/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <sal/macros.h>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <tools/vcompat.hxx>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <unotools/fontcfg.hxx>
#include <unotools/fontdefs.hxx>

#include <vcl/font.hxx>

#include "impfont.hxx"
#include "fontinstance.hxx"
#include "fontattributes.hxx"
#include "sft.hxx"

#include <algorithm>

#include <rtl/instance.hxx>

using namespace vcl;

    struct theGlobalDefault :
        public rtl::Static< Font::ImplType, theGlobalDefault > {};

Font::Font() : mpImplFont(theGlobalDefault::get())

Font::Font( const vcl::Font& rFont ) : mpImplFont( rFont.mpImplFont )

Font::Font( vcl::Font&& rFont ) : mpImplFont( std::move(rFont.mpImplFont) )

Font::Font( const OUString& rFamilyName, const Size& rSize ) : mpImplFont()
    mpImplFont->SetFamilyName( rFamilyName );
    mpImplFont->SetFontSize( rSize );

Font::Font( const OUString& rFamilyName, const OUString& rStyleName, const Size& rSize ) : mpImplFont()
    mpImplFont->SetFamilyName( rFamilyName );
    mpImplFont->SetStyleName( rStyleName );
    mpImplFont->SetFontSize( rSize );

Font::Font( FontFamily eFamily, const Size& rSize ) : mpImplFont()
    mpImplFont->SetFamilyType( eFamily );
    mpImplFont->SetFontSize( rSize );


void Font::SetColor( const Color& rColor )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->maColor != rColor)
        mpImplFont->maColor = rColor;

void Font::SetFillColor( const Color& rColor )
    mpImplFont->maFillColor = rColor;
    if ( rColor.GetTransparency() )
        mpImplFont->mbTransparent = true;

void Font::SetTransparent( bool bTransparent )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->mbTransparent != bTransparent)
        mpImplFont->mbTransparent = bTransparent;

void Font::SetAlignment( FontAlign eAlign )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->meAlign != eAlign)

void Font::SetFamilyName( const OUString& rFamilyName )
    mpImplFont->SetFamilyName( rFamilyName );

void Font::SetStyleName( const OUString& rStyleName )
    mpImplFont->maStyleName = rStyleName;

void Font::SetFontSize( const Size& rSize )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->GetFontSize() != rSize)
        mpImplFont->SetFontSize( rSize );

void Font::SetFamily( FontFamily eFamily )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->GetFamilyTypeNoAsk() != eFamily)
        mpImplFont->SetFamilyType( eFamily );

void Font::SetCharSet( rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->GetCharSet() != eCharSet)
        mpImplFont->SetCharSet( eCharSet );

        if ( eCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL )
            mpImplFont->SetSymbolFlag( true );
            mpImplFont->SetSymbolFlag( false );

bool Font::IsSymbolFont() const
    return mpImplFont->IsSymbolFont();

void Font::SetSymbolFlag( bool bSymbol )
    mpImplFont->SetSymbolFlag( bSymbol );

    if ( IsSymbolFont() )
        mpImplFont->SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL );
        if ( mpImplFont->GetCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL )
            mpImplFont->SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW );

void Font::SetLanguageTag( const LanguageTag& rLanguageTag )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->maLanguageTag != rLanguageTag)
        mpImplFont->maLanguageTag = rLanguageTag;

void Font::SetCJKContextLanguageTag( const LanguageTag& rLanguageTag )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->maCJKLanguageTag != rLanguageTag)
        mpImplFont->maCJKLanguageTag = rLanguageTag;

void Font::SetLanguage( LanguageType eLanguage )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->maLanguageTag.getLanguageType(false) != eLanguage)
        mpImplFont->maLanguageTag.reset( eLanguage);

void Font::SetCJKContextLanguage( LanguageType eLanguage )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->maCJKLanguageTag.getLanguageType(false) != eLanguage)
        mpImplFont->maCJKLanguageTag.reset( eLanguage);

void Font::SetPitch( FontPitch ePitch )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->GetPitchNoAsk() != ePitch)
        mpImplFont->SetPitch( ePitch );

void Font::SetOrientation( short nOrientation )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->mnOrientation != nOrientation)
        mpImplFont->mnOrientation = nOrientation;

void Font::SetVertical( bool bVertical )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->mbVertical != bVertical)
        mpImplFont->mbVertical = bVertical;

void Font::SetKerning( FontKerning eKerning )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->meKerning != eKerning)
        mpImplFont->meKerning = eKerning;

bool Font::IsKerning() const
    return !(mpImplFont->meKerning == FontKerning::NONE);

void Font::SetWeight( FontWeight eWeight )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->GetWeightNoAsk() != eWeight)
        mpImplFont->SetWeight( eWeight );

void Font::SetWidthType( FontWidth eWidth )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->GetWidthTypeNoAsk() != eWidth)
        mpImplFont->SetWidthType( eWidth );

void Font::SetItalic( FontItalic eItalic )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->GetItalicNoAsk() != eItalic)
        mpImplFont->SetItalic( eItalic );

void Font::SetOutline( bool bOutline )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->mbOutline != bOutline)
        mpImplFont->mbOutline = bOutline;

void Font::SetShadow( bool bShadow )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->mbShadow != bShadow)
        mpImplFont->mbShadow = bShadow;

void Font::SetUnderline( FontLineStyle eUnderline )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->meUnderline != eUnderline)
        mpImplFont->meUnderline = eUnderline;

void Font::SetOverline( FontLineStyle eOverline )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->meOverline != eOverline)
        mpImplFont->meOverline = eOverline;

void Font::SetStrikeout( FontStrikeout eStrikeout )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->meStrikeout != eStrikeout)
        mpImplFont->meStrikeout = eStrikeout;

void Font::SetRelief( FontRelief eRelief )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->meRelief != eRelief)
        mpImplFont->meRelief = eRelief;

void Font::SetEmphasisMark( FontEmphasisMark eEmphasisMark )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->meEmphasisMark != eEmphasisMark )
        mpImplFont->meEmphasisMark = eEmphasisMark;

void Font::SetWordLineMode( bool bWordLine )
    if (const_cast<const ImplType&>(mpImplFont)->mbWordLine != bWordLine)
        mpImplFont->mbWordLine = bWordLine;

Font& Font::operator=( const vcl::Font& rFont )
    mpImplFont = rFont.mpImplFont;
    return *this;

Font& Font::operator=( vcl::Font&& rFont )
    mpImplFont = std::move(rFont.mpImplFont);
    return *this;

bool Font::operator==( const vcl::Font& rFont ) const
    return mpImplFont == rFont.mpImplFont;

void Font::Merge( const vcl::Font& rFont )
    if ( !rFont.GetFamilyName().isEmpty() )
        SetFamilyName( rFont.GetFamilyName() );
        SetStyleName( rFont.GetStyleName() );
        SetCharSet( GetCharSet() );
        SetLanguageTag( rFont.GetLanguageTag() );
        SetCJKContextLanguageTag( rFont.GetCJKContextLanguageTag() );
        // don't use access methods here, might lead to AskConfig(), if DONTKNOW
        SetFamily( rFont.mpImplFont->GetFamilyTypeNoAsk() );
        SetPitch( rFont.mpImplFont->GetPitchNoAsk() );

    // don't use access methods here, might lead to AskConfig(), if DONTKNOW
    if ( rFont.mpImplFont->GetWeightNoAsk() != WEIGHT_DONTKNOW )
        SetWeight( rFont.GetWeight() );
    if ( rFont.mpImplFont->GetItalicNoAsk() != ITALIC_DONTKNOW )
        SetItalic( rFont.GetItalic() );
    if ( rFont.mpImplFont->GetWidthTypeNoAsk() != WIDTH_DONTKNOW )
        SetWidthType( rFont.GetWidthType() );

    if ( rFont.GetFontSize().Height() )
        SetFontSize( rFont.GetFontSize() );
    if ( rFont.GetUnderline() != LINESTYLE_DONTKNOW )
        SetUnderline( rFont.GetUnderline() );
        SetWordLineMode( rFont.IsWordLineMode() );
    if ( rFont.GetOverline() != LINESTYLE_DONTKNOW )
        SetOverline( rFont.GetOverline() );
        SetWordLineMode( rFont.IsWordLineMode() );
    if ( rFont.GetStrikeout() != STRIKEOUT_DONTKNOW )
        SetStrikeout( rFont.GetStrikeout() );
        SetWordLineMode( rFont.IsWordLineMode() );

    // Defaults?
    SetOrientation( rFont.GetOrientation() );
    SetVertical( rFont.IsVertical() );
    SetEmphasisMark( rFont.GetEmphasisMark() );
    SetKerning( rFont.IsKerning() ? FontKerning::FontSpecific : FontKerning::NONE );
    SetOutline( rFont.IsOutline() );
    SetShadow( rFont.IsShadow() );
    SetRelief( rFont.GetRelief() );

void Font::GetFontAttributes( FontAttributes& rAttrs ) const
    rAttrs.SetFamilyName( mpImplFont->GetFamilyName() );
    rAttrs.SetStyleName( mpImplFont->maStyleName );
    rAttrs.SetFamilyType( mpImplFont->GetFamilyTypeNoAsk() );
    rAttrs.SetPitch( mpImplFont->GetPitchNoAsk() );
    rAttrs.SetItalic( mpImplFont->GetItalicNoAsk() );
    rAttrs.SetWeight( mpImplFont->GetWeightNoAsk() );
    rAttrs.SetWidthType( WIDTH_DONTKNOW );
    rAttrs.SetSymbolFlag( mpImplFont->GetCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL );

SvStream& ReadImplFont( SvStream& rIStm, ImplFont& rImplFont )
    VersionCompat   aCompat( rIStm, StreamMode::READ );
    sal_uInt16      nTmp16;
    bool            bTmp;
    sal_uInt8       nTmp8;

    rImplFont.SetFamilyName( rIStm.ReadUniOrByteString(rIStm.GetStreamCharSet()) );
    rImplFont.maStyleName = rIStm.ReadUniOrByteString(rIStm.GetStreamCharSet());
    ReadPair( rIStm, rImplFont.maAverageFontSize );

    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.SetCharSet( (rtl_TextEncoding) nTmp16 );
    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.SetFamilyType( (FontFamily) nTmp16 );
    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.SetPitch( (FontPitch) nTmp16 );
    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.SetWeight( (FontWeight) nTmp16 );
    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.meUnderline = (FontLineStyle) nTmp16;
    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.meStrikeout = (FontStrikeout) nTmp16;
    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.SetItalic( (FontItalic) nTmp16 );
    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.maLanguageTag.reset( LanguageType(nTmp16) );
    rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.meWidthType = (FontWidth) nTmp16;

    rIStm.ReadInt16( rImplFont.mnOrientation );

    rIStm.ReadCharAsBool( bTmp ); rImplFont.mbWordLine = bTmp;
    rIStm.ReadCharAsBool( bTmp ); rImplFont.mbOutline = bTmp;
    rIStm.ReadCharAsBool( bTmp ); rImplFont.mbShadow = bTmp;
    rIStm.ReadUChar( nTmp8 ); rImplFont.meKerning = static_cast<FontKerning>(nTmp8);

    if( aCompat.GetVersion() >= 2 )
        rIStm.ReadUChar( nTmp8 );     rImplFont.meRelief = (FontRelief)nTmp8;
        rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 );   rImplFont.maCJKLanguageTag.reset( LanguageType(nTmp16) );
        rIStm.ReadCharAsBool( bTmp ); rImplFont.mbVertical = bTmp;
        rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 );   rImplFont.meEmphasisMark = (FontEmphasisMark)nTmp16;

    if( aCompat.GetVersion() >= 3 )
        rIStm.ReadUInt16( nTmp16 ); rImplFont.meOverline = (FontLineStyle) nTmp16;

    // Relief
    // CJKContextLanguage

    return rIStm;

SvStream& WriteImplFont( SvStream& rOStm, const ImplFont& rImplFont )
    VersionCompat aCompat( rOStm, StreamMode::WRITE, 3 );
    rOStm.WriteUniOrByteString( rImplFont.GetFamilyName(), rOStm.GetStreamCharSet() );
    rOStm.WriteUniOrByteString( rImplFont.GetStyleName(), rOStm.GetStreamCharSet() );
    WritePair( rOStm, rImplFont.maAverageFontSize );

    rOStm.WriteUInt16( GetStoreCharSet( rImplFont.GetCharSet() ) );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( rImplFont.GetFamilyTypeNoAsk() );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( rImplFont.GetPitchNoAsk() );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( rImplFont.GetWeightNoAsk() );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( rImplFont.meUnderline );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( rImplFont.meStrikeout );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( rImplFont.GetItalicNoAsk() );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( (sal_uInt16)rImplFont.maLanguageTag.getLanguageType( false) );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( rImplFont.GetWidthTypeNoAsk() );

    rOStm.WriteInt16( rImplFont.mnOrientation );

    rOStm.WriteBool( rImplFont.mbWordLine );
    rOStm.WriteBool( rImplFont.mbOutline );
    rOStm.WriteBool( rImplFont.mbShadow );
    rOStm.WriteUChar( static_cast<sal_uInt8>(rImplFont.meKerning) );

    // new in version 2
    rOStm.WriteUChar( (sal_uChar)rImplFont.meRelief );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( (sal_uInt16)rImplFont.maCJKLanguageTag.getLanguageType( false) );
    rOStm.WriteBool( rImplFont.mbVertical );
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( (sal_uInt16)rImplFont.meEmphasisMark );

    // new in version 3
    rOStm.WriteUInt16( rImplFont.meOverline );

    return rOStm;

SvStream& ReadFont( SvStream& rIStm, vcl::Font& rFont )
    return ReadImplFont( rIStm, *rFont.mpImplFont );

SvStream& WriteFont( SvStream& rOStm, const vcl::Font& rFont )
    return WriteImplFont( rOStm, *rFont.mpImplFont );

    bool identifyTrueTypeFont( const void* i_pBuffer, sal_uInt32 i_nSize, Font& o_rResult )
        bool bResult = false;
        TrueTypeFont* pTTF = nullptr;
        if( OpenTTFontBuffer( i_pBuffer, i_nSize, 0, &pTTF ) == SF_OK )
            TTGlobalFontInfo aInfo;
            GetTTGlobalFontInfo( pTTF, &aInfo );
            // most importantly: the family name
            if( aInfo.ufamily )
                o_rResult.SetFamilyName( aInfo.ufamily );
            else if( aInfo.family )
                o_rResult.SetFamilyName( OStringToOUString( aInfo.family, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
            // set weight
            if( aInfo.weight )
                if( aInfo.weight < FW_EXTRALIGHT )
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_THIN );
                else if( aInfo.weight < FW_LIGHT )
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT );
                else if( aInfo.weight < FW_NORMAL )
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_LIGHT );
                else if( aInfo.weight < FW_MEDIUM )
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL );
                else if( aInfo.weight < FW_SEMIBOLD )
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_MEDIUM );
                else if( aInfo.weight < FW_BOLD )
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD );
                else if( aInfo.weight < FW_EXTRABOLD )
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD );
                else if( aInfo.weight < FW_BLACK )
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD );
                    o_rResult.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BLACK );
                o_rResult.SetWeight( (aInfo.macStyle & 1) ? WEIGHT_BOLD : WEIGHT_NORMAL );
            // set width
            if( aInfo.width )
                if( aInfo.width == FWIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED );
                else if( aInfo.width == FWIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED );
                else if( aInfo.width == FWIDTH_CONDENSED )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_CONDENSED );
                else if( aInfo.width == FWIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED );
                else if( aInfo.width == FWIDTH_NORMAL )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_NORMAL );
                else if( aInfo.width == FWIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED );
                else if( aInfo.width == FWIDTH_EXPANDED )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_EXPANDED );
                else if( aInfo.width == FWIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED );
                else if( aInfo.width >= FWIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED )
                    o_rResult.SetAverageFontWidth( WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED );
            // set italic
            o_rResult.SetItalic( (aInfo.italicAngle != 0) ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE );

            // set pitch
            o_rResult.SetPitch( (aInfo.pitch == 0) ? PITCH_VARIABLE : PITCH_FIXED );

            // set style name
            if( aInfo.usubfamily )
                o_rResult.SetStyleName( OUString( aInfo.usubfamily ) );
            else if( aInfo.subfamily )
                o_rResult.SetStyleName( OUString::createFromAscii( aInfo.subfamily ) );

            // cleanup
            CloseTTFont( pTTF );
            // success
            bResult = true;
        return bResult;

    struct WeightSearchEntry
        const char* string;
        int         string_len;
        FontWeight  weight;

        bool operator<( const WeightSearchEntry& rRight ) const
            return rtl_str_compareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength( string, string_len, rRight.string, rRight.string_len ) < 0;
    weight_table[] =
        { "black", 5, WEIGHT_BLACK },
        { "bold", 4, WEIGHT_BOLD },
        { "book", 4, WEIGHT_LIGHT },
        { "demi", 4, WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD },
        { "heavy", 5, WEIGHT_BLACK },
        { "light", 5, WEIGHT_LIGHT },
        { "medium", 6, WEIGHT_MEDIUM },
        { "regular", 7, WEIGHT_NORMAL },
        { "super", 5, WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD },
        { "thin", 4, WEIGHT_THIN }

    bool identifyType1Font( const char* i_pBuffer, sal_uInt32 i_nSize, Font& o_rResult )
        // might be a type1, find eexec
        const char* pStream = i_pBuffer;
        const char* const pExec = "eexec";
        const char* pExecPos = std::search( pStream, pStream+i_nSize, pExec, pExec+5 );
        if( pExecPos != pStream+i_nSize)
            // find /FamilyName entry
            static const char* const pFam = "/FamilyName";
            const char* pFamPos = std::search( pStream, pExecPos, pFam, pFam+11 );
            if( pFamPos != pExecPos )
                // extract the string value behind /FamilyName
                const char* pOpen = pFamPos+11;
                while( pOpen < pExecPos && *pOpen != '(' )
                const char* pClose = pOpen;
                while( pClose < pExecPos && *pClose != ')' )
                if( pClose - pOpen > 1 )
                    o_rResult.SetFamilyName( OStringToOUString( OString( pOpen+1, pClose-pOpen-1 ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );

            // parse /ItalicAngle
            static const char* const pItalic = "/ItalicAngle";
            const char* pItalicPos = std::search( pStream, pExecPos, pItalic, pItalic+12 );
            if( pItalicPos != pExecPos )
                sal_Int32 nItalic = rtl_str_toInt32( pItalicPos+12, 10 );
                o_rResult.SetItalic( (nItalic != 0) ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE );

            // parse /Weight
            static const char* const pWeight = "/Weight";
            const char* pWeightPos = std::search( pStream, pExecPos, pWeight, pWeight+7 );
            if( pWeightPos != pExecPos )
                // extract the string value behind /Weight
                const char* pOpen = pWeightPos+7;
                while( pOpen < pExecPos && *pOpen != '(' )
                const char* pClose = pOpen;
                while( pClose < pExecPos && *pClose != ')' )
                if( pClose - pOpen > 1 )
                    WeightSearchEntry aEnt;
                    aEnt.string = pOpen+1;
                    aEnt.string_len = (pClose-pOpen)-1;
                    aEnt.weight = WEIGHT_NORMAL;
                    const int nEnt = SAL_N_ELEMENTS( weight_table );
                    WeightSearchEntry* pFound = std::lower_bound( weight_table, weight_table+nEnt, aEnt );
                    if( pFound != (weight_table+nEnt) )
                        o_rResult.SetWeight( pFound->weight );

            // parse isFixedPitch
            static const char* const pFixed = "/isFixedPitch";
            const char* pFixedPos = std::search( pStream, pExecPos, pFixed, pFixed+13 );
            if( pFixedPos != pExecPos )
                // skip whitespace
                while( pFixedPos < pExecPos-4 &&
                       ( *pFixedPos == ' '  ||
                         *pFixedPos == '\t' ||
                         *pFixedPos == '\r' ||
                         *pFixedPos == '\n' ) )
                // find "true" value
                if( rtl_str_compareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLength( pFixedPos, 4, "true", 4 ) == 0 )
                    o_rResult.SetPitch( PITCH_FIXED );
                    o_rResult.SetPitch( PITCH_VARIABLE );
        return false;

Font Font::identifyFont( const void* i_pBuffer, sal_uInt32 i_nSize )
    Font aResult;
    if( ! identifyTrueTypeFont( i_pBuffer, i_nSize, aResult ) )
        const char* pStream = static_cast<const char*>(i_pBuffer);
        if( pStream && i_nSize > 100 &&
             *pStream == '%' && pStream[1] == '!' )
            identifyType1Font( pStream, i_nSize, aResult );

    return aResult;

// The inlines from the font.hxx header are now instantiated for pImpl-ification
const Color& Font::GetColor() const { return mpImplFont->maColor; }
const Color& Font::GetFillColor() const { return mpImplFont->maFillColor; }
bool Font::IsTransparent() const { return mpImplFont->mbTransparent; }

FontAlign Font::GetAlignment() const { return mpImplFont->GetAlignment(); }

const OUString& Font::GetFamilyName() const { return mpImplFont->GetFamilyName(); }
const OUString& Font::GetStyleName() const { return mpImplFont->maStyleName; }

const Size& Font::GetFontSize() const { return mpImplFont->GetFontSize(); }
void Font::SetFontHeight( long nHeight ) { SetFontSize( Size( mpImplFont->GetFontSize().Width(), nHeight ) ); }
long Font::GetFontHeight() const { return mpImplFont->GetFontSize().Height(); }
void Font::SetAverageFontWidth( long nWidth ) { SetFontSize( Size( nWidth, mpImplFont->GetFontSize().Height() ) ); }
long Font::GetAverageFontWidth() const { return mpImplFont->GetFontSize().Width(); }

rtl_TextEncoding Font::GetCharSet() const { return mpImplFont->GetCharSet(); }

const LanguageTag& Font::GetLanguageTag() const { return mpImplFont->maLanguageTag; }
const LanguageTag& Font::GetCJKContextLanguageTag() const { return mpImplFont->maCJKLanguageTag; }
LanguageType Font::GetLanguage() const { return mpImplFont->maLanguageTag.getLanguageType( false); }
LanguageType Font::GetCJKContextLanguage() const { return mpImplFont->maCJKLanguageTag.getLanguageType( false); }

short Font::GetOrientation() const { return mpImplFont->mnOrientation; }
bool Font::IsVertical() const { return mpImplFont->mbVertical; }
FontKerning Font::GetKerning() const { return mpImplFont->meKerning; }

FontPitch Font::GetPitch() { return mpImplFont->GetPitch(); }
FontWeight Font::GetWeight() { return mpImplFont->GetWeight(); }
FontWidth Font::GetWidthType() { return mpImplFont->GetWidthType(); }
FontItalic Font::GetItalic() { return mpImplFont->GetItalic(); }
FontFamily Font::GetFamilyType() { return mpImplFont->GetFamilyType(); }

FontPitch Font::GetPitch() const { return mpImplFont->GetPitchNoAsk(); }
FontWeight Font::GetWeight() const { return mpImplFont->GetWeightNoAsk(); }
FontWidth Font::GetWidthType() const { return mpImplFont->GetWidthTypeNoAsk(); }
FontItalic Font::GetItalic() const { return mpImplFont->GetItalicNoAsk(); }
FontFamily Font::GetFamilyType() const { return mpImplFont->GetFamilyTypeNoAsk(); }

int Font::GetQuality() const { return mpImplFont->GetQuality(); }
void Font::SetQuality( int nQuality ) { mpImplFont->SetQuality( nQuality ); }
void Font::IncreaseQualityBy( int nQualityAmount ) { mpImplFont->IncreaseQualityBy( nQualityAmount ); }
void Font::DecreaseQualityBy( int nQualityAmount ) { mpImplFont->DecreaseQualityBy( nQualityAmount ); }

void Font::SetMapNames( OUString const & aMapNames ) { mpImplFont->SetMapNames(aMapNames); }

bool Font::IsOutline() const { return mpImplFont->mbOutline; }
bool Font::IsShadow() const { return mpImplFont->mbShadow; }
FontRelief Font::GetRelief() const { return mpImplFont->meRelief; }
FontLineStyle Font::GetUnderline() const { return mpImplFont->meUnderline; }
FontLineStyle Font::GetOverline()  const { return mpImplFont->meOverline; }
FontStrikeout Font::GetStrikeout() const { return mpImplFont->meStrikeout; }
FontEmphasisMark Font::GetEmphasisMark() const { return mpImplFont->meEmphasisMark; }
bool Font::IsWordLineMode() const { return mpImplFont->mbWordLine; }
bool Font::IsSameInstance( const vcl::Font& rFont ) const { return (mpImplFont == rFont.mpImplFont); }

ImplFont::ImplFont() :
    meWeight( WEIGHT_DONTKNOW ),
    meFamily( FAMILY_DONTKNOW ),
    mePitch( PITCH_DONTKNOW ),
    meWidthType( WIDTH_DONTKNOW ),
    meItalic( ITALIC_NONE ),
    meAlign( ALIGN_TOP ),
    meUnderline( LINESTYLE_NONE ),
    meOverline( LINESTYLE_NONE ),
    meStrikeout( STRIKEOUT_NONE ),
    meRelief( FontRelief::NONE ),
    meEmphasisMark( FontEmphasisMark::NONE ),
    meKerning( FontKerning::FontSpecific ),
    maLanguageTag( LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW ),
    maCJKLanguageTag( LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW ),
    mbSymbolFlag( false ),
    mbOutline( false ),
    mbConfigLookup( false ),
    mbShadow( false ),
    mbVertical( false ),
    mbTransparent( true ),
    maColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ),
    maFillColor( COL_TRANSPARENT ),
    mbWordLine( false ),
    mnOrientation( 0 ),
    mnQuality( 0 )

ImplFont::ImplFont( const ImplFont& rImplFont ) :
    maFamilyName( rImplFont.maFamilyName ),
    maStyleName( rImplFont.maStyleName ),
    meWeight( rImplFont.meWeight ),
    meFamily( rImplFont.meFamily ),
    mePitch( rImplFont.mePitch ),
    meWidthType( rImplFont.meWidthType ),
    meItalic( rImplFont.meItalic ),
    meAlign( rImplFont.meAlign ),
    meUnderline( rImplFont.meUnderline ),
    meOverline( rImplFont.meOverline ),
    meStrikeout( rImplFont.meStrikeout ),
    meRelief( rImplFont.meRelief ),
    meEmphasisMark( rImplFont.meEmphasisMark ),
    meKerning( rImplFont.meKerning ),
    maAverageFontSize( rImplFont.maAverageFontSize ),
    meCharSet( rImplFont.meCharSet ),
    maLanguageTag( rImplFont.maLanguageTag ),
    maCJKLanguageTag( rImplFont.maCJKLanguageTag ),
    mbSymbolFlag( rImplFont.mbSymbolFlag ),
    mbOutline( rImplFont.mbOutline ),
    mbConfigLookup( rImplFont.mbConfigLookup ),
    mbShadow( rImplFont.mbShadow ),
    mbVertical( rImplFont.mbVertical ),
    mbTransparent( rImplFont.mbTransparent ),
    maColor( rImplFont.maColor ),
    maFillColor( rImplFont.maFillColor ),
    maMapNames( rImplFont.maMapNames ),
    mbWordLine( rImplFont.mbWordLine ),
    mnOrientation( rImplFont.mnOrientation ),
    mnQuality( rImplFont.mnQuality )

bool ImplFont::operator==( const ImplFont& rOther ) const
    // equality tests split up for easier debugging
    if( (meWeight   != rOther.meWeight)
    ||  (meItalic   != rOther.meItalic)
    ||  (meFamily   != rOther.meFamily)
    ||  (mePitch    != rOther.mePitch) )
        return false;

    if( (meCharSet        != rOther.meCharSet)
    ||  (maLanguageTag    != rOther.maLanguageTag)
    ||  (maCJKLanguageTag != rOther.maCJKLanguageTag)
    ||  (meAlign          != rOther.meAlign) )
        return false;

    if( (maAverageFontSize       != rOther.maAverageFontSize)
    ||  (mnOrientation  != rOther.mnOrientation)
    ||  (mbVertical     != rOther.mbVertical) )
        return false;

    if( (maFamilyName   != rOther.maFamilyName)
    ||  (maStyleName    != rOther.maStyleName) )
        return false;

    if( (maColor        != rOther.maColor)
    ||  (maFillColor    != rOther.maFillColor) )
        return false;

    if( (meUnderline    != rOther.meUnderline)
    ||  (meOverline     != rOther.meOverline)
    ||  (meStrikeout    != rOther.meStrikeout)
    ||  (meRelief       != rOther.meRelief)
    ||  (meEmphasisMark != rOther.meEmphasisMark)
    ||  (mbWordLine     != rOther.mbWordLine)
    ||  (mbOutline      != rOther.mbOutline)
    ||  (mbShadow       != rOther.mbShadow)
    ||  (meKerning      != rOther.meKerning)
    ||  (mbTransparent  != rOther.mbTransparent) )
        return false;

    return true;

void ImplFont::AskConfig()
    if( mbConfigLookup )

    mbConfigLookup = true;

    // prepare the FontSubst configuration lookup
    const utl::FontSubstConfiguration& rFontSubst = utl::FontSubstConfiguration::get();

    OUString      aShortName;
    OUString      aFamilyName;
    ImplFontAttrs nType = ImplFontAttrs::None;
    FontWeight  eWeight = WEIGHT_DONTKNOW;
    FontWidth   eWidthType = WIDTH_DONTKNOW;
    OUString    aMapName = GetEnglishSearchFontName( maFamilyName );

    utl::FontSubstConfiguration::getMapName( aMapName,
        aShortName, aFamilyName, eWeight, eWidthType, nType );

    // lookup the font name in the configuration
    const utl::FontNameAttr* pFontAttr = rFontSubst.getSubstInfo( aMapName );

    // if the direct lookup failed try again with an alias name
    if ( !pFontAttr && (aShortName != aMapName) )
        pFontAttr = rFontSubst.getSubstInfo( aShortName );

    if( pFontAttr )
        // the font was found in the configuration
        if( meFamily == FAMILY_DONTKNOW )
            if ( pFontAttr->Type & ImplFontAttrs::Serif )
                meFamily = FAMILY_ROMAN;
            else if ( pFontAttr->Type & ImplFontAttrs::SansSerif )
                meFamily = FAMILY_SWISS;
            else if ( pFontAttr->Type & ImplFontAttrs::Typewriter )
                meFamily = FAMILY_MODERN;
            else if ( pFontAttr->Type & ImplFontAttrs::Italic )
                meFamily = FAMILY_SCRIPT;
            else if ( pFontAttr->Type & ImplFontAttrs::Decorative )
                meFamily = FAMILY_DECORATIVE;

        if( mePitch == PITCH_DONTKNOW )
            if ( pFontAttr->Type & ImplFontAttrs::Fixed )
                mePitch = PITCH_FIXED;

    // if some attributes are still unknown then use the FontSubst magic
    if( meFamily == FAMILY_DONTKNOW )
        if( nType & ImplFontAttrs::Serif )
            meFamily = FAMILY_ROMAN;
        else if( nType & ImplFontAttrs::SansSerif )
            meFamily = FAMILY_SWISS;
        else if( nType & ImplFontAttrs::Typewriter )
            meFamily = FAMILY_MODERN;
        else if( nType & ImplFontAttrs::Italic )
            meFamily = FAMILY_SCRIPT;
        else if( nType & ImplFontAttrs::Decorative )
            meFamily = FAMILY_DECORATIVE;

    if( GetWeight() == WEIGHT_DONTKNOW )
        SetWeight( eWeight );
    if( meWidthType == WIDTH_DONTKNOW )
        meWidthType = eWidthType;

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