/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <textdoc.hxx>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <boost/mem_fn.hpp>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>

// compare function called by QuickSort
static bool CompareStart( const TextCharAttrib& pFirst, const TextCharAttrib& pSecond )
    return pFirst.GetStart() < pSecond.GetStart();

TextCharAttrib::TextCharAttrib( const TextAttrib& rAttr, sal_uInt16 nStart, sal_uInt16 nEnd )
    mpAttr = rAttr.Clone();
    mnStart = nStart,
    mnEnd = nEnd;

TextCharAttrib::TextCharAttrib( const TextCharAttrib& rTextCharAttrib )
    mpAttr = rTextCharAttrib.GetAttr().Clone();
    mnStart = rTextCharAttrib.mnStart;
    mnEnd = rTextCharAttrib.mnEnd;

    delete mpAttr;

    mbHasEmptyAttribs = false;


void TextCharAttribList::Clear()

void TextCharAttribList::InsertAttrib( TextCharAttrib* pAttrib )
    if ( pAttrib->IsEmpty() )
        mbHasEmptyAttribs = true;

    const sal_uInt16 nStart = pAttrib->GetStart(); // maybe better for Comp.Opt.
    bool bInserted = false;
    for (TextCharAttribs::iterator it = maAttribs.begin(); it != maAttribs.end(); ++it)
        if ( it->GetStart() > nStart )
            maAttribs.insert( it, pAttrib );
            bInserted = true;
    if ( !bInserted )
        maAttribs.push_back( pAttrib );

void TextCharAttribList::ResortAttribs()

TextCharAttrib* TextCharAttribList::FindAttrib( sal_uInt16 nWhich, sal_uInt16 nPos )
    for (TextCharAttribs::reverse_iterator it = maAttribs.rbegin(); it != maAttribs.rend(); ++it)
        if ( it->GetEnd() < nPos )
            return 0;

        if ( ( it->Which() == nWhich ) && it->IsIn(nPos) )
            return &*it;
    return NULL;

const TextCharAttrib* TextCharAttribList::FindNextAttrib( sal_uInt16 nWhich, sal_uInt16 nFromPos, sal_uInt16 nMaxPos ) const
    DBG_ASSERT( nWhich, "FindNextAttrib: Which?" );
    for (TextCharAttribs::const_iterator it = maAttribs.begin(); it != maAttribs.end(); ++it)
        if ( ( it->GetStart() >= nFromPos ) &&
             ( it->GetEnd() <= nMaxPos ) &&
             ( it->Which() == nWhich ) )
            return &*it;
    return NULL;

bool TextCharAttribList::HasAttrib( sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
    for (TextCharAttribs::const_reverse_iterator it = maAttribs.rbegin(); it != maAttribs.rend(); ++it)
        if ( it->Which() == nWhich )
            return true;
    return false;

bool TextCharAttribList::HasBoundingAttrib( sal_uInt16 nBound )
    for (TextCharAttribs::reverse_iterator it = maAttribs.rbegin(); it != maAttribs.rend(); ++it)
        if ( it->GetEnd() < nBound )
            return false;

        if ( ( it->GetStart() == nBound ) || ( it->GetEnd() == nBound ) )
            return true;
    return false;

TextCharAttrib* TextCharAttribList::FindEmptyAttrib( sal_uInt16 nWhich, sal_uInt16 nPos )
    if ( !mbHasEmptyAttribs )
        return 0;

    for (TextCharAttribs::iterator it = maAttribs.begin(); it != maAttribs.end(); ++it)
        if ( it->GetStart() > nPos )
            return 0;

        if ( ( it->GetStart() == nPos ) && ( it->GetEnd() == nPos ) && ( it->Which() == nWhich ) )
            return &*it;
    return 0;

void TextCharAttribList::DeleteEmptyAttribs()
    mbHasEmptyAttribs = false;

TextNode::TextNode( const OUString& rText ) :
    maText( rText )

void TextNode::ExpandAttribs( sal_uInt16 nIndex, sal_uInt16 nNew )
    if ( !nNew )

    bool bResort = false;
    sal_uInt16 nAttribs = maCharAttribs.Count();
    for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; nAttr < nAttribs; nAttr++ )
        TextCharAttrib* pAttrib = maCharAttribs.GetAttrib( nAttr );
        if ( pAttrib->GetEnd() >= nIndex )
            // move all attributes that are behind the cursor
            if ( pAttrib->GetStart() > nIndex )
                pAttrib->MoveForward( nNew );
            // 0: expand empty attribute, if at cursor
            else if ( pAttrib->IsEmpty() )
                // Do not check the index; empty one may only be here.
                // If checking later anyway, special case:
                // Start == 0; AbsLen == 1, nNew = 1 => Expand due to new paragraph!
                // Start <= nIndex, End >= nIndex => Start=End=nIndex!
                pAttrib->Expand( nNew );
            // 1: attribute starts before and reaches up to index
            else if ( pAttrib->GetEnd() == nIndex ) // start must be before
                // Only expand if no feature and not in Exclude list!
                // Otherwise e.g. an UL would go until the new ULDB, thus expand both.
                if ( !maCharAttribs.FindEmptyAttrib( pAttrib->Which(), nIndex ) )
                    pAttrib->Expand( nNew );
                    bResort = true;
            // 2: attribute starts before and reaches past the index
            else if ( ( pAttrib->GetStart() < nIndex ) && ( pAttrib->GetEnd() > nIndex ) )
                pAttrib->Expand( nNew );
            // 3: attribute starts at Index
            else if ( pAttrib->GetStart() == nIndex )
                if ( nIndex == 0 )
                    pAttrib->Expand( nNew );
                    pAttrib->MoveForward( nNew );

        DBG_ASSERT( pAttrib->GetStart() <= pAttrib->GetEnd(), "Expand: Attribut verdreht!" );
        DBG_ASSERT( ( pAttrib->GetEnd() <= maText.getLength() ), "Expand: Attrib groesser als Absatz!" );
        DBG_ASSERT( !pAttrib->IsEmpty(), "Leeres Attribut nach ExpandAttribs?" );

    if ( bResort )

void TextNode::CollapsAttribs( sal_uInt16 nIndex, sal_uInt16 nDeleted )
    if ( !nDeleted )

    bool bResort = false;
    sal_uInt16 nEndChanges = nIndex+nDeleted;

    for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; nAttr < maCharAttribs.Count(); nAttr++ )
        TextCharAttrib* pAttrib = maCharAttribs.GetAttrib( nAttr );
        bool bDelAttr = false;
        if ( pAttrib->GetEnd() >= nIndex )
            // move all attributes that are behind the cursor
            if ( pAttrib->GetStart() >= nEndChanges )
                pAttrib->MoveBackward( nDeleted );
            // 1. delete inner attributes
            else if ( ( pAttrib->GetStart() >= nIndex ) && ( pAttrib->GetEnd() <= nEndChanges ) )
                // special case: attribute covers the region exactly
                // => keep as an empty attribute
                if ( ( pAttrib->GetStart() == nIndex ) && ( pAttrib->GetEnd() == nEndChanges ) )
                    pAttrib->GetEnd() = nIndex; // empty
                    bDelAttr = true;
            // 2. attribute starts before, ends inside or after
            else if ( ( pAttrib->GetStart() <= nIndex ) && ( pAttrib->GetEnd() > nIndex ) )
                if ( pAttrib->GetEnd() <= nEndChanges ) // ends inside
                    pAttrib->GetEnd() = nIndex;
                    pAttrib->Collaps( nDeleted );       // ends after
            // 3. attribute starts inside, ends after
            else if ( ( pAttrib->GetStart() >= nIndex ) && ( pAttrib->GetEnd() > nEndChanges ) )
                // features are not allowed to expand!
                pAttrib->GetStart() = nEndChanges;
                pAttrib->MoveBackward( nDeleted );

        DBG_ASSERT( pAttrib->GetStart() <= pAttrib->GetEnd(), "Collaps: Attribut verdreht!" );
        DBG_ASSERT( ( pAttrib->GetEnd() <= maText.getLength()) || bDelAttr, "Collaps: Attrib groesser als Absatz!" );
        if ( bDelAttr /* || pAttrib->IsEmpty() */ )
            bResort = true;
            maCharAttribs.RemoveAttrib( nAttr );
            delete pAttrib;
        else if ( pAttrib->IsEmpty() )
            maCharAttribs.HasEmptyAttribs() = true;

    if ( bResort )

void TextNode::InsertText( sal_uInt16 nPos, const OUString& rText )
    maText = maText.replaceAt( nPos, 0, rText );
    ExpandAttribs( nPos, rText.getLength() );

void TextNode::InsertText( sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_Unicode c )
    maText = maText.replaceAt( nPos, 0, OUString(c) );
    ExpandAttribs( nPos, 1 );

void TextNode::RemoveText( sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_uInt16 nChars )
    maText = maText.replaceAt( nPos, nChars, "" );
    CollapsAttribs( nPos, nChars );

TextNode* TextNode::Split( sal_uInt16 nPos, bool bKeepEndingAttribs )
    OUString aNewText;
    if ( nPos < maText.getLength() )
        aNewText = maText.copy( nPos );
        maText = maText.copy(0, nPos);
    TextNode* pNew = new TextNode( aNewText );

    for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; nAttr < maCharAttribs.Count(); nAttr++ )
        TextCharAttrib* pAttrib = maCharAttribs.GetAttrib( nAttr );
        if ( pAttrib->GetEnd() < nPos )
            // no change
        else if ( pAttrib->GetEnd() == nPos )
            // must be copied as an empty attribute
            // !FindAttrib only sensible if traversing backwards through the list!
            if ( bKeepEndingAttribs && !pNew->maCharAttribs.FindAttrib( pAttrib->Which(), 0 ) )
                TextCharAttrib* pNewAttrib = new TextCharAttrib( *pAttrib );
                pNewAttrib->GetStart() = 0;
                pNewAttrib->GetEnd() = 0;
                pNew->maCharAttribs.InsertAttrib( pNewAttrib );
        else if ( pAttrib->IsInside( nPos ) || ( !nPos && !pAttrib->GetStart() ) )
            // If cutting at the very beginning, the attribute has to be
            // copied and changed
            TextCharAttrib* pNewAttrib = new TextCharAttrib( *pAttrib );
            pNewAttrib->GetStart() = 0;
            pNewAttrib->GetEnd() = pAttrib->GetEnd()-nPos;
            pNew->maCharAttribs.InsertAttrib( pNewAttrib );
            // trim
            pAttrib->GetEnd() = nPos;
            DBG_ASSERT( pAttrib->GetStart() >= nPos, "Start < nPos!" );
            DBG_ASSERT( pAttrib->GetEnd() >= nPos, "End < nPos!" );
            // move all into the new node (this)
            maCharAttribs.RemoveAttrib( nAttr );
            pNew->maCharAttribs.InsertAttrib( pAttrib );
            pAttrib->GetStart() = pAttrib->GetStart() - nPos;
            pAttrib->GetEnd() = pAttrib->GetEnd() - nPos;
    return pNew;

void TextNode::Append( const TextNode& rNode )
    sal_Int32 nOldLen = maText.getLength();

    maText += rNode.GetText();

    const sal_uInt16 nAttribs = rNode.GetCharAttribs().Count();
    for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = 0; nAttr < nAttribs; nAttr++ )
        const TextCharAttrib& rAttrib = rNode.GetCharAttrib( nAttr );
        bool bMelted = false;
        if ( rAttrib.GetStart() == 0 )
            // potentially merge attributes
            sal_uInt16 nTmpAttribs = maCharAttribs.Count();
            for ( sal_uInt16 nTmpAttr = 0; nTmpAttr < nTmpAttribs; nTmpAttr++ )
                TextCharAttrib* pTmpAttrib = maCharAttribs.GetAttrib( nTmpAttr );

                if ( pTmpAttrib->GetEnd() == nOldLen )
                    if ( ( pTmpAttrib->Which() == rAttrib.Which() ) &&
                         ( pTmpAttrib->GetAttr() == rAttrib.GetAttr() ) )
                        pTmpAttrib->GetEnd() =
                            pTmpAttrib->GetEnd() + rAttrib.GetLen();
                        bMelted = true;
                        break;  // there can be only one of this type at this position

        if ( !bMelted )
            TextCharAttrib* pNewAttrib = new TextCharAttrib( rAttrib );
            pNewAttrib->GetStart() = pNewAttrib->GetStart() + nOldLen;
            pNewAttrib->GetEnd() = pNewAttrib->GetEnd() + nOldLen;
            maCharAttribs.InsertAttrib( pNewAttrib );

    mnLeftMargin = 0;


void TextDoc::Clear()

void TextDoc::DestroyTextNodes()
    for ( sal_uLong nNode = 0; nNode < maTextNodes.size(); nNode++ )
        delete maTextNodes[ nNode ];

OUString TextDoc::GetText( const sal_Unicode* pSep ) const
    sal_uLong nNodes = maTextNodes.size();

    OUString aASCIIText;
    sal_uLong nLastNode = nNodes-1;
    for ( sal_uLong nNode = 0; nNode < nNodes; nNode++ )
        TextNode* pNode = maTextNodes[ nNode ];
        OUString aTmp( pNode->GetText() );
        aASCIIText += aTmp;
        if ( pSep && ( nNode != nLastNode ) )
            aASCIIText += pSep;

    return aASCIIText;

OUString TextDoc::GetText( sal_uLong nPara ) const
    OUString aText;

    TextNode* pNode = ( nPara < maTextNodes.size() ) ? maTextNodes[ nPara ] : 0;
    if ( pNode )
        aText = pNode->GetText();

    return aText;

sal_uLong TextDoc::GetTextLen( const sal_Unicode* pSep, const TextSelection* pSel ) const
    sal_uLong nLen = 0;
    sal_uLong nNodes = maTextNodes.size();
    if ( nNodes )
        sal_uLong nStartNode = 0;
        sal_uLong nEndNode = nNodes-1;
        if ( pSel )
            nStartNode = pSel->GetStart().GetPara();
            nEndNode = pSel->GetEnd().GetPara();

        for ( sal_uLong nNode = nStartNode; nNode <= nEndNode; nNode++ )
            TextNode* pNode = maTextNodes[ nNode ];

            sal_uInt16 nS = 0;
            sal_Int32 nE = pNode->GetText().getLength();
            if ( pSel && ( nNode == pSel->GetStart().GetPara() ) )
                nS = pSel->GetStart().GetIndex();
            if ( pSel && ( nNode == pSel->GetEnd().GetPara() ) )
                nE = pSel->GetEnd().GetIndex();

            nLen += ( nE - nS );

        if ( pSep )
            nLen += (nEndNode-nStartNode) * rtl_ustr_getLength(pSep);

    return nLen;

TextPaM TextDoc::InsertText( const TextPaM& rPaM, sal_Unicode c )
    DBG_ASSERT( c != 0x0A, "TextDoc::InsertText: Zeilentrenner in Absatz nicht erlaubt!" );
    DBG_ASSERT( c != 0x0D, "TextDoc::InsertText: Zeilentrenner in Absatz nicht erlaubt!" );

    TextNode* pNode = maTextNodes[ rPaM.GetPara() ];
    pNode->InsertText( rPaM.GetIndex(), c );

    TextPaM aPaM( rPaM.GetPara(), rPaM.GetIndex()+1 );
    return aPaM;

TextPaM TextDoc::InsertText( const TextPaM& rPaM, const OUString& rStr )
    DBG_ASSERT( rStr.indexOf( 0x0A ) == -1, "TextDoc::InsertText: Zeilentrenner in Absatz nicht erlaubt!" );
    DBG_ASSERT( rStr.indexOf( 0x0D ) == -1, "TextDoc::InsertText: Zeilentrenner in Absatz nicht erlaubt!" );

    TextNode* pNode = maTextNodes[ rPaM.GetPara() ];
    pNode->InsertText( rPaM.GetIndex(), rStr );

    TextPaM aPaM( rPaM.GetPara(), rPaM.GetIndex()+rStr.getLength() );
    return aPaM;

TextPaM TextDoc::InsertParaBreak( const TextPaM& rPaM, bool bKeepEndingAttribs )
    TextNode* pNode = maTextNodes[ rPaM.GetPara() ];
    TextNode* pNew = pNode->Split( rPaM.GetIndex(), bKeepEndingAttribs );

    maTextNodes.insert( maTextNodes.begin() + rPaM.GetPara() + 1, pNew );

    TextPaM aPaM( rPaM.GetPara()+1, 0 );
    return aPaM;

TextPaM TextDoc::ConnectParagraphs( TextNode* pLeft, TextNode* pRight )
    sal_Int32 nPrevLen = pLeft->GetText().getLength();
    pLeft->Append( *pRight );

    // the paragraph on the right vanishes
    maTextNodes.erase( std::find( maTextNodes.begin(), maTextNodes.end(), pRight ) );
    delete pRight;

    sal_uLong nLeft = ::std::find( maTextNodes.begin(), maTextNodes.end(), pLeft ) - maTextNodes.begin();
    TextPaM aPaM( nLeft, nPrevLen );
    return aPaM;

TextPaM TextDoc::RemoveChars( const TextPaM& rPaM, sal_uInt16 nChars )
    TextNode* pNode = maTextNodes[ rPaM.GetPara() ];
    pNode->RemoveText( rPaM.GetIndex(), nChars );

    return rPaM;

bool TextDoc::IsValidPaM( const TextPaM& rPaM )
    if ( rPaM.GetPara() >= maTextNodes.size() )
        OSL_FAIL( "PaM: Para out of range" );
        return false;
    TextNode * pNode = maTextNodes[ rPaM.GetPara() ];
    if ( rPaM.GetIndex() > pNode->GetText().getLength() )
        OSL_FAIL( "PaM: Index out of range" );
        return false;
    return true;

/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */