/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: spinfld.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.19 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 11:50:30 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_RC_H #include <tools/rc.h> #endif #ifndef _SV_EVENT_HXX #include <event.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SV_DECOVIEW_HXX #include <decoview.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SV_SPIN_H #include <spin.h> #endif #ifndef _SV_SPINFLD_HXX #include <spinfld.hxx> #endif #ifndef _VCL_CONTROLLAYOUT_HXX #include <controllayout.hxx> #endif // ======================================================================= void ImplGetSpinbuttonValue( Window *pWin, const Rectangle& rUpperRect, const Rectangle& rLowerRect, BOOL bUpperIn, BOOL bLowerIn, BOOL bUpperEnabled, BOOL bLowerEnabled, BOOL bHorz, SpinbuttonValue& rValue ) { // convert spinbutton data to a SpinbuttonValue structure for native painting rValue.maUpperRect = rUpperRect; rValue.maLowerRect = rLowerRect; // convert rectangles to screen coordinates Point aPt = pWin->OutputToScreenPixel( rValue.maUpperRect.TopLeft() ); rValue.maUpperRect.SetPos( aPt ); aPt = pWin->OutputToScreenPixel( rValue.maLowerRect.TopLeft() ); rValue.maLowerRect.SetPos( aPt ); ControlState nState = CTRL_STATE_ENABLED; if ( bUpperIn ) nState |= CTRL_STATE_PRESSED; if ( !pWin->IsEnabled() || !bUpperEnabled ) nState &= ~CTRL_STATE_ENABLED; if ( pWin->HasFocus() ) nState |= CTRL_STATE_FOCUSED; if( pWin->IsMouseOver() && rUpperRect.IsInside( pWin->GetPointerPosPixel() ) ) nState |= CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER; rValue.mnUpperState = nState; nState = CTRL_STATE_ENABLED; if ( bLowerIn ) nState |= CTRL_STATE_PRESSED; if ( !pWin->IsEnabled() || !bLowerEnabled ) nState &= ~CTRL_STATE_ENABLED; if ( pWin->HasFocus() ) nState |= CTRL_STATE_FOCUSED; // for overlapping spins: highlight only one if( pWin->IsMouseOver() && rLowerRect.IsInside( pWin->GetPointerPosPixel() ) && !rUpperRect.IsInside( pWin->GetPointerPosPixel() ) ) nState |= CTRL_STATE_ROLLOVER; rValue.mnLowerState = nState; rValue.mnUpperPart = bHorz ? PART_BUTTON_LEFT : PART_BUTTON_UP; rValue.mnLowerPart = bHorz ? PART_BUTTON_RIGHT : PART_BUTTON_DOWN; } BOOL ImplDrawNativeSpinfield( Window *pWin, const SpinbuttonValue& rSpinbuttonValue ) { BOOL bNativeOK = FALSE; if( pWin->IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_SPINBOX, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) && // there is just no useful native support for spinfields with dropdown !(pWin->GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN) ) { ImplControlValue aControlValue; aControlValue.setOptionalVal( (void*) &rSpinbuttonValue ); if( pWin->IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_SPINBOX, rSpinbuttonValue.mnUpperPart) && pWin->IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_SPINBOX, rSpinbuttonValue.mnLowerPart) ) { // only paint the embedded spin buttons, all buttons are painted at once bNativeOK = pWin->DrawNativeControl( CTRL_SPINBOX, PART_ALL_BUTTONS, Region(), CTRL_STATE_ENABLED, aControlValue, rtl::OUString() ); } else { // paint the spinbox as a whole, use borderwindow to have proper clipping Window *pBorder = pWin->GetWindow( WINDOW_BORDER ); // to not overwrite everything, set the button region as clipregion to the border window Rectangle aClipRect( rSpinbuttonValue.maLowerRect ); aClipRect.Union( rSpinbuttonValue.maUpperRect ); // convert from screen space to borderwin space aClipRect.SetPos( pBorder->ScreenToOutputPixel(aClipRect.TopLeft()) ); Region oldRgn( pBorder->GetClipRegion() ); pBorder->SetClipRegion( Region( aClipRect ) ); Point aPt; Size aSize( pBorder->GetOutputSizePixel() ); // the size of the border window, i.e., the whole control Region aRgn( Rectangle( aPt, aSize ) ); bNativeOK = pBorder->DrawNativeControl( CTRL_SPINBOX, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL, aRgn, CTRL_STATE_ENABLED, aControlValue, rtl::OUString() ); pBorder->SetClipRegion( oldRgn ); } } return bNativeOK; } BOOL ImplDrawNativeSpinbuttons( Window *pWin, const SpinbuttonValue& rSpinbuttonValue ) { BOOL bNativeOK = FALSE; if( pWin->IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_SPINBUTTONS, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) ) { ImplControlValue aControlValue; aControlValue.setOptionalVal( (void*) &rSpinbuttonValue ); // only paint the standalone spin buttons, all buttons are painted at once bNativeOK = pWin->DrawNativeControl( CTRL_SPINBUTTONS, PART_ALL_BUTTONS, Region(), CTRL_STATE_ENABLED, aControlValue, rtl::OUString() ); } return bNativeOK; } void ImplDrawSpinButton( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Rectangle& rUpperRect, const Rectangle& rLowerRect, BOOL bUpperIn, BOOL bLowerIn, BOOL bUpperEnabled, BOOL bLowerEnabled, BOOL bHorz, BOOL bMirrorHorz ) { DecorationView aDecoView( pOutDev ); USHORT nStyle = BUTTON_DRAW_NOLEFTLIGHTBORDER; USHORT nSymStyle = 0; SymbolType eType1, eType2; const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = pOutDev->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if ( rStyleSettings.GetOptions() & STYLE_OPTION_SPINARROW ) { // arrows are only use in OS/2 look if ( bHorz ) { eType1 = bMirrorHorz ? SYMBOL_ARROW_RIGHT : SYMBOL_ARROW_LEFT; eType2 = bMirrorHorz ? SYMBOL_ARROW_LEFT : SYMBOL_ARROW_RIGHT; } else { eType1 = SYMBOL_ARROW_UP; eType2 = SYMBOL_ARROW_DOWN; } } else { if ( bHorz ) { eType1 = bMirrorHorz ? SYMBOL_SPIN_RIGHT : SYMBOL_SPIN_LEFT; eType2 = bMirrorHorz ? SYMBOL_SPIN_LEFT : SYMBOL_SPIN_RIGHT; } else { eType1 = SYMBOL_SPIN_UP; eType2 = SYMBOL_SPIN_DOWN; } } // Oberen/linken Button malen USHORT nTempStyle = nStyle; if ( bUpperIn ) nTempStyle |= BUTTON_DRAW_PRESSED; BOOL bNativeOK = FALSE; Rectangle aUpRect; if( pOutDev->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW ) { Window *pWin = (Window*) pOutDev; // are we drawing standalone spin buttons or members of a spinfield ? ControlType aControl = CTRL_SPINBUTTONS; switch( pWin->GetType() ) { case WINDOW_EDIT: case WINDOW_MULTILINEEDIT: case WINDOW_PATTERNFIELD: case WINDOW_METRICFIELD: case WINDOW_CURRENCYFIELD: case WINDOW_DATEFIELD: case WINDOW_TIMEFIELD: case WINDOW_LONGCURRENCYFIELD: case WINDOW_NUMERICFIELD: case WINDOW_SPINFIELD: aControl = CTRL_SPINBOX; break; default: aControl = CTRL_SPINBUTTONS; break; } SpinbuttonValue aValue; ImplGetSpinbuttonValue( pWin, rUpperRect, rLowerRect, bUpperIn, bLowerIn, bUpperEnabled, bLowerEnabled, bHorz, aValue ); if( aControl == CTRL_SPINBOX ) bNativeOK = ImplDrawNativeSpinfield( pWin, aValue ); else if( aControl == CTRL_SPINBUTTONS ) bNativeOK = ImplDrawNativeSpinbuttons( pWin, aValue ); } if( !bNativeOK ) aUpRect = aDecoView.DrawButton( rUpperRect, nTempStyle ); // Unteren/rechten Button malen if ( bLowerIn ) nStyle |= BUTTON_DRAW_PRESSED; Rectangle aLowRect; if( !bNativeOK ) aLowRect = aDecoView.DrawButton( rLowerRect, nStyle ); // Zusaetzliche Default-Kante wollen wir auch ausnutzen aUpRect.Left()--; aUpRect.Top()--; aUpRect.Right()++; aUpRect.Bottom()++; aLowRect.Left()--; aLowRect.Top()--; aLowRect.Right()++; aLowRect.Bottom()++; // Wir malen auch in die Kante rein, damit man etwas erkennen kann, // wenn das Rechteck zu klein ist if ( aUpRect.GetHeight() < 4 ) { aUpRect.Right()++; aUpRect.Bottom()++; aLowRect.Right()++; aLowRect.Bottom()++; } // Symbolgroesse berechnen long nTempSize1 = aUpRect.GetWidth(); long nTempSize2 = aLowRect.GetWidth(); if ( Abs( nTempSize1-nTempSize2 ) == 1 ) { if ( nTempSize1 > nTempSize2 ) aUpRect.Left()++; else aLowRect.Left()++; } nTempSize1 = aUpRect.GetHeight(); nTempSize2 = aLowRect.GetHeight(); if ( Abs( nTempSize1-nTempSize2 ) == 1 ) { if ( nTempSize1 > nTempSize2 ) aUpRect.Top()++; else aLowRect.Top()++; } nTempStyle = nSymStyle; if ( !bUpperEnabled ) nTempStyle |= SYMBOL_DRAW_DISABLE; if( !bNativeOK ) aDecoView.DrawSymbol( aUpRect, eType1, rStyleSettings.GetButtonTextColor(), nTempStyle ); if ( !bLowerEnabled ) nSymStyle |= SYMBOL_DRAW_DISABLE; if( !bNativeOK ) aDecoView.DrawSymbol( aLowRect, eType2, rStyleSettings.GetButtonTextColor(), nSymStyle ); } // ======================================================================= void SpinField::ImplInitData() { mpEdit = NULL; mbSpin = FALSE; mbRepeat = FALSE; mbUpperIn = FALSE; mbLowerIn = FALSE; mbInitialUp = FALSE; mbInitialDown = FALSE; mbNoSelect = FALSE; mbInDropDown = FALSE; EnableRTL( TRUE ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::ImplInit( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) { Edit::ImplInit( pParent, nWinStyle ); if ( nWinStyle & (WB_SPIN|WB_DROPDOWN) ) { mbSpin = TRUE; // Some themes want external spin buttons, therefore the main // spinfield should not overdraw the border between its encapsulated // edit field and the spin buttons if ( (nWinStyle & WB_SPIN) && ImplUseNativeBorder( nWinStyle ) ) { SetBackground(); mpEdit = new Edit( this, WB_NOBORDER ); mpEdit->SetBackground(); } else mpEdit = new Edit( this, WB_NOBORDER ); mpEdit->EnableRTL( FALSE ); mpEdit->SetPosPixel( Point() ); mpEdit->Show(); SetSubEdit( mpEdit ); maRepeatTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, SpinField, ImplTimeout ) ); maRepeatTimer.SetTimeout( GetSettings().GetMouseSettings().GetButtonStartRepeat() ); if ( nWinStyle & WB_REPEAT ) mbRepeat = TRUE; SetCompoundControl( TRUE ); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- SpinField::SpinField( WindowType nTyp ) : Edit( nTyp ) { ImplInitData(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- SpinField::SpinField( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) : Edit( WINDOW_SPINFIELD ) { ImplInitData(); ImplInit( pParent, nWinStyle ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- SpinField::SpinField( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) : Edit( WINDOW_SPINFIELD ) { ImplInitData(); rResId.SetRT( RSC_SPINFIELD ); WinBits nStyle = ImplInitRes( rResId ); ImplInit( pParent, nStyle ); ImplLoadRes( rResId ); if ( !(nStyle & WB_HIDE) ) Show(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- SpinField::~SpinField() { delete mpEdit; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::Up() { ImplCallEventListenersAndHandler( VCLEVENT_SPINFIELD_UP, maUpHdlLink, this ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::Down() { ImplCallEventListenersAndHandler( VCLEVENT_SPINFIELD_DOWN, maDownHdlLink, this ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::First() { ImplCallEventListenersAndHandler( VCLEVENT_SPINFIELD_FIRST, maFirstHdlLink, this ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::Last() { ImplCallEventListenersAndHandler( VCLEVENT_SPINFIELD_LAST, maLastHdlLink, this ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( !HasFocus() && ( !mpEdit || !mpEdit->HasFocus() ) ) { mbNoSelect = TRUE; GrabFocus(); } if ( !IsReadOnly() ) { if ( maUpperRect.IsInside( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ) { mbUpperIn = TRUE; mbInitialUp = TRUE; Invalidate( maUpperRect ); } else if ( maLowerRect.IsInside( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ) { mbLowerIn = TRUE; mbInitialDown = TRUE; Invalidate( maLowerRect ); } else if ( maDropDownRect.IsInside( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ) ) { // Rechts daneben liegt der DropDownButton: mbInDropDown = ShowDropDown( mbInDropDown ? FALSE : TRUE ); Paint( Rectangle( Point(), GetOutputSizePixel() ) ); } if ( mbUpperIn || mbLowerIn ) { Update(); CaptureMouse(); if ( mbRepeat ) maRepeatTimer.Start(); return; } } Edit::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { ReleaseMouse(); mbInitialUp = mbInitialDown = FALSE; maRepeatTimer.Stop(); maRepeatTimer.SetTimeout( GetSettings().GetMouseSettings().GetButtonStartRepeat() ); if ( mbUpperIn ) { mbUpperIn = FALSE; Invalidate( maUpperRect ); Update(); Up(); } else if ( mbLowerIn ) { mbLowerIn = FALSE; Invalidate( maLowerRect ); Update(); Down(); } Edit::MouseButtonUp( rMEvt ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { if ( rMEvt.IsLeft() ) { if ( mbInitialUp ) { BOOL bNewUpperIn = maUpperRect.IsInside( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ); if ( bNewUpperIn != mbUpperIn ) { if ( bNewUpperIn ) { if ( mbRepeat ) maRepeatTimer.Start(); } else maRepeatTimer.Stop(); mbUpperIn = bNewUpperIn; Invalidate( maUpperRect ); Update(); } } else if ( mbInitialDown ) { BOOL bNewLowerIn = maLowerRect.IsInside( rMEvt.GetPosPixel() ); if ( bNewLowerIn != mbLowerIn ) { if ( bNewLowerIn ) { if ( mbRepeat ) maRepeatTimer.Start(); } else maRepeatTimer.Stop(); mbLowerIn = bNewLowerIn; Invalidate( maLowerRect ); Update(); } } } Edit::MouseMove( rMEvt ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- long SpinField::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { long nDone = 0; if( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT ) { const KeyEvent& rKEvt = *rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); if ( !IsReadOnly() ) { USHORT nMod = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetModifier(); switch ( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case KEY_UP: { if ( !nMod ) { Up(); nDone = 1; } } break; case KEY_DOWN: { if ( !nMod ) { Down(); nDone = 1; } else if ( ( nMod == KEY_MOD2 ) && !mbInDropDown && ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) ) { mbInDropDown = ShowDropDown( TRUE ); Paint( Rectangle( Point(), GetOutputSizePixel() ) ); nDone = 1; } } break; case KEY_PAGEUP: { if ( !nMod ) { Last(); nDone = 1; } } break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: { if ( !nMod ) { First(); nDone = 1; } } break; } } } if ( rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_COMMAND ) { if ( ( rNEvt.GetCommandEvent()->GetCommand() == COMMAND_WHEEL ) && !IsReadOnly() ) { const CommandWheelData* pData = rNEvt.GetCommandEvent()->GetWheelData(); if ( pData->GetMode() == COMMAND_WHEEL_SCROLL ) { if ( pData->GetDelta() < 0L ) Down(); else Up(); nDone = 1; } } } return nDone ? nDone : Edit::Notify( rNEvt ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { Edit::Command( rCEvt ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::FillLayoutData() const { if( mbSpin ) { mpLayoutData = new vcl::ControlLayoutData(); AppendLayoutData( *GetSubEdit() ); GetSubEdit()->SetLayoutDataParent( this ); } else Edit::FillLayoutData(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { if ( mbSpin ) { BOOL bEnable = IsEnabled(); ImplDrawSpinButton( this, maUpperRect, maLowerRect, mbUpperIn, mbLowerIn, bEnable, bEnable ); } if ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) { DecorationView aView( this ); USHORT nStyle = BUTTON_DRAW_NOLIGHTBORDER; if ( mbInDropDown ) nStyle |= BUTTON_DRAW_PRESSED; Rectangle aInnerRect = aView.DrawButton( maDropDownRect, nStyle ); SymbolType eSymbol = SYMBOL_SPIN_DOWN; if ( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetOptions() & STYLE_OPTION_SPINUPDOWN ) eSymbol = SYMBOL_SPIN_UPDOWN; nStyle = IsEnabled() ? 0 : SYMBOL_DRAW_DISABLE; aView.DrawSymbol( aInnerRect, eSymbol, GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetButtonTextColor(), nStyle ); } Edit::Paint( rRect ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::ImplCalcButtonAreas( OutputDevice* pDev, const Size& rOutSz, Rectangle& rDDArea, Rectangle& rSpinUpArea, Rectangle& rSpinDownArea ) { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = pDev->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); Size aSize = rOutSz; Size aDropDownSize; if ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) { long nW = rStyleSettings.GetScrollBarSize(); nW = GetDrawPixel( pDev, nW ); aDropDownSize = Size( CalcZoom( nW ), aSize.Height() ); aSize.Width() -= aDropDownSize.Width(); rDDArea = Rectangle( Point( aSize.Width(), 0 ), aDropDownSize ); rDDArea.Top()--; } else rDDArea.SetEmpty(); // Je nach Hoehe, die groessen Berechnen if ( GetStyle() & WB_SPIN ) { long nBottom1 = aSize.Height()/2; long nBottom2 = aSize.Height()-1; long nTop2 = nBottom1; long nTop1 = 0; if ( !(aSize.Height() & 0x01) ) nBottom1--; BOOL bNativeRegionOK = FALSE; Region aContentUp, aContentDown; if ( (pDev->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW) && // there is just no useful native support for spinfields with dropdown ! (GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN) && IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_SPINBOX, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) ) { Window *pWin = (Window*) pDev; Window *pBorder = pWin->GetWindow( WINDOW_BORDER ); // get the system's spin button size ImplControlValue aControlValue; Region aBound; Point aPoint; // use the full extent of the control Region aArea( Rectangle( aPoint, pBorder->GetOutputSizePixel() ) ); bNativeRegionOK = pWin->GetNativeControlRegion(CTRL_SPINBOX, PART_BUTTON_UP, aArea, 0, aControlValue, rtl::OUString(), aBound, aContentUp) && pWin->GetNativeControlRegion(CTRL_SPINBOX, PART_BUTTON_DOWN, aArea, 0, aControlValue, rtl::OUString(), aBound, aContentDown); if( bNativeRegionOK ) { // convert back from border space to local coordinates aPoint = pBorder->ScreenToOutputPixel( pWin->OutputToScreenPixel( aPoint ) ); aContentUp.Move(-aPoint.X(), -aPoint.Y()); aContentDown.Move(-aPoint.X(), -aPoint.Y()); } } if( bNativeRegionOK ) { rSpinUpArea = aContentUp.GetBoundRect(); rSpinDownArea = aContentDown.GetBoundRect(); } else { aSize.Width() -= CalcZoom( GetDrawPixel( pDev, rStyleSettings.GetSpinSize() ) ); rSpinUpArea = Rectangle( aSize.Width(), nTop1, rOutSz.Width()-aDropDownSize.Width()-1, nBottom1 ); rSpinDownArea = Rectangle( rSpinUpArea.Left(), nTop2, rSpinUpArea.Right(), nBottom2 ); } } else { rSpinUpArea.SetEmpty(); rSpinDownArea.SetEmpty(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::Resize() { if ( mbSpin ) { Control::Resize(); Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( GetStyle() & (WB_SPIN|WB_DROPDOWN) ) { ImplCalcButtonAreas( this, aSize, maDropDownRect, maUpperRect, maLowerRect ); if ( maUpperRect.IsEmpty() ) { DBG_ASSERT( !maDropDownRect.IsEmpty(), "SpinField::Resize: SPIN && DROPDOWN, but all empty rects?" ); aSize.Width() = maDropDownRect.Left(); } else aSize.Width() = maUpperRect.Left(); } mpEdit->SetSizePixel( aSize ); if ( GetStyle() & WB_SPIN ) Invalidate( Rectangle( maUpperRect.TopLeft(), maLowerRect.BottomRight() ) ); if ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) Invalidate( maDropDownRect ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { Edit::StateChanged( nType ); if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_ENABLE ) { if ( mbSpin || ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) ) { mpEdit->Enable( IsEnabled() ); if ( mbSpin ) { Invalidate( maLowerRect ); Invalidate( maUpperRect ); } if ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) Invalidate( maDropDownRect ); } } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_STYLE ) { if ( GetStyle() & WB_REPEAT ) mbRepeat = TRUE; else mbRepeat = FALSE; } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_ZOOM ) { Resize(); if ( mpEdit ) mpEdit->SetZoom( GetZoom() ); Invalidate(); } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFONT ) { if ( mpEdit ) mpEdit->SetControlFont( GetControlFont() ); ImplInitSettings( TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ); Invalidate(); } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLFOREGROUND ) { if ( mpEdit ) mpEdit->SetControlForeground( GetControlForeground() ); ImplInitSettings( FALSE, TRUE, FALSE ); Invalidate(); } else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_CONTROLBACKGROUND ) { if ( mpEdit ) mpEdit->SetControlBackground( GetControlBackground() ); ImplInitSettings( FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ); Invalidate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Edit::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) { Resize(); Invalidate(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle* SpinField::ImplFindPartRect( const Point& rPt ) { if( maUpperRect.IsInside( rPt ) ) return &maUpperRect; else if( maLowerRect.IsInside( rPt ) ) return &maLowerRect; else return NULL; } long SpinField::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { long nDone = 0; const MouseEvent* pMouseEvt = NULL; if( (rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_MOUSEMOVE) && (pMouseEvt = rNEvt.GetMouseEvent()) ) { if( !pMouseEvt->GetButtons() && !pMouseEvt->IsSynthetic() && !pMouseEvt->IsModifierChanged() ) { // trigger redraw if mouse over state has changed if( IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_SPINBOX, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL) || IsNativeControlSupported(CTRL_SPINBOX, PART_ALL_BUTTONS) ) { Rectangle* pRect = ImplFindPartRect( GetPointerPosPixel() ); Rectangle* pLastRect = ImplFindPartRect( GetLastPointerPosPixel() ); if( pRect != pLastRect || (pMouseEvt->IsLeaveWindow() || pMouseEvt->IsEnterWindow()) ) { Region aRgn( GetActiveClipRegion() ); if( pLastRect ) { SetClipRegion( *pLastRect ); Paint( *pLastRect ); SetClipRegion( aRgn ); } if( pRect ) { SetClipRegion( *pRect ); Paint( *pRect ); SetClipRegion( aRgn ); } } } } } return nDone ? nDone : Edit::PreNotify(rNEvt); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::EndDropDown() { mbInDropDown = FALSE; Paint( Rectangle( Point(), GetOutputSizePixel() ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SpinField::ShowDropDown( BOOL bShow ) { return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size SpinField::CalcMinimumSize() const { Size aSz = Edit::CalcMinimumSize(); if ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) aSz.Width() += GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); if ( GetStyle() & WB_SPIN ) aSz.Width() += GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetSpinSize(); return aSz; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size SpinField::CalcSize( USHORT nChars ) const { Size aSz = Edit::CalcSize( nChars ); if ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) aSz.Width() += GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize(); if ( GetStyle() & WB_SPIN ) aSz.Width() += GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetSpinSize(); return aSz; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT SpinField::GetMaxVisChars() const { long nOutWidth = mpEdit->GetOutputSizePixel().Width(); long nCharWidth = GetTextWidth( XubString( 'x' ) ); return nCharWidth ? (USHORT)(nOutWidth/nCharWidth) : 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SpinField, ImplTimeout, Timer*, pTimer ) { if ( pTimer->GetTimeout() == GetSettings().GetMouseSettings().GetButtonStartRepeat() ) { pTimer->SetTimeout( GetSettings().GetMouseSettings().GetButtonRepeat() ); pTimer->Start(); } else { if ( mbInitialUp ) Up(); else Down(); } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SpinField::Draw( OutputDevice* pDev, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, ULONG nFlags ) { Edit::Draw( pDev, rPos, rSize, nFlags ); WinBits nStyle = GetStyle(); if ( !(nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_NOCONTROLS ) && ( nStyle & (WB_SPIN|WB_DROPDOWN) ) ) { Point aPos = pDev->LogicToPixel( rPos ); Size aSize = pDev->LogicToPixel( rSize ); OutDevType eOutDevType = pDev->GetOutDevType(); AllSettings aOldSettings = pDev->GetSettings(); pDev->Push(); pDev->SetMapMode(); if ( eOutDevType == OUTDEV_PRINTER ) { StyleSettings aStyleSettings = aOldSettings.GetStyleSettings(); aStyleSettings.SetFaceColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY ); aStyleSettings.SetButtonTextColor( COL_BLACK ); AllSettings aSettings( aOldSettings ); aSettings.SetStyleSettings( aStyleSettings ); pDev->SetSettings( aSettings ); } Rectangle aDD, aUp, aDown; ImplCalcButtonAreas( pDev, aSize, aDD, aUp, aDown ); aDD.Move( aPos.X(), aPos.Y() ); aUp.Move( aPos.X(), aPos.Y() ); aUp.Top()++; aDown.Move( aPos.X(), aPos.Y() ); Color aButtonTextColor; if ( ( nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_MONO ) || ( eOutDevType == OUTDEV_PRINTER ) ) aButtonTextColor = Color( COL_BLACK ); else aButtonTextColor = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetButtonTextColor(); if ( GetStyle() & WB_DROPDOWN ) { DecorationView aView( pDev ); USHORT nStyle = BUTTON_DRAW_NOLIGHTBORDER; Rectangle aInnerRect = aView.DrawButton( aDD, nStyle ); SymbolType eSymbol = SYMBOL_SPIN_DOWN; if ( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetOptions() & STYLE_OPTION_SPINUPDOWN ) eSymbol = SYMBOL_SPIN_UPDOWN; nStyle = ( IsEnabled() || ( nFlags & WINDOW_DRAW_NODISABLE ) ) ? 0 : SYMBOL_DRAW_DISABLE; aView.DrawSymbol( aInnerRect, eSymbol, aButtonTextColor, nStyle ); } if ( GetStyle() & WB_SPIN ) { ImplDrawSpinButton( pDev, aUp, aDown, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE ); } pDev->Pop(); pDev->SetSettings( aOldSettings ); } }