/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: image.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:37 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #define _SV_IMAGE_CXX #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _STREAM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_RC_H #include #endif #ifndef _SV_RC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_RESMGR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SETTINGS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_IMAGE_H #include #endif #define private public #ifndef _SV_IMAGE_HXX #include #endif #undef private // ======================================================================= DBG_NAME( Image ); DBG_NAME( ImageList ); #define IMAGE_FILE_VERSION 100 // ======================================================================= ImplImageList::~ImplImageList() { if ( mpImageBitmap ) delete mpImageBitmap; delete mpAry; } // ======================================================================= ImplImageRefData::~ImplImageRefData() { mpImplData->mnIRefCount--; if ( mpImplData->mnRefCount || mpImplData->mnIRefCount ) { mpImplData->mpAry[mnIndex].mnRefCount--; if ( !mpImplData->mpAry[mnIndex].mnRefCount ) mpImplData->mnRealCount--; } else delete mpImplData; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImplImageRefData::IsEqual( const ImplImageRefData& rData ) { if ( (mpImplData == rData.mpImplData) && (mnIndex == rData.mnIndex) ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } // ======================================================================= ImplImageData::ImplImageData( const Bitmap& rBmp, const Bitmap& rMaskBmp ) : maBmp( rBmp ), maMaskBmp( rMaskBmp ) { mbColor = FALSE; mpImageBitmap = NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplImageData::ImplImageData( const Bitmap& rBmp, const Color& rColor ) : maBmp( rBmp ), maColor( rColor ) { mbColor = TRUE; mpImageBitmap = NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplImageData::~ImplImageData() { if ( mpImageBitmap ) delete mpImageBitmap; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImplImageData::IsEqual( const ImplImageData& rData ) { if ( (maBmp == rData.maBmp) && (maMaskBmp == rData.maMaskBmp) && (maColor == rData.maColor) && (mbColor == rData.mbColor) ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } // ======================================================================= ImplImage::~ImplImage() { switch ( meType ) { case IMAGETYPE_BITMAP: delete (Bitmap*)mpData; break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGE: delete (ImplImageData*)mpData; break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGEREF: delete (ImplImageRefData*)mpData; break; } } // ======================================================================= Image::Image() { DBG_CTOR( Image, NULL ); mpImplData = NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image::Image( const ResId& rResId ) { DBG_CTOR( Image, NULL ); rResId.SetRT( RSC_IMAGE ); ResMgr* pResMgr = rResId.GetResMgr(); if ( !pResMgr ) pResMgr = Resource::GetResManager(); if ( pResMgr->GetResource( rResId ) ) { // Header ueberspringen pResMgr->Increment( sizeof( RSHEADER_TYPE ) ); USHORT nObjMask = pResMgr->ReadShort(); Bitmap aImageBitmap; Bitmap aMaskBitmap; Color aMaskColor; if( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGE_IMAGEBITMAP ) { aImageBitmap = Bitmap( ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); pResMgr->Increment( pResMgr->GetObjSize( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); } if( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGE_MASKBITMAP ) { aMaskBitmap = Bitmap( ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); pResMgr->Increment( pResMgr->GetObjSize( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); } if( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGE_MASKCOLOR ) { aMaskColor = Color( ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); pResMgr->Increment( pResMgr->GetObjSize( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); } if ( !aImageBitmap ) mpImplData = NULL; else { mpImplData = new ImplImage; mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; if ( !aMaskBitmap ) { if( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGE_MASKCOLOR ) { mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_IMAGE; mpImplData->mpData = new ImplImageData( aImageBitmap, aMaskColor ); } else { mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_BITMAP; mpImplData->mpData = new Bitmap( aImageBitmap ); } } else { mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_IMAGE; mpImplData->mpData = new ImplImageData( aImageBitmap, aMaskBitmap ); } } } else { DBG_ERROR( "Image::Image( const ResId& rResId ): No resource!" ); mpImplData = NULL; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image::Image( const Image& rImage ) { DBG_CTOR( Image, NULL ); mpImplData = rImage.mpImplData; if ( mpImplData ) mpImplData->mnRefCount++; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image::Image( const Bitmap& rBitmap ) { DBG_CTOR( Image, NULL ); if ( !rBitmap ) mpImplData = NULL; else { mpImplData = new ImplImage; mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_BITMAP; mpImplData->mpData = new Bitmap( rBitmap ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image::Image( const Bitmap& rBitmap, const Bitmap& rMaskBitmap ) { DBG_CTOR( Image, NULL ); if ( !rBitmap ) mpImplData = NULL; else { mpImplData = new ImplImage; mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; if ( !rMaskBitmap ) { mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_BITMAP; mpImplData->mpData = new Bitmap( rBitmap ); } else { mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_IMAGE; mpImplData->mpData = new ImplImageData( rBitmap, rMaskBitmap ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image::Image( const Bitmap& rBitmap, const Color& rColor ) { DBG_CTOR( Image, NULL ); if ( !rBitmap ) mpImplData = NULL; else { mpImplData = new ImplImage; mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_IMAGE; mpImplData->mpData = new ImplImageData( rBitmap, rColor ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image::Image( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx ) { DBG_CTOR( Image, NULL ); const Bitmap aBmp( rBitmapEx.GetBitmap() ); if( !aBmp ) mpImplData = NULL; else { const Bitmap aMask( rBitmapEx.GetMask() ); mpImplData = new ImplImage; mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; if( !aMask ) { mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_BITMAP; mpImplData->mpData = new Bitmap( aBmp ); } else { mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_IMAGE; mpImplData->mpData = new ImplImageData( aBmp, aMask ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image::~Image() { DBG_DTOR( Image, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) { if ( mpImplData->mnRefCount > 1 ) mpImplData->mnRefCount--; else delete mpImplData; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size Image::GetSizePixel() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( Image, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) { switch ( mpImplData->meType ) { case IMAGETYPE_BITMAP: return ((Bitmap*)mpImplData->mpData)->GetSizePixel(); case IMAGETYPE_IMAGE: return ((ImplImageData*)mpImplData->mpData)->maBmp.GetSizePixel(); case IMAGETYPE_IMAGEREF: return ((ImplImageRefData*)mpImplData->mpData)->mpImplData->maImageSize; } } return Size(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image& Image::operator=( const Image& rImage ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( Image, NULL ); DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImage, Image, NULL ); // Zuerst Referenzcounter erhoehen, damit man sich selbst zuweisen kann if ( rImage.mpImplData ) rImage.mpImplData->mnRefCount++; // Abkoppeln if ( mpImplData ) { if ( mpImplData->mnRefCount > 1 ) mpImplData->mnRefCount--; else delete mpImplData; } // Neue Daten zuweisen mpImplData = rImage.mpImplData; return *this; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Image::operator==( const Image& rImage ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( Image, NULL ); DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImage, Image, NULL ); if ( rImage.mpImplData == mpImplData ) return TRUE; if ( !rImage.mpImplData || !mpImplData ) return FALSE; if ( rImage.mpImplData->mpData == mpImplData->mpData ) return TRUE; if ( rImage.mpImplData->meType == mpImplData->meType ) { switch ( mpImplData->meType ) { case IMAGETYPE_BITMAP: if ( *((Bitmap*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData) == *((Bitmap*)mpImplData->mpData) ) return TRUE; break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGE: if ( ((ImplImageData*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData)->IsEqual( *((ImplImageData*)mpImplData->mpData) ) ) return TRUE; break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGEREF: if ( ((ImplImageRefData*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData)->IsEqual( *((ImplImageRefData*)mpImplData->mpData) ) ) return TRUE; break; } } return FALSE; } // ======================================================================= static void ImplCopyImageListData( ImageList* pThis ) { if ( pThis->mpImplData->mnRefCount > 1 ) { pThis->mpImplData->mnRefCount--; ImplImageList* pNewData = new ImplImageList; pNewData->mnRefCount = 1; pNewData->mnIRefCount = 0; pNewData->mnCount = pThis->mpImplData->mnCount; pNewData->mnRealCount = pThis->mpImplData->mnRealCount; pNewData->mnArySize = pThis->mpImplData->mnArySize; pNewData->mpAry = new ImageAryData[pNewData->mnArySize]; pNewData->maImageSize = pThis->mpImplData->maImageSize; pNewData->mpImageBitmap = new ImplImageBmp; pNewData->mpImageBitmap->Create( pNewData->maImageSize.Width(), pNewData->maImageSize.Height(), pNewData->mnArySize ); memset( pNewData->mpAry, 0, pNewData->mnArySize*sizeof(ImageAryData) ); USHORT i = 0; USHORT n = 0; while ( i < pThis->mpImplData->mnArySize ) { // Nur die Images kopieren, die gebraucht werden if ( pThis->mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId ) { pNewData->mpAry[n].mnId = pThis->mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId; pNewData->mpAry[n].mnRefCount = 1; pNewData->mpImageBitmap->Replace( n, *(pThis->mpImplData->mpImageBitmap), i ); n++; } i++; } pThis->mpImplData = pNewData; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ImplBmpImageCreate( ImageList* pThis, const Bitmap& rBitmap, const Bitmap& rMaskBmp, const Color& rColor, BOOL bColor, USHORT nInit, USHORT* mpIdAry = NULL, USHORT nGrow = 4 ) { // Falls es sich um eine leere ImageListe handelt, dann Defaul-Werte // setzen und nichts machen if ( !nInit ) { pThis->mpImplData = NULL; pThis->mnInitSize = 1; pThis->mnGrowSize = nGrow; return; } DBG_ASSERT( !nInit || rBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width(), "ImageList::ImageList(): nInitSize != 0 and BmpSize.Width() == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( (rBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() % nInit) == 0, "ImageList::ImageList(): BmpSize % nInitSize != 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( !rMaskBmp || (rMaskBmp.GetSizePixel() == rBitmap.GetSizePixel()), "ImageList::ImageList(): BmpSize != MaskBmpSize" ); #ifdef DBG_UTIL if ( mpIdAry ) { for ( USHORT n1 = 0; n1 < nInit; n1++ ) { USHORT nId = mpIdAry[n1]; if ( !nId ) { DBG_ERROR( "ImageList::ImageList(): Id == 0" ); } for ( USHORT n2 = 0; n2 < n1; n2++ ) { if ( nId == mpIdAry[n2] ) { DBG_ERROR1( "ImageList::ImageList(): Double Id (%u)", nId ); } } } } #endif Size aBmpSize = rBitmap.GetSizePixel(); pThis->mnInitSize = nInit; pThis->mnGrowSize = nGrow; pThis->mpImplData = new ImplImageList; pThis->mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; pThis->mpImplData->mnIRefCount = 0; pThis->mpImplData->mnCount = nInit; pThis->mpImplData->mnRealCount = nInit; pThis->mpImplData->mnArySize = nInit; pThis->mpImplData->mpAry = new ImageAryData[nInit]; pThis->mpImplData->maImageSize = Size( aBmpSize.Width() / nInit, aBmpSize.Height() ); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nInit; i++ ) { if ( mpIdAry ) pThis->mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId = mpIdAry[i]; else pThis->mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId = i+1; pThis->mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnRefCount = 1; } pThis->mpImplData->mpImageBitmap = new ImplImageBmp; pThis->mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Create( rBitmap, rMaskBmp, rColor, bColor, pThis->mpImplData->maImageSize.Width(), pThis->mpImplData->maImageSize.Height(), nInit ); } // ======================================================================= ImageList::ImageList( USHORT nInit, USHORT nGrow ) { DBG_CTOR( ImageList, NULL ); mpImplData = NULL; mnInitSize = nInit; mnGrowSize = nGrow; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageList::ImageList( const ResId& rResId ) { DBG_CTOR( ImageList, NULL ); rResId.SetRT( RSC_IMAGELIST ); ResMgr* pResMgr = rResId.GetResMgr(); if ( !pResMgr ) pResMgr = Resource::GetResManager(); if ( pResMgr->GetResource( rResId ) ) { // Header ueberspringen pResMgr->Increment( sizeof( RSHEADER_TYPE ) ); USHORT nObjMask = pResMgr->ReadShort(); Bitmap aImageBitmap; Bitmap aMaskBitmap; Color aMaskColor; BOOL bCol = FALSE; BOOL bIsIdList = FALSE; if ( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGELIST_IMAGEBITMAP ) { aImageBitmap = Bitmap( ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); pResMgr->Increment( pResMgr->GetObjSize( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); } if ( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGELIST_MASKBITMAP ) { aMaskBitmap = Bitmap( ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); pResMgr->Increment( pResMgr->GetObjSize( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); } if ( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGELIST_MASKCOLOR ) { aMaskColor = Color( ResId( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); pResMgr->Increment( pResMgr->GetObjSize( (RSHEADER_TYPE*)pResMgr->GetClass() ) ); bCol = TRUE; } if ( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGELIST_IDLIST ) { bIsIdList = TRUE; USHORT nCount = pResMgr->ReadShort(); USHORT* pAry = new USHORT[ nCount ]; for( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) pAry[ i ] = pResMgr->ReadShort(); ImplBmpImageCreate( this, aImageBitmap, aMaskBitmap, aMaskColor, bCol, nCount, pAry, 4 ); delete pAry; } if ( nObjMask & RSC_IMAGELIST_IDCOUNT ) { USHORT nCount = pResMgr->ReadShort(); if ( !bIsIdList ) { ImplBmpImageCreate( this, aImageBitmap, aMaskBitmap, aMaskColor, bCol, nCount, NULL, 4 ); } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageList::ImageList( const ImageList& rImageList ) { DBG_CTOR( ImageList, NULL ); mpImplData = rImageList.mpImplData; if ( mpImplData ) mpImplData->mnRefCount++; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageList::ImageList( const Bitmap& rBitmap, USHORT nInit, USHORT* mpIdAry, USHORT nGrow ) { DBG_CTOR( ImageList, NULL ); ImplBmpImageCreate( this, rBitmap, Bitmap(), Color(), FALSE, nInit, mpIdAry, nGrow ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageList::ImageList( const Bitmap& rBitmap, const Bitmap& rMaskBmp, USHORT nInit, USHORT* mpIdAry, USHORT nGrow ) { DBG_CTOR( ImageList, NULL ); ImplBmpImageCreate( this, rBitmap, rMaskBmp, Color(), FALSE, nInit, mpIdAry, nGrow ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageList::ImageList( const Bitmap& rBitmap, const Color& rColor, USHORT nInit, USHORT* mpIdAry, USHORT nGrow ) { DBG_CTOR( ImageList, NULL ); ImplBmpImageCreate( this, rBitmap, Bitmap(), rColor, TRUE, nInit, mpIdAry, nGrow ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageList::~ImageList() { DBG_DTOR( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) { mpImplData->mnRefCount--; if ( !mpImplData->mnRefCount && !mpImplData->mnIRefCount ) delete mpImplData; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageList::AddImage( USHORT nId, const Image& rImage ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImage, Image, NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( nId, "ImageList::AddImage(): ImageId == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetImagePos( nId ) == IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND, "ImageList::AddImage() - ImageId already exists" ); DBG_ASSERT( rImage.mpImplData, "ImageList::AddImage(): Wrong Size" ); DBG_ASSERT( !mpImplData || (rImage.GetSizePixel() == mpImplData->maImageSize), "ImageList::AddImage(): Wrong Size" ); ImageType eImageType = rImage.mpImplData->meType; Size aImageSize = rImage.GetSizePixel(); USHORT nIndex; if ( !mpImplData ) { mpImplData = new ImplImageList; mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; mpImplData->mnIRefCount = 0; mpImplData->mnCount = 0; mpImplData->mnRealCount = 0; mpImplData->mnArySize = mnInitSize; mpImplData->mpAry = new ImageAryData[mnInitSize]; mpImplData->maImageSize = aImageSize; mpImplData->mpImageBitmap = new ImplImageBmp; mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Create( aImageSize.Width(), aImageSize.Height(), mnInitSize ); memset( mpImplData->mpAry, 0, mpImplData->mnArySize*sizeof(ImageAryData) ); } else ImplCopyImageListData( this ); // Gegebenenfalls unser Array erweitern und freien Index ermitteln if ( mpImplData->mnRealCount == mpImplData->mnArySize ) { ImageAryData* pOldAry = mpImplData->mpAry; USHORT nOldSize = mpImplData->mnArySize; mpImplData->mnArySize += mnGrowSize; mpImplData->mpAry = new ImageAryData[mpImplData->mnArySize]; memset( mpImplData->mpAry, 0, mpImplData->mnArySize*sizeof(ImageAryData) ); memcpy( mpImplData->mpAry, pOldAry, nOldSize*sizeof(ImageAryData) ); mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Expand( mnGrowSize ); delete pOldAry; nIndex = mpImplData->mnRealCount; } else { nIndex = 0; while ( mpImplData->mpAry[nIndex].mnRefCount ) nIndex++; } // Image in Bitmap einfuegen switch ( eImageType ) { case IMAGETYPE_BITMAP: mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Replace( nIndex, *((Bitmap*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData) ); break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGE: { ImplImageData* pData = (ImplImageData*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData; if ( pData->mpImageBitmap ) mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Replace( nIndex, *(pData->mpImageBitmap), 0 ); else { if ( pData->mbColor ) mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Replace( nIndex, pData->maBmp, pData->maColor ); else mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Replace( nIndex, pData->maBmp, pData->maMaskBmp ); } } break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGEREF: { ImplImageRefData* pData = (ImplImageRefData*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData; mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Replace( nIndex, *(pData->mpImplData->mpImageBitmap), pData->mnIndex ); } break; } // Array-Daten updaten mpImplData->mnCount++; mpImplData->mnRealCount++; mpImplData->mpAry[nIndex].mnId = nId; mpImplData->mpAry[nIndex].mnRefCount = 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageList::CopyImage( USHORT nId, USHORT nCopyId ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( nId, "ImageList::CopyImage(): ImageId == 0" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetImagePos( nId ) == IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND, "ImageList::CopyImage(): ImageId already exists" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetImagePos( nCopyId ) != IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND, "ImageList::CopyImage(): Unknown nCopyId" ); USHORT nIndex; USHORT nCopyIndex = 0; // Index von CopyId holen while ( nCopyIndex < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[nCopyIndex].mnId == nCopyId ) break; nCopyIndex++; } if ( nCopyIndex >= mpImplData->mnArySize ) return; // Referenz-Counter ueberpruefen ImplCopyImageListData( this ); // Gegebenenfalls unser Array erweitern if ( mpImplData->mnRealCount == mpImplData->mnArySize ) { ImageAryData* pOldAry = mpImplData->mpAry; USHORT nOldSize = mpImplData->mnArySize; mpImplData->mnArySize += mnGrowSize; mpImplData->mpAry = new ImageAryData[mpImplData->mnArySize]; memset( mpImplData->mpAry, 0, mpImplData->mnArySize*sizeof(ImageAryData) ); memcpy( mpImplData->mpAry, pOldAry, nOldSize*sizeof(ImageAryData) ); mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Expand( mnGrowSize ); delete pOldAry; nIndex = mpImplData->mnRealCount; } else { nIndex = 0; while ( mpImplData->mpAry[nIndex].mnRefCount ) nIndex++; } // Kopieren mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Replace( nIndex, *(mpImplData->mpImageBitmap), nCopyIndex ); // Array-Daten updaten mpImplData->mnCount++; mpImplData->mnRealCount++; mpImplData->mpAry[nIndex].mnId = nId; mpImplData->mpAry[nIndex].mnRefCount = 1; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageList::ReplaceImage( USHORT nId, const Image& rImage ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImage, Image, NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( GetImagePos( nId ) != IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND, "ImageList::ReplaceImage(): Unknown nId" ); RemoveImage( nId ); AddImage( nId, rImage ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageList::ReplaceImage( USHORT nId, USHORT nReplaceId ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( GetImagePos( nId ) != IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND, "ImageList::ReplaceImage(): Unknown nId" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetImagePos( nReplaceId ) != IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND, "ImageList::ReplaceImage(): Unknown nReplaceId" ); USHORT nPos1 = 0; USHORT nPos2 = 0; // Index von Id holen while ( nPos1 < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[nPos1].mnId == nId ) break; nPos1++; } if ( nPos1 >= mpImplData->mnArySize ) return; // Index von ReplaceId holen while ( nPos2 < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[nPos2].mnId == nReplaceId ) break; nPos2++; } if ( nPos2 >= mpImplData->mnArySize ) return; // Referenz-Counter ueberpruefen ImplCopyImageListData( this ); // Ersetzen mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Replace( nPos1, nPos2 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageList::MergeImage( USHORT nId, USHORT nMergeId ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( GetImagePos( nId ) != IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND, "ImageList::MergeImage(): Unknown nId" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetImagePos( nMergeId ) != IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND, "ImageList::MergeImage(): Unknown nMergeId" ); USHORT nPos1 = 0; USHORT nPos2 = 0; // Index von Id holen while ( nPos1 < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[nPos1].mnId == nId ) break; nPos1++; } if ( nPos1 >= mpImplData->mnArySize ) return; // Index von MergeId holen while ( nPos2 < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[nPos2].mnId == nMergeId ) break; nPos2++; } if ( nPos2 >= mpImplData->mnArySize ) return; // Referenz-Counter ueberpruefen ImplCopyImageListData( this ); // Ersetzen mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Merge( nPos1, nPos2 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageList::RemoveImage( USHORT nId ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) { ImplCopyImageListData( this ); USHORT i = 0; while ( i < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId == nId ) break; i++; } if ( i < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnRefCount--; mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId = 0; if ( !mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnRefCount ) mpImplData->mnRealCount--; mpImplData->mnCount--; } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Image ImageList::GetImage( USHORT nId ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); Image aImage; if ( mpImplData ) { USHORT i = 0; while ( i < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId == nId ) break; i++; } if ( i < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { ImplImageRefData* mpData = new ImplImageRefData; mpImplData->mnIRefCount++; mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnRefCount++; mpData->mpImplData = mpImplData; mpData->mnIndex = i; aImage.mpImplData = new ImplImage; aImage.mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; aImage.mpImplData->meType = IMAGETYPE_IMAGEREF; aImage.mpImplData->mpData = mpData; } } return aImage; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageList::Clear() { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) { if ( mpImplData->mnRefCount > 1 ) mpImplData->mnRefCount--; else delete mpImplData; } mpImplData = 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ImageList::GetImageCount() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) return mpImplData->mnCount; else return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ImageList::GetImagePos( USHORT nId ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData && nId ) { USHORT nPos = 0; USHORT i = 0; while ( i < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId == nId ) return nPos; if ( mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId ) nPos++; i++; } } return IMAGELIST_IMAGE_NOTFOUND; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT ImageList::GetImageId( USHORT nPos ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) { USHORT nRealPos = 0; USHORT i = 0; while ( i < mpImplData->mnArySize ) { if ( (nPos == nRealPos) && (mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId) ) return mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId; if ( mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId ) nRealPos++; i++; } } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size ImageList::GetImageSize() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) return mpImplData->maImageSize; else return Size(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap ImageList::GetBitmap() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); Bitmap aBmp; if ( mpImplData ) { // Positionen ermitteln, die in der Bitmap enthalten sein sollen USHORT* mpPosAry = new USHORT[mpImplData->mnCount]; USHORT nPosCount = 0; for ( USHORT i = 0; i < mpImplData->mnArySize; i++ ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId ) { mpPosAry[nPosCount] = i; nPosCount++; } } // Bitmap besorgen aBmp = mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->GetBitmap( nPosCount, mpPosAry ); // Temporaeres Array loeschen delete mpPosAry; } return aBmp; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap ImageList::GetMaskBitmap() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); Bitmap aBmp; if ( HasMaskBitmap() ) { // Positionen ermitteln, die in der Bitmap enthalten sein sollen USHORT* mpPosAry = new USHORT[mpImplData->mnCount]; USHORT nPosCount = 0; for ( USHORT i = 0; i < mpImplData->mnArySize; i++ ) { if ( mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId ) { mpPosAry[nPosCount] = i; nPosCount++; } } // Bitmap besorgen aBmp = mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->GetMaskBitmap( nPosCount, mpPosAry ); // Temporaeres Array loeschen delete mpPosAry; } return aBmp; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImageList::HasMaskBitmap() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) return mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->HasMaskBitmap(); else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Color ImageList::GetMaskColor() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); Color aColor; if ( HasMaskColor() ) aColor = mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->GetMaskColor(); return aColor; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImageList::HasMaskColor() const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); if ( mpImplData ) return mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->HasMaskColor(); else return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageList& ImageList::operator=( const ImageList& rImageList ) { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImageList, ImageList, NULL ); // Zuerst Referenzcounter erhoehen, damit man sich selbst zuweisen kann if ( rImageList.mpImplData ) rImageList.mpImplData->mnRefCount++; // Abkoppeln if ( mpImplData ) { mpImplData->mnRefCount--; if ( !mpImplData->mnRefCount && !mpImplData->mnIRefCount ) delete mpImplData; } // Neue Daten zuweisen mpImplData = rImageList.mpImplData; mnInitSize = rImageList.mnInitSize; mnGrowSize = rImageList.mnGrowSize; return *this; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImageList::operator==( const ImageList& rImageList ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( ImageList, NULL ); DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImageList, ImageList, NULL ); if ( rImageList.mpImplData == mpImplData ) return TRUE; if ( !rImageList.mpImplData || !mpImplData ) return FALSE; if ( (rImageList.mpImplData->mnCount == mpImplData->mnCount) && (rImageList.mpImplData->maImageSize == mpImplData->maImageSize) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStream, ImageList& rImageList ) { DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImageList, ImageList, NULL ); // Falls es eine bestehende ImageListe ist, dann erst abkoppeln if ( rImageList.mpImplData ) { rImageList.mpImplData->mnRefCount--; if ( !rImageList.mpImplData->mnRefCount && !rImageList.mpImplData->mnIRefCount ) delete rImageList.mpImplData; } rImageList.mpImplData = NULL; // Daten lesen USHORT nVersion; Size aImageSize; BOOL bImageList; rIStream >> nVersion; rIStream >> rImageList.mnInitSize; rIStream >> rImageList.mnGrowSize; rIStream >> bImageList; // Wenn es eine leere ImageListe ist, dann brauchen wir nicht weiter lesen if ( !bImageList ) return rIStream; // Image-Groesse lesen rIStream >> aImageSize.Width(); rIStream >> aImageSize.Height(); // Image-Daten anlegen und initialisieren rImageList.mpImplData = new ImplImageList; rImageList.mpImplData->mnRefCount = 1; rImageList.mpImplData->mnIRefCount = 0; rImageList.mpImplData->mnCount = rImageList.mnInitSize; rImageList.mpImplData->mnRealCount = rImageList.mnInitSize; rImageList.mpImplData->mnArySize = rImageList.mnInitSize; rImageList.mpImplData->mpAry = new ImageAryData[rImageList.mnInitSize]; rImageList.mpImplData->maImageSize = aImageSize; // Array mit ID's lesen und initialisieren for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rImageList.mnInitSize; i++ ) { rIStream >> rImageList.mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId; rImageList.mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnRefCount = 1; } // Bitmaps lesen Bitmap aBitmap; Bitmap aMaskBitmap; Color aMaskColor; BYTE bMaskBitmap; BYTE bMaskColor; rIStream >> aBitmap; rIStream >> bMaskBitmap; if ( bMaskBitmap ) rIStream >> aMaskBitmap; rIStream >> bMaskColor; if ( bMaskColor ) rIStream >> aMaskColor; // Systemdaten anlegen rImageList.mpImplData->mpImageBitmap = new ImplImageBmp; rImageList.mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Create( aBitmap, aMaskBitmap, aMaskColor, bMaskColor, aImageSize.Width(), aImageSize.Height(), rImageList.mnInitSize ); return rIStream; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStream, const ImageList& rImageList ) { DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImageList, ImageList, NULL ); BOOL bImageList = (rImageList.mpImplData) ? TRUE : FALSE; USHORT nVersion = IMAGE_FILE_VERSION; rOStream << nVersion; // Wenn es eine leere ImageListe ist, dann nur InitSize und // GrowSize schreiben if ( !bImageList || !rImageList.mpImplData->mnCount ) { BOOL bSaveImageList = FALSE; rOStream << rImageList.mnInitSize; rOStream << rImageList.mnGrowSize; rOStream << bSaveImageList; return rOStream; } // Normale Daten schreiben rOStream << rImageList.mpImplData->mnCount; rOStream << rImageList.mnGrowSize; rOStream << bImageList; rOStream << rImageList.mpImplData->maImageSize.Width(); rOStream << rImageList.mpImplData->maImageSize.Height(); // Array schreiben und feststellen, welche Eintraege gespeichert werden // muessen USHORT* mpPosAry = new USHORT[rImageList.mpImplData->mnCount]; USHORT nPosCount = 0; for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rImageList.mpImplData->mnArySize; i++ ) { if ( rImageList.mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId ) { rOStream << rImageList.mpImplData->mpAry[i].mnId; mpPosAry[nPosCount] = i; nPosCount++; } } // Bitmaps rausschreiben Bitmap aBmp; BYTE bMaskBitmap = (BYTE)rImageList.mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->HasMaskBitmap(); BYTE bMaskColor = (BYTE)rImageList.mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->HasMaskColor(); aBmp = rImageList.mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->GetBitmap( nPosCount, mpPosAry ); rOStream << aBmp; rOStream << bMaskBitmap; if ( bMaskBitmap ) { aBmp = rImageList.mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->GetMaskBitmap( nPosCount, mpPosAry ); rOStream << aBmp; } rOStream << bMaskColor; if ( bMaskColor ) { Color aColor = rImageList.mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->GetMaskColor(); rOStream << aColor; } // Temporaeres Array loeschen delete mpPosAry; return rOStream; } // ======================================================================= void OutputDevice::DrawImage( const Point& rPos, const Image& rImage, USHORT nStyle ) { DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImage, Image, NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER, "DrawImage(): Images can't be drawn on any mprinter" ); if( !rImage.mpImplData ) return; switch( rImage.mpImplData->meType ) { case IMAGETYPE_BITMAP: { DrawBitmap( rPos, *((Bitmap*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData) ); } break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGE: { ImplImageData* pData = (ImplImageData*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData; if ( !pData->mpImageBitmap ) { Size aSize = pData->maBmp.GetSizePixel(); pData->mpImageBitmap = new ImplImageBmp; pData->mpImageBitmap->Create( pData->maBmp, pData->maMaskBmp, pData->maColor, pData->mbColor, aSize.Width(), aSize.Height(), 1 ); } pData->mpImageBitmap->Draw( 0, this, rPos, nStyle ); } break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGEREF: { ImplImageRefData* pData = (ImplImageRefData*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData; pData->mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Draw( pData->mnIndex, this, rPos, nStyle ); } break; } } // ======================================================================= void OutputDevice::DrawImage( const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, const Image& rImage, USHORT nStyle ) { DBG_CHKOBJ( &rImage, Image, NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( GetOutDevType() != OUTDEV_PRINTER, "DrawImage(): Images can't be drawn on any mprinter" ); if( !rImage.mpImplData ) return; switch( rImage.mpImplData->meType ) { case IMAGETYPE_BITMAP: { DrawBitmap( rPos, rSize, *((Bitmap*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData) ); } break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGE: { ImplImageData* pData = (ImplImageData*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData; if ( !pData->mpImageBitmap ) { Size aSize = pData->maBmp.GetSizePixel(); pData->mpImageBitmap = new ImplImageBmp; pData->mpImageBitmap->Create( pData->maBmp, pData->maMaskBmp, pData->maColor, pData->mbColor, aSize.Width(), aSize.Height(), 1 ); } pData->mpImageBitmap->Draw( 0, this, rPos, nStyle, &rSize ); } break; case IMAGETYPE_IMAGEREF: { ImplImageRefData* pData = (ImplImageRefData*)rImage.mpImplData->mpData; pData->mpImplData->mpImageBitmap->Draw( pData->mnIndex, this, rPos, nStyle, &rSize ); } break; } }