/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace vcl::font { PhysicalFontFace::PhysicalFontFace( const FontAttributes& rDFA ) : FontAttributes( rDFA ) { // StarSymbol is a unicode font, but it still deserves the symbol flag if( !IsSymbolFont() ) if ( IsStarSymbol( GetFamilyName() ) ) SetSymbolFlag( true ); } sal_Int32 PhysicalFontFace::CompareIgnoreSize( const PhysicalFontFace& rOther ) const { // compare their width, weight, italic, style name and family name if( GetWidthType() < rOther.GetWidthType() ) return -1; else if( GetWidthType() > rOther.GetWidthType() ) return 1; if( GetWeight() < rOther.GetWeight() ) return -1; else if( GetWeight() > rOther.GetWeight() ) return 1; if( GetItalic() < rOther.GetItalic() ) return -1; else if( GetItalic() > rOther.GetItalic() ) return 1; sal_Int32 nRet = GetFamilyName().compareTo( rOther.GetFamilyName() ); if (nRet == 0) { nRet = GetStyleName().compareTo( rOther.GetStyleName() ); } return nRet; } static int FamilyNameMatchValue(FontSelectPattern const& rFSP, std::u16string_view sFontFamily) { const OUString& rFontName = rFSP.maTargetName; if (rFontName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sFontFamily)) return 240000; return 0; } static int StyleNameMatchValue(FontMatchStatus const& rStatus, OUString const& rStyle) { if (rStatus.mpTargetStyleName && rStyle.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(*rStatus.mpTargetStyleName)) return 120000; return 0; } static int PitchMatchValue(FontSelectPattern const& rFSP, FontPitch ePitch) { if ((rFSP.GetPitch() != PITCH_DONTKNOW) && (rFSP.GetPitch() == ePitch)) return 20000; return 0; } static int PreferNormalFontWidthMatchValue(FontWidth eWidthType) { // TODO: change when the upper layers can tell their width preference if (eWidthType == WIDTH_NORMAL) return 400; else if ((eWidthType == WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED) || (eWidthType == WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED)) return 300; return 0; } static int WeightMatchValue(FontSelectPattern const& rFSP, FontWeight eWeight) { int nMatch = 0; if (rFSP.GetWeight() != WEIGHT_DONTKNOW) { // if not bold or requiring emboldening prefer light fonts to bold fonts FontWeight ePatternWeight = rFSP.mbEmbolden ? WEIGHT_NORMAL : rFSP.GetWeight(); int nReqWeight = static_cast(ePatternWeight); if (ePatternWeight > WEIGHT_MEDIUM) nReqWeight += 100; int nGivenWeight = static_cast(eWeight); if (eWeight > WEIGHT_MEDIUM) nGivenWeight += 100; int nWeightDiff = nReqWeight - nGivenWeight; if (nWeightDiff == 0) nMatch += 1000; else if (nWeightDiff == +1 || nWeightDiff == -1) nMatch += 700; else if (nWeightDiff < +50 && nWeightDiff > -50) nMatch += 200; } else { // prefer NORMAL font weight // TODO: change when the upper layers can tell their weight preference if (eWeight == WEIGHT_NORMAL) nMatch += 450; else if (eWeight == WEIGHT_MEDIUM) nMatch += 350; else if ((eWeight == WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT) || (eWeight == WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD)) nMatch += 200; else if (eWeight == WEIGHT_LIGHT) nMatch += 150; } return nMatch; } static int ItalicMatchValue(FontSelectPattern const& rFSP, FontItalic eItalic) { // if requiring custom matrix to fake italic, prefer upright font FontItalic ePatternItalic = rFSP.maItalicMatrix != ItalicMatrix() ? ITALIC_NONE : rFSP.GetItalic(); if (ePatternItalic == ITALIC_NONE) { if (eItalic == ITALIC_NONE) return 900; } else { if (ePatternItalic == eItalic) return 900; else if (eItalic != ITALIC_NONE) return 600; } return 0; } bool PhysicalFontFace::IsBetterMatch( const FontSelectPattern& rFSP, FontMatchStatus& rStatus ) const { int nMatch = FamilyNameMatchValue(rFSP, GetFamilyName()); nMatch += StyleNameMatchValue(rStatus, GetStyleName()); nMatch += PitchMatchValue(rFSP, GetPitch()); nMatch += PreferNormalFontWidthMatchValue(GetWidthType()); nMatch += WeightMatchValue(rFSP, GetWeight()); nMatch += ItalicMatchValue(rFSP, GetItalic()); if (rFSP.mnOrientation != 0_deg10) nMatch += 80; else if (rFSP.mnWidth != 0) nMatch += 25; else nMatch += 5; if( rStatus.mnFaceMatch > nMatch ) { return false; } else if( rStatus.mnFaceMatch < nMatch ) { rStatus.mnFaceMatch = nMatch; return true; } return true; } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */