/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined HAVE_VALGRIND_HEADERS #include #endif // ----------- // - Defines - // ----------- #define DIBCOREHEADERSIZE ( 12UL ) #define DIBINFOHEADERSIZE ( sizeof( DIBInfoHeader ) ) #define BITMAPINFOHEADER 0x28 // ---------------------- // - Compression defines // ---------------------- #define COMPRESS_OWN ('S'|('D'<<8UL)) #define COMPRESS_NONE ( 0UL ) #define RLE_8 ( 1UL ) #define RLE_4 ( 2UL ) #define BITFIELDS ( 3UL ) #define ZCOMPRESS ( COMPRESS_OWN | 0x01000000UL ) /* == 'SD01' (binary) */ // ----------------- // - DIBInfoHeader - // ----------------- struct DIBInfoHeader { sal_uInt32 nSize; sal_Int32 nWidth; sal_Int32 nHeight; sal_uInt16 nPlanes; sal_uInt16 nBitCount; sal_uInt32 nCompression; sal_uInt32 nSizeImage; sal_Int32 nXPelsPerMeter; sal_Int32 nYPelsPerMeter; sal_uInt32 nColsUsed; sal_uInt32 nColsImportant; DIBInfoHeader() : nSize( 0UL ), nWidth( 0UL ), nHeight( 0UL ), nPlanes( 0 ), nBitCount( 0 ), nCompression( 0 ), nSizeImage( 0 ), nXPelsPerMeter( 0UL ), nYPelsPerMeter( 0UL ), nColsUsed( 0UL ), nColsImportant( 0UL ) {} ~DIBInfoHeader() {} }; namespace { inline sal_uInt16 discretizeBitcount( sal_uInt16 nInputCount ) { return ( nInputCount <= 1 ) ? 1 : ( nInputCount <= 4 ) ? 4 : ( nInputCount <= 8 ) ? 8 : 24; } inline bool isBitfieldCompression( sal_uLong nScanlineFormat ) { return nScanlineFormat == BMP_FORMAT_16BIT_TC_LSB_MASK || nScanlineFormat == BMP_FORMAT_32BIT_TC_MASK; } } // ---------- // - Bitmap - // ---------- SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStm, Bitmap& rBitmap ) { rBitmap.Read( rIStm, sal_True ); return rIStm; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStm, const Bitmap& rBitmap ) { rBitmap.Write( rOStm, sal_False, sal_True ); return rOStm; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::Read( SvStream& rIStm, sal_Bool bFileHeader, sal_Bool bIsMSOFormat ) { const sal_uInt16 nOldFormat = rIStm.GetNumberFormatInt(); const sal_uLong nOldPos = rIStm.Tell(); sal_uLong nOffset = 0UL; sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; rIStm.SetNumberFormatInt( NUMBERFORMAT_INT_LITTLEENDIAN ); if( bFileHeader ) { if( ImplReadDIBFileHeader( rIStm, nOffset ) ) bRet = ImplReadDIB( rIStm, *this, nOffset ); } else bRet = ImplReadDIB( rIStm, *this, nOffset, bIsMSOFormat ); if( !bRet ) { if( !rIStm.GetError() ) rIStm.SetError( SVSTREAM_GENERALERROR ); rIStm.Seek( nOldPos ); } rIStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat ); return bRet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplReadDIB( SvStream& rIStm, Bitmap& rBmp, sal_uLong nOffset, sal_Bool bIsMSOFormat ) { DIBInfoHeader aHeader; const sal_uLong nStmPos = rIStm.Tell(); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_Bool bTopDown = sal_False; if( ImplReadDIBInfoHeader( rIStm, aHeader, bTopDown, bIsMSOFormat ) && aHeader.nWidth && aHeader.nHeight && aHeader.nBitCount ) { const sal_uInt16 nBitCount( discretizeBitcount(aHeader.nBitCount) ); const Size aSizePixel( aHeader.nWidth, abs(aHeader.nHeight) ); BitmapPalette aDummyPal; Bitmap aNewBmp( aSizePixel, nBitCount, &aDummyPal ); BitmapWriteAccess* pAcc = aNewBmp.AcquireWriteAccess(); if( pAcc ) { sal_uInt16 nColors; SvStream* pIStm; SvMemoryStream* pMemStm = NULL; sal_uInt8* pData = NULL; if( nBitCount <= 8 ) { if( aHeader.nColsUsed ) nColors = (sal_uInt16) aHeader.nColsUsed; else nColors = ( 1 << aHeader.nBitCount ); } else nColors = 0; if( ZCOMPRESS == aHeader.nCompression ) { ZCodec aCodec; sal_uInt32 nCodedSize, nUncodedSize; sal_uLong nCodedPos; // read coding information rIStm >> nCodedSize >> nUncodedSize >> aHeader.nCompression; pData = (sal_uInt8*) rtl_allocateMemory( nUncodedSize ); // decode buffer nCodedPos = rIStm.Tell(); aCodec.BeginCompression(); aCodec.Read( rIStm, pData, nUncodedSize ); aCodec.EndCompression(); // skip unread bytes from coded buffer rIStm.SeekRel( nCodedSize - ( rIStm.Tell() - nCodedPos ) ); // set decoded bytes to memory stream, // from which we will read the bitmap data pMemStm = new SvMemoryStream; pIStm = pMemStm; pMemStm->SetBuffer( (char*) pData, nUncodedSize, sal_False, nUncodedSize ); nOffset = 0; } else pIStm = &rIStm; // read palette if( nColors ) { pAcc->SetPaletteEntryCount( nColors ); ImplReadDIBPalette( *pIStm, *pAcc, aHeader.nSize != DIBCOREHEADERSIZE ); } // read bits if( !pIStm->GetError() ) { if( nOffset ) pIStm->SeekRel( nOffset - ( pIStm->Tell() - nStmPos ) ); bRet = ImplReadDIBBits( *pIStm, aHeader, *pAcc, bTopDown ); if( bRet && aHeader.nXPelsPerMeter && aHeader.nYPelsPerMeter ) { MapMode aMapMode( MAP_MM, Point(), Fraction( 1000, aHeader.nXPelsPerMeter ), Fraction( 1000, aHeader.nYPelsPerMeter ) ); aNewBmp.SetPrefMapMode( aMapMode ); aNewBmp.SetPrefSize( Size( aHeader.nWidth, abs(aHeader.nHeight) ) ); } } if( pData ) rtl_freeMemory( pData ); delete pMemStm; aNewBmp.ReleaseAccess( pAcc ); if( bRet ) rBmp = aNewBmp; } } return bRet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplReadDIBFileHeader( SvStream& rIStm, sal_uLong& rOffset ) { sal_uInt32 nTmp32; sal_uInt16 nTmp16 = 0; sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; rIStm >> nTmp16; if ( ( 0x4D42 == nTmp16 ) || ( 0x4142 == nTmp16 ) ) { if ( 0x4142 == nTmp16 ) { rIStm.SeekRel( 12L ); rIStm >> nTmp16; rIStm.SeekRel( 8L ); rIStm >> nTmp32; rOffset = nTmp32 - 28UL; bRet = ( 0x4D42 == nTmp16 ); } else { rIStm.SeekRel( 8L ); rIStm >> nTmp32; rOffset = nTmp32 - 14UL; bRet = ( rIStm.GetError() == 0UL ); } } else rIStm.SetError( SVSTREAM_FILEFORMAT_ERROR ); return bRet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplReadDIBInfoHeader( SvStream& rIStm, DIBInfoHeader& rHeader, sal_Bool& bTopDown, sal_Bool bIsMSOFormat ) { // BITMAPINFOHEADER or BITMAPCOREHEADER rIStm >> rHeader.nSize; // BITMAPCOREHEADER sal_Int16 nTmp16 = 0; if ( rHeader.nSize == DIBCOREHEADERSIZE ) { rIStm >> nTmp16; rHeader.nWidth = nTmp16; rIStm >> nTmp16; rHeader.nHeight = nTmp16; rIStm >> rHeader.nPlanes; rIStm >> rHeader.nBitCount; } else if ( bIsMSOFormat && ( rHeader.nSize == BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ) { sal_uInt8 nTmp8 = 0; rIStm >> nTmp16; rHeader.nWidth = nTmp16; rIStm >> nTmp16; rHeader.nHeight = nTmp16; rIStm >> nTmp8; rHeader.nPlanes = nTmp8; rIStm >> nTmp8; rHeader.nBitCount = nTmp8; rIStm >> nTmp16; rHeader.nSizeImage = nTmp16; rIStm >> nTmp16; rHeader.nCompression = nTmp16; if ( !rHeader.nSizeImage ) // uncompressed? rHeader.nSizeImage = ((rHeader.nWidth * rHeader.nBitCount + 31) & ~31) / 8 * rHeader.nHeight; rIStm >> rHeader.nXPelsPerMeter; rIStm >> rHeader.nYPelsPerMeter; rIStm >> rHeader.nColsUsed; rIStm >> rHeader.nColsImportant; } else { // unknown Header if( rHeader.nSize < DIBINFOHEADERSIZE ) { sal_uLong nUnknownSize = sizeof( rHeader.nSize ); rIStm >> rHeader.nWidth; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nWidth ); rIStm >> rHeader.nHeight; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nHeight ); rIStm >> rHeader.nPlanes; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nPlanes ); rIStm >> rHeader.nBitCount; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nBitCount ); if( nUnknownSize < rHeader.nSize ) { rIStm >> rHeader.nCompression; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nCompression ); if( nUnknownSize < rHeader.nSize ) { rIStm >> rHeader.nSizeImage; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nSizeImage ); if( nUnknownSize < rHeader.nSize ) { rIStm >> rHeader.nXPelsPerMeter; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nXPelsPerMeter ); if( nUnknownSize < rHeader.nSize ) { rIStm >> rHeader.nYPelsPerMeter; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nYPelsPerMeter ); } if( nUnknownSize < rHeader.nSize ) { rIStm >> rHeader.nColsUsed; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nColsUsed ); if( nUnknownSize < rHeader.nSize ) { rIStm >> rHeader.nColsImportant; nUnknownSize += sizeof( rHeader.nColsImportant ); } } } } } } else { rIStm >> rHeader.nWidth; rIStm >> rHeader.nHeight; //rHeader.nHeight=abs(rHeader.nHeight); rIStm >> rHeader.nPlanes; rIStm >> rHeader.nBitCount; rIStm >> rHeader.nCompression; rIStm >> rHeader.nSizeImage; rIStm >> rHeader.nXPelsPerMeter; rIStm >> rHeader.nYPelsPerMeter; rIStm >> rHeader.nColsUsed; rIStm >> rHeader.nColsImportant; } // Eventuell bis zur Palette ueberlesen if ( rHeader.nSize > DIBINFOHEADERSIZE ) rIStm.SeekRel( rHeader.nSize - DIBINFOHEADERSIZE ); } if ( rHeader.nHeight < 0 ) { bTopDown = sal_True; rHeader.nHeight *= -1; } else bTopDown = sal_False; if ( rHeader.nWidth < 0 ) rIStm.SetError( SVSTREAM_FILEFORMAT_ERROR ); // #144105# protect a little against damaged files if( rHeader.nSizeImage > ( 16 * static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( rHeader.nWidth * rHeader.nHeight ) ) ) rHeader.nSizeImage = 0; return( ( rHeader.nPlanes == 1 ) && ( rIStm.GetError() == 0UL ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplReadDIBPalette( SvStream& rIStm, BitmapWriteAccess& rAcc, sal_Bool bQuad ) { const sal_uInt16 nColors = rAcc.GetPaletteEntryCount(); const sal_uLong nPalSize = nColors * ( bQuad ? 4UL : 3UL ); BitmapColor aPalColor; sal_uInt8* pEntries = new sal_uInt8[ nPalSize ]; rIStm.Read( pEntries, nPalSize ); sal_uInt8* pTmpEntry = pEntries; for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nColors; i++ ) { aPalColor.SetBlue( *pTmpEntry++ ); aPalColor.SetGreen( *pTmpEntry++ ); aPalColor.SetRed( *pTmpEntry++ ); if( bQuad ) pTmpEntry++; rAcc.SetPaletteColor( i, aPalColor ); } delete[] pEntries; return( rIStm.GetError() == 0UL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplReadDIBBits( SvStream& rIStm, DIBInfoHeader& rHeader, BitmapWriteAccess& rAcc, sal_Bool bTopDown ) { const sal_uLong nAlignedWidth = AlignedWidth4Bytes( rHeader.nWidth * rHeader.nBitCount ); sal_uInt32 nRMask = 0; sal_uInt32 nGMask = 0; sal_uInt32 nBMask = 0; sal_Bool bNative; sal_Bool bTCMask = ( rHeader.nBitCount == 16 ) || ( rHeader.nBitCount == 32 ); sal_Bool bRLE = ( RLE_8 == rHeader.nCompression && rHeader.nBitCount == 8 ) || ( RLE_4 == rHeader.nCompression && rHeader.nBitCount == 4 ); // Is native format? switch( rAcc.GetScanlineFormat() ) { case( BMP_FORMAT_1BIT_MSB_PAL ): case( BMP_FORMAT_4BIT_MSN_PAL ): case( BMP_FORMAT_8BIT_PAL ): case( BMP_FORMAT_24BIT_TC_BGR ): bNative = ( ( rAcc.IsBottomUp() != bTopDown ) && !bRLE && !bTCMask && ( rAcc.GetScanlineSize() == nAlignedWidth ) ); break; default: bNative = sal_False; break; } // Read data if( bNative ) { // true color DIB's can have a (optimization) palette if( rHeader.nColsUsed && rHeader.nBitCount > 8 ) rIStm.SeekRel( rHeader.nColsUsed * ( ( rHeader.nSize != DIBCOREHEADERSIZE ) ? 4 : 3 ) ); if ( rHeader.nHeight > 0 ) rIStm.Read( rAcc.GetBuffer(), rHeader.nHeight * nAlignedWidth ); else { for( int i = abs(rHeader.nHeight)-1; i >= 0; i-- ) rIStm.Read( ((char*)rAcc.GetBuffer()) + (nAlignedWidth*i), nAlignedWidth ); } } else { // Read color mask if( bTCMask ) { if( rHeader.nCompression == BITFIELDS ) { rIStm.SeekRel( -12L ); rIStm >> nRMask; rIStm >> nGMask; rIStm >> nBMask; } else { nRMask = ( rHeader.nBitCount == 16 ) ? 0x00007c00UL : 0x00ff0000UL; nGMask = ( rHeader.nBitCount == 16 ) ? 0x000003e0UL : 0x0000ff00UL; nBMask = ( rHeader.nBitCount == 16 ) ? 0x0000001fUL : 0x000000ffUL; } } if( bRLE ) { if ( !rHeader.nSizeImage ) { const sal_uLong nOldPos = rIStm.Tell(); rIStm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); rHeader.nSizeImage = rIStm.Tell() - nOldPos; rIStm.Seek( nOldPos ); } sal_uInt8* pBuffer = (sal_uInt8*) rtl_allocateMemory( rHeader.nSizeImage ); rIStm.Read( (char*) pBuffer, rHeader.nSizeImage ); ImplDecodeRLE( pBuffer, rHeader, rAcc, RLE_4 == rHeader.nCompression ); rtl_freeMemory( pBuffer ); } else { const long nWidth = rHeader.nWidth; const long nHeight = abs(rHeader.nHeight); sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nAlignedWidth ]; // true color DIB's can have a (optimization) palette if( rHeader.nColsUsed && rHeader.nBitCount > 8 ) rIStm.SeekRel( rHeader.nColsUsed * ( ( rHeader.nSize != DIBCOREHEADERSIZE ) ? 4 : 3 ) ); const long nI = bTopDown ? 1 : -1; long nY = bTopDown ? 0 : nHeight - 1; long nCount = nHeight; switch( rHeader.nBitCount ) { case( 1 ): { sal_uInt8* pTmp; sal_uInt8 cTmp; for( ; nCount--; nY += nI ) { rIStm.Read( pTmp = pBuf, nAlignedWidth ); cTmp = *pTmp++; for( long nX = 0L, nShift = 8L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) { if( !nShift ) { nShift = 8L, cTmp = *pTmp++; } rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX, sal::static_int_cast(( cTmp >> --nShift ) & 1) ); } } } break; case( 4 ): { sal_uInt8* pTmp; sal_uInt8 cTmp; for( ; nCount--; nY += nI ) { rIStm.Read( pTmp = pBuf, nAlignedWidth ); cTmp = *pTmp++; for( long nX = 0L, nShift = 2L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) { if( !nShift ) { nShift = 2UL, cTmp = *pTmp++; } rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX, sal::static_int_cast(( cTmp >> ( --nShift << 2UL ) ) & 0x0f) ); } } } break; case( 8 ): { sal_uInt8* pTmp; for( ; nCount--; nY += nI ) { rIStm.Read( pTmp = pBuf, nAlignedWidth ); for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX, *pTmp++ ); } } break; case( 16 ): { ColorMask aMask( nRMask, nGMask, nBMask ); BitmapColor aColor; sal_uInt16* pTmp16; for( ; nCount--; nY += nI ) { rIStm.Read( (char*)( pTmp16 = (sal_uInt16*) pBuf ), nAlignedWidth ); for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) { aMask.GetColorFor16BitLSB( aColor, (sal_uInt8*) pTmp16++ ); rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX, aColor ); } } } break; case( 24 ): { BitmapColor aPixelColor; sal_uInt8* pTmp; for( ; nCount--; nY += nI ) { rIStm.Read( pTmp = pBuf, nAlignedWidth ); for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) { aPixelColor.SetBlue( *pTmp++ ); aPixelColor.SetGreen( *pTmp++ ); aPixelColor.SetRed( *pTmp++ ); rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX, aPixelColor ); } } } break; case( 32 ): { ColorMask aMask( nRMask, nGMask, nBMask ); BitmapColor aColor; sal_uInt32* pTmp32; for( ; nCount--; nY += nI ) { rIStm.Read( (char*)( pTmp32 = (sal_uInt32*) pBuf ), nAlignedWidth ); for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) { aMask.GetColorFor32Bit( aColor, (sal_uInt8*) pTmp32++ ); rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX, aColor ); } } } } delete[] pBuf; } } return( rIStm.GetError() == 0UL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::Write( SvStream& rOStm, sal_Bool bCompressed, sal_Bool bFileHeader ) const { DBG_ASSERT( mpImpBmp, "Empty Bitmaps can't be saved" ); const Size aSizePix( GetSizePixel() ); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if( mpImpBmp && aSizePix.Width() && aSizePix.Height() ) { BitmapReadAccess* pAcc = ( (Bitmap*) this)->AcquireReadAccess(); const sal_uInt16 nOldFormat = rOStm.GetNumberFormatInt(); const sal_uLong nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SetNumberFormatInt( NUMBERFORMAT_INT_LITTLEENDIAN ); if( pAcc ) { if( bFileHeader ) { if( ImplWriteDIBFileHeader( rOStm, *pAcc ) ) bRet = ImplWriteDIB( rOStm, *pAcc, bCompressed ); } else bRet = ImplWriteDIB( rOStm, *pAcc, bCompressed ); ( (Bitmap*) this)->ReleaseAccess( pAcc ); } if( !bRet ) { rOStm.SetError( SVSTREAM_GENERALERROR ); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); } rOStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat ); } return bRet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplWriteDIB( SvStream& rOStm, BitmapReadAccess& rAcc, sal_Bool bCompressed ) const { const MapMode aMapPixel( MAP_PIXEL ); DIBInfoHeader aHeader; sal_uLong nImageSizePos; sal_uLong nEndPos; sal_uInt32 nCompression = 0; sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; aHeader.nSize = DIBINFOHEADERSIZE; aHeader.nWidth = rAcc.Width(); aHeader.nHeight = rAcc.Height(); aHeader.nPlanes = 1; if( isBitfieldCompression( rAcc.GetScanlineFormat() ) ) { aHeader.nBitCount = ( rAcc.GetScanlineFormat() == BMP_FORMAT_16BIT_TC_LSB_MASK ) ? 16 : 32; aHeader.nSizeImage = rAcc.Height() * rAcc.GetScanlineSize(); nCompression = BITFIELDS; } else { // #i5xxx# Limit bitcount to 24bit, the 32 bit cases are // not handled properly below (would have to set color // masks, and nCompression=BITFIELDS - but color mask is // not set for formats != *_TC_*). Note that this very // problem might cause trouble at other places - the // introduction of 32 bit RGBA bitmaps is relatively // recent. // #i59239# discretize bitcount to 1,4,8,24 (other cases // are not written below) const sal_uInt16 nBitCount( sal::static_int_cast(rAcc.GetBitCount()) ); aHeader.nBitCount = discretizeBitcount( nBitCount ); aHeader.nSizeImage = rAcc.Height() * AlignedWidth4Bytes( rAcc.Width()*aHeader.nBitCount ); if( bCompressed ) { if( 4 == nBitCount ) nCompression = RLE_4; else if( 8 == nBitCount ) nCompression = RLE_8; } else nCompression = COMPRESS_NONE; } if( ( rOStm.GetCompressMode() & COMPRESSMODE_ZBITMAP ) && ( rOStm.GetVersion() >= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_40 ) ) { aHeader.nCompression = ZCOMPRESS; } else aHeader.nCompression = nCompression; if( maPrefSize.Width() && maPrefSize.Height() && ( maPrefMapMode != aMapPixel ) ) { // #i48108# Try to recover xpels/ypels as previously stored on // disk. The problem with just converting maPrefSize to 100th // mm and then relating that to the bitmap pixel size is that // MapMode is integer-based, and suffers from roundoffs, // especially if maPrefSize is small. Trying to circumvent // that by performing part of the math in floating point. const Size aScale100000( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( Size(100000L, 100000L), MAP_100TH_MM, maPrefMapMode ) ); const double fBmpWidthM((double)maPrefSize.Width() / aScale100000.Width() ); const double fBmpHeightM((double)maPrefSize.Height() / aScale100000.Height() ); if( fabs(fBmpWidthM) > 0.000000001 && fabs(fBmpHeightM) > 0.000000001 ) { aHeader.nXPelsPerMeter = (sal_uInt32)(rAcc.Width() / fBmpWidthM + .5); aHeader.nYPelsPerMeter = (sal_uInt32)(rAcc.Height() / fBmpHeightM + .5); } } aHeader.nColsUsed = ( ( aHeader.nBitCount <= 8 ) ? rAcc.GetPaletteEntryCount() : 0 ); aHeader.nColsImportant = 0; rOStm << aHeader.nSize; rOStm << aHeader.nWidth; rOStm << aHeader.nHeight; rOStm << aHeader.nPlanes; rOStm << aHeader.nBitCount; rOStm << aHeader.nCompression; nImageSizePos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( sizeof( aHeader.nSizeImage ) ); rOStm << aHeader.nXPelsPerMeter; rOStm << aHeader.nYPelsPerMeter; rOStm << aHeader.nColsUsed; rOStm << aHeader.nColsImportant; if( aHeader.nCompression == ZCOMPRESS ) { ZCodec aCodec; SvMemoryStream aMemStm( aHeader.nSizeImage + 4096, 65535 ); sal_uLong nCodedPos = rOStm.Tell(), nLastPos; sal_uInt32 nCodedSize, nUncodedSize; // write uncoded data palette if( aHeader.nColsUsed ) ImplWriteDIBPalette( aMemStm, rAcc ); // write uncoded bits bRet = ImplWriteDIBBits( aMemStm, rAcc, nCompression, aHeader.nSizeImage ); // get uncoded size nUncodedSize = aMemStm.Tell(); // seek over compress info rOStm.SeekRel( 12 ); // write compressed data aCodec.BeginCompression( 3 ); aCodec.Write( rOStm, (sal_uInt8*) aMemStm.GetData(), nUncodedSize ); aCodec.EndCompression(); // update compress info ( coded size, uncoded size, uncoded compression ) nCodedSize = ( nLastPos = rOStm.Tell() ) - nCodedPos - 12; rOStm.Seek( nCodedPos ); rOStm << nCodedSize << nUncodedSize << nCompression; rOStm.Seek( nLastPos ); if( bRet ) bRet = ( rOStm.GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE ); } else { if( aHeader.nColsUsed ) ImplWriteDIBPalette( rOStm, rAcc ); bRet = ImplWriteDIBBits( rOStm, rAcc, aHeader.nCompression, aHeader.nSizeImage ); } nEndPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nImageSizePos ); rOStm << aHeader.nSizeImage; rOStm.Seek( nEndPos ); return bRet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplWriteDIBFileHeader( SvStream& rOStm, BitmapReadAccess& rAcc ) { sal_uInt32 nPalCount = ( rAcc.HasPalette() ? rAcc.GetPaletteEntryCount() : isBitfieldCompression( rAcc.GetScanlineFormat() ) ? 3UL : 0UL ); sal_uInt32 nOffset = 14 + DIBINFOHEADERSIZE + nPalCount * 4UL; rOStm << (sal_uInt16) 0x4D42; rOStm << (sal_uInt32) ( nOffset + ( rAcc.Height() * rAcc.GetScanlineSize() ) ); rOStm << (sal_uInt16) 0; rOStm << (sal_uInt16) 0; rOStm << nOffset; return( rOStm.GetError() == 0UL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplWriteDIBPalette( SvStream& rOStm, BitmapReadAccess& rAcc ) { const sal_uInt16 nColors = rAcc.GetPaletteEntryCount(); const sal_uLong nPalSize = nColors * 4UL; sal_uInt8* pEntries = new sal_uInt8[ nPalSize ]; sal_uInt8* pTmpEntry = pEntries; BitmapColor aPalColor; for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nColors; i++ ) { const BitmapColor& rPalColor = rAcc.GetPaletteColor( i ); *pTmpEntry++ = rPalColor.GetBlue(); *pTmpEntry++ = rPalColor.GetGreen(); *pTmpEntry++ = rPalColor.GetRed(); *pTmpEntry++ = 0; } rOStm.Write( pEntries, nPalSize ); delete[] pEntries; return( rOStm.GetError() == 0UL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined HAVE_VALGRIND_HEADERS namespace { void blankExtraSpace(sal_uInt8 *pBits, long nWidth, long nScanlineSize, int nBitCount) { size_t nExtraSpaceInScanLine = nScanlineSize - nWidth * nBitCount / 8; if (nExtraSpaceInScanLine) memset(pBits + (nScanlineSize - nExtraSpaceInScanLine), 0, nExtraSpaceInScanLine); } } #endif sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplWriteDIBBits( SvStream& rOStm, BitmapReadAccess& rAcc, sal_uLong nCompression, sal_uInt32& rImageSize ) { if( BITFIELDS == nCompression ) { const ColorMask& rMask = rAcc.GetColorMask(); SVBT32 aVal32; UInt32ToSVBT32( rMask.GetRedMask(), aVal32 ); rOStm.Write( (sal_uInt8*) aVal32, 4UL ); UInt32ToSVBT32( rMask.GetGreenMask(), aVal32 ); rOStm.Write( (sal_uInt8*) aVal32, 4UL ); UInt32ToSVBT32( rMask.GetBlueMask(), aVal32 ); rOStm.Write( (sal_uInt8*) aVal32, 4UL ); rImageSize = rOStm.Tell(); if( rAcc.IsBottomUp() ) rOStm.Write( rAcc.GetBuffer(), rAcc.Height() * rAcc.GetScanlineSize() ); else { for( long nY = rAcc.Height() - 1, nScanlineSize = rAcc.GetScanlineSize(); nY >= 0L; nY-- ) rOStm.Write( rAcc.GetScanline( nY ), nScanlineSize ); } } else if( ( RLE_4 == nCompression ) || ( RLE_8 == nCompression ) ) { rImageSize = rOStm.Tell(); ImplWriteRLE( rOStm, rAcc, RLE_4 == nCompression ); } else if( !nCompression ) { // #i5xxx# Limit bitcount to 24bit, the 32 bit cases are not // handled properly below (would have to set color masks, and // nCompression=BITFIELDS - but color mask is not set for // formats != *_TC_*). Note that this very problem might cause // trouble at other places - the introduction of 32 bit RGBA // bitmaps is relatively recent. // #i59239# discretize bitcount for aligned width to 1,4,8,24 // (other cases are not written below) const sal_uInt16 nBitCount( sal::static_int_cast(rAcc.GetBitCount()) ); const sal_uLong nAlignedWidth = AlignedWidth4Bytes( rAcc.Width() * discretizeBitcount(nBitCount)); sal_Bool bNative = sal_False; switch( rAcc.GetScanlineFormat() ) { case( BMP_FORMAT_1BIT_MSB_PAL ): case( BMP_FORMAT_4BIT_MSN_PAL ): case( BMP_FORMAT_8BIT_PAL ): case( BMP_FORMAT_24BIT_TC_BGR ): { if( rAcc.IsBottomUp() && ( rAcc.GetScanlineSize() == nAlignedWidth ) ) bNative = sal_True; } break; default: break; } rImageSize = rOStm.Tell(); if( bNative ) rOStm.Write( rAcc.GetBuffer(), nAlignedWidth * rAcc.Height() ); else { const long nWidth = rAcc.Width(); const long nHeight = rAcc.Height(); sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ nAlignedWidth ]; #if defined HAVE_VALGRIND_HEADERS if (RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND) blankExtraSpace(pBuf, nWidth, nAlignedWidth, discretizeBitcount(nBitCount)); #endif sal_uInt8* pTmp; sal_uInt8 cTmp; switch( nBitCount ) { case( 1 ): { for( long nY = nHeight - 1; nY >= 0L; nY-- ) { pTmp = pBuf; cTmp = 0; for( long nX = 0L, nShift = 8L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) { if( !nShift ) { nShift = 8L; *pTmp++ = cTmp; cTmp = 0; } cTmp |= ( (sal_uInt8) rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nX ) << --nShift ); } *pTmp = cTmp; rOStm.Write( pBuf, nAlignedWidth ); } } break; case( 4 ): { for( long nY = nHeight - 1; nY >= 0L; nY-- ) { pTmp = pBuf; cTmp = 0; for( long nX = 0L, nShift = 2L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) { if( !nShift ) { nShift = 2L; *pTmp++ = cTmp; cTmp = 0; } cTmp |= ( (sal_uInt8) rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nX ) << ( --nShift << 2L ) ); } *pTmp = cTmp; rOStm.Write( pBuf, nAlignedWidth ); } } break; case( 8 ): { for( long nY = nHeight - 1; nY >= 0L; nY-- ) { pTmp = pBuf; for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) *pTmp++ = rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nX ); rOStm.Write( pBuf, nAlignedWidth ); } } break; // #i59239# fallback to 24 bit format, if bitcount is non-default default: // FALLTHROUGH intended case( 24 ): { BitmapColor aPixelColor; for( long nY = nHeight - 1; nY >= 0L; nY-- ) { pTmp = pBuf; for( long nX = 0L; nX < nWidth; nX++ ) { aPixelColor = rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nX ); *pTmp++ = aPixelColor.GetBlue(); *pTmp++ = aPixelColor.GetGreen(); *pTmp++ = aPixelColor.GetRed(); } rOStm.Write( pBuf, nAlignedWidth ); } } break; } delete[] pBuf; } } rImageSize = rOStm.Tell() - rImageSize; return( rOStm.GetError() == 0UL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void Bitmap::ImplDecodeRLE( sal_uInt8* pBuffer, DIBInfoHeader& rHeader, BitmapWriteAccess& rAcc, sal_Bool bRLE4 ) { Scanline pRLE = pBuffer; long nY = abs(rHeader.nHeight) - 1L; const sal_uLong nWidth = rAcc.Width(); sal_uLong nCountByte; sal_uLong nRunByte; sal_uLong nX = 0UL; sal_uInt8 cTmp; sal_Bool bEndDecoding = sal_False; do { if( ( nCountByte = *pRLE++ ) == 0 ) { nRunByte = *pRLE++; if( nRunByte > 2 ) { if( bRLE4 ) { nCountByte = nRunByte >> 1; for( sal_uLong i = 0UL; i < nCountByte; i++ ) { cTmp = *pRLE++; if( nX < nWidth ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX++, cTmp >> 4 ); if( nX < nWidth ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX++, cTmp & 0x0f ); } if( nRunByte & 1 ) { if( nX < nWidth ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX++, *pRLE >> 4 ); pRLE++; } if( ( ( nRunByte + 1 ) >> 1 ) & 1 ) pRLE++; } else { for( sal_uLong i = 0UL; i < nRunByte; i++ ) { if( nX < nWidth ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX++, *pRLE ); pRLE++; } if( nRunByte & 1 ) pRLE++; } } else if( !nRunByte ) { nY--; nX = 0UL; } else if( nRunByte == 1 ) bEndDecoding = sal_True; else { nX += *pRLE++; nY -= *pRLE++; } } else { cTmp = *pRLE++; if( bRLE4 ) { nRunByte = nCountByte >> 1; for( sal_uLong i = 0UL; i < nRunByte; i++ ) { if( nX < nWidth ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX++, cTmp >> 4 ); if( nX < nWidth ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX++, cTmp & 0x0f ); } if( ( nCountByte & 1 ) && ( nX < nWidth ) ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX++, cTmp >> 4 ); } else { for( sal_uLong i = 0UL; ( i < nCountByte ) && ( nX < nWidth ); i++ ) rAcc.SetPixel( nY, nX++, cTmp ); } } } while ( !bEndDecoding && ( nY >= 0L ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplWriteRLE( SvStream& rOStm, BitmapReadAccess& rAcc, sal_Bool bRLE4 ) { const sal_uLong nWidth = rAcc.Width(); const sal_uLong nHeight = rAcc.Height(); sal_uLong nX; sal_uLong nSaveIndex; sal_uLong nCount; sal_uLong nBufCount; sal_uInt8* pBuf = new sal_uInt8[ ( nWidth << 1 ) + 2 ]; sal_uInt8* pTmp; sal_uInt8 cPix; sal_uInt8 cLast; sal_Bool bFound; for ( long nY = nHeight - 1L; nY >= 0L; nY-- ) { pTmp = pBuf; nX = nBufCount = 0UL; while( nX < nWidth ) { nCount = 1L; cPix = rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nX++ ); while( ( nX < nWidth ) && ( nCount < 255L ) && ( cPix == rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nX ) ) ) { nX++; nCount++; } if ( nCount > 1 ) { *pTmp++ = (sal_uInt8) nCount; *pTmp++ = ( bRLE4 ? ( ( cPix << 4 ) | cPix ) : cPix ); nBufCount += 2; } else { cLast = cPix; nSaveIndex = nX - 1UL; bFound = sal_False; while( ( nX < nWidth ) && ( nCount < 256L ) && ( cPix = rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nX ) ) != cLast ) { nX++; nCount++; cLast = cPix; bFound = sal_True; } if ( bFound ) nX--; if ( nCount > 3 ) { *pTmp++ = 0; *pTmp++ = (sal_uInt8) --nCount; if( bRLE4 ) { for ( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; i++, pTmp++ ) { *pTmp = (sal_uInt8) rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nSaveIndex++ ) << 4; if ( ++i < nCount ) *pTmp |= rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nSaveIndex++ ); } nCount = ( nCount + 1 ) >> 1; } else { for( sal_uLong i = 0UL; i < nCount; i++ ) *pTmp++ = rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nSaveIndex++ ); } if ( nCount & 1 ) { *pTmp++ = 0; nBufCount += ( nCount + 3 ); } else nBufCount += ( nCount + 2 ); } else { *pTmp++ = 1; *pTmp++ = (sal_uInt8) rAcc.GetPixel( nY, nSaveIndex ) << ( bRLE4 ? 4 : 0 ); if ( nCount == 3 ) { *pTmp++ = 1; *pTmp++ = (sal_uInt8) rAcc.GetPixel( nY, ++nSaveIndex ) << ( bRLE4 ? 4 : 0 ); nBufCount += 4; } else nBufCount += 2; } } } pBuf[ nBufCount++ ] = 0; pBuf[ nBufCount++ ] = 0; rOStm.Write( pBuf, nBufCount ); } rOStm << (sal_uInt8) 0; rOStm << (sal_uInt8) 1; delete[] pBuf; return( rOStm.GetError() == 0UL ); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */