/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; // ----------------------- // - Default-Drawmethode - // ----------------------- static void ImplDrawDefault( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const UniString* pText, Font* pFont, const Bitmap* pBitmap, const BitmapEx* pBitmapEx, const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize ) { sal_uInt16 nPixel = (sal_uInt16) pOutDev->PixelToLogic( Size( 1, 1 ) ).Width(); sal_uInt16 nPixelWidth = nPixel; Point aPoint( rDestPt.X() + nPixelWidth, rDestPt.Y() + nPixelWidth ); Size aSize( rDestSize.Width() - ( nPixelWidth << 1 ), rDestSize.Height() - ( nPixelWidth << 1 ) ); sal_Bool bFilled = ( pBitmap != NULL || pBitmapEx != NULL || pFont != NULL ); Rectangle aBorderRect( aPoint, aSize ); pOutDev->Push(); pOutDev->SetFillColor(); // Auf dem Drucker ein schwarzes Rechteck und auf dem Bildschirm eins mit 3D-Effekt if ( pOutDev->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER ) pOutDev->SetLineColor( COL_BLACK ); else { aBorderRect.Left() += nPixel; aBorderRect.Top() += nPixel; pOutDev->SetLineColor( COL_LIGHTGRAY ); pOutDev->DrawRect( aBorderRect ); aBorderRect.Left() -= nPixel; aBorderRect.Top() -= nPixel; aBorderRect.Right() -= nPixel; aBorderRect.Bottom() -= nPixel; pOutDev->SetLineColor( COL_GRAY ); } pOutDev->DrawRect( aBorderRect ); aPoint.X() += nPixelWidth + 2*nPixel; aPoint.Y() += nPixelWidth + 2*nPixel; aSize.Width() -= 2*nPixelWidth + 4*nPixel; aSize.Height() -= 2*nPixelWidth + 4*nPixel; if( aSize.Width() > 0 && aSize.Height() > 0 && ( ( pBitmap && !!*pBitmap ) || ( pBitmapEx && !!*pBitmapEx ) ) ) { Size aBitmapSize( pOutDev->PixelToLogic( pBitmap ? pBitmap->GetSizePixel() : pBitmapEx->GetSizePixel() ) ); if( aSize.Height() > aBitmapSize.Height() && aSize.Width() > aBitmapSize.Width() ) { if ( pBitmap ) pOutDev->DrawBitmap( aPoint, *pBitmap ); else pOutDev->DrawBitmapEx( aPoint, *pBitmapEx ); aPoint.X() += aBitmapSize.Width() + 2*nPixel; aSize.Width() -= aBitmapSize.Width() + 2*nPixel; } } if ( aSize.Width() > 0 && aSize.Height() > 0 && pFont && pText && pText->Len() && !(!pOutDev->IsOutputEnabled() /*&& pOutDev->GetConnectMetaFile() */) ) { MapMode aMapMode( MAP_POINT ); Size aSz = pOutDev->LogicToLogic( Size( 0, 12 ), &aMapMode, NULL ); long nThreshold = aSz.Height() / 2; long nStep = nThreshold / 3; if ( !nStep ) nStep = aSz.Height() - nThreshold; for(;; aSz.Height() -= nStep ) { pFont->SetSize( aSz ); pOutDev->SetFont( *pFont ); long nTextHeight = pOutDev->GetTextHeight(); long nTextWidth = pOutDev->GetTextWidth( *pText ); if ( nTextHeight ) { // Die N"aherung ber"ucksichtigt keine Ungenauigkeiten durch // Wortumbr"uche long nLines = aSize.Height() / nTextHeight; long nWidth = aSize.Width() * nLines; // N"aherung!!! if ( nTextWidth <= nWidth || aSz.Height() <= nThreshold ) { sal_uInt16 nStart = 0; sal_uInt16 nLen = 0; while( nStart < pText->Len() && pText->GetChar( nStart ) == ' ' ) nStart++; while( nStart+nLen < pText->Len() && pText->GetChar( nStart+nLen ) != ' ' ) nLen++; while( nStart < pText->Len() && nLines-- ) { sal_uInt16 nNext = nLen; do { while ( nStart+nNext < pText->Len() && pText->GetChar( nStart+nNext ) == ' ' ) nNext++; while ( nStart+nNext < pText->Len() && pText->GetChar( nStart+nNext ) != ' ' ) nNext++; nTextWidth = pOutDev->GetTextWidth( *pText, nStart, nNext ); if ( nTextWidth > aSize.Width() ) break; nLen = nNext; } while ( nStart+nNext < pText->Len() ); sal_uInt16 n = nLen; nTextWidth = pOutDev->GetTextWidth( *pText, nStart, n ); while( nTextWidth > aSize.Width() ) nTextWidth = pOutDev->GetTextWidth( *pText, nStart, --n ); pOutDev->DrawText( aPoint, *pText, nStart, n ); aPoint.Y() += nTextHeight; nStart = sal::static_int_cast(nStart + nLen); nLen = nNext-nLen; while( nStart < pText->Len() && pText->GetChar( nStart ) == ' ' ) { nStart++; nLen--; } } break; } } else break; } } // Falls die Default-Graphik keinen Inhalt hat, // malen wir ein rotes Kreuz if( !bFilled ) { aBorderRect.Left()++; aBorderRect.Top()++; aBorderRect.Right()--; aBorderRect.Bottom()--; pOutDev->SetLineColor( COL_LIGHTRED ); pOutDev->DrawLine( aBorderRect.TopLeft(), aBorderRect.BottomRight() ); pOutDev->DrawLine( aBorderRect.TopRight(), aBorderRect.BottomLeft() ); } pOutDev->Pop(); } // ----------- // - Graphic - // ----------- TYPEINIT1_AUTOFACTORY( Graphic, SvDataCopyStream ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::Graphic() { mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::Graphic( const Graphic& rGraphic ) : SvDataCopyStream() { if( rGraphic.IsAnimated() ) mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic( *rGraphic.mpImpGraphic ); else { mpImpGraphic = rGraphic.mpImpGraphic; mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount++; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::Graphic( const Bitmap& rBmp ) { mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic( rBmp ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::Graphic( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) { mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic( rBmpEx ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::Graphic(const SvgDataPtr& rSvgDataPtr) { mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic(rSvgDataPtr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::Graphic( const Animation& rAnimation ) { mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic( rAnimation ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::Graphic( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) { mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic( rMtf ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::Graphic( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic >& rxGraphic ) { uno::Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel > xTunnel( rxGraphic, uno::UNO_QUERY ); uno::Reference< lang::XTypeProvider > xProv( rxGraphic, uno::UNO_QUERY ); const ::Graphic* pGraphic = ( ( xTunnel.is() && xProv.is() ) ? reinterpret_cast< ::Graphic* >( xTunnel->getSomething( xProv->getImplementationId() ) ) : NULL ); if( pGraphic ) { if( pGraphic->IsAnimated() ) mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic( *pGraphic->mpImpGraphic ); else { mpImpGraphic = pGraphic->mpImpGraphic; mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount++; } } else mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic::~Graphic() { if( mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount == 1UL ) delete mpImpGraphic; else mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount--; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::ImplTestRefCount() { if( mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount > 1UL ) { mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount--; mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic( *mpImpGraphic ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Graphic& Graphic::operator=( const Graphic& rGraphic ) { if( &rGraphic != this ) { if( rGraphic.IsAnimated() ) { if( mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount == 1UL ) delete mpImpGraphic; else mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount--; mpImpGraphic = new ImpGraphic( *rGraphic.mpImpGraphic ); } else { rGraphic.mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount++; if( mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount == 1UL ) delete mpImpGraphic; else mpImpGraphic->mnRefCount--; mpImpGraphic = rGraphic.mpImpGraphic; } } return *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::operator==( const Graphic& rGraphic ) const { return( *mpImpGraphic == *rGraphic.mpImpGraphic ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::operator!=( const Graphic& rGraphic ) const { return( *mpImpGraphic != *rGraphic.mpImpGraphic ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::operator!() const { return( GRAPHIC_NONE == mpImpGraphic->ImplGetType() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::Load( SvStream& rIStm ) { rIStm >> *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::Save( SvStream& rOStm ) { rOStm << *this; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::Assign( const SvDataCopyStream& rCopyStream ) { *this = (const Graphic& ) rCopyStream; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::Clear() { ImplTestRefCount(); mpImpGraphic->ImplClear(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GraphicType Graphic::GetType() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetType(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::SetDefaultType() { ImplTestRefCount(); mpImpGraphic->ImplSetDefaultType(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::IsSupportedGraphic() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplIsSupportedGraphic(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::IsTransparent() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplIsTransparent(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::IsAlpha() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplIsAlpha(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::IsAnimated() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplIsAnimated(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::IsEPS() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplIsEPS(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Graphic::GetBitmap(const GraphicConversionParameters& rParameters) const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetBitmap(rParameters); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BitmapEx Graphic::GetBitmapEx(const GraphicConversionParameters& rParameters) const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetBitmapEx(rParameters); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Animation Graphic::GetAnimation() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetAnimation(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ const GDIMetaFile& Graphic::GetGDIMetaFile() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetGDIMetaFile(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ uno::Reference< graphic::XGraphic > Graphic::GetXGraphic() const { uno::Reference< graphic::XGraphic > xRet; if( GetType() != GRAPHIC_NONE ) { uno::Reference < uno::XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); uno::Reference< graphic::XGraphicProvider > xProv( graphic::GraphicProvider::create( xContext ) ); uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aLoadProps( 1 ); ::rtl::OUString aURL( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "private:memorygraphic/" ) ); aLoadProps[ 0 ].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "URL" ) ); aLoadProps[ 0 ].Value <<= ( aURL += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( reinterpret_cast< sal_Int64 >( this ) ) ); xRet = xProv->queryGraphic( aLoadProps ); } return xRet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Size Graphic::GetPrefSize() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetPrefSize(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::SetPrefSize( const Size& rPrefSize ) { ImplTestRefCount(); mpImpGraphic->ImplSetPrefSize( rPrefSize ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MapMode Graphic::GetPrefMapMode() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetPrefMapMode(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::SetPrefMapMode( const MapMode& rPrefMapMode ) { ImplTestRefCount(); mpImpGraphic->ImplSetPrefMapMode( rPrefMapMode ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Size Graphic::GetSizePixel( const OutputDevice* pRefDevice ) const { Size aRet; if( GRAPHIC_BITMAP == mpImpGraphic->ImplGetType() ) aRet = mpImpGraphic->ImplGetBitmapEx(GraphicConversionParameters()).GetSizePixel(); else aRet = ( pRefDevice ? pRefDevice : Application::GetDefaultDevice() )->LogicToPixel( GetPrefSize(), GetPrefMapMode() ); return aRet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_uLong Graphic::GetSizeBytes() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetSizeBytes(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt ) const { mpImpGraphic->ImplDraw( pOutDev, rDestPt ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSz ) const { if( GRAPHIC_DEFAULT == mpImpGraphic->ImplGetType() ) ImplDrawDefault( pOutDev, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rDestPt, rDestSz ); else mpImpGraphic->ImplDraw( pOutDev, rDestPt, rDestSz ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::DrawEx( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const String& rText, Font& rFont, const BitmapEx& rBitmap, const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSz ) { ImplDrawDefault( pOutDev, &rText, &rFont, NULL, &rBitmap, rDestPt, rDestSz ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::StartAnimation( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSz, long nExtraData, OutputDevice* pFirstFrameOutDev ) { ImplTestRefCount(); mpImpGraphic->ImplStartAnimation( pOutDev, rDestPt, rDestSz, nExtraData, pFirstFrameOutDev ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::StopAnimation( OutputDevice* pOutDev, long nExtraData ) { ImplTestRefCount(); mpImpGraphic->ImplStopAnimation( pOutDev, nExtraData ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::SetAnimationNotifyHdl( const Link& rLink ) { mpImpGraphic->ImplSetAnimationNotifyHdl( rLink ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link Graphic::GetAnimationNotifyHdl() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetAnimationNotifyHdl(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_uLong Graphic::GetAnimationLoopCount() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetAnimationLoopCount(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GraphicReader* Graphic::GetContext() { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetContext(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::SetContext( GraphicReader* pReader ) { mpImpGraphic->ImplSetContext( pReader ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::SetDocFileName( const String& rName, sal_uLong nFilePos ) { mpImpGraphic->ImplSetDocFileName( rName, nFilePos ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ const String& Graphic::GetDocFileName() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetDocFileName(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_uLong Graphic::GetDocFilePos() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetDocFilePos(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::SwapOut() { ImplTestRefCount(); return mpImpGraphic->ImplSwapOut(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::SwapOut( SvStream* pOStream ) { ImplTestRefCount(); return mpImpGraphic->ImplSwapOut( pOStream ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::SwapIn() { ImplTestRefCount(); return mpImpGraphic->ImplSwapIn(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::SwapIn( SvStream* pStrm ) { ImplTestRefCount(); return mpImpGraphic->ImplSwapIn( pStrm ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::IsSwapOut() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplIsSwapOut(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Graphic::SetLink( const GfxLink& rGfxLink ) { ImplTestRefCount(); mpImpGraphic->ImplSetLink( rGfxLink ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GfxLink Graphic::GetLink() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetLink(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::IsLink() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplIsLink(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_uLong Graphic::GetChecksum() const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplGetChecksum(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool Graphic::ExportNative( SvStream& rOStream ) const { return mpImpGraphic->ImplExportNative( rOStream ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStream, Graphic& rGraphic ) { rGraphic.ImplTestRefCount(); return rIStream >> *rGraphic.mpImpGraphic; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStream, const Graphic& rGraphic ) { return rOStream << *rGraphic.mpImpGraphic; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SvgDataPtr& Graphic::getSvgData() const { return mpImpGraphic->getSvgData(); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */