/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: imgcons.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:37 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include // ------------------- // - ImplColorMapper - // ------------------- class ImplColorMapper { Color maCol; ULONG mnR; ULONG mnG; ULONG mnB; ULONG mnT; ULONG mnRShift; ULONG mnGShift; ULONG mnBShift; ULONG mnTShift; ULONG ImplCalcMaskShift( ULONG nVal ); public: ImplColorMapper( ULONG nRMask, ULONG nGMask, ULONG nBMask, ULONG nTMask ); ~ImplColorMapper(); const Color& ImplGetColor( ULONG nColor ) { maCol.SetRed( (UINT8) ( ( nColor & mnR ) >> mnRShift ) ); maCol.SetGreen( (UINT8) ( ( nColor & mnG ) >> mnGShift ) ); maCol.SetBlue( (UINT8) ( ( nColor & mnB ) >> mnBShift ) ); maCol.SetTransparency( (UINT8) ( ( nColor & mnT ) >> mnTShift ) ); return maCol; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplColorMapper::ImplColorMapper( ULONG nRMask, ULONG nGMask, ULONG nBMask, ULONG nTMask ) : mnR( nRMask ), mnG( nGMask ), mnB( nBMask ), mnT( nTMask ) { mnRShift = ImplCalcMaskShift( mnR ); mnGShift = ImplCalcMaskShift( mnG ); mnBShift = ImplCalcMaskShift( mnB ); mnTShift = ImplCalcMaskShift( mnT ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImplColorMapper::~ImplColorMapper() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG ImplColorMapper::ImplCalcMaskShift( ULONG nVal ) { DBG_ASSERT( nVal > 0, "Mask has no value!" ); ULONG nRet = 0UL; for( ULONG i = 0UL; i < 32; i++ ) { if( nVal & ( 1UL << i ) ) { nRet = i; break; } } return nRet; } // ----------------- // - ImageConsumer - // ----------------- ImageConsumer::ImageConsumer() : mnStatus( 0UL ), mpPal ( NULL ), mpMapper( NULL ), mbTrans ( FALSE ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImageConsumer::~ImageConsumer() { delete[] mpPal; delete mpMapper; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageConsumer::Init( ULONG nWidth, ULONG nHeight ) { maSize = Size( nWidth, nHeight ); maBitmap = maMask = Bitmap(); mnStatus = 0UL; mbTrans = FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageConsumer::SetColorModel( USHORT nBitCount, ULONG nPalEntries, const ULONG* pRGBAPal, ULONG nRMask, ULONG nGMask, ULONG nBMask, ULONG nAMask ) { DBG_ASSERT( maSize.Width() && maSize.Height(), "Missing call to ImageConsumer::Init(...)!" ); BitmapPalette aPal( Min( (USHORT) nPalEntries, (USHORT) 256 ) ); if( nPalEntries ) { BitmapColor aCol; const ULONG* pTmp = pRGBAPal; delete mpMapper; mpMapper = NULL; delete[] mpPal; mpPal = new Color[ nPalEntries ]; for( ULONG i = 0; i < nPalEntries; i++, pTmp++ ) { Color& rCol = mpPal[ i ]; BYTE cVal; cVal = (BYTE) ( ( *pTmp & 0xff000000UL ) >> 24UL ); rCol.SetRed( cVal ); if( i < 256UL ) aPal[ (USHORT) i ].SetRed( cVal ); cVal = (BYTE) ( ( *pTmp & 0x00ff0000UL ) >> 16UL ); rCol.SetGreen( cVal ); if( i < 256UL ) aPal[ (USHORT) i ].SetGreen( cVal ); cVal = (BYTE) ( ( *pTmp & 0x0000ff00UL ) >> 8UL ); rCol.SetBlue( cVal ); if( i < 256UL ) aPal[ (USHORT) i ].SetBlue( cVal ); rCol.SetTransparency( (BYTE) ( ( *pTmp & 0x000000ffUL ) ) ); } if( nBitCount <= 1 ) nBitCount = 1; else if( nBitCount <= 4 ) nBitCount = 4; else if( nBitCount <= 8 ) nBitCount = 8; else nBitCount = 24; } else { delete mpMapper; mpMapper = new ImplColorMapper( nRMask, nGMask, nBMask, nAMask ); delete[] mpPal; mpPal = NULL; nBitCount = 24; } if( !maBitmap ) { maBitmap = Bitmap( maSize, nBitCount, &aPal ); maMask = Bitmap( maSize, 1 ); maMask.Erase( COL_BLACK ); mbTrans = FALSE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageConsumer::SetPixelsByBytes( ULONG nConsX, ULONG nConsY, ULONG nConsWidth, ULONG nConsHeight, const BYTE* pData, ULONG nOffset, ULONG nScanSize ) { DBG_ASSERT( !!maBitmap && !!maMask, "Missing call to ImageConsumer::SetColorModel(...)!" ); BitmapWriteAccess* pBmpAcc = maBitmap.AcquireWriteAccess(); BitmapWriteAccess* pMskAcc = maMask.AcquireWriteAccess(); if( pBmpAcc && pMskAcc ) { const long nWidth = pBmpAcc->Width(); const long nHeight = pBmpAcc->Height(); maChangedRect = Rectangle( Point(), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) ); maChangedRect.Intersection( Rectangle( Point( nConsX, nConsY ), Size( nConsWidth, nConsHeight ) ) ); if( !maChangedRect.IsEmpty() ) { const long nStartX = maChangedRect.Left(); const long nEndX = maChangedRect.Right(); const long nStartY = maChangedRect.Top(); const long nEndY = maChangedRect.Bottom(); if( mpMapper && ( pBmpAcc->GetBitCount() > 8 ) ) { BitmapColor aCol; BitmapColor aMskWhite( pMskAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ ) { const BYTE* pTmp = pData + ( nY - nStartY ) * nScanSize + nOffset; for( long nX = nStartX; nX <= nEndX; nX++ ) { const Color& rCol = mpMapper->ImplGetColor( *pTmp++ ); // 0: Transparent; >0: Non-Transparent if( !rCol.GetTransparency() ) { pMskAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aMskWhite ); mbTrans = TRUE; } else { aCol.SetRed( rCol.GetRed() ); aCol.SetGreen( rCol.GetGreen() ); aCol.SetBlue( rCol.GetBlue() ); pBmpAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aCol ); } } } DataChanged(); } else if( mpPal && ( pBmpAcc->GetBitCount() <= 8 ) ) { BitmapColor aIndex( (BYTE) 0 ); BitmapColor aMskWhite( pMskAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ ) { const BYTE* pTmp = pData + ( nY - nStartY ) * nScanSize + nOffset; for( long nX = nStartX; nX <= nEndX; nX++ ) { const BYTE cIndex = *pTmp++; const Color& rCol = mpPal[ cIndex ]; // 0: Transparent; >0: Non-Transparent if( !rCol.GetTransparency() ) { pMskAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aMskWhite ); mbTrans = TRUE; } else { aIndex.SetIndex( cIndex ); pBmpAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aIndex ); } } } DataChanged(); } else if( mpPal && ( pBmpAcc->GetBitCount() > 8 ) ) { BitmapColor aCol; BitmapColor aMskWhite( pMskAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ ) { const BYTE* pTmp = pData + ( nY - nStartY ) * nScanSize + nOffset; for( long nX = nStartX; nX <= nEndX; nX++ ) { const BYTE cIndex = *pTmp++; const Color& rCol = mpPal[ cIndex ]; // 0: Transparent; >0: Non-Transparent if( !rCol.GetTransparency() ) { pMskAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aMskWhite ); mbTrans = TRUE; } else { aCol.SetRed( rCol.GetRed() ); aCol.SetGreen( rCol.GetGreen() ); aCol.SetBlue( rCol.GetBlue() ); pBmpAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aCol ); } } } DataChanged(); } else { DBG_ERROR( "Producer format error!" ); maChangedRect.SetEmpty(); } } } else maChangedRect.SetEmpty(); maBitmap.ReleaseAccess( pBmpAcc ); maMask.ReleaseAccess( pMskAcc ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageConsumer::SetPixelsByLongs( ULONG nConsX, ULONG nConsY, ULONG nConsWidth, ULONG nConsHeight, const ULONG* pData, ULONG nOffset, ULONG nScanSize ) { DBG_ASSERT( !!maBitmap && !!maMask, "Missing call to ImageConsumer::SetColorModel(...)!" ); BitmapWriteAccess* pBmpAcc = maBitmap.AcquireWriteAccess(); BitmapWriteAccess* pMskAcc = maMask.AcquireWriteAccess(); if( pBmpAcc && pMskAcc ) { const long nWidth = pBmpAcc->Width(); const long nHeight = pBmpAcc->Height(); maChangedRect = Rectangle( Point(), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) ); maChangedRect.Intersection( Rectangle( Point( nConsX, nConsY ), Size( nConsWidth, nConsHeight ) ) ); if( !maChangedRect.IsEmpty() ) { const long nStartX = maChangedRect.Left(); const long nEndX = maChangedRect.Right(); const long nStartY = maChangedRect.Top(); const long nEndY = maChangedRect.Bottom(); if( mpMapper && ( pBmpAcc->GetBitCount() > 8 ) ) { BitmapColor aCol; BitmapColor aMskWhite( pMskAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ ) { const ULONG* pTmp = pData + ( nY - nStartY ) * nScanSize + nOffset; for( long nX = nStartX; nX <= nEndX; nX++ ) { const Color& rCol = mpMapper->ImplGetColor( *pTmp++ ); // 0: Transparent; >0: Non-Transparent if( !rCol.GetTransparency() ) { pMskAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aMskWhite ); mbTrans = TRUE; } else { aCol.SetRed( rCol.GetRed() ); aCol.SetGreen( rCol.GetGreen() ); aCol.SetBlue( rCol.GetBlue() ); pBmpAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aCol ); } } } DataChanged(); } else if( mpPal && ( pBmpAcc->GetBitCount() <= 8 ) ) { BitmapColor aIndex( (BYTE) 0 ); BitmapColor aMskWhite( pMskAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ ) { const ULONG* pTmp = pData + ( nY - nStartY ) * nScanSize + nOffset; for( long nX = nStartX; nX <= nEndX; nX++ ) { const ULONG nIndex = *pTmp++; const Color& rCol = mpPal[ nIndex ]; // 0: Transparent; >0: Non-Transparent if( !rCol.GetTransparency() ) { pMskAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aMskWhite ); mbTrans = TRUE; } else { aIndex.SetIndex( (BYTE) nIndex ); pBmpAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aIndex ); } } } DataChanged(); } else if( mpPal && ( pBmpAcc->GetBitCount() > 8 ) ) { BitmapColor aCol; BitmapColor aMskWhite( pMskAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ) ); for( long nY = nStartY; nY <= nEndY; nY++ ) { const ULONG* pTmp = pData + ( nY - nStartY ) * nScanSize + nOffset; for( long nX = nStartX; nX <= nEndX; nX++ ) { const ULONG nIndex = *pTmp++; const Color& rCol = mpPal[ nIndex ]; // 0: Transparent; >0: Non-Transparent if( !rCol.GetTransparency() ) { pMskAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aMskWhite ); mbTrans = TRUE; } else { aCol.SetRed( rCol.GetRed() ); aCol.SetGreen( rCol.GetGreen() ); aCol.SetBlue( rCol.GetBlue() ); pBmpAcc->SetPixel( nY, nX, aCol ); } } } DataChanged(); } else { DBG_ERROR( "Producer format error!" ); maChangedRect.SetEmpty(); } } } else maChangedRect.SetEmpty(); maBitmap.ReleaseAccess( pBmpAcc ); maMask.ReleaseAccess( pMskAcc ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageConsumer::Completed( ULONG nStatus /*, ImageProducer& rProducer */ ) { delete mpMapper; mpMapper = NULL; delete[] mpPal; mpPal = NULL; maSize = Size(); mnStatus = nStatus; switch( nStatus ) { case( SINGLEFRAMEDONE ): case( STATICIMAGEDONE ): { if( !mbTrans ) maMask = Bitmap(); } break; case( IMAGEERROR ): case( IMAGEABORTED ): maBitmap = maMask = Bitmap(); break; default: break; } // rProducer.RemoveConsumer( *this ); if( maDoneLink.IsSet() ) maDoneLink.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImageConsumer::DataChanged() { if( maChgLink.IsSet() ) maChgLink.Call( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG ImageConsumer::GetStatus() const { return mnStatus; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImageConsumer::GetData( BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) const { const BOOL bRet = ( SINGLEFRAMEDONE == mnStatus || STATICIMAGEDONE == mnStatus ); if( bRet ) { if( !!maMask ) rBmpEx = BitmapEx( maBitmap, maMask ); else rBmpEx = BitmapEx( maBitmap ); } return bRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ImageConsumer::GetData( Image& rImage ) const { const BOOL bRet = ( SINGLEFRAMEDONE == mnStatus || STATICIMAGEDONE == mnStatus ); if( bRet ) { if( !!maMask ) rImage = Image( maBitmap, maMask ); else rImage = Image( maBitmap ); } return bRet; }