/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: fontcfg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.41 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2006-08-14 16:32:57 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _VCL_FONTCFG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef VCL_INC_CONFIGSETTINGS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVDATA_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VCL_UNOHELP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_ANY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_SEQUENCE_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_PROPERTYVALUE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef UNOTOOLS_CONFIGPATHES_HXX_INCLUDED #include #endif #ifndef _RTL_USTRBUF_HXX_ #include #endif #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 #include #endif #include #include #include #define DEFAULTFONT_CONFIGNODE "VCL/DefaultFonts" #define SUBSTFONT_CONFIGNODE "VCL/FontSubstitutions" #define SETTINGS_CONFIGNODE "VCL/Settings" using namespace vcl; using namespace rtl; using namespace utl; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; using namespace com::sun::star::beans; using namespace com::sun::star::container; /* * DefaultFontConfiguration */ static const char* getKeyType( int nKeyType ) { switch( nKeyType ) { case DEFAULTFONT_CJK_DISPLAY: return "CJK_DISPLAY"; case DEFAULTFONT_CJK_HEADING: return "CJK_HEADING"; case DEFAULTFONT_CJK_PRESENTATION: return "CJK_PRESENTATION"; case DEFAULTFONT_CJK_SPREADSHEET: return "CJK_SPREADSHEET"; case DEFAULTFONT_CJK_TEXT: return "CJK_TEXT"; case DEFAULTFONT_CTL_DISPLAY: return "CTL_DISPLAY"; case DEFAULTFONT_CTL_HEADING: return "CTL_HEADING"; case DEFAULTFONT_CTL_PRESENTATION: return "CTL_PRESENTATION"; case DEFAULTFONT_CTL_SPREADSHEET: return "CTL_SPREADSHEET"; case DEFAULTFONT_CTL_TEXT: return "CTL_TEXT"; case DEFAULTFONT_FIXED: return "FIXED"; case DEFAULTFONT_LATIN_DISPLAY: return "LATIN_DISPLAY"; case DEFAULTFONT_LATIN_FIXED: return "LATIN_FIXED"; case DEFAULTFONT_LATIN_HEADING: return "LATIN_HEADING"; case DEFAULTFONT_LATIN_PRESENTATION: return "LATIN_PRESENTATION"; case DEFAULTFONT_LATIN_SPREADSHEET: return "LATIN_SPREADSHEET"; case DEFAULTFONT_LATIN_TEXT: return "LATIN_TEXT"; case DEFAULTFONT_SANS: return "SANS"; case DEFAULTFONT_SANS_UNICODE: return "SANS_UNICODE"; case DEFAULTFONT_SERIF: return "SERIF"; case DEFAULTFONT_SYMBOL: return "SYMBOL"; case DEFAULTFONT_UI_FIXED: return "UI_FIXED"; case DEFAULTFONT_UI_SANS: return "UI_SANS"; default: DBG_ERROR( "unmatched type" ); return ""; } } DefaultFontConfiguration* DefaultFontConfiguration::get() { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if( ! pSVData->maGDIData.mpDefaultFontConfiguration ) pSVData->maGDIData.mpDefaultFontConfiguration = new DefaultFontConfiguration(); return pSVData->maGDIData.mpDefaultFontConfiguration; } DefaultFontConfiguration::DefaultFontConfiguration() { try { // get service provider Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xSMgr( unohelper::GetMultiServiceFactory() ); // create configuration hierachical access name if( xSMgr.is() ) { try { m_xConfigProvider = Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >( xSMgr->createInstance( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider" ))), UNO_QUERY ); if( m_xConfigProvider.is() ) { Sequence< Any > aArgs(1); PropertyValue aVal; aVal.Name = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "nodepath" ) ); aVal.Value <<= OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "/org.openoffice.VCL/DefaultFonts" ) ); aArgs.getArray()[0] <<= aVal; m_xConfigAccess = Reference< XNameAccess >( m_xConfigProvider->createInstanceWithArguments( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess" )), aArgs ), UNO_QUERY ); if( m_xConfigAccess.is() ) { Sequence< OUString > aLocales = m_xConfigAccess->getElementNames(); // fill config hash with empty interfaces int nLocales = aLocales.getLength(); const OUString* pLocaleStrings = aLocales.getConstArray(); Locale aLoc; for( int i = 0; i < nLocales; i++ ) { sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; aLoc.Language = pLocaleStrings[i].getToken( 0, sal_Unicode('-'), nIndex ).toAsciiLowerCase(); if( nIndex != -1 ) aLoc.Country = pLocaleStrings[i].getToken( 0, sal_Unicode('-'), nIndex ).toAsciiUpperCase(); else aLoc.Country = OUString(); if( nIndex != -1 ) aLoc.Variant = pLocaleStrings[i].getToken( 0, sal_Unicode('-'), nIndex ).toAsciiUpperCase(); else aLoc.Variant = OUString(); m_aConfig[ aLoc ] = LocaleAccess(); m_aConfig[ aLoc ].aConfigLocaleString = pLocaleStrings[i]; } } } } catch( Exception& ) { // configuration is awry m_xConfigProvider.clear(); m_xConfigAccess.clear(); } } } catch( WrappedTargetException& ) { } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "config provider: %s, config access: %s\n", m_xConfigProvider.is() ? "true" : "false", m_xConfigAccess.is() ? "true" : "false" ); #endif } DefaultFontConfiguration::~DefaultFontConfiguration() { // release all nodes m_aConfig.clear(); // release top node m_xConfigAccess.clear(); // release config provider m_xConfigProvider.clear(); } OUString DefaultFontConfiguration::tryLocale( const Locale& rLocale, const OUString& rType ) const { OUString aRet; std::hash_map< Locale, LocaleAccess, LocaleHash >::const_iterator it = m_aConfig.find( rLocale ); if( it != m_aConfig.end() ) { if( !it->second.xAccess.is() ) { try { Reference< XNameAccess > xNode; Any aAny = m_xConfigAccess->getByName( it->second.aConfigLocaleString ); if( aAny >>= xNode ) it->second.xAccess = xNode; } catch( NoSuchElementException ) { } catch( WrappedTargetException ) { } } if( it->second.xAccess.is() ) { try { Any aAny = it->second.xAccess->getByName( rType ); aAny >>= aRet; } catch( NoSuchElementException& ) { } catch( WrappedTargetException& ) { } } } return aRet; } OUString DefaultFontConfiguration::getDefaultFont( const Locale& rLocale, int nType ) const { Locale aLocale; aLocale.Language = rLocale.Language.toAsciiLowerCase(); aLocale.Country = rLocale.Country.toAsciiUpperCase(); aLocale.Variant = rLocale.Variant.toAsciiUpperCase(); OUString aType = OUString::createFromAscii( getKeyType( nType ) ); OUString aRet = tryLocale( aLocale, aType ); if( ! aRet.getLength() && aLocale.Variant.getLength() ) { aLocale.Variant = OUString(); aRet = tryLocale( aLocale, aType ); } if( ! aRet.getLength() && aLocale.Country.getLength() ) { aLocale.Country = OUString(); aRet = tryLocale( aLocale, aType ); } if( ! aRet.getLength() ) { aLocale.Language = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "en" ) ); aRet = tryLocale( aLocale, aType ); } return aRet; } OUString DefaultFontConfiguration::getUserInterfaceFont( const Locale& rLocale ) const { Locale aLocale = rLocale; if( ! aLocale.Language.getLength() ) aLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale(); OUString aUIFont = getDefaultFont( aLocale, DEFAULTFONT_UI_SANS ); if( aUIFont.getLength() ) return aUIFont; // fallback mechanism (either no configuration or no entry in configuration #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS "Andale Sans UI;Albany;Albany AMT;Tahoma;Arial Unicode MS;Arial;Nimbus Sans L;Bitstream Vera Sans;gnu-unifont;Interface User;Geneva;WarpSans;Dialog;Swiss;Lucida;Helvetica;Charcoal;Chicago;MS Sans Serif;Helv;Times;Times New Roman;Interface System" #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_LATIN2 "Andale Sans UI;Albany;Albany AMT;Tahoma;Arial Unicode MS;Arial;Nimbus Sans L;Luxi Sans;Bitstream Vera Sans;Interface User;Geneva;WarpSans;Dialog;Swiss;Lucida;Helvetica;Charcoal;Chicago;MS Sans Serif;Helv;Times;Times New Roman;Interface System" #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_ARABIC "Tahoma;Traditional Arabic;Simplified Arabic;Lucidasans;Lucida Sans;Supplement;Andale Sans UI;clearlyU;Interface User;Arial Unicode MS;Lucida Sans Unicode;WarpSans;Geneva;MS Sans Serif;Helv;Dialog;Albany;Lucida;Helvetica;Charcoal;Chicago;Arial;Helmet;Interface System;Sans Serif" #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_THAI "OONaksit;Tahoma;Lucidasans;Arial Unicode MS" #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_KOREAN "SunGulim;BaekmukGulim;Gulim;Roundgothic;Arial Unicode MS;Lucida Sans Unicode;gnu-unifont;Andale Sans UI" #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_JAPANESE1 "HG-GothicB-Sun;Andale Sans UI;HG MhinchoLightJ" #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_JAPANESE2 "Kochi Gothic;Gothic" #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_CHINSIM "Andale Sans UI;Arial Unicode MS;ZYSong18030;AR PL SungtiL GB;AR PL KaitiM GB;SimSun;Lucida Sans Unicode;Fangsong;Hei;Song;Kai;Ming;gnu-unifont;Interface User;" #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_CHINTRD "Andale Sans UI;Arial Unicode MS;AR PL Mingti2L Big5;AR PL KaitiM Big5;Kai;PMingLiU;MingLiU;Ming;Lucida Sans Unicode;gnu-unifont;Interface User;" // we need localized names for japanese fonts static sal_Unicode const aMSGothic[] = { 0xFF2D, 0xFF33, ' ', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 }; static sal_Unicode const aMSPGothic[] = { 0xFF2D, 0xFF33, ' ', 0xFF30, 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 }; static sal_Unicode const aTLPGothic[] = { 0x0054, 0x004C, 0x0050, 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 }; static sal_Unicode const aLXGothic[] = { 0x004C, 0x0058, 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 }; static sal_Unicode const aKochiGothic[] = { 0x6771, 0x98A8, 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 }; String aFallBackJapaneseLocalized( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "MS UI Gothic;" ) ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_JAPANESE1 ) ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String( aMSPGothic ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ";" ) ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String( aMSGothic ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ";" ) ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String( aTLPGothic ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ";" ) ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String( aLXGothic ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ";" ) ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String( aKochiGothic ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ";" ) ); aFallBackJapaneseLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_JAPANESE2 ) ); static const OUString aFallBackJapanese( aFallBackJapaneseLocalized ); static const OUString aFallback (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS)); static const OUString aFallbackLatin2 (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_LATIN2)); static const OUString aFallBackArabic (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_ARABIC ) ); static const OUString aFallBackThai (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_THAI ) ); static const OUString aFallBackChineseSIM (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_CHINSIM ) ); static const OUString aFallBackChineseTRD (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_CHINTRD ) ); // we need localized names for korean fonts static sal_Unicode const aSunGulim[] = { 0xC36C, 0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0 }; static sal_Unicode const aBaekmukGulim[] = { 0xBC31, 0xBC35, 0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0 }; String aFallBackKoreanLocalized( aSunGulim ); aFallBackKoreanLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ";" ) ); aFallBackKoreanLocalized += String( aBaekmukGulim ); aFallBackKoreanLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ";" ) ); aFallBackKoreanLocalized += String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_KOREAN ) ); static const OUString aFallBackKorean( aFallBackKoreanLocalized ); // optimize font list for some locales, as long as Andale Sans UI does not support them if( aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "ar" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "he" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "iw" ) ) { return aFallBackArabic; } else if( aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "th" ) ) { return aFallBackThai; } else if( aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "ko" ) ) { return aFallBackKorean; } else if( aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "cs" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "hu" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "pl" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "ro" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "rm" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "hr" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "sk" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "sl" ) || aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "sb" ) ) { return aFallbackLatin2; } else if( aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "zh" ) ) { if( ! aLocale.Country.equalsAscii( "cn" ) ) return aFallBackChineseTRD; else return aFallBackChineseSIM; } else if( aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "ja" ) ) { return aFallBackJapanese; } return aFallback; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * FontSubstConfigItem::get */ FontSubstConfiguration* FontSubstConfiguration::get() { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if( ! pSVData->maGDIData.mpFontSubstConfiguration ) pSVData->maGDIData.mpFontSubstConfiguration = new FontSubstConfiguration(); return pSVData->maGDIData.mpFontSubstConfiguration; } /* * FontSubstConfigItem::FontSubstConfigItem */ FontSubstConfiguration::FontSubstConfiguration() { try { // get service provider Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xSMgr( unohelper::GetMultiServiceFactory() ); // create configuration hierachical access name if( xSMgr.is() ) { try { m_xConfigProvider = Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >( xSMgr->createInstance( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider" ))), UNO_QUERY ); if( m_xConfigProvider.is() ) { Sequence< Any > aArgs(1); PropertyValue aVal; aVal.Name = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "nodepath" ) ); aVal.Value <<= OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "/org.openoffice.VCL/FontSubstitutions" ) ); aArgs.getArray()[0] <<= aVal; m_xConfigAccess = Reference< XNameAccess >( m_xConfigProvider->createInstanceWithArguments( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess" )), aArgs ), UNO_QUERY ); if( m_xConfigAccess.is() ) { Sequence< OUString > aLocales = m_xConfigAccess->getElementNames(); // fill config hash with empty interfaces int nLocales = aLocales.getLength(); const OUString* pLocaleStrings = aLocales.getConstArray(); Locale aLoc; for( int i = 0; i < nLocales; i++ ) { sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; aLoc.Language = pLocaleStrings[i].getToken( 0, sal_Unicode('-'), nIndex ).toAsciiLowerCase(); if( nIndex != -1 ) aLoc.Country = pLocaleStrings[i].getToken( 0, sal_Unicode('-'), nIndex ).toAsciiUpperCase(); else aLoc.Country = OUString(); if( nIndex != -1 ) aLoc.Variant = pLocaleStrings[i].getToken( 0, sal_Unicode('-'), nIndex ).toAsciiUpperCase(); else aLoc.Variant = OUString(); m_aSubst[ aLoc ] = LocaleSubst(); m_aSubst[ aLoc ].aConfigLocaleString = pLocaleStrings[i]; } } } } catch( Exception& ) { // configuration is awry m_xConfigProvider.clear(); m_xConfigAccess.clear(); } } } catch( WrappedTargetException& ) { } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "config provider: %s, config access: %s\n", m_xConfigProvider.is() ? "true" : "false", m_xConfigAccess.is() ? "true" : "false" ); #endif } /* * FontSubstConfigItem::~FontSubstConfigItem */ FontSubstConfiguration::~FontSubstConfiguration() { // release config access m_xConfigAccess.clear(); // release config provider m_xConfigProvider.clear(); } /* * FontSubstConfigItem::getMapName */ // ======================================================================= static const char* const aImplKillLeadingList[] = { "microsoft", "monotype", "linotype", "baekmuk", "adobe", "nimbus", "zycjk", "itc", "sun", "amt", "ms", "mt", "cg", "hg", "fz", "ipa", "sazanami", "kochi", NULL }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char* const aImplKillTrailingList[] = { "microsoft", "monotype", "linotype", "adobe", "nimbus", "itc", "sun", "amt", "ms", "mt", "clm", // Scripts, for compatibility with older versions "we", "cyr", "tur", "wt", "greek", "wl", // CJK extensions "gb", "big5", "pro", "z01", "z02", "z03", "z13", "b01", "w3x12", // Old Printer Fontnames "5cpi", "6cpi", "7cpi", "8cpi", "9cpi", "10cpi", "11cpi", "12cpi", "13cpi", "14cpi", "15cpi", "16cpi", "18cpi", "24cpi", "scale", "pc", NULL }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char* const aImplKillTrailingWithExceptionsList[] = { "ce", "monospace", "oldface", NULL, "ps", "caps", NULL, NULL }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ImplFontAttrWeightSearchData { const char* mpStr; FontWeight meWeight; }; static ImplFontAttrWeightSearchData const aImplWeightAttrSearchList[] = { { "extrablack", WEIGHT_BLACK }, { "ultrablack", WEIGHT_BLACK }, { "black", WEIGHT_BLACK }, { "heavy", WEIGHT_BLACK }, { "ultrabold", WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD }, { "semibold", WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD }, { "bold", WEIGHT_BOLD }, { "ultralight", WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT }, { "semilight", WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT }, { "light", WEIGHT_LIGHT }, { "demi", WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD }, { "medium", WEIGHT_MEDIUM }, { NULL, WEIGHT_DONTKNOW }, }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ImplFontAttrWidthSearchData { const char* mpStr; FontWidth meWidth; }; static ImplFontAttrWidthSearchData const aImplWidthAttrSearchList[] = { { "narrow", WIDTH_CONDENSED }, { "semicondensed", WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED }, { "ultracondensed", WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED }, { "semiexpanded", WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED }, { "ultraexpanded", WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED }, { "expanded", WIDTH_EXPANDED }, { "wide", WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED }, { "condensed", WIDTH_CONDENSED }, { "cond", WIDTH_CONDENSED }, { "cn", WIDTH_CONDENSED }, { NULL, WIDTH_DONTKNOW }, }; struct ImplFontAttrTypeSearchData { const char* mpStr; ULONG mnType; }; static ImplFontAttrTypeSearchData const aImplTypeAttrSearchList[] = { { "monotype", 0 }, { "linotype", 0 }, { "titling", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_TITLING }, { "captitals", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_CAPITALS }, { "captital", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_CAPITALS }, { "caps", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_CAPITALS }, { "italic", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_ITALIC }, { "oblique", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_ITALIC }, { "rounded", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_ROUNDED }, { "outline", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_OUTLINE }, { "shadow", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SHADOW }, { "handwriting", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_HANDWRITING | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCRIPT }, { "hand", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_HANDWRITING | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCRIPT }, { "signet", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_HANDWRITING | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCRIPT }, { "script", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_BRUSHSCRIPT | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCRIPT }, { "calligraphy", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_CHANCERY | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCRIPT }, { "chancery", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_CHANCERY | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCRIPT }, { "corsiva", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_CHANCERY | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCRIPT }, { "gothic", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SANSSERIF | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_GOTHIC }, { "schoolbook", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SERIF | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCHOOLBOOK }, { "schlbk", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SERIF | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SCHOOLBOOK }, { "typewriter", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_TYPEWRITER | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_FIXED }, { "lineprinter", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_TYPEWRITER | IMPL_FONT_ATTR_FIXED }, { "monospaced", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_FIXED }, { "monospace", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_FIXED }, { "mono", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_FIXED }, { "fixed", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_FIXED }, { "sansserif", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SANSSERIF }, { "sans", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SANSSERIF }, { "swiss", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SANSSERIF }, { "serif", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SERIF }, { "bright", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SERIF }, { "symbols", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SYMBOL }, { "symbol", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SYMBOL }, { "dingbats", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SYMBOL }, { "dings", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SYMBOL }, { "ding", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SYMBOL }, { "bats", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SYMBOL }, { "math", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_SYMBOL }, { "oldstyle", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_OTHERSTYLE }, { "oldface", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_OTHERSTYLE }, { "old", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_OTHERSTYLE }, { "new", 0 }, { "modern", 0 }, { "lucida", 0 }, { "regular", 0 }, { "extended", 0 }, { "extra", IMPL_FONT_ATTR_OTHERSTYLE }, { "ext", 0 }, { "scalable", 0 }, { "scale", 0 }, { "nimbus", 0 }, { "adobe", 0 }, { "itc", 0 }, { "amt", 0 }, { "mt", 0 }, { "ms", 0 }, { "cpi", 0 }, { "no", 0 }, { NULL, 0 }, }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ImplKillLeading( String& rName, const char* const* ppStr ) { for(; *ppStr; ++ppStr ) { const char* pStr = *ppStr; const xub_Unicode* pNameStr = rName.GetBuffer(); while ( (*pNameStr == (xub_Unicode)(unsigned char)*pStr) && *pStr ) { pNameStr++; pStr++; } if ( !*pStr ) { xub_StrLen nLen = sal::static_int_cast(pNameStr - rName.GetBuffer()); rName.Erase( 0, nLen ); return true; } } // special case for Baekmuk // TODO: allow non-ASCII KillLeading list const xub_Unicode* pNameStr = rName.GetBuffer(); if( (pNameStr[0]==0xBC31) && (pNameStr[1]==0xBC35) ) { xub_StrLen nLen = (pNameStr[2]==0x0020) ? 3 : 2; rName.Erase( 0, nLen ); return true; } return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static xub_StrLen ImplIsTrailing( const String& rName, const char* pStr ) { xub_StrLen nStrLen = static_cast( strlen( pStr ) ); if( nStrLen >= rName.Len() ) return 0; const xub_Unicode* pEndName = rName.GetBuffer() + rName.Len(); const sal_Unicode* pNameStr = pEndName - nStrLen; do if( *(pNameStr++) != *(pStr++) ) return 0; while( *pStr ); return nStrLen; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ImplKillTrailing( String& rName, const char* const* ppStr ) { for(; *ppStr; ++ppStr ) { xub_StrLen nTrailLen = ImplIsTrailing( rName, *ppStr ); if( nTrailLen ) { rName.Erase( rName.Len()-nTrailLen ); return true; } } return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool ImplKillTrailingWithExceptions( String& rName, const char* const* ppStr ) { for(; *ppStr; ++ppStr ) { xub_StrLen nTrailLen = ImplIsTrailing( rName, *ppStr ); if( nTrailLen ) { // check string match against string exceptions while( *++ppStr ) if( ImplIsTrailing( rName, *ppStr ) ) return false; rName.Erase( rName.Len()-nTrailLen ); return true; } else { // skip exception strings while( *++ppStr ); } } return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static BOOL ImplFindAndErase( String& rName, const char* pStr ) { xub_StrLen nPos = rName.SearchAscii( pStr ); if ( nPos == STRING_NOTFOUND ) return FALSE; const char* pTempStr = pStr; while ( *pTempStr ) pTempStr++; rName.Erase( nPos, (xub_StrLen)(pTempStr-pStr) ); return TRUE; } // ======================================================================= void FontSubstConfiguration::getMapName( const String& rOrgName, String& rShortName, String& rFamilyName, FontWeight& rWeight, FontWidth& rWidth, ULONG& rType ) { rShortName = rOrgName; // TODO: get rid of the crazy O(N*strlen) searches below // they should be possible in O(strlen) // Kill leading vendor names and other unimportant data ImplKillLeading( rShortName, aImplKillLeadingList ); // Kill trailing vendor names and other unimportant data ImplKillTrailing( rShortName, aImplKillTrailingList ); ImplKillTrailingWithExceptions( rShortName, aImplKillTrailingWithExceptionsList ); rFamilyName = rShortName; // Kill attributes from the name and update the data // Weight const ImplFontAttrWeightSearchData* pWeightList = aImplWeightAttrSearchList; while ( pWeightList->mpStr ) { if ( ImplFindAndErase( rFamilyName, pWeightList->mpStr ) ) { if ( (rWeight == WEIGHT_DONTKNOW) || (rWeight == WEIGHT_NORMAL) ) rWeight = pWeightList->meWeight; break; } pWeightList++; } // Width const ImplFontAttrWidthSearchData* pWidthList = aImplWidthAttrSearchList; while ( pWidthList->mpStr ) { if ( ImplFindAndErase( rFamilyName, pWidthList->mpStr ) ) { if ( (rWidth == WIDTH_DONTKNOW) || (rWidth == WIDTH_NORMAL) ) rWidth = pWidthList->meWidth; break; } pWidthList++; } // Type rType = 0; const ImplFontAttrTypeSearchData* pTypeList = aImplTypeAttrSearchList; while ( pTypeList->mpStr ) { if ( ImplFindAndErase( rFamilyName, pTypeList->mpStr ) ) rType |= pTypeList->mnType; pTypeList++; } // Remove numbers // TODO: also remove localized and fullwidth digits xub_StrLen i = 0; while ( i < rFamilyName.Len() ) { sal_Unicode c = rFamilyName.GetChar( i ); if ( (c >= 0x0030) && (c <= 0x0039) ) rFamilyName.Erase( i, 1 ); else i++; } } struct StrictStringSort : public ::std::binary_function< const FontNameAttr&, const FontNameAttr&, bool > { bool operator()( const FontNameAttr& rLeft, const FontNameAttr& rRight ) { return rLeft.Name.CompareTo( rRight.Name ) == COMPARE_LESS ; } }; static const char* const pAttribNames[] = { "default", "standard", "normal", "symbol", "fixed", "sansserif", "serif", "decorative", "special", "italic", "title", "capitals", "cjk", "cjk_jp", "cjk_sc", "cjk_tc", "cjk_kr", "ctl", "nonelatin", "full", "outline", "shadow", "rounded", "typewriter", "script", "handwriting", "chancery", "comic", "brushscript", "gothic", "schoolbook", "other" }; struct enum_convert { const char* pName; int nEnum; }; static const enum_convert pWeightNames[] = { { "normal", WEIGHT_NORMAL }, { "medium", WEIGHT_MEDIUM }, { "bold", WEIGHT_BOLD }, { "black", WEIGHT_BLACK }, { "semibold", WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD }, { "light", WEIGHT_LIGHT }, { "semilight", WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT }, { "ultrabold", WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD }, { "unknown", WEIGHT_DONTKNOW }, { "thin", WEIGHT_THIN }, { "ultralight", WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT } }; static const enum_convert pWidthNames[] = { { "normal", WIDTH_NORMAL }, { "condensed", WIDTH_CONDENSED }, { "expanded", WIDTH_EXPANDED }, { "unknown", WIDTH_DONTKNOW }, { "ultracondensed", WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED }, { "extracondensed", WIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED }, { "semicondensed", WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED }, { "semiexpanded", WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED }, { "extraexpanded", WIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED }, { "ultraexpanded", WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED } }; void FontSubstConfiguration::fillSubstVector( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< XNameAccess > xFont, const rtl::OUString& rType, std::vector< String >& rSubstVector ) const { try { Any aAny = xFont->getByName( rType ); if( aAny.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING ) { const OUString* pLine = (const OUString*)aAny.getValue(); sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; if( pLine->getLength() ) while( nIndex != -1 ) { OUString aSubst( pLine->getToken( 0, ';', nIndex ) ); if( aSubst.getLength() ) rSubstVector.push_back( aSubst ); } } } catch( NoSuchElementException ) { } catch( WrappedTargetException ) { } } FontWeight FontSubstConfiguration::getSubstWeight( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< XNameAccess > xFont, const rtl::OUString& rType ) const { int weight = -1; try { Any aAny = xFont->getByName( rType ); if( aAny.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING ) { const OUString* pLine = (const OUString*)aAny.getValue(); if( pLine->getLength() ) { for( weight=sizeof(pWeightNames)/sizeof(pWeightNames[0])-1; weight >= 0; weight-- ) if( pLine->equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( pWeightNames[weight].pName ) ) break; } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 if( weight < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Error: invalid weight %s\n", OUStringToOString( *pLine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() ); #endif } } catch( NoSuchElementException ) { } catch( WrappedTargetException ) { } return (FontWeight)( weight >= 0 ? pWeightNames[weight].nEnum : WEIGHT_DONTKNOW ); } FontWidth FontSubstConfiguration::getSubstWidth( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< XNameAccess > xFont, const rtl::OUString& rType ) const { int width = -1; try { Any aAny = xFont->getByName( rType ); if( aAny.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING ) { const OUString* pLine = (const OUString*)aAny.getValue(); if( pLine->getLength() ) { for( width=sizeof(pWidthNames)/sizeof(pWidthNames[0])-1; width >= 0; width-- ) if( pLine->equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( pWidthNames[width].pName ) ) break; } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 if( width < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Error: invalid width %s\n", OUStringToOString( *pLine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() ); #endif } } catch( NoSuchElementException ) { } catch( WrappedTargetException ) { } return (FontWidth)( width >= 0 ? pWidthNames[width].nEnum : WIDTH_DONTKNOW ); } unsigned long FontSubstConfiguration::getSubstType( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< XNameAccess > xFont, const rtl::OUString& rType ) const { unsigned long type = 0; try { Any aAny = xFont->getByName( rType ); if( aAny.getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING ) { const OUString* pLine = (const OUString*)aAny.getValue(); if( pLine->getLength() ) { sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; while( nIndex != -1 ) { String aToken( pLine->getToken( 0, ',', nIndex ) ); for( int k = 0; k < 32; k++ ) if( aToken.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pAttribNames[k] ) ) { type |= 1 << k; break; } } } } } catch( NoSuchElementException ) { } catch( WrappedTargetException ) { } return type; } void FontSubstConfiguration::readLocaleSubst( const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rLocale ) const { std::hash_map< Locale, LocaleSubst, LocaleHash >::const_iterator it = m_aSubst.find( rLocale ); if( it != m_aSubst.end() ) { if( ! it->second.bConfigRead ) { it->second.bConfigRead = true; Reference< XNameAccess > xNode; try { Any aAny = m_xConfigAccess->getByName( it->second.aConfigLocaleString ); aAny >>= xNode; } catch( NoSuchElementException ) { } catch( WrappedTargetException ) { } if( xNode.is() ) { Sequence< OUString > aFonts = xNode->getElementNames(); int nFonts = aFonts.getLength(); const OUString* pFontNames = aFonts.getConstArray(); // strings for subst retrieval, construct only once OUString aSubstFontsStr ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SubstFonts" ) ); OUString aSubstFontsMSStr ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SubstFontsMS" ) ); OUString aSubstFontsPSStr ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SubstFontsPS" ) ); OUString aSubstFontsHTMLStr ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "SubstFontsHTML" ) ); OUString aSubstWeightStr ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FontWeight" ) ); OUString aSubstWidthStr ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FontWidth" ) ); OUString aSubstTypeStr ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "FontType" ) ); for( int i = 0; i < nFonts; i++ ) { Reference< XNameAccess > xFont; try { Any aAny = xNode->getByName( pFontNames[i] ); aAny >>= xFont; } catch( NoSuchElementException ) { } catch( WrappedTargetException ) { } if( ! xFont.is() ) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "did not get font attributes for %s\n", OUStringToOString( pFontNames[i], RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr() ); #endif continue; } FontNameAttr aAttr; // read subst attributes from config aAttr.Name = pFontNames[i]; fillSubstVector( xFont, aSubstFontsStr, aAttr.Substitutions ); fillSubstVector( xFont, aSubstFontsMSStr, aAttr.MSSubstitutions ); fillSubstVector( xFont, aSubstFontsPSStr, aAttr.PSSubstitutions ); fillSubstVector( xFont, aSubstFontsHTMLStr, aAttr.HTMLSubstitutions ); aAttr.Weight = getSubstWeight( xFont, aSubstWeightStr ); aAttr.Width = getSubstWidth( xFont, aSubstWidthStr ); aAttr.Type = getSubstType( xFont, aSubstTypeStr ); // finally insert this entry it->second.aSubstAttributes.push_back( aAttr ); } std::sort( it->second.aSubstAttributes.begin(), it->second.aSubstAttributes.end(), StrictStringSort() ); } } } } const FontNameAttr* FontSubstConfiguration::getSubstInfo( const String& rFontName, const Locale& rLocale ) const { if( !rFontName.Len() ) return NULL; // search if a (language dep.) replacement table for the given font exists // fallback is english String aSearchFont( rFontName ); aSearchFont.ToLowerAscii(); FontNameAttr aSearchAttr; aSearchAttr.Name = aSearchFont; Locale aLocale; aLocale.Language = rLocale.Language.toAsciiLowerCase(); aLocale.Country = rLocale.Country.toAsciiUpperCase(); aLocale.Variant = rLocale.Variant.toAsciiUpperCase(); if( ! aLocale.Language.getLength() ) aLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale(); while( aLocale.Language.getLength() ) { std::hash_map< Locale, LocaleSubst, LocaleHash >::const_iterator lang = m_aSubst.find( aLocale ); if( lang != m_aSubst.end() ) { if( ! lang->second.bConfigRead ) readLocaleSubst( aLocale ); // try to find an exact match // because the list is sorted this will also find fontnames of the form searchfontname* std::vector< FontNameAttr >::const_iterator it = ::std::lower_bound( lang->second.aSubstAttributes.begin(), lang->second.aSubstAttributes.end(), aSearchAttr, StrictStringSort() ); if( it != lang->second.aSubstAttributes.end() && aSearchFont.CompareTo( it->Name, aSearchFont.Len() ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) return &(*it); } // gradually become more unspecific if( aLocale.Variant.getLength() ) aLocale.Variant = OUString(); else if( aLocale.Country.getLength() ) aLocale.Country = OUString(); else if( ! aLocale.Language.equalsAscii( "en" ) ) aLocale.Language = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "en" ) ); else aLocale.Language = OUString(); } return NULL; } /* * SettingsConfigItem::get */ SettingsConfigItem* SettingsConfigItem::get() { ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); if( ! pSVData->mpSettingsConfigItem ) pSVData->mpSettingsConfigItem = new SettingsConfigItem(); return pSVData->mpSettingsConfigItem; } /* * SettignsConfigItem constructor */ SettingsConfigItem::SettingsConfigItem() : ConfigItem( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( SETTINGS_CONFIGNODE ) ), CONFIG_MODE_DELAYED_UPDATE ) { getValues(); } /* * SettingsConfigItem destructor */ SettingsConfigItem::~SettingsConfigItem() { if( IsModified() ) Commit(); } /* * SettingsConfigItem::Commit */ void SettingsConfigItem::Commit() { if( ! IsValidConfigMgr() ) return; std::hash_map< OUString, std::hash_map< OUString, OUString, OUStringHash >, OUStringHash >::const_iterator group; for( group = m_aSettings.begin(); group != m_aSettings.end(); ++group ) { String aKeyName( group->first ); /*sal_Bool bAdded =*/ AddNode( OUString(), aKeyName ); Sequence< PropertyValue > aValues( group->second.size() ); PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getArray(); int nIndex = 0; std::hash_map< OUString, OUString, OUStringHash >::const_iterator it; for( it = group->second.begin(); it != group->second.end(); ++it ) { String aName( aKeyName ); aName.Append( '/' ); aName.Append( String( it->first ) ); pValues[nIndex].Name = aName; pValues[nIndex].Handle = 0; pValues[nIndex].Value <<= it->second; pValues[nIndex].State = PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE; nIndex++; } ReplaceSetProperties( aKeyName, aValues ); } } /* * SettingsConfigItem::Notify */ void SettingsConfigItem::Notify( const Sequence< OUString >& ) { getValues(); } /* * SettingsConfigItem::getValues */ void SettingsConfigItem::getValues() { if( ! IsValidConfigMgr() ) return; m_aSettings.clear(); int i, j; Sequence< OUString > aNames( GetNodeNames( OUString() ) ); for( j = 0; j < aNames.getLength(); j++ ) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 2 fprintf( stderr, "found settings data for \"%s\"\n", OUStringToOString( aNames.getConstArray()[j], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() ); #endif String aKeyName( aNames.getConstArray()[j] ); Sequence< OUString > aKeys( GetNodeNames( aKeyName ) ); Sequence< OUString > aSettingsKeys( aKeys.getLength() ); const OUString* pFrom = aKeys.getConstArray(); OUString* pTo = aSettingsKeys.getArray(); for( int m = 0; m < aKeys.getLength(); m++ ) { String aName( aKeyName ); aName.Append( '/' ); aName.Append( String( pFrom[m] ) ); pTo[m] = aName; } Sequence< Any > aValues( GetProperties( aSettingsKeys ) ); const Any* pValue = aValues.getConstArray(); for( i = 0; i < aValues.getLength(); i++, pValue++ ) { if( pValue->getValueTypeClass() == TypeClass_STRING ) { const OUString* pLine = (const OUString*)pValue->getValue(); if( pLine->getLength() ) m_aSettings[ aKeyName ][ pFrom[i] ] = *pLine; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 2 fprintf( stderr, " \"%s\"=\"%.30s\"\n", OUStringToOString( aKeys.getConstArray()[i], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr(), OUStringToOString( *pLine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() ); #endif } } } } /* * SettingsConfigItem::getDefaultFont */ const OUString& SettingsConfigItem::getValue( const OUString& rGroup, const OUString& rKey ) const { ::std::hash_map< OUString, ::std::hash_map< OUString, OUString, OUStringHash >, OUStringHash >::const_iterator group = m_aSettings.find( rGroup ); if( group == m_aSettings.end() || group->second.find( rKey ) == group->second.end() ) { static OUString aEmpty; return aEmpty; } return group->second.find(rKey)->second; } /* * SettingsConfigItem::setDefaultFont */ void SettingsConfigItem::setValue( const OUString& rGroup, const OUString& rKey, const OUString& rValue ) { bool bModified = m_aSettings[ rGroup ][ rKey ] != rValue; if( bModified ) { m_aSettings[ rGroup ][ rKey ] = rValue; SetModified(); } }