/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: cvtsvm.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-03-27 17:57:56 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define _SV_CVTSVM_CXX #define ENABLE_BYTESTRING_STREAM_OPERATORS #include #include #ifndef _STACK_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _STREAM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_VIRDEV_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_GRAPH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_LINEINFO_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALBTYPE_HXX #include #endif #include // ----------- // - Defines - // ----------- #define CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT 1 // ----------- // - Inlines - // ----------- void ImplReadRect( SvStream& rIStm, Rectangle& rRect ) { Point aTL; Point aBR; rIStm >> aTL; rIStm >> aBR; rRect = Rectangle( aTL, aBR ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWriteRect( SvStream& rOStm, const Rectangle& rRect ) { rOStm << rRect.TopLeft(); rOStm << rRect.BottomRight(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplReadPoly( SvStream& rIStm, Polygon& rPoly ) { INT32 nSize; rIStm >> nSize; rPoly = Polygon( (USHORT) nSize ); for( USHORT i = 0; i < (USHORT) nSize; i++ ) rIStm >> rPoly[ i ]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWritePoly( SvStream& rOStm, const Polygon& rPoly ) { INT32 nSize = rPoly.GetSize(); rOStm << nSize; for( INT32 i = 0; i < nSize; i++ ) rOStm << rPoly[ (USHORT) i ]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplReadPolyPoly( SvStream& rIStm, PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly ) { Polygon aPoly; INT32 nPolyCount; rIStm >> nPolyCount; for( USHORT i = 0; i < (USHORT) nPolyCount; i++ ) { ImplReadPoly( rIStm, aPoly ); rPolyPoly.Insert( aPoly ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWritePolyPolyAction( SvStream& rOStm, const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly ) { const USHORT nPoly = rPolyPoly.Count(); USHORT nPoints = 0; USHORT n; for( n = 0; n < nPoly; n++ ) nPoints += rPolyPoly[ n ].GetSize(); rOStm << (INT16) GDI_POLYPOLYGON_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) ( 8 + ( nPoly << 2 ) + ( nPoints << 3 ) ); rOStm << (INT32) nPoly; for( n = 0; n < nPoly; n++ ) { const Polygon& rPoly = rPolyPoly[ n ]; const USHORT nSize = rPoly.GetSize(); rOStm << (INT32) nSize; for( USHORT j = 0; j < nSize; j++ ) rOStm << rPoly[ j ]; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplReadColor( SvStream& rIStm, Color& rColor ) { INT16 nVal; rIStm >> nVal; rColor.SetRed( (USHORT) nVal >> 8 ); rIStm >> nVal; rColor.SetGreen( (USHORT) nVal >> 8 ); rIStm >> nVal; rColor.SetBlue( (USHORT) nVal >> 8 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWriteColor( SvStream& rOStm, const Color& rColor ) { INT16 nVal; nVal = ( (INT16) rColor.GetRed() << 8 ) | rColor.GetRed(); rOStm << nVal; nVal = ( (INT16) rColor.GetGreen() << 8 ) | rColor.GetGreen(); rOStm << nVal; nVal = ( (INT16) rColor.GetBlue() << 8 ) | rColor.GetBlue(); rOStm << nVal; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplReadMapMode( SvStream& rIStm, MapMode& rMapMode ) { Point aOrg; INT32 nXNum; INT32 nXDenom; INT32 nYNum; INT32 nYDenom; INT16 nUnit; rIStm >> nUnit >> aOrg >> nXNum >> nXDenom >> nYNum >> nYDenom; rMapMode = MapMode( (MapUnit) nUnit, aOrg, Fraction( nXNum, nXDenom ), Fraction( nYNum, nYDenom ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWriteMapMode( SvStream& rOStm, const MapMode& rMapMode ) { rOStm << (INT16) rMapMode.GetMapUnit(); rOStm << rMapMode.GetOrigin(); rOStm << (INT32) rMapMode.GetScaleX().GetNumerator(); rOStm << (INT32) rMapMode.GetScaleX().GetDenominator(); rOStm << (INT32) rMapMode.GetScaleY().GetNumerator(); rOStm << (INT32) rMapMode.GetScaleY().GetDenominator(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWritePushAction( SvStream& rOStm ) { rOStm << (INT16) GDI_PUSH_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 4; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWritePopAction( SvStream& rOStm ) { rOStm << (INT16) GDI_POP_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 4; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWriteLineColor( SvStream& rOStm, const Color& rColor, INT16 nStyle, INT32 nWidth = 0L ) { if( rColor.GetTransparency() > 127 ) nStyle = 0; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_PEN_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 16; ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rColor ); rOStm << nWidth; rOStm << nStyle; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWriteFillColor( SvStream& rOStm, const Color& rColor, INT16 nStyle ) { rOStm << (INT16) GDI_FILLBRUSH_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 20; ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rColor ); if( rColor.GetTransparency() > 127 ) nStyle = 0; if( nStyle > 1 ) { ImplWriteColor( rOStm, COL_WHITE ); rOStm << nStyle; rOStm << (INT16) 1; } else { ImplWriteColor( rOStm, COL_BLACK ); rOStm << nStyle; rOStm << (INT16) 0; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWriteFont( SvStream& rOStm, const Font& rFont, rtl_TextEncoding& rActualCharSet ) { char aName[32]; short nWeight; ByteString aByteName( rFont.GetName(), rOStm.GetStreamCharSet() ); strncpy( aName, aByteName.GetBuffer(), 32 ); switch ( rFont.GetWeight() ) { case WEIGHT_THIN: case WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT: case WEIGHT_LIGHT: nWeight = 1; break; case WEIGHT_NORMAL: case WEIGHT_MEDIUM: nWeight = 2; break; case WEIGHT_BOLD: case WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD: case WEIGHT_BLACK: nWeight = 3; break; default: nWeight = 0; break; } rOStm << (INT16) GDI_FONT_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 78; rActualCharSet = GetStoreCharSet( rFont.GetCharSet(), rOStm.GetVersion() ); ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rFont.GetColor() ); ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rFont.GetFillColor() ); rOStm.Write( aName, 32 ); rOStm << rFont.GetSize(); rOStm << (INT16) 0; // no character orientation anymore rOStm << (INT16) rFont.GetOrientation(); rOStm << (INT16) rActualCharSet; rOStm << (INT16) rFont.GetFamily(); rOStm << (INT16) rFont.GetPitch(); rOStm << (INT16) rFont.GetAlign(); rOStm << (INT16) nWeight; rOStm << (INT16) rFont.GetUnderline(); rOStm << (INT16) rFont.GetStrikeout(); rOStm << (BOOL) ( rFont.GetItalic() != ITALIC_NONE ); rOStm << rFont.IsOutline(); rOStm << rFont.IsShadow(); rOStm << rFont.IsTransparent(); if ( rActualCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ) rActualCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplWriteRasterOpAction( SvStream& rOStm, INT16 nRasterOp ) { rOStm << (INT16) GDI_RASTEROP_ACTION << (INT32) 6 << nRasterOp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool ImplWriteUnicodeComment( SvStream& rOStm, const String& rString ) { sal_uInt32 i, nStringLen = rString.Len(); if ( nStringLen ) { sal_uInt32 nSize = ( nStringLen << 1 ) + 4; sal_uInt16 nType = GDI_UNICODE_COMMENT; rOStm << nType << nSize; for ( i = 0; i < nStringLen; i++ ) { sal_Unicode nUni = rString.GetChar( i ); rOStm << nUni; } } return nStringLen != 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplReadUnicodeComment( sal_uInt32 nStrmPos, SvStream& rIStm, String& rString ) { sal_uInt32 nOld = rIStm.Tell(); if ( nStrmPos ) { sal_uInt16 nType; sal_uInt32 nStringLen, nActionSize; rIStm.Seek( nStrmPos ); rIStm >> nType >> nActionSize; nStringLen = ( nActionSize - 4 ) >> 1; if ( nStringLen && ( nType == GDI_UNICODE_COMMENT ) ) { sal_Unicode* pBuffer = rString.AllocBuffer( nStringLen ); while ( nStringLen-- ) rIStm >> *pBuffer++; } } rIStm.Seek( nOld ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ImplSkipActions( SvStream& rIStm, ULONG nSkipCount ) { INT32 nActionSize; INT16 nType; for( ULONG i = 0UL; i < nSkipCount; i++ ) { rIStm >> nType >> nActionSize; rIStm.SeekRel( nActionSize - 4L ); } } // ---------------- // - SVMConverter - // ---------------- SVMConverter::SVMConverter( SvStream& rStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf, ULONG nConvertMode ) { if( !rStm.GetError() ) { if( CONVERT_FROM_SVM1 == nConvertMode ) ImplConvertFromSVM1( rStm, rMtf ); else if( CONVERT_TO_SVM1 == nConvertMode ) ImplConvertToSVM1( rStm, rMtf ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SVMConverter::ImplConvertFromSVM1( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) { LineInfo aLineInfo( LINE_NONE, 0 ); Stack aLIStack; ULONG nPos = rIStm.Tell(); const USHORT nOldFormat = rIStm.GetNumberFormatInt(); rtl_TextEncoding eActualCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); BOOL bFatLine = FALSE; VirtualDevice aFontVDev; rIStm.SetNumberFormatInt( NUMBERFORMAT_INT_LITTLEENDIAN ); char aCode[ 5 ]; MapMode aMapMode; Size aPrefSz; INT32 nActions; INT16 nSize; INT16 nVersion; // Header lesen rIStm.Read( (char*) &aCode, sizeof( aCode ) ); // Kennung rIStm >> nSize; // Size rIStm >> nVersion; // Version rIStm >> aPrefSz.Width(); // PrefSize.Width() rIStm >> aPrefSz.Height(); // PrefSize.Height() ImplReadMapMode( rIStm, aMapMode ); // MapMode rIStm >> nActions; // Action count // Header-Kennung und Versionsnummer pruefen if( ( memcmp( aCode, "SVGDI", sizeof( aCode ) ) != 0 ) || ( nVersion != 200 ) ) { rIStm.SetError( SVSTREAM_FILEFORMAT_ERROR ); rIStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat ); rIStm.Seek( nPos ); } else { Polygon aPoly; Rectangle aRect; Point aPt, aPt1; Size aSz; Color aColor; INT32 nTmp, nTmp1, nActionSize; INT16 nType; sal_uInt32 nUnicodeCommentStreamPos = 0; sal_uInt32 nUnicodeCommentActionNumber = 0; rMtf.SetPrefSize( aPrefSz ); rMtf.SetPrefMapMode( aMapMode ); for( INT32 i = 0L; i < nActions; i++ ) { rIStm >> nType; rIStm >> nActionSize; DBG_ASSERT( ( nType <= 33 ) || ( nType >= 1024 ), "Unknown GDIMetaAction while converting!" ); switch( nType ) { case( GDI_PIXEL_ACTION ): { rIStm >> aPt; ImplReadColor( rIStm, aColor ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPixelAction( aPt, aColor ) ); } break; case( GDI_POINT_ACTION ): { rIStm >> aPt; rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPointAction( aPt ) ); } break; case( GDI_LINE_ACTION ): { rIStm >> aPt >> aPt1; rMtf.AddAction( new MetaLineAction( aPt, aPt1, aLineInfo ) ); } break; case( GDI_RECT_ACTION ): { ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRect ); rIStm >> nTmp >> nTmp1; if( nTmp || nTmp1 ) rMtf.AddAction( new MetaRoundRectAction( aRect, nTmp, nTmp1 ) ); else { rMtf.AddAction( new MetaRectAction( aRect ) ); if( bFatLine ) rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aRect, aLineInfo ) ); } } break; case( GDI_ELLIPSE_ACTION ): { ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRect ); if( bFatLine ) { const Polygon aPoly( aRect.Center(), aRect.GetWidth() >> 1, aRect.GetHeight() >> 1 ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( COL_TRANSPARENT, FALSE ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolygonAction( aPoly ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPopAction() ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aPoly, aLineInfo ) ); } else rMtf.AddAction( new MetaEllipseAction( aRect ) ); } break; case( GDI_ARC_ACTION ): { ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRect ); rIStm >> aPt >> aPt1; if( bFatLine ) { const Polygon aPoly( aRect, aPt, aPt1, POLY_ARC ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( COL_TRANSPARENT, FALSE ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolygonAction( aPoly ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPopAction() ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aPoly, aLineInfo ) ); } else rMtf.AddAction( new MetaArcAction( aRect, aPt, aPt1 ) ); } break; case( GDI_PIE_ACTION ): { ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRect ); rIStm >> aPt >> aPt1; if( bFatLine ) { const Polygon aPoly( aRect, aPt, aPt1, POLY_PIE ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( COL_TRANSPARENT, FALSE ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolygonAction( aPoly ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPopAction() ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aPoly, aLineInfo ) ); } else rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPieAction( aRect, aPt, aPt1 ) ); } break; case( GDI_INVERTRECT_ACTION ): case( GDI_HIGHLIGHTRECT_ACTION ): { ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRect ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_RASTEROP ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaRasterOpAction( ROP_INVERT ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaRectAction( aRect ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPopAction() ); } break; case( GDI_POLYLINE_ACTION ): { ImplReadPoly( rIStm, aPoly ); if( bFatLine ) rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aPoly, aLineInfo ) ); else rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aPoly ) ); } break; case( GDI_POLYGON_ACTION ): { ImplReadPoly( rIStm, aPoly ); if( bFatLine ) { rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( COL_TRANSPARENT, FALSE ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolygonAction( aPoly ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPopAction() ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aPoly, aLineInfo ) ); } else rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolygonAction( aPoly ) ); } break; case( GDI_POLYPOLYGON_ACTION ): { PolyPolygon aPolyPoly; ImplReadPolyPoly( rIStm, aPolyPoly ); if( bFatLine ) { rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_LINECOLOR ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( COL_TRANSPARENT, FALSE ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyPolygonAction( aPolyPoly ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPopAction() ); for( USHORT nPoly = 0, nCount = aPolyPoly.Count(); nPoly < nCount; nPoly++ ) rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyLineAction( aPolyPoly[ nPoly ], aLineInfo ) ); } else rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPolyPolygonAction( aPolyPoly ) ); } break; case( GDI_FONT_ACTION ): { Font aFont; char aName[ 32 ]; INT32 nWidth, nHeight; INT16 nCharSet, nFamily, nPitch, nAlign, nWeight, nUnderline, nStrikeout; INT16 nCharOrient, nLineOrient; BOOL bItalic, bOutline, bShadow, bTransparent; ImplReadColor( rIStm, aColor ); aFont.SetColor( aColor ); ImplReadColor( rIStm, aColor ); aFont.SetFillColor( aColor ); rIStm.Read( aName, 32 ); aFont.SetName( UniString( aName, rIStm.GetStreamCharSet() ) ); rIStm >> nWidth >> nHeight; rIStm >> nCharOrient >> nLineOrient; rIStm >> nCharSet >> nFamily >> nPitch >> nAlign >> nWeight >> nUnderline >> nStrikeout; rIStm >> bItalic >> bOutline >> bShadow >> bTransparent; aFont.SetSize( Size( nWidth, nHeight ) ); aFont.SetCharSet( (CharSet) nCharSet ); aFont.SetFamily( (FontFamily) nFamily ); aFont.SetPitch( (FontPitch) nPitch ); aFont.SetAlign( (FontAlign) nAlign ); aFont.SetWeight( ( nWeight == 1 ) ? WEIGHT_LIGHT : ( nWeight == 2 ) ? WEIGHT_NORMAL : ( nWeight == 3 ) ? WEIGHT_BOLD : WEIGHT_DONTKNOW ); aFont.SetUnderline( (FontUnderline) nUnderline ); aFont.SetStrikeout( (FontStrikeout) nStrikeout ); aFont.SetItalic( bItalic ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE ); aFont.SetOutline( bOutline ); aFont.SetShadow( bShadow ); aFont.SetOrientation( nLineOrient ); aFont.SetTransparent( bTransparent ); eActualCharSet = aFont.GetCharSet(); if ( eActualCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ) eActualCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaFontAction( aFont ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaTextAlignAction( aFont.GetAlign() ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaTextColorAction( aFont.GetColor() ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaTextFillColorAction( aFont.GetFillColor(), !aFont.IsTransparent() ) ); // #106172# Track font relevant data in shadow VDev aFontVDev.SetFont( aFont ); } break; case( GDI_TEXT_ACTION ): { ByteString aByteStr; INT32 nIndex, nLen; rIStm >> aPt >> nIndex >> nLen >> nTmp; rIStm.Read( aByteStr.AllocBuffer( (USHORT)nTmp ), nTmp + 1 ); UniString aStr( aByteStr, eActualCharSet ); if ( nUnicodeCommentActionNumber == i ) ImplReadUnicodeComment( nUnicodeCommentStreamPos, rIStm, aStr ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaTextAction( aPt, aStr, (USHORT) nIndex, (USHORT) nLen ) ); } break; case( GDI_TEXTARRAY_ACTION ): { ByteString aByteStr; long* pDXAry = NULL; INT32 nIndex, nLen, nAryLen; rIStm >> aPt >> nIndex >> nLen >> nTmp >> nAryLen; rIStm.Read( aByteStr.AllocBuffer( (USHORT)nTmp ), nTmp + 1 ); UniString aStr( aByteStr, eActualCharSet ); if( nAryLen > 0L ) { INT32 nStrLen( aStr.Len() ); pDXAry = new long[ ::std::max( nAryLen, nStrLen ) ]; for( long i = 0L; i < nAryLen; i++ ) rIStm >> nTmp, pDXAry[ i ] = nTmp; // #106172# Add last DX array elem, if missing if( nAryLen != nStrLen ) { if( nAryLen+1 == nStrLen ) { long* pTmpAry = new long[nStrLen]; aFontVDev.GetTextArray( aStr, pTmpAry, (USHORT) nIndex, (USHORT) nLen ); // now, the difference between the // last and the second last DX array // is the advancement for the last // glyph. Thus, to complete our meta // action's DX array, just add that // difference to last elem and store // in very last. if( nStrLen > 1 ) pDXAry[ nStrLen-1 ] = pDXAry[ nStrLen-2 ] + pTmpAry[ nStrLen-1 ] - pTmpAry[ nStrLen-2 ]; else pDXAry[ nStrLen-1 ] = pTmpAry[ nStrLen-1 ]; // len=1: 0th position taken to be 0 delete pTmpAry; } #ifdef DBG_UTIL else DBG_ERROR("More than one DX array element missing on SVM import"); #endif } } if ( nUnicodeCommentActionNumber == i ) ImplReadUnicodeComment( nUnicodeCommentStreamPos, rIStm, aStr ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaTextArrayAction( aPt, aStr, pDXAry, (USHORT) nIndex, (USHORT) nLen ) ); if( pDXAry ) delete[] pDXAry; } break; case( GDI_STRETCHTEXT_ACTION ): { ByteString aByteStr; INT32 nIndex, nLen, nWidth; rIStm >> aPt >> nIndex >> nLen >> nTmp >> nWidth; rIStm.Read( aByteStr.AllocBuffer( (USHORT)nTmp ), nTmp + 1 ); UniString aStr( aByteStr, eActualCharSet ); if ( nUnicodeCommentActionNumber == i ) ImplReadUnicodeComment( nUnicodeCommentStreamPos, rIStm, aStr ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaStretchTextAction( aPt, nWidth, aStr, (USHORT) nIndex, (USHORT) nLen ) ); } break; case( GDI_BITMAP_ACTION ): { Bitmap aBmp; rIStm >> aPt >> aBmp; rMtf.AddAction( new MetaBmpAction( aPt, aBmp ) ); } break; case( GDI_BITMAPSCALE_ACTION ): { Bitmap aBmp; rIStm >> aPt >> aSz >> aBmp; rMtf.AddAction( new MetaBmpScaleAction( aPt, aSz, aBmp ) ); } break; case( GDI_BITMAPSCALEPART_ACTION ): { Bitmap aBmp; Size aSz2; rIStm >> aPt >> aSz >> aPt1 >> aSz2 >> aBmp; rMtf.AddAction( new MetaBmpScalePartAction( aPt, aSz, aPt1, aSz2, aBmp ) ); } break; case( GDI_PEN_ACTION ): { INT32 nPenWidth; INT16 nPenStyle; ImplReadColor( rIStm, aColor ); rIStm >> nPenWidth >> nPenStyle; aLineInfo.SetStyle( nPenStyle ? LINE_SOLID : LINE_NONE ); aLineInfo.SetWidth( nPenWidth ); bFatLine = nPenStyle && !aLineInfo.IsDefault(); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaLineColorAction( aColor, nPenStyle != 0 ) ); } break; case( GDI_FILLBRUSH_ACTION ): { INT16 nBrushStyle; ImplReadColor( rIStm, aColor ); rIStm.SeekRel( 6L ); rIStm >> nBrushStyle; rMtf.AddAction( new MetaFillColorAction( aColor, nBrushStyle != 0 ) ); rIStm.SeekRel( 2L ); } break; case( GDI_MAPMODE_ACTION ): { ImplReadMapMode( rIStm, aMapMode ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaMapModeAction( aMapMode ) ); // #106172# Track font relevant data in shadow VDev aFontVDev.SetMapMode( aMapMode ); } break; case( GDI_CLIPREGION_ACTION ): { Region aRegion; INT16 nRegType; INT16 bIntersect; BOOL bClip = FALSE; rIStm >> nRegType >> bIntersect; ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRect ); switch( nRegType ) { case( 0 ): break; case( 1 ): { Rectangle aRegRect; ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRegRect ); aRegion = Region( aRegRect ); bClip = TRUE; } break; case( 2 ): { ImplReadPoly( rIStm, aPoly ); aRegion = Region( aPoly ); bClip = TRUE; } break; case( 3 ): { PolyPolygon aPolyPoly; INT32 nPolyCount; rIStm >> nPolyCount; for( USHORT i = 0; i < (USHORT) nPolyCount; i++ ) { ImplReadPoly( rIStm, aPoly ); aPolyPoly.Insert( aPoly ); } aRegion = Region( aPolyPoly ); bClip = TRUE; } break; } if( bIntersect ) aRegion.Intersect( aRect ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaClipRegionAction( aRegion, bClip ) ); } break; case( GDI_MOVECLIPREGION_ACTION ): { rIStm >> nTmp >> nTmp1; rMtf.AddAction( new MetaMoveClipRegionAction( nTmp, nTmp1 ) ); } break; case( GDI_ISECTCLIPREGION_ACTION ): { ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRect ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaISectRectClipRegionAction( aRect ) ); } break; case( GDI_RASTEROP_ACTION ): { RasterOp eRasterOp; INT16 nRasterOp; rIStm >> nRasterOp; switch( nRasterOp ) { case( 1 ): eRasterOp = ROP_INVERT; break; case( 4 ): case( 5 ): eRasterOp = ROP_XOR; break; default: eRasterOp = ROP_OVERPAINT; break; } rMtf.AddAction( new MetaRasterOpAction( eRasterOp ) ); } break; case( GDI_PUSH_ACTION ): { aLIStack.Push( new LineInfo( aLineInfo ) ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPushAction( PUSH_ALL ) ); // #106172# Track font relevant data in shadow VDev aFontVDev.Push(); } break; case( GDI_POP_ACTION ): { LineInfo* pLineInfo = (LineInfo*) aLIStack.Pop(); // restore line info if( pLineInfo ) { aLineInfo = *pLineInfo; delete pLineInfo; bFatLine = ( LINE_NONE != aLineInfo.GetStyle() ) && !aLineInfo.IsDefault(); } rMtf.AddAction( new MetaPopAction() ); // #106172# Track font relevant data in shadow VDev aFontVDev.Pop(); } break; case( GDI_GRADIENT_ACTION ): { Color aStartCol; Color aEndCol; INT16 nStyle; INT16 nAngle; INT16 nBorder; INT16 nOfsX; INT16 nOfsY; INT16 nIntensityStart; INT16 nIntensityEnd; ImplReadRect( rIStm, aRect ); rIStm >> nStyle; ImplReadColor( rIStm, aStartCol ); ImplReadColor( rIStm, aEndCol ); rIStm >> nAngle >> nBorder >> nOfsX >> nOfsY >> nIntensityStart >> nIntensityEnd; Gradient aGrad( (GradientStyle) nStyle, aStartCol, aEndCol ); aGrad.SetAngle( nAngle ); aGrad.SetBorder( nBorder ); aGrad.SetOfsX( nOfsX ); aGrad.SetOfsY( nOfsY ); aGrad.SetStartIntensity( nIntensityStart ); aGrad.SetEndIntensity( nIntensityEnd ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaGradientAction( aRect, aGrad ) ); } break; case( GDI_TRANSPARENT_COMMENT ): { PolyPolygon aPolyPoly; INT32 nFollowingActionCount; INT16 nTrans; rIStm >> aPolyPoly >> nTrans >> nFollowingActionCount; ImplSkipActions( rIStm, nFollowingActionCount ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaTransparentAction( aPolyPoly, nTrans ) ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT i += nFollowingActionCount; #endif } break; case( GDI_FLOATTRANSPARENT_COMMENT ): { GDIMetaFile aMtf; Point aPos; Size aSize; Gradient aGradient; INT32 nFollowingActionCount; rIStm >> aMtf >> aPos >> aSize >> aGradient >> nFollowingActionCount; ImplSkipActions( rIStm, nFollowingActionCount ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaFloatTransparentAction( aMtf, aPos, aSize, aGradient ) ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT i += nFollowingActionCount; #endif } break; case( GDI_HATCH_COMMENT ): { PolyPolygon aPolyPoly; Hatch aHatch; INT32 nFollowingActionCount; rIStm >> aPolyPoly >> aHatch >> nFollowingActionCount; ImplSkipActions( rIStm, nFollowingActionCount ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaHatchAction( aPolyPoly, aHatch ) ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT i += nFollowingActionCount; #endif } break; case( GDI_REFPOINT_COMMENT ): { Point aRefPoint; BOOL bSet; INT32 nFollowingActionCount; rIStm >> aRefPoint >> bSet >> nFollowingActionCount; ImplSkipActions( rIStm, nFollowingActionCount ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaRefPointAction( aRefPoint, bSet ) ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT i += nFollowingActionCount; #endif // #106172# Track font relevant data in shadow VDev if( bSet ) aFontVDev.SetRefPoint( aRefPoint ); else aFontVDev.SetRefPoint(); } break; case( GDI_TEXTLINECOLOR_COMMENT ): { Color aColor; BOOL bSet; INT32 nFollowingActionCount; rIStm >> aColor >> bSet >> nFollowingActionCount; ImplSkipActions( rIStm, nFollowingActionCount ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaTextLineColorAction( aColor, bSet ) ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT i += nFollowingActionCount; #endif } break; case( GDI_TEXTLINE_COMMENT ): { Point aStartPt; long nWidth; ULONG nStrikeout; ULONG nUnderline; INT32 nFollowingActionCount; rIStm >> aStartPt >> nWidth >> nStrikeout >> nUnderline >> nFollowingActionCount; ImplSkipActions( rIStm, nFollowingActionCount ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaTextLineAction( aStartPt, nWidth, (FontStrikeout) nStrikeout, (FontUnderline) nUnderline ) ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT i += nFollowingActionCount; #endif } break; case( GDI_GRADIENTEX_COMMENT ): { PolyPolygon aPolyPoly; Gradient aGradient; INT32 nFollowingActionCount; rIStm >> aPolyPoly >> aGradient >> nFollowingActionCount; ImplSkipActions( rIStm, nFollowingActionCount ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaGradientExAction( aPolyPoly, aGradient ) ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT i += nFollowingActionCount; #endif } break; case( GDI_COMMENT_COMMENT ): { ByteString aComment; long nValue; ULONG nDataSize; BYTE* pData; INT32 nFollowingActionCount; rIStm >> aComment >> nValue >> nDataSize; if( nDataSize ) { pData = new BYTE[ nDataSize ]; rIStm.Read( pData, nDataSize ); } else pData = NULL; rIStm >> nFollowingActionCount; ImplSkipActions( rIStm, nFollowingActionCount ); rMtf.AddAction( new MetaCommentAction( aComment, nValue, pData, nDataSize ) ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT i += nFollowingActionCount; #endif } break; case ( GDI_UNICODE_COMMENT ): { nUnicodeCommentActionNumber = i + 1; nUnicodeCommentStreamPos = rIStm.Tell() - 6; rIStm.SeekRel( nActionSize - 4 ); } break; default: rIStm.SeekRel( nActionSize - 4L ); break; } } // cleanup push-pop stack if neccessary for( void* pLineInfo = aLIStack.Pop(); pLineInfo; pLineInfo = aLIStack.Pop() ) delete (LineInfo*) pLineInfo; } rIStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SVMConverter::ImplConvertToSVM1( SvStream& rOStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) { ULONG nPos; ULONG nCountPos; Font aSaveFont; const ULONG nActionCount = rMtf.GetActionCount(); const USHORT nOldFormat = rOStm.GetNumberFormatInt(); rtl_TextEncoding eActualCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); const Size aPrefSize( rMtf.GetPrefSize() ); BOOL bRop_0_1 = FALSE; VirtualDevice aSaveVDev; Color aLineCol( COL_BLACK ); Stack aLineColStack; rOStm.SetNumberFormatInt( NUMBERFORMAT_INT_LITTLEENDIAN ); //MagicCode schreiben rOStm << "SVGDI"; // Kennung nPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm << (INT16) 42; // HeaderSize rOStm << (INT16) 200; // VERSION rOStm << (INT32) aPrefSize.Width(); rOStm << (INT32) aPrefSize.Height(); ImplWriteMapMode( rOStm, rMtf.GetPrefMapMode() ); // ActionCount wird spaeter geschrieben nCountPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4L ); const INT32 nActCount = ImplWriteActions( rOStm, rMtf, aSaveVDev, bRop_0_1, aLineCol, aLineColStack, eActualCharSet ); const ULONG nActPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nCountPos ); rOStm << nActCount; rOStm.Seek( nActPos ); rOStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat ); // cleanup push-pop stack if neccessary for( void* pCol = aLineColStack.Pop(); pCol; pCol = aLineColStack.Pop() ) delete (Color*) pCol; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ULONG SVMConverter::ImplWriteActions( SvStream& rOStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf, VirtualDevice& rSaveVDev, BOOL& rRop_0_1, Color& rLineCol, Stack& rLineColStack, rtl_TextEncoding& rActualCharSet ) { ULONG nCount = 0; for( ULONG i = 0, nActionCount = rMtf.GetActionCount(); i < nActionCount; i++ ) { const MetaAction* pAction = rMtf.GetAction( i ); switch( pAction->GetType() ) { case( META_PIXEL_ACTION ): { MetaPixelAction* pAct = (MetaPixelAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_PIXEL_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 18; rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); ImplWriteColor( rOStm, pAct->GetColor() ); nCount++; } break; case( META_POINT_ACTION ): { MetaPointAction* pAct = (MetaPointAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_POINT_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 12; rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); nCount++; } break; case( META_LINE_ACTION ): { MetaLineAction* pAct = (MetaLineAction*) pAction; const LineInfo& rInfo = pAct->GetLineInfo(); const BOOL bFatLine = ( !rInfo.IsDefault() && ( LINE_NONE != rInfo.GetStyle() ) ); if( bFatLine ) { ImplWritePushAction( rOStm ); ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, rLineCol, 1, rInfo.GetWidth() ); } rOStm << (INT16) GDI_LINE_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 20; rOStm << pAct->GetStartPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetEndPoint(); nCount++; if( bFatLine ) { ImplWritePopAction( rOStm ); nCount += 3; } } break; case( META_RECT_ACTION ): { MetaRectAction* pAct = (MetaRectAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_RECT_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 28; ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() ); rOStm << (INT32) 0; rOStm << (INT32) 0; nCount++; } break; case( META_ROUNDRECT_ACTION ): { MetaRoundRectAction* pAct = (MetaRoundRectAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_RECT_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 28; ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() ); rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetHorzRound(); rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetVertRound(); nCount++; } break; case( META_ELLIPSE_ACTION ): { MetaEllipseAction* pAct = (MetaEllipseAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_ELLIPSE_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 20; ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() ); nCount++; } break; case( META_ARC_ACTION ): { MetaArcAction* pAct = (MetaArcAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_ARC_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 36; ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() ); rOStm << pAct->GetStartPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetEndPoint(); nCount++; } break; case( META_PIE_ACTION ): { MetaPieAction* pAct = (MetaPieAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_PIE_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 36; ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() ); rOStm << pAct->GetStartPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetEndPoint(); nCount++; } break; case( META_CHORD_ACTION ): { MetaChordAction* pAct = (MetaChordAction*) pAction; Polygon aChordPoly( pAct->GetRect(), pAct->GetStartPoint(), pAct->GetEndPoint(), POLY_CHORD ); const USHORT nPoints = aChordPoly.GetSize(); rOStm << (INT16) GDI_POLYGON_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) ( 8 + ( nPoints << 3 ) ); rOStm << (INT32) nPoints; for( USHORT n = 0; n < nPoints; n++ ) rOStm << aChordPoly[ n ]; nCount++; } break; case( META_POLYLINE_ACTION ): { MetaPolyLineAction* pAct = (MetaPolyLineAction*) pAction; const Polygon& rPoly = pAct->GetPolygon(); const LineInfo& rInfo = pAct->GetLineInfo(); const USHORT nPoints = rPoly.GetSize(); const BOOL bFatLine = ( !rInfo.IsDefault() && ( LINE_NONE != rInfo.GetStyle() ) ); if( bFatLine ) { ImplWritePushAction( rOStm ); ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, rLineCol, 1, rInfo.GetWidth() ); } rOStm << (INT16) GDI_POLYLINE_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) ( 8 + ( nPoints << 3 ) ); rOStm << (INT32) nPoints; for( USHORT n = 0; n < nPoints; n++ ) rOStm << rPoly[ n ]; nCount++; if( bFatLine ) { ImplWritePopAction( rOStm ); nCount += 3; } } break; case( META_POLYGON_ACTION ): { MetaPolygonAction* pAct = (MetaPolygonAction*) pAction; const Polygon& rPoly = pAct->GetPolygon(); const USHORT nPoints = rPoly.GetSize(); rOStm << (INT16) GDI_POLYGON_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) ( 8 + ( nPoints << 3 ) ); rOStm << (INT32) nPoints; for( USHORT n = 0; n < nPoints; n++ ) rOStm << rPoly[ n ]; nCount++; } break; case( META_POLYPOLYGON_ACTION ): { MetaPolyPolygonAction* pAct = (MetaPolyPolygonAction*) pAction; ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, pAct->GetPolyPolygon() ); nCount++; } break; case( META_TEXT_ACTION ): { MetaTextAction* pAct = (MetaTextAction*) pAction; String aUniText( pAct->GetText() ); ByteString aText( aUniText, rActualCharSet ); const ULONG nStrLen = aText.Len(); if ( ImplWriteUnicodeComment( rOStm, aUniText ) ) nCount++; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_TEXT_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) ( 24 + ( nStrLen + 1 ) ); rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetIndex(); rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetLen(); rOStm << (INT32) nStrLen; rOStm.Write( aText.GetBuffer(), nStrLen + 1 ); nCount++; } break; case( META_TEXTARRAY_ACTION ): { MetaTextArrayAction* pAct = (MetaTextArrayAction*)pAction; ByteString aText( pAct->GetText(), rActualCharSet ); String aUniText( pAct->GetText(), pAct->GetIndex(), pAct->GetLen() ); ULONG nAryLen; ULONG nLen = pAct->GetLen(); const ULONG nTextLen = aText.Len(); long* pDXArray = pAct->GetDXArray(); if ( ImplWriteUnicodeComment( rOStm, aUniText ) ) nCount++; if( ( nLen + pAct->GetIndex() ) > nTextLen ) { if( pAct->GetIndex() <= nTextLen ) nLen = nTextLen - pAct->GetIndex(); else nLen = 0UL; } if( !pDXArray || !nLen ) nAryLen = 0; else nAryLen = nLen; // #105987# Write out all of DX array rOStm << (INT16) GDI_TEXTARRAY_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) ( 28 + ( nLen + 1 ) + ( nAryLen * 4 ) ); rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); rOStm << (INT32) 0; rOStm << (INT32) nLen; rOStm << (INT32) nLen; rOStm << (INT32) nAryLen; rOStm.Write( aText.GetBuffer()+pAct->GetIndex(), nLen + 1 ); for( ULONG n = 0UL ; n < nAryLen; n++ ) rOStm << (INT32) pDXArray[ n ]; nCount++; } break; case( META_STRETCHTEXT_ACTION ): { MetaStretchTextAction* pAct = (MetaStretchTextAction*) pAction; String aUniText( pAct->GetText() ); ByteString aText( aUniText, rActualCharSet ); const ULONG nStrLen = aText.Len(); if ( ImplWriteUnicodeComment( rOStm, aUniText ) ) nCount++; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_STRETCHTEXT_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) ( 28 + ( nStrLen + 1 ) ); rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetIndex(); rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetLen(); rOStm << (INT32) nStrLen; rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetWidth(); rOStm.Write( aText.GetBuffer(), nStrLen + 1 ); nCount++; } break; case( META_BMP_ACTION ): { MetaBmpAction* pAct = (MetaBmpAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_BITMAP_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 12; rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetBitmap(); nCount++; } break; case( META_BMPSCALE_ACTION ): { MetaBmpScaleAction* pAct = (MetaBmpScaleAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_BITMAPSCALE_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 20; rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetSize(); rOStm << pAct->GetBitmap(); nCount++; } break; case( META_BMPSCALEPART_ACTION ): { MetaBmpScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaBmpScalePartAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_BITMAPSCALEPART_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 36; rOStm << pAct->GetDestPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetDestSize(); rOStm << pAct->GetSrcPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetSrcSize(); rOStm << pAct->GetBitmap(); nCount++; } break; case( META_BMPEX_ACTION ): { MetaBmpExAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExAction*) pAction; const Bitmap aBmp( Graphic( pAct->GetBitmapEx() ).GetBitmap() ); rOStm << (INT16) GDI_BITMAP_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 12; rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); rOStm << aBmp; nCount++; } break; case( META_BMPEXSCALE_ACTION ): { MetaBmpExScaleAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExScaleAction*) pAction; const Bitmap aBmp( Graphic( pAct->GetBitmapEx() ).GetBitmap() ); rOStm << (INT16) GDI_BITMAPSCALE_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 20; rOStm << pAct->GetPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetSize(); rOStm << aBmp; nCount++; } break; case( META_BMPEXSCALEPART_ACTION ): { MetaBmpExScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaBmpExScalePartAction*) pAction; const Bitmap aBmp( Graphic( pAct->GetBitmapEx() ).GetBitmap() ); rOStm << (INT16) GDI_BITMAPSCALEPART_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 36; rOStm << pAct->GetDestPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetDestSize(); rOStm << pAct->GetSrcPoint(); rOStm << pAct->GetSrcSize(); rOStm << aBmp; nCount++; } break; case( META_GRADIENT_ACTION ): { MetaGradientAction* pAct = (MetaGradientAction*) pAction; const Gradient& rGrad = pAct->GetGradient(); rOStm << (INT16) GDI_GRADIENT_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 46; ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() ); rOStm << (INT16) rGrad.GetStyle(); ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rGrad.GetStartColor() ); ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rGrad.GetEndColor() ); rOStm << (INT16) rGrad.GetAngle(); rOStm << (INT16) rGrad.GetBorder(); rOStm << (INT16) rGrad.GetOfsX(); rOStm << (INT16) rGrad.GetOfsY(); rOStm << (INT16) rGrad.GetStartIntensity(); rOStm << (INT16) rGrad.GetEndIntensity(); nCount++; } break; case( META_GRADIENTEX_ACTION ): { const MetaGradientExAction* pA = (MetaGradientExAction*) pAction; ULONG nOldPos, nNewPos; // write RefPoint comment rOStm << (INT16) GDI_GRADIENTEX_COMMENT; // we'll write the ActionSize later nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4 ); // write data rOStm << pA->GetPolyPolygon() << pA->GetGradient(); rOStm << (INT32) 0; // number of actions that follow this comment // calculate and write ActionSize of comment nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) ( nNewPos - nOldPos ); rOStm.Seek( nNewPos ); nCount++; } break; case( META_WALLPAPER_ACTION ): { MetaWallpaperAction* pAct = (MetaWallpaperAction*) pAction; const Color& rColor = pAct->GetWallpaper().GetColor(); ImplWritePushAction( rOStm ); ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, rColor, 1 ); ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, rColor, 1 ); rOStm << (INT16) GDI_RECT_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 28; ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() ); rOStm << (INT32) 0; rOStm << (INT32) 0; ImplWritePopAction( rOStm ); nCount += 5; } break; case( META_CLIPREGION_ACTION ): { MetaClipRegionAction* pAct = (MetaClipRegionAction*) pAction; const Region& rRegion = pAct->GetRegion(); Rectangle aClipRect; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_CLIPREGION_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 24; if( pAct->IsClipping() ) { aClipRect = rRegion.GetBoundRect(); rOStm << (INT16) 1; } else rOStm << (INT16) 0; rOStm << (INT16) 0; ImplWriteRect( rOStm, aClipRect ); if( pAct->IsClipping() ) ImplWriteRect( rOStm, aClipRect ); nCount++; } break; case( META_ISECTRECTCLIPREGION_ACTION ): { MetaISectRectClipRegionAction* pAct = (MetaISectRectClipRegionAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_ISECTCLIPREGION_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 20; rOStm << pAct->GetRect(); nCount++; } break; case( META_MOVECLIPREGION_ACTION ): { MetaMoveClipRegionAction* pAct = (MetaMoveClipRegionAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_MOVECLIPREGION_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 12; rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetHorzMove(); rOStm << (INT32) pAct->GetVertMove(); nCount++; } break; case( META_LINECOLOR_ACTION ): { MetaLineColorAction* pAct = (MetaLineColorAction*) pAction; ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, rLineCol = pAct->GetColor(), pAct->IsSetting() ? 1 : 0 ); nCount++; } break; case( META_FILLCOLOR_ACTION ): { MetaFillColorAction* pAct = (MetaFillColorAction*) pAction; ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, pAct->GetColor(), pAct->IsSetting() ? 1 : 0 ); nCount++; } break; case( META_FONT_ACTION ): { rSaveVDev.SetFont( ( (MetaFontAction*) pAction )->GetFont() ); ImplWriteFont( rOStm, rSaveVDev.GetFont(), rActualCharSet ); nCount++; } break; case( META_TEXTCOLOR_ACTION ): { Font aSaveFont( rSaveVDev.GetFont() ); aSaveFont.SetColor( ( (MetaTextColorAction*) pAction )->GetColor() ); rSaveVDev.SetFont( aSaveFont ); ImplWriteFont( rOStm, rSaveVDev.GetFont(), rActualCharSet ); nCount++; } break; case( META_TEXTFILLCOLOR_ACTION ): { MetaTextFillColorAction* pAct = (MetaTextFillColorAction*) pAction; Font aSaveFont( rSaveVDev.GetFont() ); if( pAct->IsSetting() ) aSaveFont.SetFillColor( pAct->GetColor() ); else aSaveFont.SetFillColor( Color( COL_TRANSPARENT ) ); rSaveVDev.SetFont( aSaveFont ); ImplWriteFont( rOStm, rSaveVDev.GetFont(), rActualCharSet ); nCount++; } break; case( META_TEXTALIGN_ACTION ): { Font aSaveFont( rSaveVDev.GetFont() ); aSaveFont.SetAlign( ( (MetaTextAlignAction*) pAction )->GetTextAlign() ); rSaveVDev.SetFont( aSaveFont ); ImplWriteFont( rOStm, rSaveVDev.GetFont(), rActualCharSet ); nCount++; } break; case( META_MAPMODE_ACTION ): { MetaMapModeAction* pAct = (MetaMapModeAction*) pAction; rOStm << (INT16) GDI_MAPMODE_ACTION; rOStm << (INT32) 30; ImplWriteMapMode( rOStm, pAct->GetMapMode() ); nCount++; } break; case( META_PUSH_ACTION ): { ImplWritePushAction( rOStm ); rLineColStack.Push( new Color( rLineCol ) ); rSaveVDev.Push(); nCount++; } break; case( META_POP_ACTION ): { Color* pCol = (Color*) rLineColStack.Pop(); if( pCol ) { rLineCol = *pCol; delete pCol; } ImplWritePopAction( rOStm ); rSaveVDev.Pop(); nCount++; } break; case( META_RASTEROP_ACTION ): { MetaRasterOpAction* pAct = (MetaRasterOpAction*) pAction; if( ( pAct->GetRasterOp() != ROP_0 ) && ( pAct->GetRasterOp() != ROP_1 ) ) { INT16 nRasterOp; // Falls vorher ROP_0/1 gesetzt war, alten // Zustand durch Pop erst wieder herstellen if( rRop_0_1 ) { ImplWritePopAction( rOStm ); rSaveVDev.Pop(); rRop_0_1 = FALSE; nCount++; } switch( pAct->GetRasterOp() ) { case( ROP_OVERPAINT ) : nRasterOp = 0; break; case( ROP_XOR ) : nRasterOp = 4; break; case( ROP_INVERT ): nRasterOp = 1; break; default: nRasterOp = 0; break; } ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, nRasterOp ); nCount++; } else { ImplWritePushAction( rOStm ); rSaveVDev.Push(); if( pAct->GetRasterOp() == ROP_0 ) { ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, COL_BLACK, 1 ); ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, COL_BLACK, 1 ); } else { ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, COL_WHITE, 1 ); ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, COL_WHITE, 1 ); } ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, 0 ); rRop_0_1 = TRUE; nCount += 4; } } break; case( META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION ): { const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly = ( (MetaTransparentAction*) pAction )->GetPolyPolygon(); const INT16 nTrans = ( (MetaTransparentAction*) pAction )->GetTransparence(); const INT16 nBrushStyle = ( nTrans < 38 ) ? 8 : ( nTrans < 63 ) ? 9 : 10; ULONG nOldPos, nNewPos; // write transparence comment rOStm << (INT16) GDI_TRANSPARENT_COMMENT; // we'll write the ActionSize later nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4 ); // write comment data rOStm << rPolyPoly; rOStm << nTrans; rOStm << (INT32) 15; // number of actions that follow this comment // calculate and write ActionSize of comment nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) ( nNewPos - nOldPos ); rOStm.Seek( nNewPos ); { // write actions for transparence ImplWritePushAction( rOStm ); { ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, 4 ); ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, rPolyPoly ); ImplWritePushAction( rOStm ); { ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, 2 ); ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, COL_BLACK, nBrushStyle ); ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, rPolyPoly ); } ImplWritePopAction( rOStm ); ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, 4 ); ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, rPolyPoly ); } ImplWritePopAction( rOStm ); ImplWritePushAction( rOStm ); { ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, Color(), 0 ); ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, rPolyPoly ); } ImplWritePopAction( rOStm ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT nCount += 15; #endif } nCount++; } break; case( META_FLOATTRANSPARENT_ACTION ): { const MetaFloatTransparentAction* pA = (MetaFloatTransparentAction*) pAction; const GDIMetaFile& rTransMtf = pA->GetGDIMetaFile(); const Point& rPos = pA->GetPoint(); const Size& rSize = pA->GetSize(); const Gradient& rGradient = pA->GetGradient(); ULONG nOldPos, nNewPos; // write RefPoint comment rOStm << (INT16) GDI_FLOATTRANSPARENT_COMMENT; // we'll write the ActionSize later nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4 ); // write comment data rOStm << rTransMtf << rPos << rSize << rGradient; // calculate and write ActionSize of comment nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) ( nNewPos - nOldPos + 4 ); rOStm.Seek( ( nOldPos = nNewPos ) + 4 ); { // write actions for float transparence ULONG nAddCount; GDIMetaFile aMtf( rTransMtf ); const Size aSrcSize( rTransMtf.GetPrefSize() ); Point aSrcPt( rTransMtf.GetPrefMapMode().GetOrigin() ); const double fScaleX = aSrcSize.Width() ? (double) rSize.Width() / aSrcSize.Width() : 1.0; const double fScaleY = aSrcSize.Height() ? (double) rSize.Height() / aSrcSize.Height() : 1.0; long nMoveX, nMoveY; if( fScaleX != 1.0 || fScaleY != 1.0 ) { aMtf.Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY ); aSrcPt.X() = FRound( aSrcPt.X() * fScaleX ), aSrcPt.Y() = FRound( aSrcPt.Y() * fScaleY ); } nMoveX = rPos.X() - aSrcPt.X(), nMoveY = rPos.Y() - aSrcPt.Y(); if( nMoveX || nMoveY ) aMtf.Move( nMoveX, nMoveY ); nAddCount = ImplWriteActions( rOStm, aMtf, rSaveVDev, rRop_0_1, rLineCol, rLineColStack, rActualCharSet ); nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) nAddCount; rOStm.Seek( nNewPos ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT nCount += nAddCount; #endif } nCount++; } break; case( META_HATCH_ACTION ): { const MetaHatchAction* pA = (MetaHatchAction*) pAction; const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly = pA->GetPolyPolygon(); const Hatch& rHatch = pA->GetHatch(); ULONG nOldPos, nNewPos, nAddCount; // write hatch comment rOStm << (INT16) GDI_HATCH_COMMENT; // we'll write the ActionSize later nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4 ); // write comment data rOStm << rPolyPoly; rOStm << rHatch; // calculate and write ActionSize of comment nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) ( nNewPos - nOldPos + 4 ); rOStm.Seek( ( nOldPos = nNewPos ) + 4 ); { // write actions for hatch VirtualDevice aVDev; GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf; aVDev.AddHatchActions( rPolyPoly, rHatch, aTmpMtf ); nAddCount = ImplWriteActions( rOStm, aTmpMtf, rSaveVDev, rRop_0_1, rLineCol, rLineColStack, rActualCharSet ); nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) nAddCount; rOStm.Seek( nNewPos ); #ifdef CVTSVM_WRITE_SUBACTIONCOUNT nCount += nAddCount; #endif } nCount++; } break; case( META_REFPOINT_ACTION ): { const MetaRefPointAction* pA = (MetaRefPointAction*) pAction; const Point& rRefPoint = pA->GetRefPoint(); const BOOL bSet = pA->IsSetting(); ULONG nOldPos, nNewPos; // write RefPoint comment rOStm << (INT16) GDI_REFPOINT_COMMENT; // we'll write the ActionSize later nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4 ); // write data rOStm << rRefPoint << bSet; rOStm << (INT32) 0; // number of actions that follow this comment // calculate and write ActionSize of comment nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) ( nNewPos - nOldPos ); rOStm.Seek( nNewPos ); nCount++; } break; case( META_TEXTLINECOLOR_ACTION ): { const MetaTextLineColorAction* pA = (MetaTextLineColorAction*) pAction; const Color& rColor = pA->GetColor(); const BOOL bSet = pA->IsSetting(); ULONG nOldPos, nNewPos; // write RefPoint comment rOStm << (INT16) GDI_TEXTLINECOLOR_COMMENT; // we'll write the ActionSize later nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4 ); // write data rOStm << rColor << bSet; rOStm << (INT32) 0; // number of actions that follow this comment // calculate and write ActionSize of comment nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) ( nNewPos - nOldPos ); rOStm.Seek( nNewPos ); nCount++; } break; case( META_TEXTLINE_ACTION ): { const MetaTextLineAction* pA = (MetaTextLineAction*) pAction; const Point& rStartPt = pA->GetStartPoint(); const long nWidth = pA->GetWidth(); const FontStrikeout eStrikeout = pA->GetStrikeout(); const FontUnderline eUnderline = pA->GetUnderline(); ULONG nOldPos, nNewPos; // write RefPoint comment rOStm << (INT16) GDI_TEXTLINE_COMMENT; // we'll write the ActionSize later nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4 ); // write data rOStm << rStartPt << nWidth << (ULONG) eStrikeout << (ULONG) eUnderline; rOStm << (INT32) 0; // number of actions that follow this comment // calculate and write ActionSize of comment nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) ( nNewPos - nOldPos ); rOStm.Seek( nNewPos ); nCount++; } break; case( META_EPS_ACTION ): break; case( META_COMMENT_ACTION ): { const MetaCommentAction* pA = (MetaCommentAction*) pAction; const ULONG nDataSize = pA->GetDataSize(); ULONG nOldPos, nNewPos; // write RefPoint comment rOStm << (INT16) GDI_COMMENT_COMMENT; // we'll write the ActionSize later nOldPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.SeekRel( 4 ); // write data rOStm << pA->GetComment() << pA->GetValue() << nDataSize; if( nDataSize ) rOStm.Write( pA->GetData(), nDataSize ); rOStm << (INT32) 0; // number of actions that follow this comment // calculate and write ActionSize of comment nNewPos = rOStm.Tell(); rOStm.Seek( nOldPos ); rOStm << (INT32) ( nNewPos - nOldPos ); rOStm.Seek( nNewPos ); nCount++; } break; #ifdef DBG_UTIL default: { ByteString aStr( "Missing implementation for Action#: " ); aStr += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( pAction->GetType() ); aStr += '!'; DBG_ERROR( aStr.GetBuffer() ); } break; #endif /* case( META_TEXTRECT_ACTION ): { MetaTextRectAction* pAct = (MetaTextRectAction*) pAction; rOStm << ; rOStm << ; nCount++; } break; */ /* case( META_MASK_ACTION ): { MetaMaskAction* pAct = (MetaMaskAction*) pAction; rOStm << ; rOStm << ; nCount++; } break; */ /* case( META_MASKSCALE_ACTION ): { MetaMaskScaleAction* pAct = (MetaMaskScaleAction*) pAction; rOStm << ; rOStm << ; nCount++; } break; */ /* case( META_MASKSCALEPART_ACTION ): { MetaMaskScalePartAction* pAct = (MetaMaskScalePartAction*) pAction; rOStm << ; rOStm << ; nCount++; } break; */ /* case( META_ISECTREGIONCLIPREGION_ACTION ): { MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction* pAct = (MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction*) pAction; rOStm << ; rOStm << ; nCount++; } break; */ } } return nCount; }