/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <tools/vcompat.hxx>
#include <tools/helpers.hxx>
#include <vcl/dibtools.hxx>
#include <vcl/filter/SvmReader.hxx>
#include <vcl/filter/SvmWriter.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/metaact.hxx>
#include <vcl/graphictools.hxx>
#include <unotools/fontdefs.hxx>
#include <vcl/TypeSerializer.hxx>


void ImplScalePoint( Point& rPt, double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    rPt.setX( FRound( fScaleX * rPt.X() ) );
    rPt.setY( FRound( fScaleY * rPt.Y() ) );

void ImplScaleRect( tools::Rectangle& rRect, double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    Point aTL( rRect.TopLeft() );
    Point aBR( rRect.BottomRight() );

    ImplScalePoint( aTL, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScalePoint( aBR, fScaleX, fScaleY );

    rRect = tools::Rectangle( aTL, aBR );

void ImplScalePoly( tools::Polygon& rPoly, double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = rPoly.GetSize(); i < nCount; i++ )
        ImplScalePoint( rPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY );

void ImplScaleLineInfo( LineInfo& rLineInfo, double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    if( !rLineInfo.IsDefault() )
        const double fScale = ( fabs(fScaleX) + fabs(fScaleY) ) * 0.5;

        rLineInfo.SetWidth( FRound( fScale * rLineInfo.GetWidth() ) );
        rLineInfo.SetDashLen( FRound( fScale * rLineInfo.GetDashLen() ) );
        rLineInfo.SetDotLen( FRound( fScale * rLineInfo.GetDotLen() ) );
        rLineInfo.SetDistance( FRound( fScale * rLineInfo.GetDistance() ) );

} //anonymous namespace

MetaAction::MetaAction() :
    mnType( MetaActionType::NONE )

MetaAction::MetaAction( MetaActionType nType ) :
    mnType( nType )

MetaAction::MetaAction( MetaAction const & rOther ) :
    SimpleReferenceObject(), mnType( rOther.mnType )


void MetaAction::Execute( OutputDevice* )

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaAction;

void MetaAction::Move( tools::Long, tools::Long )

void MetaAction::Scale( double, double )

void MetaAction::ReadColor(SvStream& rIStm, ::Color& rColor)
    sal_uInt32 nTmp;
    rColor = ::Color(ColorTransparency, nTmp);

void MetaAction::WriteColor(SvStream& rIStm, ::Color aColor)

MetaPixelAction::MetaPixelAction() :


MetaPixelAction::MetaPixelAction( const Point& rPt, const Color& rColor ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::PIXEL ),
    maPt        ( rPt ),
    maColor     ( rColor )

void MetaPixelAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawPixel( maPt, maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaPixelAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaPixelAction( *this );

void MetaPixelAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaPixelAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaPointAction::MetaPointAction() :


MetaPointAction::MetaPointAction( const Point& rPt ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::POINT ),
    maPt        ( rPt )

void MetaPointAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawPixel( maPt );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaPointAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaPointAction( *this );

void MetaPointAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaPointAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaLineAction::MetaLineAction() :


MetaLineAction::MetaLineAction( const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::LINE ),
    maStartPt   ( rStart ),
    maEndPt     ( rEnd )

MetaLineAction::MetaLineAction( const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd,
                                const LineInfo& rLineInfo ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::LINE ),
    maLineInfo  ( rLineInfo ),
    maStartPt   ( rStart ),
    maEndPt     ( rEnd )

void MetaLineAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( maLineInfo.IsDefault() )
        pOut->DrawLine( maStartPt, maEndPt );
        pOut->DrawLine( maStartPt, maEndPt, maLineInfo );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaLineAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaLineAction( *this );

void MetaLineAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maStartPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );
    maEndPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaLineAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScalePoint( maEndPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScaleLineInfo( maLineInfo, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaRectAction::MetaRectAction() :


MetaRectAction::MetaRectAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::RECT ),
    maRect      ( rRect )

void MetaRectAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawRect( maRect );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaRectAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaRectAction( *this );

void MetaRectAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaRectAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaRoundRectAction::MetaRoundRectAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::ROUNDRECT ),
    mnHorzRound ( 0 ),
    mnVertRound ( 0 )


MetaRoundRectAction::MetaRoundRectAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect,
                                          sal_uInt32 nHorzRound, sal_uInt32 nVertRound ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::ROUNDRECT ),
    maRect      ( rRect ),
    mnHorzRound ( nHorzRound ),
    mnVertRound ( nVertRound )

void MetaRoundRectAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawRect( maRect, mnHorzRound, mnVertRound );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaRoundRectAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaRoundRectAction( *this );

void MetaRoundRectAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaRoundRectAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    mnHorzRound = FRound( mnHorzRound * fabs(fScaleX) );
    mnVertRound = FRound( mnVertRound * fabs(fScaleY) );

MetaEllipseAction::MetaEllipseAction() :


MetaEllipseAction::MetaEllipseAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::ELLIPSE ),
    maRect      ( rRect )

void MetaEllipseAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawEllipse( maRect );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaEllipseAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaEllipseAction( *this );

void MetaEllipseAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaEllipseAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaArcAction::MetaArcAction() :


MetaArcAction::MetaArcAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect,
                              const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::ARC ),
    maRect      ( rRect ),
    maStartPt   ( rStart ),
    maEndPt     ( rEnd )

void MetaArcAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawArc( maRect, maStartPt, maEndPt );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaArcAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaArcAction( *this );

void MetaArcAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );
    maStartPt.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );
    maEndPt.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaArcAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScalePoint( maEndPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaPieAction::MetaPieAction() :


MetaPieAction::MetaPieAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect,
                              const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::PIE ),
    maRect      ( rRect ),
    maStartPt   ( rStart ),
    maEndPt     ( rEnd )

void MetaPieAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawPie( maRect, maStartPt, maEndPt );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaPieAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaPieAction( *this );

void MetaPieAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );
    maStartPt.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );
    maEndPt.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaPieAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScalePoint( maEndPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaChordAction::MetaChordAction() :


MetaChordAction::MetaChordAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect,
                                  const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::CHORD ),
    maRect      ( rRect ),
    maStartPt   ( rStart ),
    maEndPt     ( rEnd )

void MetaChordAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawChord( maRect, maStartPt, maEndPt );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaChordAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaChordAction( *this );

void MetaChordAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );
    maStartPt.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );
    maEndPt.Move(  nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaChordAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScalePoint( maEndPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaPolyLineAction::MetaPolyLineAction() :


MetaPolyLineAction::MetaPolyLineAction( const tools::Polygon& rPoly ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::POLYLINE ),
    maPoly      ( rPoly )

MetaPolyLineAction::MetaPolyLineAction( const tools::Polygon& rPoly, const LineInfo& rLineInfo ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::POLYLINE ),
    maLineInfo  ( rLineInfo ),
    maPoly      ( rPoly )

void MetaPolyLineAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( maLineInfo.IsDefault() )
        pOut->DrawPolyLine( maPoly );
        pOut->DrawPolyLine( maPoly, maLineInfo );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaPolyLineAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaPolyLineAction( *this );

void MetaPolyLineAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaPolyLineAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoly( maPoly, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    ImplScaleLineInfo( maLineInfo, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaPolygonAction::MetaPolygonAction() :


MetaPolygonAction::MetaPolygonAction( const tools::Polygon& rPoly ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::POLYGON ),
    maPoly      ( rPoly )

void MetaPolygonAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawPolygon( maPoly );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaPolygonAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaPolygonAction( *this );

void MetaPolygonAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaPolygonAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoly( maPoly, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaPolyPolygonAction::MetaPolyPolygonAction() :


MetaPolyPolygonAction::MetaPolyPolygonAction( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::POLYPOLYGON ),
    maPolyPoly  ( rPolyPoly )

void MetaPolyPolygonAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawPolyPolygon( maPolyPoly );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaPolyPolygonAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaPolyPolygonAction( *this );

void MetaPolyPolygonAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPolyPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaPolyPolygonAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = maPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ )
        ImplScalePoly( maPolyPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaTextAction::MetaTextAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXT ),
    mnIndex     ( 0 ),
    mnLen       ( 0 )


MetaTextAction::MetaTextAction( const Point& rPt, const OUString& rStr,
                                sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nLen ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXT ),
    maPt        ( rPt ),
    maStr       ( rStr ),
    mnIndex     ( nIndex ),
    mnLen       ( nLen )

void MetaTextAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawText( maPt, maStr, mnIndex, mnLen );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextAction( *this );

void MetaTextAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaTextAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaTextArrayAction::MetaTextArrayAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTARRAY ),
    mnIndex     ( 0 ),
    mnLen       ( 0 )

MetaTextArrayAction::MetaTextArrayAction( const MetaTextArrayAction& rAction ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTARRAY ),
    maStartPt   ( rAction.maStartPt ),
    maStr       ( rAction.maStr ),
    mnIndex     ( rAction.mnIndex ),
    mnLen       ( rAction.mnLen )
    if( rAction.mpDXAry )
        mpDXAry.reset( new tools::Long[ mnLen ] );
        memcpy( mpDXAry.get(), rAction.mpDXAry.get(), mnLen * sizeof( tools::Long ) );

MetaTextArrayAction::MetaTextArrayAction( const Point& rStartPt,
                                          const OUString& rStr,
                                          const tools::Long* pDXAry,
                                          sal_Int32 nIndex,
                                          sal_Int32 nLen ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTARRAY ),
    maStartPt   ( rStartPt ),
    maStr       ( rStr ),
    mnIndex     ( nIndex ),
    mnLen       ( nLen )
    const sal_Int32 nAryLen = pDXAry ? mnLen : 0;

    if (nAryLen > 0)
        mpDXAry.reset( new tools::Long[ nAryLen ] );
        memcpy( mpDXAry.get(), pDXAry, nAryLen * sizeof(tools::Long) );


void MetaTextArrayAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawTextArray( maStartPt, maStr, mpDXAry.get(), mnIndex, mnLen );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextArrayAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextArrayAction( *this );

void MetaTextArrayAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maStartPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaTextArrayAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

    if ( mpDXAry && mnLen )
        for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = mnLen; i < nCount; i++ )
            mpDXAry[ i ] = FRound( mpDXAry[ i ] * fabs(fScaleX) );

void MetaTextArrayAction::SetDXArray(std::unique_ptr<tools::Long[]> aArray)
    mpDXAry = std::move(aArray);

MetaStretchTextAction::MetaStretchTextAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::STRETCHTEXT ),
    mnWidth     ( 0 ),
    mnIndex     ( 0 ),
    mnLen       ( 0 )


MetaStretchTextAction::MetaStretchTextAction( const Point& rPt, sal_uInt32 nWidth,
                                              const OUString& rStr,
                                              sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nLen ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::STRETCHTEXT ),
    maPt        ( rPt ),
    maStr       ( rStr ),
    mnWidth     ( nWidth ),
    mnIndex     ( nIndex ),
    mnLen       ( nLen )

void MetaStretchTextAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawStretchText( maPt, mnWidth, maStr, mnIndex, mnLen );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaStretchTextAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaStretchTextAction( *this );

void MetaStretchTextAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaStretchTextAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    mnWidth = static_cast<sal_uLong>(FRound( mnWidth * fabs(fScaleX) ));
MetaTextRectAction::MetaTextRectAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTRECT ),
    mnStyle     ( DrawTextFlags::NONE )


MetaTextRectAction::MetaTextRectAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect,
                                        const OUString& rStr, DrawTextFlags nStyle ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTRECT ),
    maRect      ( rRect ),
    maStr       ( rStr ),
    mnStyle     ( nStyle )

void MetaTextRectAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawText( maRect, maStr, mnStyle );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextRectAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextRectAction( *this );

void MetaTextRectAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaTextRectAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaTextLineAction::MetaTextLineAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTLINE ),
    mnWidth     ( 0 ),
    meStrikeout ( STRIKEOUT_NONE ),
    meUnderline ( LINESTYLE_NONE ),
    meOverline  ( LINESTYLE_NONE )


MetaTextLineAction::MetaTextLineAction( const Point& rPos, tools::Long nWidth,
                                        FontStrikeout eStrikeout,
                                        FontLineStyle eUnderline,
                                        FontLineStyle eOverline ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTLINE ),
    maPos       ( rPos ),
    mnWidth     ( nWidth ),
    meStrikeout ( eStrikeout ),
    meUnderline ( eUnderline ),
    meOverline  ( eOverline )

void MetaTextLineAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawTextLine( maPos, mnWidth, meStrikeout, meUnderline, meOverline );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextLineAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextLineAction( *this );

void MetaTextLineAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPos.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaTextLineAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maPos, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    mnWidth = FRound( mnWidth * fabs(fScaleX) );

MetaBmpAction::MetaBmpAction() :


MetaBmpAction::MetaBmpAction( const Point& rPt, const Bitmap& rBmp ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::BMP ),
    maBmp       ( rBmp ),
    maPt        ( rPt )

void MetaBmpAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawBitmap( maPt, maBmp );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaBmpAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaBmpAction( *this );

void MetaBmpAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaBmpAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaBmpScaleAction::MetaBmpScaleAction() :


MetaBmpScaleAction::MetaBmpScaleAction( const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
                                        const Bitmap& rBmp ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::BMPSCALE ),
    maBmp       ( rBmp ),
    maPt        ( rPt ),
    maSz        ( rSz )

void MetaBmpScaleAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawBitmap( maPt, maSz, maBmp );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaBmpScaleAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaBmpScaleAction( *this );

void MetaBmpScaleAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaBmpScaleAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle(maPt, maSz);
    ImplScaleRect( aRectangle, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maPt = aRectangle.TopLeft();
    maSz = aRectangle.GetSize();

MetaBmpScalePartAction::MetaBmpScalePartAction() :


MetaBmpScalePartAction::MetaBmpScalePartAction( const Point& rDstPt, const Size& rDstSz,
                                                const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz,
                                                const Bitmap& rBmp ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::BMPSCALEPART ),
    maBmp       ( rBmp ),
    maDstPt     ( rDstPt ),
    maDstSz     ( rDstSz ),
    maSrcPt     ( rSrcPt ),
    maSrcSz     ( rSrcSz )

void MetaBmpScalePartAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawBitmap( maDstPt, maDstSz, maSrcPt, maSrcSz, maBmp );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaBmpScalePartAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaBmpScalePartAction( *this );

void MetaBmpScalePartAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maDstPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaBmpScalePartAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle(maDstPt, maDstSz);
    ImplScaleRect( aRectangle, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maDstPt = aRectangle.TopLeft();
    maDstSz = aRectangle.GetSize();

MetaBmpExAction::MetaBmpExAction() :


MetaBmpExAction::MetaBmpExAction( const Point& rPt, const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::BMPEX ),
    maBmpEx     ( rBmpEx ),
    maPt        ( rPt )

void MetaBmpExAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawBitmapEx( maPt, maBmpEx );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaBmpExAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaBmpExAction( *this );

void MetaBmpExAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaBmpExAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaBmpExScaleAction::MetaBmpExScaleAction() :


MetaBmpExScaleAction::MetaBmpExScaleAction( const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
                                            const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE ),
    maBmpEx     ( rBmpEx ),
    maPt        ( rPt ),
    maSz        ( rSz )

void MetaBmpExScaleAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawBitmapEx( maPt, maSz, maBmpEx );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaBmpExScaleAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaBmpExScaleAction( *this );

void MetaBmpExScaleAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaBmpExScaleAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle(maPt, maSz);
    ImplScaleRect( aRectangle, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maPt = aRectangle.TopLeft();
    maSz = aRectangle.GetSize();

MetaBmpExScalePartAction::MetaBmpExScalePartAction() :


MetaBmpExScalePartAction::MetaBmpExScalePartAction( const Point& rDstPt, const Size& rDstSz,
                                                    const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz,
                                                    const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALEPART ),
    maBmpEx     ( rBmpEx ),
    maDstPt     ( rDstPt ),
    maDstSz     ( rDstSz ),
    maSrcPt     ( rSrcPt ),
    maSrcSz     ( rSrcSz )

void MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawBitmapEx( maDstPt, maDstSz, maSrcPt, maSrcSz, maBmpEx );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaBmpExScalePartAction( *this );

void MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maDstPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle(maDstPt, maDstSz);
    ImplScaleRect( aRectangle, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maDstPt = aRectangle.TopLeft();
    maDstSz = aRectangle.GetSize();

MetaMaskAction::MetaMaskAction() :


MetaMaskAction::MetaMaskAction( const Point& rPt,
                                const Bitmap& rBmp,
                                const Color& rColor ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::MASK ),
    maBmp       ( rBmp ),
    maColor     ( rColor ),
    maPt        ( rPt )

void MetaMaskAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawMask( maPt, maBmp, maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaMaskAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaMaskAction( *this );

void MetaMaskAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaMaskAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaMaskScaleAction::MetaMaskScaleAction() :


MetaMaskScaleAction::MetaMaskScaleAction( const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
                                          const Bitmap& rBmp,
                                          const Color& rColor ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::MASKSCALE ),
    maBmp       ( rBmp ),
    maColor     ( rColor ),
    maPt        ( rPt ),
    maSz        ( rSz )

void MetaMaskScaleAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawMask( maPt, maSz, maBmp, maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaMaskScaleAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaMaskScaleAction( *this );

void MetaMaskScaleAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaMaskScaleAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle(maPt, maSz);
    ImplScaleRect( aRectangle, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maPt = aRectangle.TopLeft();
    maSz = aRectangle.GetSize();

MetaMaskScalePartAction::MetaMaskScalePartAction() :


MetaMaskScalePartAction::MetaMaskScalePartAction( const Point& rDstPt, const Size& rDstSz,
                                                  const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz,
                                                  const Bitmap& rBmp,
                                                  const Color& rColor ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::MASKSCALEPART ),
    maBmp       ( rBmp ),
    maColor     ( rColor ),
    maDstPt     ( rDstPt ),
    maDstSz     ( rDstSz ),
    maSrcPt     ( rSrcPt ),
    maSrcSz     ( rSrcSz )

void MetaMaskScalePartAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawMask( maDstPt, maDstSz, maSrcPt, maSrcSz, maBmp, maColor, MetaActionType::MASKSCALE );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaMaskScalePartAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaMaskScalePartAction( *this );

void MetaMaskScalePartAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maDstPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaMaskScalePartAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle(maDstPt, maDstSz);
    ImplScaleRect( aRectangle, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maDstPt = aRectangle.TopLeft();
    maDstSz = aRectangle.GetSize();

MetaGradientAction::MetaGradientAction() :


MetaGradientAction::MetaGradientAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect, const Gradient& rGradient ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::GRADIENT ),
    maRect      ( rRect ),
    maGradient  ( rGradient )

void MetaGradientAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawGradient( maRect, maGradient );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaGradientAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaGradientAction( *this );

void MetaGradientAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaGradientAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaGradientExAction::MetaGradientExAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::GRADIENTEX )

MetaGradientExAction::MetaGradientExAction( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::GRADIENTEX ),
    maPolyPoly  ( rPolyPoly ),
    maGradient  ( rGradient )


void MetaGradientExAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( pOut->GetConnectMetaFile() )
        pOut->GetConnectMetaFile()->AddAction( this );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaGradientExAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaGradientExAction( *this );

void MetaGradientExAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPolyPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaGradientExAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = maPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ )
        ImplScalePoly( maPolyPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaHatchAction::MetaHatchAction() :


MetaHatchAction::MetaHatchAction( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Hatch& rHatch ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::HATCH ),
    maPolyPoly  ( rPolyPoly ),
    maHatch     ( rHatch )

void MetaHatchAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawHatch( maPolyPoly, maHatch );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaHatchAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaHatchAction( *this );

void MetaHatchAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPolyPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaHatchAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = maPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ )
        ImplScalePoly( maPolyPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaWallpaperAction::MetaWallpaperAction() :


MetaWallpaperAction::MetaWallpaperAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect,
                                          const Wallpaper& rPaper ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::WALLPAPER ),
    maRect      ( rRect ),
    maWallpaper ( rPaper )

void MetaWallpaperAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawWallpaper( maRect, maWallpaper );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaWallpaperAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaWallpaperAction( *this );

void MetaWallpaperAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaWallpaperAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaClipRegionAction::MetaClipRegionAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::CLIPREGION ),
    mbClip      ( false )


MetaClipRegionAction::MetaClipRegionAction( const vcl::Region& rRegion, bool bClip ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::CLIPREGION ),
    maRegion    ( rRegion ),
    mbClip      ( bClip )

void MetaClipRegionAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( mbClip )
        pOut->SetClipRegion( maRegion );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaClipRegionAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaClipRegionAction( *this );

void MetaClipRegionAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRegion.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaClipRegionAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    maRegion.Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::MetaISectRectClipRegionAction() :


MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::MetaISectRectClipRegionAction( const tools::Rectangle& rRect ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::ISECTRECTCLIPREGION ),
    maRect      ( rRect )

void MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->IntersectClipRegion( maRect );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaISectRectClipRegionAction( *this );

void MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction() :


MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction( const vcl::Region& rRegion ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::ISECTREGIONCLIPREGION ),
    maRegion    ( rRegion )

void MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->IntersectClipRegion( maRegion );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction( *this );

void MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maRegion.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    maRegion.Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaMoveClipRegionAction::MetaMoveClipRegionAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::MOVECLIPREGION ),
    mnHorzMove  ( 0 ),
    mnVertMove  ( 0 )


MetaMoveClipRegionAction::MetaMoveClipRegionAction( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::MOVECLIPREGION ),
    mnHorzMove  ( nHorzMove ),
    mnVertMove  ( nVertMove )

void MetaMoveClipRegionAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->MoveClipRegion( mnHorzMove, mnVertMove );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaMoveClipRegionAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaMoveClipRegionAction( *this );

void MetaMoveClipRegionAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    mnHorzMove = FRound( mnHorzMove * fScaleX );
    mnVertMove = FRound( mnVertMove * fScaleY );

MetaLineColorAction::MetaLineColorAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::LINECOLOR ),
    mbSet       ( false )


MetaLineColorAction::MetaLineColorAction( const Color& rColor, bool bSet ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::LINECOLOR ),
    maColor     ( rColor ),
    mbSet       ( bSet )

void MetaLineColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( mbSet )
        pOut->SetLineColor( maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaLineColorAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaLineColorAction( *this );

MetaFillColorAction::MetaFillColorAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::FILLCOLOR ),
    mbSet       ( false )


MetaFillColorAction::MetaFillColorAction( const Color& rColor, bool bSet ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::FILLCOLOR ),
    maColor     ( rColor ),
    mbSet       ( bSet )

void MetaFillColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( mbSet )
        pOut->SetFillColor( maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaFillColorAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaFillColorAction( *this );

MetaTextColorAction::MetaTextColorAction() :


MetaTextColorAction::MetaTextColorAction( const Color& rColor ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTCOLOR ),
    maColor     ( rColor )

void MetaTextColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->SetTextColor( maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextColorAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextColorAction( *this );

MetaTextFillColorAction::MetaTextFillColorAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTFILLCOLOR ),
    mbSet       ( false )


MetaTextFillColorAction::MetaTextFillColorAction( const Color& rColor, bool bSet ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTFILLCOLOR ),
    maColor     ( rColor ),
    mbSet       ( bSet )

void MetaTextFillColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( mbSet )
        pOut->SetTextFillColor( maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextFillColorAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextFillColorAction( *this );

MetaTextLineColorAction::MetaTextLineColorAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTLINECOLOR ),
    mbSet       ( false )


MetaTextLineColorAction::MetaTextLineColorAction( const Color& rColor, bool bSet ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTLINECOLOR ),
    maColor     ( rColor ),
    mbSet       ( bSet )

void MetaTextLineColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( mbSet )
        pOut->SetTextLineColor( maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextLineColorAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextLineColorAction( *this );

MetaOverlineColorAction::MetaOverlineColorAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::OVERLINECOLOR ),
    mbSet       ( false )


MetaOverlineColorAction::MetaOverlineColorAction( const Color& rColor, bool bSet ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::OVERLINECOLOR ),
    maColor     ( rColor ),
    mbSet       ( bSet )

void MetaOverlineColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( mbSet )
        pOut->SetOverlineColor( maColor );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaOverlineColorAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaOverlineColorAction( *this );

MetaTextAlignAction::MetaTextAlignAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTALIGN ),
    maAlign     ( ALIGN_TOP )


MetaTextAlignAction::MetaTextAlignAction( TextAlign aAlign ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTALIGN ),
    maAlign     ( aAlign )

void MetaTextAlignAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->SetTextAlign( maAlign );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextAlignAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextAlignAction( *this );

MetaMapModeAction::MetaMapModeAction() :


MetaMapModeAction::MetaMapModeAction( const MapMode& rMapMode ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::MAPMODE ),
    maMapMode   ( rMapMode )

void MetaMapModeAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->SetMapMode( maMapMode );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaMapModeAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaMapModeAction( *this );

void MetaMapModeAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    Point aPoint( maMapMode.GetOrigin() );

    ImplScalePoint( aPoint, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maMapMode.SetOrigin( aPoint );

MetaFontAction::MetaFontAction() :


MetaFontAction::MetaFontAction( const vcl::Font& rFont ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::FONT ),
    maFont      ( rFont )
    // #96876: because RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL is often set at the StarSymbol font,
    // we change the textencoding to RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE here, which seems
    // to be the right way; changing the textencoding at other sources
    // is too dangerous at the moment
    if ( IsStarSymbol( maFont.GetFamilyName() )
        && ( maFont.GetCharSet() != RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE ) )
        maFont.SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE );

void MetaFontAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->SetFont( maFont );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaFontAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaFontAction( *this );

void MetaFontAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    const Size aSize(
        FRound(maFont.GetFontSize().Width() * fabs(fScaleX)),
        FRound(maFont.GetFontSize().Height() * fabs(fScaleY)));
    maFont.SetFontSize( aSize );

MetaPushAction::MetaPushAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::PUSH ),
    mnFlags     ( PushFlags::NONE )


MetaPushAction::MetaPushAction( PushFlags nFlags ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::PUSH ),
    mnFlags     ( nFlags )

void MetaPushAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->Push( mnFlags );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaPushAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaPushAction( *this );

MetaPopAction::MetaPopAction() :


void MetaPopAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaPopAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaPopAction( *this );

MetaRasterOpAction::MetaRasterOpAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::RASTEROP ),
    meRasterOp  ( RasterOp::OverPaint )


MetaRasterOpAction::MetaRasterOpAction( RasterOp eRasterOp ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::RASTEROP ),
    meRasterOp  ( eRasterOp )

void MetaRasterOpAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->SetRasterOp( meRasterOp );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaRasterOpAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaRasterOpAction( *this );

MetaTransparentAction::MetaTransparentAction() :
    MetaAction      ( MetaActionType::Transparent ),
    mnTransPercent  ( 0 )


MetaTransparentAction::MetaTransparentAction( const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, sal_uInt16 nTransPercent ) :
    MetaAction      ( MetaActionType::Transparent ),
    maPolyPoly      ( rPolyPoly ),
    mnTransPercent  ( nTransPercent )

void MetaTransparentAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawTransparent( maPolyPoly, mnTransPercent );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTransparentAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTransparentAction( *this );

void MetaTransparentAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPolyPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaTransparentAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    for( sal_uInt16 i = 0, nCount = maPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ )
        ImplScalePoly( maPolyPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY );

MetaFloatTransparentAction::MetaFloatTransparentAction() :


MetaFloatTransparentAction::MetaFloatTransparentAction( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const Point& rPos,
                                                        const Size& rSize, const Gradient& rGradient ) :
    MetaAction      ( MetaActionType::FLOATTRANSPARENT ),
    maMtf           ( rMtf ),
    maPoint         ( rPos ),
    maSize          ( rSize ),
    maGradient      ( rGradient )

void MetaFloatTransparentAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawTransparent( maMtf, maPoint, maSize, maGradient );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaFloatTransparentAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaFloatTransparentAction( *this );

void MetaFloatTransparentAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPoint.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaFloatTransparentAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle(maPoint, maSize);
    ImplScaleRect( aRectangle, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maPoint = aRectangle.TopLeft();
    maSize = aRectangle.GetSize();

MetaEPSAction::MetaEPSAction() :


MetaEPSAction::MetaEPSAction( const Point& rPoint, const Size& rSize,
                              const GfxLink& rGfxLink, const GDIMetaFile& rSubst ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::EPS ),
    maGfxLink   ( rGfxLink ),
    maSubst     ( rSubst ),
    maPoint     ( rPoint ),
    maSize      ( rSize )

void MetaEPSAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->DrawEPS( maPoint, maSize, maGfxLink, &maSubst );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaEPSAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaEPSAction( *this );

void MetaEPSAction::Move( tools::Long nHorzMove, tools::Long nVertMove )
    maPoint.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove );

void MetaEPSAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY )
    tools::Rectangle aRectangle(maPoint, maSize);
    ImplScaleRect( aRectangle, fScaleX, fScaleY );
    maPoint = aRectangle.TopLeft();
    maSize = aRectangle.GetSize();

MetaRefPointAction::MetaRefPointAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::REFPOINT ),
    mbSet       ( false )


MetaRefPointAction::MetaRefPointAction( const Point& rRefPoint, bool bSet ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::REFPOINT ),
    maRefPoint  ( rRefPoint ),
    mbSet       ( bSet )

void MetaRefPointAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if( mbSet )
        pOut->SetRefPoint( maRefPoint );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaRefPointAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaRefPointAction( *this );

MetaCommentAction::MetaCommentAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::COMMENT ),
    mnValue     ( 0 )
    ImplInitDynamicData( nullptr, 0UL );

MetaCommentAction::MetaCommentAction( const MetaCommentAction& rAct ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::COMMENT ),
    maComment   ( rAct.maComment ),
    mnValue     ( rAct.mnValue )
    ImplInitDynamicData( rAct.mpData.get(), rAct.mnDataSize );

MetaCommentAction::MetaCommentAction( const OString& rComment, sal_Int32 nValue, const sal_uInt8* pData, sal_uInt32 nDataSize ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::COMMENT ),
    maComment   ( rComment ),
    mnValue     ( nValue )
    ImplInitDynamicData( pData, nDataSize );


void MetaCommentAction::ImplInitDynamicData( const sal_uInt8* pData, sal_uInt32 nDataSize )
    if ( nDataSize && pData )
        mnDataSize = nDataSize;
        mpData.reset( new sal_uInt8[ mnDataSize ] );
        memcpy( mpData.get(), pData, mnDataSize );
        mnDataSize = 0;
        mpData = nullptr;

void MetaCommentAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    if ( pOut->GetConnectMetaFile() )
        pOut->GetConnectMetaFile()->AddAction( this );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaCommentAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaCommentAction( *this );

void MetaCommentAction::Move( tools::Long nXMove, tools::Long nYMove )
    if ( !(nXMove || nYMove) )

    if ( !(mnDataSize && mpData) )

    bool bPathStroke = (maComment == "XPATHSTROKE_SEQ_BEGIN");
    if ( !(bPathStroke || maComment == "XPATHFILL_SEQ_BEGIN") )

    SvMemoryStream  aMemStm( static_cast<void*>(mpData.get()), mnDataSize, StreamMode::READ );
    SvMemoryStream  aDest;
    if ( bPathStroke )
        SvtGraphicStroke aStroke;
        ReadSvtGraphicStroke( aMemStm, aStroke );

        tools::Polygon aPath;
        aStroke.getPath( aPath );
        aPath.Move( nXMove, nYMove );
        aStroke.setPath( aPath );

        tools::PolyPolygon aStartArrow;
        aStartArrow.Move(nXMove, nYMove);

        tools::PolyPolygon aEndArrow;
        aEndArrow.Move(nXMove, nYMove);

        WriteSvtGraphicStroke( aDest, aStroke );
        SvtGraphicFill aFill;
        ReadSvtGraphicFill( aMemStm, aFill );

        tools::PolyPolygon aPath;
        aFill.getPath( aPath );
        aPath.Move( nXMove, nYMove );
        aFill.setPath( aPath );

        WriteSvtGraphicFill( aDest, aFill );
    ImplInitDynamicData( static_cast<const sal_uInt8*>( aDest.GetData() ), aDest.Tell() );

// SJ: 25.07.06 #i56656# we are not able to mirror certain kind of
// comments properly, especially the XPATHSTROKE and XPATHFILL lead to
// problems, so it is better to remove these comments when mirroring
// FIXME: fake comment to apply the next hunk in the right location
void MetaCommentAction::Scale( double fXScale, double fYScale )
    if (( fXScale == 1.0 ) && ( fYScale == 1.0 ))

    if ( !(mnDataSize && mpData) )

    bool bPathStroke = (maComment == "XPATHSTROKE_SEQ_BEGIN");
    if ( bPathStroke || maComment == "XPATHFILL_SEQ_BEGIN" )
        SvMemoryStream  aMemStm( static_cast<void*>(mpData.get()), mnDataSize, StreamMode::READ );
        SvMemoryStream  aDest;
        if ( bPathStroke )
            SvtGraphicStroke aStroke;
            ReadSvtGraphicStroke( aMemStm, aStroke );
            aStroke.scale( fXScale, fYScale );
            WriteSvtGraphicStroke( aDest, aStroke );
            SvtGraphicFill aFill;
            ReadSvtGraphicFill( aMemStm, aFill );
            tools::PolyPolygon aPath;
            aFill.getPath( aPath );
            aPath.Scale( fXScale, fYScale );
            aFill.setPath( aPath );
            WriteSvtGraphicFill( aDest, aFill );
        ImplInitDynamicData( static_cast<const sal_uInt8*>( aDest.GetData() ), aDest.Tell() );
    } else if( maComment == "EMF_PLUS_HEADER_INFO" ){
        SvMemoryStream  aMemStm( static_cast<void*>(mpData.get()), mnDataSize, StreamMode::READ );
        SvMemoryStream  aDest;

        sal_Int32 nLeft(0), nRight(0), nTop(0), nBottom(0);
        sal_Int32 nPixX(0), nPixY(0), nMillX(0), nMillY(0);
        float m11(0), m12(0), m21(0), m22(0), mdx(0), mdy(0);

        // read data
        aMemStm.ReadInt32( nLeft ).ReadInt32( nTop ).ReadInt32( nRight ).ReadInt32( nBottom );
        aMemStm.ReadInt32( nPixX ).ReadInt32( nPixY ).ReadInt32( nMillX ).ReadInt32( nMillY );
        aMemStm.ReadFloat( m11 ).ReadFloat( m12 ).ReadFloat( m21 ).ReadFloat( m22 ).ReadFloat( mdx ).ReadFloat( mdy );

        // add scale to the transformation
        m11 *= fXScale;
        m12 *= fXScale;
        m22 *= fYScale;
        m21 *= fYScale;

        // prepare new data
        aDest.WriteInt32( nLeft ).WriteInt32( nTop ).WriteInt32( nRight ).WriteInt32( nBottom );
        aDest.WriteInt32( nPixX ).WriteInt32( nPixY ).WriteInt32( nMillX ).WriteInt32( nMillY );
        aDest.WriteFloat( m11 ).WriteFloat( m12 ).WriteFloat( m21 ).WriteFloat( m22 ).WriteFloat( mdx ).WriteFloat( mdy );

        // save them
        ImplInitDynamicData( static_cast<const sal_uInt8*>( aDest.GetData() ), aDest.Tell() );

MetaLayoutModeAction::MetaLayoutModeAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::LAYOUTMODE ),
    mnLayoutMode( ComplexTextLayoutFlags::Default )


MetaLayoutModeAction::MetaLayoutModeAction( ComplexTextLayoutFlags nLayoutMode ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::LAYOUTMODE ),
    mnLayoutMode( nLayoutMode )

void MetaLayoutModeAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->SetLayoutMode( mnLayoutMode );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaLayoutModeAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaLayoutModeAction( *this );

MetaTextLanguageAction::MetaTextLanguageAction() :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTLANGUAGE ),
    meTextLanguage( LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW )


MetaTextLanguageAction::MetaTextLanguageAction( LanguageType eTextLanguage ) :
    MetaAction  ( MetaActionType::TEXTLANGUAGE ),
    meTextLanguage( eTextLanguage )

void MetaTextLanguageAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut )
    pOut->SetDigitLanguage( meTextLanguage );

rtl::Reference<MetaAction> MetaTextLanguageAction::Clone() const
    return new MetaTextLanguageAction( *this );

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