/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vcl/event.hxx>
#include <vcl/toolkit/roadmap.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <hyperlabel.hxx>
#include <tools/color.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>

constexpr long LABELBASEMAPHEIGHT = 8;
constexpr long ROADMAP_INDENT_X = 4;
constexpr long ROADMAP_INDENT_Y = 27;
constexpr long ROADMAP_ITEM_DISTANCE_Y = 6;

namespace vcl

typedef std::vector< RoadmapItem* > HL_Vector;

//= ColorChanger

namespace {

class IDLabel :  public FixedText
    IDLabel( vcl::Window* _pParent, WinBits _nWinStyle );
    virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) override;
    virtual void ApplySettings(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext) override;


class RoadmapItem : public RoadmapTypes
    VclPtr<IDLabel>         mpID;
    VclPtr<HyperLabel>      mpDescription;
    const Size              m_aItemPlayground;

    RoadmapItem( ORoadmap& _rParent, const Size& _rItemPlayground );

    void                    SetID( sal_Int16 ID );
    sal_Int16               GetID() const;

    void                    SetIndex( ItemIndex Index );
    ItemIndex               GetIndex() const;

    void                    Update( ItemIndex RMIndex, const OUString& _rText );

    void                    SetPosition( RoadmapItem const * OldHyperLabel );

    void                    ToggleBackgroundColor( const Color& _rGBColor );
    void                    SetInteractive( bool _bInteractive );

    void                    SetClickHdl( const Link<HyperLabel*,void>& rLink );
    void                    Enable( bool bEnable );
    bool                    IsEnabled() const;
    void                    GrabFocus();

    bool                    Contains( const vcl::Window* _pWindow ) const;

    void                    ImplUpdateIndex( const ItemIndex _nIndex );
    void                    ImplUpdatePosSize();

//= RoadmapImpl

class RoadmapImpl : public RoadmapTypes
    const ORoadmap&     m_rAntiImpl;
    Link<LinkParamNone*,void> m_aSelectHdl;
    BitmapEx            m_aPicture;
    HL_Vector           m_aRoadmapSteps;
    ItemId              m_iCurItemID;
    bool                m_bInteractive : 1;
    bool                m_bComplete : 1;
    Size                m_aItemSizePixel;
    bool                m_bPaintInitialized : 1;

    explicit RoadmapImpl(const ORoadmap& rAntiImpl)
        : m_rAntiImpl(rAntiImpl)
        , m_iCurItemID(-1)
        , m_bInteractive(true)
        , m_bComplete(true)
        , m_bPaintInitialized(false)
        , InCompleteHyperLabel(nullptr)

    RoadmapItem* InCompleteHyperLabel;

    HL_Vector& getHyperLabels()
        return m_aRoadmapSteps;

    void insertHyperLabel(ItemIndex Index, RoadmapItem* _rRoadmapStep)
        m_aRoadmapSteps.insert(m_aRoadmapSteps.begin() + Index, _rRoadmapStep);

    ItemIndex getItemCount() const
        return m_aRoadmapSteps.size();

    void setCurItemID(ItemId i)
        m_iCurItemID = i;
    ItemId getCurItemID() const
        return m_iCurItemID;

    void setInteractive(const bool _bInteractive)
        m_bInteractive = _bInteractive;
    bool isInteractive() const
        return m_bInteractive;

    void setComplete(const bool _bComplete)
        m_bComplete = _bComplete;
    bool isComplete() const
        return m_bComplete;

    void setPicture(const BitmapEx& _rPic)
        m_aPicture = _rPic;
    const BitmapEx& getPicture() const
        return m_aPicture;

    void setSelectHdl(const Link<LinkParamNone*,void>& _rHdl)
        m_aSelectHdl = _rHdl;
    const Link<LinkParamNone*,void>& getSelectHdl() const
        return m_aSelectHdl;

    void initItemSize();
    const Size& getItemSize() const
        return m_aItemSizePixel;

    void removeHyperLabel(ItemIndex Index)
        if ((Index > -1) && (Index < getItemCount()))
            delete m_aRoadmapSteps[Index];
            m_aRoadmapSteps.erase(m_aRoadmapSteps.begin() + Index);

void RoadmapImpl::initItemSize()
    Size aLabelSize( m_rAntiImpl.GetOutputSizePixel() );
    aLabelSize.setHeight( m_rAntiImpl.LogicToPixel(Size(0, LABELBASEMAPHEIGHT), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)).Height() );
    aLabelSize.AdjustWidth( -(m_rAntiImpl.LogicToPixel(Size(2 * ROADMAP_INDENT_X, 0), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont)).Width()) );
    m_aItemSizePixel = aLabelSize;

//= Roadmap

ORoadmap::ORoadmap(vcl::Window* _pParent, WinBits _nWinStyle)
    : Control(_pParent, _nWinStyle)
    , m_pImpl(new RoadmapImpl(*this))

void ORoadmap::implInit(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
    m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel = nullptr;
    m_pImpl->m_bPaintInitialized = true;

    // Roadmap control should be reachable as one unit with a Tab key
    // the next Tab key should spring out of the control.
    // To reach it the control itself should get focus and set it
    // on entries. The entries themself should not be reachable with
    // the Tab key directly. So each entry should have WB_NOTABSTOP.

    // In other words the creator should create the control with the following
    // flags:
    // SetStyle( ( GetStyle() | WB_TABSTOP ) & ~WB_DIALOGCONTROL );

// TODO: if somebody sets a new font from outside (OutputDevice::SetFont), we would have to react
// on this with calculating a new bold font.
// Unfortunately, the OutputDevice does not offer a notify mechanism for a changed font.
// So settings the font from outside is simply a forbidden scenario at the moment


void ORoadmap::dispose()
    HL_Vector aItemsCopy = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels();
    for (auto const& itemCopy : aItemsCopy)
        delete itemCopy;
    if ( ! m_pImpl->isComplete() )
        delete m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel;

RoadmapTypes::ItemId ORoadmap::GetCurrentRoadmapItemID() const
    return m_pImpl->getCurItemID();

RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetPreviousHyperLabel(ItemIndex Index)
    RoadmapItem* pOldItem = nullptr;
    if ( Index > 0 )
        pOldItem = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels().at( Index - 1 );
    return pOldItem;

RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::InsertHyperLabel(ItemIndex Index, const OUString& _sLabel, ItemId RMID, bool _bEnabled, bool _bIncomplete)
    if (m_pImpl->getItemCount() == 0)

    RoadmapItem* pItem = nullptr;
    RoadmapItem* pOldItem = GetPreviousHyperLabel( Index );

    pItem = new RoadmapItem( *this, m_pImpl->getItemSize() );
    if ( _bIncomplete )
        pItem->SetInteractive( false );
        pItem->SetInteractive( m_pImpl->isInteractive() );
        m_pImpl->insertHyperLabel( Index, pItem );
    pItem->SetPosition( pOldItem );
    pItem->Update( Index, _sLabel );
    pItem->SetClickHdl(LINK( this, ORoadmap, ImplClickHdl ) );
    pItem->SetID( RMID );
    pItem->SetIndex( Index );
    if (!_bEnabled)
        pItem->Enable( _bEnabled );
    return pItem;

void ORoadmap::SetRoadmapBitmap(const BitmapEx& _rBmp)
    m_pImpl->setPicture( _rBmp );
    Invalidate( );

void ORoadmap::SetRoadmapInteractive(bool _bInteractive)
    m_pImpl->setInteractive( _bInteractive );

    const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels();
    for (auto const& item : rItems)
        item->SetInteractive( _bInteractive );

bool ORoadmap::IsRoadmapInteractive() const
    return m_pImpl->isInteractive();

void ORoadmap::SetRoadmapComplete(bool _bComplete)
    bool bWasComplete = m_pImpl->isComplete();
    m_pImpl->setComplete( _bComplete );
    if (_bComplete)
        if (m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel != nullptr)
            delete m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel;
            m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel = nullptr;
    else if (bWasComplete)
        m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel = InsertHyperLabel(m_pImpl->getItemCount(), "...", -1, true/*bEnabled*/, true/*bIncomplete*/ );

void ORoadmap::UpdatefollowingHyperLabels(ItemIndex _nIndex)
    const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels();
    if ( _nIndex < static_cast<ItemIndex>(rItems.size()) )
        for ( HL_Vector::const_iterator i = rItems.begin() + _nIndex;
              i != rItems.end();
              ++i, ++_nIndex
            RoadmapItem* pItem = *i;

            pItem->SetIndex( _nIndex );
            pItem->SetPosition( GetPreviousHyperLabel( _nIndex ) );

    if ( ! m_pImpl->isComplete() )
        RoadmapItem* pOldItem = GetPreviousHyperLabel( m_pImpl->getItemCount() );
        m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel->SetPosition( pOldItem );
        m_pImpl->InCompleteHyperLabel->Update( m_pImpl->getItemCount(), "..." );

void ORoadmap::ReplaceRoadmapItem(ItemIndex Index, const OUString& roadmapItem, ItemId RMID, bool _bEnabled)
    RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByIndex( Index);
    if ( pItem != nullptr )
        pItem->Update( Index, roadmapItem );
        pItem->SetID( RMID );
        pItem->Enable( _bEnabled );

RoadmapTypes::ItemIndex ORoadmap::GetItemCount() const
    return m_pImpl->getItemCount();

RoadmapTypes::ItemId ORoadmap::GetItemID(ItemIndex _nIndex) const
    const RoadmapItem* pHyperLabel = GetByIndex( _nIndex );
    if ( pHyperLabel )
        return pHyperLabel->GetID();
    return -1;

void ORoadmap::InsertRoadmapItem(ItemIndex Index, const OUString& RoadmapItem, ItemId _nUniqueId, bool _bEnabled)
    InsertHyperLabel( Index, RoadmapItem, _nUniqueId, _bEnabled, false/*bIncomplete*/ );
    // TODO YPos is superfluous, if items are always appended
    UpdatefollowingHyperLabels( Index + 1 );

void ORoadmap::DeleteRoadmapItem(ItemIndex Index)
    if ( m_pImpl->getItemCount() > 0 && ( Index > -1)  &&  ( Index < m_pImpl->getItemCount() ) )
        m_pImpl->removeHyperLabel( Index );
        UpdatefollowingHyperLabels( Index );

bool ORoadmap::IsRoadmapComplete() const
    return m_pImpl->isComplete();

void ORoadmap::EnableRoadmapItem( ItemId _nItemId, bool _bEnable )
    RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nItemId );
    if ( pItem != nullptr )
        pItem->Enable( _bEnable );

void ORoadmap::ChangeRoadmapItemLabel( ItemId _nID, const OUString& _sLabel )
    RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nID );
    if ( pItem == nullptr )

    pItem->Update( pItem->GetIndex(), _sLabel );

    const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels();
    size_t nPos = 0;
    for (auto const& item : rItems)
        item->SetPosition( GetPreviousHyperLabel(nPos) );

void ORoadmap::ChangeRoadmapItemID(ItemId _nID, ItemId NewID)
    RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nID );
    if ( pItem != nullptr )
        pItem->SetID( NewID );

RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByID(ItemId _nID)
    ItemId nLocID = 0;
    const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels();
    for (auto const& item : rItems)
        nLocID = item->GetID();
        if ( nLocID == _nID )
            return item;
    return nullptr;

const RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByID(ItemId _nID) const
    return const_cast< ORoadmap* >( this )->GetByID( _nID );

RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByIndex(ItemIndex _nItemIndex)
    const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels();
    if ( ( _nItemIndex > -1 ) && ( _nItemIndex < static_cast<ItemIndex>(rItems.size()) ) )
        return rItems.at( _nItemIndex );
    return nullptr;

const RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByIndex(ItemIndex _nItemIndex) const
    return const_cast< ORoadmap* >( this )->GetByIndex( _nItemIndex );

RoadmapTypes::ItemId ORoadmap::GetNextAvailableItemId(ItemIndex _nNewIndex)
    ItemIndex searchIndex = ++_nNewIndex;
    while ( searchIndex < m_pImpl->getItemCount() )
        RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByIndex( searchIndex );
        if ( pItem->IsEnabled() )
            return pItem->GetID( );

    return -1;

RoadmapTypes::ItemId ORoadmap::GetPreviousAvailableItemId(ItemIndex _nNewIndex)
    ItemIndex searchIndex = --_nNewIndex;
    while ( searchIndex > -1 )
        RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByIndex( searchIndex );
        if ( pItem->IsEnabled() )
            return pItem->GetID( );

    return -1;

void ORoadmap::DeselectOldRoadmapItems()
    const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels();
    for (auto const& item : rItems)
        item->ToggleBackgroundColor( COL_TRANSPARENT );

void ORoadmap::SetItemSelectHdl(const Link<LinkParamNone*,void>& _rHdl)

Link<LinkParamNone*,void> const & ORoadmap::GetItemSelectHdl() const
    return m_pImpl->getSelectHdl();

void ORoadmap::Select()
    GetItemSelectHdl().Call( nullptr );
    CallEventListeners( VclEventId::RoadmapItemSelected );

void ORoadmap::GetFocus()
    RoadmapItem* pCurHyperLabel = GetByID( GetCurrentRoadmapItemID() );
    if ( pCurHyperLabel != nullptr )

bool ORoadmap::SelectRoadmapItemByID( ItemId _nNewID )
    RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByID( _nNewID );
    if ( pItem != nullptr )
        if ( pItem->IsEnabled() )
            const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
            pItem->ToggleBackgroundColor( rStyleSettings.GetHighlightColor() ); //HighlightColor


            return true;
    return false;

void ORoadmap::Paint(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle& _rRect)
    if (!m_pImpl->m_bPaintInitialized)
    Control::Paint(rRenderContext, _rRect);

    // draw the bitmap
    if (!!m_pImpl->getPicture())
        Size aBitmapSize = m_pImpl->getPicture().GetSizePixel();
        Size aMySize(GetOutputSizePixel());

        Point aBitmapPos(aMySize.Width() - aBitmapSize.Width(),  aMySize.Height() - aBitmapSize.Height());

        // draw it
        rRenderContext.DrawBitmapEx( aBitmapPos, m_pImpl->getPicture() );

    // draw the headline

void ORoadmap::DrawHeadline(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
    Point aTextPos = LogicToPixel(Point(ROADMAP_INDENT_X, 8), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont));

    Size aOutputSize(GetOutputSizePixel());

    // draw it
    rRenderContext.DrawText(tools::Rectangle(aTextPos, aOutputSize), GetText(),
                            DrawTextFlags::Left | DrawTextFlags::Top | DrawTextFlags::MultiLine | DrawTextFlags::WordBreak);
    rRenderContext.DrawTextLine(aTextPos, aOutputSize.Width(), STRIKEOUT_NONE, LINESTYLE_SINGLE, LINESTYLE_NONE);
    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = rRenderContext.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();

RoadmapItem* ORoadmap::GetByPointer(vcl::Window const * pWindow)
    const HL_Vector& rItems = m_pImpl->getHyperLabels();
    for (auto const& item : rItems)
        if ( item->Contains( pWindow ) )
            return item;
    return nullptr;

bool ORoadmap::PreNotify(NotifyEvent& _rNEvt)
    // capture KeyEvents for taskpane cycling
    if ( _rNEvt.GetType() == MouseNotifyEvent::KEYINPUT )
        vcl::Window* pWindow = _rNEvt.GetWindow();
        RoadmapItem* pItem = GetByPointer( pWindow );
        if ( pItem != nullptr )
            sal_Int16 nKeyCode = _rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().GetCode();
            switch( nKeyCode )
                case KEY_UP:
                    {   // Note: Performance wise this is not optimal, because we search for an ID in the labels
                        //       and afterwards we search again for a label with the appropriate ID ->
                        //       unnecessarily we search twice!!!
                        ItemId nPrevItemID = GetPreviousAvailableItemId( pItem->GetIndex() );
                        if ( nPrevItemID != -1 )
                            return SelectRoadmapItemByID( nPrevItemID );
                case KEY_DOWN:
                        ItemId nNextItemID = GetNextAvailableItemId( pItem->GetIndex() );
                        if ( nNextItemID != -1 )
                            return SelectRoadmapItemByID( nNextItemID );
                case KEY_SPACE:
                    return SelectRoadmapItemByID( pItem->GetID() );
    return Window::PreNotify( _rNEvt );

IMPL_LINK(ORoadmap, ImplClickHdl, HyperLabel*, CurHyperLabel, void)
   SelectRoadmapItemByID( CurHyperLabel->GetID() );

void ORoadmap::DataChanged(const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt)
    if (!((( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS )   ||
        ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::DISPLAY   ))  &&
        ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE        )))

    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
    SetBackground( Wallpaper( rStyleSettings.GetFieldColor() ) );
    Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor();
    vcl::Font aFont = GetFont();
    aFont.SetColor( aTextColor );
    SetFont( aFont );
    RoadmapTypes::ItemId curItemID = GetCurrentRoadmapItemID();
    RoadmapItem* pLabelItem = GetByID( curItemID );
    if (pLabelItem != nullptr)

void ORoadmap::ApplySettings(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = rRenderContext.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
    Color aTextColor = rStyleSettings.GetFieldTextColor();
    vcl::Font aFont = rRenderContext.GetFont();

RoadmapItem::RoadmapItem(ORoadmap& _rParent, const Size& _rItemPlayground)
    : m_aItemPlayground(_rItemPlayground)
    mpID = VclPtr<IDLabel>::Create( &_rParent, WB_WORDBREAK );
    mpDescription = VclPtr<HyperLabel>::Create( &_rParent, WB_NOTABSTOP | WB_WORDBREAK );


bool RoadmapItem::Contains(const vcl::Window* _pWindow) const
    return ( mpID == _pWindow ) || ( mpDescription == _pWindow );

void RoadmapItem::GrabFocus()
    if ( mpDescription )

void RoadmapItem::SetInteractive(bool _bInteractive)
    if ( mpDescription )

void RoadmapItem::SetID(sal_Int16 ID)
    if ( mpDescription )

sal_Int16 RoadmapItem::GetID() const
    return mpDescription ? mpDescription->GetID() : sal_Int16(-1);

void RoadmapItem::ImplUpdateIndex(const ItemIndex _nIndex)
    mpDescription->SetIndex( _nIndex );

    OUString aIDText = OUString::number( _nIndex + 1 ) + ".";
    mpID->SetText( aIDText );

    // update the geometry of both controls

void RoadmapItem::SetIndex(ItemIndex Index)

RoadmapTypes::ItemIndex RoadmapItem::GetIndex() const
    return mpDescription ? mpDescription->GetIndex() : ItemIndex(-1);

void RoadmapItem::SetPosition(RoadmapItem const * _pOldItem)
    Point aIDPos;
    if ( _pOldItem == nullptr )
        aIDPos = mpID->LogicToPixel(Point(ROADMAP_INDENT_X, ROADMAP_INDENT_Y), MapMode(MapUnit::MapAppFont));
        Size aOldSize = _pOldItem->mpDescription->GetSizePixel();

        aIDPos = _pOldItem->mpID->GetPosPixel();
        aIDPos.AdjustY(aOldSize.Height() );
        aIDPos.AdjustY(mpID->GetParent()->LogicToPixel( Size( 0, ROADMAP_ITEM_DISTANCE_Y ) ).Height() );
    mpID->SetPosPixel( aIDPos );

    sal_Int32 nDescPos = aIDPos.X() + mpID->GetSizePixel().Width();
    mpDescription->SetPosPixel( Point( nDescPos, aIDPos.Y() ) );

void RoadmapItem::Enable(bool _bEnable)

bool RoadmapItem::IsEnabled() const
    return mpID->IsEnabled();

void RoadmapItem::ToggleBackgroundColor(const Color& _rGBColor)
    if (_rGBColor == COL_TRANSPARENT)
        mpID->SetControlBackground( mpID->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighlightColor() );

void RoadmapItem::ImplUpdatePosSize()
    // calculate widths
    long nIDWidth = mpID->GetTextWidth( mpID->GetText() );
    long nMaxIDWidth = mpID->GetTextWidth( "100." );
    nIDWidth = ::std::min( nIDWidth, nMaxIDWidth );

    // check how many space the description would need
    Size aDescriptionSize = mpDescription->CalcMinimumSize( m_aItemPlayground.Width() - nIDWidth );

    // position and size both controls
    Size aIDSize( nIDWidth, aDescriptionSize.Height() );
    mpID->SetSizePixel( aIDSize );

    Point aIDPos = mpID->GetPosPixel();
    mpDescription->SetPosPixel( Point( aIDPos.X() + nIDWidth, aIDPos.Y() ) );
    mpDescription->SetSizePixel( aDescriptionSize );

void RoadmapItem::Update(ItemIndex RMIndex, const OUString& _rText)
    // update description label
    mpDescription->SetLabel( _rText );

    // update the index in both controls, which triggers updating the geometry of both
    ImplUpdateIndex( RMIndex );

void RoadmapItem::SetClickHdl(const Link<HyperLabel*,void>& rLink)
    if ( mpDescription )
        mpDescription->SetClickHdl( rLink);

IDLabel::IDLabel(vcl::Window* _pParent, WinBits _nWinStyle)
    : FixedText(_pParent, _nWinStyle)

void IDLabel::ApplySettings(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)

    const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = rRenderContext.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
    if (GetControlBackground() == COL_TRANSPARENT)

void IDLabel::DataChanged(const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt)
    FixedText::DataChanged( rDCEvt );

    if ((( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS )   ||
        ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::DISPLAY   ))  &&
        ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE        ))
        const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
        if (GetControlBackground() != COL_TRANSPARENT)

}   // namespace vcl

/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */