY; case LongDateOrder::MDY: return ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYY; case LongDateOrder::YMD: default: return ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD; } } static sal_uInt16 ImplCutNumberFromString( OUString& rStr ) { sal_Int32 i1 = 0; while (i1 != rStr.getLength() && (rStr[i1] < '0' || rStr[i1] > '9')) { ++i1; } sal_Int32 i2 = i1; while (i2 != rStr.getLength() && rStr[i2] >= '0' && rStr[i2] <= '9') { ++i2; } sal_Int32 nValue = o3tl::toInt32(rStr.subView(i1, i2-i1)); rStr = rStr.copy(std::min(i2+1, rStr.getLength())); return nValue; } static bool ImplCutMonthName( OUString& rStr, std::u16string_view _rLookupMonthName ) { sal_Int32 index = 0; rStr = rStr.replaceFirst(_rLookupMonthName, "", &index); return index >= 0; } static sal_uInt16 ImplGetMonthFromCalendarItem( OUString& rStr, const uno::Sequence< i18n::CalendarItem2 >& rMonths ) { const sal_uInt16 nMonths = rMonths.getLength(); for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i < nMonths; ++i) { // long month name? if ( ImplCutMonthName( rStr, rMonths[i].FullName ) ) return i+1; // short month name? if ( ImplCutMonthName( rStr, rMonths[i].AbbrevName ) ) return i+1; } return 0; } static sal_uInt16 ImplCutMonthFromString( OUString& rStr, OUString& rCalendarName, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData, const CalendarWrapper& rCalendarWrapper ) { const OUString aDefaultCalendarName( rCalendarWrapper.getUniqueID()); rCalendarName = aDefaultCalendarName; // Search for a month name of the loaded default calendar. const uno::Sequence< i18n::CalendarItem2 > aMonths = rCalendarWrapper.getMonths(); sal_uInt16 nMonth = ImplGetMonthFromCalendarItem( rStr, aMonths); if (nMonth > 0) return nMonth; // And also possessive genitive and partitive month names. const uno::Sequence< i18n::CalendarItem2 > aGenitiveMonths = rCalendarWrapper.getGenitiveMonths(); if (aGenitiveMonths != aMonths) { nMonth = ImplGetMonthFromCalendarItem( rStr, aGenitiveMonths); if (nMonth > 0) return nMonth; } const uno::Sequence< i18n::CalendarItem2 > aPartitiveMonths = rCalendarWrapper.getPartitiveMonths(); if (aPartitiveMonths != aMonths) { nMonth = ImplGetMonthFromCalendarItem( rStr, aPartitiveMonths); if (nMonth > 0) return nMonth; } // Check if there are more calendars and try them if so, as the long date // format is obtained from the number formatter this is possible (e.g. // ar_DZ "[~hijri] ...") const uno::Sequence< i18n::Calendar2 > aCalendars = rLocaleData.getAllCalendars(); if (aCalendars.getLength() > 1) { for (const auto& rCalendar : aCalendars) { if (rCalendar.Name != aDefaultCalendarName) { rCalendarName = rCalendar.Name; nMonth = ImplGetMonthFromCalendarItem( rStr, rCalendar.Months); if (nMonth > 0) return nMonth; if (rCalendar.Months != rCalendar.GenitiveMonths) { nMonth = ImplGetMonthFromCalendarItem( rStr, rCalendar.GenitiveMonths); if (nMonth > 0) return nMonth; } if (rCalendar.Months != rCalendar.PartitiveMonths) { nMonth = ImplGetMonthFromCalendarItem( rStr, rCalendar.PartitiveMonths); if (nMonth > 0) return nMonth; } rCalendarName = aDefaultCalendarName; } } } return ImplCutNumberFromString( rStr ); } static OUString ImplGetDateSep( const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper, ExtDateFieldFormat eFormat ) { if ( ( eFormat == ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD_DIN5008 ) || ( eFormat == ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD_DIN5008 ) ) return "-"; else return rLocaleDataWrapper.getDateSep(); } static bool ImplDateProcessKeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt, ExtDateFieldFormat eFormat, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper ) { sal_Unicode cChar = rKEvt.GetCharCode(); sal_uInt16 nGroup = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetGroup(); return !((nGroup == KEYGROUP_FKEYS) || (nGroup == KEYGROUP_CURSOR) || (nGroup == KEYGROUP_MISC)|| ((cChar >= '0') && (cChar <= '9')) || (cChar == ImplGetDateSep( rLocaleDataWrapper, eFormat )[0])); } bool DateFormatter::TextToDate(const OUString& rStr, Date& rDate, ExtDateFieldFormat eDateOrder, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper, const CalendarWrapper& rCalendarWrapper) { sal_uInt16 nDay = 0; sal_uInt16 nMonth = 0; sal_uInt16 nYear = 0; bool bError = false; OUString aStr( rStr ); if ( eDateOrder == ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemLong ) { OUString aCalendarName; LongDateOrder eFormat = rLocaleDataWrapper.getLongDateOrder(); switch( eFormat ) { case LongDateOrder::MDY: nMonth = ImplCutMonthFromString( aStr, aCalendarName, rLocaleDataWrapper, rCalendarWrapper ); nDay = ImplCutNumberFromString( aStr ); nYear = ImplCutNumberFromString( aStr ); break; case LongDateOrder::DMY: nDay = ImplCutNumberFromString( aStr ); nMonth = ImplCutMonthFromString( aStr, aCalendarName, rLocaleDataWrapper, rCalendarWrapper ); nYear = ImplCutNumberFromString( aStr ); break; case LongDateOrder::YDM: nYear = ImplCutNumberFromString( aStr ); nDay = ImplCutNumberFromString( aStr ); nMonth = ImplCutMonthFromString( aStr, aCalendarName, rLocaleDataWrapper, rCalendarWrapper ); break; case LongDateOrder::YMD: default: nYear = ImplCutNumberFromString( aStr ); nMonth = ImplCutMonthFromString( aStr, aCalendarName, rLocaleDataWrapper, rCalendarWrapper ); nDay = ImplCutNumberFromString( aStr ); break; } if (aCalendarName != "gregorian") { // Calendar widget is Gregorian, convert date. // Need full date. bError = !nDay || !nMonth || !nYear; if (!bError) { CalendarWrapper aCW( rLocaleDataWrapper.getComponentContext()); aCW.loadCalendar( aCalendarName, rLocaleDataWrapper.getLoadedLanguageTag().getLocale()); aCW.setDateTime(0.5); // get rid of current time, set some day noon aCW.setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::DAY_OF_MONTH, nDay); aCW.setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::MONTH, nMonth - 1); aCW.setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::YEAR, nYear); bError = !aCW.isValid(); if (!bError) { Date aDate = aCW.getEpochStart() + aCW.getDateTime(); nYear = aDate.GetYear(); nMonth = aDate.GetMonth(); nDay = aDate.GetDay(); } } } } else { bool bYear = true; // Check if year is present: OUString aDateSep = ImplGetDateSep( rLocaleDataWrapper, eDateOrder ); sal_Int32 nSepPos = aStr.indexOf( aDateSep ); if ( nSepPos < 0 ) return false; nSepPos = aStr.indexOf( aDateSep, nSepPos+1 ); if ( ( nSepPos < 0 ) || ( nSepPos == (aStr.getLength()-1) ) ) { bYear = false; nYear = Date( Date::SYSTEM ).GetYearUnsigned(); } const sal_Unicode* pBuf = aStr.getStr(); ImplSkipDelimiters( pBuf ); switch ( eDateOrder ) { case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYYYY: { nDay = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); ImplSkipDelimiters( pBuf ); nMonth = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); ImplSkipDelimiters( pBuf ); if ( bYear ) nYear = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); } break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYYYY: { nMonth = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); ImplSkipDelimiters( pBuf ); nDay = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); ImplSkipDelimiters( pBuf ); if ( bYear ) nYear = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); } break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD_DIN5008: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD_DIN5008: { if ( bYear ) nYear = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); ImplSkipDelimiters( pBuf ); nMonth = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); ImplSkipDelimiters( pBuf ); nDay = ImplGetNum( pBuf, bError ); } break; default: { OSL_FAIL( "DateOrder???" ); } } } if ( bError || !nDay || !nMonth ) return false; Date aNewDate( nDay, nMonth, nYear ); DateFormatter::ExpandCentury( aNewDate, officecfg::Office::Common::DateFormat::TwoDigitYear::get() ); if ( aNewDate.IsValidDate() ) { rDate = aNewDate; return true; } return false; } void DateFormatter::ImplDateReformat( const OUString& rStr, OUString& rOutStr ) { Date aDate( Date::EMPTY ); if (!TextToDate(rStr, aDate, GetExtDateFormat(true), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper(), GetCalendarWrapper())) return; Date aTempDate = aDate; if ( aTempDate > GetMax() ) aTempDate = GetMax(); else if ( aTempDate < GetMin() ) aTempDate = GetMin(); rOutStr = ImplGetDateAsText( aTempDate ); } namespace { ExtDateFieldFormat ResolveSystemFormat(ExtDateFieldFormat eDateFormat, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData) { if (eDateFormat <= ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShortYYYY) { bool bShowCentury = (eDateFormat == ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShortYYYY); switch (rLocaleData.getDateOrder()) { case DateOrder::DMY: eDateFormat = bShowCentury ? ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYYYY : ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYY; break; case DateOrder::MDY: eDateFormat = bShowCentury ? ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYYYY : ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYY; break; default: eDateFormat = bShowCentury ? ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD : ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD; } } return eDateFormat; } } OUString DateFormatter::FormatDate(const Date& rDate, ExtDateFieldFormat eExtFormat, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData, const Formatter::StaticFormatter& rStaticFormatter) { bool bShowCentury = false; switch (eExtFormat) { case ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShortYYYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemLong: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYYYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYYYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD_DIN5008: { bShowCentury = true; } break; default: { bShowCentury = false; } } if ( !bShowCentury ) { // Check if I have to use force showing the century sal_uInt16 nTwoDigitYearStart = officecfg::Office::Common::DateFormat::TwoDigitYear::get(); sal_uInt16 nYear = rDate.GetYearUnsigned(); // If year is not in double digit range if ( (nYear < nTwoDigitYearStart) || (nYear >= nTwoDigitYearStart+100) ) bShowCentury = true; } sal_Unicode aBuf[128]; sal_Unicode* pBuf = aBuf; eExtFormat = ResolveSystemFormat(eExtFormat, rLocaleData); OUString aDateSep = ImplGetDateSep( rLocaleData, eExtFormat ); sal_uInt16 nDay = rDate.GetDay(); sal_uInt16 nMonth = rDate.GetMonth(); sal_Int16 nYear = rDate.GetYear(); sal_uInt16 nYearLen = bShowCentury ? 4 : 2; if ( !bShowCentury ) nYear %= 100; switch (eExtFormat) { case ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemLong: { SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = rStaticFormatter; const LanguageTag aFormatterLang( pFormatter->GetLanguageTag()); const sal_uInt32 nIndex = pFormatter->GetFormatIndex( NF_DATE_SYSTEM_LONG, rLocaleData.getLanguageTag().getLanguageType(false)); OUString aStr; const Color* pCol; pFormatter->GetOutputString( rDate - pFormatter->GetNullDate(), nIndex, aStr, &pCol); // Reset to what other uses may expect. pFormatter->ChangeIntl( aFormatterLang.getLanguageType(false)); return aStr; } case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYYYY: { pBuf = ImplAddNum( pBuf, nDay, 2 ); pBuf = ImplAddString( pBuf, aDateSep ); pBuf = ImplAddNum( pBuf, nMonth, 2 ); pBuf = ImplAddString( pBuf, aDateSep ); pBuf = ImplAddSNum( pBuf, nYear, nYearLen ); } break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYYYY: { pBuf = ImplAddNum( pBuf, nMonth, 2 ); pBuf = ImplAddString( pBuf, aDateSep ); pBuf = ImplAddNum( pBuf, nDay, 2 ); pBuf = ImplAddString( pBuf, aDateSep ); pBuf = ImplAddSNum( pBuf, nYear, nYearLen ); } break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD_DIN5008: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD_DIN5008: { pBuf = ImplAddSNum( pBuf, nYear, nYearLen ); pBuf = ImplAddString( pBuf, aDateSep ); pBuf = ImplAddNum( pBuf, nMonth, 2 ); pBuf = ImplAddString( pBuf, aDateSep ); pBuf = ImplAddNum( pBuf, nDay, 2 ); } break; default: { OSL_FAIL( "DateOrder???" ); } } return OUString(aBuf, pBuf-aBuf); } OUString DateFormatter::ImplGetDateAsText( const Date& rDate ) const { return DateFormatter::FormatDate(rDate, GetExtDateFormat(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper(), maStaticFormatter); } static void ImplDateIncrementDay( Date& rDate, bool bUp ) { DateFormatter::ExpandCentury( rDate ); rDate.AddDays( bUp ? 1 : -1 ); } static void ImplDateIncrementMonth( Date& rDate, bool bUp ) { DateFormatter::ExpandCentury( rDate ); rDate.AddMonths( bUp ? 1 : -1 ); } static void ImplDateIncrementYear( Date& rDate, bool bUp ) { DateFormatter::ExpandCentury( rDate ); rDate.AddYears( bUp ? 1 : -1 ); } bool DateFormatter::ImplAllowMalformedInput() const { return !IsEnforceValidValue(); } int DateFormatter::GetDateArea(ExtDateFieldFormat eFormat, std::u16string_view rText, int nCursor, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper) { sal_Int8 nDateArea = 0; if ( eFormat == ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemLong ) { eFormat = ImplGetExtFormat(rLocaleDataWrapper.getLongDateOrder()); nDateArea = 1; } else { // search area size_t nPos = 0; OUString aDateSep = ImplGetDateSep(rLocaleDataWrapper, eFormat); for ( sal_Int8 i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) { nPos = rText.find( aDateSep, nPos ); if (nPos == std::u16string_view::npos || static_cast<sal_Int32>(nPos) >= nCursor) { nDateArea = i; break; } else nPos++; } } return nDateArea; } void DateField::ImplDateSpinArea( bool bUp ) { // increment days if all is selected if ( !GetField() ) return; Date aDate( GetDate() ); Selection aSelection = GetField()->GetSelection(); aSelection.Normalize(); OUString aText( GetText() ); if ( static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSelection.Len()) == aText.getLength() ) ImplDateIncrementDay( aDate, bUp ); else { ExtDateFieldFormat eFormat = GetExtDateFormat( true ); sal_Int8 nDateArea = GetDateArea(eFormat, aText, aSelection.Max(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper()); switch( eFormat ) { case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYYYY: switch( nDateArea ) { case 1: ImplDateIncrementMonth( aDate, bUp ); break; case 2: ImplDateIncrementDay( aDate, bUp ); break; case 3: ImplDateIncrementYear( aDate, bUp ); break; } break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYY: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYYYY: switch( nDateArea ) { case 1: ImplDateIncrementDay( aDate, bUp ); break; case 2: ImplDateIncrementMonth( aDate, bUp ); break; case 3: ImplDateIncrementYear( aDate, bUp ); break; } break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD_DIN5008: case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD_DIN5008: switch( nDateArea ) { case 1: ImplDateIncrementYear( aDate, bUp ); break; case 2: ImplDateIncrementMonth( aDate, bUp ); break; case 3: ImplDateIncrementDay( aDate, bUp ); break; } break; default: OSL_FAIL( "invalid conversion" ); break; } } ImplNewFieldValue( aDate ); } DateFormatter::DateFormatter(Edit* pEdit) : FormatterBase(pEdit) , maFieldDate(0) , maLastDate(0) , maMin(1, 1, 1900) , maMax(31, 12, 2200) , mbLongFormat(false) , mbShowDateCentury(true) , mnExtDateFormat(ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShort) , mbEnforceValidValue(true) { } DateFormatter::~DateFormatter() { } CalendarWrapper& DateFormatter::GetCalendarWrapper() const { if (!mxCalendarWrapper) { const_cast<DateFormatter*>(this)->mxCalendarWrapper.reset( new CalendarWrapper( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) ); mxCalendarWrapper->loadDefaultCalendar( GetLocale() ); } return *mxCalendarWrapper; } void DateFormatter::SetExtDateFormat( ExtDateFieldFormat eFormat ) { mnExtDateFormat = eFormat; ReformatAll(); } ExtDateFieldFormat DateFormatter::GetExtDateFormat( bool bResolveSystemFormat ) const { ExtDateFieldFormat eDateFormat = mnExtDateFormat; if (bResolveSystemFormat) eDateFormat = ResolveSystemFormat(eDateFormat, ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper()); return eDateFormat; } void DateFormatter::ReformatAll() { Reformat(); } void DateFormatter::SetMin( const Date& rNewMin ) { maMin = rNewMin; if ( !IsEmptyFieldValue() ) ReformatAll(); } void DateFormatter::SetMax( const Date& rNewMax ) { maMax = rNewMax; if ( !IsEmptyFieldValue() ) ReformatAll(); } void DateFormatter::SetLongFormat( bool bLong ) { mbLongFormat = bLong; // #91913# Remove LongFormat and DateShowCentury - redundant if ( bLong ) { SetExtDateFormat( ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemLong ); } else { if( mnExtDateFormat == ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemLong ) SetExtDateFormat( ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShort ); } ReformatAll(); } namespace { ExtDateFieldFormat ChangeDateCentury(ExtDateFieldFormat eExtDateFormat, bool bShowDateCentury) { // #91913# Remove LongFormat and DateShowCentury - redundant if (bShowDateCentury) { switch (eExtDateFormat) { case ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShort: case ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShortYY: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShortYYYY; break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYY: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYYYY; break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYY: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYYYY; break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD; break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD_DIN5008: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD_DIN5008; break; default: ; } } else { switch (eExtDateFormat) { case ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShort: case ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShortYYYY: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemShortYY; break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYYYY: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortDDMMYY; break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYYYY: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortMMDDYY; break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD; break; case ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYYYMMDD_DIN5008: eExtDateFormat = ExtDateFieldFormat::ShortYYMMDD_DIN5008; break; default: ; } } return eExtDateFormat; } } void DateFormatter::SetShowDateCentury( bool bShowDateCentury ) { mbShowDateCentury = bShowDateCentury; SetExtDateFormat(ChangeDateCentury(GetExtDateFormat(), bShowDateCentury)); ReformatAll(); } void DateFormatter::SetDate( const Date& rNewDate ) { ImplSetUserDate( rNewDate ); maFieldDate = maLastDate; maLastDate = GetDate(); } void DateFormatter::ImplSetUserDate( const Date& rNewDate, Selection const * pNewSelection ) { Date aNewDate = rNewDate; if ( aNewDate > maMax ) aNewDate = maMax; else if ( aNewDate < maMin ) aNewDate = maMin; maLastDate = aNewDate; if ( GetField() ) ImplSetText( ImplGetDateAsText( aNewDate ), pNewSelection ); } void DateFormatter::ImplNewFieldValue( const Date& rDate ) { if ( !GetField() ) return; Selection aSelection = GetField()->GetSelection(); aSelection.Normalize(); OUString aText = GetField()->GetText(); // If selected until the end then keep it that way if ( static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSelection.Max()) == aText.getLength() ) { if ( !aSelection.Len() ) aSelection.Min() = SELECTION_MAX; aSelection.Max() = SELECTION_MAX; } Date aOldLastDate = maLastDate; ImplSetUserDate( rDate, &aSelection ); maLastDate = aOldLastDate; // Modify at Edit is only set at KeyInput if ( GetField()->GetText() != aText ) { GetField()->SetModifyFlag(); GetField()->Modify(); } } Date DateFormatter::GetDate() const { Date aDate( Date::EMPTY ); if ( GetField() ) { if (TextToDate(GetField()->GetText(), aDate, GetExtDateFormat(true), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper(), GetCalendarWrapper())) { if ( aDate > maMax ) aDate = maMax; else if ( aDate < maMin ) aDate = maMin; } else { // !!! We should find out why dates are treated differently than other fields (see // also bug: 52384) if ( !ImplAllowMalformedInput() ) { if ( maLastDate.GetDate() ) aDate = maLastDate; else if ( !IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled() ) aDate = Date( Date::SYSTEM ); } else aDate = Date( Date::EMPTY ); // set invalid date } } return aDate; } void DateFormatter::SetEmptyDate() { FormatterBase::SetEmptyFieldValue(); } bool DateFormatter::IsEmptyDate() const { bool bEmpty = FormatterBase::IsEmptyFieldValue(); if ( GetField() && MustBeReformatted() && IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled() ) { if ( GetField()->GetText().isEmpty() ) { bEmpty = true; } else if ( !maLastDate.GetDate() ) { Date aDate( Date::EMPTY ); bEmpty = !TextToDate(GetField()->GetText(), aDate, GetExtDateFormat(true), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper(), GetCalendarWrapper()); } } return bEmpty; } void DateFormatter::Reformat() { if ( !GetField() ) return; if ( GetField()->GetText().isEmpty() && ImplGetEmptyFieldValue() ) return; OUString aStr; ImplDateReformat( GetField()->GetText(), aStr ); if ( !aStr.isEmpty() ) { ImplSetText( aStr ); (void)TextToDate(aStr, maLastDate, GetExtDateFormat(true), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper(), GetCalendarWrapper()); } else { if ( maLastDate.GetDate() ) SetDate( maLastDate ); else if ( !IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled() ) SetDate( Date( Date::SYSTEM ) ); else { ImplSetText( OUString() ); SetEmptyFieldValueData( true ); } } } void DateFormatter::ExpandCentury( Date& rDate ) { ExpandCentury(rDate, officecfg::Office::Common::DateFormat::TwoDigitYear::get()); } void DateFormatter::ExpandCentury( Date& rDate, sal_uInt16 nTwoDigitYearStart ) { sal_Int16 nDateYear = rDate.GetYear(); if ( 0 <= nDateYear && nDateYear < 100 ) { sal_uInt16 nCentury = nTwoDigitYearStart / 100; if ( nDateYear < (nTwoDigitYearStart % 100) ) nCentury++; rDate.SetYear( nDateYear + (nCentury*100) ); } } DateField::DateField( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : SpinField( pParent, nWinStyle ), DateFormatter(this), maFirst( GetMin() ), maLast( GetMax() ) { SetText( ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getDate( ImplGetFieldDate() ) ); Reformat(); ResetLastDate(); } void DateField::dispose() { ClearField(); SpinField::dispose(); } bool DateField::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( (rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT) && IsStrictFormat() && ( GetExtDateFormat() != ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemLong ) && !rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { if ( ImplDateProcessKeyInput( *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(), GetExtDateFormat( true ), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper() ) ) return true; } return SpinField::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } bool DateField::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::GETFOCUS ) MarkToBeReformatted( false ); else if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::LOSEFOCUS ) { if ( MustBeReformatted() ) { // !!! We should find out why dates are treated differently than other fields (see // also bug: 52384) bool bTextLen = !GetText().isEmpty(); if ( bTextLen || !IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled() ) { if ( !ImplAllowMalformedInput() ) Reformat(); else { Date aDate( 0, 0, 0 ); if (TextToDate(GetText(), aDate, GetExtDateFormat(true), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper(), GetCalendarWrapper())) // even with strict text analysis, our text is a valid date -> do a complete // reformat Reformat(); } } else { ResetLastDate(); SetEmptyFieldValueData( true ); } } } return SpinField::EventNotify( rNEvt ); } void DateField::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { SpinField::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & (AllSettingsFlags::LOCALE|AllSettingsFlags::MISC)) ) { if (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::LOCALE) ImplResetLocaleDataWrapper(); ReformatAll(); } } void DateField::Modify() { MarkToBeReformatted( true ); SpinField::Modify(); } void DateField::Up() { ImplDateSpinArea( true ); SpinField::Up(); } void DateField::Down() { ImplDateSpinArea( false ); SpinField::Down(); } void DateField::First() { ImplNewFieldValue( maFirst ); SpinField::First(); } void DateField::Last() { ImplNewFieldValue( maLast ); SpinField::Last(); } DateBox::DateBox(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle) : ComboBox( pParent, nWinStyle ) , DateFormatter(this) { SetText( ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getDate( ImplGetFieldDate() ) ); Reformat(); } void DateBox::dispose() { ClearField(); ComboBox::dispose(); } bool DateBox::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( (rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT) && IsStrictFormat() && ( GetExtDateFormat() != ExtDateFieldFormat::SystemLong ) && !rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { if ( ImplDateProcessKeyInput( *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(), GetExtDateFormat( true ), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper() ) ) return true; } return ComboBox::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } void DateBox::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { ComboBox::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::LOCALE) ) { ImplResetLocaleDataWrapper(); ReformatAll(); } } bool DateBox::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::GETFOCUS ) MarkToBeReformatted( false ); else if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::LOSEFOCUS ) { if ( MustBeReformatted() ) { bool bTextLen = !GetText().isEmpty(); if ( bTextLen || !IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled() ) Reformat(); else { ResetLastDate(); SetEmptyFieldValueData( true ); } } } return ComboBox::EventNotify( rNEvt ); } void DateBox::Modify() { MarkToBeReformatted( true ); ComboBox::Modify(); } void DateBox::ReformatAll() { OUString aStr; SetUpdateMode( false ); const sal_Int32 nEntryCount = GetEntryCount(); for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i < nEntryCount; ++i ) { ImplDateReformat( GetEntry( i ), aStr ); RemoveEntryAt(i); InsertEntry( aStr, i ); } DateFormatter::Reformat(); SetUpdateMode( true ); } namespace weld { CalendarWrapper& DateFormatter::GetCalendarWrapper() const { if (!m_xCalendarWrapper) { m_xCalendarWrapper.reset(new CalendarWrapper(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext())); m_xCalendarWrapper->loadDefaultCalendar(Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLocale()); } return *m_xCalendarWrapper; } void DateFormatter::SetShowDateCentury(bool bShowDateCentury) { m_eFormat = ChangeDateCentury(m_eFormat, bShowDateCentury); ReFormat(); } void DateFormatter::SetDate(const Date& rDate) { auto nDate = rDate.GetDate(); bool bForceOutput = GetEntryText().isEmpty() && rDate == GetDate(); if (bForceOutput) { ImplSetValue(nDate, true); return; } SetValue(nDate); } Date DateFormatter::GetDate() { return Date(GetValue()); } void DateFormatter::SetMin(const Date& rNewMin) { SetMinValue(rNewMin.GetDate()); } void DateFormatter::SetMax(const Date& rNewMax) { SetMaxValue(rNewMax.GetDate()); } OUString DateFormatter::FormatNumber(int nValue) const { const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData = Application::GetSettings().GetLocaleDataWrapper(); return ::DateFormatter::FormatDate(Date(nValue), m_eFormat, rLocaleData, m_aStaticFormatter); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(DateFormatter, FormatOutputHdl, LinkParamNone*, bool) { OUString sText = FormatNumber(GetValue()); ImplSetTextImpl(sText, nullptr); return true; } IMPL_LINK(DateFormatter, ParseInputHdl, sal_Int64*, result, TriState) { const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper = Application::GetSettings().GetLocaleDataWrapper(); Date aResult(Date::EMPTY); bool bRet = ::DateFormatter::TextToDate(GetEntryText(), aResult, ResolveSystemFormat(m_eFormat, rLocaleDataWrapper), rLocaleDataWrapper, GetCalendarWrapper()); if (bRet) *result = aResult.GetDate(); return bRet ? TRISTATE_TRUE : TRISTATE_FALSE; } } static bool ImplTimeProcessKeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt, bool bStrictFormat, bool bDuration, TimeFieldFormat eFormat, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper ) { sal_Unicode cChar = rKEvt.GetCharCode(); if ( !bStrictFormat ) return false; else { sal_uInt16 nGroup = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetGroup(); if ( (nGroup == KEYGROUP_FKEYS) || (nGroup == KEYGROUP_CURSOR) || (nGroup == KEYGROUP_MISC) || ((cChar >= '0') && (cChar <= '9')) || rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep() == OUStringChar(cChar) || (rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeAM().indexOf(cChar) != -1) || (rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimePM().indexOf(cChar) != -1) || // Accept AM/PM: (cChar == 'a') || (cChar == 'A') || (cChar == 'm') || (cChar == 'M') || (cChar == 'p') || (cChar == 'P') || ((eFormat == TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC_CS) && rLocaleDataWrapper.getTime100SecSep() == OUStringChar(cChar)) || (bDuration && (cChar == '-')) ) return false; else return true; } } static bool ImplIsOnlyDigits( const OUString& _rStr ) { const sal_Unicode* _pChr = _rStr.getStr(); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < _rStr.getLength(); ++i, ++_pChr ) { if ( *_pChr < '0' || *_pChr > '9' ) return false; } return true; } static bool ImplIsValidTimePortion( bool _bSkipInvalidCharacters, const OUString& _rStr ) { if ( !_bSkipInvalidCharacters ) { if ( ( _rStr.getLength() > 2 ) || _rStr.isEmpty() || !ImplIsOnlyDigits( _rStr ) ) return false; } return true; } static bool ImplCutTimePortion( OUStringBuffer& _rStr, sal_Int32 _nSepPos, bool _bSkipInvalidCharacters, short* _pPortion ) { OUString sPortion(_rStr.getStr(), _nSepPos ); if (_nSepPos < _rStr.getLength()) _rStr.remove(0, _nSepPos + 1); else _rStr.truncate(); if ( !ImplIsValidTimePortion( _bSkipInvalidCharacters, sPortion ) ) return false; *_pPortion = static_cast<short>(sPortion.toInt32()); return true; } bool TimeFormatter::TextToTime(std::u16string_view rStr, tools::Time& rTime, TimeFieldFormat eFormat, bool bDuration, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper, bool _bSkipInvalidCharacters) { OUStringBuffer aStr(rStr); short nHour = 0; short nMinute = 0; short nSecond = 0; sal_Int64 nNanoSec = 0; tools::Time aTime( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( rStr.empty() ) return false; // Search for separators if (!rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep().isEmpty()) { OUStringBuffer aSepStr(",.;:/"); if ( !bDuration ) aSepStr.append('-'); // Replace characters above by the separator character for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aSepStr.getLength(); ++i) { if (rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep() == OUStringChar(aSepStr[i])) continue; for ( sal_Int32 j = 0; j < aStr.getLength(); j++ ) { if (aStr[j] == aSepStr[i]) aStr[j] = rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep()[0]; } } } bool bNegative = false; sal_Int32 nSepPos = aStr.indexOf( rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep() ); if ( aStr[0] == '-' ) bNegative = true; if ( eFormat != TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC_CS ) { if ( nSepPos < 0 ) nSepPos = aStr.getLength(); if ( !ImplCutTimePortion( aStr, nSepPos, _bSkipInvalidCharacters, &nHour ) ) return false; nSepPos = aStr.indexOf( rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep() ); if ( !aStr.isEmpty() && aStr[0] == '-' ) bNegative = true; if ( nSepPos >= 0 ) { if ( !ImplCutTimePortion( aStr, nSepPos, _bSkipInvalidCharacters, &nMinute ) ) return false; nSepPos = aStr.indexOf( rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep() ); if ( !aStr.isEmpty() && aStr[0] == '-' ) bNegative = true; if ( nSepPos >= 0 ) { if ( !ImplCutTimePortion( aStr, nSepPos, _bSkipInvalidCharacters, &nSecond ) ) return false; if ( !aStr.isEmpty() && aStr[0] == '-' ) bNegative = true; nNanoSec = o3tl::toInt64(aStr); } else nSecond = static_cast<short>(o3tl::toInt32(aStr)); } else nMinute = static_cast<short>(o3tl::toInt32(aStr)); } else if ( nSepPos < 0 ) { nSecond = static_cast<short>(o3tl::toInt32(aStr)); nMinute += nSecond / 60; nSecond %= 60; nHour += nMinute / 60; nMinute %= 60; } else { nSecond = static_cast<short>(o3tl::toInt32(aStr.subView( 0, nSepPos ))); aStr.remove( 0, nSepPos+1 ); nSepPos = aStr.indexOf( rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep() ); if ( !aStr.isEmpty() && aStr[0] == '-' ) bNegative = true; if ( nSepPos >= 0 ) { nMinute = nSecond; nSecond = static_cast<short>(o3tl::toInt32(aStr.subView( 0, nSepPos ))); aStr.remove( 0, nSepPos+1 ); nSepPos = aStr.indexOf( rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep() ); if ( !aStr.isEmpty() && aStr[0] == '-' ) bNegative = true; if ( nSepPos >= 0 ) { nHour = nMinute; nMinute = nSecond; nSecond = static_cast<short>(o3tl::toInt32(aStr.subView( 0, nSepPos ))); aStr.remove( 0, nSepPos+1 ); } else { nHour += nMinute / 60; nMinute %= 60; } } else { nMinute += nSecond / 60; nSecond %= 60; nHour += nMinute / 60; nMinute %= 60; } nNanoSec = o3tl::toInt64(aStr); } if ( nNanoSec ) { assert(aStr.getLength() >= 1); sal_Int32 nLen = 1; // at least one digit, otherwise nNanoSec==0 while ( aStr.getLength() > nLen && aStr[nLen] >= '0' && aStr[nLen] <= '9' ) nLen++; while ( nLen < 9) { nNanoSec *= 10; ++nLen; } while ( nLen > 9 ) { // round if negative? nNanoSec = (nNanoSec + 5) / 10; --nLen; } } assert(nNanoSec > -1000000000 && nNanoSec < 1000000000); if ( (nMinute > 59) || (nSecond > 59) || (nNanoSec > 1000000000) ) return false; if ( eFormat == TimeFieldFormat::F_NONE ) nSecond = nNanoSec = 0; else if ( eFormat == TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC ) nNanoSec = 0; if ( !bDuration ) { if ( bNegative || (nHour < 0) || (nMinute < 0) || (nSecond < 0) || (nNanoSec < 0) ) return false; OUString aUpperCaseStr = aStr.toString().toAsciiUpperCase(); OUString aAMlocalised(rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeAM().toAsciiUpperCase()); OUString aPMlocalised(rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimePM().toAsciiUpperCase()); if ( (nHour < 12) && ( ( aUpperCaseStr.indexOf( "PM" ) >= 0 ) || ( aUpperCaseStr.indexOf( aPMlocalised ) >= 0 ) ) ) nHour += 12; if ( (nHour == 12) && ( ( aUpperCaseStr.indexOf( "AM" ) >= 0 ) || ( aUpperCaseStr.indexOf( aAMlocalised ) >= 0 ) ) ) nHour = 0; aTime = tools::Time( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nHour), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nMinute), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nSecond), static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nNanoSec) ); } else { assert( !bNegative || (nHour < 0) || (nMinute < 0) || (nSecond < 0) || (nNanoSec < 0) ); if ( bNegative || (nHour < 0) || (nMinute < 0) || (nSecond < 0) || (nNanoSec < 0) ) { // LEM TODO: this looks weird... I think buggy when parsing "05:-02:18" bNegative = true; nHour = nHour < 0 ? -nHour : nHour; nMinute = nMinute < 0 ? -nMinute : nMinute; nSecond = nSecond < 0 ? -nSecond : nSecond; nNanoSec = nNanoSec < 0 ? -nNanoSec : nNanoSec; } aTime = tools::Time( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nHour), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nMinute), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nSecond), static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nNanoSec) ); if ( bNegative ) aTime = -aTime; } rTime = aTime; return true; } void TimeFormatter::ImplTimeReformat( std::u16string_view rStr, OUString& rOutStr ) { tools::Time aTime( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( !TextToTime( rStr, aTime, GetFormat(), IsDuration(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper() ) ) return; tools::Time aTempTime = aTime; if ( aTempTime > GetMax() ) aTempTime = GetMax() ; else if ( aTempTime < GetMin() ) aTempTime = GetMin(); bool bSecond = false; bool b100Sec = false; if ( meFormat != TimeFieldFormat::F_NONE ) bSecond = true; if ( meFormat == TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC_CS ) { sal_uLong n = aTempTime.GetHour() * 3600L; n += aTempTime.GetMin() * 60L; n += aTempTime.GetSec(); rOutStr = OUString::number( n ); rOutStr += ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getTime100SecSep(); std::ostringstream ostr; ostr.fill('0'); ostr.width(9); ostr << aTempTime.GetNanoSec(); rOutStr += OUString::createFromAscii(ostr.str().c_str()); } else if ( mbDuration ) rOutStr = ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getDuration( aTempTime, bSecond, b100Sec ); else { rOutStr = ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getTime( aTempTime, bSecond, b100Sec ); if ( GetTimeFormat() == TimeFormat::Hour12 ) { if ( aTempTime.GetHour() > 12 ) { tools::Time aT( aTempTime ); aT.SetHour( aT.GetHour() % 12 ); rOutStr = ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getTime( aT, bSecond, b100Sec ); } // Don't use LocaleDataWrapper, we want AM/PM if ( aTempTime.GetHour() < 12 ) rOutStr += "AM"; // ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getTimeAM(); else rOutStr += "PM"; // ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getTimePM(); } } } bool TimeFormatter::ImplAllowMalformedInput() const { return !IsEnforceValidValue(); } int TimeFormatter::GetTimeArea(TimeFieldFormat eFormat, std::u16string_view rText, int nCursor, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper) { int nTimeArea = 0; // Area search if (eFormat != TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC_CS) { //Which area is the cursor in of HH:MM:SS.TT for ( size_t i = 1, nPos = 0; i <= 4; i++ ) { size_t nPos1 = rText.find(rLocaleDataWrapper.getTimeSep(), nPos); size_t nPos2 = rText.find(rLocaleDataWrapper.getTime100SecSep(), nPos); //which ever comes first, bearing in mind that one might not be there if (nPos1 != std::u16string_view::npos && nPos2 != std::u16string_view::npos) nPos = std::min(nPos1, nPos2); else if (nPos1 != std::u16string_view::npos) nPos = nPos1; else nPos = nPos2; if (nPos == std::u16string_view::npos || static_cast<sal_Int32>(nPos) >= nCursor) { nTimeArea = i; break; } else nPos++; } } else { size_t nPos = rText.find(rLocaleDataWrapper.getTime100SecSep()); if (nPos == std::u16string_view::npos || static_cast<sal_Int32>(nPos) >= nCursor) nTimeArea = 3; else nTimeArea = 4; } return nTimeArea; } tools::Time TimeFormatter::SpinTime(bool bUp, const tools::Time& rTime, TimeFieldFormat eFormat, bool bDuration, std::u16string_view rText, int nCursor, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper) { tools::Time aTime(rTime); int nTimeArea = GetTimeArea(eFormat, rText, nCursor, rLocaleDataWrapper); if ( nTimeArea ) { tools::Time aAddTime( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( nTimeArea == 1 ) aAddTime = tools::Time( 1, 0 ); else if ( nTimeArea == 2 ) aAddTime = tools::Time( 0, 1 ); else if ( nTimeArea == 3 ) aAddTime = tools::Time( 0, 0, 1 ); else if ( nTimeArea == 4 ) aAddTime = tools::Time( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); if ( !bUp ) aAddTime = -aAddTime; aTime += aAddTime; if (!bDuration) { tools::Time aAbsMaxTime( 23, 59, 59, 999999999 ); if ( aTime > aAbsMaxTime ) aTime = aAbsMaxTime; tools::Time aAbsMinTime( 0, 0 ); if ( aTime < aAbsMinTime ) aTime = aAbsMinTime; } } return aTime; } void TimeField::ImplTimeSpinArea( bool bUp ) { if ( GetField() ) { tools::Time aTime( GetTime() ); OUString aText( GetText() ); Selection aSelection( GetField()->GetSelection() ); aTime = TimeFormatter::SpinTime(bUp, aTime, GetFormat(), IsDuration(), aText, aSelection.Max(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper()); ImplNewFieldValue( aTime ); } } TimeFormatter::TimeFormatter(Edit* pEdit) : FormatterBase(pEdit) , maLastTime(0, 0) , maMin(0, 0) , maMax(23, 59, 59, 999999999) , meFormat(TimeFieldFormat::F_NONE) , mnTimeFormat(TimeFormat::Hour24) // Should become an ExtTimeFieldFormat in next implementation, merge with mbDuration and meFormat , mbDuration(false) , mbEnforceValidValue(true) , maFieldTime(0, 0) { } TimeFormatter::~TimeFormatter() { } void TimeFormatter::ReformatAll() { Reformat(); } void TimeFormatter::SetMin( const tools::Time& rNewMin ) { maMin = rNewMin; if ( !IsEmptyFieldValue() ) ReformatAll(); } void TimeFormatter::SetMax( const tools::Time& rNewMax ) { maMax = rNewMax; if ( !IsEmptyFieldValue() ) ReformatAll(); } void TimeFormatter::SetTimeFormat( TimeFormat eNewFormat ) { mnTimeFormat = eNewFormat; } void TimeFormatter::SetFormat( TimeFieldFormat eNewFormat ) { meFormat = eNewFormat; ReformatAll(); } void TimeFormatter::SetDuration( bool bNewDuration ) { mbDuration = bNewDuration; ReformatAll(); } void TimeFormatter::SetTime( const tools::Time& rNewTime ) { SetUserTime( rNewTime ); maFieldTime = maLastTime; SetEmptyFieldValueData( false ); } void TimeFormatter::ImplNewFieldValue( const tools::Time& rTime ) { if ( !GetField() ) return; Selection aSelection = GetField()->GetSelection(); aSelection.Normalize(); OUString aText = GetField()->GetText(); // If selected until the end then keep it that way if ( static_cast<sal_Int32>(aSelection.Max()) == aText.getLength() ) { if ( !aSelection.Len() ) aSelection.Min() = SELECTION_MAX; aSelection.Max() = SELECTION_MAX; } tools::Time aOldLastTime = maLastTime; ImplSetUserTime( rTime, &aSelection ); maLastTime = aOldLastTime; // Modify at Edit is only set at KeyInput if ( GetField()->GetText() != aText ) { GetField()->SetModifyFlag(); GetField()->Modify(); } } OUString TimeFormatter::FormatTime(const tools::Time& rNewTime, TimeFieldFormat eFormat, TimeFormat eHourFormat, bool bDuration, const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData) { OUString aStr; bool bSec = false; bool b100Sec = false; if ( eFormat != TimeFieldFormat::F_NONE ) bSec = true; if ( eFormat == TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC_CS ) b100Sec = true; if ( eFormat == TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC_CS ) { sal_uLong n = rNewTime.GetHour() * 3600L; n += rNewTime.GetMin() * 60L; n += rNewTime.GetSec(); aStr = OUString::number( n ) + rLocaleData.getTime100SecSep(); std::ostringstream ostr; ostr.fill('0'); ostr.width(9); ostr << rNewTime.GetNanoSec(); aStr += OUString::createFromAscii(ostr.str().c_str()); } else if ( bDuration ) { aStr = rLocaleData.getDuration( rNewTime, bSec, b100Sec ); } else { aStr = rLocaleData.getTime( rNewTime, bSec, b100Sec ); if ( eHourFormat == TimeFormat::Hour12 ) { if ( rNewTime.GetHour() > 12 ) { tools::Time aT( rNewTime ); aT.SetHour( aT.GetHour() % 12 ); aStr = rLocaleData.getTime( aT, bSec, b100Sec ); } // Don't use LocaleDataWrapper, we want AM/PM if ( rNewTime.GetHour() < 12 ) aStr += "AM"; // rLocaleData.getTimeAM(); else aStr += "PM"; // rLocaleData.getTimePM(); } } return aStr; } void TimeFormatter::ImplSetUserTime( const tools::Time& rNewTime, Selection const * pNewSelection ) { tools::Time aNewTime = rNewTime; if ( aNewTime > GetMax() ) aNewTime = GetMax(); else if ( aNewTime < GetMin() ) aNewTime = GetMin(); maLastTime = aNewTime; if ( GetField() ) { OUString aStr = TimeFormatter::FormatTime(aNewTime, meFormat, GetTimeFormat(), mbDuration, ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper()); ImplSetText( aStr, pNewSelection ); } } void TimeFormatter::SetUserTime( const tools::Time& rNewTime ) { ImplSetUserTime( rNewTime ); } tools::Time TimeFormatter::GetTime() const { tools::Time aTime( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( GetField() ) { bool bAllowMalformed = ImplAllowMalformedInput(); if ( TextToTime( GetField()->GetText(), aTime, GetFormat(), IsDuration(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper(), !bAllowMalformed ) ) { if ( aTime > GetMax() ) aTime = GetMax(); else if ( aTime < GetMin() ) aTime = GetMin(); } else { if ( bAllowMalformed ) aTime = tools::Time( 99, 99, 99 ); // set invalid time else aTime = maLastTime; } } return aTime; } void TimeFormatter::Reformat() { if ( !GetField() ) return; if ( GetField()->GetText().isEmpty() && ImplGetEmptyFieldValue() ) return; OUString aStr; ImplTimeReformat( GetField()->GetText(), aStr ); if ( !aStr.isEmpty() ) { ImplSetText( aStr ); (void)TextToTime(aStr, maLastTime, GetFormat(), IsDuration(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper()); } else SetTime( maLastTime ); } TimeField::TimeField( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : SpinField( pParent, nWinStyle ), TimeFormatter(this), maFirst( GetMin() ), maLast( GetMax() ) { SetText( ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getTime( maFieldTime, false ) ); Reformat(); } void TimeField::dispose() { ClearField(); SpinField::dispose(); } bool TimeField::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( (rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT) && !rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { if ( ImplTimeProcessKeyInput( *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(), IsStrictFormat(), IsDuration(), GetFormat(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper() ) ) return true; } return SpinField::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } bool TimeField::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::GETFOCUS ) MarkToBeReformatted( false ); else if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::LOSEFOCUS ) { if ( MustBeReformatted() && (!GetText().isEmpty() || !IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled()) ) { if ( !ImplAllowMalformedInput() ) Reformat(); else { tools::Time aTime( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( TextToTime( GetText(), aTime, GetFormat(), IsDuration(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper(), false ) ) // even with strict text analysis, our text is a valid time -> do a complete // reformat Reformat(); } } } return SpinField::EventNotify( rNEvt ); } void TimeField::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { SpinField::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::LOCALE) ) { ImplResetLocaleDataWrapper(); ReformatAll(); } } void TimeField::Modify() { MarkToBeReformatted( true ); SpinField::Modify(); } void TimeField::Up() { ImplTimeSpinArea( true ); SpinField::Up(); } void TimeField::Down() { ImplTimeSpinArea( false ); SpinField::Down(); } void TimeField::First() { ImplNewFieldValue( maFirst ); SpinField::First(); } void TimeField::Last() { ImplNewFieldValue( maLast ); SpinField::Last(); } void TimeField::SetExtFormat( ExtTimeFieldFormat eFormat ) { switch ( eFormat ) { case ExtTimeFieldFormat::Short24H: { SetTimeFormat( TimeFormat::Hour24 ); SetDuration( false ); SetFormat( TimeFieldFormat::F_NONE ); } break; case ExtTimeFieldFormat::Long24H: { SetTimeFormat( TimeFormat::Hour24 ); SetDuration( false ); SetFormat( TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC ); } break; case ExtTimeFieldFormat::Short12H: { SetTimeFormat( TimeFormat::Hour12 ); SetDuration( false ); SetFormat( TimeFieldFormat::F_NONE ); } break; case ExtTimeFieldFormat::Long12H: { SetTimeFormat( TimeFormat::Hour12 ); SetDuration( false ); SetFormat( TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC ); } break; case ExtTimeFieldFormat::ShortDuration: { SetDuration( true ); SetFormat( TimeFieldFormat::F_NONE ); } break; case ExtTimeFieldFormat::LongDuration: { SetDuration( true ); SetFormat( TimeFieldFormat::F_SEC ); } break; default: OSL_FAIL( "ExtTimeFieldFormat unknown!" ); } if ( GetField() && !GetField()->GetText().isEmpty() ) SetUserTime( GetTime() ); ReformatAll(); } TimeBox::TimeBox(vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle) : ComboBox(pParent, nWinStyle) , TimeFormatter(this) { SetText( ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper().getTime( maFieldTime, false ) ); Reformat(); } void TimeBox::dispose() { ClearField(); ComboBox::dispose(); } bool TimeBox::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( (rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT) && !rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().IsMod2() ) { if ( ImplTimeProcessKeyInput( *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(), IsStrictFormat(), IsDuration(), GetFormat(), ImplGetLocaleDataWrapper() ) ) return true; } return ComboBox::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } bool TimeBox::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::GETFOCUS ) MarkToBeReformatted( false ); else if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::LOSEFOCUS ) { if ( MustBeReformatted() && (!GetText().isEmpty() || !IsEmptyFieldValueEnabled()) ) Reformat(); } return ComboBox::EventNotify( rNEvt ); } void TimeBox::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { ComboBox::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::LOCALE) ) { ImplResetLocaleDataWrapper(); ReformatAll(); } } void TimeBox::Modify() { MarkToBeReformatted( true ); ComboBox::Modify(); } void TimeBox::ReformatAll() { OUString aStr; SetUpdateMode( false ); const sal_Int32 nEntryCount = GetEntryCount(); for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i < nEntryCount; ++i ) { ImplTimeReformat( GetEntry( i ), aStr ); RemoveEntryAt(i); InsertEntry( aStr, i ); } TimeFormatter::Reformat(); SetUpdateMode( true ); } namespace weld { tools::Time TimeFormatter::ConvertValue(int nValue) { tools::Time aTime(0); aTime.MakeTimeFromMS(nValue); return aTime; } int TimeFormatter::ConvertValue(const tools::Time& rTime) { return rTime.GetMSFromTime(); } void TimeFormatter::SetTime(const tools::Time& rTime) { auto nTime = ConvertValue(rTime); bool bForceOutput = GetEntryText().isEmpty() && rTime == GetTime(); if (bForceOutput) { ImplSetValue(nTime, true); return; } SetValue(nTime); } tools::Time TimeFormatter::GetTime() { return ConvertValue(GetValue()); } void TimeFormatter::SetMin(const tools::Time& rNewMin) { SetMinValue(ConvertValue(rNewMin)); } void TimeFormatter::SetMax(const tools::Time& rNewMax) { SetMaxValue(ConvertValue(rNewMax)); } OUString TimeFormatter::FormatNumber(int nValue) const { const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData = Application::GetSettings().GetLocaleDataWrapper(); return ::TimeFormatter::FormatTime(ConvertValue(nValue), m_eFormat, m_eTimeFormat, m_bDuration, rLocaleData); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(TimeFormatter, FormatOutputHdl, LinkParamNone*, bool) { OUString sText = FormatNumber(GetValue()); ImplSetTextImpl(sText, nullptr); return true; } IMPL_LINK(TimeFormatter, ParseInputHdl, sal_Int64*, result, TriState) { const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleDataWrapper = Application::GetSettings().GetLocaleDataWrapper(); tools::Time aResult(0); bool bRet = ::TimeFormatter::TextToTime(GetEntryText(), aResult, m_eFormat, m_bDuration, rLocaleDataWrapper); if (bRet) *result = ConvertValue(aResult); return bRet ? TRISTATE_TRUE : TRISTATE_FALSE; } IMPL_LINK(TimeFormatter, CursorChangedHdl, weld::Entry&, rEntry, void) { int nStartPos, nEndPos; rEntry.get_selection_bounds(nStartPos, nEndPos); const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData = Application::GetSettings().GetLocaleDataWrapper(); const int nTimeArea = ::TimeFormatter::GetTimeArea(m_eFormat, GetEntryText(), nEndPos, rLocaleData); int nIncrements = 1; if (nTimeArea == 1) nIncrements = 1000 * 60 * 60; else if (nTimeArea == 2) nIncrements = 1000 * 60; else if (nTimeArea == 3) nIncrements = 1000; SetSpinSize(nIncrements); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */