 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"

#include <ctype.h>
#include <rtl/crc.h>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/rc.h>
#include <vcl/salbtype.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/alpha.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmapex.hxx>
#include <vcl/pngread.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/bmpacc.hxx>
#include <vcl/dibtools.hxx>
#include <image.h>
#include <impimagetree.hxx>
#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrixtools.hxx>

// ------------
// - BitmapEx -
// ------------

BitmapEx::BitmapEx() :
        eTransparent( TRANSPARENT_NONE ),
        bAlpha      ( sal_False )

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx ) :
        aBitmap             ( rBitmapEx.aBitmap ),
        aMask               ( rBitmapEx.aMask ),
        aBitmapSize         ( rBitmapEx.aBitmapSize ),
        aTransparentColor   ( rBitmapEx.aTransparentColor ),
        eTransparent        ( rBitmapEx.eTransparent ),
        bAlpha              ( rBitmapEx.bAlpha )

BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx, Point aSrc, Size aSize ) :
        eTransparent( TRANSPARENT_NONE ),
        bAlpha      ( sal_False )
    if( rBitmapEx.IsEmpty() )

    aBitmap = Bitmap( aSize, rBitmapEx.aBitmap.GetBitCount() );
    aBitmapSize = aSize;
    if( rBitmapEx.IsAlpha() )
        bAlpha = sal_True;
        aMask = AlphaMask( aSize ).ImplGetBitmap();
    else if( rBitmapEx.IsTransparent() )
        aMask = Bitmap( aSize, rBitmapEx.aMask.GetBitCount() );

    Rectangle aDestRect( Point( 0, 0 ), aSize );
    Rectangle aSrcRect( aSrc, aSize );
    CopyPixel( aDestRect, aSrcRect, &rBitmapEx );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const ResId& rResId ) :
        eTransparent( TRANSPARENT_NONE ),
        bAlpha      ( sal_False )
    static ImplImageTreeSingletonRef    aImageTree;
    ResMgr*                             pResMgr = NULL;

    ResMgr::GetResourceSkipHeader( rResId.SetRT( RSC_BITMAP ), &pResMgr );

    const String aFileName( pResMgr->ReadString() );
    ::rtl::OUString aCurrentSymbolsStyle = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetCurrentSymbolsStyleName();

    if( !aImageTree->loadImage( aFileName, aCurrentSymbolsStyle, *this ) )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
        ByteString aErrorStr( "BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const ResId& rResId ): could not load image <" );
        DBG_ERROR( ( ( aErrorStr += ByteString( aFileName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ) += '>' ).GetBuffer() );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const Bitmap& rBmp ) :
        aBitmap     ( rBmp ),
        aBitmapSize ( aBitmap.GetSizePixel() ),
        eTransparent( TRANSPARENT_NONE ),
        bAlpha      ( sal_False )

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const Bitmap& rBmp, const Bitmap& rMask ) :
        aBitmap         ( rBmp ),
        aMask           ( rMask ),
        aBitmapSize     ( aBitmap.GetSizePixel() ),
        eTransparent    ( !rMask ? TRANSPARENT_NONE : TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ),
        bAlpha          ( sal_False )
    if(!!aBitmap && !!aMask && aBitmap.GetSizePixel() != aMask.GetSizePixel())
        OSL_ENSURE(false, "Mask size differs from Bitmap size, corrected Mask (!)");

    // #105489# Ensure a mask is exactly one bit deep
    if( !!aMask && aMask.GetBitCount() != 1 )
        OSL_TRACE("BitmapEx: forced mask to monochrome");
        aMask.ImplMakeMono( 255 );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const Bitmap& rBmp, const AlphaMask& rAlphaMask ) :
        aBitmap         ( rBmp ),
        aMask           ( rAlphaMask.ImplGetBitmap() ),
        aBitmapSize     ( aBitmap.GetSizePixel() ),
        eTransparent    ( !rAlphaMask ? TRANSPARENT_NONE : TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ),
        bAlpha          ( !rAlphaMask ? sal_False : sal_True )
    if(!!aBitmap && !!aMask && aBitmap.GetSizePixel() != aMask.GetSizePixel())
        OSL_ENSURE(false, "Alpha size differs from Bitmap size, corrected Mask (!)");

    // #i75531# the workaround below can go when
    // X11SalGraphics::drawAlphaBitmap()'s render acceleration
    // can handle the bitmap depth mismatch directly
    if( aBitmap.GetBitCount() < aMask.GetBitCount() )
        aBitmap.Convert( BMP_CONVERSION_24BIT );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const Bitmap& rBmp, const Color& rTransparentColor ) :
        aBitmap             ( rBmp ),
        aBitmapSize         ( aBitmap.GetSizePixel() ),
        aTransparentColor   ( rTransparentColor ),
        eTransparent        ( TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ),
        bAlpha              ( sal_False )
    aMask = aBitmap.CreateMask( aTransparentColor );

    DBG_ASSERT( rBmp.GetSizePixel() == aMask.GetSizePixel(),
                "BitmapEx::BitmapEx(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask." );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx& BitmapEx::operator=( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx )
    if( &rBitmapEx != this )
        aBitmap = rBitmapEx.aBitmap;
        aMask = rBitmapEx.aMask;
        aBitmapSize = rBitmapEx.aBitmapSize;
        aTransparentColor = rBitmapEx.aTransparentColor;
        eTransparent = rBitmapEx.eTransparent;
        bAlpha = rBitmapEx.bAlpha;

    return *this;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::operator==( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx ) const
    if( eTransparent != rBitmapEx.eTransparent )
        return sal_False;

    if( aBitmap != rBitmapEx.aBitmap )
        return sal_False;

    if( aBitmapSize != rBitmapEx.aBitmapSize )
        return sal_False;

    if( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_NONE )
        return sal_True;

    if( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_COLOR )
        return aTransparentColor == rBitmapEx.aTransparentColor;

    return( ( aMask == rBitmapEx.aMask ) && ( bAlpha == rBitmapEx.bAlpha ) );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::IsEqual( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) const
    return( rBmpEx.eTransparent == eTransparent &&
            rBmpEx.bAlpha == bAlpha &&
            rBmpEx.aBitmap.IsEqual( aBitmap ) &&
            rBmpEx.aMask.IsEqual( aMask ) );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::IsEmpty() const
    return( aBitmap.IsEmpty() && aMask.IsEmpty() );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

void BitmapEx::SetEmpty()
    eTransparent = TRANSPARENT_NONE;
    bAlpha = sal_False;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

void BitmapEx::Clear()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::IsTransparent() const
    return( eTransparent != TRANSPARENT_NONE );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::IsAlpha() const
    return( IsTransparent() && bAlpha );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

Bitmap BitmapEx::GetBitmap( const Color* pTransReplaceColor ) const
    Bitmap aRetBmp( aBitmap );

    if( pTransReplaceColor && ( eTransparent != TRANSPARENT_NONE ) )
        Bitmap aTempMask;

        if( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_COLOR )
            aTempMask = aBitmap.CreateMask( aTransparentColor );
            aTempMask = aMask;

        if( !IsAlpha() )
            aRetBmp.Replace( aTempMask, *pTransReplaceColor );
            aRetBmp.Replace( GetAlpha(), *pTransReplaceColor );

    return aRetBmp;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx BitmapEx::GetColorTransformedBitmapEx( BmpColorMode eColorMode ) const
    BitmapEx aRet;

    if( BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST == eColorMode )
        aRet = *this;
        aRet.aBitmap = aBitmap.GetColorTransformedBitmap( eColorMode );
    else if( BMP_COLOR_MONOCHROME_BLACK == eColorMode ||
             BMP_COLOR_MONOCHROME_WHITE == eColorMode )
        aRet = *this;
        aRet.aBitmap = aRet.aBitmap.GetColorTransformedBitmap( eColorMode );

        if( !aRet.aMask.IsEmpty() )
            aRet.aMask.CombineSimple( aRet.aBitmap, BMP_COMBINE_OR );
            aRet.aBitmap.Erase( ( BMP_COLOR_MONOCHROME_BLACK == eColorMode ) ? COL_BLACK : COL_WHITE );

            DBG_ASSERT( aRet.aBitmap.GetSizePixel() == aRet.aMask.GetSizePixel(),
                        "BitmapEx::GetColorTransformedBitmapEx(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask." );

    return aRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

Bitmap BitmapEx::GetMask() const
    Bitmap aRet( aMask );

    if( IsAlpha() )
        aRet.ImplMakeMono( 255 );

    return aRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

AlphaMask BitmapEx::GetAlpha() const
    AlphaMask aAlpha;

    if( IsAlpha() )
        aAlpha.ImplSetBitmap( aMask );
        aAlpha = aMask;

    return aAlpha;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uLong BitmapEx::GetSizeBytes() const
    sal_uLong nSizeBytes = aBitmap.GetSizeBytes();

    if( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP )
        nSizeBytes += aMask.GetSizeBytes();

    return nSizeBytes;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uLong BitmapEx::GetChecksum() const
    sal_uInt32  nCrc = aBitmap.GetChecksum();
    SVBT32      aBT32;

    UInt32ToSVBT32( (long) eTransparent, aBT32 );
    nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );

    UInt32ToSVBT32( (long) bAlpha, aBT32 );
    nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );

    if( ( TRANSPARENT_BITMAP == eTransparent ) && !aMask.IsEmpty() )
        UInt32ToSVBT32( aMask.GetChecksum(), aBT32 );
        nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBT32, 4 );

    return nCrc;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

void BitmapEx::SetSizePixel( const Size& rNewSize, sal_uInt32 nScaleFlag )
    if(GetSizePixel() != rNewSize)
        Scale( rNewSize, nScaleFlag );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Invert()
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    if( !!aBitmap )
        bRet = aBitmap.Invert();

        if( bRet && ( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_COLOR ) )
            aTransparentColor = BitmapColor( aTransparentColor ).Invert();

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Mirror( sal_uLong nMirrorFlags )
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    if( !!aBitmap )
        bRet = aBitmap.Mirror( nMirrorFlags );

        if( bRet && ( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ) && !!aMask )
            aMask.Mirror( nMirrorFlags );

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Scale( const double& rScaleX, const double& rScaleY, sal_uInt32 nScaleFlag )
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    if( !!aBitmap )
        bRet = aBitmap.Scale( rScaleX, rScaleY, nScaleFlag );

        if( bRet && ( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ) && !!aMask )
            aMask.Scale( rScaleX, rScaleY, nScaleFlag );

        aBitmapSize = aBitmap.GetSizePixel();

        DBG_ASSERT( !aMask || aBitmap.GetSizePixel() == aMask.GetSizePixel(),
                    "BitmapEx::Scale(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask." );

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Scale( const Size& rNewSize, sal_uInt32 nScaleFlag )
    sal_Bool bRet;

    if( aBitmapSize.Width() && aBitmapSize.Height() )
        bRet = Scale( (double) rNewSize.Width() / aBitmapSize.Width(),
                      (double) rNewSize.Height() / aBitmapSize.Height(),
                      nScaleFlag );
        bRet = sal_True;

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Rotate( long nAngle10, const Color& rFillColor )
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    if( !!aBitmap )
        const sal_Bool bTransRotate = ( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) == rFillColor );

        if( bTransRotate )
            if( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_COLOR )
                bRet = aBitmap.Rotate( nAngle10, aTransparentColor );
                bRet = aBitmap.Rotate( nAngle10, COL_BLACK );

                if( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_NONE )
                    aMask = Bitmap( aBitmapSize, 1 );
                    aMask.Erase( COL_BLACK );
                    eTransparent = TRANSPARENT_BITMAP;

                if( bRet && !!aMask )
                    aMask.Rotate( nAngle10, COL_WHITE );
            bRet = aBitmap.Rotate( nAngle10, rFillColor );

            if( bRet && ( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ) && !!aMask )
                aMask.Rotate( nAngle10, COL_WHITE );

        aBitmapSize = aBitmap.GetSizePixel();

        DBG_ASSERT( !aMask || aBitmap.GetSizePixel() == aMask.GetSizePixel(),
                    "BitmapEx::Rotate(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask." );

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Crop( const Rectangle& rRectPixel )
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    if( !!aBitmap )
        bRet = aBitmap.Crop( rRectPixel );

        if( bRet && ( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ) && !!aMask )
            aMask.Crop( rRectPixel );

        aBitmapSize = aBitmap.GetSizePixel();

        DBG_ASSERT( !aMask || aBitmap.GetSizePixel() == aMask.GetSizePixel(),
                    "BitmapEx::Crop(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask." );

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Convert( BmpConversion eConversion )
    return( !!aBitmap ? aBitmap.Convert( eConversion ) : sal_False );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::ReduceColors( sal_uInt16 nNewColorCount, BmpReduce eReduce )
    return( !!aBitmap ? aBitmap.ReduceColors( nNewColorCount, eReduce ) : sal_False );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Expand( sal_uLong nDX, sal_uLong nDY, const Color* pInitColor, sal_Bool bExpandTransparent )
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    if( !!aBitmap )
        bRet = aBitmap.Expand( nDX, nDY, pInitColor );

        if( bRet && ( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ) && !!aMask )
            Color aColor( bExpandTransparent ? COL_WHITE : COL_BLACK );
            aMask.Expand( nDX, nDY, &aColor );

        aBitmapSize = aBitmap.GetSizePixel();

        DBG_ASSERT( !aMask || aBitmap.GetSizePixel() == aMask.GetSizePixel(),
                    "BitmapEx::Expand(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask." );

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::CopyPixel( const Rectangle& rRectDst, const Rectangle& rRectSrc,
                          const BitmapEx* pBmpExSrc )
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    if( !pBmpExSrc || pBmpExSrc->IsEmpty() )
        if( !aBitmap.IsEmpty() )
            bRet = aBitmap.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc );

            if( bRet && ( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ) && !!aMask )
                aMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc );
        if( !aBitmap.IsEmpty() )
            bRet = aBitmap.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, &pBmpExSrc->aBitmap );

            if( bRet )
                if( pBmpExSrc->IsAlpha() )
                    if( IsAlpha() )
                        // cast to use the optimized AlphaMask::CopyPixel
                        ((AlphaMask*) &aMask)->CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, (AlphaMask*)&pBmpExSrc->aMask );
                    else if( IsTransparent() )
                        AlphaMask* pAlpha = new AlphaMask( aMask );

                        aMask = pAlpha->ImplGetBitmap();
                        delete pAlpha;
                        bAlpha = sal_True;
                        aMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, &pBmpExSrc->aMask );
                        sal_uInt8   cBlack = 0;
                        AlphaMask*  pAlpha = new AlphaMask( GetSizePixel(), &cBlack );

                        aMask = pAlpha->ImplGetBitmap();
                        delete pAlpha;
                        eTransparent = TRANSPARENT_BITMAP;
                        bAlpha = sal_True;
                        aMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, &pBmpExSrc->aMask );
                else if( pBmpExSrc->IsTransparent() )
                    if( IsAlpha() )
                        AlphaMask aAlpha( pBmpExSrc->aMask );
                        aMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, &aAlpha.ImplGetBitmap() );
                    else if( IsTransparent() )
                        aMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, &pBmpExSrc->aMask );
                        aMask = Bitmap( GetSizePixel(), 1 );
                        aMask.Erase( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
                        eTransparent = TRANSPARENT_BITMAP;
                        aMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, &pBmpExSrc->aMask );
                else if( IsAlpha() )
                    sal_uInt8         cBlack = 0;
                    const AlphaMask   aAlphaSrc( pBmpExSrc->GetSizePixel(), &cBlack );

                    aMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, &aAlphaSrc.ImplGetBitmap() );
                else if( IsTransparent() )
                    Bitmap aMaskSrc( pBmpExSrc->GetSizePixel(), 1 );

                    aMaskSrc.Erase( Color( COL_BLACK ) );
                    aMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, &aMaskSrc );

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Erase( const Color& rFillColor )
    sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;

    if( !!aBitmap )
        bRet = aBitmap.Erase( rFillColor );

        if( bRet && ( eTransparent == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ) && !!aMask )
            // #104416# Respect transparency on fill color
            if( rFillColor.GetTransparency() )
                const Color aFill( rFillColor.GetTransparency(), rFillColor.GetTransparency(), rFillColor.GetTransparency() );
                aMask.Erase( aFill );
                const Color aBlack( COL_BLACK );
                aMask.Erase( aBlack );

    return bRet;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Dither( sal_uLong nDitherFlags )
    return( !!aBitmap ? aBitmap.Dither( nDitherFlags ) : sal_False );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Replace( const Color& rSearchColor, const Color& rReplaceColor, sal_uLong nTol )
    return( !!aBitmap ? aBitmap.Replace( rSearchColor, rReplaceColor, nTol ) : sal_False );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Replace( const Color* pSearchColors, const Color* pReplaceColors, sal_uLong nColorCount, const sal_uLong* pTols )
    return( !!aBitmap ? aBitmap.Replace( pSearchColors, pReplaceColors, nColorCount, (sal_uLong*) pTols ) : sal_False );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Adjust( short nLuminancePercent, short nContrastPercent,
                       short nChannelRPercent, short nChannelGPercent, short nChannelBPercent,
                       double fGamma, sal_Bool bInvert )
    return( !!aBitmap ? aBitmap.Adjust( nLuminancePercent, nContrastPercent,
                                        nChannelRPercent, nChannelGPercent, nChannelBPercent,
                                        fGamma, bInvert ) : sal_False );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_Bool BitmapEx::Filter( BmpFilter eFilter, const BmpFilterParam* pFilterParam, const Link* pProgress )
    return( !!aBitmap ? aBitmap.Filter( eFilter, pFilterParam, pProgress ) : sal_False );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

void BitmapEx::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt ) const
    pOutDev->DrawBitmapEx( rDestPt, *this );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

void BitmapEx::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev,
                     const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize ) const
    pOutDev->DrawBitmapEx( rDestPt, rDestSize, *this );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

void BitmapEx::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev,
                     const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize,
                     const Point& rSrcPtPixel, const Size& rSrcSizePixel ) const
    pOutDev->DrawBitmapEx( rDestPt, rDestSize, rSrcPtPixel, rSrcSizePixel, *this );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

sal_uInt8 BitmapEx::GetTransparency(sal_Int32 nX, sal_Int32 nY) const
    sal_uInt8 nTransparency(0xff);

        if(nX >= 0 && nX < aBitmapSize.Width() && nY >= 0 && nY < aBitmapSize.Height())
                case TRANSPARENT_NONE:
                    // not transparent, ergo all covered
                    nTransparency = 0x00;
                case TRANSPARENT_COLOR:
                    Bitmap aTestBitmap(aBitmap);
                    BitmapReadAccess* pRead = aTestBitmap.AcquireReadAccess();

                        const Color aColor = pRead->GetColor(nY, nX);

                        // if color is not equal to TransparentColor, we are not transparent
                        if(aColor != aTransparentColor)
                            nTransparency = 0x00;

                case TRANSPARENT_BITMAP:
                        Bitmap aTestBitmap(aMask);
                        BitmapReadAccess* pRead = aTestBitmap.AcquireReadAccess();

                            const BitmapColor aBitmapColor(pRead->GetPixel(nY, nX));

                                nTransparency = aBitmapColor.GetIndex();
                                if(0x00 == aBitmapColor.GetIndex())
                                    nTransparency = 0x00;


    return nTransparency;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

    Bitmap impTransformBitmap(
        const Bitmap& rSource,
        const Size aDestinationSize,
        const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransform,
        bool bSmooth)
        Bitmap aDestination(aDestinationSize, 24);
        BitmapWriteAccess* pWrite = aDestination.AcquireWriteAccess();

            //const Size aContentSizePixel(rSource.GetSizePixel());
            BitmapReadAccess* pRead = (const_cast< Bitmap& >(rSource)).AcquireReadAccess();

                const Size aDestinationSizePixel(aDestination.GetSizePixel());
                const BitmapColor aOutside(BitmapColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xff));

                for(sal_Int32 y(0L); y < aDestinationSizePixel.getHeight(); y++)
                    for(sal_Int32 x(0L); x < aDestinationSizePixel.getWidth(); x++)
                        const basegfx::B2DPoint aSourceCoor(rTransform * basegfx::B2DPoint(x, y));

                            // this version does the correct <= 0.0 checks, so no need
                            // to do the static_cast< sal_Int32 > self and make an error

                delete pRead;

            delete pWrite;


        return aDestination;
} // end of anonymous namespace

BitmapEx BitmapEx::TransformBitmapEx(
    double fWidth,
    double fHeight,
    const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformation,
    bool bSmooth) const
    if(fWidth <= 1 || fHeight <= 1)
        return BitmapEx();

    // force destination to 24 bit, we want to smooth output
    const Size aDestinationSize(basegfx::fround(fWidth), basegfx::fround(fHeight));
    const Bitmap aDestination(impTransformBitmap(GetBitmap(), aDestinationSize, rTransformation, bSmooth));

    // create mask
            const Bitmap aAlpha(impTransformBitmap(GetAlpha().GetBitmap(), aDestinationSize, rTransformation, bSmooth));
            return BitmapEx(aDestination, AlphaMask(aAlpha));
            const Bitmap aMask(impTransformBitmap(GetMask(), aDestinationSize, rTransformation, false));
            return BitmapEx(aDestination, aMask);

    return BitmapEx(aDestination);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx BitmapEx::getTransformed(
    const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformation,
    const basegfx::B2DRange& rVisibleRange,
    double fMaximumArea,
    bool bSmooth) const
    BitmapEx aRetval;

        return aRetval;

    const sal_uInt32 nSourceWidth(GetSizePixel().Width());
    const sal_uInt32 nSourceHeight(GetSizePixel().Height());

    if(!nSourceWidth || !nSourceHeight)
        return aRetval;

    // Get aOutlineRange
    basegfx::B2DRange aOutlineRange(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);


    // create visible range from it by moving from relative to absolute
    basegfx::B2DRange aVisibleRange(rVisibleRange);


    // get target size (which is visible range's size)
    double fWidth(aVisibleRange.getWidth());
    double fHeight(aVisibleRange.getHeight());

    if(fWidth < 1.0 || fHeight < 1.0)
        return aRetval;

    // test if discrete size (pixel) maybe too big and limit it
    const double fArea(fWidth * fHeight);
    const bool bNeedToReduce(basegfx::fTools::more(fArea, fMaximumArea));
    double fReduceFactor(1.0);

        fReduceFactor = sqrt(fMaximumArea / fArea);
        fWidth *= fReduceFactor;
        fHeight *= fReduceFactor;

    // Build complete transform from source pixels to target pixels.
    // Start by scaling from source pixel size to unit coordinates
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform(
            1.0 / nSourceWidth,
            1.0 / nSourceHeight));

    // multiply with given transform which leads from unit coordinates inside
    // aOutlineRange
    aTransform = rTransformation * aTransform;

    // subtract top-left of absolute VisibleRange

    // scale to target pixels (if needed)
        aTransform.scale(fReduceFactor, fReduceFactor);

    // invert to get transformation from target pixel coordiates to source pixels

    // create bitmap using source, destination and linear back-transformation
    aRetval = TransformBitmapEx(fWidth, fHeight, aTransform, bSmooth);

    return aRetval;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx BitmapEx::ModifyBitmapEx(const basegfx::BColorModifierStack& rBColorModifierStack) const
    Bitmap aChangedBitmap(GetBitmap());
    bool bDone(false);

    for(sal_uInt32 a(rBColorModifierStack.count()); a && !bDone; )
        const basegfx::BColorModifierSharedPtr& rModifier = rBColorModifierStack.getBColorModifier(--a);
        const basegfx::BColorModifier_replace* pReplace = dynamic_cast< const basegfx::BColorModifier_replace* >(rModifier.get());

            // complete replace
                // clear bitmap with dest color
                if(aChangedBitmap.GetBitCount() <= 8)
                    // do NOT use erase; for e.g. 8bit Bitmaps, the nearest color to the given
                    // erase color is determined and used -> this may be different from what is
                    // wanted here. Better create a new bitmap with the needed color explicitely
                    BitmapReadAccess* pReadAccess = aChangedBitmap.AcquireReadAccess();
                    OSL_ENSURE(pReadAccess, "Got no Bitmap ReadAccess ?!?");

                        BitmapPalette aNewPalette(pReadAccess->GetPalette());
                        aNewPalette[0] = BitmapColor(Color(pReplace->getBColor()));
                        aChangedBitmap = Bitmap(
                        delete pReadAccess;
                // erase bitmap, caller will know to paint direct

            bDone = true;
            BitmapWriteAccess* pContent = aChangedBitmap.AcquireWriteAccess();

                const double fConvertColor(1.0 / 255.0);

                    const sal_uInt16 nCount(pContent->GetPaletteEntryCount());

                    for(sal_uInt16 a(0); a < nCount; a++)
                        const BitmapColor& rCol = pContent->GetPaletteColor(a);
                        const basegfx::BColor aBSource(
                            rCol.GetRed() * fConvertColor,
                            rCol.GetGreen() * fConvertColor,
                            rCol.GetBlue() * fConvertColor);
                        const basegfx::BColor aBDest(rModifier->getModifiedColor(aBSource));
                        pContent->SetPaletteColor(a, BitmapColor(Color(aBDest)));
                else if(BMP_FORMAT_24BIT_TC_BGR == pContent->GetScanlineFormat())
                    for(sal_uInt32 y(0L); y < (sal_uInt32)pContent->Height(); y++)
                        Scanline pScan = pContent->GetScanline(y);

                        for(sal_uInt32 x(0L); x < (sal_uInt32)pContent->Width(); x++)
                            const basegfx::BColor aBSource(
                                *(pScan + 2)* fConvertColor,
                                *(pScan + 1) * fConvertColor,
                                *pScan * fConvertColor);
                            const basegfx::BColor aBDest(rModifier->getModifiedColor(aBSource));
                            *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getBlue() * 255.0);
                            *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getGreen() * 255.0);
                            *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getRed() * 255.0);
                else if(BMP_FORMAT_24BIT_TC_RGB == pContent->GetScanlineFormat())
                    for(sal_uInt32 y(0L); y < (sal_uInt32)pContent->Height(); y++)
                        Scanline pScan = pContent->GetScanline(y);

                        for(sal_uInt32 x(0L); x < (sal_uInt32)pContent->Width(); x++)
                            const basegfx::BColor aBSource(
                                *pScan * fConvertColor,
                                *(pScan + 1) * fConvertColor,
                                *(pScan + 2) * fConvertColor);
                            const basegfx::BColor aBDest(rModifier->getModifiedColor(aBSource));
                            *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getRed() * 255.0);
                            *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getGreen() * 255.0);
                            *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getBlue() * 255.0);
                    for(sal_uInt32 y(0L); y < (sal_uInt32)pContent->Height(); y++)
                        for(sal_uInt32 x(0L); x < (sal_uInt32)pContent->Width(); x++)
                            const BitmapColor aBMCol(pContent->GetColor(y, x));
                            const basegfx::BColor aBSource(
                                (double)aBMCol.GetRed() * fConvertColor,
                                (double)aBMCol.GetGreen() * fConvertColor,
                                (double)aBMCol.GetBlue() * fConvertColor);
                            const basegfx::BColor aBDest(rModifier->getModifiedColor(aBSource));

                            pContent->SetPixel(y, x, BitmapColor(Color(aBDest)));

                delete pContent;

        return BitmapEx();
                return BitmapEx(aChangedBitmap, GetAlpha());
                return BitmapEx(aChangedBitmap, GetMask());
            return BitmapEx(aChangedBitmap);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BitmapEx VCL_DLLPUBLIC createBlendFrame(
    const Size& rSize,
    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
    Color aColorTopLeft,
    Color aColorBottomRight)
    const sal_uInt32 nW(rSize.Width());
    const sal_uInt32 nH(rSize.Height());

    if(nW || nH)
        Color aColTopRight(aColorTopLeft);
        Color aColBottomLeft(aColorTopLeft);
        const sal_uInt32 nDE(nW + nH);

        aColTopRight.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((nW * 255) / nDE));
        aColBottomLeft.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((nH * 255) / nDE));

        return createBlendFrame(rSize, nAlpha, aColorTopLeft, aColTopRight, aColorBottomRight, aColBottomLeft);

    return BitmapEx();

BitmapEx VCL_DLLPUBLIC createBlendFrame(
    const Size& rSize,
    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
    Color aColorTopLeft,
    Color aColorTopRight,
    Color aColorBottomRight,
    Color aColorBottomLeft)
    static Size aLastSize(0, 0);
    static sal_uInt8 nLastAlpha(0);
    static Color aLastColorTopLeft(COL_BLACK);
    static Color aLastColorTopRight(COL_BLACK);
    static Color aLastColorBottomRight(COL_BLACK);
    static Color aLastColorBottomLeft(COL_BLACK);
    static BitmapEx aLastResult;

    if(aLastSize == rSize
        && nLastAlpha == nAlpha
        && aLastColorTopLeft == aColorTopLeft
        && aLastColorTopRight == aColorTopRight
        && aLastColorBottomRight == aColorBottomRight
        && aLastColorBottomLeft == aColorBottomLeft)
        return aLastResult;

    aLastSize = rSize;
    nLastAlpha = nAlpha;
    aLastColorTopLeft = aColorTopLeft;
    aLastColorTopRight = aColorTopRight;
    aLastColorBottomRight = aColorBottomRight;
    aLastColorBottomLeft = aColorBottomLeft;

    const long nW(rSize.Width());
    const long nH(rSize.Height());

    if(nW && nH)
        sal_uInt8 aEraseTrans(0xff);
        Bitmap aContent(rSize, 24);
        AlphaMask aAlpha(rSize, &aEraseTrans);


        BitmapWriteAccess* pContent = aContent.AcquireWriteAccess();
        BitmapWriteAccess* pAlpha = aAlpha.AcquireWriteAccess();

        if(pContent && pAlpha)
            long x(0);
            long y(0);

            // x == 0, y == 0, top-left corner
            pContent->SetPixel(0, 0, aColorTopLeft);
            pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(0, 0, nAlpha);

            // y == 0, top line left to right
            for(x = 1; x < nW - 1; x++)
                Color aMix(aColorTopLeft);

                aMix.Merge(aColorTopRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((x * 255) / nW));
                pContent->SetPixel(0, x, aMix);
                pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(0, x, nAlpha);

            // x == nW - 1, y == 0, top-right corner
            // #123690# Caution! When nW is 1, x == nW is possible (!)
            if(x < nW)
                pContent->SetPixel(0, x, aColorTopRight);
                pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(0, x, nAlpha);

            // x == 0 and nW - 1, left and right line top-down
            for(y = 1; y < nH - 1; y++)
                Color aMixA(aColorTopLeft);

                aMixA.Merge(aColorBottomLeft, 255 - sal_uInt8((y * 255) / nH));
                pContent->SetPixel(y, 0, aMixA);
                pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, 0, nAlpha);

                // #123690# Caution! When nW is 1, x == nW is possible (!)
                if(x < nW)
                    Color aMixB(aColorTopRight);

                    aMixB.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((y * 255) / nH));
                    pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aMixB);
                    pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);

            // #123690# Caution! When nH is 1, y == nH is possible (!)
            if(y < nH)
                // x == 0, y == nH - 1, bottom-left corner
                pContent->SetPixel(y, 0, aColorBottomLeft);
                pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, 0, nAlpha);

                // y == nH - 1, bottom line left to right
                for(x = 1; x < nW - 1; x++)
                    Color aMix(aColorBottomLeft);

                    aMix.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8(((x - 0)* 255) / nW));
                    pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aMix);
                    pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);

                // x == nW - 1, y == nH - 1, bottom-right corner
                // #123690# Caution! When nW is 1, x == nW is possible (!)
                if(x < nW)
                    pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aColorBottomRight);
                    pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);


            aLastResult = BitmapEx(aContent, aAlpha);


    return aLastResult;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// eof